HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-20• MEMBERS PRESENT: TOWN OF DIRYD�N DRAFT PLANNING BOARD SEPTEMBER 20, 1991 Acting Chairman Joseph Lalley, Claudia Brenner John Davis, Michael Hattery and Mitchell Lavine The meeting was.called to order by Acting Chairman Joseph Lalley and the August 15th. minutes were reviewed and addition and correction r s,made to the original minute book copy by J. Davis. A motion was made by John Davis 1991 minutes. Second by Claudia members present. to approve the amended will August private 15, Brenner and approved by the SCHNURLE /TIER SUBDIVISION 165 LIVERMORE ROAD PRELIMINARY /FINAL PLAT APPROVAL , ACTING CHAIRMAN MITCHELL LAVINE Acting Chairman Mitchell Lavine read the Public Notice which was printed in the Ithaca Journal on September 13, 1991. A review of the subdivision was presented by Attorney Richard VanDonsel. i. A request to subdivide lot #6 into two lots: 6A and 6B. Lot 6A is proposed to have 5.885 acres and Lot 6B will have 7.196 acres. 3. Lot 6 is a parcel of property sold from the.Nagel Estate, 4. The two lots will be used by the developers for their own private homes. 5. A letter-• from the Tompkins County Health Department and the Long form EAF have been submitted for the boards review. 60 A letter from Attorney ICI. Perkins outlining the legal requirements which is in_ response to the letter from the Tompkins County Planning Department. In response to addressing the concern the Nagle property may have been in an Ag. District the attorney stated the adjustment world be between the seller and the buyer. Mr. Slater noted that the Nagles had never applied for or` received a credit, if the property ever had been in an Agricultural District. Mr. Lavine was concerned that Mr. Perkins letter did not address the issue of residential land use, if this were in an tag. District and the compatibility of the two. I i • • PB 9 -20 -91 PG Attorney Van Donsel did not believe a notation on the deed stating this parcel was in an Ag. district would be of benefit to protect the buyer. Anyone can readily see there is farming in the area, and the developers are aware this parcel was divided off of an established former farm and it is for their own use. Henry Environmental Slater comments believed Assessment the the farm Form is -the still Joseph being farmed as it is, however the the property Hearing. has been broken up and sold into (8) eight lots. One lot has had a pond installed, two lots have been sold to the person who also bought the main farm and eight other acres. Most of the lots were sold to buyers with the purpose of placing their own homes on them. ' At 8:20 p.m. the hearing was opened to the public. With Environmental no comments Assessment from the Form floor -the motion was made by Joseph Lalley Joseph to close Lalley the Public Hearing. A second was made by Michael Hattery. All voting members were in agreement and the Public Hearing was closed. Full Environmental Assessment Form Review Officer - Joseph Lalley Fart 2 - PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDEe IMPACT ON LAND 1. NO 2. NO IMPACT ON WATER Ua NO 4. NO ts . NO 6. NO IMPACT ON AIR 7. NO IMPACT 0114 PLANTS AND ANIMALS a. NO 7. NO PB 9- 20--91 I-,G a IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 0 10. Will the Proposed'Action affect agricultural land resources? YES The proposed action would irreversibly to be, public convert more than 10 acres of agricultural land or, if located in an Agricultural District, more than The proposed land. action would sever, cross or limit access to agricultural land (includes cropland, hay field, pasture, vineyard, orchard, etc.) SMALL TO MODERATE IMPACT. The proposed action would irreversibly to be, public convert more than 10 acres of agricultural land or, if located in an Agricultural District, more than 2.0 acres of agricultural land. SMALL TO MODERATE IMPACT. IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11. NO IMPACT ON HISTORIC: AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12. NO I IMPACT ON OPEN 8PACL AND RECREATION 133 NO IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ON ENERGY ISO NO NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS 166 NO IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 17. NO IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 18. NO 19. Is there, related to r 1 U or is there likely to be, public potential adverse environmental controversy impacts? NO PB 9 -20 -91 PG.. 4 After a satisfactory review of Part 22' - Project Impacts and their Magnitude JOHN DAVIS MOVED FOR A NEGATIVE DECLARATION. • SECOND BY MICHAEL HATTERY. NO DISCUSSION VOTE YES (4) M. HATTERY, J. LALLEY, .J. DAVIS AND C. BRENNER. NO (0) NEGATIVE DECLARATION GRANTED ON FART 2. JOSEPH LALLEY MOVED THAT THE PLANNING BOARD GRANT FINAL FLAT APPROVAL FOR THE SUBDIVISION AS PROPOSED. SECOND BY JOHN DAVIS. DISCUSSION: The John lots (6) maki lot board re Davis w are inc is being ng three of the viewed ished laded split parce "Nage Attorne to Testa in the s into 6A 1 s under 1 Estate y Pe to f ubd i and ten 11 pr rkins or th v i s i o 6B. acre opert lett e rec n. L The-r^ s, 6A Yu er or of of . d which six ore 6B; and VOTE YES. (4). M. HATTERY, . J. LALLEY, J. DAVIS AND C. BRENNER& • NO (0) — FINAL PLAT-APPROVED i00i C 4 d .G •.. t [ V c` . p U Yn O I = F T N W n i 2 C W DO I I. W (n N aw W to N L) ¢ p Q w U c z a o W C O C � �t ° 6 s U 4 a z < - - - -- ----- - - - - -- otro MbhSOC .