HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-04-2013SEPTEMBER 04, 2013 5:00 P.M. TOWN BOARD MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandville was held at the Raymond G. Thorpe Municipal Building, 3577 Terrace Road, Cortland, New York, with Supervisor Tupper presiding. Members present: Supervisor, Richard C. Tupper Councilman, Ronal L. Rocco Councilman, Theodore V. Testa Councilman, Gregory K. Leach Deputy Town Clerk, Kristin Rocco-Petrella Absent: Councilman, John C. Proud Town Clerk, Karen Q. Snyder, RMC Others present were: Town Attorney, John Folmer; Highway Sup't. Carl Bush; Town Residents: David Alexander and Karen Howe; News Reporters: Steve Howe from the Cortland Standard, and Sharon Stevans from Channel 2, Access TV. Supervisor Tupper called the meeting to order. Councilman Rocco made a motion, seconded by Councilman Leach, to approve the Draft Town Board Minutes of August 21, 2013 as submitted. All voting aye, the motion was carried. RESOLUTION #165 AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS — SEPTEMBER Motion by Councilman Leach Seconded by Councilman Rocco VOTES: AYE - Tupper, Testa, Rocco, Leach NAY - 0 ABSENT — Proud ADOPTED BE IT RESOLVED, the vouchers submitted have been audited and shall be paid as follows: Funds A, B, DA, DB Voucher 4818-848 General Fund A $ 88,169.18 General Fund B $ 17,102.34 Highway Fund DA $ 0.00 Highway Fund DB $ 19,138.01 Funds CD I, CD3, CD4 Voucher #32-33 BMills Rehab CD $ 0.00 Town Wide Rehab CD3 $ 32,786.73 Business Devl CD4 $ 0.00 Fund HC, SS, SW Voucher #290-298 NYS Rt 13 Sewer Rehab HC $ 0.00 Sewer SS $ 1,937.10 Water SW $ 2,089.58 Funds SF, TA, TE Voucher # (none) C'Ville Fire District SF $ 0.00 Trust & Agency TA $ 0.00 Expendable Trust TE $ 0.00 Supervisor Tupper offered privilege of the floor to those in attendance. No requests were made. On behalf of the Board and the citizens of the Town, Councilman Testa commended Highway Sup't. Bush and the Town Highway Department employees for their hard work and fast response to the recent flooding in the Town and specifically in Blodgett Mills. Supervisor Tupper mentioned that he received numerous phone calls from residents thanking Highway Sup't. Bush and his employees for all that they did. SEPTEMBER 04, 2013 TOWN BOARD MEETING PAGE 2 The monthly reports of the Code Enforcement Officer and the Fire & Safety Inspection Report for the month of August 2013 were on the table for review and are filed in the Town Clerk's Office. Councilman Leach made a motion, seconded by Councilman Rocco, to receive and file correspondence from Time Warner Cable, dated September 4, 2013, regarding programming services. All voting aye, the motion was carried. Supervisor Tupper mentioned that he received a letter by email from Pam Jenkins, which she asked to be read at the meeting. Councilman Rocco read the abridged letter aloud which was in regard to the proposal to turn the County landfill into a Regional Hazardous Waste Dump by entering into a contract to fill the landfill with incinerator ash. In 1994, the US Supreme Court ruled that incinerator ash was a hazardous waste. Ms. Jenkins posed many questions in her letter regarding incinerator ash and the hazards of it. Councilman Rocco made a motion, seconded by Councilman Leach, to receive and file and forward to Michael Park, Chairman of the Cortland County Legislature, correspondence from Pam Jenkins, received September 4, 2013, regarding the proposal to turn the County landfill into a Regional Hazardous Waste Dump by entering into a contract to fill the landfill with incinerator ash. All voting aye, the motion was carried. Attorney Folmer reported: Purchase of Property: Attorney Folmer mentioned that the Town has been negotiating the purchase of three parcels of land from John and Catherine Murdock. Attorney Folmer had the purchase contract in hand which provided for the purchase and sale. Attorney Folmer was reluctant to publicly discuss the terms of the agreement because discussions were ongoing with Attorney Pomeroy who represents the Murdock's. Attorney Folmer requested the Board authorize Supervisor Tupper to sign the agreement once they have finalized negotiations. Supervisor Tupper mentioned that Highway Sup't. Bush had been interested in purchasing one of the parcels for several years to be used for the Town's long-term storm water management plans. In the past Mr. Murdock was not interested in selling the property for what the Town thought was a reasonable price. Councilman Rocco complimented Highway Sup't. Bush and stated that Cortlandville has the finest drainage system in the County; it not only works but it looks beautiful. RESOLUTION #166 AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN AND JOHN AND CATHERINE MURDOCK FOR THREE PARCELS OF LAND Motion by Councilman Leach Seconded by Councilman Testa VOTES: AYE - Tupper, Testa, Rocco, Leach NAY - 0 ABSENT — Proud ADOPTED BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Supervisor to sign the Purchase Agreement between the Town of Cortlandville and John and Catherine Murdock for the purchase of three parcels of land, and it is further RESOLVED, the Agreement shall be signed when negotiations between Attorney Folmer and the attorney for the Murdock's are complete. Bond Closing — Route 13 Sewer Rehabilitation Project: Attorney Folmer stated that the bond closing for the Route 13 Sewer Rehabilitation Project was scheduled for Thursday, September 5, 2013. He mentioned that a request was made for the immediate payment of the amount that the Town spent on the project to date. 34�0 SEPTEMBER 04, 2013 TOWN BOARD MEETING PAGE 3 RESOLUTION #167 AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH THOMA DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS FOR PROGRAM DELIVERY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR BYRNE DAIRY, INC. Motion by Councilman Leach Seconded by Councilman Rocco VOTES: AYE - Tupper, Testa, Rocco, Leach NAY - 0 ABSENT — Proud ADOPTED BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Supervisor to sign the contract with Thoma Development Consultants for Program Delivery and Administrative Services for the Community Development Block Grant — Economic Development for Byrne Dairy, Inc. in the amount of $15,750.00. RESOLUTION #168 AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH THOMA DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS FOR PROGRAM DELIVERY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR INNOVATIVE MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS INC. Motion by Councilman Leach Seconded by Councilman Rocco VOTES: AYE - Tupper, Testa, Rocco, Leach NAY - 0 ABSENT — Proud ADOPTED BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Supervisor to sign the contract with Thoma Development Consultants for Program Delivery and Administrative Services for the Community Development Block Grant — Small Business for Innovative Manufacturing Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $9,750.00. Councilman Leach made a motion, seconded by Councilman Testa, to receive and file the Phase 1 Stormwater System Maintenance Program Report for the Town of Cortlandville from the Cortland County Soil and Water Conservation District, dated August 2013. All voting aye, the motion was carried. No further comments or discussion were heard. Councilman Rocco made a motion, seconded by Councilman Leach, to adjourn the Regular Meeting. All voting aye, the motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 11�/� � ': �; r -2 -(4 1 Karen Q. Snyder, RMC Town Clerk Town of Cortlandville *Note: The draft version of this meeting was submitted to the Town Board for their review on September 13, 2013. The draft version of this meeting was approved as written at the Town Board meeting of September 18, 2013.