HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-14• Town of Dryden March 14,1985 Planning Board. Special Work Session The Planning Board met at 7:30P.M. March 14,1985 for a work session with members B.Lavine, R .Chase,Chr.B.Caldwell,H.Slater, R.Beck and Z.O. S.Stewart present. G.Schlecht represented the Town Board. Chr.B.Caldwell informed everyone of a meeting to be held March 20th at 7;30P.M. at the Tompkins County Court House by the DOT about Rte.13(ma.inly between the airport and County line.) B.Lavine said a main concern is lack of shoulders to get off the highway. He felt at best they'd be dealing with short sections around certain intersections. B.Caldwell--- "Do you want to bring us up to date as to where the Town Board is on the M.A.changes ?" G.Schlecht ..... "We had a public hearing at our last meeting Most people present were there, not because of M.A. but because of flight hazard area. Then found out new M.A. in their back yard. General feeling of public was shock and chagrin. No real substance to meeting. Another public hearing would be necessary to make changes. Special meeting of town council the 26th of March to discuss the area around Hanshaw Rd. A small community group has formed from that area, willing to work together with common goal to get development in the area. Border lines, allowed uses, and industries in their back yard and what a reasonable buffer zone would be, were -major concerns for this meeting, B.Caldwell ..... "Ma.in purpose tonight is to see where Town Board is and to see if we have gotten to where the Town Board would like us to be." B.Lavine--- "I had our zoning specialist from County Planning Dept., go over the proposal also. Had a. note from him stating that simplified procedure was the thing that scared him the most. There was also a. few technical things. He thinks it would be better to make do with procedure 2302.13- -short procedure for site plan review. In other words things would have to go to the SPR Board. If it was simple and no controvery and could pass right thru would still have to wait for meeting to be approved by i the board. I'm sure he means it puts the town in some liability. I agree full heartedly. Also for the purposes of this session the flight hazard area shall mean that area defined by article XIV under general municipal law - -he says that article does not apply to our County airport. It is an improper reference, according to him. He says it should state (shall mean that area defined - -wants to be applicable rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration, particularly F.A.R. part 77 -- loaned us a copy of what was worked out with village of Lansing on same issue. Another technical point there - -we listed two commercial garages in 2 different places on the same list. Termi- nology of allowed uses - -this should be corrected so there is no duplications. The main issue is about simplified procedure. • (2. ) G.Schlecht---- -Point well taken. I guess I have reservations as well. The main point is to be more specific as to what site plan is going to entail. Set out what site plan has to show and were quite clear on those require- ments so that trained professionals could review them and decide whether or not that plan meets requirements. If planning board wants to make a recommendation, that's fine. B.Lavine------ That would certainly be my recommendation - -to have these things come before some kind of public meeting rather than just one individual. G.Schlecht--- - -No doubt the Town Board wants to get out of the business of reviewing things that turn into political decisions as opposed to arbitrary decisions. I suggest you not only make recommendations but also some specifics as to improving process pointing to liability and legality as a strong point to carry to the Board. B.Lavine--- I would like to make a resolution along that line. I'M trying to think how to make that process work with an extra piece about specifics. R.Chase------ -Are you now talking against simplified procedure? B.Lavine--- Well, having a simplified procedure which is merely onel that will involve the review board. R.Chase---- Everyone seemed to agree on a simplified review plan at the last meeting. The only question I see, is this the, criteria we want? Rather than turn back around making !, it more complicated- -this could cover many situations. If there are any concerns that don't meet the listed requirements the board has agreed on, then bring it to the board- -why prolong? B.Lavine------I agree with your focus- -wish it would always be that easy, but there is always a peculiar situation, and don't want one person to be held responsible - -maybe public hearing not necessary - -just bring proposal that meets all listed requirements to a board review for a more public approval. Could have anyone on this review board(Town Board,Planning Board, or Special Board.) I just feel we need more than individual to make final decisions. Could specify no public hearing unless certain specifications, are met. Timing is the main concern at this point. Noone wants to get stuck on a board that has millions of things that are nonsense. But it only takes one not to come before a board that should have and didn't, and you're in a bad way. Both in terms of physical and legal i liability R.Chase------ -If it does go before a board, are you saying that will save us legal liability? B.Lavine------ -Case would be stronger in court if it had gone before a board as opposed to a single officer. I don't feel a public hearing is necessary - -just a review board involving more than one person. R.Chase- - - - - -- -The resolution I would like to see is more to the point of turning this over to the board with a resolution saying we feel that this simplified pro- cedure is the way to go. Do you feel there is any- thing that needs to be clarified, added, etc. and let the board look at it. B.Lavine------ -We did start out to simplify- -I think the process still would be simpler(short procedure). Enable you to pass by all the rigamarole you would normally be involved in for site plan review except for making one presentation and that's the last page of article XXIII. H.Slater------ -Maybe the Town Board already has a direction picked out. G.Schelecht--- -No -- they're leaning toward some simplification, but this draft was clearly an attempt to get something concrete that was out on the floor to be discussed -- one concern is apparently simplification- -might in fact turn out to be more difficult because of the same concern Buzz has - -it is so easy for a citizen group to say the decision was without foundation • and tie whole thing up and you wind up in court and it doesn't become simple - -it becomes more difficult. My concern is that in fact