-'O c�_ _ v - ✓� f O ' 0..1 J I � 1 n 1+'. � � � • 0:. � � F 0 TT 9 ,I, °I N -° sl I' 1 3nIa0 N,3inav� +o �-r 1 +J r � _ i' Q W L[. to•[ I •o•[ ovoa 3aOr+a3AII I w i L e u n a O 0 vP � P Y I• C • O � O 'O n R y E O O 0 C L ° o s • 0 a E C E C E —• P � 9 6 • t n a, • D P t E • 0 0 i t r r U a • • • PB 9-- 20- -91 PG. 5 PRECISION BUILDERS SUBDIVISION 1684 EL I► IS PRELIMINARY HOLLOW ROAD PLAT APPROVAL ACTING CHAIRMAN JOSEPH LALLEY REVIEWe Lead Agency declared on 8/15/91 No significant changes however, pursuant to the Public Hearing of July 18, 1991 substantial revisions were made on the road to conform with the Town road grade requirement. All of the lots are in excess of two acres. The entire parcel has been cut from one lot with one house to 10 lots, one of which has one house on it. Aft e rawn road that Town fines r d At ri to s d 1 p i t 9 t i 1 scUs orne ht o and scre ate sion wit y, the d f way wi will be tion in approval h the Subdivision engineer and the eveloper stated, the land for a 11 be.owned by the purchaser of deeded over to the Town at the the future and wi11 be noted on the . REVIEW LETTL.R SUBMIT"IE:D BY ENGINEER GEORGE SC:HLECHT* 1. Necommends the pond site and access easement be conveyed and maintained by lot #5. The Town easement-be for emergency repairs only. Existing house, lot #10 show septic system and well on final Plata DISCUSSION: Driveway of the existing house to access Hartwood Road. The developer stated it would be difficult at this time to have the driveway access Hartwood Road due to the fill however, they would try sometime in the futLu e_i is possible. They do not want it to be on_e,- a- f"-the contingencies for final approval.sFIt is possible and before the development is completed will have it access Hartwood Road. Mr. Lavine stated he did not _think it was an appropriate issue to be considered because it is an existing house. John Davis stated it enhances public safety in general, it is part of the overall subdivision and if it is physically possible to do it thinks it should be done. For final plan submission I am requesting that cross sections through the road in the area of the deepest cuts and fills be provided. All. ditches, culverts, and drainage structures, whose maintenance is necessary to ensure the integrity of the Town road, must be within the 60 foot right -of -way, or subject to a Town drainage easement, allowing for proper access and maintenance. E PB 9 -20 -91 P'G. 6 4. Grading plans and locations for the driveways on lot 115, and for the Town of Dryden access easement to the pond site. • DISCUSSION: Developer- stated if they can establish from the road profile and the existing contours with George Schlecht that the grading of the driveway will be reasonable, thinks that will be adequate and will not have to show a contour map of new grades. The board noted it would be required subject to final plat approval. 5. Subject to health department approval. 60 A drainage study-and report for the project. 7. Road construction Chairman must comply with the latest Town specifications. Lalley asked Acting Chairman Lalley asked if there was any discussion on Part 2 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form completed on August-155 1991? A review followed resulting inn MICHAEL HATTERY MOVED FOR A NEGATIVE DECLARATION. SECOND BY JOHN DAVIS. NO DISCUSSION. ® VOTE YES (4) C. BRENNER, M. HATTERY, J. DAVIS AND J. LALLEY NO (0) ABSTENTION (1) M. LAVINE NEGATIVE DECLARATION MICHAEL HATTERY MOVED FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT AP'P'ROVAL SUBJECT TO THE DISCUSSION IN GEORGE SCHLECHT'S. LETTER. AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION BY JOSEPH LALLEYn THE TOWN OF DRYDEN PLANNING BOARD WILL GRANT PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSn 1. THAT PRIOR TO THE FINAL PLAT APPROVAL THE DEVELOPER WILL RECEIVE HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL FOR SEPTIC AND WATER SYSTEMS AS SUGGESTED IN ITEM 5 OF GEORGE SCHLECHT'S LETTER DATED SEPTEMBER 18, 19910 2. NUMBER 1 OF SCHLECHT'S LETTER — THE EXACT WORDING OF THE TOWN EASEMENT TO THE POND, AND THE POND ITSELF BE DETERMINED BY THE TOWN ATTORNEY AND INCORPORATED AS PART OF FINAL APPROVAL. 30 THE TOWN ENGINEERS REQUEST AS INDICATED IN ITEM NUMBER 3 IS SATISFIED FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL" PB 9 -20 -91 PG. 7 4. SATISFY ENGINEERS REQUEST FOR GRADING PLAN AS MENTIONED IN ITEM NUMBER 4. r50 LOT NUMBER ONE (1) DRIVEWAY WILL BE FROM HARTWOOD ROAD. E. PRESENT DRAINAGE STUDY TO TOWN ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR. TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. MOTION SECOND AS AMENDED BY JOHN DAVIS. DISCUSSION: VOTE YES NO (4) C. BRENNER, J. DAVIS, J. LALLEY, AND. M. HATTERY (0) ABSTAINED (1) M. LAVINE GRANTED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL PEREGRINE HOLLOW SUBDIVISION SNYDER HILL ROAD BY VARN BROTHERS PIRELIMINAI *tY SUBDIVISION HEARING REVIEW • ACTING CHAIRMAN JOSEPH LALLEY Present Cayuga for the presentation is Ralph Varn, Larry Fabbroni and Richard Water Commission - K. Kauffman, Varn. E. 30 Southern Cayuga Lake IntermUnicipal Department Water Commission - K. Kauffman, P. E. Lead Agency was declared on August it,, 1991. All members Review present acknowledged the receiving a copy of the following letters" 1. Dry.den Town Supervisor J. Sc•hug - re" lead agency status. `. Town of Ithaca - F. Forman, Town Planner - re" lead agency 30 Southern Cayuga Lake IntermUnicipal Department Water Commission - K. Kauffman, P. E. Executive Director - re" SEAR, FEAF re" Zoning , Review