HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-21Dryden Youth Commission is Minutes, June 21, 2011 Present: Stephanie Mulinos, Justin DiMatteo, Cynthia Waterman, Jeff Walkuski, Kris Bennett Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM, Minutes from May — moved by Stephanie, seconded by Cynthia; approved unanimously. U?date,s /old business: Recreation/town — Melissa not present, no update. Kris had contact with Christine Guest who is applying for the V. Freeville vacancy; the trustees will act on this at their next meeting and we will then ask the Town to do the same. Youth development task force — no update Municipal Youth Services System — Planning for 2012 & handling needed cut for 2011 — Kris updated on what is currently known about the 2012 budget. Likely DYC will have less funding ($975 one -time county money will disappear, second state funding cut will take effect, expecting county cuts but level of cut is not known at this time). No word on what the Town might do, members are hopeful that the Town will contribute the same amount as in 2011. DYC needs to cut $747 from current year allocations to cover cut in state funding. Stephanie said the Freeville Youth Jobs Program could likely approach the Freeville Commmunity Council for additional revenue; she therefore moved to cut $747 from Freeville Youth Jobs. Seconded by Cynthia. Approved unanimously. Kris will send notifications. Annual report distribution — Stephanie went to Town board & handed out reports, no questions or discussion. Justin shared with V. Freeville, got positive feedback. Cynthia will share soon with school board. Jeff will check with JoLllen to see if she shared with V. Dryden, if not, he will do so. 2012 funding request paperwork & discussion re. youth employment — The group reviewed the 2011 funding request paperwork with an eye to what revisions are needed for next year. Letter needs to clarify that youth employment is for first -time job experiences and spell out the expectation that there be a written job description, that the youth will complete an application, have an interview and a post - job performance review. Jeff incorporated the revisions into the 2011 letter and will email it to Kris & Justin. Kris will add due dates & send in mid -July. CCE prograrn reports — Kris distributed Dave's recent program report and upcoming summer offerings; she had not received Ruben's in time to bring; she'll email to all. Ruben's position (6 month interim) will end in August; Linda will need to hire a replacement but with funding uncertainty this is challenging. Kris will notify DYC members about the hiring process so interested members can participate. Linda hopes the next OURS program manager will be able to drive the van, it's created some logistical challenges this springlsummer since Ruben can not. New business Town of Dryden profile — Kris distributed an updated profile that includes data on Dryden, specifically ® youth focused, drawing from the Census, Health Dept., Probation Dept., and school district. Youth population is down in the County and in Dryden; since state funding is based on population this will likely also have a negative impact on future state funding. Since new census didn't ask income questions, free /reduced lunch is what is included as an indicator of poverty /low income. • Dryden GIS map — Kris showed a map her Dept. had commissioned to show, for the Town of Dryden, participation in RYS programs, Dryden Rec. programs and Rec. Partnership programs. Each symbol shows a household (not a participant) that participated in 2010. There is little duplication. Breakout — 163 RYS, 392 T. Dryden Rec., 333 Rec, Partnership, Rec. Partnership is concentrated in the SL part of Dryden (Ithaca School district); RYS is serving households thru the OURS programs in several trailer parks that don't participate much in other programs. Some participation may not be shown, there were issues with some addresses (PO boxes were not acceptable, for example). Melissa has seen the map and has a copy. A written report will follow, Next GIS project — a county map showing all RYS participation in past year by youth commission/community council. Will allow plaivling groups to see which youth live in one municipality and are served by another. Fundraising — Later in the year we will look into possible United Way funding (but Kris believes this needs to go thru a community council). Kris also thinks, if Dryden is interested in this, DYC should coordinate with Dryden Rec. Commission. Other options possible include DYOF for one -time request. Summer Monitoring — We reviewed monitoring assignments; Kris will email Stephanie with details about Brooktondale Camp and email monitoring form to all. The members agreed to skip the July meeting and will meet next on August 16, 2011, 6:30 PM. youQtlJryilnyclagixlmins Lill 1 june minutes