HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVFC Deed 19891326
011i5 Qlain1rlj urr. made the /5 day of
brt ween .
Enfield Main Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
LIBER 644 PAcE 105
, ,� Z—C s / 1489,
TOM OF ENFIELD the Grantor, and
Enfield Center
Ithaca, NY 14850
wr ` the Grantees.
1Ui211r:i!JV1IR, that the Grnrttor, in consideration o/ One Dollar curd other good nrul valuable
cunsiderminn paid by the Grantees, docs hereby grant and relcusc woo the Grurrtees, their tusi;;nt.
j the surrivor o/ the Grruttees nrul the heirs and assigns of such survivor forever,
ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of
Enfield, County of Tompkins, State of New York, being a part of Lot
No. 52 in said Town of Enfield, and bounded and described as follows:!
BEGINNING in the center of the highway running north and south
through the Hamlet of Enfield Center, at the southeast corner or
property of Enfield Valley Grange No. 295, Patrons of Husbandry, Inc.!
:as described in Deed recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office
in Liber 210 of Deeds.at page 368; running from thence westerly along!
the southerly boundary of said property of the Grange to a point in
said boundary which is directly south of the well on the Grange
property; thence running southerly to a point in the northerly
(boundary of lands now or•formerly of Herbert Curry, which point is
100 feet westerly from the center of said highway, measured along thel
:northerly boundary of Herbert Curry; thence running easterly along
said northerly boundary of Herbert Curry to the center of said 1
highway; thence running northerly along the center of said highway tol
the place of beginning. II
Also, being a part of Lot No. 52 in said Town, and bounded and
=described as follows:
' BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of premises conveyed to `
ithe Grantor herein by Deed dated June 4, 1948 and recorded in the
!Tompkins County Clerk's Office in Liber 314 of Deeds at page 160,
;which point is directly south of a well located on the adjoining
:premises of the Enfield Valley Grange.No. 295 near the boundary line
between said adjoining premises and premises of the Grantor; thence
westerly, on the northerly line of premises of the Grantor extended
westerly a distance of 30 feet to a point; thence southerly parallel
;to the westerly line of said premises of the Grantor, to a point in II
'the northerly boundary of Herbert Curry premises 30 feet to the
southwesterly corner of said premises of the Grantor; thence
northerly along the westerly boundary of said premises of the Grantor
to the place of beginning.
Being the same premises conveyed to the Grantors herein by Deeds
..from Harry Willis dated June 4, 1948 and recorded in said Clerk's
Office on October 11, 1948 in Liber 314 of Deeds at page 160 and by
Deed dated March 24, 1966 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on I
March 28„ 1966 in Liber 461 of Deeds at page 1068.
This conveyance is conditioned upon the Grantees use of the
.property for Town or Town approved community purposes for a period of
ten (10) years from the date of this Deed or this conveyance shall'.
'become void and the title conveyed herein shall revert to the
Grantor. 1
The Grantor hereby reserves a right of way being 20 feet in width
runriing along the northerly border of the herein described premises with the North
.line being the division line between the above described premises and the premises
:owned by Enfield Valley Grange, PatrrorLs of Husbandry, No. 295, Inc. (210/368).
Said right of way is for ingress and egress to properties currently owned by the
Grantor which adjoin the within described prenises to the West.
liDfR` 644 06
This coorveyan-tce is subject to a mortgage given by the Grantor to Citizens
Savings Bank, F.S.B. on February 4, 1988 in the sum of $225,000.00 said mortgage
having been recorded in the TcrT4dns County Clerk's Office on February 4, 1988
in Liber 533 of Mortgages at page 814
MovOrr scith the appurtenances and aU the estate and rights of th& Grantor is mut so
said premises.
�D 44th pith to Bulb the premises herein granted unto the Grantees, their assigns,
the'survivor o/ the Grantees and the heirs and assigns of such survivor forever.
AND said Grantor covenant as follows:
FIRST. That the Grantees shall quietly enjoy the said premises.
SECOND. That the Grantor will forever WARRANT tits title to said premises.
THIRD. That, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, the Grantor will receive the
consideration /or this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust
fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the
same first to the payment o/ the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of
the wine for any other purpose.
If more than one person joins in the execution o/ this deed, and i/ any be at the female sex,
ora corporation, the relative words herein shall be read as if written in the plural, or in the fern•
mine or neuter gender, as the case may be.
3n Nittinin ]tW11Prrof this deed has been duly executed by the Grantor.
1301IINIC R. President
�. S.
r, S.
T, S.
On this day of February 1989 before me personally came
to me personally known and who, being duly sworn, did depose and say that
f he resides in Ithaca;.that he .is the President of the Enfield Volunteer Fire
f'. t Company, Inc., the corporation described in and which executed the above
instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed
to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the
4: Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by
order of the Board of Directors of said corporation.