Pursuant to 239-1 and m of the 4. Tompkins County Department of Planning - J. Hanson, Jr. Commissioner- - re" Zoning Review Pursuant to 239-1 and m of the NYS General Municipal Law. 5. NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation - R. Nolan, Sr. Environmental Analyst - re" SEQR /lead agency 66 Varn Brothers. Construction Corp. - Ralph Varn, pies. - re" agenda placement at the August 159 1991 Town Board Meeting. PB 9 -20 -91 PG. 8 At the request of Acting Chairman J. Lalley an overall review of the project was presented to the public by Ralph Varn. The subdivision is being proposed under Section 281 of the Town Law, a cluster subdivision with four phases. At this time they are asking for Areliminary aaproval -for the first phase. The first phase has 56 attached single family units and 24 detached single family units or 24 lots in it. 3 The second phase has approx. 20 or 5o single family detached houses and another a attached town house style houses. The third phase has another 18 attached houses. The fourth Fabbroni' will phase has space for a day care faci1ity,14 are 3iZunits more attached first lay single and will family subdivision. houses and 40 attached been single family units for the elderly or retirement have had TES community There is in the future. The project Fabbroni' will cover a 10 to Dryden 15 year span. There are 3iZunits in the the first lay phase and will take subdivision. 3,4 to 5 years. have been minor changes •in to the road alignment, they have had TES and There is an access off Snyder look Hill Road near- the Town Line. They have a second for access further up Snyder Hill Road near the NYSE&G power% line. As part of hie one they will bring a road in all the way to the .phase one only. As we do phase two we have agreed with the Town to bring the access road Out to Snyder Hill Road. We have agreed with the Town to work on Snyder Hill Road because of the traffic concerns, to im.rove the shoulders on Snyder Hill Road as well as the sight distance at the entry. We will do part of the work and the Town will do part of the work. The project is served by municipal water and municipal sewer. it will have gas avai telephone and tele Snyder Hill to hav available, which w on Snyder Hill and l,able to it, with Un vision. Make it pos e access to the sewe ill probably service Snyder Court up to We have to form a sewer district. de si r m th End of update rground electric, ble to the residen-F on lines that we have ost of the houses that are e second entrance. Ralph Varn stated Fabbroni' that after meeting with the Town Board,they will meet Town of Dryden have been Road specifications and have altered the road into one 200 foot the section. Larry Fabbroni' noted that .there have been no significant changes the lay out of the subdivision. There have been minor changes •in to the road alignment, they have had TES and an Environmental consultant look at the phase one areas in detail for wet lands. 1M}-L, FOP 9 -20 -91 PG. ,9 The wetlands were surveyed in ase one. There was a Federal •Wetland in the 1939 area tha we s�_►bseq�_ ►ently moved building sites to accommodate This area ay be reduced by the 1987 which is being discussed as the era it may fall back to shortly This will not change the proposal, but would affect the amount of wetland which is affected crossing over with the road. By their explanation Hydricy soil would be eliminated as a criteria. w� ISSUE: We have addressed the se er�issue to the point.of having capacity all the way back to the city to the existing sewer lines that we would connect into. The District that we would be proposing gives the Town one of two choices. To take the lands excl'_►sively owned by the Varns' or the Foots' (land being purchased _ from them) or to expand the District to include all the rp ,o.er^t_ies on Snyder Hill Road_ WATER Has been addressed completion and Bolton day Point has the report. The Town Board Hill formed the sewer district Town Line and they had to prove there was adequate could flow for the area served. day at DRAINAGE Drainage areas splits into four separate areas and probably 8 or 9 due to the ravines and water- ways which come down off the hill and eventually cross Slaterville Road. The subdivision will retain the additional flow generated by the subdivision on the property for the 25 year storm and not to impact the areas down stream any more than they are .presently • impacted. TRAFFIC The whole subdivision of 218 or 225 total units predicted that would increase the traffic ultimately in 15 years to 200012500 cars per day on Snyder Hill Road. Counts from the Town of Ithaca on the order of about 1000 at the Town Line and 2500 at the base of the hill near where Snyder Hill .joins Pine Tree Road. A Study of the existing width and shoulders on Snyder Hill Road in the Town of Ithaca and found that the capacity is there. They will only be using about half the capacity so the quality of life and the environmental factor will stay quite pleasing for the area. (based on other roads in Ithaca somewhere between 9000 and 110QIO that carry that amount of traffic) Judd Falls road between Ellis Hollow Road and Rt. 366 handles 10 to 12 thousand. At the end of completion phase one approximately 800 additional vehicles a day on Sp der, Hill Road. Projected at the completion Road to of the Counts project 10 to at both points of the Town Line there consideration could be 3500 cars per day at the Town of Ithaca Line and bO00 at the bottom of Snyder Hill and Pine Tree