HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-20i i W i TOi7li PLANNING BOARD, TOW OF= DL_YDJTY9 NEW YORZ JULY 20,% 1 967 The Planning Board for the Town of Dryden met July 20, 1967 at 8:25 o'clock in the Town, Hall with members Kahrs, Reed, and Chairman Curtiss. Art Clark, representative of Ithaca Journal, was present. ?:finutes of the last meeting were approved as read. 0117) F.USINESS: Kahrs and Curtiss reported on their inspection o.f the Lucente Meadowlark Lane Subdivision. They stated that they .found nothing that would prevent the Planning Board approving this subdivision. Curtiss has talked with Rocco regarding the Town taking over the road. It is clearly understood. with Rocco that the road must comply with Dicic Case's sz)eci.fications be.f'ore the subdivision can be ,finally approved. 7elen Amdur said that the Public hearing held June 159 1967, even with- out Rocco, could be a legitimate Public Nearing i.f all auestions were answered to the Planning Board's satisfaction. However, this Planning Board will always encourage the attendance of any subdivider at a Public Nearing, NEW BUSINK,38 Curtiss gave the ,following report on the Town Board meeting which he attended Tuesday Evening: +'2 The Town Boa Er. Denman 's study un Curtiss explained tha many ^orrectior.s and endless hours in an e rd ,felt that a period o,f 12 years, from the time of tit the cards were sent out, was rather lengthy. t the mobility and change in the Town, had created additions, and that the Planning Board had spent ,f.fort to have an up -dated list. #3 Bob Wells was interested in the name of the home owners for tax purposes. Corrections were not listed as they were reported to the Town Clerk's office. 4 Cuesti0n p ?rr. DenTr_an has don UZtimately9 Bob We this on a tem,porar aros e th 11s y ba e - -what do we do on new numbers for new homes. e numbering so ,far, and the Tomn has been billed. could do this, but Yr. Denman will continue to do sis. r5 The Town Board held an extensive discussion on Zoning Area meet in as to obtain public opinion and suggestions. Curtiss stated t e Planning Board has set up a fairly ,firm schedule of meetings. dates and places. are tent?tioe. They are es ,follows: that However, -A7 Er. Denman was present to answer some auestions that the Town Board had. 4.11 auestions were answered to the Town Board's satisfaction, and they voted unanimously to approve payment to rdr. Denman for .final the road Numberiraq contract. +'2 The Town Boa Er. Denman 's study un Curtiss explained tha many ^orrectior.s and endless hours in an e rd ,felt that a period o,f 12 years, from the time of tit the cards were sent out, was rather lengthy. t the mobility and change in the Town, had created additions, and that the Planning Board had spent ,f.fort to have an up -dated list. #3 Bob Wells was interested in the name of the home owners for tax purposes. Corrections were not listed as they were reported to the Town Clerk's office. 4 Cuesti0n p ?rr. DenTr_an has don UZtimately9 Bob We this on a tem,porar aros e th 11s y ba e - -what do we do on new numbers for new homes. e numbering so ,far, and the Tomn has been billed. could do this, but Yr. Denman will continue to do sis. r5 The Town Board held an extensive discussion on Zoning Area meet in as to obtain public opinion and suggestions. Curtiss stated t e Planning Board has set up a fairly ,firm schedule of meetings. dates and places. are tent?tioe. They are es ,follows: that However, i September 7 Tl�ursd.all September 18 Nonday Varna Community Center September 26 Tuesday Bethel Grov.e October 2 11onday Etna ? October 16 Yon da y October 26 Thursday '76 Discussion was held on the appointment o,f another member to the Planning Board, and 'we reaffirmed that we would like to have someone from the area south of the Village o,f Dryden and, i,f possible, a business- .ap This concluded Curtiss 's report o.f ,the Town Board meeting. It was noted that Ben Sh.e.f,fy and Fred Lengemann will be returning ,from sabbatic leave and with v.s again- -come September. The Planning Board expressed sincere appreciation to,Pobert hahrs for his active participation in the past near while Fred has been-on leave. No rraeetin,g is scheduled .I'or the month. of Augusto reetinn adjourned at 10:209 Fespect,full y submitted, Marion Steger, Sec. „�� 'j°..r,.� ��o,.i_.v';"i -sue c. >,:.,��" ,�=- •".-�,, -�... ,��..c.�.x..I�y v.,-- �'i�"..... -�. j� ✓��..s� „i �ti %:aj�/i�s,: ter'_ = .•ice. <1 1 '� . I-r ^ ,, _ ♦ i O p `r"