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1957-83 Planning Board Minutes
, _MINUTES OF TUE PIJ\NNING l:lOARD T~i.e £.:.c::t rn~~=m~1 of H1e Planning B1,.>ard, appo.Intet i by foe ~,:ow;;_ I~1:>ar.J o:f ::J"ly5ses ,~ met ac thEi Grange Hall ::.n 2 acksonv'. u~ n: Mo:·da:r, Apr.tl 25, US 7 °f~'1ose pre :;ent Nere Mernll Curry, Alex ProsKine, Clinton St8venson, Rodman f.eU0ws, Charles .IJ-ykes and Doroth\i Evans. Merrill Curry presented the various problems that have and will c om·Z: before the Towr. Board. Among the subjects are c: n\3W site of Jarbage dl.s9osa.~ for the town; a (;e3i~e to have a plan for zoning; Jc:tvcmile delinquen.c;~; problems, and dP-alings with probationary measu;e£1. Officers tor the ·:::roup \'Ten-~ elected as follows: Cha.irman -C!1arles Dykes V.lc .•..:··C':::.airmar.·. -Aloe ProsK.me Cler,{ Doro~:~y Evans Advisor fror.1 Tmv.~·~. Boa(d -Merrill Curry Mr. Chdrl es Dykes presented his views as to how the board could be put in fore.::. H was suggastcd that ·.;,rA cot:.tact persons who have had '~Xf'el~er.ce m s~~ttrng up a:1d opecatin9 th ,~s::::: boa:-t..!s so that we may be :i.i.1tr0.duced to t':.1~S(':l ideas. .Mr. Dykes proposed i;o contact a speaker for tr:s next meeting of the pla!min:; board. 1'/1r. Dykes h as as:·<.e'.:~ fer a copy of fr;<:i b i.~dqe·.: for th'i:I Town oJ Ul:t sses. He al so t"<?.quested. ,:; ::op:r oi zc..min.g for t~il\rns put out by the SL:ltc Department :.Jf Co~H.mer<.;e of N·..:.:w York. for re:f <..rn~·~c•:: for each rnem~>et of the board. The next rr.eeting wl; l be L Ald :n Mp.y. The :u~et~1g ·was adj\'~u:rr ~ed r::t H): JO P ~M. - __ fy.IHL!JTES _ _91 _ Mav 27, l9S7 'f}·1e second 1:-1eeting of t.h(! PJ arn.1ng Board of th~: :i-owa of 1 ' e se s 'h"\S held ,_:~t ·::i~e home of c.~.ctrlcs D ~-!<es or: Mo:~ 2?, l9Si, at 7:30 f,.M. Tjle speaker for this meeth.ilJ was G·::orge r::. '(!ayne~ of Alba1 ,~, from the New York Statn Department of Commerce. He S!.:io~~s to UF of tLe '1ar.d use maps ·~ T~~.u~ ls 1)18 firs t step '!.O't'-.Tard ti.turn planning in our tow •. shi.p to be of information for dcpartir:ifmts uf roac.1 c o nstructior.~: ffre-fightin1:J, hec11ch, :ax:j~ion, etc. Ht::: i old of Ms e;.,.,~riences of , ariou~; communitie~; ·w·here th~se maps nu.d b<::.~r! made v.1t h mat0rialf :olle;:ted from sc• .. .irces which already '.ad inform<:xi0J1 su h r:.f, the Co.r.servation Department. He told oi bs B xpenenci· in ti1e past wit:-: real estate devE:lopments winch came up jn con.1:.umt1 !" a.d p ·:_; great strai. upon budgets in road con!::tn•ction . mair:lenanct, f ire p ro:ect 1on a11d health. MemJ. .. ~r.s l a t3r tiSkec and rnceived answers from Mr. Haynes, who Ee~med to · 1ave a wealt:! oi >.J.fonnatlo11. Meetl.Lg cdjourned at 9: 30 P. M. Ne •. ~· n1ee·.:L1 to LiP l 1el d at the ome of CLarl~:.5 Dy K.ef: of Jae I~ sonvillc June 17, 19.1\'i. Dorcth 1 W. Evans r 8le1k ( MINUTES OF THE PLANNING BOARD THIRD MEETING The Planning Board met at Dyke s a residence _. Monday, ;une 17th at 8:10 P.M " Those present were: Proskine, Stevenson , Whyte and Dykes . Absent: Curry .r Evans and Fellows. It was reported that Curry was hospitallzedi Evans and Fellows out of town. The meetin~! With 'Mr . Haynes was reviewe(J. Recalling that his advice was to first prepare an Official ·Map and next to prepare a_Land_Q~_§!_¥ap t there was discussion on how to get started ... It was decided that Dykes would contact Dean Mackesey in cm effort to determine just what these maps were; how prepared; and expense of consulting services . It was hoped that this could be done before the next meeting ,. The view was expressed that the most important need is to protect the land values in the town ~ Mention was made of the desirability of adopting the State Building Gode as a first step, the:i possibl? a zonin:.:r code.-. The nef"d for drawing up a list of objectives for the Planning Board was recog nized .. Dykes reported that the Ithaca Journal delivers 719 papers to Jacksonville and Trumansburg., and our material should ·:JO to Harold ;ansen who is the rural editor. The next meeting was scheduled for July 8th at Dykes• residence. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 30 P, M. 3 ' I June 20, 1957 Dean Thomas W. Macl(eaey 102 Franklin Hall Cornell U n1vere1ty Ithaca, N. Y. We are indeed grateful that you are willing to meet with our Ulya&fH Planning Bomd, Monday, July 8th et 1: 30 P. M., at my realdence in Jack90nville. My reliidence 11 reached from Ithaca by 901nq out the Trumansburg Road (Route ~6) to Jacksonville, Where at the 1nteraect1on you tum right towmd the lake. My house 1a the fifth on the right. It bas columns in front, and my name appears on a aign attached to a tree next to the driveway. We want particularly to dlacuaa with you: 1. What 11 an uoff1c1al Map•? V.'hat does it look like :' .tlow ii it ixepered? What 1ca1e ? 