HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-28TOWN OF DRYDEN Planning Board February 28, 2008 Mcmbers Present: Barbara CJdwel1, Chair; Term .Hatfield; David Weinstein; Joseph LagUatra. Jr,; Joseph LaIIey; Martin 1-Iatch, Excused, Megan Whitrii4n, (lthers Present: Mary Ann Sumner, Town Supervisor; Henry Slater, Code Lnfomcment Officer; Pattv Millard. Recording Secreary, Agenda. Proposed Official Town of Dryden Map Update Oriole Drive Subdivision Sewer Capacity 13 ig Box iii atei-ial fi-oin Dan Behan Associates: Updated Draft Residential Guidelines Phase I Zoning; Recoininendstions Discussion of Public IndoMmcnt Phase 2 Zon -1ng Re comn3endadons Next Steps Meeting called to order at 7:00 Proposed Orlicial Town of Dry(len Nlap — Renry Slater We don't have an cf'i'l6 i1, adop(ed, Town of'Dryden rnap. T Hatfield — IIin puzzled vihy w�j're .Angling out mobile home parks- Hv,nr }+ later' — that's Lust somctllI �e added In there. There's no spe01 fie rel son r J Lallev - There's a legend at the botton7 of the page [:or mobile honjes- i think, in general, it Iooks great, but 1 would reccniniend th'�Lt We not iclentiFv mobile horse l)�irks because use don't idcntif 1 any other kind o'[''housing, D Weinstein `l he thing ]33 ctra-rect mo ifi'm wrong; the in obi le home parks have road networks that are not Town road networks. J Lai[ey — I would go to the trotLble then of displaying the road networks, perhaps in a different c'.olc 1-1 to identify the fact that they're private roads, anti you do have a color For private roads. 1 S urn ner — Do inobI Ie. 1)ome parks got some kind trl' special consideration iii emergency planning? Would that be oile reason For iclenti fyi1�g them? H SIater — Official Iy, no, Rut if you're go1rig Co have an official n1ap, it's good 1:or enicr ency responders to knolov where they are, that'L, for sure. 111102-28-2008 Page 2 of 17 J LalleY — Well, why wouldn't they want to know where Harwood }load Subdivision is? H Slater — Because Harwood Road Subdivision is a mapped road that there's a directory that you can go to and look up and see who lives where on that road. There is no directory for the mobile home parks and I'll point out there's no directory for multi - family housing units either. °1`hey can be removed. 'that's not a problem. That's up to your recommendation and the Town Board. I'm just here to present what we did and ask for feedback. B Caldwell — Speaking of that, we know that there are many little private roads but there are no names with them, like Snyder Heights. H Slater — OK. That's a private road; and it should be on there. That's one I missed when I reviewed it. We'll add that, M Hatch — Do you think you want to put on Community Centers'? J Lalley — I'd rather have them than the mobile home parks. H Slater — We'll consider any reconurnendation. J Laquatra —There are some that are missing, toil, because there's one on Lower Creek Road. The term mobile home park is wrong and the industry would really jump on you for that. The term is manufactured housing. D Weinstein — Is there any reason to show roads that have been abandoned? H Slater — If they're a seasonal use road, they're on there, but if they're Tale the map home; take a look at it; let me know if you have anything We don't have an Official Town Map at this point, so there's no hurry. home and review them and let me know .what your thoughts are. B Caldwell — Would it be feasible to put in the names of the private roa abandoned, they're not, missing or wrong, etc. If you could take them ds'? D Weinstein — Looking at the Varna Park, I'm not sure where you'd fit it all. H Slater — We can try. I suppose the answer to that is that if you're going to label one, you should label them all, or if you're not going to label them all, you should label none. M Sumner — We should shoot for consistency in the orientation of the street names. 1-1 Slater — It may be a function that we can't change, but I'll loot: in to that. Dan apologizes for his lack of being, here. it could not be helped, 0 M Hatch — What about what you sent around to us'? B Caldwell — Have you heard anything further'? 13B 02 -28 -2008 Page 3 of 17 H Slater — Larry thinks he is right in regards to the Oriole Drive Subdivision boundaries. There are approximately 700 units, and maybe MaryAnn can add to this, sewer units available because of the Cayuga Heights plant bypass line that comes out of the Village of Lansing that used to formally run through the Cayuga heights plant. It now goes directly to the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Plant, of which the Town is an owner, and with the Village of Lansing not being an owner, the Town should be entitled to sonic of these units. And I was right, there are 7 total units available to the Town of Dryden right now off Sapsucker Woods, which is not going to address this particular project. Each single family dwelling is equal to 1 sewer unit use. Industrially it varies depending on what the use is with a car wash getting 6 or 7 units and an office building might get half a unit. We're going to have a meeting to pump up Mary Ann to ge fight for units for the "town of Dryden. D Weinstein — You said a household is 1 sewer unit. A lot of those houses on Cardinal Drive are 2 family. H Slater — Right. So they take 2 units. It's one per family. l believe Mary Ann is meeting with Larry next week, He has some ideas about how to go about this because Larry was a