HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-06-05-- to -. I TOWN OF DRYDEN 4VYDEN, NEW YORK IN THE HEART OF FINGER " LAKES REGION June 5 1966 Mrs, Arlton K. Fletcher 27 Lake Road Dryden, New`York. Dear Miriam: Rather belatedly I`want to acknowledge your letter of resigna- ; tion from the Planning Board.4ddressed ' to Tom Todd. Since your s active participation in the Planning Board has been at a standstill i 1 for so long, receipt of such a letter was not totally unexpected, although we.were in many.respects "sorry to see it come., the We want to thank you very much for /many hours of devoted E ,i service you rendered both the Planning Board and. the Town while serving on the Planning Board since 1961. I have recently had • occasion to go over some of the old minutes of the Board and evidence of your part in the development and growth of the Board is abundant. There are many new faces in our group now i '::.. from the time when I came on the Board and first met you. How - ever, we have ,a rood Board and are doing what we can to make ` j Dryden a little better place in which to live. As you know, it ; so often is slow work and you wonder if.you.'ll ever make a dent f in some of 'the`plans you think about, but try we must, and try we are doing. George`Hanford and Ginna Hardesty join me in expressing our sincere thanks for all you have done on the Board in the past. i If at any time you have any suggestions or comments about our activities, of if there is anything you would like us to consider, please feel free to contact me. Inspite of the fact that you. are no longer "an official member of the Board we welcome your experience.and knowledge of the Town, and a.ny.constructive or ' ' helpful information you may care to give us.. Good health.and "Godspeed to you, Miriam. Sincerely yours, Peter A. Curtiss, Chairman 1 . Town of Dryden Planning Board cc* T* Todd %,.�"-tS;nwF"F, * �iZYl," € �.— m•.` i,' r;�w�- �•�'r, €'"'S^q�y:•�i,,••e ,�vfi,es••C•;n•`Y,y"! =r?!�M `C:^.�.�!at, , ;4*F; . r'm,�r,C*,';ra•.aa- >m'�!i:., 1� .�,'ae. -^t' .�..- f,';- .'t""•. .. - - • TOWN _P_LAITIMTr BOARD.,,�C , )Z,1OT D_RYDEN NEV YORK JUNE 16� 1966 The Planning Board for the Town o,f Dryden met June 16, 1966 in the '_!own Hall at 8:00 with members Lengemann, Reed, Benson, Hanford, and Chairman Curtiss. Others in attendance were C. W. Sadd, Jim Belasco, Douglas Robson, a.^r. Cole, Mr. & Ers. Don Brown, and Art Clark. Dr. John B. Hall, 12 Turkey Hill Road, Ithaca, N. Y., was intro- duced to the group. Dr. Hall will serve as a current *member of the Town Planning Board. He comes highly recommended, both by his prede- cesso-�, Ben She f;fy, and the Town Board. .ifinutes of the previous meeting were approved. r Tae Official Notice, as published in the ^Rural News and the Ithaca j Journal, regarding the Public Hearing on the application of afr. C. TT. Sadd for approval of a major subdivision plat entitled "tIINDY KNOLL" was read. This new subdivision consists Of seven lots on the west ' side o,f Yellow Barn _Road. Tne lots are to be 1031 by 1501. There is a right -of -way on the west side o,f the subdivision to prevent the area behind it from being landlocked, allowing further development. The Tcmpl, ins County Health Dept. has approved the water supply and the sew- ; age development plans. The lots have restrictive covenants in the deeds providing the minimum size and cost o,f house to be erected on the lots. If the house is to be a single story dwelling, it must be a mimimuM of 900 sq. ,ft., excluding porches, patios and garage, and I the basement. If it is to be a raulti ~story dwelling, the ground floor must be a minimum of 700 sq. ft. with the same restrictions. The j minimum cost o.f a house to be erected is to be 010,0000000 E The question arose as to whether the land on the west side of the i road would be developed before the land in back of the subdivision. Hr. Sadd stated that no definite answer could be given. Er. Sadd agreed to construct the road in compliance with instructions by Dick j Case. The Planning Board approved Mr -. Sadd,s major subdivision. Public Nearing was officially closed