2. What 11 e tt Land Use Map' ? "Abet doe• it look like':' How 18 it prepared ? 'What scale I 3. Do Planning Board• usually set up e list of objectives, ground rules, or rules of procedure ? 4. The role of conaultanta to Planning Boards -method of operation -collection of data -fee& charged for services ? V. e wW look forward to our meeting wtth you. v harle& £. Dykes, Chairman Uly 8aea Planrung Board MLNUTES Of. THE. PLANNING BOARD _FOURTH MEETING The me e ting was held at the home of Charle s Dykes , Jacksonville,, 7:30 P.M., J uly 8; 1957. Dean Thomas W. Mack esey of Cornell was present as speaker. He has set ved as zoning and ordinance consultant for the New York Power Authorit; at Massena ~ Mr . Dykes bnef ed him on our ideas and materials available. De an Mack e sey first told us of the Land Use Map which shows present use of land_ I ts particular use is to plan for t h e future. It may be of arr-;: scale , and will show highways, public are as, reservations , forest cover,.. ret ail establishments 1 etc . T:"le u. s .. G , s. (U. s _ G eological Surve y) of Washi ngton! D , c. I already has ver~' good maps of this area. They may be purchased and are accompanied by very valuable information . Watertown Aerial Surveys are also recommended for any photography necessary. Discussior;. of persons available for consultant and map :nal<ing. John Reps is presently consultant on the regional planning board fo::· Cit;1 and Town of Ithaca a n d Cayu ga H e i g hts 25% State a i d and 50% Federal aid is now '3Vailable for planning boards to set up maps and fees for consultant for zonin·::r and ordinance , aiter recommendation has bee n accepted by Tow,_ Board, and applicat.ton is received by State Department of Commerce . Next meeting_, July 29th at Charles Dykes' home in Jacksonville .Doroth7 W ~ Evans , Clerk ,.-,,~ THE PLANNING BOARD FIFTH MEETING The meeting was held at the home of Charles Dykc.s, Jacksonville ,. N. Y., at 7:30 F.M., July 29, 1957 . Present: Alec Proskine, Clinton Stevenson, Rodman Fellows, Dorothy Evans, ''Wes 0 Thomas and Charles Dy kes. Mr. Dykes gave h is report o r:. correspondence with three Gonsultan ts in regard to town planni ng. 1 . HPrbert Smith of Princeton, N. J., who offered an estimate of $0:1, 5 0 0-$6, 500 for Land Use Maps, zoning and ordinance . 2 .. Russell Black of New Hope, Pa., who did not w a nt to o ffer an e stimate unt il he tad consulted with the Planning Board on t!1e work the~· vranted done. 3. John Reps, Ithaca, N . Y., who offered to do the wor1.; for $3, 000 . Mr.. "Wes Thomas of Trumansburg, cmd a member of the 'i'owr. Board, was present at our meeting at the request of Clifford Bower, Supervisor 2.nd Chairman of the Hoard. Mr. D!'kes 9 ave Mr, Thom.:1s a review of om meetings with Mr. G e orge Haynes of the New York State Commerce Department, and Dear.. 'I homas Mc:c :~esey, Planni n g Consultant at Corneil. It was proposed that th e Planning Board at tend t:ne Town Board meet ing at t::e Cleric s Office in Tru mansburq 01:. Wec:ine sda~. evening, Au q ust ·i', 195 7, c;.t 8: 00 P, M ,., to give a resume O l 1. the work i3nd research done,. cmd to request the Town eoard make application to the State that they )ntend to engage a consultant for the Town of Ulysses. Motion made: I. Planning Board request that the Town Board by resolution of intent provide $750. 00 in. i958 budget. Motion passed . II. Planning Board to request Town Board to include in 1958 budget $250 . 00 for expenses of Planning Board for the cal e ndar year 1958. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9: 3 0 P. M. Dorothy Evans , Clerk July 15, 1957 Mr. C. E. Bower Trwnan•burg New York Deer Cliff: i..a•t Monday at my residence in Jackaonvtlle, we hod the fifth meetin~ of the Uly1ae11 Planntng Board. The fJ.rat meet1rig wa1 on April ZSth, at which time the Buerd waa organized and officera elected. All mombera of the Board were Jr&aent except Morrill Cuny, recently doceaaed. It waa the wianimou• feel1n9 of the group th.t our laat meeting waa the mom oon.truottve of any that have been held. Thla feeling waa probably due 1n part to our getting better acqualnted With our aaalgnment, and aleo to having a• ow guest and oounael Dean Mackeaey of the Architectural COlleg• at Cornell, who baa done con aider able con aw ting ln Town, Village and City plMning. It waa the feeling of the Board that I ahould