City of Ithaca engineer for a long time. He actually was involved in the building of the sewer plant and o course it's in his best interest to help the town because his client wants sonic uni of-'course 0 M Sumner — He's also a Town of Dryden resident. T Hatfield — It seems like a pretty compatible concept and it wouldn't hurt the Town of Dryden taxpayers either. H Slater — The ToNvn owns 2% of the sewer plant. Cayuga Heights doesn't own any, the Village of Lansing doesn't own any, and the two majority owners are the 'town of Ithaca and the City of lthaca, and we're this little minority owner. But nevertheless, we're an owner, and we should have some rights since we help to pay the bills, to sonic of that usage. M Sumner — If nothing else, we have a vote and they don't. H Slater — That's right. They don't have a vote and we do. They have sonic big project coming up that's kind of quiet and they want all of them because they paid for the bypass. That's the Village of Lansing's thinking. They paid 5125,000 to put that bypass in. My guess is they put it in because Cayuga 1-lei0hts said; no, you can't ship anymore wastewater so they bypassed it. D Weinstein — So, those 7 units, that's just for the sewer line that goes through Cayuga Heights, It's not for all of Dryden. H Slater — Right. That's just for the waste that goes through the Cayuga Heights plant. If we were going to be developing in downtown Varna, no big deal. All tile capacity we want. ® T Hatfield — And it would go to the IA��I %��l�T plant'? P13 02 -28 -2008 Page 4 of 17 • H Slater — Yes. T Hatfield — Do we have any capacity issues there at all? H Slater — None that I'm aware of. I think it was built with the future in mind. T Hatfield — In a decade or so, is there an issue that needs to be in long -term planning? Current growth, concentration and densities needs to deal with that issue. H Slater — I'm not aware of any, but I'll be sure to ask that question. D Weinstein — Every time I've asked about that, the answer has always been that there's more than enough capacity for future expansion. When they put in the new pressure pump station, they upped the capacity. T Hatfield — This particular one is going to Cayuga Heights because it's convenient, right? D Weinstein — ]There is no connection elsewhere. H Slater — You would have to form a new district il'you wanted to link up with Varna. •T I- latfield — That's what I was wondering. I -low far away are we and is that a possibility if we can't link in to Cayuga Heights? H Slater — Well, Larry said he Nwanted to develop an industrial area. Through working with Millers, they've already said if that happened, it would make more sense to run the flow back to Monkey Run, because you have to have a pump station. Gravity flow won't work in that area. 1 can see, however, for 16 units, the man wouldn't .want to spend the money for the infrastructure way over here. Maybe for 100, it would be a different story. And besides that, Oriole Drive would have to be pump stationed up and over and be pump stationed as opposed to gravity feed going this way (to Cayuga Heights). T Hatfield — So if there are 7 available and he needs 16, lie's not that far away. It-you take 2 %, of 700, isn't that 14? Cross talk L-I Slater —There Phase 1 and 2, i f enough. I don't I; wastewater from wouldn't be they were to elieve Larry that area. III enough for Phase I of the Oriole Drive Subdivision, let alone do two - (amity homes. if they did _just single family, there might be intends to come back until he knows that he can get rid of the I keep you posted. Big Box handout is Nt 1-latch — At a meeting, Dan had said there were some inquiries to the Town Board regarding }3ig Box for Route 13. He said that we might be talking about it here. So I brought it up to Barbara as a possible thing to talk about, and then Dan wrote a letter saying that there's no rush, Pit 02-28 -2008 Page 5,01' 17 but lie's putting together some infi)rmahon for us an for the Town Board. His point to nle was that the Planning Board should have this information in our master plan. if our current zoning code is who IIy insufficient (lit this area) and vyre need to think about how to rnake It suH'idtilt. M Sumner — Dan d-Ld mention it in passing during the Town Board meeting and people were eager to get it to the Planning Board. l was going to wait until mxt month so that i had something more concrete to say about it. A realtor carne to talk to us about the possibil its of a Big 13ox &lore at the former of Lm er Creek Road and Route 13. A type of big box store that we might not wholly mind- 1'1rt not nets about big box stores; but I'm supposed to keep an open mind about this, They were feeling us out about it- Seeing if we v ere going to merely throw road blocks up, in which case they weren't even going to try it, if we had a set of regulations in place in advance that they knew whe[her or not they could work with, we'd have a better way to negotiate. 