what we're saying implies it's really going to be a mechanism for any citizen group to tie up anything forever. Suggestion - -let's forget about what's in front of you. A procedure that works something like this(without worrying about wording.) A developer comes in - -he haE his site plan which was spelled out(things that are I necessary to show - -he carries it to Sib and bldg. inspector who we envision are working closely on this - -they go down a check list and say yes,yes,yes,� maybe,no - -is this sound, is this covered - -at that point they're all yeses, it's carried to a board, (Town Board, let's say) who looks it over, reviews it says y es. In ost cases we'd. be rubber stamping; their (twoofficers5 decision - -or in those cases where it's checked off maybe or no public hearing. I've got to say that is not going to fly. I A.Chase------- -What you're saying that's different then is Sib would not issue a. permit on the basis - -but he would go directly to the board. G.Schelecht--- -He would make a recommendation based on a spelled out thing which the board would review. B* Lavine------ -Then some board ( Town, Planning or Review Board would review. As long s it ) g gets to that board once that would satisfy me. R.Chase----- How about the time element- -that saying it wouldn't have to be delayed. It would come up at next regular meeting of board. G.Schlecht--- Either of these two guys are available to review • very quickly and give it to town board which meets once a month. B.Lavine---- Then they'd. have to wait perhaps a month? B.Caldwell--- A month is not unreasonable. B.Lavine--- .I thought that was the concern before, that you didn't want to have to wait a month. going on through be asked made for. R.Chase - - ~- - ~It may be a compromise that gets this thing thru. It says a lot of things you can tell a potential builder. B. Lavine---- That's fantastic site plan review that night, if you use that along with certain it could pass right going on through G.Schecht--- ~My concern is anything that is controversial is going to hit right on the fact that one person made the decision. It would be so easy to fight that in court. B.Lavine---- It would be great to have a review by Sib & Gary or whoever the officers are at that time to have that review made complete with a written check list that the board can use as a basis to start from. B.Caldwell ..... It would be so nice and make it so simple if you had it all down on one document. Always the same type of document to review, with all the technical things right in front of you. R.Chase----- At the same time go to the Sib could say there are things you are going to to be asked made for. R.Beck------ At what point did Sib say, no I can't go to the board. Sib may have reservation about certain points. I think that's a point to be made clear. R.Chase----- I think if someone were to come with something that was not an allowed use at that point he could say this is not allowed in that zone, and probably will not be approved. On the other hand he could say you've met all the criteria & can be reasonably sure it will be approved. G.Schlechtvr-- If it's not an allowed use, the site plan is inadequate etc. Sib would just say, "This plan is not adequate and I can't take it to the board. 0 S.Stewart--- Is everything going to go to a site plan review? B.Caldwell--- Or the Town Board or whatever - -but it will be after your review. i J S.Stewart------Well, I wasn't too excited or maybe I was excited about me having the decision on my shoulders. B.Caldwell -- This plan would take that responability off your shoulders. You'd be working with the engineer and by the book and get all the ground work done then present that package to whatever body the Town Board wants it presented to. S.Stewart---Would this meeting have to be advertised? B.Caldwell - -No, I don't think so. The meetings are open to the public but it doesn't have to be a public hearing. R.Chase--- - -I think this is a great idea. You must have very well defined criteria, this will help legally. G.Schlecht- -Key is to be routine. B.Caldwell - -Is this the general concensus then, a short procedure, set criteria. for Sib, then to a Board for final approvalT H.Slater---- Serves both purposes then(expedient and gets to a public review. R.Beck--- -- -The key to the thing is that the developer knows as soon as he begins to talk about it that this must be met - this, this, this, etc. and when it is MBt it can be carried to the board for approval. B.Caldwell - -Is this concensus adequate for you to take to a working session of the Board then? G.Schlecht -- Yes - -I think so- -can you get something in writing that I can show them? R.Chase---- -Could Sib write up something on a check list that you must meet requirements in section 1202, in addition to the enviromental protection form? B.Caldwell - -Do we have a motion that by using the tape of tonight's meeting, I work up a letter to give George to present to the Town Board? So moved by R.Chase Seconded by R.Beck Approved The Town Board can decide what Board to use for the Site Plan Review- (Town Board,Planning Board, or specially chosen Board. B.Caldwell - -I have a question which enters into M.A.Zone - -I think in some of the languages in the proposal it talks about zoning permits which is different than building permit- - What if there is existing facility and it changes ownership and it changes use- -it's still on the list of allowed uses but what do we do, or Sib, or anybody do? Let's say it goes from one use on the list to a quote(more hazardous use)which is still on the list? Do they have to come for a zoning permit for that particular use? Right now we don't have any procedure. • a ~ S.Stewart--- --- -Use changes that are allowed by special permit - -if it's only an allowed use you'd need building permit anyway - -to convert it to the new use. R.Beck--------- -I don't feel we need a special grouping on the list.' H.Slater------ - -It would be very difficult to change business in a building and not have to make physical changes. You would have to get a bldg permit for. B.Raldwell------At our regular meeting next week, March 21st Mr Aist will be here from Snyder Hill Rd. about a small sub - division i S.Stewart------- Someone is coming in to represent Gene Rotunda also - -i (bought quite a lot of land from yellow barn develop went. Wants to build on only 2 lots. B.Caldwell--- -- -That will.ta.ke up a good share of our meeting. Do you want to also plan to work on multiple residents - condo's co -ops at end of meeting or do you want to set a time table by such and such a date we'll have this done? Let's try to start multiple residents and see how it goes. Meeting will start at 8;00 PM next week. Meeting was adjourned at 9;15PM. I