HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-18• 0 i TOWN OF DRYDEN PLANNING BOARD APRIL 18, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairwoman Barbara Caldwell, Michael Hattery, Mitchell LaVine, Claudia Brenner, John Davis, and Robert Fletcher. ALSO PRESENT: Ronald meeting Roberts, of April Robert 18, Jarrow, Bruce Barkley, Ernie Bayles, Tom Clark there, were any suggestions, and Brien or comments Clark. she would Additions and /or were made on the on off lane when turn a driveways. A motion to appr Lalley, second by M. correct ginal co round we ove the LaVine ion py re min and s to the March 21, 1991 minutes and included the wording pull mentioned concerning long sites as amended was made by J. approved by all members present. P. Caldwell.had The prepared meeting and distributed of April the Affordable 18, 1991 was called to order at 80 PM by Chairwoman there, were any suggestions, questions Barbara or comments Caldwell. she would take them to the Affordable Housing Additions and /or were made on the on off lane when turn a driveways. A motion to appr Lalley, second by M. correct ginal co round we ove the LaVine ion py re min and s to the March 21, 1991 minutes and included the wording pull mentioned concerning long sites as amended was made by J. approved by all members present. P. Caldwell.had J. prepared said and distributed some material from the Affordable Housing have Meetings and stated if there, were any suggestions, questions or comments she would take them to the Affordable Housing to Advisory to Board. determine J. D side of supply s numbers for fami shortage av th id ad ly . i e e d s wond equat for a Tessin and /or ered i f ion. Th ffordabl g how ma individ there e mate e hoes ny hom ual sin were any statistics on-the demand rial handed out addressed the ing...and wondered if there were es /rental units might be needed its, in order to ascertain the P. Caldwell stated there seemed to be in the Town of Dryden for most of the moderate range incomes some renAl available, family rentals present a problem through out the County. A specific number of units cannot be ascertained for each municipality because, all places may not be able to supply any and people may not want to live in that municipality, but could be determined on a County wide bases. J. Davis said in order to have options available, you're going to have to determine numbers and build a number of units that are targeted for affordable housing. P. Caldwell thought there were.ways of making all housing more affordable (density factor, water, sewer, streamlining the review process, financing programs, Zoning laws). • PB 4 -18 -91 PG. 2 8:45 P.M. SKETCH CONFERENCE FOR JARROW SUBDIVISION AT OR ABOUT 940 SNYDER HILL ROAD Robert and Gail�,Jarrow submitted the following for review. Robert and Gail Jarrow Subdivision Snyder Hill Road 1 Town of Dryden, Tompkins County i I. Subdivison Plans * 5 lots in the subdivision * 2 lots greater than 5 acres (discussion with John Anderson, Health Dept. indicates that the Health Dept. will not be involved in septic system considerations for such a subdivision). * The biggest 2 lots are on the steepest part of the property. * The land has not been farmed for over 20 years (not losing prime agricultural property). I * Water is likely to be plentiful (based on survey of adjacent homes). * Deed restrictions will be included on lots (similar to Ellis Highlands) to guarantee a residential community with home values plus land values to exceed $250,000. - If approved, we are likely to build on one lot. • - If approved, we are likely to enter an agreement with a contractor to build a "spec" house for sale with value exceeding $250,000. * To ensure the success of such a development, a town road is essential. Given the value of the existing homes off Snyder Hill road adjacent to the proposed development, the current road front lots without a town road would not support such expensive homes. II. Proposed Town Road * Length of road less than 1000 feet * To contract with T.G.Miller Engineering to ensure that the road construction meets town specifications preliminary on site evaluation indicates that the grade requirements and the drainage considerations can be met * 5 driveways off proposed road (none off Snyder Hill) II1. Neighborhood Considerations * We have discussed proposed plans with neighbors, and there are no objections. * Road development will be done to guarantee that there are no drainage problems. s 19.1 21.95 AC. D' Ind. 8.96 AC. 1 0 �ok�o+ atoI r 2q c �,2e3 Al A 29.42 64.9 AC. CAL. Pr 1 1 1 1 ' 1 07 1 . 