write you in advance of aendtng to you a copy of our mlnutea, on the foUowinv 1tema: 1. MelTill Curry will be mJaHd 1n many ways. In thi• group we Will mi•• him becauae of th• 11ataon that h• provided between the PlannlnQ Board and the Town Bo•d. the next meeting baa been acheduled for 7: 30 P.M., Monday, July 29th, at my reaidence. We feel that thia 1• every important meeting et which time metto3ra w111 be c::Uacusaed pertalnin; to recommendations which we llnlicipate making to the Town Board, hopef wly l't your Au;ust meetino. We respectfully requeat and strongly uroe that if possible you ettend our meeting on JlJ.ly 29th. lf you cannot attend wtll you delegate a member of the Town Board to meet wt th ua? 2. So lmportant do we feel 1• the Uai.on between th• Planning Board and th Town Board, that it 1• our fond hope and expectatlon that MerrW Cu.rry'a aucceaaor, who 1t ia our underatandino the Town Board will appoint, wUl be b memb• of the Town Board. 3. It appears e• thouqh the moat important steps which ahould be undertaken by the Planning loard are (a) a Zun.tng Ordinance, and (b) a l..and Subd1Vi1ion Plan. 7 \. \_. I -2- Dean Macke&ey estimated that the epproximate cost for c onsulting servtcos to do this work would be $3,000. Of this amoWlt State ciid provides 1/4, Federal aid 1/2, leaving the rcma!rJ.u'd 1/4 to be paid for by the Town -$750. It would appear tha an additional $.l SO would take c e.re of other minor expenseo that lllhOu.iQ be budgeted for the l6nn.1.ng Boar'6 1m th6 001nlnq year, mak.int;; a total ~stimated 11ot1ure of Jl,uoo. Doo.i1 Mwke&ey advued that ii we had any hope of p8J'tic1- pat.1n~ .tn Stahi and f t11.1eral funas tor 1 ~ Stj, we should not waa"'e 1my time ht 9 e1Unq our appliceuon .ln. V. e are contactit1g three add.1tional consultants for esUmntes of tees, all Of Wh1cn information we hope to have tor our meeting on July 29th. The bOve glv4!s you an mclication o1 our th1nldng et the p-eaent Ume, nnd the direction that we nre going. It la my understanding thet a rc:!50luUon of intent on the part ot the Town rd to provide th• Town•• portion of the above mentioned cost, .la the m1nimwn required tor the filing of the application, which filing la the re11pona1b1Uty 01 tne consultant. lt is oonce1vable that at our July 29th meeting a recornmen<ion to the Town Board could be agreed upc;m for prosentatioj1 at your August meeting. If Urne is important, as an Meckesey indicates it ii, applicaUon could be tiled unmediately, and in an cstimllted Umc of ono month we would know whether or not our project coulcl be handled from the State and Federal funds now available. Most cardielJy, Cherlea E. Dykes, Cheinnen U!yeaea Planning Board r . l i cc: Members of the Planning St>N'f~; i f v. , '"' - Auguat 8, 1957 Prof. John W. Repa 102 Needham Place Ithaca, New York Dear Prof. Rep•: Thi• will confirm my phone meaaage to you laat evening, that the Uly•••• Town Boerd accepted ow-recommendation and paaaed the neceaaary reaaluUon•. Accordingly we ere pleaaed to engege you fat gonaulUng aervtce• on the baala outlined in your July 24th letter addreaaed to me . 1 am securing the data for the application that 1 can, and then perhapa the two of ua should collaborate on the other qut1 et1ona. I wW contact you 1n a few daya. Sincerely, Charle•£. Dyke• cc: Flannin~; Board C o E, Bower P. S. Mr . Reps reports that the state now has .i.n hand applications for more money than has been set aside for this y e ar. However, not all of the money has been allocated. In any event we will pr9ceed wltl:: our application. I i 11 , 1~57 ./~ ~?' r · 1 fs-7 a;_;-~~ ~ ~bl~,/' .-I--~-~0- ~ ~~~c,-~~ ~::!~~~~~- /. ~ t?~ -(cz...,1--/-'/ .2 ~~7 ~- -3. ~ ~~ ~· ~ ~ (7.c.~ J~_) ~-~ft~~~~~ ~~',~·~fa~~~;// ~erc:r~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ '/.! -' .A~ ...-• Jo,,~. - ~ ~ -.:Ju.,.~ j-~ ·)'., LP~~ ~~-fi~-~~~, ~~ ~,.... ~ ~ -~ )_)~ 7-/ -~~......_..._~~.......,,,. /~£~---~· CHA RL ES W.THOMAS VI CE PRE SIDE NT Mrs. Dorothy Evans Glenvocd Heights Ithaca, New York Dear Dorothy: TRUMANSBURG OFFICE TRUMANSBURG , NEW YORK April 3, 1958 Enclosed are the minutes of the organization meeting of the Planning Boe.rd held on March 28. Also enclosed is a copy of my letter to Paul Malone, Acting Mayor of Trumansburg inviting a. member of his board to attend our meeting. Sincerely yours, t.J_(,<. . .