HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-08Dryden Youth Commission ,Minutes, September 8, 2009 Present; Tom Fuchs, In hik Lee, Justin DiMatteo, Cynthia Waterman, Stephanie McConnell, Kris 'Bennett Tom called the meeting to order at 6140. Minutes from Avgust were approved unanimously, Recreation Updates alone; Melissa is taking a class on Tuesdays this semester and cannot attend. She may send a written. report for sharing to Future meetings, Budget Updates Tom, Stephanie and Kris met recently with Mary Ann Sumner to discuss the Commission's budget. In addition to anticipated county and state cuts, the county administrator recently eliminated all youth municipal jobs money; for Dryden iii 2009 this was $5677. If the Town reduces its match by this amount and the other budget cuts are factored in, significant cut's to youth programming kill be necessary. The group discussed hove best to handle this if tihe Town keeps its support at the same level as 2009 this would mitigate the impact of the cuts. Mary Ann thought this may be possible; she requested that when the D C irneets to do budget allocations that it prepare scenarios. mim mum required match by Town, Town match at same level as 2009, Town match increasing to cover cuts. The members thanked her for her support_ Mary Ann also suggested that DY may want to come to apeoining Town budget sessions to clarify the cuts and request_ She will notify Tom of dates. Iris has no other news about possible budget cuts. Discussion of 2010 Funding Requests and Decisions on AIIocations Kris asked whethcr there were any questions on the funding proposals_ She clarified R S's youth employment — number of kids employed and in what: settings. DYC members asked that CCE provide more regular details about this component of their program; iris will pass on this request_ iris clarified a couple of other items in the Jr IYS budget also. To meet the request of Mary Ann Sumner the DYE; prepared 3 funding requests. Scenario 1 — preferred option; In this scenario, the Town of Dryden would increase its match to allow Program 2010 request €allocation Scenario I Free viIIe *Youth ,Yobs $63000 WHO . Dryden Youth Jobs $53000 S500 Brooktondale Day Cana $1, 00 $1,500 Cornell Coop. L t_ R S $563004 $563004 Camel Coo . Ext. OURS S 12,937 $12,937 Municipal Jobs thru CE $3,277 53,277 Mouth Horticulture A r_ 0 10 TOTAL $84,7183 1 $84,71 8 Program 12010 reg chest allocation scenario 2 I7 r t. to fealty rund all requests, Total T. Dryden Funding = 548.148; total DYC; funding available = $84,71$. Stephanie moved, In-hik seconded this proposal, Approved unanimously. Freeville Youth Jobs $69000 $5,400 V. Dryden Youth Jobs $5,000 $4,500 Brooktondale Dar Camp. $1,500 $750 Cornell Coop. Ext. RYS $562004 $55,204 Cornell Coop. Ext. OURS $ 12,937 $ 12,937 Municipal Jobs thru CCE $3,277 $2031 Youth Horticulture Appr. 0 0 TOTAL $84,718 $8022 Approved unanimously. Scenario 2 — In the event that T. Dryden rejects scenario 1, the DYC requests that the Town holds its funding for 2010 at the same level as in 2009. Total Town funding = $44;252; total DYC funding available= $80,822. Stephanie moved, Cynthia seconded this proposal. Scenario 3 — In the event that T. Dryden rejects both scenarios I and 2, the DYC requests that the Town rovide its re uired Program 2010 request allocation scenario 3 Freeville Youth Jobs $600 $3,000 V. Dryden Youth lobs $5,000 $2,500 Brooktondale Dar Camp $1,500 $500 Cornell Coop. Ext. RYS $56,004 $54,203 Cornell Coop. Ext. OURS $12,937 $123937 Municipal Jobs thru CCE $3,277 0 Youth Horticulture Appr, 0 0 TOTAL $84,718 $73,140 Projected Revenue Town of Drvden 2010 scenario 1 2010 scenario 2 2010 scenario 3 CYS 'County Youth Services $ 334264 $ 33 264 $ 33,264 CYS one tirne hording to cover NYS cuts) - S - $ - NYS Youth Services $ 3306 $ 31306 S 31306 County Youtlt Em lovment ,�9JP $ - $ - $ - Town match $ 48,148 $ 44,252 $ 36,570 Totals S 844718 S 849822 S 73140 NYS Rec. `OT art of the DYC budget. $ 2,806 $ 2;806 S 2,806 FCYS (one time funding to cover YS cuts} (.1► $ - $ - V q minimum match of $36,570; total DYC funding available = $73,140. This option will necessitate serious cutbacks to programs. Proposal moved by InShik, seconded by Stephanie. Approved unanimously. Itcvenue changes for 2010 1) 5.4% cut in CYS funds 2) No county one -time money to cover state cuts (covered in 2009 by CYS) 3) Protecting state fiends to be the same as 2009 4) County administrator is eliminating county youth employment funding. Kris will prepare the request to the Town and send copies to all DYC members. Other There is a public hearing on the County budget on Sept. 21 at Tompkins County Public Library. This is an opportunity for interested DYC members and others to speak about the budget, including cuts to municipal jobs. Plan for Oct. 20 Meeting, The members present agreed to move the meeting time to 5:30 PM. Kris will make sure there is space at Town Hall for the meeting and will invite CCE to attend for a program update. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.