1 was a the Association of `Downs ntioeting last week and talk to somebody about regulating franchise architecture; which I thought was Fin interesting concept too. Dan's absolutely right. We should get on top of (his bcfol`c it's tiro late. 8 Caldwell — We, might want to look at the proposed Commercicl.l Guidcli.nes this in mind, M tnriner — Dan lead a link to a fast- inating web site called Big Boy, Ev+ luator and we tried till ei ing with all the variables and tried making it look like it would pay off for us, and he couldn't make it look like it paid. That would be one approach to making regulal.iorrs. J Laquatra— One of the larginr issues is that the corntar oCLower Creek Road and R.oute 13 is not retail colnlnercial area in the master plan- H Slater — Neither is the L41CTnte property'- Thera winre things abort that map i think a lot of people weren't particu.Iarly thrilled zbout. but in the interest o1 :9 ill oving forward and the fact that it's a living docurneatt and could be adjusted later on, we accepted curtain things, T did will this battle- (The protection of the agricultUraI I�rmIand just o tits ide the Village.) AEI Hatch � .This doesn't irivolye that typical scenario where tax credits are given in order to come in- M Surnner— Were not goilig af#erthcmI They're coming here and hoping wir vicn't make it too diiTic LlIt for them, They're not expecting an }+ breaks. D Weinstein — What we should do is express to them that we have. a plan that calls for that area to not be a commercial area. to actually be a coil seiNation area because c felt it g as important to have a break botween Elie. deveIoprnerit further 1vast on Route 13 and the development: that would happen at l YSE.G. J Laquatra — And then not have that area turn in to strip malls. M Sumner — That's a separate discussion; but about this particular project; absolutely, The larger issue is that iFwe had big box regulations in place —other people are going to be close behind this guy. Apparently Southwest development in the Ithaca. arrea is getting too expenstve and they PB 02m2S=2QUS Vavh6 of 17 are looking for other locations_ H Slater — I think what Date intends to do is give VOLI some modus to look at_ F1 =h —And it'll be in the context ofcoirtmerc91 aI guidelines (ha we're working can UIready. M Sumner— o it should be high on our minds Fc)r next month, but we don't need to der anything tonight. B Caldwell — You'll keep us posted_ Sumner Yes, There w, as a third thing that came up, 1 think 11. was Marty, and VOLL said you wire- interested in having the Town look at prime Iocatiu1is for co inm tin Icatioil Lowers or wood to avers? M Hatch - TWO t 111 11gs. Planning decisions that would help make broadband town wide, and second was (o identify areas here energy production fuels for4griculture would be most propitious. 1 think we talked a little about not just going; the next step which 1s not only identifying food agricultural type unintellibible) but also including sonic kind of promoting c�P alternative energy fuels and chinas of that nature_ 'Chat's a little bit farther along than the hroadband. J Laquatra— Th at's %vhy ytau have the packet Patty just liaiided around. Sumner —We've applied -FOr a grant — we've partnered with a local I P provider to target one ofthcse universal broadband grants that SpImr's touting, We should find otlt by the end ofthc molith, M Hach — The last thing was municipal power. Identifying sites where alternative clicrgy njuntctpal power sites court help provide town wide po���er. it's been successful eIsewhere iii t]ie County and we could get a little more proaetIve, about that. M S tiinner -1'm �rvork1ng on som(a,thing for the To�vii Board to consider to charge the P[arming Board with_ J Behan —There is a lot o("material. If you wouIdn't mind holding questions until the end; I think we can get to the end more quickly and than have time for discusw)n. (John handed out an updated copy of the Draft Residential Guidelines. j We took your feedback and edited the 9ULdeIines_ We also rnadc the (bi -mut Ps irn tar to the Commercial { iuidclines so that they would match. We made them a little a re consistent, took ota a little redundancy that we found when going over them aeaiti, Sc;e Presentation for deiails_ PB 02 -2R -2008 Page l of 17 We're l commendin{7 the. town encoura e�'yrivate roads by 11 av111 the Ie[�al mechanisms in Iace to u- corllmodat�e thct�l. It's %jery common throughout the state. We've had a lot of experience with them, Sumner— Actua.Ily, weiust updated dic 141gh *1ay Specifications to make 1t casler for developers to build a road 4nd turn it over to the town, 14 $later —1'll get you a copy ol.' the in Under Phase 2 Recommendations. Change Affordable Housing to Workforc-e Housing, J Behan —The State of ermont passed a law that does not allow any rnitnicift4lity to prohibit conversion into Incessant in -law apartments. LILSTION, AN WEAR & DISCUSSION J Ljcquatra— INIFHB has ureen building �tiideIilles - Participants— do yore have To ion plcins 1 ortlaiid Builders and Rer1i ode lers involved? Yes.) OK. So you have LEAD specified, but they consider that to be high end. W hiC'11 I is. It's not really for mainstream btLiIdings. So thclre's the NE113 green building guidelines, If you could 1riention that as well. 1 1 I latch —Could you give an mirnple of what's d11uwd ill the L19AD? J Laq>_Iatra � I wouIdn't say it's diluted. The process 1 s more streamlined, The fees are I owe r. I haven't ci,one through the process. They have rnore options than LEAD. J L211 ley — Dn your cash flow analysis, ono thing you may wish to explore, particularly when you get to the. farm type thing. by oponIng tip Irlore Iand, there's the notion o f a eoiiservation easement. This is a Lax flow that can flow to the seller- Tt call actually be. split be ween the seller and the buyer If you sell Of the development 1-ights to somethIii Li II1�e the PingerlAes Land