HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-19p�Fnninc;. -fio ^r(I 7'j�.,`; own, of ;)ryden eJ O�A�� 11/19/i6 Present: Cha .rman B. Caldwetl, Board Members J. Lyon, k. hibel, '1. li,thl, R. Tiirecek, ZG Stewart, TB Mem. J . Graham. �ent t oa.rd Member V . Proqlx Jim_Shi22y North + ood_ lid. � Etna, NY_ Trailer situation on 'forth flood and Hone Plain Roads. Mr. Shippy asked that a study be made, and asked for a moratorium on the issltanc•e of b1iilding permits while the st!idy is made. Vr. Shippy referred to a legal memorandum from the N.Y. Dept. of State. He said the co"r-ps have rjiled such action proper as long as the moratorium had a reasonable time period. Mr. hippy stated he has noihiiag against hailers that are there now, butt thinks there is a saturation point. he feels' the way it is now yo!i are either foreibd to sell or t1trn your property into a trailer park. �fi chael Ro "'ers — Forth Wood Rd . I' V.r. Rogers I'ePls that yo,l shoiil'd be able to place it Mobile Home anyplace you want. Why sho,il.d they have to be in a Vobile Home Park, Also, Air. Rogers feels he should. be able to p!it trailer on his own land regardless of whether or not there is a 51.00,000. or 8200,0i O. house next to it. Mr. Rogers said all you need for a t:ra.iler is a septic system per health Dept. and electricity. Fie sta -ted ,yo,i can always get water from yo�ir LlPig)hbOrS d ! Alton Stetson — orth Wood Rd. Stetson stated that M!r. Shipy pl_irchased swamp land. Also, he stated it is. oiir land, why can't we do what we want with it. C. Stetson — North Wood Rd. Mr. Stetson stated he has some jack in his front yard and will riot move ii vinti 1 he is �Tood and ready. Several of the trailer owners deal in junk. Ramey Dennis � North Wood Rd . _ Asked abort zoning in 'this particliar area. \;r. Shippy moved in RC zone, sholil.d have noticed trailers on north hood itd. when he purchased his property. C. Ha.r(iesty_ T) yden, NY ^'asked a.botit holisi.ng situation. Feels everyone has Lae right; Lo live where they want to live. Cary_Pro!ilx �Ocean T'r. {r. Prolil.x stated he has not -Mriv against trailers. reels trailers are over - satlirated on none Plain Rd. N'r. Pro!ilx owns 10 acres on road and is aon- strictinFT a ho^e on said road. Feels trailers are too close together, snollid have better planning. u Planning Board t'own of Pryden Robert Owen - North Wood Rd. Page 2 it /19 /rib Mr. Shippy Vember stated "i'. B!ihl piit in trailers are crowded. on lots now, what wbuid they be iike on smaller Zoning home Ord. sees owners. tots. \jinim1im matter as far as sewage discuss to Board standards Cotterill Vember are "i'. B!ihl piit in stated. place for Zoning home Ord. sees owners. ceirtain sta:Aards. Health Dept. \jinim1im matter as far as sewage discuss to system the matter, and water. to see Also, if up if chanlies not happy are in with Ord. order. come to a meeting and The Planning Board agreed to st,idy their own inve7ti7ation Before the preliminary recommendation to the Mnorx Corp. Dryden, NY the si tlia ti on , with the memuers conducting ` iiec.. 1976 meeting and trying to fcrm a gown board by the January meeting. i'egnest Cotterill for a aubdivion where six Rd.. houses now exist. i'he lots board agreed to consider,if stated. the road is bro,ight up to town specifications plans and a pubiie railroad crossing is established.. Earlier the Board had tuned down subdivision plans. because the houses which were built in the 1960's are not on a public Rd. C. Cotterill - Virgil Rd.. Dryden NY - 2 lots w±r. • Cotterill stated. he is proceeding* with plans on Virgil tid. Respec tflilly submitted ,V. ary Bryant, Aec . aec .