HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-29PB 07 -29 -2010 TO N OF DI YDEN Planning Board July 2.9, 010 Member* Presentm Jo6eph LalIe . hair; T ivid eI]1Stein; Joseph Laquatra, Jr,; Megan Wh-1trnan; Martin Hatch; Wendy Marlin. Excused: `l'om 1-latf eld. Staff Present; .Dan ���asnowski, Environmental 'Planner; Palty� Millard, R.ecording Secretairy; Tawn ffielaIs: Mare Ann Sumner- 'Fo n Board L- 1ail)c11n, Approve ,tune Mi nutes — motion by Joc LaI lc�+, sled >nd by� Wendy Martin. 'Minutes approved- Chair Lalley wanted to acknowledge those that ran ll�i Varna community meeting, Tt ve w• a very good crowd and they had a really goad disCLIS510F1 end kept the iI1C�ting focused. Acting Vice Chair— ot�oil by J -latch to appoint .1oi1 Laquatra as act]ng vice chair- M V4 hArnan seconded the motion. AI I voted in -favor- _.onin�; Ordinance anal Map, Design uidelines Chair LalIey mrL& a Ino0on to pass the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Town o Dryden adopted a comprehensive master plan in 2005; WHLR2AS, m 2007 the Tovw�n oil f. ryden Board asked that the � own Planning Board Icad a procc�s that would result in, amc�rlg other things; an i,pdate to the Towel oUDryden l[ur]ing Ordinance and Gnnlr3� neap; WIgERFAS, the Town of Dryden engaged Behan AL;sociates to assist the Town in t1le develc ]3n�ent o1 design gu�deHnes, changes to the zoning ()rd 11 � ce and the zoning neap; WALA'REA , the Planning Board held s�~�� r�l public input sessions that he]Ped shape the dial`l design gtiideli�lcs5 HEIU.�AS, the Planning Board held several public input sessions thaat helped guide the current draft of the zoning ordinance and tuning Map; ��HERl~AS, the Planning Board feels it has coinpleled its work; C3E IT KE,S0LVED, that the Plarm1n� Board refers (he draft design guidelines, 2ri�ning ordinance and r wing map tt� the 'I'ov,Fn Board �rVlth the I' Hewing recommendal:ions: i PR 07 -29 -2010 Page 2 or 2 Create a joint committee of the Town Board, Planning Board, Conservation Board and Zoning Board of Appeals to develop a final draft for adoption by the Town using a process that will provide for additional public input; 2. Fund the development of a master plan for the Flamlet of Varna; 3. Task the Planning Board with leading the development of a master plan for the Hamlet. of Varna recommending changes as appropriate to the Town Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning map to the `fo%,%n Board 2nd M I-latch. The motion passed unanimously. Chair hallev added a note that this does not mean that the Zoning Ordinance has been finished. Only that it. is moving to the next stage and going back to the Town Board for further work. Citizen's Privilege Many residents were present and made comments. The comments have been compiled and will be forwarded to the Town Board. On a motion made by M {-latch and seconded by J l.,aQuatra, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P'111. Respectfully Submitted, Patty Millard Recording Secretary