HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-11• #iE1'tIAT TO UR YD.EN TGA BOARD T'IR '; t' T �^ O� . aOP.i�G CO�'�I ,,�If)lU A April 11, 1959 In order to eonf,orr- to the Jotter ;�f, the la:3, 'we are filing .;4th you, this brief report 'Jn our Conjri o�sion's :pork. A fu.11.er account of our actiA-.ies, with attendance record, c6rrespondencea, and other cat« is located in the ecretary's boon; The Ccrnwmission met twnnty times, rot counting the three hearings, from June, 19579 to 4 1, 19,59. `Ihe q,*emnbe rs thereof rare: Mr.. C.tl. Sadd, Cha,irr4:n. t¢rm txpi r. es _June, 1959 (2nd term) Mr. L. B. Harrington: te*era o.�pires June, 1959 Mr. Charles McGory: terv. expires June, 1960 Lars. Katharine i'aync, Secretary: term o.xNir•ejs June, 1961 i r. Frank Hanshaw$ ' UhQ.irmE n of hearings: term expires June 1962 l r. C. H. James* term e;tpires June 1963 X;r: Jo'hn i�atarson (replaci.nR Mr. Geo. Gueet) • terms expi rec June 1 CY.L. Our first yeaz''s work vas ,ciainly, coihcerned with -gaining background on the subject of zoning and acquaintj, n ouzr�e1ves fully- v: 'f' rich the own �z i.ts rva: s. To accom�.lAh these things, eve read �:. nu ibex of brochures, puhl i c�tior:� larger si..ge, and several ordi.nancos, br,th local -- viithin our of in county_d and out'sideof_ the immediate area. CUP main source of i.nforrucA-ion a;.3 "'Zoning, in itae r York Stutz, a Guitj'tk to` the r'repar atiori of �or_ing OrdionneeS°1 pubiaShed by the State of fork, .Department of Corrmeree. 1:1so implementing our k,nr iledge vere four separAe speakers invited to our meetings to explain v<ar'iou.s _problems and pitfalls of zonirp, ordi.re"nce preparation. i -t, the beginning of our s' '6cond year, ive made. a detailed stud :, of the roads of the Torn and suggesixd simt?].ified and less confu.r.ing n_:_mes of some of them. The Town Board adopted these name chr +npes and they ivere incorporated A • L43 IING CGHMISSION R& 'C4 irp PAGE 2 into the Official TQCl:n of 'Dryden Map. Mr. grant d,brams dr. c a up secti cna? reaps; and a composite reap to be 'used in conjunction ti ^pith the proposed ordinance, ith fir. Charles ies:rr±tan a s legal assistance the proposed orcinnce was pa.instakingly formt.slated. _!.Cast section was thoroughly discus(Zond. The above mentioned, proposed ordinance, (copy attached) was prosot:ted. 0 to the pe plo of Dryden at three difference public hear. ings at Bethel Grove, f° ebrut.ry 2, 1959; Varnf�,, t`ehruary 3,2:! 1 9599 Ord i�ryc3csn t1ill.aRe Ita.11.9 February { , 1.959. Careful. attention was given to all of the questions Put forth at these hearings. At t io subsequent meet,l_r rys of the Zoning CcmmL sign they �riere aiscu ?.sed and charirres madc in the proposfci ordinance. A�ach chann rigs put to a vote, The voting record end suhscouert changes can be found in minutes of i*;* r t h su -Ary 12. 11Yi q� ahe amendej ardii'tance was presenWto the 'Oiln Board at 8, joint. mmeting of the Town Board and the Zoning Comm ssion os L arel 12, 1959. The Zonin Commission is preprec to stand and assi st t "he Tclyin Board in the final. stages mf the presevta.t.ii.n of the propos> d if a s;:ouI ba r�ecessar,y. t e.sp�rtfully s m uted., i(mrs. ) Katharine G. Payne �. .. .. r4 ., . A f _y: .. _ L A , •`. ,. A. 'L•,. fl e' 1 4 AIL q .. ..: _ � r 't . , �i 1 ' 1 .. .. '� \ }� r Y. .�, 1' h.' . . A Al -4 y �#g. 4 7�.� QA.. yy +p fig, YOwX /� . Cha, n�� R, ,I _i� , T3 � a �`�'ION � .. ��� r�: '� tea read r Follow} a .A I A .1 • "• e . t ,• rs•ux'' e ry';, or " t � , ' pt.' i° sa .f tax'. t A ral, A - of A fut!, b Arl "1; 3 o :. iT 11 is � lore P!q&rmltted,' p)xAvv�� . d t� ��a _: „ 1Cep GbAgll• : .-*t least o n PI !Ur dre Feet b. f1 ; anure• a�aI be stare w1 thin one F i'` A • ,. _ tr . ooi�,n hou9ke8 Qr :'tclUx'. at ho t'Se 1. A ALL. Cdr _ �C�, I A A C'`,Ji`� , lsrara' 2 0 ©d"s�.la�s asA . . ' . • `�uta ry ha!oo_'t 1x3.,zc �s :alln, 0. A .0 " or. : r o .�n1aLa? .Atria(5.0 Conducted vtitipoti offe A ve-,e no .pa, flti�r ox °uty rdi�t. tie. i�ulll,''ub;r A. ; . t� 'fpl oc� n A qua1lf` Ca,tjon ;, vo-'w good'a or prod�rrts may ..not be lsplay€ d' €nth 'r' ' ^ an }by � sareLple . outdoOrrs gad.. th ee: -Osbs' �1' ,bpi n6 tither � W�.r _t 1 evAdekice of auc . i n - 6 A pur t' xa - op t A swill floun, . { q µ S y yy y. y. 1 �a q A, A ' t" A.. r_'+('' r'+.3:�i,:,�j>.G.i`sF,A',.