( C • W • Thanas , Vice President Meeting of Ulysses Planning Board -March 26, 1958 ?resent: Chairman, ~lee ?roskin~ Rodney Fellow::; Winton Baines Clinton Stevenson Charles W. Themas Pro:t'. Willi~ ~.hyt c and Mrs . Dorothy Evans were absent from thi3 meeting. ·l'he motion was made by Clintorl Stevenson, seconded by Rodney Fellows that Alec Proskine be elected 0hainnsn for the calendar year 195 8. The motion 'WBS unanimously carried. Motion made by C. W. Thomas, seconded by Winton Ba.ines that Rodney Fel1ows be elected Vice Chainn'm for calendar year 1958 . Motion unanimously carried. 14 otiO ~i made by Rodnt?y !-'ellows second ed by ·..{inton Baines and carried that Dorothy-Evans be electe1i Secreta:!'y f'or the calendar year o!' 1958 .. .P.lec Proskine reported tbat he had bee~:i advised by John 3.eps that final Federal approval o f tb~ Toi-m of Ulysses Planning Proj ect should be received about April 1st. The adoptio.n of a numbering ~ode for locating town roads and properties was suggested as an important planning board. pro,ject. !-ir. Proskine made this suggestion. }ies srs . Fellows and Stevenson were a .ppointed. ·to serve with Chai nna.n on committee 't ~.;; explore code numbering systana and recommend to th0 planning board adoption of a quitable system. C. \.I. 'l'hamss was; appoim;;ed by the Ghairma:n t c attend meetings ·:>:r.' the Greater Ith.ace P1a n~)inB Beare and t o report matter~ of interest to the Ulys s e s Planning Board. 'The motim1 "1as :made by Clinton Stevensou and secon<'led by .i{odney Fellows to invite a member of the Trumansburg Village "Board to attend meetings of Ulysses Planning Board. Mot :ton Carried # Respectfully submitted, C. i¥. Thomas~ Sec. Protem Mr. Paul ~cme, AcU. *"'" ~& Bev ~ar~ At the n wn•l --~Qt t.be t.bat the YfU •• lcar4 be LDri ot t.ba 'row P1enn1na :Bam'4, Wltib i.Dte:r.t m1allt "8nlop. c. "· ,.,., ·, Vice PnSWillt 1 lc /L r_.'-·~t-~l!_ -· r. -~-..:.:~.d/~-~ (/ ,(' -A./~. / ..2 • "'? ;-~ , Proposal to Extend Gas Service to Town of Ithaca Residents on the Trumansburg Road.1 DuBois Road and Indian Creek Road. Several mem~ers of the community described above have approached the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation with reference to extending its gas service for utilization during the coming winter heating season. The present gas main ends at the boundary between theOdd Fellows Heme and the Hospital on the Trums.nsburg Road. The following information haa been obtain ed: (1) The utility is prepared and willing to extend the service, provided that it can be assured of a market adequate to justify the expense. It is recOf5l1ized that the most attractive market lies in Jacksonville and .Trumans~ burg of which this extension will ultimately be a po.rt . The Utility, holo·ever, does not have a franchise for gas service in Ulysses and the legal aspects of obtaining this would probably &elay the proposed project long enough to make . it impossible of achievement before the winter heating season arrives . I.f' this survey shows that a genuine interest exists in the Ithaca township the NYSE & G will try to fit this much of it into their current schedule. (2) Installation cost (see sketch below) The customer pays a service· charge based on the distance from his house to the gos main or to hia l~ ld..ne on the b1Bhvay1 vhic.bever is shorter. This charge is $18 .50 for the first 25 feet or less 1 balance in excess of 25 feet costs $lo00 per foot& It includes everything' essential to making the service available inside the house (valves, meter, pipe, etc.) (3) Conversion costs usually average between $200 and $300 for heating. Cu.etomer 1 s heating engineer can give estimate for specific installation. (4) Monthly Gas Rates: First 2 thenns (200 cu.ft .) Next 13 therms @j) .196 Nex.t 25 therms @ .136 All over 40 therms @ .076 (Minimum charge $. 70 per month) d-\ 'i /i I Estimates of probable fuel costs resulting from conversion may be made on the basis of the following: (a) For house heatine;: Gas at $.076 ~er therm {10 0 ,000 Btu) compares with oil at $.11 pe:r gallon (145,000-Btu) and with coal at $18.oo . per ton (12,000 Btu per · pound). Because coal-fired units are less efficient than gas or oil burners, the comp arison with coal is actually considerably more attractive than the figures above indicate (which are based on Btu content only). (b) As compared with bottled gas for cooking and water heating, one therm is eq,uivalent to about 4 ... 3/4 pounds of bottled gas . Thus if. 71 pounds of the latter is consumed per month, the equivalent amount oi' natural gas would be 71 divided by 4-374 or 15 therms which would cost $3.25. Conversion of these appliances is simple and. ineXIJensive. 