HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-15• • C] TOWN OF DRYDEN PLANNING BOARD AUGUST 15, .1991 MEMBERS PRESENTe Chairwoman Barbara Caldwell, Michael Hattery, John Davis, Joseph Lalley and Robert Fletcher ALSO PRESENT" Henry Slater, Donald Gilbert, Paul Cook, Bruce Barkley, Ernie Bayle, Ralph and Larry Yarn and two concerned residence from Beam Hill Road. The meeting was called to order at 8e40 PM by Chair. Barbara Caldwell. The continuation of the Preliminary Subdivision Review for Hartwood Road (Precision Builders - Ellis Hollow Road) was conducted by Acting Chirman Joseph Lalley. HARTWOOD ROAD SUBDIVISION Chairman J. Lalley noted the former name for Hartwood Road was Dovetail Drive and that the Public Hearing was Held on July 187 1991. • gIZZ01 ` Mr. B. Barkley reviewed the'changes made and presented a new drawing. The Subdivision now meets all road specifications (3% per 100 feet - grades are less than 10 %); Lots have been angled to meet the necesarry road frontage criteria. The proper Culvert Would be installed which would service the access road when and if it were extended. Proper wording to be included upon review from the Town Attorney. The Health Departkent wan s ,�h,,a�ve Swale at some point at t ter 144.4es he 'fie "pr teats.. A series of Swales are being placed to capture sediments and silt.s coming off construction sites, the final plate review will show the show the location of the houses. Full Envi Revi All Board Members presen part of the EAF and had asnswers on Part 1 of th ronmental ew Office t indicat no quest i e farm pr Asses r - J. ed the ons or epared sment F Davis y had r o b.j ect by Ern Part'2 PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDEe IMPACT ON LAND orm . eviewed the first ions to the ie Bayles. 1. Will the proposed action result in a physical change to the project site? YIDS Any construction on slopes of general slopes in the poo•ject MODERATE IMPACT. 15% or greater, or area exceed 10 %. where the SMALL TO I • 0 • PB 8-15-91 PG. C La Will there be an effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the.site? N0. IMPACT ON WATER rJ . NO. 4a NO. 5a Will proposed will action affect surface or groundwater quality or quantity? uses in areas without water YES. Proposed Action will allow residential uses in areas without water and /or sewer services. SMALL TO MODERATE IMPACT. &a Will proposed action alter drainage flow or patterns, -or surface water runoff? YES. Proposed Action would chagne flood water flows. SMALL TO MODERATE IMPACT. Other Impacts.a CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD AND BUILDINGS ADDING IMPERMEDIBLE SURFACES. SMALL TO MODERATE IMPACT, IMPACT ON AIR 7. NON IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8. NO. 9. NO. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES i 0a NON r IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 1 1 n NON IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 1 1.... a NON IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13a NO. i • PB 8- 15 -91 PGa IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION 14a NOa IMPACT ON ENERGY 15a N0. NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS 16a N0. IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 17. NO. IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 18a NOa 19a NO. Michael Hattery moved for a Negitive Declaration. Second by John Davis. Discussion determined that the Board had not been designated Lead Agency and Mr. Hattery withdrew the motion. ROBERT FLETCHER MOVED THAT THE PLANNING BOARD BE NAMED AS LEAD AGENCY FOR HARTWOOD ROAD SUBDIVISION. SECOND BY MICHAEL HATTERY. VOTE YES (4) J. LALLEY, M. HATTERY. NO (0) J. DAVIS, R. FLETCHER, AND B. Caldwell suggested the Town Attorney review the letter from the Tompkins County Planning Department and advise the Board of his interpertaion of the law regarding the Schnurle /Tier Subdivision. PB 8 -15 -91 PG 4 PEREGRINE HOLLOW SUBDIVISION SNYDER HILL ROAD The hearing for the above was held at 9:15 PM. Robert Fletcher stated he would be abstaining for the Peregrine Hollow Subdivision. Ralph Varna All questions raised have been answered in the engineer's report for Phase 1, a copy was sent to George Schlecht and they are in hopes that by next month they will be able to have a Public Hearing scheduled. The