HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 EVFCTHIS AGREMM, made as of November by
the TOWN BOARD OTY Z E T� !-,.' CY, 1E, I FIELD, County of aad As te of-
NexT lbrk, aeting-pursuant to authority conferred UPon It by Metion 184
of the TVWK law an the cry f the first nart, an?.' EN.- -Vr'---LitmTEE_R
FIRE COMPAKY, MQ ed. the Tom of EmQeQ,-,--,-,unty of Tomp-hins, hot
Mte of Now- YorkI at party—of 1"o second pnrtJ1TKSSEadv.
WURNAS, there hbeen duly e5tablished in the said Taun of
Enfield a fire nrotention district incinding the entire territory of
said Awn of Afleidy end
!WHEREAS, mlovir7 a 7ablia henring MY held an provided lip.
Section 184 of the Town Lawl the party of the first part du ly MY Urizeed
the Ming of a eantroct with the pFrty of the second'psK for firle
protettion sere i" -Ir; sai''.'', Enfield Fire Protection D1,rlyt Upan the
terms and canditions hereinafter set forth and
WHEREAS4 this spreemert has also been duly anthorized by the
Ward cf Directors cf the party of the second part,
KU ERME Gih the paxty ef the first part does hereby engage
t1he party of the secend nem` rt to furrish fire nrotection to said fi
e.. s ,s
urnismuch fire protection in the manner felYwing to AU
14 Re party of rhe second nart nt all fid ,..t during the perMed-
of this zgreement shall be subject tc oQ! for atterdance upon nny.and..,
all fires accuring in said fire arntecticr Ustrict, and, when notifled
by Plarmi telephone call or ctterwise of a fire within said fire
protecticn district, tho zKo norty of the second prt shall respond And
attend upon the fire without delay end vith sultnbla ledfarIMUMV, hose
and her apparatus of the perty K the secoV port,Uynn arrival at the
sceno of any such fire the narty ef tKa second p7zt chall proceed to
e7tinguish the same and sin!! usn Cc Most enQeavurs to prevent loss
of life or property in connention therevitVin,
a in order to effectually : c .rr t t -, �q e
cr_ t
PaPtY of.the aeeand rart agrees that it will at all times keep and,,
maintain t` ifirst-class revair and order suitable mo ized fire-
apporatus with pumpert b6aster tnrV, .some, lWa RFK necessary f r
fighting implements for use 7ursunnt to the terms of this Agreement
in the protection of life s 3t,5 nroverty from fire 2?' t_ in_ lld-
E`: i_` l Fire Protection DiS _ ict n,>^ will supnly .he services of a
.s'tf,rriet number of
fier e r:.to perVorm tx°* ver -ices s -:; 3 hereunder.
7�30 It is
fighting ` p `agun gto . d be out c,.e, MPT
the party
,.,drt ef the <f`nd p -,
Wit...._..l arrange ag:t3€roug. _ °hu' .-. i'4 for fire protectlan for the Town Q
some o .s a,'nu-i d. --.'meq ta t during this
time. ,#p.
Q it 1Z mutually wrierstood and avrsed between the parties
_s W-' qa a a" €ate the 'darty o _� the second d �p 1 " r � � d _
_" v._ sz .�._ � I- 'x.. vN. �vY �`,�. .z .`.rn. _ .�`�� �`_i keep -mss 1 -
q?t *ng the term
.- f this arreement adeqnate insurance covering,
the f [ r app rstu to e use by it in
the rendition .fire pro .'fH -n
service under tris Agyezmentj for perocnal liability, property damagev co
collisian and
compensation n Turc Co"erpas for all/firemenportrb
of the cw-aEd partshall r -6,!v.,$ _ theparty tom.£. tc first part -i t
certification of adequste cc's«:" s g
.1t is further natuan+ Ys` ; rm _d nn_agreed betweentba
covering t. , liability of s . id W f'< _ o ld i ro Protection
rot ,. ton District
t ct for
compensation payable to a volunteer firennn to the eTtnet provided in
. 205 f We l u nc.... w the i ,: � .� �� ; ��' Ya" ate„
ate. �!:j " �-
will arrange ., e v v.,,. ,.. ... f �*e f. 5ifi`3�- '�"i �.' - 01-�5�iw'y �
- �'� i Board , _. Supervisors -�. Vii.€ � -��� �-
-[i.i €.�i--r_�i.�- �$.�_ � :.. .�� €sem=e
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6. in consideration or the faltbf"! nwOrnance by the part
or tine se-O-nd part of its obliFatlars order tkis Agreement, the par ty
of On first part agraea to pay to the porty of the second part,,Gjn
be -h -ate _pfzajd- fire prctection district SQ95n.00 per year. for threq�--
years jany�T!y
_19- I to Devenber 310 973.
Ills Agreement shall become effective januRry 11 1971 W -dl
shall cante for three years, january 1, t971 - December 31, 1973*
w1th t e privilege of either party terminating tha same en thirty day's
notice at any time after We exo1raticn of tte first year*
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