�t.:f 4: t�UrF M:s':`'.. #.i d. A .1 area . 4# Change . � xis, = CT -0N fig. �' r. �����a'.�. 'trek], 1 ��� fr��lo�rsa +. .3� t #'" - ty €�t ., s3 T� €Ya ' sir 14 r A rZx�a } ese f� r• h. Be with- pa n use p�a��� tt� �n � ���, �?�c ���. '��le ', It*,? fit ��zhI�ot • ` y Insert aw'add.it;ion� 1. ItM In A,ITI: UE4 IV► :�EfPTIO 1, after 'er r ph , to r' °id gas foll.ovas 10 f'?obile hQue park . Change t3rjk, number of thc. or -paragraph Pax*�agr�sp ?j 7.Q. to 'be r�i�gr^a��h 1. 20 (T '`x*oG ebax Ii g ARTIC S V to aclei the WQrF3 nuisance. because anyone vfho, 10- aggrieved by' a, nu.isax co has a. right to ask for its abia.temati urithout; anything said at-out I t In the Zoning Ordinance. Chean , ti `I€.LE V1, SEXT°ION 5 ,, :t:Lo re :d. as fellpws CTI N Restoration, if rA non conform lag building is d melged. to the extent of less, an 5A of its re placement cast by f live, flood. part hqua e, Act of Good or an pct of the . Pfub1.10 enemy, nathib , in this Ordinance shall be de p,4 to pr�ve.nt t�Ze ntab�t�x�Lia restar4itfcan of. such ba ld. rr w1th in` six (6 ). imont�� after the oecurrence of the 4mt? e� and. its cone nue.d use as hon"oonforming buildin` the time lipait` gray be extmade d by the . P -oard of Aprxea1�r lin cases 7of pract icel di'f"f iculty or unnecessary hardship," Chang l Y i V1' SECT' Ai 2,, to recd as. followo �t 4I a 20 Farms, ° In elsId.e eye or- Connieroim.l .Districts, Pars vrtilob aro loapted inIresira.e"%p districts or commercial, district at the ti p this Ordinance becomes i of ect3ve, rasa .be continued, �:� ,such ltl�aaxt cofa�li�nc� with tae restr cti ong QtberWjr#e 2.Ppj .enb -ler to such, Ij d:i.stri.cte bu . shall bs 'zubjeot to the provisions cif` pirtic: Change rho.z)€rtio a�AtUb.r4; �11� .C, .! omitted j above. to r /hj 9o9 " ' Tela Mob le 3iOA;�e4T tylna. 10.4 ou; S e � r�ia�'��r� I 0 qoblle home or haouse t;r�ii`�r u��a.� for r' .sIdential 'rpurposa . y� ,v%i' ef 7 an Wheel 3l€3 Eat i'iei`wi e, w.ilji o 't y. Waving leas tb t! 'f our huil rerl- .(' q.£ . .s lu r -feet' :iaf : ena3. osed floor e , ` provided be pev�itt>ed is f a i txi however t'b,%t In ' r6f§ld.etee dlstxr2et$ ori' . on ifar1rka the use of',', a trailer jiav 9.n eis -. tf %bra f'oUr laundred. (400) Square 4�eye mt of floor :'° al lo be permitted for period of •not amore months or. for a Pe���,aci If t b t Ijr, ex etade h • . tha ,o Ifa s per t Ord nc:e _3.n . IS .do ted for the re :fait irorj of trato IPt ca-171 tr iers .eb ply r i.ith t.h - :fit °cite t; i o ' u> ;n t,r ' r ingar�oe shall be axOe pted'. from t�. xequiresmeritt:s of Ol n e the taf3ot1.Qn numberF;� of erxIstIb:br, S catic?r�� . (A�� �� VII) q ^� , r �g ➢ ay ➢ l', aYli a lt< tread eof�.�t3 5 ! �.1.. I y y 90 10, 11 -arid 12 ._ f'i t oxisi lal � eyt`lcjn `l' of A `1.JJ_ J,J- V 5 g �, 'h e eand `€�; t a ',�.e of . of ��a x i VII 1 � tQ bew ectS.on 4. Chn. n eu e x, I ess t i ng r e ctions 1?,. 14 end_ 'I r Q� .�i��"'ICix -0 .Vi3 t6 b e 17 G''' '?''f. Lcis ,. 11p 3A'CT1 4; r :(iiOW Sect ion, .• i to .."oad an f'C3].liaWS 5 A4b^Fiiya ti: s p - Any a r a a of =re- th.;?$.n two ili aared f dd� ' auras, feet u£ae , f`or tiihi3 -:�' Q�, Igre of rags ➢ serP paper, .tln cng,.arbae, r tree trim, scr'p met ka l 'ax° junk,r free uc.ira e nv e v rd: for automobile - punts or Vulidin . material and ligaiuding n c 0 as M ta.� l tion of :l.SeWr fed of .roc ra s�l� ' p oopY4late ly One�.osed by a sub t ntial and ablid fence with 6Penin.gs for lu res -6 and ca ress. Such .,fence skmil be at ;iaa t six f 6.),' feef hIgb 01 ahall bo no nearer than twenty. f'iv6 f 5 ? feet to zany public t:1praY ri t : rc "..�y line a i Y�.aa� b no. torn ou side the , fOriee •.: Any zueh Junk yards existing ;at t`, e t eff efi ive el M i rdln' ce becomes �. these' r�qu1re ens w.jtt in One (1) thereaft,er•' 40 . -.. the ±, coed e• 1 t n erection 12 of AW� °ICU" :v3 � { now 'eetia Od $ CT -I l4 xtra tidim'of N tural ;Produo -t Tt any but ' an a ric.ultu4rAI nis riot p ' no'. at3d loam sand, - r. zve1 or quarxsiec3 -tong 'shall be r.'Omov�c� .or dffc�a�ed -e e ac# t. r�dlc: 'nta3,.to'�or'. in a0nrectfon With t ao n truotion of. `Vziproviemer:t.o on 'tie lot or of -a reyLlie work .or', when tbo mat ribl 1-s 1a� tc�• �� e�ce :�� yot two hvi- dr6,'d. (2000) Feet Trovm the' evr st 'tiblic C tj rge the 'Words • "Go-linty Sanitary Or ib nc:e" .,'at'. the end of .ist