HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-18Mirmtas Town of Danb,y Ple.nning Board November 18, 19 07 Members Present: Donald. sr.aham, Chair, Joel Ga.Tnon, Secretary, Steirf? Stein, Nancy Weitzel, Gerald. r'atlin. Members Abs=nt: Walter Sr.,zPna.nski Oth=rs Present: Fd Roberts (Ball Hill), Loren Stevens, (Vary 7van.s, The meeting was called. to ord.Pr at 7:33 P.M. Minutes of the October 21 and. October 29 meetings were unanimously approved. as rPa.d., there bean..=; no conies yet. The Board worked on the d.ra.ft ordinance for awhile while awaiting Gary Evans' arrival. Covered. were na.ges 110- 112, stonpin.z at section 407. The following changes were tenta.tivPly mane: Section 405.4 Rules a.nd. RP•gula. }ions. The first, line of tPxt was chin Pd to rp.Rd. "The Board. of Zoning Annaa.ls must use the following rules governing its nrocedurPs... to Section 403.5 .Annea.ls to the Poa.rd.. The third. line of 'Pxt, which began with the words the Zoning Board. of AnnPal s" is changed to read. "the Board. of Zoning AprPals." SPCtion 405.4. Actions Directed by the Board. of Zoning Appeals. The followin* sentence is inserted after the first sentence, Chair of the BZA should c'necl;' with the Zoning Officer at the end of the 20 gays to ensure that this ha.pnens." Section 400/.4 .Actions DirPrtPJ by the Site Planninx Review Board.. The following; sentP.ncp is inserted, after the first sentence. "The Chair of the Site Planning Review BOard, should check with the Zoning Officer at the Pnd. of the 20 days to ensure that this harnpens." Section 406.5 ApnPals of Decisions by the Site Plannin P:f?View Boarl?. ThA word "State" is .a.dried before "suoreme court" in the second line. Gary :vans, Senior Planner with the County Planning Dena.rtment, interacted with the Boa..rd., cla,rif,yirtff several noints of confusion. Some of the noints mad.a: It is possible to d.istin7 uish betiAP.en mobile hom.es and travel trailers based upon the 1975 DP>7artment of Housin r and- Urban DevPlonment Construction Code! for Tv!grtufa.cturpd. Housing. Mobile homes romnl.y, travel trailers d.o not. Cary also believes it is nosGible to 1.is- tinguish between single a.nrl. 1.ouble -widn mobile }1,om=s. Day care for 1 or 2 children is consirl.Prr::. normal_ residential .acti- vity and- unregulated by the St5,.te. D--?.y ca.re for 3 -6 children is r4l:.ula.tPd by thn Department of Socia..l_ ServirAs. 7 or more children is classad. h. Da.y Care School p Sta.ta = ^P U 1j. 1�.tn•3., Ja.r.y cU,.Tps re' that a, TPTaay out, of thC! V'=].r:l_ d.Piini_tion -oroblF?m is tc th!�'k in t.Qrm; of r.eg,air.n.', ya.r C�E': �r i'1 r0�'. fr0✓]f.�. �F? T A.Clllirem'tl };7 P ��.ry •n,�ntionn l State- required. minimum is a. 15 foot .r.i ht- of -wa,y. He a.;reed. with file .su- -)- rPstion tna.t; ther.A •S'noul_d br ? 7_imit t,o how rar bark from t road. one al _ows a house: to by ronstr_zcted, since in the =`rent of emergency more t h.an just the rAsid.Pr,.ts' li -ires would be imneriled, by ina.d.PquatP a.crPSS. On the matter of a:rricultura.l sa.les, Gary that if the Board wants to r.P ulatP size of an onera.tion, it shoulrl d.o sq dirertlt,r anl. not inll.ir. ertly by stipula.tin ;�rha.t na.n 'ra .sol ; . r'�i� Size of 11 Plannin:r Bon.r.J Minutes N1ovPmbPr. 18, 1987, ContinuP;l. the build.in.z, the na.rkin; situations a.n� the loca.t ion ca.n a.11 he rP.;ulatP:l. to assure nublic cLfety, Ga.ry indicat;PI. that; he wuulri be a.ira.il�.blP in Ja.nua.r. T to t,,ro1 °tt vTith us on the orrltna.ncP on- ro ?'JP harl worvrn'I throu.'- h it, �1 n 3oa.r to mP. on r': onI.,q.-v L/F 7 rl.t 7 : 3l/ P.M. + 7 wor. >•; "u.rthp�r on the orI ina,ncF.. MPPtinz al journpl. at 10: j P.M. submlittP,l by Jo)_ p;non G.