HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-08• July 8th., 1986 Our a advantage many shop of other by the pr research bistorica nature of special p continuin midst. Tea s t pin tow e s e fie 1 E tb e r m g e 0 g n n 1 i e i v Is rural resides residents by be centers and edj ships. The rural ce of Fall CTeek ds, the Laborato gbt Square Brick RC zone has ero is and zoning va en after the est t1al ing c acent resi the Ty of Scbo ded t rianc ab11s in los to den Co Or ol. be es. bme cberacte e to Cor residen t1al atm ruell P1 nitbolog However neighbor Indeed, nt of a r an ne11 t1al ospb anta y an , th hood thi new d o Un n ere do d t e of c s t MA- ffer aver igbb Is ns a he Cate arse rend zone s m sit orb enr n b a ter is in any y / oods icbei 11" by our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of R8 -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. NAME of I , ADDRESS 3(0 44 36 S/ S�/ Fraese (U, xxC4Le 7V>b/ . \' / Ny �u cap Al 71 L7 /) /I 11 i/ The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -19 Our a advantage many shop of other by the pr research bistorica nature of special p continuin midst. Tea s t pin tow e s e fie 1 E tb e r m g e 0 g n n 1 i e i v Is rural resides residents by be centers and edj ships. The rural ce of Fall CTeek ds, the Laborato gbt Square Brick RC zone has ero is and zoning va en after the est t1al ing c acent resi the Ty of Scbo ded t rianc ab11s in los to den Co Or ol. be es. bme cberacte e to Cor residen t1al atm ruell P1 nitbolog However neighbor Indeed, nt of a r an ne11 t1al ospb anta y an , th hood thi new d o Un n ere do d t e of c s t MA- ffer aver igbb Is ns a he Cate arse rend zone s m sit orb enr n b a ter is in any y / oods icbei 11" by our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of R8 -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. NAME of I , ADDRESS 3(0 44 36 S/ S�/ Fraese (U, xxC4Le 7V>b/ . \' / Ny �u cap Al 71 L7 /) /I 11 i/ NAME lawcc�:� rA it o T7a Petition for zoning change ADDRESS U90 E,t q R=l S -ZDle,L 4 : ,Ooe. *<d do I m C)�he(w WqAT) 5036 Aw �� • �nda, �s, CIenan -� J�e ;a( e•a 9 A6 s» a /".0. �VC\ :3i /V Cam. .= Z,400P smiq E-f hy RC4 5 Jy R 0 J�,✓a 6�d 3G�5 �9-� -a- page 2 7/3,/F0 TO CK l�J�,�6 k do 50 , kA (4p Wiwi Ov • �a July 8th., 1986 . i The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to R8 -19 0u advant many s of oth by the resear histor nature specie contin midst. r a h e c i 1 u a ge op r pr h ca of p In rea s to ping town esen fief 1 El the ermi g ev is r res cen ship ce c ds, gh t RC is a en a ur Id to so f th Sq zo nd ft al r eats rs a The Fall e La ware ne h zon er t esidential by being c nd adjacent rural rest Creek, the boratory of Brick Scho as eroded t ing -varianc he establis In ch lose to r den t1 Corn Orni ol. H he ne es. I hment a t e a e t 0 1 n racter o Corn s1dent 1 atmo 11 Fla bology wever, ghborh deed, of a n an ell ial sph nta an t ood thi e d o Un ne ere do d t e to ch a t MA- f f e ive lgh Is n he cat ara ren zon rs r 8 1 bor en and ch c to d i e i We have come to realize that the only way to preserve neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of R8 -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character, Sri do dCAL lreli� cAel� 0) �. 