car anti of 1 ( o� °'. cton '16*) to road: "Count .': Sanitary Cac�:s ; g i t 4 c ma t - 1 cif' A��� "Icbiv �Y � i ��c��� ect i on 17.) " OT T.CC1i 17 ® Ah arsderted 11 x= f .' s b Sa i it �, ,ri r b afldit ub�tantially_ destroyed,! by any cause shall � tic rebuilt or . e*611 � rfad' �.1 th9 h. ��� Year Any excavation -f•cr � ; �at1 1F1i �a ; z� �i11 lie .c�v�:red ava� or . ralfIlled to normal r .ci • b tb o pri �r°: t An one i. �.l �_. y r 'f i s ta4: a r has 0on� nadd� or cellar hole. re�a� z�i�� '�f`t r the 'de�;c�litian o:�, .e5t rue tion of a building. Troia- any coin ,' hsl1 be r�� rcovieved over 6r. -P �€�d by* t the owner', ����rl year, 1'f'-, tie owner has 6btct�inei d a: _bu lain ' p T?oit for ` ktie costa Uv at lon -.oaf : tffe bwilydln on the satri€ site, the e ' avtt o Ar; � r��i 5 ri u!Ifj,jr �d �'r�r'' v' , .( l) year after t o .jBsugnce of the arm it C aeng,P. the fi.r to sentence.- of ��.RTUCz,.� UZ1< , SECT ` { t t4 r'.:� as f £1l l oi4 o " . , - n r1t 9 �u 1di7 Per tits be %'1i of?tz used fray %e ,c z 3 c 'of 'icy i° Pri or . to the z. construdtion,• e, rpctl9 )n . qr r co�ss-t ru'A lan of -`rany building o = a;r t� of . > building l d%ri .c iv rf n wee; Of jvo ve t o One - Hurld.re: fifty 'E °l ;tai : qu r°e "f' et"I r=°ov1 d, - h owe ver°, that .;�;�t�ration� may. be mace, in:the :fnteriar of r bia ldin itby' & mite and Seca eary. ra Firs u1Fy ha �$ kidd��k�y' the a tery°io�re*5: } } },cs�f agy�bu�11- 'I rot wt err�it ■�/y T @h'.e i.! there In 4.e 1J .. �•= ,"W�•rAi ion Yld e?"Y.t SRid4w'F'. V'F# - ? _ k. v o. x i 1. ft ((rryye� `Y. d.: ,y{ y# +y {p} j}•j T �M1 *.e {fit IN �d Vi. V Y%Lft �i Wt? i R 1 �,d �i YAV N. . ry y� y, ,j q a �r' ,+y yy �.+y .y /•� •yq ' �+ . y� - y- 'q y r - •� i1 .*.� A,: �i:�.1. d1a !Je V�� .6ia li �: LT Lt Cs�4'd . �r r62�' �i �L ?�'r`' a r Qrt bb, 416 to y.. f 1�.rs :. s ?�:vira " ° ,c� f t '• f'or . .f re. r a at r. r' ei� ` zi , •; ari r ` , tr TIN, I it Is I an ez , 4. I IN 1.: . Cdp dof'I>Dlt1p In If rpm li 3t a .Tt3r, rod ® rid?" �kib % } , r� : � $., t�paa'3t � t� .P3t3 Q`r . re . tam i :dbt I� j aOP-d o "` O" C � d i 'i �tia k m " en in ire` s. t? ',e;d to 2001'} t- .�:ta"d.' Ind t X11: III F''9 ei I IN Add '-c�''1CT TZ A:8 fcs3�;ca ors SECTION 3 . +ry ,t '9 ct v, * icy 1 .taco r daci' b� tiI ISwaY � Iz r e�, d ; to, IL x1 tt�..t�,i��:� .can;��,� 31�?• III " k it It IN I I IN IN " _ c I r L 0I I IN I ZZ / - O !! 7 ! .. It NP • a> 1 v TECHNICAL BASIS for LAND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS DRYDEN, NEW YORK Section 1. Title, This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as; The Land Subdivision Ordinance of the Town of Dryden, New York, (or whatever short title the Town Attorney thinks appropriate) Section 2. Purpose, The purpose of this Ordinance shall be to provide :: rules, regulations and standards to guide the orderly subdivision of land in the Town of Dryden in order to promote the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the Town, It shall be administered to insure the orderly growth and development, the conservation, protection and proper parceling of land, the adequate provision of service and the safe movement of vehicles in the Town of Dryden, Dryden Subdivision Ordinance o 1, 'A A /law ✓!, A& J ti 4 �w IL rp rr��yy a I. Section 3. Definitions. In the interpretation and enforcement of this Ordinance the following definitions shall apply° 3.1 Subdivision; The division of any lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots, tracts, or parcels for the purpose of sale or building development. When land is divided into parcels of five or more acres for agricultural purposes only, and,no new street or road is involved, this shall not.be considered a subdivision, 3.2 Minor Subdivision; Any subdivision containing not 3o3 3.4 more than two lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road or the extension of any municipal facilities and not adversly affecting the development of the remainder of.the property or of adjoining parcels, Major Subdivision: Any subdivision of land not classified by the Planning Board as a Minor Subdivision, (See Minor Subdivision) Approval of Final Plat; Official action of the Planning Board taken on a previously approved Preliminary Plat after all requirements, conditions, engineering plans, etc., have been completed and the required improvements have been installed or a performance guarantee for their completion has been properly posted. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance - -:2, 3.5 Date of Acceptance; The date when the Planning Board receives a Preliminary Plat complete and with all supporting data required by Section 5,2 of this Ordinance. 3.6 Date of Submission; The date when the Final Plat, 3.7 3.8 complete with all supporting data required by Section 5.3 of this Ordinance and by the Planning Board in its action on the Preliminary Plat, is submitted to the Town Clerk. Lot; Any parcel or tract of land separated from other parcels or tracts by description, as on a subdivision or record of survey map, or by metes and bounds for the purpose of sale, lease, or separate use. Performance Guarantee: Any security which may be acceptable to the Town Board in lieu of a require® ment that -ail Impr-ovement-s to be --made `-by -the subdivider, as specified in this Ordinance, be made before the Planning Board approves the Final Plat, 3.9 Plat: A subdivision map. 3.10 Sketch Plat: Drawing(s) of the proposed subdivision made with sufficient accuracy to be used for the purpose of discussion and classification by the Planning Board as required by Section 4.1 of this Ordinance. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance m 30 3.11 Preliminary Plat; The preliminary map presented for Planning Board review showing the proposed design layout of the subdivision and prepared in compliance with the provisions of Section 5.2 of this Ordinance. 3.12 Final Plat; The final map of all or a portion of the subdivision presented to the Planning Board for final approval and prepared in compliance with the provisions of Section 5.3 of this Ordinance, and which, if approved, shall be filed in the County Clerk's office. 3.13 Street; Any street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, alley, or other way which is an existing State, County or Town roadway, or a street or way shown on a plat duly filed and recorded in the office • of the County Clerk. Streets shall include the land between street lines whether improved or unimproved and may comprise pavement, shoulders, gutters, sidewalks, parking areas and other areas within the street lines. For the purpose of this Ordinance, streets shall be classified as follows; Primary Streets; Those streets used primarily for fast or heavy traffic. Secondary Streets; Those streets which carry traffic from local streets to primary streets and which connect primary streets but do not carry heavy volumes of fast traffic, Dryden Subdivision Ordinance a 40 I Local Streets: Those streets which are used . primarily for access to the abutting properties. Service Drives: Those streets which are parallel or adjacent to primary streets and which provide access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic, (See Section 6.23) Dryden Subdivision Ordinance ® 59 I Section 4. Procedure. The .purpose of this Section is to set forth the stepmby ®step actions which shall be followed by sub. divider and Planning Board when land in the Town of Dryden is to be subdivided. (see Figure 1,) 4.1 Submission of a Sketch Plan, 4.11 Any subdivider in the Town of Dryden shallo prior to subdividing or re ®subdividing land as defined in these regulations, submit four copies of a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision to the Planning Board for the purpose of classification and discussion. 4, 2' The Planning Board may immediately approve a sketch plan which is classifieds as a MINOR sub - division AAA l//9s /? ��C4114 � � ° /01 4.1:8 Upon Planning Board approval of a sketch plan / classified as a MINOR subdivision no further approval shall be required. Two copies of the approved plan shall be returned to the subdivider, one filed with the Town Clerk and one kept in the files of the Planning Board, (see Section 8 for mandatory filing with County Clerk) 4.14 The Planning Board may, before approving any sketch plan, require the subdivider to submit any additional data deemed necessary. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance _ 60 r-p- 4.15' After a subdivider has submitted four c Iael minor subdivisions to the-Plaxining Board a subsequent subdivision, submitted by said sub \ divider shall 4r be classified as .a M NOW sub - division and shall require preliminary and final plat approval and submission of all data required for such approval. 