at 8:25 P. l�. Jim Belasco presented a proposed major subdivision known as "PINE €lOO.DS EAST." Health department am rov 1 ha e,n received. Jim stated that individual sewage will b e Dick Case will accept the present road up to the bend; a general easement has been signed, by the power company and several poles have already been set. The Planning Board suggested that the road r- ssxra�_' sed`d�3d--Er�. It was agreed that the portion of the road as completed will be accepted by Mr. Case, and at the point where the road stops that /fr.,Belasko will make provisions for a temporary turn- around "T" by Sept. or October. This can be, sketched on the map, as well as the easements. • i ° tr • =2- Chairman Curtiss stated that a Public bearing will be scheduled for July 21, 1966 at 8:00 P. 1:r. A news release for the local papers will be published. OLD BUSINESS- -Tom Benson asked if some pressure could be brought to bear to expedite the completion of the House Numbering job. 64 --i w P - ;mia2a- Benson stated that the Town Planning Board is desirous o,f having «r. Denman proceed as soon as the list has been checked over for errors. At our July meeting we will .form the wording on the cards for the new numbers and discuss a possible arrangement o,f, better informing the public of this change. i 1r. Benson briefed the members on the Town Board meeting. He stated that: F`1 The name of Monkey Run was again questioned but that the Town Board stands by the recommendation, of the Planning Board. ;!'2 Tne Town Board suggests that the seven ,fire districts be in- I formed that we are renumbering houses and roads, and since we • have no interest in pursuing the sale of numbers to educate the public that perhaps they would like to get into the picture. #3 All t-raildr parks have received notice of reassessment and the owners are greatly concerned. f r i #4 The Town Board would appreciate suggestions for replacement of Mrs. Fletcher. He Dr. Benson, will attend.the Town of Caroline board meeting. Dr. Benson gave a resume of the ,final results of the Questionnaire sent out by the Planning Consultants. He stated that 559 were returned n »t, o f 1500. or a 38% return. s ; ,4o Rb-T - � he ,felt. that some weight ana valtaz-ty cou.ca oe placed on these results. Dryden residents shop locally for groceries, but *h:� clothing, .farm supplies, autos, and household goods were purchased main.Zy in Downtown Ithaca. The questionnaire also revealed that of the total reporting -Izh 70 people had incomes over $153000.00. Dr. Benson further stated that the report indicated t1 residents were pleased with road maintenance, snow removal, school system, .fire protection, police protection, garbage and trash disposal, but .wa -8--sz TL4,9 -&d that people knew -a-Zo little about °ems Planning and zoning. The % of structures built before 1900 was high. it was decided that a Planning Board meeting would be held during both July and August. A Public Hearing on the Belasco subdivision is scheduled for 8 p.m followed at 8:15 by the public meeting for final road name changes.'` on July 21, The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marion Steger Road names were discussed. See attached news release. A; ,o I j x 11 � .a... 11 r 11 irr . 1 ! 2 IF I I "i _ > "! TOWN OF DRYDEN ' ` 1. I I -. I I. 11 DRYDEN,. NEW' YORK " a. I 31 ;,. 1 I % _ t ' " r • I I f` I IN THE HEART OF (FINGER LAKES REGION I NI III I 11 IF, h I 2 1'r I l .l L ` IN I 1. I. ' I June 6•; 1966 4 s 1. is f ,1 I I I t, - lsY' For Release Any Time Prior to June 16, 1966 IF I ,I 4, j '• { Y } I I :..r ' 1 I - I ;> tn. Subdivision Hearing Set for Dryden I " I .. 1. r I . . J,,% -I A" ublic hearin is. set for 8 - p g. p.m. on June 16 in the Dryden > ,; ;. a . • f .flown offices. ":fora proposed major subdivision to be 'constructed i" I INA, I IN .