Tomkins County. 55: `K i�
n ..^.etvrc�erl )n the r(. .... Dov of C 19� •. &n � � . 4I17IL
t .�• S,5 0 [ ock /F'M., in tibci .....lsa.5!'�....... of My Comrmsw Exes Mrvh 40, ar'�"
s of image ..... ��457 ........ and exomincd.
4 i
MA!; 1 1989
TUhI ,K!N5
('o lNIY
MovOrr scith the appurtenances and aU the estate and rights of th& Grantor is mut so
said premises.
�D 44th pith to Bulb the premises herein granted unto the Grantees, their assigns,
the'survivor o/ the Grantees and the heirs and assigns of such survivor forever.
AND said Grantor covenant as follows:
FIRST. That the Grantees shall quietly enjoy the said premises.
SECOND. That the Grantor will forever WARRANT tits title to said premises.
THIRD. That, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, the Grantor will receive the
consideration /or this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust
fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the
same first to the payment o/ the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of
the wine for any other purpose.
If more than one person joins in the execution o/ this deed, and i/ any be at the female sex,
ora corporation, the relative words herein shall be read as if written in the plural, or in the fern•
mine or neuter gender, as the case may be.
3n Nittinin ]tW11Prrof this deed has been duly executed by the Grantor.
1301IINIC R. President
�. S.
r, S.
T, S.
On this day of February 1989 before me personally came
to me personally known and who, being duly sworn, did depose and say that
f he resides in Ithaca;.that he .is the President of the Enfield Volunteer Fire
f'. t Company, Inc., the corporation described in and which executed the above
instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed
to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the
4: Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by
order of the Board of Directors of said corporation.
Tomkins County. 55: `K i�
n ..^.etvrc�erl )n the r(. .... Dov of C 19� •. &n � � . 4I17IL
t .�• S,5 0 [ ock /F'M., in tibci .....lsa.5!'�....... of My Comrmsw Exes Mrvh 40, ar'�"
s of image ..... ��457 ........ and exomincd.
4 i
LIBER 644 eAcE 107
1. i11Z!)
THIS INDENTURE, made this I" t. day of March, 1989
between the TOWN OF ENFIELD, a municipal corporation, having
offices at Enfield Main Road (State Route 327), Ithaca, New York
14850, located in the County of Tompkins, State of New York, Party
of the first part, and the ENFIELD VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY,
INC., a corporation -organized under the laws of the state of New
York, having offices at Enfield Main Road (State Route 327), Ithaca,
New York 14850, Party of the second part,
WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part in
consideration of One Dollar ($1.00), lawful money of the United
States, and other good and valuable consideration, paid by the party
of the second part, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, has granted and released, and by these presents does
grant and release to the party of the second part:
A right of way twenty (20') feet in width running 150 feet
more or less along the southern boundary of the premises of the
party of the first part located in the Town of Enfield, County of
Tompkins, and State of New York (Liber 462 page 753), from the
centerline of the Enfield Main Road to the west boundary line of the
party of ` the first part, being also the east boundary line of premises
of the party of the second part (Liber 591 page 607);
TOGETHER with the free right of ingress and egress over
and across such property for vehicles and pedestrians, for so long as
the party of the second party, its successors and assigns, use the
premises to the west as a fire station or other facility in connection
with the protection of the .public from the threat of fire and other
TOGETHER with the right to construct, maintain and repair
a driveway over and across said premises, to the premises of the
party of the second part;
Such use shall be in common with the party of the first
part, provided that neither party shall park any vehicle or otherwise
block or render the driveway unusable; and
Notary PublO / Town �lerk
Notary Public, State of Now York
Duatified in Tompkins County' `�q �
Commission bpiroa February 26, f / 1 1
Tompkins County, ss: yy�
IF Recorded on the.... -J-104 ...... Do of � .
...P:. .r.. o`clo�cnk . M., in i_icur ..�o r7�............. of
o/ .............
�0.7 g of page ....... ............... ae:aj e;commed.
........... ... • ........... Clark
LsER 644 PACE 108
As to the eastern
fifty (50') feet of the above-described
premises, the party of the
first part makes no warranty as to its
ownership of the premises.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has
hereunto set its hand and seal, the day and year first above written.
�'—` 12ECEiVLD
t, y
r:�rt--r; ; •x
Etta C. Gray V/% `
Town Supervisor
On this P"y day of March, 1989, before me personally
appeared Etta C. Gray, to me
known to be the Supervisor of the Town
of Enfield, Tompkins County,
New York, being duly authorized by the
Town Board of the Town
of Enfield to execute the foregoing
Notary PublO / Town �lerk
Notary Public, State of Now York
Duatified in Tompkins County' `�q �
Commission bpiroa February 26, f / 1 1
Tompkins County, ss: yy�
IF Recorded on the.... -J-104 ...... Do of � .
...P:. .r.. o`clo�cnk . M., in i_icur ..�o r7�............. of
o/ .............
�0.7 g of page ....... ............... ae:aj e;commed.
........... ... • ........... Clark