HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-08Town of Dryden Planning Board November 8h, 2005 Members Present: Chair. Barbara Caldwell, Tom Hatfield, Jim Crawford, Joseph Lalley, Joe Laquatra, Russell Beck, David Weinstein Others Present: Ted Lauve (Applicant), Donald Tenkate (Neighbor), Henry Slater, David Putnam, Dan Kwasnowski & Kris Strickland Agenda: Byrn Mawr Preliminary Subdivision Approval Dan Kwasnowski: Cluster Development Models Byrn Mawr Preliminary Approval B. Caldwell Please take notice that the Planning Board for the Town of Dryden will conduct a public hearing to consider the applications of Keystone Associates, agent for Matrix Energy Systems, Inc., New York who is requesting approval of a proposed phase (1) 6 -lot subdivision at or about 251 - 405 Wood Road, Freeville, NY 13068, within the 'Town of Dryden. T. Lauve We renamed the subdivision Byrn Mawr Estates at the request of the owner of Matrix Energy Systems and we reduced the total number of lots from 48 to 37 to reduce the intensity of the subdivision based on the Planning Boards previous comment: regarded in the sketch plan. We went to an average of about 3' /Z to 4 acres per lot. We have two creek crossings for the creek that runs basically through the center of the site and we've avoided the wetlands so that there won't be any disturbance to any of the designated and delineated wetlands at the site. We've proposed down site wells and separate septic systems for each lot, which has been reviewed by the Health Dept. We did do a percolation test and did testis throughout the site and at least two percolation tests for each lot in the first section, (6 lots). B. Caldwell Phase 1. the amount of roads, there is a concern expressed whether it was the first part of the road or the road in general was expressed by the town highway. T. Lauve Actually phase one does not include the construction of any new roads at all. All new lots have lawns existing with roads. B. Caldwell That road section that is to be built is that wide enough to have a multiple curbs or some sort of widening for extra emergency. T. Lauve It does include the standard road section (the town standard), which is the ten -foot lane and the five -foot shoulder on each side. At the initial request of the planning board we did have the sidewalk as part of the access road up to the intersection but at the request of the Town Highway Superintendent that has been removed for safety reasons, so it no longer exists on the plan. 11 O J. Lallev The drawing we have shows a sidewalk on the south side of the road and one of my questions was that it was all about the ® curb and if the sidewalk was really important or not. T. Lauve That was a mistake about the sidewalk it should not be there. The drawings and some of the details were inconsistent. D. Weinstein Did you find sufficient well water? T. Lauve At this time we did not install the well we are going to wait and see what the Planning Board would like to see at this time before we went to the expense. And when we do it we can do it soon and what we can do is put it on lot one or lot six whichever lot is most likely to be built first. There is a new home just across the road and it has its onsite well and septic system and 1 talked to them about it, B. Caldwell How many phases do you anticipate this to be or do you really want to wait and see. I ain thinking two. If we reach a point where we have an effective cluster addendum or change in our subdivision ordinance. You could see that it is possible to change in the ultimate phases. T. Lauve No not really we have two phases right now, phase one is of course 6 lots and phase two is lot 7 to 18, another 12 lots. And phase three will be the remainder of 19 lots. Because of soil and space requirements for onsite septic systems and wells and separation distances we don't see cluster development happening. B. Caldwell Unless something unusual occurs as a result of building phase one, the ultimate design will probably be what we think now. D. Weinstein 1 assume you are planning a Homeowners Association. ® T. Lauve That's correct the Homeowners Association would be taking over operation maintenance of the storm water pond and will also maintain the common area of wetland and gravel at the drive up parking area. B. Caldwell At what point will this Homeowners Association be established? T. Lauve It will be a part of a requirement of every deed of every lot beginning with lot one. J. Lalley Could the association then address what the superintendent is concerned about with the sidewalks there, because his concern is that they would not be maintained and end up being the town's responsibility. T. Lauve A sidewalk would be within the Town of Dryden's highway right of way and you could not make the Homeowners Association responsible for property they don't own. J. Lalley Tice. B. Caldwell With only one access point onto the road there this has been our concern when there is that many lots. That if something occurs down there near that one exit. Is there room for emergency vehicles to pet through? T. Lauve I think the highway superintendent should address that with your 60 -foot right of way the, 1.0 -foot lane and a 5 -foot shoulder, which is enough for two vehicles to cross, if one lane were destructed. J. Lalley As a point of order what persuasion does the highway superintendent have in this matter? ® B. Caldwell The road would have to be his concern. 7 T. Lauve What you would be doing to the sidewalk is you would have the outside of the gravel shoulder and push the ditch into the ® lot numbers 5 and 7. You could think about it increasing the Town Highway right of way from 60 feet to 65 or 70 feet. D. Putnam He would have to re -dig the ditch; the ditch couldn't be in between the sidewalk and the shoulder. B. Caldwell No because then the vehicles wouldn't be able to use it. T. Lauve We would have to start to build the sidewalks, we already discussed this, and it is a pretty dense development to not have it. B. Caldwell Henry, what has been the track record and how has the situations been handled with that particular entrance? H. Slater Well, there is no track record neither good, nor bad it has not been a subject visible by anyone. D. Putnam The right of way was substandard and was only 50 feet, and the sidewalk was added to get the extra road. B. Caldwell That was our concern, you understand our concern on that don't you? D. Putnam There wasn't room enough to build the 30 ft. road and get the ditches in, so they put a storm sewer on one side and a sidewalk on the other. B. Caldwell Have you had them get in contact with the fire department. T. Lauve No I haven't. D. Weinstein Questioned not only endangered but also threatened species. Also felt that there were more than the two listed. D. Kwasnowski