HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-18W ado3 oa3 { i `• f i c F i i r doJ 213 X ! TOWN PLANNING BOARD, TOWN OF DRYDENt NEW YORK NOVEMBER_18,, 196f The Planning Board for the Town of Dryden w0et November 18, 1965 in the Town Hall at 8:15 with members She.f fy, Hardesty, Lengemann, Hanford, and Chairman Curtiss in attendance. Emmons Ogden, former Chairman of the Town 'o,f Dryden Planning Board, was also present." Minutes of the last meeting were approved as distributed. -, Mrs. Hardesty ,gave a very vivid and enlightning report on an alarming situation in Ellis Hollow. Recently she was contacted by some ladies in this particular community, who represented themselves and their husbands, Their main desire was to obtain ZONING -Last. Apparently this ,group was concerned in that there was no method or control currently operating, beyond minimal health and safety standards, which would aid in either preserving the character of "The Hollow" or a logical plan through which orderly controlled development could take place. They realize the extreme danger of property values being lowered over night by projects such as trailer camp or gas station next door, etc. Mrs. Hardesty met with this "study group" on November 10, 19650 PLEASE NOTE: #1 Ellis Hollow had a proposed zoning ordinance in 1959. Petitions were circulated with 1300 names against and 150 in favor. • At that time it was "tabled." #2 Bitterness has been smoldering in Ellis Hollow. #3 The erection of a six unit apartment house for Dr. Kirk has perhaps "triggered" the action on the part of the ladies of Ellis Hollow. #4 Ginna mentions that - -Iack of communication is evident. These ladies were not aware of the progress of the Planning Board on the "701" , etc. Mrs. Hardesty and Emmons Ogden met with this group on November 17, 1965 and the following is a statement by Barbara Caldwell. Please take special note of the three possible solutions this group arrived at. "Because of recent developments in Ellis Hollow which may or may not be good in themselves, - -or good for the Ho11.ow as a whole, many . people in the area have realized that the Ellis Hollow area is not in a fixed, ,finished state and is subject to great changes almost over- night, There is no method or control currently operating, beyond minimal health and safety standards, which would aid in either pre - serving the character of "The Hollow" as we presently know it or a logical plan.through which orderly controlled development could take place.' .... r..:•rrck <.... .r -• +tea s`- +•.-w:..tt x �. �: mrnrY:^; ei«». �,•.. �: re,-. n. Y...-. �• T^'e"i!' ^r;1.�:;Hw+•'+in•::Y�.. ^'""i":� r`:iF+'hT '.'F.nti rs 1`:�' F:!?l v ✓n.: �.-ea - � i .. - • ' � �. r '{� :.. ... '' .. 4" i ��i' , : 'rip. , ��.,""`S. !r'^.fi4't. +Y'i °' ' r a ^,:} ' ^o v � • �r' �. - 1. A do O213X Oa3xi TOWN PLANNING BOARD, TOWN OF DRYDENt NEW YORK NOVEMBER_18,, 196f The Planning Board for the Town of Dryden w0et November 18, 1965 in the Town Hall at 8:15 with members She.f fy, Hardesty, Lengemann, Hanford, and Chairman Curtiss in attendance. Emmons Ogden, former Chairman of the Town 'o,f Dryden Planning Board, was also present." Minutes of the last meeting were approved as distributed. -, Mrs. Hardesty ,gave a very vivid and enlightning report on an alarming situation in Ellis Hollow. Recently she was contacted by some ladies in this particular community, who represented themselves and their husbands, Their main desire was to obtain ZONING -Last. Apparently this ,group was concerned in that there was no method or control currently operating, beyond minimal health and safety standards, which would aid in either preserving the character of "The Hollow" or a logical plan through which orderly controlled development could take place. They realize the extreme danger of property values being lowered over night by projects such as trailer camp or gas station next door, etc. Mrs. Hardesty met with this "study group" on November 10, 19650 PLEASE NOTE: #1 Ellis Hollow had a proposed zoning ordinance in 1959. Petitions were circulated with 1300 names against and 150 in favor. • At that time it was "tabled." #2 Bitterness has been smoldering in Ellis Hollow. #3 The erection of a six unit apartment house for Dr. Kirk has perhaps "triggered" the action on the part of the ladies of Ellis Hollow. #4 Ginna mentions that - -Iack of communication is evident. These ladies were not aware of the progress of the Planning Board on the "701" , etc. Mrs. Hardesty and Emmons Ogden met with this group on November 17, 1965 and the following is a statement by Barbara Caldwell. Please take special note of the three possible solutions this group arrived at. "Because of recent developments in Ellis Hollow which may or may not be good in themselves, - -or good for the Ho11.ow as a whole, many . people in the area have realized that the Ellis Hollow area is not in a fixed, ,finished state and is subject to great changes almost over- night, There is no method or control currently operating, beyond minimal health and safety standards, which would aid in either pre - serving the character of "The Hollow" as we presently know it or a logical plan.through which orderly controlled development could take place.' .... r..:•rrck <.... .r -• +tea s`- +•.-w:..tt x �. �: mrnrY:^; ei«». �,•.. �: re,-. n. Y...-. �• T^'e"i!' ^r;1.�:;Hw+•'+in•::Y�.. ^'""i":� r`:iF+'hT '.'F.nti rs 1`:�' F:!?l v ✓n.: �.-ea - � i .. - • ' � �. r '{� :.. ... '' .. 