HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-21Town of Dryden Planning Board February 21, The Planning Board met on February 21, 1985 at 8;05 P.M. with members R. l,a.mpila, J. Hunt, B. Lavine, H. Slater, Chr. B. Caldwell, r3. Chase, R. Beck, and representative from the Town Board, M. Webb. • The minutes of the January 1.7th meeting were read. Question as to wording - "site" or "plan" review process - decided to leave a.s written, "plan" review process - B. Lavine made motion to approve minutes, seconded by R. La.mpila - carried. The minutes of the January 22nd mapping session were read. J. Hunt suggested the dimensions of the industrial zone be checked on the tax before approving the minutes. Proposal #2 further clarification - M A zone near the airport boundries will include tax map numbers as follows; Southern boundry as far West and including lot r# 43 -1 -21.2 along the West bord f l er of d 43 -1 -21.2 and�East along the North border up to and including lot /# 42- 1-9.2 and lot /# 42 -1 -11 and the Southern portion of lot f# 42 -1 -30 extending the Southern border border line of lot E# 42 -29 -2.66 across to meet abandoned Stevens Rd., down Stevens Rd. to Lower Creek Rd. (discussion - town map says Schwan Dr. does not mention Abandoned Stevens Rd. - decided to go by tax map) Motion made by J. Hunt, seconded. by B. Lavine to approve minutes with the above clarification - carried, Discussion - Site Review Process - M A zone- Trying to clarify what is meant by site review and when to use and when not necessary. •The only area the Town Board does not quite o along with is the site plan review board as it is set up now. Their general idea. of M A zone is to get it so there would be no public hearing necessary If at all possible. (for Town or Planning Boards) Set it up ahead of time so it is commercial to start with and work could go ahead with building engineer for drainage questions etc, and zoning officer or site review committee made up of whoever needed- rather than having a public hearing - Town Board would like to have set standards for M A with no complications- or delays so a commercial builder could begin right away. J. Hunt - Need to set up buffer zones in criteria for protection with those individuals who abut the zone. M. Webb - No qualms there - Just wondering if can be spelled but so no public hearing necessary. J. Hunt - Once you have first public hearing to designate an ICI A zone,.then set up site review criteria. Discussion - Proposal of rezoning of M A has been presented to the Town Board for a hearing on March 5th, J. Hunt - This should site review requirements This is essential part of R. Lampila - The way t spelled out that anything review a take care of the seeker - but should have nailed down to discuss at public hearing. the process, his proposal is written - very specifically that happens in an M A goes before site ;plan 0 -2- .;: ,7. Town Board has lots of concern about being able to do things expedientially. The members of the development committee also feel this is of the utmost importance. If there is going to be a plan review process, it is important that • it be available what on a day to day basis because things change so rapidly. the same way every time for every one. set up, Seeker requires public hearing on an original change on zoning code - then if set up as administrative R. Lampila - I'm not objectin)g to a plan being reviewed if there Is a problem - what is important is the immediate availability of such a review process on a day to day basis to review changes. B. Caldwell - We need a list of requirements so everyone knows what is what and that it is done the same way every time for every one. Site plan review board is same as title from state - deligated to planning board- May have to use site "committee" instead of "board" B. Lavine:_-- No site plan review board on M A zone proposals then? What about other zones? R. Lampila - Haven't looked at other zones yet. Very different situation M. Webb - with other zones - M A zone very small percentage of town - Other zones get into residential into areas. J. Hunt - I think we need to retain site plan review for any good size development. B. Caldwell - still be Seeker process on any individual building permit or use permit. R. Beck - Buffer each residential area anyway - Then come up with recomendation that is of a nature to get the job done without having to have a public hearing and that will still protect the residents - if you have a natural boundry you may not need much, but if there is nothing there we need to set up minimum standards for buffers no matter what moves in M A. Made one copy of Proposal for Public Hearing for B. Caldwell. She will make more copies and give them to those who need them before the Feb. 28th meeting. J. Hunt suggested we set a. schedule for getting rest of zones so • we can present town board with revised zoning code. * Feb. 28th 7:30 P.M. Planning & Town Board. Mtg.(reword Proposal) Working session March 14 at 7:30 to revise zones and codes. Motion made by Hunt to adjourn meeting, seconded by Lavine. Meeting adjourned 9:30 P.M. 0 ' Secretary N M. Webb - I agree - Principal and procedure. • J. Hunt - Need to get list on paper - Want to turn site plan review into administrative process rather than review board, Once you have It set up, Seeker requires public hearing on an original change on zoning code - then if set up as administrative process the seeker is not as involved. Administrative officer must justify decisions on basis of criteria given them by planning board. Zoning officer still needs environmental impact statement, short form from beginning of this, to make his decision if Type 1 or Type 2. B. Caldwell - still be Seeker process on any individual building permit or use permit. R. Beck - Buffer each residential area anyway - Then come up with recomendation that is of a nature to get the job done without having to have a public hearing and that will still protect the residents - if you have a natural boundry you may not need much, but if there is nothing there we need to set up minimum standards for buffers no matter what moves in M A. Made one copy of Proposal for Public Hearing for B. Caldwell. She will make more copies and give them to those who need them before the Feb. 28th meeting. J. Hunt suggested we set a. schedule for getting rest of zones so • we can present town board with revised zoning code. * Feb. 28th 7:30 P.M. Planning & Town Board. Mtg.(reword Proposal) Working session March 14 at 7:30 to revise zones and codes. Motion made by Hunt to adjourn meeting, seconded by Lavine. Meeting adjourned 9:30 P.M. 0 ' Secretary N