'Ihere is no indication of any limitation on gas supplies in the forseeable future, nor any movement at present by the Utility for an increaee in rci.tes. Rate change s by a Public Utility req,uire approval by the Public Service Cozr.mi ssion before they can be effected. It i s significant that in the past 25 years the gas rate in Ithaca has increased only six-tenths oi' a cent ($.006) per hundred cubic. feet. Please fill out the enclosed card and mail. to· J·.o. Jeffrey, 1440 Trumansburg Road. Under the column "House Heatingn 1 !$ind~ include an estimate of your annual house heating cost opposite the type of fuel used therefor. Any co~nts you wish to oi'fer mF.J.y be made in writing on the reverse aide, While your signature on the enclosed card does not legally obligate you to BJlY c ommittments , it is presumed to re£lect your considered opinion based on the accompanying .nroposa.l. '7· ·"':rr~---t. ~ ~'~~,, -~ ~...--' ; /' ~ -J?c 6 1 -o ~-·~. ~ l">'V I ;· ·. ""'.]:...? 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'l-LCt 7'' , . ; 4-z.,.,_· f_ ,.._ . <.. r· '-"' I ~ n ~-.. -tJ.. .. --JL-L--4-..e '- L. ~/ ' . ) £(._ ............. __ .t.. .. ~ .L' . L·-~ ""'--....<...,_ .... ,_,./ ... :, -r, 1 lj/ I ' ' ... -""-\., - / c~ ---- /~. lL-c:t. e ·~J . )--'"l--L...<._ . ,:::,___) ' , ..... ·-; G .. ,,.\_...) ~ ,, .,{__..( t:~ /' .• , "--<.-c.. .. ~(..-~ ·i .. r (\!.."' ·-~ .. ~·,.( ..... ~~·--""'L c .·-· l1;~-A..,:1.;./:_, .ff . / 9 ...,-p .-,-··7· . c.t .. ~ 7 .. A >?-L.,,;~-'--'-4 .• ,/' :.....-·· -.~ / p~ a_~~ • .? ,,,_/. I <j' .>-f' ~"<--<-•.. ~ I a..f- 17s9, --~~ . ---·--,;_ c.:) \ -,_ -i4. .. ~·~/ ~ / ,' •• ·:.» .< . .i-· '-'~ ( ·(.. . .....;. -'j' I (/ ~-:..... /- ./ ,1· ..... ~ ~-....:..~ t<--'-"'<..~.~ . . ~l_._~ :-:::(~ ~ I ~ CENTURY SYSTEM RUR AL HOUSE NUMB ERING SURV EYS, SINC E 1939 HOUS E NUl'iiliERING R. H. DENMAN RURAL CONSU LTANT 972 CLIFF ST. Ithaca, N. Y. AR 2-8188 Area Code 607 In the cities the num bering of hou ses and bu sines s places has been in use for many years . Any p er son, from country as well as city, expects to find street name signs and ho use num- ber s in any c ity he ma y visit. But fo r me rly these i mp r ovements ended at the city line. The reasons a r e simpl e . In the country ther e was not as much ne ed as now. Also the cost for the cit y typ e of numbering was too high because of the surveying mea s urements necessary for an accurate and permanent system. NEW NEZDS AND A NEW METHOD With so many peopl e now mak ing their ho mes in the country and working in the city ther e is an i ncreased intercourse be- tw een country and ci t y and an inc reased demand fo r serv ic es such as mail, ut ili ties (el ectricity and telephone), del i ver ies, fire protection and schoo l r ecord s. These things have brou3ht on a need for better address es . During the 1930's a low cost me thod of measuring for hou se num ber ing was de vis ed and in 1 9 39 the first co mm unitie s were surveyed and the houses number ed by th i s me thod . This i s the CENTURY SYSTEM which is simpl y the standard city system, with which everyon e is familiar, mod ified slightly so that it fits all the cond itions of suburban a nd country terr i tory. The b asis of this system is an i n stru me n t operat ed b y the car spe edometer cable and geared to read h ouse numbers d irect as the opera t o r driv es along the road. After considerabl e study it wa s found t hat 200 numbers p er mil e was the be st sp a cing. Thi s all ow s for lot s as small as 50 fo o t fron tage , if n eed edt " or the ho uses ma y be miles apart -allowance being automatically made for f uture 3rowt h, with houses added anywhere in between. So it is unlikely that numbers originally as signed will e ver have to be cha nged. The numbering survey is u sually cont ract ed for by t he Town o r Vil lage Boar d. The cost is moderate -a small base charge p l us a small amount per house . In addit ion to det ermining hous e num ber s su ch a survey provides information which may be used to make an Alphabe tical Dir ectory of residents and businesses. /"\ cf l L <. ) ~ •1 --!' h. < ~ ~) /;:-" ;.,~ -C1<..1 ~~.,'-·1V ,, /'·1-.; ~ ~L, ~ --~ -' _._..... I ,..., /;? ~ ,. ~.<(.A.(../ ./,,.;. l }_~.-{-.. ~..-._.. . ~ .. .,( ..,,.l-.!:../· ... 1>.~· ... .:/ / - 1'/ {, r / ~ {;; ,_; / 1 r~ ' I . / < I ,. ... •• fl "'-> ~· =-=;..Q_o:: i ·' .' . ~ • T 2:t:z:::> {&. J -/. -:;J ,. i:.' ··: _ rL·~ !~~--·;(__ .. / 77-!-r ;~ /'-(' ' / ,,(.,,.·~,·( ··"---'-'! •. ·' ~---,,,,~~ v 1· i "L t_l.A.--<_1-1 .r .r .. L"'.-'!-·-:c/ I t/ t .. (.. , .•_.,~ L ... C' )~::-,_,r/.,.. ..... ·-~ ... (.._,J,._ .. ,_... "?' '~ " ·'F·rY ,. .. ·,r-- '-" r-, ~/ I' c;" l .. ·--(i /t ' .. • t . i ' • I " .. ( ·<...{.~.' ........ :~,. ·j t:.. .• (..