HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-21Town of Dryden Planning Board June 21st, 1984 The Planning Board met on June 21st, 1984 at 8 :00 P.M. with members R. Lampila, J. Hunt, Be Lavine,Chr. Be Caldwell, R. Chase, R. Beck, and Z.O. S. Stewart.present. The meeting was called to order by Chr. Caldwell for the scheduled public hearing for Robert Porteus for a proposed sub - division on the corner of West Dryden Rd. and Wood Rd. He presented maps and explained that a 10 acre lot will be divided into six parcels and will be. approximately 220 ft. by 330 ft. Total length is 1320 ft. from West Dryden Rd. going north. Wetlands are a concern. From the maps presented, it appears that the wetlands extend along the creek on this property. Mr. Porteus asked what would be in- volved if wetlands were involved. This Bd. would only be able to provission- ally approve this project dependant on D.E.C. approval. Lots 6 and 5 would be the lots in question-with regards to wetlands. The lot on the corner has already been sold and has been numbered lot 1. J. Hunt asked if these lots are involved in wetlands is the full SEAR process tequired. The answer is yes, as it's a. critical environmental area. The SEQR process was explained to Mr. Porteus. in addition to the time require- ments for the procedure which would take approximately 2 months, an EIS would also be needed. The maps presented make it impossible to determine what is and is not in the wetlands. DEC or County Planning could provide larger maps. Mr. Porteus has purchasers for a couple of the lots, but, would keep minimum size of 120 ft. Chr. Caldwell explains that this Bd. has 45 days at least at this point to take any action. If Mr. Porteus could take his maps to the DEC and get a written opinion from them as to whether it comes under any pro- visions of the wetlands and get it back to us, we would know 'and you would know what direction to take. Steps defined by the Planning Board. Mr. Porteus will go to DEQxto try and get a determination as to where the wetlands are in relation to-.the whole sub - division lots one thru six. If we get written authorization that the wetlands do not affect these properties, then we could make a motion tonight that upon receipt of this letter and on conditions of the usual Heallh Dept. approval, we'could approve this sub - division. If DEC says wetlands affect lot 6, we could approve lots 1 thru 5.and Mr. Porteus could come back to us on lot 6 at a later time. If it is in the wetlands and you want the whole thing approved, we could start the SEQR process. If DEC says there's nothing to do with the wetlands on this set of proper- ties, you can get.that to me and by motion here tonight, if this body so moves, they could authorize me to sign any maps necessary if the DEC gives us the green light. The Health dept. then does their thing. If property is in wet - lands.we then will have to go thru the longer procedure,that's the law. Also a minor revision could•be done on lot 6 if wetlands affect only a small por- tion of the contiguous 100 ft. required. The boundary of lot 6 could be changed. On motion by John Hunt, seconded by Ron Beck and with all members voting, cast a unanimous ballot that: We tentatively approve the sub-division contingent upon clearance by the DEC and Health Department that Chai'two- man Caldwell sign the map when these contingencies are met. Tentative approval of the:_sub- division meaning not within 100 feet of the wetlands. The hearing closed at 8 :47 P.M. Clyde Cotterill, representing Dryden Enterprise Inc. was present to ex- • plain he is not going to develop land, but, to sell it for commercial develop- ment. He has sold 2 parcels and now it comes under sub-division regulations and he does not know how to divide it.as he does not know what future buyers will want. The only other proposed sale is 3.9 acres to Ron Goddard who owns adjoining land (the most westerly, northerly corner). Mr. Cotterill asked for direction from the Planning Bd. as he does not know how to divide it. The Planning Bd. suggested he divide it into minimum size lots required by zoning. Mr. Cotterill commented that .'it would almost be easier to come here each time someone wants to buy and ask for approval that. -way. B. Caldwell had 'a question on the 3.9 acres being sold to Goddard. When it's used to augment an existing parcel, there's a question as to whether that's a lot. She feels that this is a question for the Town Attorney. Mr. Cotterill explained the sewer will be put in this summer. There has been no agreement to bring Village water there as yet. After making one revision, Mr. Cotterill submitted his map for preliminary approval and it was accepted at that time. Needed will be: An EAF, a public hearing, scheduled for July 19th at 8:00 P.M., something in writing from DOT on the 3 curb cuts. Also any correspondance from DOT as this Bd. would like to know what has transpited, a letter from the Co. Planning Depto for their review to bring to the hearing. The lot sold for Paul's needs to be included in the sub - division. Get something from the the Town Attorney in writting, to the Planning Bd, as to whether the 3.9 acres to Goddard is considered one of the 3 lots to make it a sub - division. A copy of the notice of the public hearing will be sent to the Village of Dryden. The regular meeting opened at 9:30 P.M. On motion by John Hunt, second by Ron Chase, all members voted unanimously in favor of accepting the minutes of the May 17th meeting as submitted. There was a report on the informational meetings around the Town in Etna, Bethel Grove, Varna and Ellis Hollow. Attendance varried from 8 to':-35. J. Hunt went over the maps in detail showing the physical limitations:- The gen- eral plan needing updating was discussed, how population has changed and changes in family living patterns. General impressions were that people would like more protection from the zoning code, more restrictions. Suggestions for the Industrial Develop ment committee was that development be clumped rather than strung out along a main road. They did not hear one person say that zoning codes are too restri- ctive. Some concerns and things to still keep in mind are building capabil- ities because of soil types, bar multiple housing where there aren't public services. Three people were present to hear discussion on zoning Susan McCormick made the comment to put agriculture and livestock where there's room to have it. Mr. Carlin from Ellis Hollow, complimented J. Hunt and B. Caldwell on their presentation. Chic Hardesty was strongly opposed to zoning and more protection from zoning. He does not want to be told what kind of dwelling he can and can't live in and how far back from the road to place it. He claims there are a -lot of people out there that feel this way. J. Hunt moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by B. Lavine. Vote- all yes. Motion carries. The meeting adjourned at 10 #) P.M. An informational meeting for Dryden, Yellow Barn, Kimberly and Lake Roads and any other interested parties will be held on Wednesday, June 27th at 8:00 P.M. at the Dryden Town Hall* I Respectfully submitted, i' Jane Koel.sc