HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-11-131 i Working Notes - Planning Board Meeting 8/13/70 Present: Reed, Hanford,-Caldwell* Base: Draft of 7/70 of Town of Dryden Mobile Home Park Ordinance Definite changes: 30 (add) other than a,storage building (5.02) and a carport 4.02 (insert)-The Preliminary application....... 4,02B (delete) sketch map (replace. with) A preliminaEZ layout of 1" :100' scale must be enclosed...... 4.02E 1 (delete) sketch, ( substitute) layout 4.03 (2nd para. add) The Town Board shall require engineering plans before granting a special permit. 5.01 G (Delete all and substitute the following) All mobile homes shall be locate om any public street center line .and from any other p��y boundary lines as required for residential use in their respective zones. 5.02 (Change section to read) Storage Buildings on Individual Lo One storage building, not to exceed QZsquare feet in dimension, is allowed per park lot iii addition to an allowed carport. 5.04 (change 2nd sent, to read) Each parking space shall have an area at least 9' wide and 20' long not including maneuvering area and access areas. 5.0 f (delete) apparatus and /or (delete) shall be provided (add) is suggested 8.020 (delete) grounding.....retained. .(insert) mobile homes must be properly grounded before occupancy 12 (delete) serial number ezv44 �k/ c,. --------------------------------------------------------------- Areas to be checked with Mrs. Amdur 1. Do we have.a good definition of "carport" so it doesn't become a permanent four room building? (30, 5.02) Who actually owns a carport? What happens when the mobile home is.moved? How do the park owners feelabout them? Do they become dilapidated? How permanent? Are they often used to effectively block in the mobile home making it in essence a permanent structure? Do they become collecting points for trash and junk ?. If permitted, is the vwrding tight enough so that they will be included as part of the mobile home in computing side yard and other setbacks? Who would take out the necessary building permit? (page 2 -- working notes - Planning Board 8/13/70) ! 2: Water (7.01) i If an adequate sale' private water supply is available, is it necessary to use a public water supply system which might also be available? Who is the "local authority" who can grant permission to use, or partially • use the private supply? Is the increased inspection which a public water system receives adequate reason to require its use where possible to protect public health? Can a joint system be used under certain circumstances? Would there be a difference between an individual residential unit and what is basically a high density multiple housing situation? Does the law differentiate? Does the interpretation of the, law on the -county health dept. basis differ? r 4 • i 3. (7.02D) Is this wording adequate or should it reflect the wording of the zoning ordinance which also includes the words "junk and inoperable vehicles ". 4. (11.05) Need proper legal wording of method of appeal 5. (11) Need . some provision for enforcement other than the annual license renewal, possibly similar to sect. 1804 of the zoning ordinance. 6. Need provision nfor amendment procedure 7. Need provision for effective date 8. In areas.0 -A where mobile home parks are an allowed use, and in C-E where it appears that they are an allowed use, will they still have to go through the full procedure of obtaining a permit as outlined in this proposed ordinance which seems to relate specifically to the special permit procedure as outlined in the zoning ordinance? ;a 0 / rd L ?4r ff 3 ipso T-- ��d 3X33 Do �1 � .� 13 71 5 d . sX�o a )a ITva.s OJr � rme ►ctfie s7`y7/Jri-%so I rv> et iotli f*r l-44 fe Z)e ;a 6 t+nv � :9:� � L; I 4L, rL! � / y o k. sIv,,tq /) pef) '" a7 /;NcJ%xelect 1 i�,�,r�,s — -��ay �oIbs, r-U �u7-ti���. 1 .11; p ? r� r .C�. ±'J ;}Ii1 Off' —Dry 3 en,, New � O-171 'i'IC?V eC1�E C' � 9 y 10170 ,c, rN 1..m-.iYvr Boa.L ., • r ' i Read, ' T E li -'n_ '.l c i�.�y i T.'�:1 `I i{. fi_� rl � A A �'�'esent,, :Lli.o;.