HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-01E I i i i i ii I 'I Will June 1 , 1907 ,• r: -c�am.,�.. IN THE HEART OF FINGER LAKES REGION Emergency Services Serving, the Town! of Dryden Peter A. Curtiss, Chairman,' Toxin of Dryden Pls.nnin�-. Board. SU3JECT: New Hous:. Plumbers and Road Name Cha.ns:es in Dryden Enclosedd is a, new map of the Town of Dryden incorpora,tine; road name cha.n >-es that are nowt effective. Re�icents Mill be notifie^ by mail f 0 their new house number (a.na in imlany cases ne:: road name) within the next few daysl. There will also be newspaper a.rnouncement of t'his card mel1- ins: cau t�ionini: residents to bee.-in usi n� the correct house number and roa.0 "es'iFna:tion imme ia.tely. ObT7i0usliy there will be some- overlap, anr: it will probably take over a year before everyone is used to the r_e;,: system. The Torn of Dryden plans t0' hel-p speed this process by Frettin, ut; new road sis-ns -,as soon 8 'JO:=sible; t Is 1s expensive, however, an may t; ke 2 year Or twloo In an emern,*ency resiuer_ts may forget and use their old a.ddresa; we have told. then t s 'mot the; d � „ o use both _r old c,.n.� ne, -: ad.�rc - -ss when reportinr any emer- ,q_ency in. the imme,f itte future. The most important thing is for you and your staff to be fa.milia.r ;z th she new map and re COSP_i ZC both the Ole aria new names !'he '1reCti On Of numberint. is not inftica,tEa On the map; hoV ever, main roa.da COm1rS from Ith .c a, continue the Ithaca numbering, while O'.}�er roads are s :enerally rumbered from the centers of T)o_uula.tion outi-,lar (e.c. vill�c%es of Dryden vreeville, a.nv the herilel Of Etna) , Or out fror.; rr.a.ir! roads, ^ere are "ome, excer)tiOnS. If you feel it is extremely important for you to t.!O =+ {,he dlreCiiOn Of nU':T'.'Oerl'_1y-, plc_,.lse return VOUr map a.ri� I rear? in that i r_forTation. It :ni E�ht be ti,;ell to briefly explain the- nuTMberi n >. system. It is the Century sVStem, U�1n5 pp,oximately 200 number c reT mile Or r ^,. rUIp'per every �,Jo fe0i On Bach 81de Of the, rOa. re ?is0 USe� . the numbering s;tstem a Ed by the County v:herein even numbers are F-enerully on the north and west sides of a. road, ^rd ode: numbers are on the south a.nd east . '+ c atp- reciaLe your cooperci.tion in helpi''?&_: t^ effect thi ti tranZi i on. e hope that it. i. +ill brigs; some consitenc - - oYd o • �. =' y a.ru er t house numbers and road names . If you have any quec-�tions , corrections , or comments on the p or our plans, 7;1ea.se f el free t0 contact me at any time. •, cc. T. odd Supervisor 0 20JO y d04 24 Upper Creek ROa.d., Etna T. odd Supervisor 0 20JO y d04 24 Upper Creek ROa.d., Etna 7r�r�, , U I I 6 i I i I I i i June 5, 1967 Memo To: Planning Board, Town Board (copies) From: Peter A. Curtiss 0 It has been a busy Spring' Enclosed are minutes from the April and May meetings, Fortunately, in the absence of our secretary in April, the minutes were very capably taken by Ginna Hardesty. Thank you, Ginna' She had planned to retype them, but I did not feel it necessary and wanted to mail everything today. D At last the re- corrected road map was returned; I had 20 copies run off and have sent them to all emergency services serving Dryden. A copy of the letter that went with the map is attached. The next step I'm working on as I get these minutes out is to type the Ithaca Journal and Rural News release, which will be coordinated with the card mailing next week. I must also write the rural carriers, asking their full cooperation in delivering the cards. With the completion (hopefully) of the renumbering we launch head first into zoning. The Town Board is pushing 701 and Tom Niederkorn for a complete zoning ordinance soon. To help expedite this, the 701 meeting on Wednesday, June 14, will be devoted completely to zoning, and a thorough discussion of area designations and restrictions within them. Tom Niederkorn cannot be at all of our meetings to repeat this material; I urge you to please be at the 701 meeting on June 14th. This gill be an important meeting; I will be there and we should all be there. We must have a regular PB meeting the next night,.on June 15th, since we have.-a public hearing scheduled for Rocco Lucente's subdivision off Sapsucker Woods Road, but it will be a short meeting if eveyone can get there on the 14th. There will be a meeting in Ellis Hollow (at the Community Center) this Thursday, June 8, at which time Tom Niederkorn will try to work out with the residents how strict zoning for their particular area can be. Emmons and Ginna will be there as residents; I will be there as an observer, too. Come if you can - -it should, be a well- attended and most interesting meeting. I'm curious to know how strict these people really want zoning and whether or not it's possible. The next step, encouraged by the Town Board, is to have a joint meeting with4the PB, with Niederkorn, to go over exactly where we stand on zoning, physically and politically. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21, at 8 p.m. It is vital that we as a PB be as well prepared for this meeting as possible; our attendance is essential, . That's a lot of meetings - -June 14, 15, and 21 - -at a time when most of us are extremely busy with lawns and gardens (let alone other things) and it's difficult to get away, However, zoning is probably the most important thing we will ever be involved with as a PB, and since 701 is doing most of the work, the least we can do is give full support at this time when things seem to be moving fast and we know that the Town Board is really anxious to push. So...... 1p ease plan ahead and save those dates. This is an attempt to get a great deal done before the (usually) relatively inactive period during July and August. Also enclosed is a copy of•a letter I wrote to Jack Patch asking for Kiwanis support for Ernie Cole's community appraisal guide that may be most helpful to us in our zoning public relations. • See you soon. Please let me know if you can not be at any of the above meetings. Thanks. I TOt{ `; PLUPIING B04RDI_TOWAT OF DRYDLfjj a_NEY7 YO. ?K JUATE 145a 1967 The Planning Board for the Town o.f Dryden met June 15, 1967 at 8:00 :o'clock in the Town hall with members Hanford, Kahrs, Hardesty, Reed,' and Chairman Curtiss present. Also - -Art Clark, Duane Hurlbutt, Bob Keech, Mr. & Mrs. Lou Pearsall, and Sally Spo,f,ford. Duane Hurlbutt presented ,four copies o.f ,final plat on subdivision, Fountain Glow. Health Department approval has been obtained. The road, Sunset t?%est, was inspected by Dick Case this afternoon and is now ready to be turned over to the Town. Question, arose whether the road had to be deeded over to the Town prior to the plat being approved by the Planning Board, even though Dick Case has approved same. Chairman Curtiss will check with Helen Amdur regarding this matter. Contour lines were not shown but can be sketched in by hand. As soon, as this is in order it can be signed by the Chairman. A request was made for a Public Hearing on Phase ;fr2, called Fountain Glow West, in August. Plans are under way for construction o.f a road. A Public Hearing was scheduled tonight on the application of Rocco Lucente for approval o.f his subdivision. Mr. Lucente was not present. The Secretary called Mrs. Lucente in an.e,ffort to locate Rocco, but was unsuccessful, a,estheti cs Y e,.t Objections were expressed - -more in the nature o.f a:ttias and detri- xcrz a to adjoining land-- detrimet& to something that is bene,fieial to many people. Yany o.f the pinetrees have been left in large piles - -might be a temptation for kids to burn and create danger to existing homes. The type o.f house construction was considered very undesirable. The water table has been maintained ,for the Sanctuary but this will be affected. A ditch has been dug, which is very soggyt was could be da.nwerous. Question arose---Ts a Public Hearing legal when the owner is not Present.'. in th withh are i noon., Bob Kahrs ma e event that old approval nvestitaged. de the this until Curt motion, which is considered drainage and iss and Kahrs was seconded and carried, that a legal public hearing that we reported dangerous conditions will make an inspection Friday It was .sug,gested that i,f a partial amount o.. f any subdivision is approved in the future that a special map be mad up showing the exact part. Members felt it advisable to obtain the services o.f Helen Amdur at the Planning Board meetings i,f possible. A letter was received .from.. Mr. & Mrs. Don Phillips of Snyder Hill. They want assurance that Pine Irfoods East will remain as approved. Ginna offered to contact these people,, to explQin our limiter; control. Meeting adjoured at 11:00. Respectfully submitted, Yarion Stegerl Sec. TOWN OF DRYDEN DRYDEN, NEW YORK h � i i June 5, 1967 IN THE HEART OF FINGER LAKES REGION Official Notice to Appear in the Ithaca Journal and Rural News Prior to June 10, 1967: Please Take Notice that the Planning Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on the application of Rocco P. Lucente for approval of a subdivision on the east side of Sapsucker bloods Road. Said Hearin: will be held on the 15th day of June 1967, at the Town offices at 8 p.m.,, at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard.. By order of the�Planning Board �i PeteQrA fu rtiss, Chairman . Please bill to. Town Clerk Toe n of Dryden, Dryden, New York If there are any questions, please call me at 275 -5014. cc. T. Todd, Supervisor Mr. Luss, Clerk ,/� Thank you- I I