TrusL; iF the seller does that at the tilnc f transiition. arse of the things that can happen is it ends up being a lower sale price, but the net to the sellea- 1s ctua ly greater by doing it that way. So it's an incentive to get the land inl.o a conservation easement. It alight not change the cash vaILLe�, but it preserves that as open space. J' Laquatra — That happens at the tilnc of stLle? -1 Laney — Yes- You have to work. wilth your tax consultant to do that, bUt it's something worth me-ii Lion ing lit terms of structuring Lhe deal. It makes it more al'['0r&ble for the buyer, the seller is just 4is happy, Sumner —Can we do solvethino like that with transfer of development rights? I LaIIcy — The way this happens, the ugfi, it doesn't cost the town anything- DISCLl3SIQn Cli' an example of a donation o C property which was a tax deductible donation that didn't cost local tax payers that �LIIowed as high of a net Per the sel ler, a Iower purchase price for the buyer. and no YB 02 -2R -:008 page S of 17 cost to the local 110 unicipecdIty- Essentially the IRS purchased the development rights by way of a lax deduction that %v is allowed. T f- fatficld — On the pro Forma, I Would intereStMg to see lio your net present Va,ues work out if YOU use a common tune frame instead o F a diffea-ent span of years for each. That's what you're croirlg to got iii terns ofpub[ie food back.. 7']ley're not going to fant to Cie ill to the assumptions laid out here- B Caldwell — You iriade a statement to the effect there without ducuinen #a #ion or referral about the desirability on the part of the buyer to buy in to these more dense situations. It may be true, but It play not be the mind Set of the people whe €kri' marketing- I think it would be helpful to have something to hack that up. J Uiquatra — There arc some case smdies. There's a developer in the Midwest who puts together conservation subd1v1siuns a nd other fortes ofcluster development and markets it �is, "You're bul'lllb a quarter or a half of an acre, but you have access to A (or whwever's ill there) -" He's finding that those houses sell at a 1311/o pre -mium. Wliittaker -1 think I mentiorled that in the information I sent to you. There was a rel-�rence to that article- J Behan — I think you're righC. YoLGr i mmediate pci ccption is, i've got my scetion and that's it, But in essence, it's tied to the valuc of the neighborhood and the town, etc - 1D NVeinsteln — You're talking about actually incorpol`ating in to the guidelines this scenario cal��Glalion, J Behan — No, we just use that as part of the e]lViron Tlental imevic�3,•, the areal }Psis that we've done - We ��ouldn't put that in the guidelines, I Wotilclll't think, D Wcinstein — Yo ti made a statement to people- You °re trying to say to people, look, they're egLl iI values for these other options, Why wouIdn't yo u �Aant to cotnmunica #e that? I' H r infield —1 don't know that %N�e'd want them in the guidelines, but it wouldn't htirt to have an appendix with it in there- I think it's especially pertinealt i l' we're using these as guidelines for developers who come in. II' wve want to Start IcokIllg at the world a IICtle differently, we have to start giving tlle]Tl some iinpct4ls as to how �md why to look at things a little differently. By taking the calcula(Loilis and use the same tut3e span so that it's a little more uniform, it gives a good example for the developer to look at turd lie can sce whero he'd be adding value and not losing arlyt ll l n g- B Ca[dweI I — P])es4linably, you helve f gored these scenarios on the basis of a pri vote road. `f'he guidelines r Fo private roads or any drive way even over a cemin Iength require certain standards, 0 V Right, Henry? PB 02 -28-2008 Page 9 of 17 11 Slater — If you are located more than 200 feet off a pub I I hi ghway, for emergency response purposes, you have to be able to handle an emergc�nc }+ vehicle. I t has to be. able to handle a ] 0- wheel truck. There has to be all aria at the end of the driveway or private road for an emergency vehicle to be able to tLITI, around. The first department replaces inore mirrors and windows from backing out o.lj'p]aces that they had to dnve. in to that were too narrow to get out of, IfVou're wiihin the 200 feel, we don't care � hat you do because they're going to respond from the road. 200 feet is an easily covered distance %vith a hose or a stretcher. If it's a private road or long drive }vay, it could be expensive to construct. B Caldwell —This is ,what 1 wandered in terms o the numbers being put -Ln [or c-�llc4ilations. Whother the quality of the road that you require for a private roan, the costs are figured in there. J Behan — We have some generalized costs that aEjiect reduce standards 161- private vs. public road, H Dater — There's no requirement to pave or surface it. It j ust has to stand up to the we ight o f �1. vehicle mentioned and be able to turn around. J Behan � ] think. %ve. have two different numbers we uSe —one for private drive ;Rays and we assume a certain amount is free. The longer driveways. we added that in_ C Whittaker— It's a square footage — ], alrlount ]per ]hear foot in all 3 - arioS_ Hatch — Question about the retained equity on these three scenarios, 'You have the land owner reta ininc 17 acres in the agrict Iwral scenario with the hotrlestead. I'm just curious, do dcve lope rs think ofthemsely" a havi�ig homesteads? And how %V<)LLId one. handle retained equity once all the ho>isln lets are sold off? I'm very much in Nvor of that idea, it's just curious to me. That's not common land you're talking about, it's retained equity. J Behan — it's ) %%,I itten from the owner's perspective. They've retained that. They can also sell it. 