4" i ��i' , : 'rip. , ��.,""`S. !r'^.fi4't. +Y'i °' ' r a ^,:} ' ^o v � • �r' �. - 1. AdOO � .Ado. ! OaaX .. .. r Many of the questions which come immediately to mind a.re very ;practical,- -what if the next project next door is a trailer camp or gas - station, and what does this do to your property values? Are we going to get a lot of .fast extra traffic, possibly a hazard to our childrenP ghat happens in a really dry time,- -are we going to get pressured into a water -sewer situation before we really want it? What effect on the Ellis Hollow Community Association and its activities will there be if there is a large transient population? As a past.Fair Chairman I know a little of this angle of the problem. And of course the question always comes down to what do we really want for the future i of the Hollow and what is the best way to go about it? I don'tthink there are two people who would agree completely on the answer to that but on the other hand I do think there are areas where we could ,find agreement. Why do we come to the Board? While the Board cannot take political i action and preserve its non - political tax - exempt status, the Board does have a stake in,this from the point of view of its own future plans. Also, according to its by -laws which allow for welfare and educational purposes, I feel that the Board could serve as a clearinghouse or forum when needed so that the communication between members of the area interested in this can be aided, - -and not. just persons representing one point of view. The big problem right now seems to be one o.f communication. I would like to explain a little of what has happened, what some of the possibilities are and how the group of interested - people hope to proceed. i For several years the Tuesday Work Bees have served as a place where the women o,f•the community could discuss things which affect them, their ,families, and their homes. Since we have deliberately tried to avoid gossip of a personal nature, the discussion usually turns to more important thincs. In between pinning seams and referee- ; .•ing pre - school squabbles there usually is some healthy discussion on . such things as high school curriculum and highway maintenance. Re- cently the talk has ,focussed more and more on planning and zoning. From these informal discussions . two questions came up, no one seemed to know enough about what is possible or what is being done. It seemed that someone should accurately collect all this information, pass it out where needed, and then be prepared to take whatever logical rational action was needed. Since then there has been a meeting of a group of interested women to hear some of the possibilities open to the Hollow. A second meeting with more information in depth is planned For Dec. lat. In the meantime through many phone calls, interviews, etc. several of us have been gathering material which we hope will aid in reaching a considered rational - solution. f •Thus far there seem to be two points of view expressed by those who are in favor o.f some sort of planning. On one hand there is need to consider the long -range comprehensive needs and aims o,f the area -- e. �?' ry+,. �. me^,) T. Y• w` �i._+ 't^'iiRtr*.s��'r..+iT..LYt..�af tf•�m - - -4 c-w.:. n..t...�... i 1 � A I i i I iAdOJ y AdO - Oa3. AdOJ I and come up with a detailed flexible plan which would meet these needs. This requires time, lots Of it,- -from the .first map made of current land-use to all the discussion (and cups of co.ffee needed to get all :this information out to the community. On the other hand there is the very real .feeling that i.f something isn't done very soon there's not going to be much left worth planning for. This afternoon a possible solution to this aspect of the problem was pr9posed and I'll have Ginna tell about this in a minute. There seem to be three possible solutions to the total problem: #1 Form a Village. #2 Become part of the Town of Ithaca #3 Actively encourage and aid the present Planning Board under the Town o.f Dryden. I recently had the opportunity indirectly to bring these questions before Deputy Commissioner Alpert of the Office for Local Government in Albany. He was shown a topographical map with Ellis Hollow drawn on it and ,given a summary of the history and development of the area covering such things e:�.� as number o,f household, number of adults, .number o,f children, occupation range, income and education range, school system, shopping area, place of employment, etc. With this background he gave the ,following opinions: #1 It is possible but not advisable to become a Village, - -we appear to easily meet the legal requirements on area, population, etc. to do this but it is not recommended because: (a) It means one more governmental unit in a time when simplification o,f government, rather than proliferation, should be the goal; I (b) It is expensive, - -to a point where it might prove a hardship or a detr`tion from living in the Hollow, #2 It is possible to become part of the Town of Ithaca. The details of how this could take place are not needed here but it is a very definite alternative yf the 3rd alternative (which Mr. Alpert did recommend) does not work out. (For our Hollow residents who are in the .Town of Caroline they might also consider this method #2 Mr. Alpert does suggest that we actively support and encourage our Town of, Dryden Planning Board as our primary step. With a new Town Board coming in which Emmons can advise us about, and a Planning Board of which Ginna is a member, perhaps some of the ,frustration which many of us have .felt 4,z the past will work out. Ginna has a proposal which you might like to comment on as individuals even if you don't feel ready or able to as Community