HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-162-f} MINUTES Ole' SPECIAL TOWN BOARD BUDGET 14ORK SESSJOd HELD, TUESDAY, OCTOBuR 16, i984 , AT 7:30 P.M. Those present: Teresa Joseph Gorden Absent: Ellaxd Absent : Donald H. Robinson, Supervisor H. Grahafil, Councilman C. VanBenschoten, Councilman L. Sovocool, Councilman E. Cummings, Cai rnci7.rnan Also present: Leland Cornelius Papoose of meeting Was to work on budget, Supervisor Robinson presented preliminary budget Figures with all requests included. Reasons for increaeos ,we7ce explained. Also disouxssed was SPCA Contract for 1985 and Group Health Insuxanoe that is available for Town employees . There being no further business, I�tr. Gralharr moved to ad,jouxn meeting, seconded by Mr, VanSenschoten, at 11:00 P.M. Caxn:iedI Colleen D. Pierson Town Olerk MINUTES OF TOO BOARD MUTING FELD WEDNESDAY, NOVENBER 7P i984 @ M0 P . M 1 Those present: Texssa Elldrd Gordon Donald Joseph Jack F M. Robinson, Supervisor L. Sovocool, Councilman G. VanBenschoten, Councilman E. Cummings, Councilman H. Graham, Councilman itzgerald, Attomey i Also present: Leland Cornelius, Gary Wood, Robert Walpole, Verl Rankin Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded 'by I'll. Cummings, that the minutes of October 9 and 16 be appxo•V•ed as mailed. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummin -gs, Gx'aharn, Robinson, Claim Naas. 308 to 301 of the Highway Fund in the amount of $18,022-55, Claim I'TOS. 321 to 376 of the General Nand 'in the ' amount of J, 773. 1, and Cl. im hoe. to 13 of the Federal Re'wentie Sharing '-Fund in the amount of $19,204.9' were presented for audit. Mr. Graham Moved that the bills be palid, including vouchers for Election Personnel, and CZerI . instructed to draw warrant for them. Seconded by Mr. Sovocool. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten. Cummings, Graham, Robinson. A reminder that on govember 20th at 'x:30 P.M., the TOTn Board, Tompkins County EYRviranmental Management Council and the ;tillage Board will meet at the Village Hall. Monthly reportr5 and correspondenoe was reviewed.. Letter From Director of Tompkins Community Hospital requesting our support to relocate Route 96 aE; far away from hospital as ;possible. Zoning Officer has asked to use office �,n back of Town Hall fax his office and phone. He has hired his own secretary *rho will be working in office occasionally. He plans to.purchase desk and hopefully an answering . service to take calls whe�i no one is in office. Board had no objections to this request. Moved by W. VanBenschoten, seconded 'bar Mr, Graham, to appoint George To'tirian a� Town representative on the Tompkins County Planning Board for a term of three () years. Ayes - Savocool, Var,Benrzchoten, Cummings, Grs.haun, Robinson. Boax+d. meeting :recessed 4 at 8 :GO P. M . fo:r: Budget yearlings . Board meeting reconvened at 8:25 P +Ma- k MINUTES OF SPECIAL TOWK BOARD BUDGET WORK SESSION HEU, TUESDAY, OCTMER 16, 1984, AT 700 P.M. _ I Those present: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Joseph H. Gxah�urn, Councilman Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Absent: Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Abr : Donald E. Cummings, Councilman Also present: Leland Coxroelius Purpose. of meeting was to work on budget, Supar isor Robinson presented preliminary budget figures with all requests included. Reasons for increases were explained. Also discussed was SPCA Contract for 1985 and Group Health Insurance that I s available for Town employees, There being no further business, Mr. Graham moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, at J,1:00 P.M. Carried. Collesn D. Pierson Town Clerk MINUTES OF TOWN BOARD HESTINC HELD WEDNESDAY, NOVEI%W ER .7 , 1984 7:30 P , m a Those present: Teresa Ellard Gordon Donald Joseph Jack E M. Robinson, Supervisor L. Sovocool, Councilman C. Van2enschoten, Councilinam E. Cummings, Councilman H. Graham, Councilman xtzgerald, At Loxmey Also present. Leland Cornelius, Gary Wood, Robt:'t Walpole, Verl Rankin Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Cummings, that the minutes of Ootober 9 and 16 be approved as mailsd, Ayes - Sovocool, VadRenschoten, Cummings, Gra;iaan , Robinson . Claim Nos. 308 to 331 of 'the Highway Fund in the amount of $18,02Z._55, Clazrn Nos. 321 to 371 of the General Fund a,n the amount of $9,773.71, and Claztu Nos. '7 to 1 of the Federal Revenue SY�axing fund, in the amount of 19,204.97 were presented for audit. Mr. Graham moved that the bills be paid, including vouchers fox' Election Personnel, and Clem. instructed to draw warrant for them. Seconded by Mr. Sovocool, Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson, A reminder that on November 20th at 7:30 P.M., the Town Board, Tompkins County EhVlronmental Management Council and the Village Board will [uee't at the Village Hall. Monthly reports and Correspondence was reviewed, Letter from Director of Tompkins Community Hospital requesting our suppoxt to relocate Route 9 as far away #`xo�n hospital as possible. Zoning Officer has asked to use office in back of Town Hall for his office and phone. He has hired his oein secretary who w5.11 be working in office occassiona.11y. He plans to _purchase desk and hopefully an answering sexvice to take calls when no one is In office. Board had no objections I to this requeEA . Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by yir Craham, to appoint George Totman as Town represent&tive on the Tompkins Coijnty Planning Board for a. 't&m of three {3) years. Ayes - Sovocool, VaBenscho'ten, Cummings, Graham, Robi n nson. Boa.xd meeting recessed, a,. 8:00 P.M. for Budget Hearings, Board meeting reconvened at 8l25 P.M.