'M Hatch — Arid iftlley sold it, that would also be developable? J Behan — No. It would be that lot_ They would keep it or they would sell AN Hatch — Wha would it be for`? J Behan — I this case, Chat's where they live w) . TIZey can continue to IIVe t]Zere or rat. Hatch � So the - 5875,000 includes $426,000 of1)aained egtuty. C Whittaker — Yep, You. have the ] 7 acres, plus the b1LI Idings that are on that propercy, and the I!7 share of:. the other 108 Acres. Pia 02 -28 -2008 Page 10 or 17 D Weinstcirn � I'd like to hear more about hi ncentive zoning. [ � $ 1 g don't know It it means you have Borne very restrictive, a set of." kirm zones, and the guidelines associated with those; but that somehow the Planning Board would have leeway to change the rules? J Behan —No. The Town Board, Let me give you an example. Jefferson Road in Pittsford. when you drove dowel that road, and there's a beautiful old storage, barn with this for sale sign on it and behind it is 40 acres offie�ld, tta�:hed to #hat is another little 10 acres parcel across the road. And wheli you drive by it. somebocly spray painted on the l�or Sa]e sign, "Leave it alone -" It was zoned for, it had water and sever available. suburban, residential development. I think you could plat 50 or 60 houses on it. As a gateway parcel to the town's place, because there's an open space element. and they %veren't really excitcd about clove IopIng 1t, so a developer cantle b y who wanted zo put a senior housing / extended care project somewhere in the neighborhood, They found that property. Essentially we had said in zoning that the developer agreed to leave: that parcel alone, jtist IIke someone had spray pa1rlted. and kepi it open — that 40 ncres � and kepi leasing it to the farmer who had been leasing it to grow corn. And he taut hip 150 unit extended care facility worth like S 10 million, all on the 10 acres with a IIt11e pond around it and everything, which you co u lcln1t do- It was multi- family, attached housing; real I n itensive use �VLth e�riplo ees coming and going, etc. So essentially the Town Board rezoned that property to allow- that use. They dot that 40 acres of open ]an([, W11ICh is probably worth. Just as it Is wiThout any thing, aroilnd $] million I'or nothing ) ithout paying for it by being willing 1.0 consider this alternate plan as an incentive. 1 e called i #open space roving �Vherl We wrote it. That ��as the deal, The amenity was that was left a]one. that b i g 40 acre property. They were allowed to build this much more intensive use on the 10 acres, if they had just gone by what the town zoning laws allowed, the }� would have put up 50 houses. That's amenity incentive, You essentially write it for what you want to achieve in the liawn, It's typically set up as a review process- Ideally, you have soine places you cm idel�tI where you want certain things to happen. Like if the town knew it wanted certain things on certain sites or in certain areas; or ideas that you want (t) guide people towards, or arnciiiticws that you %vast to sec happen, then ytau can be responsive. It's a little open — ended and yoei might limit it. T Hatfield — Has this been tested? It sounds an awful lot I Ik< a Iccia] way to do spot zoning - Every once in a W11Ile, that issue of spat zoning rears Its head around here. Yet liloentiVe Zoning seems like a great tool to have in file portfolio since it allows you to anodify what others IX atiild not be doable using that particular set of tools. J Behan —1 #'s not always an eas y tool to apply because of all this use associated iiezoning and the feelings of "riot in my baclgya rd. " H Slater — The other problem is that the Town doesn't have any control over assessed value of properties- This County sets assessment a( hest use, J Behan — TC Assessment can set land at whau%we • Ag arc Markets said the land could produce for crop value- "l' Hatleld — Is that becarlse Mir )nroe County htls cli assessanent policies"? PO 02- 28=2008 Puf;ellof17 11 Slater — It's because the county has control and their practice is to use best use. Ai.Ld -1encc — Who controls that poi icy? The County Board? H Slater — I would assume so. it would be much easier if you control led your oven assessing, because than you could offer sonic inCentive4 with some assurance that you're not selling some -body a brown paper bag with a hole in the bottom. T Ratfield — When vvras the [as( Iii-ne this was disc-uSSed? In all honesty, I've, either forgotten or didn't know. M Sumner — Countywide assessment? It was quite a while ago. T lofatfleld — Yes- On grievance day, they come be-("ore a board that's towrl 1- CSldent based. ]-I Slater � And they don't have to i' [low the recommeii&d on of that board ciihel - J Behan — Some other possuble concepts to tie in to some of the bigger zoning projects- In another town we worked with, we set it Lip so a soridard lot was x acres, let's say 5 acres. That's What their lot size is in rural areas, 1 C you want to do a standard si re. if you ���ant to do a Conservation Subdivision. and set aside some land Tor open space, e made the incentive to 41 ,allow an average density of 33 homes on 100 acres as long as you put in half'" the land for conservation, a lot can be as small �is (as long as well and septic and everything works) I think %VCe lTlad the minimum lot size 1 acre, We set up the whole Conservation Subdivision like that. D Weinstein � In that circumstance, you made what (he clear trade off is in the cede versus having a [15-ee liar all where it seems like, we'll ellle.