4.1#6vThe Planning Board shall take action on sketch plans at a regular or special meeting and shall notify the subdivider of the action taken within ten days from such meeting. Reasons for granting conditional approval or for failure to approve any sketch plan shall be attached to each copy of the sketch plan. 4.2 Submission of a Preliminary Plat for a Major Subdivision 4.21 Upon receiving sketch plan approval or conditional approval the subdivider shall submit to the Planning Board two copies of a Preliminary Plat. The plat drawing shall be reviewed for compliance with any sketch plan conditions and with the provisions required by Section 5.2 of this ordinance. For any noncompliance the Planning.Board may return the plat drawings to the subdivider along with suggestions for bringing it into compliance. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance ® 70 4.22 Following acceptance for review of a Preliminary Plat the Planning Board shall review said plat and act thereon within 45 days from the date of acceptance. The Planning Board may approve the plat as submitted, may conditionally approve the plat subject to stated conditions, or may disapprove the plat stating the reasons therefore. 4.23 The action of the Planning Board including any condition imposed shall be noted on both copies of the Preliminary Plat. One copy shall be given to the subdivider and one retained for the Planning Board file. 4.24 Approval of.a Preliminary Plat shall not constitute approval of the Final Plat but shall be considered only as approval of.the general layout of the sub- division and shall be a request to proceed with the Final Plat, 4.3 Submission of a Final Plat for a Major Subdivision 4.31 The final Plat of the subdivision shall be submitted to the Town Clerk at least two weeks prior to the Planning Board meeting at which it is to be considered. 4.32 Four copies of the Final Plat drawing and all supporting documents required by Section 5.3 of this ordinance shall be submitted, Dryden Subdivision Ordinance m 80 4.33 The Final Plat shall conform substantially to the Preliminary Plat as approved by the Planning Board. If the subdivider so desires, the Final Plat may consist of only that portion of the Preliminary Plat which is to be developed and recorded at that time, provided that such portion conforms to all requirements of this ordinance. 4.34 The Planning Board shall act on the Final Plat within 45 days from the date of submission, 4.35 Planning Board shall hold a public hearing within 30 days from the date of submission of the Final Plat. Notice shall be placed in the official town newspaper at least 5 days prior to said hearing. 0 Dryden Subdivision Ordinance ® 9. Section 5. Plan Details. The purpose of this Section is to specify for the subdivider tea t. information ..______ ..___ _ required by the Planning Board before review of the proposed subdivision will be undertaken. 5.1 The sketch Plan. When a Sketch Plan is submitted to the Planning Board for consideration the subm divider shall provide the following information; 5.11 A location map identifying the subdivision by name and owner of record and showing existing street and utility rights ®of -way and the names of adjacent property owners. 5012 A sketch drawing of the proposed layout of streets, lots, easements, and any other features, indicating • lot dimensions and the general location and width of street and easement rights =of ®way. 5013 A general indication of existing natural features including topography, streams, water bodies, ditches, buildings and large trees and tree masses. 5.14 General information regarding proposed water supply and sewage treatment and any proposed protective a covenants on the lots. 5.2 The Preliminary Plat, A Preliminary Plat of the proposed subdivision shall be presented to the Planning Board in duplicate at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet. The Plat shall show, or be accompanied by sufficient • information to establish the design, arrangement, Dryden Subdivision ordinance 10. zT�✓l �i' location and dimensions of streets, lots and other ifeatures proposed by the subdivider or required by the Planning Board after Sketch Plan review. Specifically, the Preliminary Plat shall show; 5.21 Identification: Name of subdivision, if any; name and address of owner of record; names of all adjacent property owners; scale, north arrow and date. 5.22 Topography: Sufficient approximate contour lines and elevations to determine the general slope and natural drainage of the land. 5.23 Existing Features: Location and approximate dimension of all easements and all street and utility rights�ofm way; location of ditches, streams, • water bodies, large trees, property lines and buildings. 