HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-1-19 AG COMM MINTUESUlysses Ag Committee, Jan. 19, 2017
Present: Chaw Chang – Chair, Krys Cail, John Gates, Greg Reynolds
Guests: Monika Roth, Mark Ochs, Pam Kellogg, John Wertis
Nancy Zahler,liaison to the Ag committee from the Town Board
Meeting called to order at 5:45 PM
-Nancy Zahler is now the liaison to the Ag committee from the Town Board. Nancy stepped down from
zoning steering committee due to other conflicts (Jacksonville project), has been replaced by Michael
Boggs, Liz will chair zoning steering committee.
-John Wertis term on Ag committee expired at end of Dec- decided not to renew
-2 potential new committee members (Mark Ochs, David Diaz) – 5 appointed members can vote.
Committee size can be increased. Pam Kellogg is also interested.
-Candidates should complete applications, then will be interviewd by a Town board rep and he Ag ctte
chair. Perhaps could be completed before the Jan. 24 board meeting (?) or at late Feb Board meeting
-John Gates term is up and he is interested in continuing (informed Liz).
-Community Hearing in Jacksonville tonite re Exxon land…
-Town of Dryden working on solar ordinance…might be something to look at
Minutes – correction to Dec. 5, 2016 minutes – add Greg Reynolds to present list. Chaw moved minutes
with correction, second by John G, all in favor
Open Discussion
New members – background
Mark Ochs – 35 years in production ag, crop consulting Finger Lakes, works with all kinds of farmers in 7
county area, interest in keeping ag viable, ag is very diverse in the area; also member of the Town Ag
Plan Development committee, also a Town Planning board member a long time ago
Pam Kellogg – 15 years in Ulysses, interested in what is going on in Ag and community; boards a horse
or two
David Diaz – vineyard worked, lots of farmland protection work, zoning, etc. Worked for FL Land Trust
Chaw will be on the interview committee for new members.
1) Background to Zoning Changes being proposed for Town Ag zone
-Zoning update has been the focus of this committee’s work.
-JG asked for a copy of the actual grant application. Also the RFP. Chaw will get this from Darby.
Ag Committee has the following concerns: 1) no representation on the zoning committee that is
reviewing Ag zone, should be at table providing input before the document is written; 2) Consultants
have worked on draft which has lots of restrictions considered unreasonable for Ag; 3) Steering
committee seemingly has not taken input ag committee provided; 4) ag is the key stakeholder yet is put
on the same footing (not able to provide input till after the document is written) as the sustainability
committee who may not have the same view towards ag; 5) proposal to date is distinctly anti-
agriculture; 6) consultants draft is way off from what is recommended in the Ag plan
Chaw invited Mike Boggs (new zoning committee member) to meet with him and Krys to explain ag
committee concerns.
Ag Committee has started updating recommendations to the draft and re-wrote first half of the plan
based on the following documents:
Ag Plan - zoning changes suggested in the plan.
Input has been provided from NYS Ag & Markets and George Frantz, planner.
Also, referenced American Farmland Trust Ag Planning documents.
Zoning committee continues to review and make changes.
PKellogg asked about background of consultants – Krys did websearch - most work has been in
transportation planning; mostly urban oriented; also lots of NYSERDA grants;
Nancy -Town of Catherine was working with them; did reference checks on all applicants
Krys – update on last meeting she attended with steering committee; Town attorney present –
commented that subdivision restrictions be noted on deed to be transparent/disclosed at time of sale.
Liz mentioned that the Town attorney will be doing further review of the draft document so the draft
will not be released till after that happens (Feb. 4?).
Zoning document review process
-attorney review (next step)
-town board review, along with ag committee, and other town groups that will review the document
(6 weeks or more to review & comment period) – TWO MONTHS WOULD BE BETTER!
-zoning steering committee plans to meet with each of the groups that provide review of documents to
collect feedback…
-then town board review/input
-finally public hearing
2) Communication with Ag Community
Draft memo has not yet been sent, goal is to send emails to farmers first. So far we have about 50% of
emails for town farms…still collecting emails.
Chaw would like to host a farmer/ag community meeting to provide them with an update of what is
being proposed after the ag committee reviews the document in Feb – (meet 2 times in Feb. )
Chaw made a motion to meet every two weeks after the draft is released and the committee reviews
it. Second Greg. All in favor.
Host a farmer meeting in early March 9.
Krys proposed that the Zoning Committee allow at minimum 2 months (8 weeks) for ag committee
review/input. All agreed we request of the Zoning Committee and Town Board that we have at least
8 weeks to review and provide input to the plan.
Nancy feels that the Ag committee input/concern has been noted.
Farmers are concerned that if the document be released late it will interfere with the May planting
season making it hard to provide input.
REGULAR MEETING DATE/TIMES – Third Thursday regular meeting day – all in favor
Meetings start at 5:45 PM thru APRIL. [Zoning steering ctte meets first Thurs.]
NEXT MEETINGS: February 9 & 16, STARTING AT 5:45! March 9 – community farmer/landowner
meeting- to start at 7 PM; March 16 – regular meeting; In May, start at 7:30 PM
1- Committee Size: Question about expanding size of committee?
Can any farmer be on the committee, like the Town of Ithaca. Most Town Ag Committees in the County
are bigger than 5.
Should we make a recommendation to expand committee?
FIRST: Important to move forward with appointment to fill current vacancy.
NEXT: Look at other town ag committees and see how they operate before we make a recommendation
expanding number of members. Monika & Debbie will compile info to share about Ithaca, Dryden,
Lansing ag committees
2- Solar development proposal – Gates land sale to Renovus (10 acres), road frontage with barn;
land has some limitations for ag…lots of stone where there was a riding rink.
Does the Ag Committee have any comment? Ag committee is interested in commenting on proposal
within 30 days (review and comment at next meeting). Town has a local law related to solar and there is
a plan to re-look at the current law. Glare is of concern. This proposal is going to have a major
roadfront presence/impact. Sustainability Committee will also be looking at this as well as Planning
Meeting adjourned – 7:35 PM.