-rain any deal you come to the table ivith. You leII us w, hat you waist and what You're willing to give Lip, Tha( seems too open - ended. It's great to sct up an incentive system, but you want the trade -ol f's in the incentive systelrl to be very clear. Match — What 1- fenry's saying about the paper bag with a hole i11 the b Otto m real I sort 0f puzzled mc- If the county is assessing land values based on optimal use, I suppose with zoning — 110 this i4 an agricultural zone � that would then not allow the county to say this is developable land for 50 houses 017 (1114 l00 acre site; because wilth agriculture, you can't Flo that. H to tel- — Is it being farmed? Thai's the question- 1 f it's not being farmed; it gets assessed as industrial developmem land either way, but if -1L'4 being used for agriculture, they get an exemption o1.'5Mu of 'if they file. D Weinstein— Is that true if the zoning says i the only thing you can do on this land is f=arm? Could they still say this is an industnal developincnt possibility? I-f Slater — Zoning leas no bearing on best land use strategies. Hatch — W hat If it's a residential area and we,'vc zoned i[ so it can only be f.lve acre lids? PB 02 -28 -2008 Page 12 of 17 J Be ian � I think there's a short list of int c�rtant conversationL, to have with tho t own, That's one_ The other is 1-vatcr / sewer and septic requiremernts. Once we know, n7ea'1 M,(,F t]le town, once we know what exactly we want to discuss with there in terms of spec-iftc outcomesl, you call talk to the county about specific scenarios amd ask them to make. acconlijnodatjons, And I don't think any of these are she %v stoppers, I think we, need tci lay out #hc ground�4�ork. Otherwise We need something clear to present then. It may be an educeltion process I'or the assessor in terms of how to assess open land. We've done workshops on that for that. M I -latch — We talked about his scenario with 17 acres of land Ie-ft, If that 17 acres is assessed las dcvcIopable in I or 2 acre lots, the taxes on that property are going to be huge. S o there i s going to be no incentive for this person to keep their 17 acres. J 13e11all — If your code says you requll-e no further subdivision, then the value viould be less. Sumner— 1 f %ire say 'It can't be SLibdivided, but the County's doing the assessment based on best use, J Behan — They have to consider that, J La]le }+ —I suggest when the tilde ec)me.S to have the conx•crsations with the ��unty we may lit to C cons going to coninllttee rather than to staff_ The oullty does its work by 40 �pmmittee, D Weinstein — Were you making a firm proposal here that we consider 250 feet for frontage? J Behan — Yes. D NVeinstein -- rind are yoLl introducing that as part of this or something we need to think abotLt? J Reban — That s Cllr C[UCStiC11 tO VQLI_ M y senw is that the di mens l0nal Changes — rigli[ no w, the way your subdivisions are set up and the code is set up; you're goIiig to continue to get these c011voluted sub li vilsiwis codling in to the Board. ,9+� question to you is, is that ok while you're trying to Fix the whole zoning. We want to get these guidclincs in place, but there are also discussions v c have to have about lots and df velopnment. That lltimber is a great too] for the Planning Board to LISe with direction as a starting point to implerllcnt these guidelines, .1 Lailey — I'm in the camp ofmlling out the guidclincs, heeatuse it starts the discussions and lays the groundwork for ultimate[y the laws chat might support that, rather than — it's a question of swallowing the clephant in a series of bites rather than trying to swallow the whole elephant, Cor the public in particular_ For that matter, the various conimittecs For the Town. Sooner rather than later is where 1 wood lean. J La uatra — Yes, sooner rather than later, B Caldwell — But no moratorium ill the nneantime, becEiuse that gets people's backs tip. PB (12m28 -2008 Page 13 of 17 Ivy LlrrRel - — SO I carne back from conterencc with this Ie gal framework For a Conservation Subdivision Des Ign which stiggests, "A To Board may, by local Iaw or orclinancc, au Clio rize the Planning Board to approve Cluster Development simultaneously with the approval of a plat, subject to certain conditions -" Or "The Town board rm �y al low the Planning Board to involve. requirements provided there is no increase in density overall in the sAdi�+isioll That sotmds simple- Why don't we just do that? j Behan — Who wrote that? 7 fi umner — l was trying to gure. that out, This was presented by WE Associates, Pc n-Reld, B Caldwell — We had that wording before. and Mahlon (Perkins) Said it had to go back to the Town Board because they had to do it. Right, The y have to pass the law and give us that authority- M. Hatch — Can rural residential permit agriculture.? H S later —You can do agricultural anywhere in the Town of Dryden currently- DisGLISSion- 11 Slater — Y 0 U might wan>: to cake a look at the definition o F agril ou I tura 1. because the deri111tion written in 1968 1s a lot d]f'7'erent today. N Munkenbeck — A«d you