~., . J. ~·-""" .. "' ., .. ~.i:~·· ~-<--c .. .:£....,,. .. // .. r7 - I cf>'Y ./ .: ... ..:.. ... ' i • (#" ., .1:... L, u__... Cf: / I t;--.-'i' / ••. 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(Ff l W...t:,. t)_ ~ ... t-J...--.... ./ / . .2 . 3 , L ... ---........ ,-0 , ,,_ /_;(; ... -"-"t-A .... /-- / / .. ~!' ....... """{ ............ - I 1 / . ~ .§ ;;./:·==;~,: ,A_ -l. .... , J .., ·:" .. ~..__ ·-z.4_ / ' ; )_,, / ~-· -~-d ,,~::;·· ~ ~ !,...·~~<--- -;-/.i~-L ,,. / /?.1:·-.,_,r/ . ... .I August ·;_c), l~60. Plar:ning BoArd meeting t-t the Toltm Hall t~f G~yr.ses Pre~ent Rod :/e -lows :linton J)c,.:! , '> Ues Th -"'as Cli--.tr~ Stevenson Pr:r-;.l ·: C'<"'ter ( repres"'· tc.ti~·e y.'"illage Dd. of Tru, .. nsburg) Alec Prnskin Doroth:· Evans Roe. il,ellow i:eviewed a.meeting of th;-, Bon--c of n'.)peals Menbers of the board Prof. Lutz John ".)-a. il'es ton r~·l1 ~ o.;; tl'.'·r t_rt ~1ill.s·c>~ , , · i. Rod Fellows (Sect.) Meeting had been held with Cl:. rlie Nevnn~"'1 eJ...""Planci.tion of the board of appeals Anpeal to be made to Clinton Stevenson,in 'W!'iting He gives yes or ···o to the c ppeal. trV If the answer is no the ap~eal ~ry be made to the bo:?rd of appeals if:o c?.ecides t'.'e P..ppro~~al or dis~p:pr0,.; -al. T~is appeal t0 the bo..,rd ~u~t be ~ade within tt•irty ~30) ,1..,,-~ (") ' e ..:-·:rst ap')eal dete. There are now forms to m~lre the form"'l a·o··r al av;.ilc..ble in the '::cv,. :1e1'lrs Office. • Clintcn Stevenson :'· no:;·ted some of the prohlems Fhich h~i;.·e come uu ii: carrying out his ~~uties. ',Je then J.oo!-:ed into some of $t~tements concerning General Provisions :.:mner ;-rt~c+_~..E_:!._-y§.._ of ~:'1e zonh:g ordinance. It o.ms moved a:id sec0ned by Clinton stevenson and :·Jinton B:dnes respecti vely that under Article 5 Section 23 of t11e zoninr; ordinance be changed to rerd. v u For the purpose of this ordinance a nobile h0use trailer wh whether on wheels or otherwise sup•1orted shall n0t be considered a dwelli~g or any part of i d~elling. Mobile houses are permitted only ·Ln trailer c~""'l dul~· licensed b~~ f he Town Board." l·iaved by ·Jes 'l".,omas and seconded by Alec Proskine that:-Sumr·ei:· ···.o; es, cot ages, and c· mps onntaining less than 750 SQ .• :'t. may be constrncted ,~·11>' on S'!iec-' ?l ~.nprov·al of boRrd of appeals.n 't llext meetinc~ tc be 11elc". on Friday· , Sent. 9,1960 7:~0 P.M. Sept. 9,1960. Plan r ing Bo ·) r d r ?-"tin~ called tr; order at seven-th.irty. Present Pru "kine , Thomas, ·~ello•:rs Stevenson, BP ines, Foster Eve"ls . Discus s en on the '.'.)rice for building permits. Sh0uld is 'be '.': one ·rice or on sliding seals? Mo7.·' L made.. 1J~rwi-.1ton Baines and sec cnded b;:r Wes ~homas that !r the chairma' be aut~·torized to have fn.ttorne:y Newman rewrite Sec tion .)6 on e ..,~,-.... ~ • .e ~t so that buildinrr peri".li ts ~re requ ired. " Discuss:~ l of the strte ·. 1ilding code s···:rinp; th· t buildings shonld be c0·· strt c ted t l w an{. so with out regard to brand. Mnt:'.. 0D ·~;:n1e 2 .!c~ sec0"1.ded '-r :es Thomas end Winton Rai.nes th· t ·,re have a meeting wi t -1' th~ 'Tillage Board ;r d h2,ve a rep!?esentative of t""le sta te building code inform 11 s.J21mXRx W~ ""'?.c ommend t'-:e numbering of the twml to the Town BoGrd Discussion of who i~'-.t be d~5irnble for t~1 is job. Inquiries to made to plan inf ooB.rds. Alec Prosl ine an 1 Cl i nton Stevenson to 'lla:.re r.. list of the roc.d signs neede:'i tc be c ~wnged, si-;,o"1s ":! ·t.ering town, ordin~>nce enforced signs, ~n.-'1 .._, cf)st. :~e .:'=t meeting rlmrs, Senf· ?9th . Spet ?9, ic1'0. Present~-T'ellows, T'1.omas, hyte, Eva.•s, Ste··· Foster ( ."illage Planning Bo.., rd) ""_rl RurB.l :.::o··se -~-)".tbering) --i, Prc;lo•-.e, )e ·!l~·n·( Cr "'t··~·~-~~.Yste"'"? I, .I •• ~fl/ \..' .... J..;.;. U·· i{ ~ Mr, Jen ·.e..;'1 c:--:plaiEed some r~f ti2e wor!r ·in +.he numbering ie 1~as do•1e L~ ". e r·1rroundi'tg tm.·-~s ( SpP.· cer, !anby, Bro~;k~r.':dale) He e~;:'-~ibite0 th.e echprii<'.'"l} ;P-vi ~e ·-0 ·1. ·1a to marlt 0 , .. t' e ··j ""'F .. ---· .:, ~n· ··.ing at1~··t i.,r,n u.mbers / ~~ile This is a f'{ ~.t ... , • . •• .. f t. _ t ; ·, , I -• ·-.... ... .. "oo~· ~,yf-.-1.,..,~1·r.g ·rih1·s ,.,a 1"e -:ncreased -:-c ·o"o"'rn .Lo ou·~ . ,_ .J "'J." 0 .• _.,.. • .•. ,_ } --~-. -(J _!. -""' • •(in . .:.:F~'; 0 one undred oc;t PDaci .. g. He ~.;.; ~ld r 1:e (;, 'ieJ.r" M.'.:iD -··1.c1 ··:'.11 in all inform."~· on "·' owners .ov: lr::--e:t0ii. 'l" is "'.a}) w0•:ld ')e .:i..sef··1 or nostal rr.,1te, 'bc:!e···tee r..w .ers, ~· d ·~-y pl'Dperty owners ·,r.t. ~. l ·.g to assertai ''P<f: t'· -~i '' J:'"'nper~··v ·um~i0r. In checking the D · -·eels of la'~.d in ~-he tcw· · ~:e "·--(! '-here is rr:ipt'ox:L,,-te2,-976 • .:.:1 '-OStim;::te c-· tli.e '"!C~t of n~:.11herir.g w2.s '1l?cec" Pt ·bout ~700e00.. In board "iis··:1.