4e; �2QO '7 ADDRESS ztwyof . i.L/ RC/ /Ac( Vie m t h r a r s n any y1 oods ichec 11" by our our `7 7ft/ �4 7/ :,-z i 7` 7�/� � ' 7 7ft/ �4 7/ :,-z i 7` 7�/� Petition for zoning xhange page 2 0 NAME ADDRESS n '000el 7A i /4 CA ,�+ ,p, 7 2 /C�'7LC5 4r slip Ns�}�0w Q 6pslfc 7/3i/ �laa g� rQ 1 i • .,-=- The Dryden change residents Our advanta many sb of othe by the researc biatori nature special cont4nu midst. July 8th., 1986 undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a In zoning status from RC to RB -1. g 0 r p h c 0 1 a e p r a f P n rea s t pin tow e a e fie 1 E th erm g e 0 g n n 1 i e i v Is rur r e s 1 d c e n t e ships . ce of ds, tb ght Sq RC zo is and en aft al resides eats b.y be rs and adj The rural Fall Creek e Laborato uare Brick ne has ero zoning va er the est tial lug c aceut rest the ry of Scho ded t riauc ablis In character an lose to Cornell to residential dential atmosph Cornell Plants Ornithology an ol. However, th he neighborhood es. Indeed, thi bment of a new d o Un ne ere do d t e to ch s t MA- ffers many iversity, ighborhoods is enriched ns and he catch all" aracter by rend is zone in our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -i appropriately describes our neighborhood character. dowoG ON 6P �40 S m-M :.dgap ADDRESS 6 0 YA4**4,3 � (PC J� 17311 1731 �2sa�ur l6 7a�' Pell cZ /83 11AX)S4 W %'orl o NAjVS4 p w 7 //���S.o ;7// 71« /94, c NAME Petition for zoning change page 2 ADDRESS J r� 2 •o z3 ham- �( ��� 7,/F /6, � sue,✓ r %eS -c CD Ma a ' c7L�� 7/zo / '7 mv 7/4zr/2 �Xlxx `7/ 2 8' 1 h F� fi / C11 XV�, ffy 12� /` petition for zoning change page 3 • (Hanshaw Rd. ) �) NAIv7E ADDRESS 2 /45; Z 17/�'tiSLl�Y� �D , 9 0 DATE Sx �1 ; • July 8th., 1986 The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -1. Our area is rural residential advantages to residents by being many shopping centers and adjacen of other townships. The rural Tea by the presence of Fall Creek, th research fields, the Laboratory o historical Eight Square Brick Scb nature of the RC zone has eroded special permits and zoning varian continuing even after the establi midst. In character and offers many close to Cornell university, t to residential neighborhoods 1dential atmosphere is enriched e Cornell Plantations and f Ornithology and the ool. However, the- "catch all" the neighborhood character by ces. Indeed, this trend is shment of a new MA -zone in our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning. classification of RB -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. 0 NAME ADDRESS Fri, C ree k P4, Tt-C�. 8 I xwsw �- �� �, 4*06m� to J� l�G � 5 vl.irg,, Gov tofn Id,lyvr, 7- la_ 86 `7 - i a -P4 7— I a- *t6 �� . • ' moo CO. 166 say �o Iry � 0 July 8th., 1986 Our area is rural residential in character and offers many advantages to residents by being close to Cornell University, many ,shopping centers and adjacent to residential neighborhoods of other townships. The rural residential atmosphere is enriched by the presence of Fall Creek, the Cornell Plantations and research fields, the Laboratory of Ornithology and the historical Eight Square Brick School. However, the "catch all" nature of the RC zone has eroded the neighborhood character by special permits and zoning variances. Indeed, this trend is continuing even after the establishment. of a new MA -zone in our midst. We have come to realize that the only way to preserve neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change.. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. 