Road. Mr. etc. Fabbroni the also road is stated capable that of handling based on 9 his to studies 10 thousand. of hand books, Ellis Hollow Road to Maple Avenue the Counts as high as 10 to •From 12 thousand and both are under consideration for improvement by the County. PB 9 -20 -91 PG. 10 J. Lalley inquired if the Town Board granted the variance for the right -of -way from Snyder Hill Road into the phase one development • on September 5, 1991. Town Board had approved it some time ago, there is a letter on file according to Ralph Varn. L. Fabbroni said there was a variance granted a long time ago that was the reason for the opinion from the Town Board /Town Attorney and that would apply to this subdivision period. Back in 1989 the Board asked for further insurance that the first 200/300 feet of road would not be blocked. The road has been designed with shoulders but then would have a mountable curb and a walk way that goes up to Snyder Hill Road. If it were necessary, due to an accident, ect., to reroute traffic that will be wide enough to direct traffic around the scene. There will be full road width plus full shoulders mountable Curb and the walk way for a total of 35 feet vs. a normal road of 20 feet. IMPROVEMENTS ALONG SNYDER HILL ROAD AT THE WEST ENTRANCE OF THE PROPERTY, A PART OF PHASE ONE. L Fabbroni: Proposing with than the Fire there Department to put in full 4 foot shoulders on both sides people of the mow road. What is now a 20 foot to the edge. No trees that I am aware of, there is a mature line of trees but it is absolutely road with marginal shoulders. involved First in any Phase will be approx. from the Town Line to Snyder Hill Court. • There is adequate sight distance back to the City. Approx. 300 feet .down the line there is a little hL_km .in the road that we would propose to work with the Highway Department to shave that or to shift the road 4 feet to the North. One reason to shift the road may be the water line. - M. Lavine: What is the existing residential improvements along the road that may end up being changed, even though they are on municipal property? L. Fabbronio None other- than grass, there is a shoulder there, but people mow grass right up to the edge. No trees that I am aware of, there is a mature line of trees but it is absolutely not involved in any of the shoulder work for improvements. M. Lavinee Gn the shoulder and the potential movement of the road four feet to the North you have mentioned this would be a cost shared by the developers and the Town. In what fashion? L. Fabbronie We don't hav talked about and the deve to the shout • reply back b Board. e a specifi the Town d loper placi der, that's ut we have c an iggi ng m one ment swer to that. We h "ay.e ng out the shoulders aterial and rolling it We don't have a ioned it to the Town U • • PB 9 -20 -91 PG 11 J. Lalleyo Discussion with the Town Supervisor J. Schug and Town Attorney Perkins recommends that ANY APPROVAL THAT WE MIGHT GIVE TONIGHT WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE DETAILS OF THAT AGREEMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG SNYDER HILL ROAD BEING WORKED OUT AND ASPIRED TO FOR FINAL FLAT APPROVAL& CLARIFICATION ON POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL LAND LOSS IF THE ROAD IS MOVED FOUR (4) FEET J. Lalleye There is potential that the people on the North side of the is .road stated will have a road are way that is 2,3 North or 4 feet on closer actual Counts to their house the about, and the people house on the South the side will East of have the center line are. of the road houses way, not the sort right on the —of —way but the within roadway, ten feet that is 2,3 or 4 feet edge. a day. By using the 10 we used the extreme further and not away from their low house. Highway capacity: come to L. Fabbronie That is true stated however there are no houses the Current on the North side on where actual Counts we are talking the about, Town the last house Ithaca is to the The East of where the entrances are. The mature houses trees sort sit on the property line within between ten feet and of the trip'ends toad edge. a day. By M. Lavined THERE IS NO CHANGE TO THE RIGHT— OF —WAYg ONLY A CHANGE TO THE ROAD_ WHERE IS SITS WITHIN THE RIGHT —OF —WAY. L. Fabbroni. The length of road in guestion is approx. 200 feet either ways ^riight at the entrance it would be four feet, from the entrance a stretch West and East. MEETING OPENED FOR-PUBLIC COMMENT AT 9e30 PM Mario Giannel'la of 6 dove drive: Comment about traffic, it is not fair to Judd Falls to Snyder Hill because Snyder- Hill is a hill and when it snows the cars swerve back and forth with lines of cars littering the sides of the road. You double the traffic on Snyder Hill you would have to in effect have the Town of Ithaca plow much more frequently then they are now, if they don't it will be a total disaster. The intersection of Snyder Hill and Fine Tree is currently under study by Cornell University, so there will be more information available. The tentative date for completion of the study is December 3rd. Don Willemsen of 330 Snyder Hill Road: Also questions the traffic and is concerned about doubling the traffic which doesn't seem to add up. L. Fabbroni stated he based the Current figures on actual Counts make by the Town of Ithaca Highways. The projections for houses of this sort is somewhere between 6 and 10 trip'ends a day. By using the 10 we used the extreme and not the low side. Highway capacity: come to a Judd stop sign, Falls it and has Forest 8000 Home cars have a day, a.