HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-03PE 4 -3 -2012 ]Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF DRYDEN Planning Board April 3, 2012 Members Present: Joseph Lallcy, Chair; David Weinstein; Joseph Laquatra, Jr.; Martin Hatch; Craig Anderson; Wendy Martin; ,rom Hatfield, Stab Present: pan Kwasnowski, Director of Punning; Mahlon Perkins, Town Attorney; Patty Millard, Recording Secretary_ Others Present: David Bravo- Cullcn Meeting called to order at 7 :00 p.m_ Subdivisiion Law Discussion An updated draft was cm ailed to Planning Board members yesterday. Articles XIV and XV ware removed From the document mailed to PB mernbers because they are covered elsewhere, Fuldple articles from NYS and Town Law were distributed by D Kwasnowski as well as Article XI of thc; Subdivision E.a� , Attorney Perkins said Portions were removed or edited where they state laws or where they conflictc_d with state law. Common driven 1I which is in progress. What is left i% what. was in the dGCLLrnerRC on, a,lthougli pared down as stated above. The applicable sections covered in the nthcr documents that were handed out. The Design the Town board previously_ Local Law 3 of 2007 (Highways), local Local Law 5 of 2000 ,end Local Law 5 of 2007 which tnefer to filling Certain foes were also referred to_ were either covered by other rELyS will be covered by Article the Planning Board worker] that were removed are Guidelines were: approved by Low 4 of 2007 ( WPPPJ, and Fees and reimbursernunt of A list of the documentation a subdivider has to look ai- Town of Dryden Zoning Law (Ordinance) Mate Law 3 Town of Dryden Local Laws= Highways, Stormwater, Reimbursement of !Fees Recreation Master Platt SEQR Comprehensive Plan Open Spree Inventory Invasive Species List Flood Areas UIwAs Thera; are no time limits or timeframcs for things like public hearing notices listed hc_re because it's all set in Town Law 275 — Subdivision Review. Conservation Subdivision incentive discussion. incentive zoning is a future topic, Conservation ubdivision — after taking into accoun t constrained lands � discussion on whether the amount of lots should be calculated before or alter taking into account constrained land- There is still some conflict with stag sows followfld by Tompkins County Health Department in regards to requirements for water and sewer and minimvrn lot si2c required by then) of 1 acre_ Because the zoning law was modified to reduce the mintitnum lot size, Hcalth Departincrtt 7 PB 4 -3 -2012 Page 2 of 2 regulations end up regulating number and size of lots more than the subdivision regulations at this point unless the Health Department allows shared wells and /or septic tanks in a development. Timelines for completion of projects. Instead of timelines, a periodic review could be required for the project. Once the plat is filed, which you can require to be done within a certain timeframe, you cannot require a developer to build within a certain timeframe. There can be certain improvements that can be required or a security required until certain pieces are fulfilled. There are conditions that can be put in the subdivision approval. Discussion of public hearings for minor subdivisions. Subdivisions of less than 2 lots would be an administrative review. 3 -4 lots would be a minor subdivision and at this draft would not require a public hearing. There was some concern on both sides of the issue or requiring or not requiring a public hearing. It was decided to remove Minor Subdivisions altogether and change subdivisions to include 4 or more lots and not have Major vs. Minor. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held April 1911, to discuss gas drilling impacts and ways to mitigate them. The follo%ring week, the regular P8 meeting date, April 26th to discuss Subdivision again. Minutes J Laquatra moved the February minutes with correction, M Hatch seconded, all in favor, minutes were approved. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m, pcctfully submitted, 66 �V Patricia Millard Deputy Town Clerk