15.96 A, .CAI.. __n RETCH PLAN q A to N r, 23.2 35 72. AC •o lot A V"nS K dennnw It .. ,,, ......I...i,J1......�...... I....... 0.:; :. ..............I ifs to 4, lot ' U' .. I I AC =�s� to W ii 'r '•dam, .r I�j�I �k.., 1 ' or I ' a,; •. R,,,rn P ,' 76 I / / 6 nn AC I fit y Sri , �� i•14'.I,N i 26.2 i 73 �� q A to N r, 23.2 35 72. AC •o lot A V"nS K dennnw It .. ,,, ......I...i,J1......�...... I....... 0.:; :. ..............I ifs to 4, lot ' U' .. I I AC =�s� to W ii 'r '•dam, .r I�j�I �k.., 1 ' or I ' a,; •. R,,,rn P ,' 76 I / / 6 nn AC I fit y Sri , �� i•14'.I,N i 26.2 LJ • • F'B 4 -18 -91 PG. 3 The parcels were numbered as, #1 — upper rights #2 — lower right; #3 — lower left; #4 — middle left; #5 — upper left. Lot 3 may have a problem with a sufficient diameter circle for septic requirements by the Health Department. The site range entering the.road is over 500 feet. Mr. Jarrow said the site most likely of frontage left to build and the speck allowance. house on would.be, examined #5, which has six and looked /seven at a small scale of the topo acres.of and Tompkins land and has both a field and wooded Map area in which,a house could be nestled. Lot 3 may have a problem with a sufficient diameter circle for septic requirements by the Health Department. The site range entering the.road is over 500 feet. #4 has an acre and one half to two acres. There is 170 feet of frontage left on lots 2 and 3 after the 60 foot road allowance. we have examined it Lot 3 may have a problem with a sufficient diameter circle for septic requirements by the Health Department. The site range entering the.road is over 500 feet. Notify County (bordering Town of Caroline). The Recommend sketch thinking 1500 to about leaving a right of way into the adjacent right.of "Jarrow five lot Lands ". Road. we Notify County (bordering Town of Caroline). The site sketch is 1500 to 2000 feet from the designated wet lands to the right.of a proposed five lot subdivision Thomas Road. we A topography map is being done. SUMMERY BY CHAIRWOMAN P. CALDWELL On the sketch of possible for Mr. Jarrow about for a proposed five lot subdivision during and after construct we have examined it and looked at a small scale of the topo and Tompkins County Soil Map photos. We have concerns aboute 1. The proposed grade on the road. 2. The dimensions of lot number three (3). 3. The possible density in lots two (2), three (3), and possible four (4) depending on the grades involved. 4. Possible future access to what appears /going to be a land locked parcel also owned by Mr. Jarrow in the Town of Caroline. 5. We will want verification of the site distances. 6. We are concerned because of possible steepness and soil conditions about drainage control both during and after construct i on. • This L &M RB 4 -18 -91 PG. 4 7. We suspect that lot three (3) may not meet Health Department requirements, and we don't know on lots two (2) and four (4) . will have to be referred to the County under Section 239 9 :12 P.M. SKETCH FLAN CONFERENCE TRAVIS P'ROP'ERTY - BRUCE BARKLEY & ERNIE BAYLES CHAIRED BY JOSEPH LALLEY (�iSSL -T/ rjor+ cam-/ eo 54L ' Mr. Barkley stated: Recentn7=y what we are 0+_rrprmTing is a subdivision of a 26.85 acre tract which has one house on it into an eleven (11) parcel5of approximately two to two and one half acre each. This will entail building a road of approximately 900 feet long. We show a very rough sketch plan of this proposed lot lay out, realizing full well that we have some adjustments to make in order to accommodate the 250 foot diameter circle, 125 foot frontage. a preferred "T" at the end of the cul -de -sac instead of the circle. But basically presenting this as our intend for the Boards comment. The propert approximately Thomas Road. acres which h which include y is a q Thi as b s th located on th _tarter of a m i s is a portion een deeded to e protected we e North side of Ellis Hollow Road le from the intersection of of a 50 acre parcel of which 25 Cornell University Plantations t lands. V/0 0QA�' E. Bayles stated they were going to pte.c.e to the Plantations that they bring the 25 foot right of way off the public road for reasonable access to their land. The plantations owr6 various tracks of land up and down this water shed. He didn't think they owned anything else directly adjacent, though it was his understanding there is a piece of land in the vicinity that is in the process of, being deeded over t.o the Land Trust. It was determined that: 1. A minimum two acre lot size. A 250 foot diameter is required by the Health Department for a sand filter. 