&Ate4A Warren hill Road when hill you has 6000 cars a day. It is not unrealistic to assume the travel trip ends will be 35% in the Westerly direction because of Cornell, Ithaca College and downtown. • • M. Lavine potential Fabbroni terms of concerned hazard by stated he vehicles. PB 9 —E0 -91 PG. 12 if the developers thought there might referring to the other roads. However used the analogy to show the capacities be a L. in Chris O'Connor of 143 Sapsucker Woods Road, representing the Varna Fire Department: Main concern the developers are proposing a small size village in the corner of the Fire District and is concerned about fire protection. The response time is approx. 10 to 15 minutes to the area due to hilly terrain. Concerned about Water and fire protection in the area being served by municipal water. One town house., common wall — common wall for a cluster of seven is an area of 5*0' by 138' and would need, according to the National -'ire Academy, if one were fully involved (engulfed in fire) and one exposed is 5,7SO gallons. Mr. O'Connor has studied the Engineer report and accordingly the hydrants put in would have a fire flow of "750 gallons a minutes Water is marginal now with the Hungerford Hill tank. J. Lalleyc What affect The if any would could.you on the a. lesser location degree. foresee the substation. The Ellis if Hollow this development Town Center- were doesn't to move change the response ahead, Point is with a great deal discrepancies the development. proposal that you would have a substation say in the Ellis Hollow Community Center? Would it make it more likely or less likely, and what would that do to response time if that were to happen? C. O'Connor; The City Fire Department It would depend on the a. lesser location degree. of the substation. The Ellis creation Hollow matter Community Town Center- area doesn't would not change the response Bolton Point is time a great deal discrepancies for this development. on the It would change the response time a great deal for the rest of the Ellis Hollow Road. J. Lalleyc The extent of your coverage to the Town of Dryden is to the Town of Ithaca Line, and the Town of Ithaca Eastern Heights section is served by the Ithaca Fire Department under contract to the Town of Ithaca? Mr. O' Connor: Correct. The City Fire Department mean has the same concern but to a. lesser that Water degree. and J. Lalley: Discussed creation this matter with the Town Engineer and he doesn't share the same concern that Bolton Point is suggesting. Wood Lane. There are discrepancies on L. Fabbr-•onie Before final approval we will be able to prove to them that they have significant capacity. J. Lalleyo There is a study that George Schlecht is conducting that would perhaps mean the elimination of that Water District and the creation of a new Water District that would yo all the way out to Red Wood Lane. There are discrepancies on the water stugy hat need to be resolved conclusively before we get anywhere near final approval. r PB 9 -20 -91 PG. 13 Mr. Reid of Snyder Hill Road: Addressed the water issue. The last fire hydrant on Snyder Hill Road is 1300 feet from the beginning of the district. The reason being is that is the end of any possibility of fire flow type of water and was put in by the State Engineers for that reason. There is no requirement that you have a certain flow for a Water District except for health reasons and this was put in for residential water. You do not have a capacity for fire because it will not even run up to the top of the District. the previ.oUs study showed it was not economically feasible to form a District out to Red Wood Lane. Also addressed his concerns about the traffic and snow storm situation. to serve a line Enough cars will be stopped still at the top of Fine Tree to totally clog tine whole road system from Cornell to Rt. 79 with one of those snow storms. from subdivision. the intersection L. Fabbronie There is afire flow report in the appendix that Bolton point recently did on one of those hydrants on Snyder Hill Road near the entrance of the subdivision. It shows they drew 1,36 gal /min. The part -above the pump station can only serve the needs of those homes above it on Snyder Hill Road. Phase one and two would be served by gravity below that pump station. Phase three and four the system. These town houses wi and have a two hour The spread of fire i for this application seem appropriate. T to reduce friction 1 would c 11 be bu fire wal s a lot to this hey are oss for a i 1 1 p f 11 for an It. accord between ess, so t situation roposing ire flow. upgrade to ing to Code each unit. he numbers does not a 1:' line Mr. line, O'Connor Reide and The line regardless going how off big to serve a line the below, are obviously subdivision you still to is an 8" have an 8" restriction resolved here before at that point. (8" line from subdivision. the intersection Board of Snyder Hill and the line from Hungerford wide Hill tank) The first Mr. O'Connor noted the There problems are obviously need discrepancies to be resolved here before approval and of the Planning subdivision. Board Perhaps the discrepancies further aren't as wide as they The first appeared who are in earlier. My figures of 5750 gpm needed fire flow assumes a fully involved cluster the of seven, the two hour fire District, wall reduces paid that that considerably. Water District, the Mr. Willemsene There are obviously discrepancies here and the Planning Board should take a further