Association Board members. Now Ginna will bring us up to date." Ad3XOD' Ot/I :..A -A C� •AdOO .._- - _ -- -AdOO, yy.._..:...._ AdOO AdOb OLI O2i3X ON3XO2f3X! i Mrs. Hardesty continues her report---- "This group is completely serious about this matter." Planning Board members indicate that the assessment in this area is large tax wise. .Also, that there are certain dangers in a "crash program &0<4Lp ,v--' 'Ow 4ve44o$ 00 Motion was made by Dr. She,ffy and seconded by Ginna Hardesty that the Dryden Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the Dryden 701 program be put into operation as soon as possible with primary emphasis on the prompt formulation of a basic zoning ordinance which would be expanded as the 701 study progresses. Motion was carried. It is the unanimous decision of the Planning Board that this zoning ordinance be designated as, the FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS under the 701 Study'. Alton Reed and Scott Erkhart were introduced. Alton Heed of R. D. #2, Freeville, N. Y. presented a minor sub - i division to the Board with maps showing two parcels of land with a 60' right -o,f -way. Mr. Reed stated that all neighbors are aware of his intentions. The Planning Board felt that this 'IS, a minor subdivision and the surrounding conditions are ,favorable.. The Board pointed out that a Board of Health approval would be . necessary. It was suggested that an easement be put on the east side of Lot #2. The notation of this ease - meet should be made on all ,four copies. The Board requests that Mr. Reed have these items taken care of and to attend the next meeting, Dec. 16. Mr. Reed asked if Zoning4ampp44�& to property owned by Cornell University. It is hoped that the Planning Board can establish some kind of coordination with Cornell in the ,future study of the 701. Dr. Lengemann pointed starting and that the P1ann Board has been informed tha property have taken place i have received no applicatio specific cases involved are out ing t a n t n r that minor subdivis Board is not noti,fi t least three possib he Town of Dryden in equest for subdivisi ions are still ed.. The Planning le subdivisions of recent weeks. We on approval. The #1. Reputed Robert Ea3 tman4° office building on Etna - Hanshaw Ext. #2 Ellis Hollow Road apartment Kirk from Ernest Slights. 07V. buildings purchased by Dr. Robert #8 Don Portzline residence purchased from R. Hemingway, Jr. • PLEASE NOTE;- -Names are mentioned only to enable identification of property in question.. -� ;o..•.— - ^-- ,�r..�_.. . -r,n•. +..e.:- ...ter. _,_i.:..... r A - 0 `e rr r Lei • d0 J Fi3 ON3Xt - I J i i } 1 I 1 i } A 1dOJ Ad00 O2i3X Dr. Lengemann recommended that the following resolution be presented to the Town Board: "The Planning Board requests that the Town Board ask the enforce- ment officer to investigate IMMEDIATELY for possible violation.lj George Hanford second the above - -so carried. A press release was prepared by Chairman Curtiss regarding Road Naming in the NT section." Mr. Ogden offered to see Supervisor Fuller, in regard to the confusion existing between Ringwood.Road and Ellis Hollow Road - South. Meeting adjourned at 11:30. R Respectfully submitted, Marion Steger, Sec. iz 40001 P� AdOJI ' 083XI . .. .,.,.,, .p :.!.•�.�. -� ,� -s_i: .+.+rt«... ^�..i w�'#•'P.'PL"^•y .m'IA+!':•.•'„�rT^�!Hy q..rv...+,.....�.q..x•r -'•h• n.•-.: .i..:?+: -.n 1 T.. �.x^.�+'.' i _ - •.". "" ,Y:�: ' ., . `I("t V .. � e�C�ar ,�:1?ca!^'e`•�f ',. �•; ^- X"?;.j+'yY�: �;r ^�`� � � :.•.. `•ry. � i 1 I i i i 1 i f 4 •i A 1dOJ Ad00 O2i3X Dr. Lengemann recommended that the following resolution be presented to the Town Board: "The Planning Board requests that the Town Board ask the enforce- ment officer to investigate IMMEDIATELY for possible violation.lj George Hanford second the above - -so carried. A press release was prepared by Chairman Curtiss regarding Road Naming in the NT section." Mr. Ogden offered to see Supervisor Fuller, in regard to the confusion existing between Ringwood.Road and Ellis Hollow Road - South. Meeting adjourned at 11:30. R Respectfully submitted, Marion Steger, Sec. iz 40001 P� AdOJI ' 083XI . .. .,.,.,, .p :.!.•�.�. -� ,� -s_i: .+.+rt«... ^�..i w�'#•'P.'PL"^•y .m'IA+!':•.•'„�rT^�!Hy q..rv...+,.....�.q..x•r -'•h• n.•-.: .i..:?+: -.n 1 T.. �.x^.�+'.' i _ - •.". "" ,Y:�: ' ., . `I("t V .. � e�C�ar ,�:1?ca!^'e`•�f ',. �•; ^- X"?;.j+'yY�: �;r ^�`� � � :.•.. `•ry. � i '+!ixdo i i s s c i I i ;. n i Now November 20, 1965 MEMO TO: Dryden Town Board - Present and Incoming FROM: Peter A. Curtiss Chairman, Planning Board PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED MATERIAL CAREFULLY d00 I We had a long and very interesting Planning Board meeting last Thursday. Ellis Hollow residents are extremely concerned over the lack of zoning (most recent straw, construction of apartment building on Ellis Hollow Road) ---to the point that secession to the Town of Ithaca is considered by some to be a distinct possibility. Such pressure might have made little difference in current Planning Board'plans but for the earlier- than - expected award of our 701 Program. Tom Niederkorn of the Regional Planning Board states that under. 