5.24.Proposed Features: Name, location, width, and approximate grades of all streets; location, width and purpose of all easements; location and dimension of all property lines; location and dimension of all drainage facilities; location of all other features proposed by the subdivider or required by this ordinance or the Planning Board, 5.25 Utilities: Source of water supply and method of sewage disposal for each lot in the subdivision including results of percolation tests and Board of Health approval. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance � 110 a 5.26 A copy of any protective covenants or deed restrictions applying to the land being subdivided shall be submitted with the Preliminary Plat, 5.3 The Final Plat, The Final Plat shall be drawn in ink at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet or one inch equals 50 feet, whichever most clearly illustrates the subdivider "s proposal. Four copies of all maps and supplementary data shall be submitted. The Final Plat shall show or be accompanied by the following: 5.31 Name and location of subdivision, name and address of owner of record, names of all adjacent property owners, scale, north arrow and date. 5.32 Boundary lines of the tract or that portion of it being submitted for final approval. 5.33 Location, names and righ -of -way widths of all existing streets.and easements; location of existing building lines, structures, creeks, ditches and other features to be retained. 5.34 Location, name and right�of -way widths of all proposed streets, creeks, water courses, draining facilities, tree masses and other features. 5.35 Property lines of all lots with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles, and radii and arcs of all curves. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance - 120 5.36 Number or letter to identify each lot on the plat. 5.37 Detailed drawings showing profiles and cross sections of all proposed streets, 5.38 County Board of Health certification. 5.4 Prior to granting approval of the Final Plat the subdivider shall have installed all improvements required by Section 7 of this ordinance or shall have furnished the Planning Board with satisfactory guarantees of performance. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance � 130 0 t Section 6. Design Standards. The purpose of this Section is to provide design principles and minimum standards which shall be applied to the subdivision of land in the Town of Dryden. These principles and standards are established to promote and assure sound, efficient and safe long -range devel- opment throughout the Town. All subdividers in the Town of Dryden shall observe the following requirements and principles of land subdivision in the design of each subdivision or portion thereof: 6.1 General. The subdivision plat shall conform to design standards which will encourage efficient and beneficial development patters within the Town. Where either or both an official Map or a General Plan have been adopted the subdivision shall conform to the proposals and conditions shown thereon. 6.2 Streets 6.21 The layout of new streets in any subdivision shall be such as to provide for the appropriate extension of existing streets and shall take into consideration topography, public convenience and safety and the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. 6.22 Secondary streets shall be designed to discourage �;,'Pc through traffic. Pogo 6.23 Any subdivision of four more lots on a e prig /mary street shall provide a se vice drive so as to av he no more than one point of accession the primary street for each 4 lots. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance ® 14. IN 6.24 Street right- ofmway widths shall be measured from the center of the street to each side and shall not, unless otherwise shown on the General Plan or Official Map, if any, be less than the following: Primary Street Secondary Street Local Street 60 f eet wide (total) ® 50 feet wide (total) 50 f eet wide (total) Searvi=ce= Drive= 3 5�fe eat- ---wi d-e_ (Ifo fal )_ 6.25 Grades shall not exceed and /";� Local Streets, 1&96 for Secondary Streets, and 8% for Primary Streets. No street shall have a grade of less than 1.5%. 6.26 All horizontal and vertical curves shall be designed with sufficient radius to provide a safe transition from one direction to another at 25 miles per hour and to provide proper sight distance, and in no case shall this radius be less than 150 feet. 6.27 Permanent dead -end streets shall not exceed «9=50° 1 �D feet in length and shall provide a turn - around at • the end with a radius of not less than 50 feet. y 6.28 No subdivision shall show reserve strips controlling access to streets unless control of such strips be placed in the governing body with conditions approved by the Planning Board, 6.29 Subdivisions adjoining or including existing streets which do not conform to right -of -way widths as specified by this Ordinance shall dedicate additional width along either or both sides of said street. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance - 150 rA If the subdivision is along one side of the street only, one half of the required extra right- ofeway width shall be dedicated, 6.210 No street shall have a name which will duplicate, or so nearly duplicate as to be confused with, the names of existing streets. The continuation of an existing street shall have the same name. 63 Intersections. 6.31 All streets shall intersect as nearly at right angles as possible and in no case shall intersect at an.angle of less than 60 degrees. 6.32 Street jogs with center line offsets of less than 125 feet shall not be permitted. 6.4 Lots 6.41 Lots shall be layed out so that no frontage is less than 125 feet and no lot area less than one half acre. Where Board of Health standards require more square footage for sewerage systems these standards shall determine the minimum lot size. 6,42 Each lot must face on an approved street and have satisfactory access to a public street. 6.43 In so far as is practical, side lot lines shall be perpendicular to street center lines. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance ® 160 6.5 Blocks. 6.51 Block size shall be determined on the basis of convenient circulation, control and safety of vehicular traffic. 6.52 In so far as practical a cross street shall be provided at least every 1250 feet, 6.53 No block shall be shorter than 500 feet. 6.6 Natural Features. 6.61 All natural features such as trees, streams, hill- .tops, and views shall be preserved whenever possible in designing and laying out any subdivision containing such features. The Planning Board may require changes in the layout to assure that such features will be preserved. 6.7 Easements. 6.71 Easements across lots or centered on rear or side lot lines shall be provided for utilities where necessary. Where a subdivision contains a drainage right -of -way there shall be provided a storm easement, conforming substantially to the drainage way allignment, and providing such additional width as will be necessary to permit access for cleaning and repair. Said width is to be determined by the Planning Board, Dryden Subdivision Ordinance ® 170 S ec t i o n,..7 Improvements, The purpose of this Section is to establish the minimum installation and construction standards for improvements which a subdivider will be expected to install when land is subdivided. Proper installation of these improvements will prevent excessive future public maintenance and replacement costs.. 7.1 Prior to requesting approval of the Final Plat the subdivider shall have made, or furnished, a performance guarantee to make, the following improvements; 7.12 Monuments. Permanent concrete monuments shall be set at all block corners, or, if no complete blocks are involved, at each corner of the area to be subdivided, and at intervals of approximately 500 feet. Placement of monuments shall be approved by the Planning Board, 7.13 Streets, All streets shall be rough graded in accordance with the following specifications: Primary Streets ®_ Roadway 24 feet wide and six feet of shoulder on each side of the roadway. Secondary Streets ®_ Roadway 24 feet wide and four feet of shoulder on each side of the roadway. Local Streets _m Roadway 20 feet wide and four feet of shoulder on each side of the roadway. Service =Drive -® Roadwa- .y-1= 6= feet= wide -a -nd =four Meet__ :of___shoulder -on= each= sde�-of� the— roadway Dryden Subdivision Ordinance ® 186 7014 All drainage facilities (ditches, culverts, etc.) required by the Planning Board shall be installed and banks shall be stabilized to prevent erosion. 