look. The people who are in the Water District, paid for that Water District, the Town did very little to Support that Water District with regards to any funds. There are a number of people with lower incomes than they had. Itt_was written in. the original district that any improvements to the District in the area be borne by the • developer_. PB 9 -20 -91 PG. 14 J. Lalley:, ANY CHANGES TO THE WATER DISTRICT THAT ARE APPROVED BY • THE TOWN NEED TO RECOGNIZE THL OBLIGATIONS OF THOSE AGREEMENTS AND CONDITIONS. D. Wil'lemseno You put a subdivision in you do it right, I am not going to oppose it personally, I think that land is going to be developed at some point in time. You need to listen to the residence of the area because the quality of life is one affect. The entrance road that is being proposed is totally inadequate, the Town should require a second road immediately_._ I would like to know if anything has been done with gaining access to Rt. 79? L. Fabbronic Everything that we have talked about would be at the developers expense. We had looked at paralleling a 8" with another 8" at the point of constraint or coming through the Town Park from Sky View Lane with another 1E" line. The study in front of me indicates neither of those are necessary. If in talking with all of the agencies prior to final approval it turns up that is the level that everyone has to have, that's what will be proposed at that time. We are not trying to back down from what is recognized for residential and fire flow. Access to Rt. 79 • (15 to 18%). Th developers are n from, the Foote the property is Slaterville Road slope up to the droe p off the la We need a contro feasible other t I is in excess of a 10% slope e one piece of property that the e.gotiating with to buy property property, their driveway up to a ftgytglr'acuta ang'1e to t'o develope any kind of decent home. There is a very A,rWX st 20 feet to Slaterville Road. lled right -of -way there nor is it han a long "S" winding road. In terms of a second outlet to Slaterville Road in the future however, if and when we get into discussions with'the Town of Ithaca. The preliminary.discussions with some of the Town Planners indicated they would want a right -of -way projected into the property to the West of the property we control. That would in the long term provide anther outlet to the road you see cut (on map) off Rt. 79 but that is a long way in the future. Oijr second access is in Dhase 2, not phase 4, at the east end of the project. In Phase c it is going to be completely parallel other then the entrance to the project where we have made those special provisions for the mountable curb. Mr. Shaw: Wondered what the variation of the traffic count, over a period of time was, according to the "count boxes placed in the road? , L. Fabbroni: vary as much From as PB 9- 20 -91, PG. 15 my Hill experience cars from the are mail with counts the Charlottef Submitted a two page letter from John L. Hyde of 354 Road. time foot Not that of day, of the the hill which they will week has would Snyder Hill Road which he wished read, most Town everything has been Line, the 1000. and wished it put in the record. but depending the The (attached at end of •discussed minutes) the the number is the approx. 2500. last available to Mr. Shaw: Wondered what the variation of the traffic count, over a period of time was, according to the "count boxes placed in the road? , L. Fabbroni: vary as much From as - 1000 my Hill experience cars from the are mail with counts the road and Town seen of on Ithaca Snyder you Hill can Road. time foot Not that of day, of the the hill which they will week has would at and the varied the as time much of her Town of as Line, the 1000. year out by but depending the The count sustained on at the the number is the approx. 2500. last available to have cars The count count that in the the Also report Town of that is Ithaca G.tEL last from had. December 1988 to Kay Barnes - 353 Snyder Hill Concerned with the Eastern with are mail made boxes, Road_ the etc. road and Concerned about the four foot shoulders which the will be over road. the. top of her water sewer box out by the road and is it smart to have cars driving over it? Also concerned that the G.tEL last addition - across they rebuilt to the shoulders Miss would make an After bank additional problem. was not well (snow compacted. plow has thrown particles, has loosened stones towards her home are now and is that concerned get about windows, up etc.) from the plow. J. Lalley: that into Whatever consideration 403 Snyder Hill improvements along Concerned with the Eastern with are mail made boxes, to the etc. road and will will take not harm the boxes out by the road. •Gt;� 1; oS Jim the G.tEL last us time - across they rebuilt the road from the shoulders Miss Barnes: with run After bank repaving gravel and was not well compacted. That has loosened Lip and there are large stones that get picked up from the plow. The intent 1 hope would be to put macadam shoulders on. • L. Fabbroni: Stated Crushed lime stone. J. Dekay - 403 Snyder Hill Road: Concerned with the Eastern outlet of the to 'the road road going to with a dip in the it and complex, the trees are very close it is very hard to see in that area. L. Lalley: The Town has sic specifications and provisions for siqht distance. R. Varn: As Part of phase 2,3 and 4 we will talk about the improvements from Snyder Hill Court. They would more than likely be a part of phase `. q5-A PB 9 -20 -91 PG. 16 John Peverly at 348 