HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-21-'iOwn Planning Y,o.,.rd Town of I'ryden Oct. 21, 19r46 Present: Char• man Caldwell, L'oi - rd Members J Lyon, a. lurecei., A. l:il.el sent I3oa.rd 'embers J. Wargo, M. Prolilx, °`. 1;,_thl P Rocco Lucente — k+r. B,tck ; �teadowla.rk Lane Apr;roved for 1.9 lots. in process of Ha.virtp I tiond posted for gown. necessary improvements on map made as red,jesteel oy Planning Board. Itoad compieted for all practical purposes to a certain point. Bond fit;,.tre was �)�-1,000. for completion of road. Have a 7 tarn— a.— aro+tnd. Lot r-20 will not Lie co:r,piet.ed. Votion made oy Board I'emher lt. trecek to ant}rorize Chairmen Caldwell to sil:;n any papers necessary, accordi.np to sown il.ttornev Helen rlmd tr. board Member J. Lyon seconded motion. Vr. Peralman — (reystone 1,)r. , I;ryden, \Y — Aiea.dows Edge Developn.ent Vr. Peralman stated that on Sat. Oct. :), 1976 there was a her,.vy rain; and the creek i�lehind his home overflowed and t,iore was wat.cr in his basement. 'ihis property i s in Drydon Vi 1.l.alje, anti L ,Fe Planni.nr; Bos.rd s tt gested to fir. Peralman that he (ro i)efore t, Ire, Villa :e sward. also, the :t) ;;; •` o �.ld ire contacted. Pla.nnin� Board will. pass on concern to the :own Ijoard. Yonorox Corp. - P. Jensen — Dryden Halls lee ood Dr. Not rental purposes. Fir 50' right —of —way bac interested in p•trcha Ppltrchase 1 ho:tse is matter is lep;a.l a p on-i,a I; o sink as h co,t +tblic road .. rive years a "o oltilt 3 properties for fie %9' on roar i.e 16 if,.; 0 dil'1'icTtlt tine 4Lcuring property het,ween Conrriil rind Cornets laud, bs fiver 3 horses and ii.vinl, in one. Another u,tyer wishes P is alr(= :Ay res..idirtk,; in one home. One solution j.n rt . ,..ction. Vartha Ferger — Dryden, NY r ±! r �a 1 pr s. Fewer s . FerO-er so, as an operty on asked the hoard abo•tt a parcei of property in Varna, NY (ict. :56(i) sltp'vested this parcel of property sho)id oe made into a '�ow-n Park, excess to the creek. the Planr,in r L-.oard suei,ed that Cornell owns both sides of creek. Other Rltsiness - Praft - `Labl.ed,itnt.il next, month so Loard \'embers can ;eL chance to read draf -t. Pokers, duties next month, and common responsii)ilities u.t pla.nninr; hoard tabled ointii. rrndat.e on Co tnty action — Co tnt.y Yo tt,h L'irre�, i — 1'i.nai report presented to Cortnty Plannino . No action taken. MIC — ?tniform lend size — apai.nst 1.' acre min. 11ot size as menus to promote ea,jctive Community Concept. lies f,ec t.f tlly S11-0n;i tied Nary isryant, 6ec.