701 we can go ahead on any aspect of the planning involved (zoning for example) and it would be possible to come up with some kind of a basic zoning ordinance for public and Town Board consideration. by next March (such a schedule would have been impossible without the professional help and dollars made available by the 701 Program). It is with this information Ginna Hardesty and Emmons Ogden were able to suggest the possibility of a most timely solution. �- I want to stress that the planning Board is most conscious of the fact that a stop -.gap or temporary zoning ordinance measure has some dangers, but we think we can overcome these dangers; we have therefore asked in our minutes that the Town Board approve our recommendation to go ahead with the 701 Program on this basis. I would urge that this approval be given at the November 23 meeting if possible. Such action will not in any way change the fiscal situation. We are well aware of the necessity for prompt and continuing public communication throughout this business, and I will personally do everything possible in this area. If the Town Board approves our recommendation I will work with Tom Niederkorn to prepare an appropriate press release. We are most fortunate in having Ginna Hardesty and tives in the Ellis Hollow area. I am certain they the part of some Ellis Hollow residents and I know in this specific situation and planning in general cooperation of nearly everyone in Ellis Hollow. Emmons Ogden as our representa- have predented rash action on that their continuing involvement will gain the respect and Considerable time and effort has gone into getting all this material to the Town Board promptly for their evaluation at the.November.23 meeting. We hope that such action, on this -as well as the problem of subdivision enforcement, can be taken without delay, i P ! I L a@ oaax oaax' �. Planning Board meeting As I',m sure most of you know, the Dryden 701 Program has been awarded and the actual contract should be in the Regional Planning Board's hands-jany day. I hope by Thursday to have some more information on what we may expect in terms of time schedules, etc. The main part of the meeting this Thursday, November 18, will be to go over the press release I have prepared for our first public hearing on road renaming in the IQW section of the town. And with luck we will hear the Lengemann- Sheffy report on the • Cayuga Lake Basin.Study; And as usual I'm sure there will be other gems'of wisdom.for us to absorb or generate. See you there; 'The Ithaca Journal story is attached in case you didn't see It* Hopefully, we're off to. a decent start on.the.public acceptance of.this program. *Just as a target.date I'm aiming at Thursday, December 2, at the West Dryden Church if it can be arranged. •""c..,,. i;9..w:*- �+ry,•*+.�+rr.m:sT!;s m..,,'' P"' TN�fi' n} 4r,.+' u' t[ 7°e r' n+*+ f�^+ atm`.' t�cPT 'n"'?7??rc ".?rj*r ^ ^h-'""ann•G ,a:7mv -.ta. ro . °'�",; .�'2�: ". ;: - K¢'.MCP w!�'e�•"Nne'^e. �.?P rear."»',^`." Ft... r.... .a .. .; 0 ., , a • k s y. US. Gran •Y The Town of Dryden will be- gin.shortly to work out a master, plan for its development, ac- cording to Peter Curtiss of Et- na, chairman of the Town of Dryden Planning Board. The Urban Renewal Adminis- tratio=,- notified Rep. Howard W.. Robison of Owego Monday that 'a $28,368 grant for planning to cover the town and village of Dryden and the village of Free - ville has. been approved. The. federal government vrill supply two- thirds and the project cost, -state government one -sixth anal- the' participating local govern ments the remainder. P. There has been no long - range, planning in the Dryden -area. The village of Dryden has :.oning, the town has none, ,al though it has subdivision regu lations. The village has a com- munity water supply, and Free- ville has extensive wells, but j there is no over -all scheme for- providing the township with• water. Sewage treatment facili- . ties , vary in kind and location, but no community sewerage system has been developed. ' The .Dryden planning grant will enable 'the community to survey all its needs, its patterns of circulation, its potential for growth and its relationship to the neighboring urban centers,' Curtiss.told The Journal today. The planning itself will prob ably take two years, he said. The application for a grant was submitted last spring, through the Greater Ithaca Regional Planning Board, which will pro - vide the professional consultants to do the detailed work for the plan. When a master plan is ready, the town and village planning boards will offer it to their re -• spective governments, then to the Dryden Town Board for ap- proval. One result Curtiss ex- pects from the eventual plan will be the formulation of a zon- ing ordinance acceptable to both the town and the town board,' and the basis for long -range so- lutions to the problems of traf- fic, water and sewage disposal . for. the town. The Town of Danby undertook . a similar "701 Plan" for devel- opment prior to the Dryden application. It is almost com -•; plete:. . doo Ad00' �2f3X ' Otl3X i 1 �I i i — o 0 �,i 02i3X AdOJ AdOJ to d00 `�•' L012413 36 0a3X 0113X' i i t • November 20, 1965 i MEMO TO: Dryden Town Board - Present and Incoming FROM: Peter A. Curtiss j Chairman, Planning Board PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED MATERIAL CAREFULLY We had a long and very interesting Planning Board meeting last Thursday. Ellis ' Hollow residents are extremely concerned over the lack of zoning (most recent straw, construction of apartment building on Ellis Hollow Road) - - -to the point that secession to the Town of Ithaca is considered by some to be a distinct possibility: Such pressure might have made little difference in current Planning Board'plans but for the earlier- than - expected award of our 701 Program.. Tom Niederkorn of the Regional Planning Board states that under 701 we can go ahead on any aspect jof the planning involved (zoning for example) and it would be possible to come up with some kind of a basic zoning ordinance for public and Town Board consideration by next March (such a schedule would have been impossible without the professional help and dollars made available by the 701 Program). It is with this information Ginna Hardesty and Emmons Ogden were able to suggest the possibility of a most timely solution. j I want to stress that the planning Board is most conscious of the fact that a stop -gap or temporary zoning ordinance measure has some dangers, but we think we j can overcome these dangers; we have therefore asked in our minutes that the Town Board approve our recommendation to go ahead with the 701 Program on this basis. I would urge that this approval be given at the November 23 meeting if possible, of the necessity for prompt and continuing public communication throughout this business, and I will personally do everything possible in this area. If the Town i Board approves our recommendation I will work with Tom Niederkorn to prepare an j appropriate press release. We are most fortunate in'having Ginna Hardesty and Emmons Ogden as our representa- j tives in the Ellis Hollow area. I am certain they have predented rash action on the part of some'Ellis Hollow residents and I know that their continuing involvement i in this specific situation and planning in general will gain the respect and cooperation of nearly everyone in Ellis Hollow. Considerable time and effort has gone into getting all.this material to the Town Board promptly for their evaluation at the November 23 meeting. We hope that such action, on this as well as the problem of subdivision enforcement, can be taken without delay. - ei".'a"M�8#?r °�"Y^°,, �,.. ^°' !-! c± 2a�'•s;+.^v:�ry,- n°^^' ^..`!�ttv;; .xm- «�.��;, �.na -.. was• TM.-.^.+. exTf+. .+- q+....,�5^- r"aa�,' ^�fi'3HkL�h �?9����x re+' -i-n r-,a: �1 ... T - { Ad00 Ad00. 0213X � _ � 0213X _ ^ TOWN PLANNING BOARD, TOWN OF DRYDENq NEW YORK NOVEMBER 181965 Th in the Hanford Cha i rma Minutes e Planning Town Hall a and Chair n of the To of the 1as Board for the Town of Dryden 4fet November 18, 1965 t 8:1.5 with members She.,f,fy, Hardesty, Lengemann, man Curtiss in attendance. Emmons Ogden, former wn of Dryden Planning Board, . "'was also present. �* t meeting were approved as distributed. t, A d06i 02!3X1 i 1 t i Ad00 Ad00. 0213X � _ � 0213X _ ^ TOWN PLANNING BOARD, TOWN OF DRYDENq NEW YORK NOVEMBER 181965 Th in the Hanford Cha i rma Minutes e Planning Town Hall a and Chair n of the To of the 1as Board for the Town of Dryden 4fet November 18, 1965 t 8:1.5 with members She.,f,fy, Hardesty, Lengemann, man Curtiss in attendance. Emmons Ogden, former wn of Dryden Planning Board, . "'was also present. �* t meeting were approved as distributed. t, A d06i 02!3X1 Mrs. Hardesty ,gave a very vivid and enlightning report on an alarming situation in Ellis Hollow. Recently she was contacted by some ladies in this particular community, who represented themselves .j and their husbands. Their main desire 4as to obtain ZONING--.fast. Apparently this group was concerned in that there was no method or control currently operating, beyond minimal health and safety standards, which would aid in either preserving the character of The Hollow" or a logical plan through which orderly controlled development could take place. They realize the extreme danger of property values being lowered over night by projects such as trailer camp or gas station next door, etc. Mrs. Hardesty met with this "study group" on November 10, 19659 f - i PLEASE NOTE: #1 Ellis Hollow had a proposed zoning ordinance in 1959. Petitions were circulated with 1300 names against and 150 in favor. At that time it was "tabled." j #2 Bitterness has been smoldering in Ellis.Hollow. 1 #3 The erection of a six unit apartment house for Dr. Kirk has perhaps "triggered" the action on the part of the ladies of Ellis Hollow. #4 Ginna mentions that - -lack of communication is evident. These ladies were not aware of the progress of the Planning Board on the "701" , etc. Mrs. Hardesty and Emmons Ogden met with•this group on November 1'r, 1965 and the following is a statement by Barbara Caldwell. Please take social note of the three possible solutions this group arrived at. "Because of recent developments in Ellis Hollow which may or may not be good in themselves, - or good for the Hollow as a whole, many people in the area have realized that the Ellis Hollow area is not in a fixed, ,finished state and is subject to great changes almost over- " night. There is no method or control currently operating, beyond minimal health and safety standards, which would aid in either p re- serving the character of "The Hollow" as we presently know it or a logical plan through which orderly controlled development could take i place.' i -36- �j � s • _: ...: i'. r- r..:P- ;rF.;..,,,.'erFrr,' +t.* r•..•.. :5(�+^+¢^. ;a+y,.':""x4{`'rr''o"..¢,°mf r•r*+r.:.�v+•..TM'"n... r , r 1 'u. _. - t'?'T' a; c'FR V '`"Y.•:. - <. . ^a�S"r.:'ii fVYty'n'n K•ya.+•N'hx�, av�!r♦ N3".t"_ °r ..a•.r uw.F` t' n r ... -:. .r , i t Mrs. Hardesty ,gave a very vivid and enlightning report on an alarming situation in Ellis Hollow. Recently she was contacted by some ladies in this particular community, who represented themselves .j and their husbands. Their main desire 4as to obtain ZONING--.fast. Apparently this group was concerned in that there was no method or control currently operating, beyond minimal health and safety standards, which would aid in either preserving the character of The Hollow" or a logical plan through which orderly controlled development could take place. They realize the extreme danger of property values being lowered over night by projects such as trailer camp or gas station next door, etc. Mrs. Hardesty met with this "study group" on November 10, 19659 f - i PLEASE NOTE: #1 Ellis Hollow had a proposed zoning ordinance in 1959. Petitions were circulated with 1300 names against and 150 in favor. At that time it was "tabled." j #2 Bitterness has been smoldering in Ellis.Hollow. 1 #3 The erection of a six unit apartment house for Dr. Kirk has perhaps "triggered" the action on the part of the ladies of Ellis Hollow. #4 Ginna mentions that - -lack of communication is evident. These ladies were not aware of the progress of the Planning Board on the "701" , etc. Mrs. Hardesty and Emmons Ogden met with•this group on November 1'r, 1965 and the following is a statement by Barbara Caldwell. Please take social note of the three possible solutions this group arrived at. "Because of recent developments in Ellis Hollow which may or may not be good in themselves, - or good for the Hollow as a whole, many people in the area have realized that the Ellis Hollow area is not in a fixed, ,finished state and is subject to great changes almost over- " night. There is no method or control currently operating, beyond minimal health and safety standards, which would aid in either p re- serving the character of "The Hollow" as we presently know it or a logical plan through which orderly controlled development could take i place.' i -36- �j � s • _: ...: i'. r- r..:P- ;rF.;..,,,.'erFrr,' +t.* r•..•.. :5(�+^+¢^. ;a+y,.':""x4{`'rr''o"..¢,°mf r•r*+r.:.�v+•..TM'"n... r , r 1 'u. _. - t'?'T' a; c'FR V '`"Y.•:. - <. . ^a�S"r.:'ii fVYty'n'n K•ya.+•N'hx�, av�!r♦ N3".t"_ °r ..a•.r uw.F` t' n r ... -:. .r , i { Ad00 i A �•,. d00 A 083X do0 �OL13X1 -2- Many of the questions which come. immediately to mind are possibilities very :practical,- -what if the next project next door is a trailer camp or .gas station, and what does this do to your property values? Are we going to get a lot of fast extra traffic, possibly a hazard to our cAildren2 What happens in a really dry time,- -are we going to get pressured. into a water -sewer situation before we really want it? What effect on the Ellis Hollow Community Association and its activities will there be if there is a large transient population? As a past Fair Chairman I know a little of this angle of the problem. And of course the question always comes down to what do we really want for the future of the Hollow and what is the best way to go about it? I don'tthink there are two people who would agree completely on the answer to that but on the other hand I do think there are areas where we could ,find agreement.�.� Why do we come to the Board? While the Board cannot take political action and preserve its non - political tax - exempt status, the Board does have a stake in, this from the point of view of .its own future plans. Also, according to its by -laws which allow for welfare and educational purposes, I feel that the Board could serve as a clearinghouse or forum when needed so that the communication between members of the area interested in this can be aided,- -and not just persons representing one point of view. The big problem right now seems to be one of communication. I would like to explain a little of what has happened, what some of the possibilities are, and how the group of interested people hope to proceed. For, several years the Tuesday Work Bees have served as a place �. where the women o.f, the community could discuss things which a,f,fect them, their ,families, and their homes. Since we. have deliberately tried to avoid gossip of a personal nature, the discussion usually turns to more important things. In between pinning seams and referee- ing pre - school squabbles there usually is some healthy discussion on such things as high school curriculum and highway maintenance. Re- cently the talk has ,focussed more and more on planning and zoning. From these informal discussions two questions came up, no one seemed to know enough about what is possible or what is being done. It seemed that someone should accurately collect all this information, pass it out where needed, and then be prepared to take whatever logical rational action was needed. Since then there has been a meeting of a group of interested women to hear some of the possibilities open to the Hollow. A second meeting with more information in depth is planned For Dec. 1st. In the meantime through many phone calls, interviews, etc. several of .us have been gathering material which we hope will aid in reaching a considered rational-solution, •Thus far there seem to be two points of view expressed by those who are in favor of some sort of planninge4 On one hand there is need to consider the long -range comprehensive needs and aims of the area N, -._..; .m .... ,. .,.,. �..,�.. ._•'ar.�•. ..r. n- :xr_-=- :^-= .w.^•. ^- .� -r-: ^sr.... -a � ._ � �t',T�� .. z -.T .... _.:.+. — _- .ee�.....• - -, ry� - -♦ i �AdOJf• I AdO O`3 L OL13X . i and cone up with a detailed .flexible plan which would meet these needs. This requires time, lots of it,- -from the ,first map made of current land use to all the' discussion (and cups of co,f,fee) needed to get all this information out to the community. On the other hand there is the very real .feeling that i,f something isn't done very soon there's not going to be much. left worth planning ,for. This a,fternnon a possible solution to this aspect of the problem was pr9posed and I'll have Ginna tell about this in a minute. There seem to be three possible solutions to the total problem: #1 Form a Village. #2 Become part of the Town of Ithaca #3 Actively encourage and aid the present Planning Board under the Town of Dryden. I recently had the opportunity indirectly to bring these questions before Deputy Commissioner Alpert of the Office for Local Government in Albany. He was shown a topographical map with Ellis Hollow drawn on it and ,given a summary o,f the history and development of the area coiiering such things s as number of household, number of adults, number o,f children, occupation range, income and education range, school System, shopping area, place of employment, etc. With this background he gave the following opinions: #1 It is possible but not advisable to become a Village, - -We appear to easily meet the legal requirements on area, population, etc, to do this but it is not recommended because: (a) It means one more governmental unit in a time when simplification o,f government, rather than proliferation, should be the goal; (b) It is expensive, - -to a point where it might prove a hardship or a detr9tion from living in the Hollow. #2 It is possible to become part o,f the Town of Ithaca. The details of how this could take place are not needed here but it is a very definite alternative Lf the 3rd alternative (which Mr. Alpert, did recommend) does not work out. (For our Hollow residents who are in the Town o.f Caroline they might also consider this. method) #2 Mr. Alpert does suggest that we actively support and encourage our Town of Dryden Planning Board as our primary step. With a new Town Board coming in which Emmons can advise us about, and a Planning Board of which Ginna is a member, perhaps some of the ,frustration which many of us have felt in the past will work out. Ginna has a proposal which you might like to comment on as individuals even if you don't ,feel ready or able to as Community Association Board members. Now Ginna will bring us up to date." s r�;1..; er' —„e .'`- v- •.pewr.� ,f :.„�Z: ...3y. _. t _,� tAdOJ! OL3XI �Ac jOii3X �4� n J Mrs. Hardesty continues her report -- -- "This group is completely serious about this matter." Planning. Board members indicate that the assessment in this area is large- -tax wise. Also, that there are certain dangers in a "crash program "."Z - ,�o ,Y rnv �- W,te�� �e/ Motion was made by Dr. Sheffy and seconded by Ginna Hardesty that the Dryden Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the Dryden 701 program be put into operation as soon as possible with primary emphasis on the prompt ,formulation of a basic zoning ordinance which would be expanded as the 701 study progresses. Motion was carried. It is the unanimous decision of the Planning Board that this zoning ordinance be designated as the FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS under the 701 Studys, Alton Reed and Scott Erkhart were introduced. Alton Reed of R. D. #2, Freeville, N. Y. presented a minor sub- division to the Board with maps showing two parcels of land with a 60' right -o,f -way. Mr. Reed stated that all neighbors are aware of his intentions. The Planning Board ,felt that this :IS% a minor subdivision and the surrounding conditions are ,favorable. The Board pointed out that a Board of Health approval would be neceesary. It was suggested that an easement be put on the east side of Lot #2. The notation o.f this ease- ment should be made on all four copies. The Board requests that Mr. Reed have these items taken care of and to attend the next meeting, Dec. 16. Mr. Reed asked if Zonin,g4app4mwt4 to property owned by Cornell University. It is hoped that the Planning Board can establish some kind of coordination with Cornell in the ,future study of the 701. Dr. Lengemann pointed out that minor subdivisions are still starting and that the Planning Board is not notified.. The Planning Board has been informed that at least three possible subdivisions of property have taken, place in the Town of Dryden in recent weeks. We have received no application request for subdivision approval. The specific cases involved are, #1. Reputed Robert Eastman-': office building on Etna - Hanshaw Ext. #2 Ellis Hollow Road apartment building purchased by Dr. Robert Kirk from Ernest. Slights. #S Don Portzline residence purchased from R. Hemingway, Jr. • PLEASE NOTE;- -Names are mentioned only to enable identification of property in question. 44 IV, r.� a r+r•.. -.-in: VYS� �. ^,�r^rr 'T-" ^•_t'r+T�a. *�s""" .'r r,- --•'t+ tr. A d 0 0 02!3X) v fE�tr�• ,, doo Ook Adoo O dv03 Otl3X ! i Dr. Lengemann recommended that the .following resolution be Presented to the Town Board: "The Planning Board requests that the Town Board ask the enforce- officer to investigate IMMFDIATELY for possible violation.'] George Hanford second the above - -so carried. Road A press release was pre parodden ohaeredn tou see sSupervisor gFuller Naming in the NW section. Mr. 9 •.f in regard to the confusion existing between Ringwood. Road and Ellis Hollow Road- South. Meeting adjourned at 11 :30. Respectfully submitted, LZ �-� w7z Marion Steger, Sec. I tdOJ� d3X s-•-. 1� 1' l ` AJOJ� Ai, i i �a3x.P 1 AdOJ Od3x1 TOWN OF DRYDEN DRYDEN9 NEW YOLK November 26, 1965. `OR RELEASE PRIOR TO DECE14HER 29 1 ' Ad001 to dJx. `O63x I ,1 Ad00� 0213x: 10doo CAJ IN THE HEART .OF FINGER LAKES REGION TOWN OF DR HOLDS MEETING FOR RECO2�MENDED ROAD NAME CHA:meeting GES The Town of den Planning Board has called a publt for Thursdays e� rsda December to determine public acc ance of proposed road name changes in the north, st section o`f the town . .The meeting is scheduled to take place in the D en Town Hall at .8 p.m. The Planning Board has be& working several' months on a dual program of renumber g houses and renarnin ertain roads where ear n vague and often confusing situ ons existing necessary to cl g within the 1n. A main objective of these efforts is to ovide a co stent town map for the benefit of fire companies and oth xxgxnxjCzx emergency services. The road name changes proposed are :kn within the northwest section of the town, bounded on the south by Route 366 and on thee® east by Route 38. The Ypros�ed changes are as> follows: the road running from South Lansing to McLean would be called the Peruville ?; Road the small section of road known as Howe Road going no th into mom Groton from Peruville Rod. .would be changed to Cobb Street; Sheldon Road will start at the Wood Road and run all the way to the eruville Road, superseding the North and South Road; the 'good Road will run from Lower Creek Road to'the Peruville`Road,.superseding a portion of the present Sheldon Road and the present designation of South Wood Road and North Wood Road; the Casswell Road will run from Upper Creek Road to the Peruville Road, dropping the North and South designations; TI O . v,AaOO4 J i081 A dOJF �AdOO November 26, 1965 (cont'.d) the West Dryden Road-will run from the west, town line to Route 38, in one section superseding the Chi_cahominy Road; the Asbury Road will extend from Lansing across the Scofield Road to the West Dryden Road; that small section of the Sapsucker Woods Road cut off by the 079 airport and new Route 13 will be called ors Road; the ?`Tiemi Mo��►wK Road will run from Sheldon Road to ;� Road; Hanshaw Road will Mt,*nJ + nri + to the Vest Dryden.Road$ superseding the Hans'naw Extension • and h Zeman the Road; Etna Road will run from Upper Creek Road to , tA014AWj( Road, superseding the Etna- Hanshaw Road and the Ellis Road. In addition to these changes, it is proposed that the newly -built road running north from new Route 13 at the junction of Route 366 by the New York State Electric and Gas facility be called the Hall Road. u 0 xBz11anx roads in this section of Dryden not spee ically mentioned here ill remain the same. Publi ings for the other sections of the town ill be he'' coming months. The ultimate recommendations of` lane *ng Board will be presented to the Dryden tin Board for their approve f Thank you very much. For fua�ther information or to have any questions answered, please feel free to call me it either number listed below: • Peter A. Curtiss, Chairman Town of Dryden Planning Board 12 Upper Creek Road Etna, New York 347 -4282 or 275 -5014 • A.dO J. `oa3x: I oa3 j { oaz1x A dOJF �AdOO November 26, 1965 (cont'.d) the West Dryden Road-will run from the west, town line to Route 38, in one section superseding the Chi_cahominy Road; the Asbury Road will extend from Lansing across the Scofield Road to the West Dryden Road; that small section of the Sapsucker Woods Road cut off by the 079 airport and new Route 13 will be called ors Road; the ?`Tiemi Mo��►wK Road will run from Sheldon Road to ;� Road; Hanshaw Road will Mt,*nJ + nri + to the Vest Dryden.Road$ superseding the Hans'naw Extension • and h Zeman the Road; Etna Road will run from Upper Creek Road to , tA014AWj( Road, superseding the Etna- Hanshaw Road and the Ellis Road. In addition to these changes, it is proposed that the newly -built road running north from new Route 13 at the junction of Route 366 by the New York State Electric and Gas facility be called the Hall Road. u 0 xBz11anx roads in this section of Dryden not spee ically mentioned here ill remain the same. Publi ings for the other sections of the town ill be he'' coming months. The ultimate recommendations of` lane *ng Board will be presented to the Dryden tin Board for their approve f Thank you very much. For fua�ther information or to have any questions answered, please feel free to call me it either number listed below: • Peter A. Curtiss, Chairman Town of Dryden Planning Board 12 Upper Creek Road Etna, New York 347 -4282 or 275 -5014 • A.dO J. `oa3x: TOWN OF DRYDEN DRYDEN, NEW YORK IN THE HEART OF FINGER LAKES REGION PROPOSED ROAD NAME CHANGES The road name changes proposed are within the Northwest section of the Town, Ibunded on the south by Route 366 and on the east by Route 38. The proposed changes are as follows: The small section of road known as Howe Road going north into Groton from Peruville Road would be changed to Cobb Street; Sheldon Road will start at the Wood Road and run all the way to the Peruville Road, superseding the North and South Road; the-Wood Road will run from Lower Creek Road to the Peruville Road, superseding a portion of the present Sheldon Road and the present designation of South Wood Road and North Wood Road; the Casswell Road will run from Upper Creek Road to the Peruville Road, dropping the North and South designations; the West Dryden Road will run from the west town line to Route 38, in one section superseding the Chicahominy Road; the Asbury Road will extend from Lansing across the Scofield Road to the West Dryden Road; that small section of the Sapsucker Woods Road cut off by the airport and new Route 13 will be called Mohawk Road; the Niemi Road will run from Sheldon Road to Mohawk Road; Hanshaw Road will run to the West Dryden Road, superseding the Hanshaw Extension and the Zeman Road; Etna Road will run from Upper Creek Road to Mohawk Road,. superseding the Etna - Hanshaw Road and the Ellis Road. I.n addition to these changes, it is proposed that the newly-built road running .north from new Route 13 at the junction of Route 366 by the':New York Electric and Gas facility be called the Hall Road.