Snyder Hill Road.. In phase 1, I would like •better access than what is in the plans right now, it should be looked at very carefully (phase L entrance incorporate into phase 1.). Fine _crushed lime stone used in building the shoulders will also Rresent some problems that Kay was talking about. Perhaps that is something that should be reconsidered. If.you are going to do something to improve the road and it needs it now, the shoulder should be built to sustained the traffic, crushed lime stone is no better than crush run. A good section of the No shoulder at the present deal of filling and reps I question if you want t would wish a commitment r^ t ti ad 0 be h side of the r me and adding 4 ing of the ditc put that amount fore final.appr oad there feet wil h to hand of resou ovalft is vi l mean le wat rC_es i rtUally no a great er flow. nto it and J. Lalleye The road surface ends and there is a ditch now from the entrance to the subdivision to Snyder Hill Courts Our expectations are that these issues will be dealt we with. The exact written agreement between the developer^ and the Town THE is something RECORD that has MACADAM WOULD LAE yet to be worked BETTER THAN out. CRUSHED LIME NOTED FOR STONE. home your own and Reid. would look like and if.they usanjDjEball. — 225 Snyder Hi development going to be bet •there a possibility of putt empty lot there that is no 1 w i t 1 Roa een m ng it big du Is the only entrance to the y house and Reids house or is at the Town Line? There is a enough to put a house on. L. Fabbronia Although we don-It Wished own the lot, phase 1 is intended to have its only entrance between home your own and Reid. would D. Wil'lemsene Wished to know what the finished home /houses would look like and if.they would be in keeping with the neighborhood. R. Varn o They would be like the other homes that they have had done in the past. Dove Drive. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED For the record R. Fletcher and M. Lavine will be abstaining from voting, Discussion: As e t me is la t arly they 4as d isc�.�ssion if perhaps the me . ing houId ad.' urned. ss� if ing ou e �e s e itra e of ase ` be included phase 1. e Board ceeded t t AF.. PEREGRINE HOLLOW SUBDIVISION PART E - PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDE REVIEW OFFICER - MlCHAEL HATTERY IMPACT ON LAND 1. Will construction the proposed of action result in a physical change to the project (15 foot rise site? 100 foot YES site? Any construction on slopes of 15% or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 foot of length), site? or where LARGE the general slopes in the project area Can exceed impact be 10 %. mitigated POTENTIAL in excess of 20,000 gallons LARGE IMPACT day. YES by project change? Construction that will continue for more than 1 year or involve more than one phase or stage. POTENTIAL LARGE IMPACT Can impact be mitigated by project change? YES Will there Action will be an effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the IMPACT site? NO IMPACT ON WATER NO I . • 4. NO 50 Will proposed action affect surface or groundwater quality or quantity? YES Proposed action Action will substantial adversely affect groundwater. SMALL TO MODERATE IMPACT LARGE IMPACT can impact be Proposed action would project use water in excess of 20,000 gallons per day. POTENTIAL LARGE IMPACT Can impact be mitigated by pro.ject.change? YES L %. Will proposed action alter drainage flow or patterns, or surface water runoff? YES Proposed action may cause substantial erosion. POTENTIAL LARGE IMPACT can impact be mitigated by project change YES IMPACT ON AIR 7v NO IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS • 80 NO 9. NO • is PB 9 -20 -91 PG. 18 IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. NO IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11. YLS Project components that will result in the elimination or significant screening of scenic views known to be important to the area. SMALL TO MODERATE: IMPACT IMPACT ON HISTORIC: AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12a NO IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13. NO IMPACT OIV TRANSPORTATION 14. Will there be an effect to.existing transportation sy.stems? YES Proposed action will result in major traffic problems POTENTIAL LARGE IMPACT Can impact be mitigated by project change YES Other impacts° NUMBER OF CARS 250 INCREASE TO 3,250 TOTAL BUILT OUT - PHASE Iq 800 CARS PER DAY IMPACT ON ENERGY 15. Will proposed or energy sup Proposed Acti energy transm single or two commercial or action affect ply'? YES on will regUir ission or supp family reside industrial us NODE AND ODOR IMPACTS 16. NO IMPACT 0I\1 PUBLIC; HEALTH 1i. NO the comm e the cre ly system nces .or t e. SMALL unity's sources of fuel ation or extension of an to serve more than 50 o serve a major ;TO MODERATE IMPACT • • i. PB 9 -20 -91 PG 19 IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 18, Will proposed action affect the character of the existing community? YES Proposed action will cause a change in the density of land use SMALL TO MODERATE IMPACT Development will create a demand for additional community services (e.g. schools, police and fire, etc.) SMALL TO MODERATE IMPART Proposed would Action will set an important precedent for future projects 000 POTENTIAL Mitigatio to be, public LARGE IMPACT approval be related and recommend to potential by the Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment SMALL Td MODERATE IMPACT 190 Is would there, ester^ or is there