HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-15.• TOWN OF DRYDEN PLANNING BOARD planning Board met 8/15/85. Chr Be Caldwell called 8 :05 P.M. with members H. Slater, R. Chase, R. Lampila, present. Be Lavine & R. Beck arrived 8:25 P.M. Absent - Public hearing for Hollow Creek &.Genung SCS statement & fresh parcel four with house AUUUST 15, 1985 meeting to order & Z.O.S. Steward' J. Hunt, Loren Be Hardesty for a 4 lot subdivision at ElliS Roads. Hardesty presented maps, health permits, water wet land map for parcels 1 -3. Is retaining already on it. George Miller questioned elevation differential on basement of houses along creek bed. :Hardesty stated 1i0 or 12.feet. R. LAMPILA MADE MOTION TO APPROVE SUB DIVISION AS SUBMITTED. SECONDED BY Re CHASE. - VOTE ALL YES APPROVED PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION tenative proposal for mobile home park which not taken to Town Board yet. John Cummerford & Jim Shippy present with sketch map of plans for comments & suggestions. They expressed tenative nature of plans & ease of changing them. Park to be located along Rte 13 from Tweitmann's on West to Johnson Rd. on East, including where drive -in is now. Main entrance probably qh Rte. 13 but haven't talked to DOT yet. Planning 200 -225 lots ranging from 7 to 9 thousand sq. ft. per lot. (State requires minimum 5,000 sq ft� Combination single & double wide homes. Sketch showed wet lands, basic layout, tenative roads, buffers, drainage, & possible.walk -way around perimeter. Discussed water, small reservoir, underground utilities, & sewage systems. Also discussed Rod & Gun Club on Johnson road, safety, rifle range, & noise. They intend to run quality park leaning toward Sr. Citizen clientele if enough demand. Suggested phasing - 2 -5 phases on overlays - maybe 40 -50 units per phase. After park well established, hope to turn Tweitmann bar into laundromat & office. Also planning recreational area to suit clientele. (walk paths, horse -shoe pit, picnit tables, or small playground) Possibility to have separate areas for Sr. Citizens, families, & families with pets. Board concerned about major access onto Rte 13 being traffic hazard. J. Shippy hoped folks leaving trailer park would be in better "shape" than those leaving Tweitmann's bar.. Good visibility both ways, easy for Tom Tran & school buses. Would like to have public hearing with Town Board Sept. 10th then meet with Planning Board again Sept. 19th. Will have EAF completed & copy of State regulations on limiting parks ib Sr. Citizens ( age 55 and above). Board reviewed EAF for proposed student housing for TC3. Developers John Jackson & Brian Grinter gave brief presentation for the preliminary discussion before setting up a special meeting when adequate time could be given. Showed maps & sketches of two proposed three story structures• Each structure will have 24 three or four bedroom apartments, including kitchen, bath, and living room..Will have 48 units (one for full time - on site manager) with sprinkler systems - maximum 188 beds. May expand to 3 or 4 more structures if necessary. Location of structures due to water supply &Jnot wanting to need expensive booster pumps to locate further up hill. ... _. :..... 2 BObLtd questioned ownevsl•,ip of property, ( will be private. ) also i; secoridary ;access from col I .ege parking lot., possible for emergency vehicles,l'length of newly proposed access road (approx* 29500 feet), Lee Rd. access to reservoir, serious problem.with drainage;& run off, closeness1to residential property (75 °),.water pressure, sewer buffer strips. and foot traffic on Lee Rd. Also questioned possib of fence or multiflora buffer to discourage foot traffic. Residents present from Lee Rd; Joseph Macrina (spokeman), Thomas Corey, Ed;.Hill, James Bartsch, Emery Cary, Charles Hart, Bruce Drowne, Dave Bravo - Cullen,•& Ralph Lott. Macrina read concerns from petition planned access road would cut across dirt road to reservoir, parking lot lighting substantial invasion of privacy, excessive noise,,proximity'�d Lee Rd*, decrease in property value, increase in pedestrian traffic, loss of privacy, negative environmental impact (no indication where drainage diverted or how contained), potential safety hazard to chilc'�er., future expansion not indicated at TovailBoard Meeting but listed on E.AF (for 2nd phase intended 1987)9, immediate population expansions potentood trespassing & property damage, fire control, excessive water run off. Otherconcerns of residents were the 51.culvert that had been washed out in 1981 flood. Little Egypt'Creek at full capacity now, indicatio, at Town Board meeting intent to divert run off into swale on North side of property which would join Little Egypt Creek* Any extra water sure, to cause substantial property damage! Want total on site containment of any run off! Buildings would set precedent for further developmer'� if location acceptable* Seems site chosen for water supply & expense of pump 'rather than concern of Tocal residents* Like to have DEC opomo� and look�,at zoning ordinances' & SEQR, also SCS report. ProsPective buyer concerned with outcome* Resid to view consid solar nts invited members of Board to tour Lee Rd. OK with de4pper5 *tee Questioned function of Planning Board, Be Caldwell Town Board had referred proposal to them for general plannih9 tion; location, general nature of project, everything from access to drainage. Will try to make rec6m'8ndations but up to Town Board to agree or disagree and make own decision* 9 SPECIAL MEETING NEXT THURSDAY 8/22/85 8 :00 P.M. Will give Board opportunity to look over property, Lee Rd., and areas of concern. - Suggestions for that meeting were a more detailed water control plan) additional buffering, contour map, addition of proposed buildings & Lee Rd. lot lines to first location map.4(to save turning pages) Be Lavin'ets.copy of EAF not clear, asked for verification of numbers also que;stione height of present TC3 building. R* Lampila will chec{• Lee Road residents & developers meeting 8/20/85 -F. 8:00: P.M. Village Hail. Y . .. T . R. BECK !MADE MOTION TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY R. CHASE, CARRIED. MEETING'ADJOURNED 9:45 P.M. Secretary, a