HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07-16Dryden Youth Commission July 16, 2002 Minutes Present: Colleen Emerick- Daniluk, Penny Green- Brown, Jean Simmons, Walt Mayyjas, Nita Baldwin, Kris Bennett, Monica Bosworth (IYB Outing Program) Excused: Kristen Blackman Penny opened the meeting at 7:00. Budget Update — First Kris shared the Cooperative Extension budget. Kris had asked Marie about a couple of expenditures that seemed high: trips/tours (because of the MOST trip); meetings/ refreshments (keeping an eye on this); printing (from the spring flyer put in the Shopper); publicity (more print ads for YCC and others). Underspent categories will be shifted during the coming months to balance the budget. Overall the mid -year budget is on track. County budget: The County Youth Board decided, after much discussion, to achieve the 20% (approx. $250,000) cut required by the Board of Reps. by recommending more cuts from agencies and less from municipalities. If the Bd. of Reps, approves the recommendations in November, it will mean a loss to Dryden of $1500 in rollover (plus town match), a net loss of $3000 for 2003. DYC will ask the Town Board not to reduce its contribution by $1500 in August. There will be a small increase in State funds for next year; all municipalities will share approx. $3000. DYC members should be thinking of how to reduce allocations next year by $3000 for the Sept. allocation meeting. Outing Program - The IYB Outing Program will lose its County funding of approx. $140,000 next year ff the Y. Bd. recommendation is accepted by the Bd. of Reps. and Outings is not reinstated by the Bd. of Reps. as an over target request (OTR). Since Dryden youth participate in this program Monica from IYB was present to discuss the program, its value and what steps DYC might take to support the OTR. She showed slides and photos of Dryden participants from recent years, shared parent and participant evaluations, distributed a list of Reasons to Support the Outing ® Program and a draft letter of support from the DYC to the Town Board that Outings is asking the DYC chair to sign, Monica explained that Outings is an IYB youth development program, using outdoor adventure to address 3 goals for youth: develop social skills; develop a sense of responsibility (for own actions as well as for activities); have fun (because they learn best when having fun). Activities demand that the kids work together and are also tailored to the individual needs of participants. Participants are a blended group of youth including some at risk. While DYC does not fund Outings directly, it does partner CCE Program Manager Dave Hall with an IYB staff person. His staff time with Outings includes recruiting kids, discussing the program at school and participating weekly in the activities. Some kids who have participated in Outings for several years; some now are intems for the program. DYC members had some questions. How is Outings different from Dave's Primitive Pursuits? Outings is meant to be a long term (year minimum) involvement while P.P. is much shorter. Also, Outings staff have safety certifications and access to equipment. The draft letter says the program helps improve school attendance, personal responsibility, social competencies; how do they know this? Monica could not address the school attendance issue but explained a written evaluation tool used each week by each participant and a staff person to measure the kids' responsibility and social interactions. Do the outcomes have long -term effects on the participants? Monica had anecdotal examples of this. How many staff positions would be lost? 3. DYC members asked Monica to redraft the letter with more details, such as how many Dryden kids have participated and any specific outcomes gained and will then ok signing it and sending it to the Town Board. They also gave Monica information on who to contact at Town Hall to get on the agenda for a future meeting to ask the Town's support for the OTR, Monica asked if a DYC member would be willing to attend with her, After the letter of support is adjusted, signed and submitted and she has a date for the meeting, she should contact the DYC again. After Monica left, Walt asked if the Bd. of Reps. might reinstate Oufings and instead cut funds from municipalities? Might signing the letter put Dryden's funds at risk? Kris said usually the Board of Reps. accepts the Youth Board's • recommendations and considers OTR's separately; it is possible but not the usual practice. Minutes — Minutes from May and June were approved. Monitoring — All DYC members are aware of the programs they are supposed to monitor. Penny had missed the Jr. Police Academy but will contact Lt. Ryan to find out how it went and to follow up on something Jean had heard concerning 2 participants who were required to attend by the Village Police. She will ask if the focus has changed to be more intervention -like. Jean won't be able to visit Brooktondale Camp; Kris will do this. Soliciting of 2003 program proposals, review calendar, plan for Sept. meeting — Kris sent applications for 2003 funding to all current programs. She also sent press releases to Ithaca Joumal, Dryden Courier and Dryden Tidbits. Extra applications were given to Penny, Kristen and Town and Village offices. Application deadline — Sept. 5. Kris will collect applications and send copies to DYC members shortly thereafter. Colleen won't be available Mondays or Tuesdays in the fall. After checking schedules of other members who were present, we chose Thurs. Sept. 19 as the tentative date for the Sept. meeting when applications will be reviewed and recommendations made. Kris will check with Kristen about her availability and ask her to see if we can use the V. Freeville hall for that meeting since the Town hall will be in use. Kris will also check to make sure that school open houses aren't scheduled for that time. YCC's main work this summer is sanding and staining playgrounds at Vama, Mill Dam, Etna and Dryden Lake; will also be working at the Malloryville Bog. YCC will have its season end picnic at Dryden Lake on Aug. 9 beginning at 5:30 -6:00. Kris plans to attend and other DYC members will try, too. Plan for August 14 appearance at Town Board — After last month's discussion, Kris checked with Marie from CCE and with Jim from YCC; both think participants from their programs will be willing to attend and speak at a Town Board meeting. Kris then contacted Dianne McFall to get on the agenda for Aug. 14. All DYC members are encouraged to attend. Kris will speak first, thanking the Town for its support of youth programming and introducing CCE and YCC. Walt will speak to 2 points: 1) ask Town not to cut its funds to DYC for 2003 2) there are still Town openings on the DYC and representing Dryden on the County Youth Board. (Kris will follow up with Marie to see if they have located a potential youth rep. yet.) All thought it would be a good idea to have an outline of points to be covered and who will cover them; Kris will prepare something and email it to all for comments. We will have a short amount of time at this meeting but see it a good chance for some positive publicity. No regular DYC meeting for August. Kris will confirm the date for Sept. with everyone. Dryden Youth Commission Minutes Page Two July 16, 2002