0 NAME ADDRESS 308 NI Cam: 21.4 2L1C? N;e►4; R0 . our 1 167 ti6p,-iA4 t re-off OR 001�/ 4 rte, 1&- o 6Y s S'C 1364 r OL MV A-q� The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -16 Our area is rural residential in character and offers many advantages to residents by being close to Cornell University, many ,shopping centers and adjacent to residential neighborhoods of other townships. The rural residential atmosphere is enriched by the presence of Fall Creek, the Cornell Plantations and research fields, the Laboratory of Ornithology and the historical Eight Square Brick School. However, the "catch all" nature of the RC zone has eroded the neighborhood character by special permits and zoning variances. Indeed, this trend is continuing even after the establishment. of a new MA -zone in our midst. We have come to realize that the only way to preserve neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change.. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. 0 NAME ADDRESS 308 NI Cam: 21.4 2L1C? N;e►4; R0 . our 1 167 ti6p,-iA4 t re-off OR 001�/ 4 rte, 1&- o 6Y s S'C 1364 r OL MV A-q� I1AMIE o V, ,5 . cn n cc,s� -� Petition for zoning change ADDRESS v V a `e.. ►�e Fvi n page 2 I% � /. / Z�Z S, C/I� • lure t. Zoill 107 0 July 8th., 1986 Our area is r advantages to Tea many shopping cen of other township by the presence o research fields, historical Eight nature of the RC special permits a continuing even a midst. ural res1den idents by be ters and adj s. The rural f Fall Creek the Laborato Square Brick zone has ero nd zoning va fter the est tial ing c acent rest the ry of Scbo ded t r1anc ab11s In cberac lose to C to resid dentia1 a Cornell Orulthol ol. Uowev be neighb es . .Indee hment of to or en tm P1 og er or d, a r an ne11 tial osph ants y an , th hood tbi new d offers many University, neighborhoods ere is enriched tions and d the e "catch all" character by s trend Is MA -zone in our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. ��� ✓: i ►,� ' 1 ADDRESS s�i�.��zec�'�'e 11,0 �L 5 114or 7111/ Y S37 U✓ Dty der1- % , ree,\r d ?-�? July. 1 �: The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see 'attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -1. Our area is r advantages to Tea many shopping cen of other township by the presence o research fields, historical Eight nature of the RC special permits a continuing even a midst. ural res1den idents by be ters and adj s. The rural f Fall Creek the Laborato Square Brick zone has ero nd zoning va fter the est tial ing c acent rest the ry of Scbo ded t r1anc ab11s In cberac lose to C to resid dentia1 a Cornell Orulthol ol. Uowev be neighb es . .Indee hment of to or en tm P1 og er or d, a r an ne11 tial osph ants y an , th hood tbi new d offers many University, neighborhoods ere is enriched tions and d the e "catch all" character by s trend Is MA -zone in our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. ��� ✓: i ►,� ' 1 ADDRESS s�i�.��zec�'�'e 11,0 �L 5 114or 7111/ Y S37 U✓ Dty der1- % , ree,\r d ?-�? July. 1 �: NAME '112 � 9 ps • f ,4 ADDRESS Petition for zoning change w16 YCY,/ 3e/ L) k7y 4)1 �t��- :y k2L 9 �s 3 w • �•�d -ems. Qd wo r`-f 7 v� • • Ou advent many s of otb by the resear histor nature specia contin midst. r a h e c i 1 U 9 0 r P h c 0 1 are es ppi to res fi al f t per ng a to ng wn en el El he ml ev is r r e s cen ship ce c ds, gb t RC is a en a u Id to So f th Sq zo nd ft al r ents rs a The Fall e La uare ne h zon er t esident1a1 by being c nd adjacent rural rest Creek, the boratory of Brick Scbo as eroded t ing varlanc he establis In los to den Co Or ol. he es. hme c e r ti ru ni H n I nt ara to esi al ell tho owe igh nde of c C d a 1 v b e t O e t P 0 e O d a et rn nt mo la gy T9 rb n an ell 1al sph nta an t ood tbi e d o U n ere do d t e to c s t MA- ffer iver ighb Is us a be c a t c arac rend zone s m sit orb