rnIght actually watit to consider whether you want it blanket agric:ul Ural or if you want to be able to, stay, restrict coiif nement hog operation or something of that nature, Putting a C S A In the 1-riid d Ie of a subdivisien Is Very d1J'7'erent than putting a ccnfirtemelit hog operation on the edge. I can't Imagine anyone putting one in tl�e middle. H Slater — r can see someone saying the same thing about sheep, M Hatc -li — I just want to make sure we discuss it at same point and that it doesn't get Iost 1n the z.oni nor regulations, H Slater — Those are things that should be on the Punch list so wc make sure to take a look at them. J Mean — One of" the main things I want to get a decision On Prom the board is — 11. seems like it awakes sense to move a forward %krith the Design G ii. iclelincs now- �l'he bigger zoning questions that we're talking about now are there- diet the guidelines out there as a bite sire piece to sec. `Then I art those either together or independently, get those adopted- My sense is, the frontage issue, you rnay� not. want to deal ���ich now. We may want to Ieave. that alone, 1{1 utl�ncr —1 don't have a goad sense of it yet- i can't even calk abo ut it yet, PB 02 -28 -2008 Page 14 of 17 • H Slater — My sense of it is that frontage right now is critical. Frontage, other than with access, many times means nothing because you've got small access to 17 acres. I think frontage should be always subjective to the lot sire. M Sumner — But you're suggesting using it as a crippler by increasing frontage, which would inhibit development, until we were ready... H Slater — Not always. Along the Route 13 corridor, it's a great idea. But on Card Road, it might not be. J Behan — It's a tool though. it's probably more important than acres. It's the commodity that's in place now. 15 acres with small frontage, what you can do is use the guidelines D Weinstein — If we go to 250, it needs to be spelled out — here are the options that we're throwing in to the mix — so it's clear that we're not just taking something away — we're giving, a trade off of new options accompanying this bigger, required road .frontage. And 1 don't have a good feeling for what those other new options are. J Behan — if you look at the guidelines as they're written right now, essentially the difference between the scenarios — if you adopted the guidelines and that property came in, the Irish Settlement road property, one could development that in a much worse way right now in the town, given your current law. The only thing you would need to change right now would be the frontage. That would empower, give you the capability. In other words, if you adopt the guidelines softly, it would be discussion you could have with applicants showing them what You want to have happen. H Slater — Can we use density as a guideline? If you maintain this density ratio for this 40 acres, let's say; we don't care how much road frontage you have. D Weinstein — But we do care. NVe care that it gets created in such a way that it maximizes open space. We don't want them to go and just divide evenly F1 Stater— I just picked density because that's one l know would work. You don't have to pick density. There is any number of tools to pick to regulate what you want the outcome to be. M Hatch — For me, the problem comes when we're talking about where this 250 foot or this density model is going to be applied in this map. And I look at the headings — Residential, Agricultural, Conservation Open Space, all laid out in this patchwork way, and I'm trying to picture (the point Henry's making) in relation to that where some places, having a very narrow band going up and then creating a very narrow cluster development off that narrow band, makes a lot of sense, A 250 foot space on a town road doesn't always make sense. These Zones, once the guidelines are out, it would seem to me, all that's going to have to be reconfigured in some significant way, because you're going to .want to preserve open space in some, places, and you're going to want to have density in other places, and it's going to have to do, not with how these grids are laid out, and you're going to want to have Agricultural Permits of a certain sort in some spaces, and in other spaces Agricultural freedom to do more than perhaps not concentrated feed PB G2 -2$ -2008 1'agv 15 of 17 lots but sornethin that would be less accessible in snore residential region- I think guidelines are really important to gel out. because 1 think it's really important to encourage people to think about coimnercially developing this way, and msidentialIy in more open spaces th1 s way or in clustered spaces like you were saying instead of those leafy patterns going out i'ronl the vill age, 1 hamlet- The next step to zoning would be to reconfigure these categories; Conservation, Agriculture, Dural Residential, Suburban, so that the topography fits more with the ?? dicons? J Beh�m — Right. For this district, there would be special provisions on how it is developed and for these situations, these provisions. V o r situations where there is little frontage INcrr a property, you would enable them to do a goad project, B aldweli — You're going to be ]rieeting with the developers and builders tomorrow, right? J Behan — Yes, B Caldwell � If anything significant cornt6s out ofthere that you Fief we sliouId hear, pre 6urnably that wouId come back to us. if nothing sign11:1 can t conies out