� I (' F �n ",j "`on''the west` side of Yellow, Barn Road .near Route 13. '`This public . IN, . I sr1 hearing will be followed by the regular monthly meeting of. the f. *,� I . ' Town of-Dryden _Plannin Board. All ersons.wishin :: ` S p g to be heard I ' . . " - ,. Is I regarding this proposed subdivision are"requested to attend the I ; IF I :9 I t , " , I I I I IF I I I I � I f. hearing. .I ... N. If I III 'i ll �' / x r i'• ', .NN r i I � • I - f I I Thank you- 1 d ", IF , !09 II 4�� Y. 4 9 ' { I ;, Peter:A.:Curtiss.,.Chairman I. I ;' ' /g;��. Town of Dryden Planning Board I 1 , . ,I .n - } I Ir 1. ,: ,> 1 �I �F; % a1; T ti N. t 1 It I :Y :.. ! I i J I. I 1 7 1. - - _ 1 ,' i -ll :.i 1 .'� h .. . 1. I ' i f _ r �f i I IF l' I r y i .I - ,, f _ I i - .1 .l 4 ♦ 1' 1. If i _5.. 1 1,. . 1 If • IIN I t �i� 't f I I 4 i - + }3 1. I .` 4 i I J I ✓ '1 I. I. : . w { 1. -i i r- t' :} i - I a 1 I " i IN a. 41a 't A . ) ; , i i _ _ , < " ' -'t 4 � Is .- .�i+.+f• n. .:.vr- wiw.5+w:�fv: ,r.� IF Nsff"i'4 iv.- vi.ew?%+r_' 'Ra,vat'.,:- fli- Iv.. «...-. !m R...nt..: .r. r• ,.,;.lN��sFF t sNNNN M�a n�.:.... IF -IF a' - .,.t.. ,. .,�, I' • r I i.stc;xi £ -'� ..'.`}:. ...n..pgrt,. ar4y,... ..T .>+M.+ , ,,y 3 a. _'I, f N �^{.:',: -tittylw:^�l .ntR"ti'H.._ ye ^t '.;� H) ¢:r n e wti�. r Fe"Y + q•';+> "a i •3 , x'.11 1�.,• F , '--i<J 1 'S I.Y.^ •- .7 '.b Y.. 1 Planning Board Meeting.this Thursday, June 16 at '8 p..m. Agenda: 1.).Public hearing for Happ Sadd's'subdivision, 2) Finish up road names on Route 13/366a.nd.38 3): Check,Mr. Denman' a, list for accuracy. s I am pleased to report that Ben Sheffy has been fortunate in finding a-replacement for himself toiserve as a temporary member of the Planning Board, Dr. John B. Hall, a next door neighbor of Ben's and a well -known Ithaca dentist, is apparently very interested -in our work and Ben recommends him highly. He will probably 'be recommended. for appointment by the -Town Board "a at; their next meeting. John will probably be at the.:meeting. 4 on, Thursday so we'll, get to meet. him then. We are pleased to receive the Town Board minutes', although the reproauction' was so bad on the copy I got that I was unable ' 4k to read a good part of it: Hopefully that problem can'be'remedied, '�f ©r: we truly need to know the Town Board proceedings`, and what information I: could. gather. from this one meeting _was: most -inter r .:. esting. We can decide Thursday, but throwing our schedule into,the rin I mi ht su est that we have a re'ula.r meetin in Jul mainly . g, g gg g g' Y Y for the purpose of a public hearing to' complete the roads; but s ki We August meeting. We can do whatever you all want- -try to. -'� 11 • bring '• vacation schedules, etc : Thursday and. we' 11 decide , then. �1 . See you Thursday. LL Ir 1 1 f ` r 1i < k �P �.�..• -moo �i 1 t 1 ` f i• I - r i` k f. t•"y�n�'•'`l'.',[ +'st "{'C��an:'r -v. ..,..Y� �i �..:,:r r -vr. wz i 1 r 1 I - r t•"y�n�'•'`l'.',[ +'st "{'C��an:'r -v. ..,..Y� �i �..:,:r r -vr. wz i 1 r 1 J AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION \.J HE ITHACA JOURNAL i'Jlar� are.. capogrossi___..._ being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he resides in Ithaca, County and state aforesaid and that he is ........................................... ookkeeper .----------------------- - - - - -- of THE ITHACA JouRNAL a public newspaper printed and published I n Ithaca aforesaid, and that a notice, of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said paper --------- June ..... 7M1966 and that the first publication of said notice was on the ....... 7th_9__._. day of .......... Jude. 19 - h.6. l - - -- - ------------ - - - - -- - - -F � --------- --- - - - - - - Oribed and sworn a before me, this .................. ......8th...r. ........ ... da y of.•-----•--•• •- ••--- •- ••••- •---- •- •--- - - - - -- .June -• -• 19--66 E? i'IA?: ti Ii LE% C %!�" Notary Public, `;i,u,...nf. :e�y York �A.:.. XO Notary Public. Qualified in' Tompkins County Term Expires March 30, 1.467 NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of the Town of Dryden aipablic+ hearing, pursuant '278'• of"sthe Town Law on the n of Mr. C. W. Sadd for of a maior subdivision plan 'Windy Knoll." Said subdivl- ocated on the west side of 16th day of June 1968. at the 'Town offices at 8• p.m., at which time all Interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. ' By order of the Planning Board Peter A. Curtiss, Chairman 8/7 -.