2. There are no hiking or biking trails alon�the wet lands area at the moment. This is a prot cted wet lands by the defined "unique and natural areas" - the recommendation is "keep people out ". PB 4 -18 -91 PG. 5 30 There will be no path way or encouragement,to a path way to gain access to the wet lands, the right of way • is only for the Plantations. They already have access from Ellis Hollow Road and Mr. Barkley's understanding is the 25 foot right of way is going to be deeded along the East boundary property line and not as they have shown moved over to the end of the road. 4. The approximate dimensions of the 26.85 aicre parcel is 795 plus the road - 1370 on the short side of the trapezoid - 1630 on the long side.. 5. They have had a preliminary meeting by the Health Department and they are reasonably skeptical, of their ability to find great amounts of percolating soils in this area, but didn't give any reason to believe they couldn't work out something. Preliminary review of the sloe` indicate they will be hard up for the ten per cen maximum on the runs. 60 Si distance is perhaps short coming from Ithaca to) the ro ert (appears to be 500 feet), Towards P P Y PP Dryden is much longer. 7. As currently drawn a road frontage. If wi the Town Board would the Planning Board t • 80 Has not talked to th wet lands. 11 parce shing a need to o waive e D. E. C. is d vari mak the con 90 Would require a Long Form EAF. o not ha ance and e a reso requirem cerning ve er 1 ut ent the 1 S i 25 f ect i on a desi eet of on 281 llowinc gnated 10., Reserve a road right of way for access to the parcel on the West for possible future development (between lots 8 R 9 suggested) . 11. Concerns of drainage during and after construction were discussed. They will do a drainage study. The next meeting could be a preliminary plat hearing but may wish to return before that stage for a preliminary review. • • k go PB *4-18-91 PG. 6 10:05 P.M. BRIEN -AND TOM CLARK SKETCH PLAN CONFERENCE Tom Clark stat Nagel Estate which and Livermore Road like to subdivide monetary cost. ed they had was a farm S. They pu parcel 8 in purchased at auction a part of the of 120 acres, bordering Bradshaw rchased parcel s 41517 & 8 and would order to recover some of the Brian Clark plans to•build his home on lot #4 and Tom will be building his home on lot #5. They have a buyer for parcel #7 which will include 100 feet off parcel #86* 10 Parcel #8 would then be approx. it and 1/2 acres. 2. Would like to divide parcel #8 into three (3) building lots. 3. 'Health Department has not looked at site. They had planed to develope 7 & 8, however they have found a buyer that would like lot #7 plus 100 feet which falls into the field for a building lot himself. That left a parcel of 500 feet by a 1,000. The Town requires 125 foot road frontage, the Health Department stated they needed r minimum of 150 feet for a circle. A gentleman in the Health Department is supposelto contact them after learning that this was a large Parcel off of an original farm which lots were sold, in order to determine the rules and regulations which might apply. Lot 6 was sold to an individual who intends.to split it with his friend and would have to go into a sub division. Discussion on flag lots and other alternatives were discussed on the lay out of the three lots on this piece of land. The Clark's had attended tonights meeting in order to review with the Board their intentions and alternatives in achieving their goal. The Tompkins County Agriculture District may lay in that area and a slightly more complex planning procedure will be required. Long forik EAF? Mr. Clark to discuss with'the Health Department their plan for the whole piece and see if they have made any determinations. May contact Mr. Schickel to see what plans he has for his lot. PB 4-18-91 PG. 7 The board to continue to check on long drives. John Davis moved to Adjourn.... Second by M. Hattery....ADJOURNED C 0 C+t Michael Hatterly reported he discussed with Insurance Companies if there wa's a way of evaluating lengthy drives in terms of rateing quality of drives in terms of rateing for insurance purposess. One Company said they do have an inspector but, he doesn't have any criteria, he just goes out. Rated if the drive was accessible or not - would not be of much help. The board to continue to check on long drives. John Davis moved to Adjourn.... Second by M. Hattery....ADJOURNED C 0 C+t