enr nd h a ter Is In any Y9 oods icbec 11" by our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. NAME J /JVL�� PS az�e) 6 Ad At) //6 51 V1 ADDRESS SRr5 PC nlij 5 I ( 7Pnnyr► t CT4C2N11MI) 1 -j af�`c�3� Yee, CA A Sit OT ON I July 8th., 1986 The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -1. Ou advent many s of otb by the resear histor nature specia contin midst. r a h e c i 1 U 9 0 r P h c 0 1 are es ppi to res fi al f t per ng a to ng wn en el El he ml ev is r r e s cen ship ce c ds, gb t RC is a en a u Id to So f th Sq zo nd ft al r ents rs a The Fall e La uare ne h zon er t esident1a1 by being c nd adjacent rural rest Creek, the boratory of Brick Scbo as eroded t ing varlanc he establis In los to den Co Or ol. he es. hme c e r ti ru ni H n I nt ara to esi al ell tho owe igh nde of c C d a 1 v b e t O e t P 0 e O d a et rn nt mo la gy T9 rb n an ell 1al sph nta an t ood tbi e d o U n ere do d t e to c s t MA- ffer iver ighb Is us a be c a t c arac rend zone s m sit orb enr nd h a ter Is In any Y9 oods icbec 11" by our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. NAME J /JVL�� PS az�e) 6 Ad At) //6 51 V1 ADDRESS SRr5 PC nlij 5 I ( 7Pnnyr► t CT4C2N11MI) 1 -j af�`c�3� Yee, CA A Sit OT ON I • a_ July 8th.,_:= 19.8 b. The undersigned residents of the'west eud of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -10 Our area is rural residential in character and offers many advantages to residents by being close to Cornell University, many shopping centers and adjacent to residential neighborhoods of other townships. The rural residential atmosphere is enriched by the presence of Fall Creek, the Cornell Plantations and research fields, the Laboratory of Ornithology and the historical Eight Square Brick School. However, the "catch all nature of the RC zone has eroded the neighborhood character by special permits and zoning variances. Indeed, this trend is continuing even after the establishment of a new MA -zone in our midst. We have come to realize t neighborhoods from further er change. We feel that the zoni appropriately describes our n ha os ng ei t the only way to preserve our ion is to propose a zoning classification of RB -1 ghborhood character. NAME ADDRESS lwellX(t DA MR ff D R TE UTI 01111111 . ;11 F 111 ), " - 7 / lei dL • 1 . I iY:a'F�ST'.y�'•.xrf+�Sw' f.'�''rl`i':�: �::::'�„; 0 July 8th., 1986 The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of. Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change In zoning status from RC to RB -1. adva many of o by t rese hist natu spec cont mids Our a stage shop tber be pr arch orica re of ial p inuin t ..- r s P t e f 1 e 8 ea'i to ing owns senc field Eig the rmit eve s r c h e s h R s n Tura eside enter ips. of F the t Squ C zon and afte 1 re n t a S an The all Lab are e ha zoni r th sid by d a rur Cre ora Bri s e ng e e e b d a e t c r v s ntial eing jacen 1 res k, th ory o k Scb oded arlan tab11 In c 1 o t t fide e C f 0 ool the ces shm char se to o res ntial ornel rnitb How neig Ind en t o a c t e r Lorne identi atmos 1 Plan ology ever, hborho eed, t f a ne and of 11 Uni al nei pbere tation and tb the "c od cha his tr w HA -z fe ve gh Is s e at ra en on rs rsi bor en and ch c t e d. i e i We have come to realize that the only way to preserve neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -I • appropriately describes our neighborhood character. NAME Ot LO ADDRESS C�� see. I C ,-, �d tie�; m t h r a T s n any yo oods ichec 11" by our our 0 2f NO4 / e r She ICV0 k\� 2 s 1 Y7 r laICp 6 Y4I�SG C I July 8th., 1986 The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -1. Our area is rura advantages to reside many shopping center of other townships. by the presence of F research fields, the historical Eight Squ nature of the RC zon special permits and continuing even afte midst. 