HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-17Minutes Town of Da.nby Planning Board. February 17, 1988 Members Presents Donald. Graham, Nancy Weitzel, Wa.l.ter Sczenanski, Members Absent: Gerald Catlin Others Present: Mar. ,y 01tz, Dean George SchlPcht, Alec and. Eileen James Block. Chair, Joel Gagnon, Secretary, Steve Stein, Robert Dutcher, Fckstrom, Fd. Roberts (Bald. Hil,l.) , Wright, Jim and, Marge Hovanec, The maeting; was called to•order at 7:38 P.M. Annroval of thep December minutes was postponed. again sincp conies were unavailable. Minutes of the January 12 and. January 20 meptingC; were unanimously a.pprovpd. q.s submitted.. James Block and. George SchlPcht pr?sentpd. -ola.ns for a rPsid.pntial Planned Development to be located north of Ol;i ToTkrra Road on a 44 acre parcel owned. by James and. Angela Block. Planned. are 24 houses on lots all Pxceed.ing 1 acre in size. PRch unit: would, hn,ve Its own well anj septic system. No septic field would. be a.nv closer to Buttermilk Creek than 200 feet, nor to the intermittent Jraina-:�P w=iv than 100 feet. .The existing house and lend• are not a part or the Pln.nnPd. Development, Mr. SchlPcht indicated that prPlfimina.ry, soil test pits indicated, sil.t loq.m soils with no nerr,hed. Egr.ound.wat;er.. The lots are lairs out such that full replacement leach fields could. be installed. in the. event that that should. become nenessq•ry. Thorp was some discussion of the proposal, but the Board. concllud.Prt. that, it need.Rd. to review the Fnvironmental Impact,Statement, before. actin; q,nl Board members had not had. a chance to examine it hrA4 rore the mPPting. SnRet,ai- .,r�pa, „h,1h.;9 Owp rp ca11.Ad, for FPrriin.ry 23 (la.ter r%gncPlIol ) and. for . March'.. 3�tor tomplete.,c4n;c�nsi�'Pra.tion in time. to pass the nro- nosal on to the Town Board. before their rpgrular. Marc' h meeting. . In nr3.?.ir,ion, the Board a. reed. to work on the Proposed Zonin;� Orli- nance at the March 3 meeting, with members reviewin, •oq' es 132- 146 brlbr to that meetings Submitted. by Joel Gacu�. non Minutes Town of Danny Planning Board. March 3, 1988 ?1p�mb?rs Presents Donald. Gr.a.ham, Chair, Joel. Gagnon, SPcr. Ftary, Nnnr;y Weitzel., Walter SczPpa.nski, Robert Dutcher, Stpvp Stein. Members Absent;: Gerq.ld. Catlin Others Present: Jim HovanPc, Mary. Oltz, Geor =ge SchlPcht;, Vd. and Dorothy Roberts, Joanne Dr%nison, Ric Dietrich This was a special tnoPting calle•:i to consider the Planned. Dpvel.ormr.nt application of James and. AnPl.a Bloch. i'herp was some discussion of the status' of the roart. leadin:; Into the Planned Development — its legal stand.ing, the relative merits or Its location there as opnopert. to a position to the north or south, etc. IdIr. SchlPcht Indicated_ that the New York S`:atp Dena•rt-