HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-20Town of Dryden Planning Board September 20th, 1984 The Planning.Board met on September 20th, 1984 at 8 :00 P.M. with Chairwoman •B. Caldwell calling the meeting to order and Bd..members'R. Lampila, J. Hunt, R. Beck, R. Chase, rep. from the Town Bd. G. Schlecht, and Z.O. S. Stewart present. A public hearing was scheduled to consider the application of Phil Winn con- cerning Rolling Meadows Sub division on E. Lake Rd. and Watros Rd* to ask.that the subdivision map be made to conform to the actual situation; the only change being the lot line between lots 1 and 2 of the sub division. Sub division approv- al was acquired from Lynn Wright in 1973. Subsequent to that approval, lot 1 was sold and built upon by Elmer Gainer, which was built too close to the lot line to comply with zoning. A revision was made to the deed for Mr. Gainer, but, the map was never revised. A Letter from John Anderson was read,, saying the Health Dept. had no objec- tions, On motion by J. Hunt, second by R. Lampila, that this map be amended and with all members voting cast a unanimous vote in favor of granting this request. Old Business On the continuation of discussion on the Dryden Enterprise sub = off. R. Beck asked if any other business had to put in sidewalks as a pre - condition. There was discussion that the high school has been at it's present location . for 15 years and kids have walked from the Village to school without sidewalks. Also an observation was made that most people go places in cars, such as to the grocery store and it would not draw or increase that much pedestrian traffic. A good road and adequate parking would be important within the sub - division. J. Hunt stated he agreed it would be unreasonable to make Dryden Enter. put in sidewalks and is out of this Bd's hands. This being the last point of concern and discussion, Chr. Caldwell asked for preliminary approval of the subdivision, subject to certain conditions. On motion by R. Beck, second by R. Chase, a unanimous vote was cast to grant pre- liminary approval, with the following stipulations: 1. the cost of the construction of the increase or improvement facility with in the sub - division shall be the expenses of Dryden Enterprise and that sub- division approval be granted only ypon such conditions (with regard to sewer) 2. that the drainage pattern will be along Rt. 38 going west accordin to the DOT plan. 3. curb cuts- lot 1 entrance only off Enterprise Dr., lot 2 only entrance off Enterprise Dr.,if lot 3 is sold with lot 2- entrance only off Enterprise Dr., if lots 2,3, & 4 sold together- entrance only off Enterprise Dr., if lots 3 & 4 sold together- one entrance onlu onto Rt. 38, if lots 3 & 4 sold separatly- one entrance each onto Rt. 38, on lot C (3.'90 acres) any building shall be at least the minimum setback from the proposed extention of Enterprise Dr. 4. on site retention of water. The peak draihage' will be no greater after development than drainage before. Dryden Enterprise thanked the Planning Bd. as did Mayor Lane for this Bd's consideratione if no changes are made and if all of the provisions are met and the Town Attorney agrees they have been, final approval can be given. Chr..Caldwell extended an invitation to the Village Bd. members on areas of mutual interest on the rezoning of ordinances. R. Chase moved that a letter be written to the Town Bd., Village Bd, and school Bd. for them to seriously pursue the safety/pedestrian-issue with regards to the Dryden Enterprise subdivision. Second by R. Lampila, vote all yes. Motion carried. Mr. Bailey was present to ask to subdivide 4 lots. This Bd. needed a map showing the intent of his proposal. The motion was made by R. Chase to adjourn and seconded by R. Lampila. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Jane Koelsch Secretary 9