1 n s T a a e z r residential is by being and adjacen he rural res 11 Creek, th Laboratory o re Brick Scb has eroded oning vartan the establi In character and offers many close to Cornell University, t to residential neighborhoods idential atmosphere to enriched e Cornell Plantations and f Ornithology and the ool. However, the "catch all" the neighborhood character by ces. Indeed, this trend is shment of a new MA -zone in our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -I appropriately describes our neighborhood character. :NAME t.,oclr Aci- �u- t- ADDRESS ere Zze 14. Jor 33 H tv � 31) lit 3 76 iv 3 g9 w, 2 S/ w loll q i C�-) /r I ew 3� Aw, L DAT kAl Ar 4! i i; vI NAME ADDRESS 3o6 ,n I petition page 2 Dare 6 S� /G %86 (. 4� , July 8th., 1986 • The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -1, adva many of o by t rese hilt natu spec coat m 1 d a Our at ntages sbopp tber t he pre arch f orical re of ial pe inuing te ea is Tura to reside ing center ownships. sence of F fields, the Eight Squ the RC zon rmi is and even afte 1 residential in character and offers many nts by being close to Cornell University, s and adjacent to residential neighborhoods The rural residential atmosphere is enriched all Creek, the Cornell Plantations and Laboratory of Ornithology and the are Brick School. However, the "catch all" e has eroded the neighborhood character by zoning variances. Indeed, this trend is r the establishment of a new MA -zone in our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel that the zoning classification of RB -1 appropriately describes our neighborhood character. NAME :0 30 ., Gte4 G Zoe ADDRESS 69 ~/ b W .�r � co ;-s r. /?cow I Qrr�2 cr- "d v �. S� U�3 �4 �AA E �J 9d II /I 46t W to elf DATE r r � � r "loc-)IoirlV--<, c- �, 8118�8(p 21 d7/ NAME petition for zoning change page 2 ADDRESS DATE c� � ?' 9�`Jyk- CSs£3 w,����n UD fv <r, ., llr It v,q Kex e,7oe,, 55-0 �J „ -., ,1 Nom, f4exa� 6-6 7 0 CO . &e , CQ `mil to may -�� N% x // /'/0 0- July 8th.9 1986. The undersigned residents of the west end of the Town of Dryden (see attached map) respectfully submit the proposal of a change in zoning status from RC to RB -I. Our advanta many ab of otbe by the r:esearc h I a t 0 r I nature apecia 1 continu midst. a ge op T Pr h ca of p In T a P t e f 1 e 9 ea to ing own sen iel El the rml ev Is r c sb ce da gh R is en r eat eut spa of t t S C z an of r d e a h 9 0 d t a e r F e u n e 1 residents nts by bein s and adjac The rural r all Creek, Laboratory are Brick S e has erode zoning varl r the estab al 9 en es th 0 ch d an 11 c t I e f O t c s In c lose to dent COT Orn ol. he n ea. hmen bars too rest sal nell itbo Howe eigb Inde t of cter an Cornell dentlal atmosph Planta logy an ver, th borbood ed, thi a new d of Unt net ere tion d th e "c cha s tr MA -z f e r ver ghb Is s a e atc rac end one a m sit orb enr nd b a ter Is In any y oods tcbei 11" by our We have come to realize that the only way to preserve our neighborhoods from further erosion is to propose a zoning change. We feel tbatathe zoning classification of RB -I appropriately describes our neighborhood character. NAME 0 ADDRESS ':�;;3S'�voD�� s� 3 w. 9-40 cc.)Oo AO P�A� '3 od0-1 / d0 41"1,3 4L)&-Zrw W. ,eZ 7// 2/ S 7 % <c`e6 9111 06 e t