·ss:i <Y1 -~~; .. ,_;re "ere !'?.ever'al ~.:·gu· "' ~s ..., c: to t!iP. ac··':rA.cy cs .::·--« •· .~e:·1~'.r-:::'ing system. T"··;ere arc., ~ir <wtos av:-ilable t •• ~ "of ~F.:ll<'.'·1.-.-s '·Till ·,:::·.re some i•dJr~_: .. ti on GOi ..... iJ.. .... _g them ~.t t.'1.e ne.;.._ ;.~..?er· --:f;. :Te 1"'elieve ti...e ··umbering -.:<rn ~")e tG-e ·r.ie -ter and at a lesser x~~1se. · W•3 voted rnd dP-cidcd th t r() ..... d rdg:·;.~ s'1, lr~ t,-'· e :c:iri ori t" (~ r.:r :>: house numberi!lg .• Proskine :.l • '~te,re -~011 ii:-ve !: .... ··e ?. s-:.~rve~-o~ the signs T'!eed ,d i~ the tow: ,..,~-c}1-gi· :g the -~ar <:~s ("\f a :·aw roads: bo··mdarics o" t11e twon 2 :-• :0:"·1ers i.J. jo.:. .~ .. g m--;.::·: high uays ( s -i 0 1.o .. ·ds 96 a '<l :;') Cosrt:' \ otP-· t'" .s by t~.i.r. c 'mtv :"~"'r' .~er-1~hlE:>n.t axe:-'; 9.00 ---i'o1·r way ~i --·,.s · · .6.00 ---twc 'l"'.Y signs "'3 I::' • t ~ . 0 ---s1~n pas .• Motion naC.e '::i:· Prsol:ine, "ecc1 ded by ··1.yte ~hat:-., Tovm Plr·-:'. .ing 'Roarc , .. ,.. ·~O'."""'endi tc ..__. r.rowa Borrd tllat 1. t · ·urci-<)se -igns 'or tte Toi~· floads · · th!Jt they set aside ii::c--•e--·:::r :'..t in ~he 'Jr:.fl r;et c~~ l?(l.11 Voted and passed ?~otJ" '"' 1''.'='d"' 'h~~ Tl'OID"'~ s~·cn ( ec ~, .... f'r~.::1·1· ·. 0 that· -.. .. • .• ..>.C.:.. ~ ~ ... f .. c;;; ._,. ' ... ' . . • • J. -·' • -,. ·rr!·,0 toT·r.·• ~oard ,.,.,. ' • · sses ··et ~ .. si· de "000 00 r,...r .... ..;.. y _;, . ' ..... ·~· :. v • ... --' S~,.. •. ,. ""r1u·' ~"c·'·s 11 "0ted -;: ··"aS<:!·~' ..1..5h;.:, o.J, \ " ' \. '! ~ Motionmnd0 t~.--.. ,. "'J'aS ~ ·•"'t -~'C ider" :->·-{v• __ ,_ • -._ °V ,"J '·). • 'l. .... '· I. •._r ...,.!-,. 11Fellows ~ c: 'or 0st · 1 ed 2or c, ~~ ~ ... es "or a n.w11ber s -.. ~~~~a". 11 ·r·'+-ed a d 1~a S ... P l. Mext meeti~g T·urs~~y, 0ct _jer ~0•" --7:~0 Sharp. October 3. 1960 Mr. Oliftora E. Bower, Supervisor Town ot Ulysses Trumansburc;b, ew York Dear Mr. Bower• Attached nre th.a necessary tonna tor requesting $250.00 tor th expenaes or the "Plcmning Commission or the Town ot Ul.ya1e111 for the rear 1961. The 11 Plann1ng Commiaaion", t ita meeting on September 29, unani• mou1l7 voted to equest the Town Board to include ~n tha 1961 Town budget, th• sum of 5$0.00 for road a1gna. The County Highway Depart- ment was c~ntacted, and t y greed to place 11 the neoeaea17 s!gna on County roads. On oornera that are the junotion or Town ~n.d County roaaa, they will pay one halt the coat. The eigtlB will cost 3.50 tor the poet, 6.<X> for 2 way sign and 9.00 for 4 way 1ign. It was also voted to alt 1."or enough money to ereot j_ e!gna on roada entering the town, to oall attention to the ~aot that soning 1• 1n force in the Town of Ulyaaea. We didnot have the exac~ a.mount of these signs, but Mr. Stevenoon ia to have that tlgure for preeentation on Iedneaday 1 October $, 1960. The Plnnning Board also voted to request the inolmaion of $800.00 in the Town budget for survey, the aasign1ng ot numbers to each reai- denoe or future residence, on the present road•• nd the prepar tion ot a 11st1 or re 1CSencea in the Town, b7 ro de. This price inoludea a set or air-photo covering the Town Qt either JOO feet, or 400 feet per inch, a o ra index of reaideno••• card £1le box, and the card• to notify ach resident ot hie official street name nd number. It will be 1mpos ible for e to be at the Board Meeting Wednesday nit 1 but 1r. Stevenson will be there to answer rq question you may have. Very truly yours, R. M. Pellow Ouirman, Planning Board RMP/gt IOP'•· ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMI'ITED BY -PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF fuaaaa FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19-61.. Office and other expenses (itemize) Ott1oe Supplies Compensation of employees (itemize) EXPENDITURES $ so.oo AtteR41&:18 ... t1~1. travel. eta. --200...00 TOT AL EXPENDITURES , ~so.oo REVENUES None Dated: September -2.9..., 19-60.. /:/J 7 ld!_ ;-... ~// (Signed)./'{// ~~ (Title)(~ha1rman• Pl ann1 ng Board Note Zoning Commission and Board of Appeals. The Town Law (Art. 16) permits a town board to appoint a zoning commission to off er recommendations for a town zoning or-dinance and a board of appeals to hear and decide appeals from the orders of administra-tive officials charged with the enforcement of the zoning ordinance. Every town zoning commission and board of appeals must file an estimate. Planning Board. The Town Law (Art. 16) also authorizes towns to adopt official maps or plans and for such purpose to appoint a planning board. Every planning board must file an estimate. WU.llAIHON l..