original sketch plan was held late 1989. Tonights meeting is for a review and to answer any questions. A MOTION WAS MADE BY JOSEPH LALLEY THAT THE PLANNING BOARD BE DESIGNATED LEAD AGENCY. SECOND BY MICHAEL HATTERY. VOTE'. YES (3) M. HATTERY, J. DAVIS AND J. LALLEY CARRIED. isH. Slater stated the Town Board had approved this Board for Lead Agency Tuesday evening. Joseph Lalley mentioned Schlecht that the issues of those concerning had this development believe earlier were subdivision have the issue the of Snyder Hill 35 Road and the alterations to Snyder Hill Road and the sizing of the sewer line down Line, to Route-79 and wished to know what had been resolved? stated Larry Fabbroni stated that George Schlecht of had spoke capacity of those two issues however he had 37 and they in believe they subdivision have responded to the two mentioned the and the 35 other issues. the A complete analyses of the capacity of all the sewer lines in the subdivision are in the report. There's capacity in the lines all the way back to the City of Ithaca Line, Mr. Fabbroni stated that George Schlecht has had that part of the report since a year ago April. In terms of the shoulder, the developer is ready and willing to work with the Town. of Dryden to develope four foot shoulders on Snyder Hill Road, from the Town of Dryden - Town of Ithaca line • to the eastern edge-of the total property. PB 8 -15 -91 PG. 5 Mr. Lalley questioned what the developer would be • responsible for in terms of alterations to Snyder Hill Road and what the Towns participation in that be and has an agreement been reached? I - Mr. Lalley wished to see the agreement before final plate approve 1. Formal approval from the Town on the entrance road. L. Ralph of the Varn stated had resolved there has been an agreement issue from the start and it was in the conducted report, B. Caldwell the Town Board wishes to have this agreement resolved however, in writing would like or drawing so that it is understandable to both parties in case there is a question later on as to each parties responsibility. Mr. Lalley wished to see the agreement before final plate approve 1. Formal approval from the Town on the entrance road. L. Fabbroni thought of the Peregrine they had resolved Hollow the issue of the right of way a long time conducted ago. B. Caldwell Lawrence. stated Fabbroni it may be resolved however, she would like .it reaffirmed. ( 281 issue) Phase 1 has not changed. SEWER ISSUES: It was • the To comply for th requir WATER: dete wn on with e dev ement rm t el S, ined "that George Schlecht would do uture sewer needs and the Varn'Dev hose requirments. In addition to opment the lines will over and abo water included (8" lines for Stat The findings pointed out a smal Pine Tree Road Tank up to the H Hill Tank which would serve the gallon capacity. The report wi area including Eastern Hights i Cornell uses on Baker Labs and and then you run out of elevati zone, the tank both for domesti 300 thousand gallons and it is 1 problem wi ungerford Hi First Phase 11 show that n the Town o what Peregri on, and the c and a two a half of mi th 11 h t f ne el ho 11 the study elopment w the planed ve meet al e requirem for ould units 1 ents). pumping from the Tank. Hungerford' as a half million he whole service Ithaca and whatever Hollow would use evation limits the ur fire - should be on (2 days + fire). A review of the Peregrine Hollow Subdivision was conducted by Lawrence. Fabbroni and Ralph Varn for the benefit of new members. ONE SIGNIFICANT ISSUE WHICH WAS DISCUSSED WAS RATHER THAN HAVE THE PUBLIC DOMAIN LANDS DEEDED TO THE VARN BROTHERS IS HAVE LOT LINES EXTENDED WITH DEED RESTRICTIONS. C PP 8 -15 -91 PG 6 Unless the Town of Ithaca responds in the negative the Planning Board is responsible to see that the Town of Ithaca is Is. compensated. (park issue), before final approval. In Phase One there is-no land which would have been deed to Varn Pros. Development. EAF part 2 to be completed at the next meeting. • • A proposed agreement between the Developmand the Town regarding the improvements for the Snyder Hill Road, the expectations of each, and the sewer lines that will be available for the Town of Dryden. The approval may be subject to if this is not completed by the next meeting. EAF part 2 to be completed at the next meeting. • •