7.15 In the event a water district ,isfrmed in the Town of Dryden the subdivider shall provide fire AlcR r hydrants no dl'_es:s than 1,000 feet apart. 7.2 All improvements shall be installed by the subdivider at,his expense with no reimbursement from the Town of Dryden and shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Town Board, 7,3 The subdivider may, if he choses, file a Bond with the Town Board to guarantee satisfactory construction and installation of all improvements not constructed or installed at the time of submitting the Final Plat, The Town Board shall be satisfied as to the form, amount, and manner of execution of such Bond. A period of * months, within which time all improvements shall be made, shall be specified by the Planning Board and expressed in the performance Bond. 7.4 Offers of Cession and Release. 7.41 The Town Attorney should insert a clause to cover the formal off er.of cession to the Town Board of all streets and easements being offered, Streets and easements not being so offered shall be marked on the Final'Plat and offers of cession shall be filed prior to Final Plat approval. *Note - Time period to be fixed by the Town Board, Dryden Subdivision Ordinance a 190 C Section 8. Filing of Approved Plat, 8,1 After Planning Board approval of a MINOR subdivision, 0 after it • or approval of the Final Plat of a MANOR subdivision, in accordance with Section 4 of this Ordinance the Plat shall be signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board, or the member acting in his place, and filed by the subdivider in the County Clerk's office. Any subdivision plat not so filed within 90 days from the date of Planning Board approval shall be null and void, 8;2 No plat shall be accepted for filing by the County Clerk unless it has been duly approved by the Town of Dryden Planning Board in accordance with this Section. 8.3 No Final Plat shall be in any way altered or revised 0 after it has been given approval and has been properly signed in accordance with this Section. Such alterations or revisions shall cause said Final Plat to be null and void. Dryden Subdivision Ordinance _ 200 L- Section 9. Variance, 9.1 When unusual conditions occur and, in the Planning Board's opinion, strict compliance with these regulations would result in unnecessary hardships, the regulations may be varied or modified by the Planning Board so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured. 9.2 In modifying any of these regulations the Planning Board may impose any conditions that are necessary, in its judgement, to accomplish substantially the objectives of the regulations so modified. Section 10, Amendments. 10.1 The Town Attorney should insert a clause to cover the procedure for amending this Ordinance. Section 11, Validity, 11.1 The Town Attorney should insert a cluase declaring the validity of this Ordinance and protecting the entirety of this Ordinance should any portion or phrase be declared, for any reason, to be un- constitutional or invalid. 11.2 The Town Attorney should insert a clause stating that, in any conflict or inconsistancy between the regulations of this Ordinance and another.provision of Town Law, the most restrictive provision shall apply. // 3 Dryden Subdivision Ordinance ® 210 1 n U r PROCEDURE FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL MINOR SUBDIVISIONS Subdivider SKETCH PL-U .. Planning Board review.9 Discuasion with subw divider and 4,ction is's •., • :• subdivision. 1 copy for Plarming Bd. •, •* •., Clerk • . for 1 ♦ • LN File subdivision 1 County • r dayse #. . I Re, 04 MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS Subdivider ; SKETCH PLAN (4 copies) Planning Board Subdivider Final Plat and supporting data to Tomn Clerk at least 2 weeks prior • . Y • 1 Approved subdivision Qcopy • Town 1 copy for Flanriing board copies @I File subdivision with County Clerk within 90 days.