HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-09-21r F i 7 i i i } i i s i i i J i TORT PLANNING BOARD, TOWN OF DRYDEN, NEW YORK September 21, 1967 The Town of Dryden Planning Board opened its September meeting at 8:10 p.m. in the Dryden Assessor's Office, with the following members present: Chairman Curtiss, Mr. Hanford, Mrs. Hardesty, Messrs. Lengemann, Paterson, Sheffy, and Reed. Major Subdivision -- Mr. Stanley Bradley Messrs. Don McKee, Licensed Land Surveyor of Cortland, and Stanley Bradley of Dryden, appeared before the Planning Board to make preliminary presentation of Mr. Bradley's proposed subdivision of 70 acres near Dryden Lake Road off Keith Lane. This subdivision comprises approximately 30 lots, and will include construction of a new road. Exact layout of lots was yet to be determined, as Mr. McKee was still negotiating with the Tompkins County Health Department regarding poor soil conditions. Mr. McKee had met with Mr. Liguori of the Health Department that same after- noon; in the light of information received at.that meeting, considerable revision of the layout will be required. Mr. Liguori notified Mr. McKee that where perco- lation tests so indicated, he would be required to use 75,000- square -foot lots, with a 2501 x 3001 minimum (10% variation in dimensions O.K. if ?5,000 sq.ft. minimum maintained). Mr. McKee presented to the board a drawing of the entire development, showing two -foot contour lines. In his revised drawing, Mr. McKee will also show an example of each type of sewage treatment, and will indicate names of adjacent roads and land - owners. Mr. Lengemann pointed out that the present layout provided no access to the upper land. Mr. McKee suggested that the lot- buyers might band together to purchase the upper land in order to keep it wild. The New York State Electric & Gas Corporation owns a sizeable right -of -way on this acreage, but has given its permission to construction of a road across it. Mr. McKee expressed his anxiety to begin preliminary cutting of his road, which when completed will be about 4,500 feet long. (Mr. Curtiss recommended that he contact Mr. Richard Case for specifications.) He wishes to rough -cut the road so as;to be better able to judge the suitability of his plan. Mr. Curtiss suggested that Messrs. McKee and Bradley deal directly with Mr. Case on the roughing out of the center of this road so as to permit further inves- tigation of the proposal by Mr. Case.. Mr. McKee will contact Mr. Case for specifications, and in order to expddite the road construction, will request that Mr. Case telephone his approval to 'Mr. Curtiss. Mr. McKee will notify the Planning Board as to whether he will wish to make .further presentation at the next meeting. i M Town of Dryden Planning Board -2- September 21, 1967 • Minor Subdivision -- Professor S. Reuben Shapley Professor Shapley of Ellis Hollow Road, presented his sketch plan for the proposed sale of one lot from his holdings on Genung Road. (Note: Professor Shapley's previous application for this sane parcel was dropped because the sale was cancelled.) Professor Shapley owns approximately 28 acres on Genung Road, and proposed to sell at this time a trapezoidal portion to the South end, fronting 480 feet on Genung Road, 3001 along the North border, 147' along the East (back) border, and 484' along the South end. N.Y.S. E. &G. owns a right -of -way abutting to the South, on land belonging to the Ellis Hollow Community Association. The Ellis Hollow Community Association is also abutting cdner to the East and the North. This parcel has not as yet been cleared with the Health Department, Professor Shapley presumes that the Health Department will require that.this portion be used as a single lot, with a sand filter; although if permitted to do so, Professor Shapley will sell this as two building lots. If required to sell as only one, he may reduce the size; this is to be adjusted with the purchaser. If the Health De- partment requires installation of sand filters throughout, Professor Shapley's entire 28 -acre holding can be subdivided into only about three lots, with a minimum of 250 feet of frontage each on the Genung Road. At this time, Professor Shapley desired approval to sell only the trapezoidal portion described above. A copy of the building restrictions was attached to this sketch, and Professor Shapley added at this meeting an indication of the service lines corssing the property. The Planning Board granted conditional approval, subject to approval by the Board of Health. • Major Subdivision -- Professor Frank Gilmore Professor Frank Gilmore, Ellis Hollow Road, and Air. John MacNeill, Consulting Engineer and Land Surveyor of Cortland, New York, presented very detailed plats for Professor Gilmore's 170 -acre proposed subdivision, located East and South of the intersections of Ellis Hollow Road ifith Ellis Hollow Creek Road. Minimum proposed lot size: one acre. New roads: Gilmore Drive and Woodland Drive (names tentative).. Professor Gilmore noted that this layout is only tentative, subject to presen- tation to the Planning Board. At that present time, he conte„plateff starting with sales of five lots to see how development might go. The percolation in these lots is excellent. He sought approval for Lots #r1 ,2, 3 in Block #-7, and Lot #1, Block 6, and J-8 in Block 5. 