likely 000 p ^ daye Mitigatio to be, public plat controversy approval be related and recommend to potential by the adverse Eng. ect as proposed meets environmental pacity flows impacts? and YES PART u - IMPACT ON Ia,AND ti) Co tr�_'ction slopes: Mitigated by drainage plan that woul be approved by Town Engineer George Schlecht before final plat approval. (L) Construction for more than 1 yearn Can be mitigated through proper managemen of the construction site. Maintenance of terrier (vegetative); construction schedule. / IMPACT ON WATER: (1) Proposed gallons based on The pr^ j ac ion would use ester^ in excess of 2�►, 000 p ^ daye Mitigatio by Final plat approval be review and recommend tions by the Town Eng. ect as proposed meets pacity flows and concerns. • PB 9 -20 -91 IMPACT ON WAi'`R "NTINUED... (2) Plroposed ction may cause Mitiqated review of,-To IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATIONS (1) IMPACT Proposed action Mitigation by PG. ;21 0 7 stantial engineer. erosions result in major traffic problemsa Se con entrance mmediately in Phase 1. ester Phases connect \o Route 79 through Eastern He i ght's. GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY This is the first cluster project corn Town Board and Planning Board, and wil effects on how future decisions in the G -- IGHBORHOODs idered by the ls have important wn will be A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLAUDIA BRENNER TO DECLARE A CONDITION NEGATIVE DECLARATION. SECOND BY JOHN DAVIS. DISCUSSIONS The issues is a serious Further were a main concern, how it will affect the quality of discussed life is broad issue. the three motions a condition negative, of negative kind the Town has done. I think or a positive period declaration; or not vote at all which Condition J. Lalley may did good not think quite was proper. Traffic The issues is a serious enough were a main concern, how it will affect the quality of thought life is broad issue. also the largest and first J. Lalley: The traffic is a serious enough issue.and thought the project is broad enough, also the largest and first of its kind the Town has done. I think the a public comment period (30 days) on,a Condition Negative Declaration may be a good idea. were quite J. Daviss Strongly thought the public spoke to the issues .tonight, and felt they were quite interested in the project. The public while they will not like the adjustment period, will in fact see this as a good project and fells their- attitudes were not negative but .positive. The Planning Board has called this project quite good. The County Planning Board said the impacts may be significant, didn't say will said may, we have determined that through the EAF. We have a quality of life issue, we've heard from the public;-we have to have the courage to make a decision. All of the engineering things have been addressed in a very good manar,,they haven't addressed the technical problems quite adequately to the extent. that they still need addressing and will be resolved through Bolton Point, Town Engineer, Town of Ithaca, etc.. P FHB 9 -20 -91 PG. E1 J. Lalleyc With all due respect to Mr. Fabbroni he has presented us with a set of numbers and suggest that the, traffic counts on Snyder Hill are well within the mechanical,capabilities of the road. Yet there are a number of people who got up and questioned whether the road will tolerate the additional traffic, not from the mechanical.but neighborhood standpoint. There is a serious question' and I think that question deserves some examination, it's not a light question to be answered. I think the additional traffic has some impact beyond the scope of this agency, such as the Town of Ithaca. M. Lavine: reiterated the Tompkins Department of Planning Board A condition negative he leaves wished Declaration the meeting is a request for without made by J. due some positive the hour of the response decision was reach on the EAF this from the Board may consider involved not agencies, and only involved have to make agencies financial to comment decision on the potential I will significant drop impacts. it. If they Lalley find,reason stated that any of the potential for the significant record, impacts if will the Board indeed be significant neg. then that's could cause for requiring the an EIS, motion if being they don't then the conditional negative declaration is final. J. Davis reiterated the Tompkins Department of Planning Board letter. if he leaves wished L. Fabbroni wished to get a clarification from them. R. Varn to stated Brenner if he leaves wished the meeting to withdraw tonight the without made by J. due some positive the hour of the response decision was reach on the EAF this from the Board may consider the not to of develope. I have to make a financial decision and I will drop it. J. Lalley stated there is comment for the record, if the Board granted a neg. dec., could result in the motion being overturned. Believes there are issues which need to be addressed. Claudia and wished to withdraw for Brenner wished to withdraw the motion made by J. due to motion was withdrawn after the hour of the evening decision was reach on the EAF this evening. (12:3O) and the flustration of decisions and discussions, and wished to withdraw for more information before a motion is made. Notation made by J. Davis indicated the motion was withdrawn after further discussion and no decision was reach on the EAF this evening. bN° )C4� A,w� (Jl%C� L cod U IN S ke 1 c� Cam_ O;r� r oc� Di ji ALu�r V 1 y C: 4 ukl