HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-17planni.mr Board '!'own of' Drvden � d J erne i'1 , 1976 Present: Chairman '3. Caldwell, Loard N'embers 1L. t,rrecek, i3,rhl, J. Har�o 70 S . Stewart, ;'own Board V ember• Janet u sham . A •t: Board \'ember 1 Proiilx _I1nt�Cotter.i.. I - ,�o>>tl_1 Kno11_i:r.I den�_;;.Y._ One b•ii a.pn Boa 1'�i r 1 of 1.0 i n rova ecek c sr, 1. PM rea hole her eco ted by road ctia se. Overa.11. si pprovinrJ as add T. Blihl. offere nded motion. C n.e be ze 1.2 i t i ona. d mo?i arried t,r,een :.�ecti on ,� 1 and In process uf' 4 '., over 300' frontage. health Dept. 1 lot on :secLton tr2. can to acid lot to section 130ard ,1:emijer it. Clint ('ol terill. - Virgil Rd.__ i;rrvden, Vr. Cotterili. presented ske ,ch I,i.a.n to tike uoard for review. beexing Permit for 2 houses. Lot sizes 100' to /,)0' depth - or , ,'. .Lots - �UU' frontage. Owns 70 aerr:ts - 20 to 'M _acres in Cort.ljrri(i l;uitr3Ly. Asicinl; health Dept . ar);>rovaI for 2 lots. Six - hundred road fronuage un each side ofd road. Planning Board wogild like to see total plan of pruperLy on pnf)er, even Lilo :Joh pitrnning to blrild only 2 horses. PlrAnrii_rlp hoard w< ±nes to Have some sort oi' guideline to follow. Vr. Cotterill plans to b!rild a home of his own on property tni.s year ( 1976) or next (1977). Qlrestion was raised wiiaL procedure 'to propose for public road. For the '!'own to < ccept ro ;d, a p!rblie hearinj has to be schec !ifed. Gas a.ncl Plectri.c Co. does not like to r1in lines inlesdi on a 1)1.iblic road. 'l his can be (?one on a priviate road for a cerL 1'.rr clist<, lice , then ilre rest a.t owners expense. Vr. Co�terili_ will hive plan drrn'n !rp. Will contact Plannink, zioard in re.�7arrls to date for Plrblic Hearing in J111y. n< ('olrnty Comprehensive >ewiage btlydy i)y v'hrieri and Gere - Chairman Ca well said the !'ompkins Colrnty uoijr'd of lieijl Lh does nut. wFint to decide on Ti.nim im or maxiT im dot size. Ko r,, a.1 decision made at Colrnty level at prezerit•. 'orrpkins. Cminty ilt r�!.th Board felt that the imiaiementa.tion of the 6elecL'ive r :ommlrni ty plan was !:eyond thol -r jirri sda Lion. iii sclissi on of the consideration for fn Lure desirable lot sizes, long- ra nge planning? for Lhe 'own bier se was cocrc l!ided by the Cha Lrma•n, asAing. that Planning Bmird members should (dirri.n;o L:iie sumnerj: 1 . Familiarize se.l..f with basic plan .l or proposed Selective Corrm,rnity. 2. ;:asi_c maps and data, of lown old l:ryden. 3. Prepare list f'or themselves which they feel are pros iund cons old the plan. Veeti np n. 30 Ad jo,irned: P.k . kespectf'ii1. ly 61ibmJ. Lted ,,?ary Bryant, Sec.