1 Professor Gilmore supplied extensive drawings, including his general projected overall plan for future development of the entire acreage, scale 1" = 501, Twi.th two. foot contour lines for the five lots under application. He was at that time consoli- dating two sets of building restrictions. Lnong his requirements; minimum of 1,500 square -foot house, and minimum of $30,000 construction cost for the entire package, with perhaps $25,000 minimum for the house alone. A completed copy of the protective covenants will be filed at a later date. -As soon as he could receive clearance from the Planning Board, Professor Gilmore intended to begin road construction for his first five lots. Professor Gilmore de.. cided that he would investigate the cost of a performance bond for the amount of road involved. After considerable discussion Twith the Planning Board, Professor Gilmore decided to proceed as follows: he would contact the Health Department for final approval then the Highway Supervisor, and then would proceed with construction of the Planning Board when he is ready s approval to his preliminary layout., . - 1 the road for the first five .lots. He will notify -for a M��'olic nearinga The Planning Board gave it r Taim of Dryden Planning Board -3- September 21, 1967 ToT -m Planning Board Budget Proposal for 1967 -68 Chairman Curtiss reviewed and discussed with the board the proposed 1967 -68 budget, particularly with reference to the newly added item of salary for the Planning Board Chairman. The Planning Board indicated its strong and unanimous approval for the submission of a salary.request.for the chairman. The following or'aposa�l-s -w re approved by the Planning Board for submission to the Town Board: Salary, Planning Board Chairman $ 4.00.00 Secretarial Services 120600 Xerox and Postage 30.00 Consulting Fees (Niederkorn and others) 400000 N,Y.S.F.0.P.0. 25.00 Miscellaneous Office Supplies 15.00 Advertising Fees (two newspapers) for Public Hearings for both Subdivision Control and Zoning 100000 ! Signs to Implement Road Re- naming 19000000 $2,090.00 Per. Curtiss also noted that there will be an expense of an additional approximately $50.00 for road maps (if approved by the Town Board), but that this will be recovered by sales of maps at one dollar each. (Cost of each: $ -87) Adjournment 11:30 p.m. Virginia H- Hardesty Secretary Pro Tem c i i r i L✓' ,j 04 c v y i 1 n J� ✓'4J �y�t,.9sd�J ;Z lopv's�`a: ell lot • �ti y 'f��r% .- '"' ,+'� +L�' icy °�'✓�r.»�''""`s+"r'��,'�• r �t',f• � Ij4. � ....� �.� r��4 v5" y:?lia_:/- A.��/ �/ q �i'e.� ,�*J/ , �LJ ex •o c i i r i L✓' ,j 04 c v y i 1 n J� ✓'4J �y�t,.9sd�J ;Z lopv's�`a: ell lot • �ti y 'f��r% .- '"' ,+'� +L�' icy °�'✓�r.»�''""`s+"r'��,'�• r �t',f• � Ij4. � ....� �.� r��4 v5" y:?lia_:/- A.��/ �/ q �i'e.� ,�*J/ , �LJ ex November 1, 1967 • E1�10 TO.. _,Pla.nning Board. Members ..' Town Board Tiembers FROM: -P. A. Curtiss This is to brim you up to date. Attached are the September minutes`; I am .,sorry the October ones can not be sent at the same time, but.I have•notyet received. them: Apologies for the September ones being so late... As you can see; things are perking. It looks like' He'll have three public hearings for major subdivisions_at our Novemi- ber 16 meetin`. There are some problems with`our Subdivision Regula- tions , pecifica.11y relating to new roads, and we'll be glad to get them revised as part of our 701 program. Mrs. Steger, our long -t�„me secretary, has reluctantly offerred her. resignation hue to increasing pressures at home and work. We are. sorry to, see her Eo. However, we are most fortunate in getting; Ginna Har•desty.:to agree; to take on these responsibili ties . She had considered it at 'one time in the.-o a.st, but felt the could not be both the secretary and a good Planning Board member.- She has ch•aniF -ed. her .mina , and her decision is to our great benefit, 'You will note from the`, enclosed .,minutes the excellent detailing which she has done;'t•his.kind of infor --- mation is difficult to record adequately, and often I feel it has not been. But with such complete minutes I feel our records will be com- plete, more 'meaningful, and-- :.hat is equally imeorta.nt - -of real informa- tional value to the Town Board (and' PB members who missed a. meeting) • Na.n Keech (Mrs Howard Keech) is now with us and taleringk an active role: It is good. to have her on board and at long last have. =s me reT. resentation from the Lake Roa.d area'. Geore:e Hanford has not been completely up to par lately, but reports he is improvinv;. We hope to see him back_ on the 16th. With the West Dryden- Freeville meeting; on October 26, cur`,'zoning informational meetings.a.re through. The next step is for Niederkorn to complete the regulations and turn them over to the Pla.nning:`Boa.rd . Then .,we must have a public he2;ring. The informational meetings. have Bone very well. However, we're at a. critical 'stage now and the ren�ula= tions as we want them should r�"o to the public hearin? , Which is' to day that the 701 meeting on Vdednesda.y, November 8; is-the last meeting of .a general nature to really find out how .many changes_ have. bee n made and Exactly where we stand now. T would encourage, and Emmons does too, maximum attendance at this meeting so we can .have agreement on essen- tially what regulations . will ao to the public.* Guess that's' it See you on the 8th and /or the 16th.4 I N 4 h i' i I. I� ,i I i i i 1 r r•