�. R':orra.s � :clti, F. '';Y A 110; ,.r. Jre seor a }iani orcl �� ie1.1_o stbs '•1i: Barbara Caldwell, err= i.,iB�.L, ? L�E r?C�h.� i'.C"�T"1k '.1' �..._ 1_ n.h •Y> �.�i:1 (.1'c. �':`ll`:'� �• Ambrose 1'�u7.anne Cardwell , r / '5o order by Cha1.nm -a'_7 v. c :. ..I, a A1,II. J.1 r� •� i p ''. Altnr'i I ?eed at. O:iZ7� PeTTle f11 nut Fes o' prEV;_Uus rtee:'..n 1J; ?:L'e roved. �I'E �it?r:.Q �)xnd a�i7aceC I3' 1;o 41ckor;yl" ii:: •' A�ino 1,1 �di.V s�.On. ;.. � n. rlI ry ` P+' rl ` ° f i ` t, PI .. .; J ., t�'Y', , C;` ' s r 1 f a 1 .�' area 4D �_S'^' C.-= �iy, / `1l:). Heal t> h cl.a Ota. X17. r"I<:',w',>s .. t,lovvin:.� ?J..0 �.!T J:::�C.�. ."✓i.Z3.,Z.C..i.J'1;� i.,. ems. LLC o . 1 j ?i T'OVl GJi,% „”? `a'a rid Ll_otriu c..7'i-)rOVcll :1?i pro ce Si® E3oaxl d arvr roved proposed mi_n.o sl bdLv is tc'rie T Y�C>.1 l-� t� l`r t,l �'� "I'L�.1. �:�.C..` 1-1 ell s:'l {. b. ..,a�c�e mu.b.�: JisiOn ns , +.,. feed regal. liIt_i_i:g .Areas 8'u'1t11.:LYl ric t1,ons arealub ' ect lmted in 'T'ovin Hall nra x' conrpl :yY 1 i',Y�ica,. C ri a.it C1a.�s } O R C, ' v CO room 1!l1:L L, "t:C'C?dti C. OS ,y ';his prooedure fr tf ^a7? ) Out ele of h�tzT'j .cLpaI Zoni. and Planning { i'7 r:n.in.c; Denart >rren��." ° ap :r_s i a ,e'd .T1 v 011.0G4e ::tu ;me5}ed, that om t1le Count-v. Den rtment of Recomierd- to the ;'o:yra. Berard to c�.plore possibility o%.a ieasIb:i.i4 4 i) DTI inners :C';? :�tU1y for SE ?`JJG'Y.' :?.i:: t'.rJ.t� ?i 'IJ1.i 1:!. :3. 'Io- S:�� ?L�� t�` O� a l'rci;:T i9I1 'Dl a�szit ' at Rout — e 13 and r al]. Cre ek Bric:If e rare ilL i,>a di_ sari. c c s to s ex'vte {F,''ee � r� r•.� i-1 1•, '�,.i_ r r1 n ,� i r 1 n e n , fT -T) 3.''Le 7. hn �.i. !� li J.C1.0 ' vil.l.e +i:i,ll . L.Irou.- ,�11�.a ,..,.:>4_Lb:LI_:.�:. - e ��� i..,h din -, v Hill Road. . al 3J rJas In IU U1Ce1 V1 Dry c 1en's r ecreat1'.ron ) oraer nr l^wi:n "o aTZS�rlc.r some it es ef::lIeest :Lng our tena{..ive p1.a:ns for e rr GU�'.Si;F'd. Sc�'LFy tj.me,, i,o discuss LhiS ].n Alton ��e�: d adjourned c �E: m c,tin r a 90, 1? peme R Respective" y` sus�mi.tted, Suzanne Cardwell I ZZ Town Planni.nC; Board, •l'ov�rn of Div den, New Yo x,k Now ember 1�, 1.�ry0 r.resent: Alton Reed., Morris Peck, Hernry 'Parr, Frank Thorpe, Jr., Georgo Hanf ord Lzas. rit Barbara Caldwell, Nanctte Keech, r'r <axik �i�;liel to s 0, P ,- i sent :i_d �;te��iard, !Fr. and Mr , Ambro: e e.cordl n?'; Seci�et;.zry: >;u.z a nne; Cardwell_ 'i': „ r�L9:`.',j. `?f '�i; }'d (Z'!. 't'i t Z1i3y ' :�C7 :r d was broil "`, ' o ird.er by . Chainri n tlt,OT1. Rleed a-, 3.1!� �.m. i!ilu. ,:.S C.f 1 :.?'k;Vi.QUS meet_n- Jvr`r? c�'O' 1'OVeC , 3e : i'yTi z�a:r aubdiv-1 -ion acx °e niece of _land adjacent to >Hi.ckory . I- ai1.4 s Mr. .arrzb YOU ?�i n ',i.;� it e t \ _. ;a. �c� .� .e�,„cn a, ouoh r"ap.s showing pro,�osed buildz n� area were, shown. Health 1!F,'jJt • am ?.royal wo th Gas an(l Elf_'•.^t2�:1.: i3.�1T)?'CivLd - :L�,C;.; .73roCt?sSe' Hoard a.;� proved. proloosed mi.n.or subd -i v i.s1.oz1. b S 0 La.r ve' SUbdivislon .insturC:ti.OnS pas:itd Aso "IE'!1: er',.. T14 , 13eed read a Jett: ;r fror x Fra. 11c Li 7a ori re';ardi.rp; "Map out . n Areas v i.thin Waich Certa: n Classe3c of MUni+3i.p al on.121 and Plclrlk'z1n action; are Sub ject to Revlow by the County Planning Dena rt -, ent." Map is posi.;ed in _ovt��z rill room viii. :x reas dPs c7 ; e g� . Q :.! t Hall ". `� " ,natE i n y flow �u eSt t -a yid Str :FJarc comnl;,r by: I.h* s procedure from. the; County DeN- lartment of. Planninv , Lk Recoi v end, to' the 'fowxz. Board to explore possibility' -of :9 feal sibi11ty eri{:inee:G9s study for. sewer district. with. �. oQSS1, ility of a fi.lterat,ion � -olant. at Rout.; 13 and Pal :l Creak Bridp e area. i. t 1) districts to serve F:r`ee T z iIle `11.11.�� ;o throw h Etna, possib_1 l �.l:y of 3be i ncludin� . portion of 'Tz�.rkey "III Road. It `.vas announced that 'th<) 3ta`e is, requesting our ,enative` plans f �r Dryd.anIs recreation,- Frank 'Thorpe requested some time to discuss -t'hi's in order for him to answer some quesl-1 ons made b..yj t'.le Mate, dh ...Alton Reed adjourned. the meetin< , at 9:50 n.m: Respectively, submitted, 3uzanre Cardwell . I