HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-19i Town of Dryden Planning Board July 19th, 1984 ®The Planning Board met on July 19th, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. with members R. Lamp - ila, J. Hunt, Chairwoman B. Caldwell, B. Lavine, R. Chase, E. Dollaway, and Z: O. S: Stewart present. Chr. Caldwell called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. for the public hear- ing for the Dryden Enterprise proposed sub - division. Clyde Cotterill explained the proposal may have a couple of changes in size of parcels making parcel 7 just under 5 acres and parcel 8 5.11 acres. There were no other proposed changes. Chr. Caldwell asked for correspondance from DOT which Mr. Cotterill was sup- posed to bring with him tonight. Mr. Cotterill reported the meeting scheduled with DOT had been postponed until the following week on the proposed plans along Rt. 38. Mr. Cotterill had just picked up the maps and had not had a chance to talk to Co. Planning either. R. Chase asked about the angle of the extension on Goddard's property and Cotterill explained If it was extended straight, it would be back in a swamp to- wards Mott Rd. Village Board of Trustees present included Mayor Lane, Herb Whetzel, and Don McCrimmon. Mayor Lane commented that the proposed sub: division, as the:Vi1- lage is putting sewer through that area, however, the Village feels that this is a good example of poor planning and they are getting the cart way before the horse. The road is in place and now there are hearings on the sub - division. The Village's concerns with regard to this sub- division are traffic safety and ® potential run -off. The new road across from Lewis St, in the Village is feared to become a by- pass for the traffic light at 13 and 38 and at the four corners, causing a greater number of accidents on Lewis St. and Lewis St. Extension. The run -off from this area runs into the Village into Egypt Creek. The Vil- lage went on record strongly opposing this due to the inadequacy of the Town bridge on Lewis St. and the low banks of Egypt Creek. Egypt Creek is susceptible to ice jams and is a creek which floods houses. Mayor Lane read portions o.f a letter from Co. Planning, Brian McElvey, dated March 23rd. "...enclosed are my observations. 1. Due to problems the Village of Dryden has already had with regards to flooding, it is 'my view to impose strict performance standards relating to run -off water on this site. These restrictions could include, a) containment of run -off water during con- struction to prevent erosion and siltation of streams, b) on site impoundment to contain excessive run -off water caused by the development of roads, buildings, parking lots, etc., and c) new run -off should not exceed existing run -off prior to development." Clyde Cotterill said his group concurrs that the water should be drained along Rt. 38. He said the Dryden Groton Insurance is putting in a dry well, as should all developers with large parcels. ® Don McCrimmon stated his concern about pedestrian traffic along Lewis St. and 38 up to the High School.and that a combined effort between the Town and Village for sidewalks be made. Fred Apgar, a resident on 38 by the proposed sub- division, had concerns''of safety and drainage along his property. He is worried about the the ditch i; I „ i t 4 i I� i i I� I i 1 t} �i '1 i going in front, of his house. Curb cuts onto 38 from lots 2,3, and traffic that could use Ellis Drive rather Ideas presented: A public road going across the back of lots 2, 3, and 4, a private d tive across those lots, the idea of restricting the access to lots 3 and 4 should lots 2,3, and 4 be developed individually, restricting access to lots 3 and 4 to a common access and making Ellis -Drive one way. 4 are concerns and is believed any than 38 would be best. This Bd. felt they did not have information required from Mr. Cotterill for this meeting. He was read what needs to be on a sketch plan and a prelim- inary plat. A contour map would also be helpful. Chr. Caldwell said she felt the Bd. did not have enough information to make a decision tonight. B. Lavine moved to recess this public hearing and Board meetin, yes. Motion on Augi arri ed . st 16th, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. Second reconvene at the Planni by J. Hunt. Vote- all An update on Bob Porteous's sub- division was given by Chr. Caldwell. His lot 6 is far enough away from wetlands as not to be a concern. Phil Winn wants to alter a sub- division of Lynn Wrights for filing. It will require a public hearing, which will be on August 16th, 19840 There will be an informational meeting for Freeville on August 30th. Any members from this Bd. are urged to attend. Flood damage.proposed local law will be considered at the next meeting. A correction to June's minutes should be Cayler Paige as a person present at that meeting. J. Hunt moved to accept the June minutes as revised. Second by R. Lampila Vote- all yes. Motion carried. On motion for adjournment by H. Hunt and second by R. Chase, the meeting adjourned at 4:54 P.M. 9 Jane Koelsch Secretary