ofthat, woWJ It be helpful, M aryA nn, for us to h a V a m()tioil to recoininend to the l owrl Board that they adopt these two se is of guidelines? Are we on the right timeframe there? M Surnrler — I think it is tinge to star introducing this to the Town Board, so that they 11 ave time 40 V to rcvit w it and digest it. T don't know that we-'re ready for a motion yet, D W inslein — it wo4ildn't be a bad idea that, next month, this Bo aid was going to Consider and vote 1.1or a recommendation far these guidelines Or not, J Laquatra4— I think that's a real good idea- M S ujnner — 1S 11714 1Tletun with the con structIon people, are we planning ariothe.r kind of public meeting between now and the next Planning Board Fleeting? We need to have a public lllfol'matlon niectIng before we heW-le a public lie arin DisCUsSlon, J Behan — 1 SeL I really damerig1ng, Overly controlling. In the residential. you're joist saying, �ve'1i� galnL to be consl&rae. J Lalley — YOU1V( -tjust c-ut in hciifthe nu mhf:,r of loss I can develop on my frontage lot- I know thaC' , 11Qt vliat YotiL'jLe Sayii� , I'm being irrational and coming up with things people will say, I Behan — %4'e cliseussed not impletnentinu the frontage clevelopirnent right no�Arr- I'm very coni:Fortable putting the guidelines oLlt just as they are, realizing the Planning Board is going to be a little bit in a in between phase until they have the rest of the di men 4;l oil al parts laid put. Plx 02 =2882008 pugs 16 01,17 M -Sumner - It sound. rre like the ui • like then w � � to ] g del mes a] c e crslon of the Com prcllensaVe Plan. We told everybody; don't worn about the Comprehensive Plan, it's just an idea, just a suggestion, Behan —These will be adopted, These will be your code. I SLLInner— I know. but the Comprehensive flan vas adopted too, but it-s not a lave. They're guidelines, `t'he 're not regulations. ThaCs what pevplc are going to say. They called it the closest thing you can get to neW Z0]ll]Sg without adopting new zoning. Disctts5ion- J Behan — The se have to be adini iii stered by (lie PIaruiing Board, so when the convertI ell ce grocery store C-OlTiey ill to town3 you're gonna say, hey, vA'&o]r1G. He re's this little booklet. Let's talk about it. These are the kinds of things were looking tar, The Planning .Board, instead of negotiating after the !'act, they'll probably have engineers and other kinds of follcs. D Weinstein — So If they come before the board and they say, these guidelines are very nice, but it's l,o( really the way we want to do it. We don't have any power ... J Behan - ] would have. to be. fair and tl)e end of the day, to lase these - And i simple, there are ti spy you do. Here °s ,Ile l�hc Planning; Board has guidelines on how you reasonahle, not arbitrary. Just like oli the 5EQR, is this impact acceptable? At it's human Judgment. Thal's why you're given the big bucks. The .Beard has CS up to you to have that conversation with the applicant and because it's not adeoffs. N MLLnkerlbeck— Where do y'oti Jecermine the Bi)ard has to LISe them? J Behan — 1 (lien you get the amended toxvn Zoning, it's going to say that- You bavc the authority no, to ask for all of these things in the guidelines, but it's not really clear hove you go about that process right now; so yoWre- really just saying, have them go t]1r0ugl1 this book anti if they make a good effo rt at dealing with .access Management and C]reuIadon. do yoLt really necd four curb cuts, have they dealt with screening„ building materials, signs, lighting, landscaping; site layout, being respollsivc to viIInew character, parking and site layout, all you go through that with the applicants, and by the time y+ou'rc fmjsht cd. you should have a project that hits this. And this is real Cy for the applicants, Ify+ou-re cLcommercial deveIoper, it's much less guess estimating what you 1, ant as a Towil. ]'],ere will be queStioris and back and forth, they (the guidelines) are really just interpreting N,01M you have power already to do in your Site Plan Review. 'ThaCs )xhat this does, B Caldwell — Is it an appropriate time to ask il,e- Town Board to give its this special flexibility on subdivisions? M -Sumner — That was the first priority' after the Comprehensive Plan was accepted that wha wc rt3ally need to do is enable the PlanniL,g board to alIow these- A COLIPIC 0Fdevelopntienls have Started that QiauId have been a lot betLer, 1'd be a I I Co I' it. PB 02 -28 -2008 Page 17 of 17 J Behan — Again; we've already made some of those changes before we put thean in front of you. We redefined what a subdivision is. We've crossed out some stuff to allow you to do that. If you wanted, we could develop that as well. What are our next steps? J Behan — We're going to have that meeting tomorrow (with developers and contractors). Then we'll schedule a public meeting with this board. We can present to the Town Board. I would like that conversation to be a public event so people can come and get the whole story. N4 Sumner — The March Town Board meeting. Are you talking about doing something that soon? J Lallev — I think our March meeting should become the public meeting and from that there could come a motion to present the guidelines to the Town Board. One meeting or two? Discussion. Two meetings in March. Public Workshop scheduled for March 13`h. Regular Planning Board meeting scheduled for Nelarch 20`x' • Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Path Millard