HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-17TOWN OF DRYDEN X.T -Y 1.71 1986 PLANNING BOARD Planning Board met July 17, 1986. Chr. B. Caldwell called meeting to order. Members present: Chr. B. Caldwell, J. Lee, R.M. Bobnick, R. Lampila, H. Slater & Z.O. S. Stewart. B. Lavine arrived 9:15 PM. Absent: R. Chase. Also present: C. Wolf, P. Trowbridge, T. Marchell, B. Dolph, M. Creasy, C. Brown, & C. Page. Presentation by C. Wolf & P. Trowbridge (representing Trowbridge & Trowbridge) for 44 rental housing units off Mt. Pleasant Rd. by Marchell Development Co. T. Marchell also present. Town Board had requested Planning Board study & make recommendations back to them.(special permit) DISCUSSION & PRESENTATION 12.3 acres - units grouped in 4- plexes located along 3 cul -de -sac roads off Mt. Pleasant Rd. - Site within water & sewer district - project reviewed by Bolton Point, Town of Ithaca Sewer Dept., & NYSEG - project will be serviced by fire hydrants - 3 phases - beginning in Spring 1987 - completed in 1988 - phasing schedule may require adjustment based on finalized financing - storm -water collection pond - existing roadside Swale alorg Mt. Pleasant - secondary access coming from Rte. 366 to cul -de -sac for fire & emergency vehicles - visual impact - buffer planting - traffic: extensive detailed study w /DOT expertise (study on file) - visibility & safety of proposed entrance drive as it intersects Mt. Pleasant Rd, existing traffic flow on Mt. Pleasant Rd. & 366 intersection & capacity for additional traffic. Improvements: clearing & removal of existing vegetation at intersection with Mt. Pleasant, entrance drive will be enlarged & widened at intersection. - Low density housing - marketing intent toward grad students at Cornell or young faculty - T. Marchell would maintain ownership of all property & would be responsible for maintenance for living units, roads, parking areas, and open spaces. Discussed walk -ways for access to buses on 366 - school bus pick up. No Dryden buses use Mt. Pleasant Rd. Ithaca school buses have 6 runs per day. Garbage collection - individual at units - NO dumpsters. H. Slater motion to recommend Town Board accept proposal with following specifications; 1. Storm -water collection pond be properly engineered. 2. Walk /bike path to connect project to Rte. 366 designated school bus stop near Marchell Monument Co. 3. Secondary access road from current Marchell Monument Co. to project must be constructed & maintained year - round. Seconded 12y R. Lampila. VOTE 4 YES 1 ABSTENTION PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION CARRIED (w /specifications) Ormsby "Buzz" Dolph Jr. from Finger Lakes Stone Co. acting as agent for owner /developer of Hungerford Notch subdivision off Ellis Hollow Rd. approx. 45 acres - proposing 16 lots ranging from 2z to 312 acres each - Has spoken to NYSEG regarding roads & power (maps sent to their office in Binghamton for design layouts & for their real estate legal requirements) - No underground electric - Surveyor - Dick McDowell Engineer - Larry Fabbroni - Hoping to begin project this year - not decided on phasing yet, depending on family partnership, corporation, real estate tie -up. Also phasing would depend on which lots sold first - Road costs no problem with owning quarry. Need to S.t.B- work on question, about real e,. ate taxes & income taxes with attorney & tax accountant. Dolph also spoke with Gary LaMotte (SCS), Health Dept. Health Dept. made recommendation last year - No major changes in plan since then. Discussed drainage, contours, & road; dead end or secondary access - process of deeding road to Town - Town maintenance - long road w /few houses or many houses to support costs depending upon market. Reason big push now is money is cheap now - .don't know for how long - Dolph hopes to be prepared for final submission of proposal by next month - Needs for Aug. meeting; Clarification of road status & utilities from NYSEG, determination on phasing, clarification of ownership, Health Dept & SCS reports, EAF filed w/ Planning Board & Health Dept. & Town Highway specs. Public hearing set for 8:00 PM August 21, 1.986 . M. Creasy - petition for possible zoning change (RBI) - divided area into 9 sections - Neighbor in each sector responsible for collecting signatures - Petitions not complete yet due to vacations - working from old directory - received new one this evening - B. Caldwell read letter from M. Creasy ( letter on file )regarding petition. M. Creasy presented map of proposed RB 1 zone desired. C. Brown stated each petition carrier had been instructed to ccntact each resident & to mark petition with X if resident wouldn't sign & cif signed, & also indicated if resident was owner or tenant. Looking for 100% coverage of area proposed. M. Creasy - stated even though houses in that area may not be $200,000 houses, they were homes. People buying, building, upgrading, & maintaining those homes. They had not tackled Bone Plain Rd. or Peruville Rd. Followed tax maps, Fall Creek, & Town of Ithaca border lines for guidelines. Someone from their group will attend special Town Board meeting Tues. evening & inform them of process of group Planning Board will review map presented by Creasy before next meeting. H. Slater motion to adjourn. Seconded by R. Lampila. CARRIED MEETING ADJOURNED 10:45 PM. Special work session scheduled 8:00 PM August 7, 19860 Secretary, C4,;�� ��-