HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-26-AG COMMITTEE MINUTES APPROVEDTown of Ulysses Ag Committee
May 26, 2016
Present: Chaw Chang, Greg Reynolds, Krys Cail, John Gates, Liz Thomas
Absent and excused: John Wertis and Michelle Wright
7:30 pm Call to order and roll call
7:35-7:40 Announcements
Krys Cail: new fact sheet by Dept. of Ag and NYSERDA on solar leasing, suggesting making them
available on website and in the Town Offices.
7:40-7:45 Approval of draft minutes from last meeting
Motion to approve minutes from the 5/11/2016 Ag Committee Meeting
Moved: Mr. Reynolds
Second: Mr. Chang
Cail AYE
Chang AYE
Gates AYE
Reynolds AYE
Motion carries, minutes approved.
Open issues
7:45-7:55 Review of resolution process and structure.
General discussion
Mr. Chang: written copies of resolutions sent to everyone prior to the meeting
Ms. Thomas: resolutions are the formal communication with the Town Board, Michelle can help with
drafting resolutions.
Resolutions can help clarify what the requested action items are outlined in the resolutions.
Using the statement “for the record” it means the minute taker will include them in the minutes.
Agendas for Town Boards get full, Ms. Thomas will bring Ag Committee resolutions periodically to
Town Board meetings.
Communications to the Town Board can be in the form of a memo as well.
7:55-8:00 Resolution re: alternative methodology for creating Land Use/Land cover maps and analysis.
General discussion of process and logistics of land use data acquisition and method
Ms. Cail: Farming data collection from the air (the way they collect the land use data) does not look
typical in the Town of Ulysses because mixed use fields are not always recognized as agriculture as this
form of data collection is meant to recognize mono-cropping. Which is why the data is not accurate in
the Ag and Farmland Protection Plan.
Ms. Thomas: what would this committee do with an updated/more accurate map?
o Loss of farm land is due to disuse, if there was more accurate data on land use it would be easier
for farmers to find what farm land is available for use. When land is for sale in the future this
map would help to preserve farm land. If the map could be up to date (i.e. “live”) it could be
used as a farmer recruitment tool or a way for farmers to find land.
o Ms. Thomas: the Town newsletter might be a good vehicle to use as a survey of land owners.
Landlink, could be a good resource to retrofit for the committee’s needs.
o Mr. Reynolds: this topic is a great reason as to why a CCE representative should be on this
o “Best way to preserve farm land is to use it”
o Discussion regarding how changes to the map through alternative data acquisition methods
would be incorporated into the existing Ag and Farmland Protection Plan.
The plan itself is a guiding document, it won’t be changed but
complementary/supplementary updated documents could be presented along with it.
Develop an alternative map before passing a resolution.
Ms. Cail agreed to update the maps for land use based on new housing starts over the past
5 years.
o Mr. Chang: the resolution passed at the last meeting should be passed on to the zoning
8:00-8:10 Resolution re: focus for Ag land protection based on active ag activity
8:10-8:20 Review of Right to Farm resolutions. Re: signs Why? Who will we make request to, and when?
Right to Farm in ag zones: who should we send this to and when?
Discussion ensues regarding wording of resolution that Mr. Gates drafted.
Town Highway requests to NYSDOT for signage approval.
General agreement that this resolution should be tabled and rewritten based on discussion points.
Motion to accept John Gate’s resolution about the right to farm signs with additional strengthening
language utilizing references to the Town Comprehensive Plan and the Ag and Farmland Protection
plan as well as the county plan
Mr. Reynolds proposed a friendly amendment to the resolution.
Moved: Mr. Chang
Second: Ms. Cail
Cail AYE
Chang AYE
Motion passes
New business
a) 8:20-8:55 Discussion of Ag Farmland Protection Plan in regards to Zoning and potential changes to
current zoning law.
Discussion about proposed changes regarding cluster development, lot zoning techniques,
transfer of development rights, techniques of farmland protection, and how to communicate
with zoning committee and consultants regarding recommendations from the ag committee.
o Large lot zoning: discussion with general sentiment and committee agreement that it
does not protect farmland
o Density based zoning discussion
o General sentiment: proposed zoning techniques are more restrictive than the current
zoning and will create a situation where borrowing money is made very difficult.
Zoning proposed devalues assets making it harder for lending.
o Fixed area ratio zoning
o Ag zoning overlay district
o Incentive zoning
b) 8:55-9:10 Discussion of Zoning Steering Committee work regarding Agriculture based on minutes of
past meetings.
The last 3 meetings were relevant so focus on that for the 6/9/2016 meeting
c) 9:10-9:15 Review of any assigned tasks for committee members for next meeting. Requests for
additions to agenda.
Input memo to steering committee
d) 9:15-9:20 Discussion and decision on assignment of term length
Discussion of process
Term assignments:
o Cail: 3 year
o Chang: 2 year
o Gates: 1 year
o Reynolds: 3 year
o Wertis: 2 year