Indicated that Fish and Wildlife along with Natural IIeritage should be consulted. T. Lauve Stated the species found were categorized differently in two areas. DEC asked to keep the species confidential. B. Caldwell Members of the public if you have questions or comments please identify yourself. Don Tenkate A neighbor of this property on 235 Wood Road. I am curious about the septic in that the perk test came out ok. I do ask that the Town monitor this because the soil through there is clay. I have farmed this land for 25 years on both sides of it. I would be curious that the septic would drain with out sand filters. T. Hatfield The test indicated that all the houses had to have sand filters. T. Lauve We have designed alternate systems which is a different sand filter with a down stream mound with a channel trench. D. Tenkate Another question I have is your company going to be building or just selling the lots? T Lauve I believe our client is just going to be selling the sites. D. Tenkate Are there going to be restrictions on what type of housing? T. Lauve There could be but that is yet to be determined. D. Tenkate A date on when this is to happen? T. Lauve When all the approvals are granted and the plat is filed. Not this year. B. Caldwell Any further questions? D. Putnam We will be having a meeting to iron out some storm water issues before a final can be approved. There are also a couple of typo errors and some clarifications. It is mainly different interpretations of the storm water. B. Caldwell Dan would you like to comment at this paint? D. Kwasnowski I have some storm water issues as well and I will sit down with Millers and have a discussion. I would like a possibility of considering smaller lot sizes because one of my concerns is the species in the area. Once the lot is sold a house is put on the lot then there really is nothing to protect this. 1 would like to consider this in the later phases. This may go into the homeowners association. The protection of the stream and the wetland. I thought the sidewalks was a nice idea. We had previously talked about the amount of curb cuts in phase 1. 1 realize we are in the second stage of review here but I was looking at this road and it would be my comment that it would be possible to provide access to these lots within the subdivision not off of Wood Road. This is just a comment on my part. The Board discussed the possibility of eliminating some of the curb cuts. After discussion decided it was best left as is. D. Tenkate 'There may be a problem with that one driveway next to the hill. B. Caldwell I think at one point we talked about trying to have the driveway at the south edge of that particular lot. To least maximize the site distance. T. Lauve We have it at the lower side right now but it could be moved closer to the south line and still maintain all the separation distances. B. Caldwell It may need to be put in as a stipulation (this lot is 1) D. Putnam I would like to make the suggestion that the driveway be sited in the field for the best possible location on that lot for site ® distance. Not saying that it would be at the South boundary. It may turn out that the North boundary is better. D. Weinstein Do we have any experience with these sand filters? D. Putnam There are many developments in Tompkins County that are strictly sand filters. T. Lauve There is 100 % replacement area. J. Lal.ley I would like to see some sort of comment from the emergency services as to how they feel about this road way. Based on what I have heard tonight I realize that they could get by if there was an emergency. For final I would like to see something from the Etna Fire Dept. B. Caldwell We would need to see on the plat the driveway for Lot 1. Also any homeowners agreement would need to go before the Town Attorney, D. Weinstein I am a little confused as to where the wetlands are. There was an earlier map that seems to correspond to this current page 3. T. Lauve There are 4 wetlands and 3 major ones. D. Weinstein I would like to stipulate a 100 -foot setback for the structures. The closer structures get to the wetland the more trouble we would be in. T. Lauve I agree, it is understood in the protected wetland regulations. B. Caldwell But will a homeowner understand? This would need to be put into a stipulation. R. Beck There was some concern as to what types of houses would be allowed on here. B. Caldwell Any other concerns? 0 J. Lalley Moved to close the public hearing. J. Crawford Second. B. Caldwell Closed the public hearing with all voting yes at 7:52 The board went: on to review the SEQR with concerns on the following: Page 2 - change Wood Road Subdivision to new name Page 6 - 7d change Section = Phase (map should correspond) Concerns at this point: a. Homeowners Association agreement to be looked at by both use and the Town Attorney b. Has the name Judith been cleared with the County Emergency people c. Etna Fire Department comment on the adequacy of the road and any other comments d. Comment from US Fish and Wildlife on threatened, rare and endangered species e. Resolve issues from raised in the letter from Scirabba dated 11/17/05 f. Spelling out the distance from the wetlands for structures and what can be done with that distance And that is going in the Homeowners Association agreement g. A final plat, corrected h. The annotations about the appropriate distance for the distance from the wetlands will be on the plat itself for enforcement purposes i. Appropriate Approvals J. Lalley Move to accept changes in SEQR and concerns of the Board. T. Hatfield Second. B. Caldwell All in favor? All Yes, D. Kwasnowski Explained to the Board the current issue with the County taking over the PDR grants. The County actually applied for this grant when technically this is the Town's jurisdiction. This is a land use issue. There will be a letter sent to Barton and Loguidice with the Planning Board members being copied. Discussion on Cluster Subdivision Dan Kwasnowski provided the planning board with information on the major issues with the cluster subdivision. The first issue is the Department of Health's water requirements for septic system and that the lots need to be smaller. Therefore the wetlands at the lower boundaries can be part of the reserve. Also the road requirements, emergency vehicles need to have access at all time, and the subdivision driveways need to be smaller and allow easy access, also storm water control, and the road size. E Other issues discussed: • Wind Energy ordinance • I have been appointed as a representative of the Town to EMC • The Dryden- Freeville Trail progressing • Ellis Hollow Water • Cornell University Resource Committee • Discussion on cluster subdivision ordinances and the importm -it issued to consider Meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm R