HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-07-13Town Of Drx?Bene end e.es� s per mile Of bars On each. R.H. DENMAN Rural Consultant 972 Cliff Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Ar -2 -8188 menalare er:l survsT the rosis of the Town of Dryden / andard - number to esah house, farm and businesa places A te =ee bj► thfl 4p1tt43yy survey meter giving 200 numbere - r0*6 evenly spaced. T%° j x is a'tout 50 feet between numa. Bide of the road. � A "A met List' will be ouppl ied show big the name at ®sah loaat icn and the nisimbear aos igned, arrWiged by roads. Notification cards will, be printed and the name with proper new aldress written on the front ready for mailing 17 the Town. Mer4t,. Directions for determintng Numbers reaerved for new houses that may to built at intervening points vrill be cupplled. The cost to be MO p$r h0use v farm work and expanse in eluding postage, uuslriaez plate, lF hie to cover The work to toe done during the surimst of 1;16r. and payroant, to hi made an soon after aokplet icy; of contract as pract icab3.e. A cee laned C Gtr$ Y-S,7 G r Date . - - - "5 ..CENTURY SYSTEM RURAL HOUSE NUMBERING SURVEYS, SINCE 1989 In regard went coned this part supplied R. H. DENMAN RURAL CONSULTANT 972 CLIFF STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 p Su lenient to Prop ®sal AR 2 -8188 to printing, addressing and mailing Notification Cards In the attached proposal the Town of Dryden will assume of the work taking the information from the "Street List" by the contractor* In consideration over by the T own per house mak in g Acce l t of the above of Dryden the the net cost T- Su pe part of the work contractor w ill ;x.60 per house, and expense reduce the t aken cost $.10 S ignad �►-y- C ont ract or 1 Date of Dryden, v__ isor Date �� r3 ,AdOJ i I �G A JOJ' Oda= k I • Cyr ^j�� e:�l�s�c� / `� �/6/ I I r .I r r r :F R 1. ' � r c( Id TO��t�� OF D[ YL� -11% � DRYDI���`, NI.--W-YORK OFFICE OF THE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENtl SPECIFICATIONS FOR Irr the lldirl o� tF� Frxuor LJk,'s Rccti n HIGHYJAYS TO BE ACCEPTED ON TOWN r:IGHWAY SYSTEM. 1. RIGHT OF WAY - 50 feet minimu in level terrain. Additional ri m ght - —`� of way may be specified by the Superintendent of Highways where deep cuts or fills are necessary. 20 WIDTH OF ROAD METAL - Meet minimum. 3 SHOULDER WIDTH - 5 feet minimum. 4. SIGHT DISTANCE - at any point on the road, the sight distance ahead shall be at least ,5O feet. 5. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS a. Before placing any gravel or stone, the subgrade shall be cro4med to inch per foot and well compacted. b Adequate ditches shall be provided. The minimum ditch grade shall be 0.5 %* -c. Culverts shall be placed in natural dra- inage.ways, at low spots in grade, and in other locations where required by the Super- intendent of 'H�ighways. The size of all culverts must be ap- proved by the Superintendent* d. Underdrains shall be placed in low, wet areas, where side hill ^.oh i seepage is encountered, or in oU__„� �ocations specified by the Superintendent of Highways e. Suitable gravel or stone shall ne placed and compacted to a minimum depth of inches. (:�a base shall be placed and compacted in 6 inch maximum lifts.) The surface of the roadway shall be crowned 1r2 inch per foot if it is to remain ur_surfaced or Y inch per foot if it is to receive a subsequent bituminous surfacing. Shoulders �:�all be sloped from '_/2 - 3/4 inch per foot toward the road ditch. f Suitable shale may be permitted on the approval of the Highway Superintendent for base material. l� V V �1 • k b •, ♦)!.. 1 L} a 0 v Iv\ �Z.P ti • \ • IL � � a 4 N V 1 :! !3 1 i i 1 :! !3 1