\'# 1001 C:O .. JtOtKHJUt, M, Y. ,, Presr n t:- }i'ello· c: .Steve ·on An'101 'l'\CC?.".lle t of date or '3a.ring p · r'" t; ~-c Sect. 3? o : z oning o r d . nnr c e • re :-·· '9St of Mayn!-rd iH Lee ~G." r v::i riC"' C8 0 '· -~:.he regu::- -1 ~ t i ons o ·the zonj "~-ord·' ace tr-: pe::>nit tr2°~ "'nt:' ~~·r ·ber .. to be SO]t" O r r!"O 'eTt-.· ( l'."'1C tion O~~l 1Rounte g0 --so1~ c·· 0 . :i. !tersectio::.. oi' ;:·, '"Ii. t-;reek Ra. ~nc Ro·,te ')·<? :~ {l £''K t 3,1· ~,,... -..:· t··) Hee.ring to b e ~.1i:.1C. ... ~-cY. 1 1th 7:3('· P?H? pt + '° ToT ;-: O'"' i~~ Bl .l o:. ~2.a>ow~ ias :,··de ( ~ ')(·. 0 0 or ':">? <-:; " rea'J.est to t ··e To~:-·i i oa.rd for t-'-e s n·1 o~.: e) ~:~~.:00:...-~ Tr;:.~1s_, l!'ld ~X-"'?"!5~s) "re l o·' .ad 1onb~d into t"e :n;..·tter o~ i1e '30. n i···ier:~ o-l ' ·.ic~1 will be dor ~~ o:· air i"'!·.~, ..... r:>~ ( 40<1 1 / :1 ·L ;:-1 ·\,. It ·~ril7 ';:)e '\-ics~~ h · ~-,G ~:l m~p "or the ~:~-es so r -,. u:i .; ·g ·:---·::.rd. B l i l d i rom Alb--·: -te ~ c ode s o weting for Dec. 1,1960 . e z:p l<:~i ~'•~ Sta::-;e Bni:-i . .-; '-i.g ·~ode . speal1:e:.~ Suecial '"'.~"':ice ·,.;ril 1 ·rie s~nt to ri(j··ce .. t p:r·opert:· 0·~1·_ers ..... c. ~J f"'''l<: ':'V'= sp e .i 1 ::. ··tee "'t in · !'i"l ~e ~-1ee.rL·g of NrP. Jtl,J.960 • ......, /j I. //14. ,,._~.,,,.~" 41 J :;i_ • f > i /. . . 7~t .. <: ;i. ' --; · :~ i, ~'-I I " I # \).., ,/;! ( /. ( ;£.-<.:~ 7'''~,,, ( ""--:..A...</.-v • . .~ --• s-!l/.1..,~~ ,, ~ _.t.. I'/ /~~ y -<-G (:, {~{ V.'--P'-~ ~. .>;; C-<~..-::'"'-· ,,..,, •. ) v ~<-<_ t. L f .. """"""<. .. i .... '-< <-• L ~.---~ - / / t / .2 -... · t <-... 0/ ~->- _? / ~ l ... ~ /-.r-1-/ I s· "'-;> /.. t l,.-~..-(.1-.... '-..I... ·~ "'-"l.~ ;· .---- /.. l -<...It.. ~ I l...--~ ;r; v.-~-;1 (A" L l-,{, \... .(. -(.... ;;...(.... -L-.~.~ ~ ~ . 1.--.. ~ r---t_ ,(..._,..._ T-..--J ~~~--:!. <! .,_ ""'- J /-~ .::,_. ~ ..... e-.-:.,, -<. ,(_J"--' Z:, ~ /'-. -l.-A-4_ ;/;; i. .e ""-'<. . . '/ c.. t,; I ,~...._ ..._ ?·o. ~L .~._., - -c. r /. )~ 1.., ~ ,..,...,....~ r-... ~ r , .. ~...,._ ~vt'r.7" ~ I ~ .. ._.,.../' -t I I ')-J.r "'') 'I" "le.,..,.......' !>--, Z.... /' !;- ., ..!::)" r:-v V:-7 £.I' ;r Aur,u st -7, 1 96 1 . Pre?-'1 t Wes Thom ~s, Alex Pr o s 1':'1ne , lint on B iri.~s , Rod Fer ,ow;·: .• Pa1 1l Art;:~~.., e 1t ·J.\') 11 omit t:'l.~ win·d feebJ.emi!Jded an{ che.nge word liquor to alco~1olic. Sect::.n~i 1i-Art. t. o;---i·~ word epileti Secti ~ 5 P. 3 one parked inside residence S~ct:1 1.<.t C Outdoor storage--nc dti111:oing. s ~ct :~n ~3a bldg. floor area 23a traile~'=" camp or parks for trailer resi6.ency Trailer c~.mps or pa.rks an\J trailers or mobile 110-:nes for p8rman.ent oc('upancy sh2,ll be pr hi bite<~ in all districts. One trailer ma~~ l:>e placed on c. lot in a residence or Ag. district "='or -1se as a temporary ~ousing for a period not egceeding lS months 11nlms$ such period be extedded by permission of V1e to'ltm board. If the to'W:t1 a.dppts sep~r~te ordinanr.:e reg~1lating the lice.nsing o::' trailer camps, trailers complying with such s;!ch ~n ordinance shP.11 be exempted -"'rom t'.te reouirements o:f this section. Art. I Sect. 28 Any building substantially destroye1:3 by an~,:r cause and any building the roof of i:,f1ich is or hes oeen taken off shall be rebuilt or demolished wi ti1in one year. P a r a ' Sact. 36 No building or structure shall be begun or extended ')_ntil a zr:'ling permit atir.t 1·:orizing such constructio shall be issued by the zoning officer and such building or structure shall be constructer2 or extended in accordan ,~e ··rf t:,, tl:,e perms of o ,. th0 per.7d t. Slgns P . Art 13 No sign or ad7ertisin~ device to ":>e discussed "ext meeting. Disc·.:.ssi t ."~ -pf chc:rgc for building permit. Wes Ti1oma.s made t:i.e motion seco dec1 by Alec Proskine th?..t the fee now be ~?. 58 instead. '): "l o . oo I~ext meet ing c::epte~ber J)J., 1961. • ·./ / - ,,/ ·.,.._- -(J ·~} _,,. ,l ";t< r>'?"tt__ .· /~}/.._~ '(;f--. .11 ;,_ ; -b 71 .. ?r' J 1ff --···-•,.,,) /: ;, --i l;·;-j t ;,__ ~~ " -..-.1.::·--v-,.;.-.._1/} '"-/ .. · ;{ /~ (' (' ..; j' y "_ .. )/ . ' .... ·/ ~ l '~· .. ·f-~ ,. ...... ~1 j! ·;./' l \. r :; e.. 1-., :-/C·:·, -<~.- :"'' /' /l:....c ..... 3. ' _f ti IJ .r ~ ~.._~/ I./-::>, . ,~~..,,,{_ ·~ A I -~ <., ...... .{ .... ~ .. ··-· I J . - ~ I . ., V' '7'· l-·~ ""!·: ... !...,..,~.··j<...,...~. £,__._-., .. -c,· ~ // ,/ ,,(, , , )-; . '··~ ~) •-i: _,· ... ·~ .... .I .. "· .. : {:~' ·~...i ,• -~ / ... .-I , /-.·'/!_ J ,.(. /::...,,.,~·1··'2 .. ·' ,,,,. .... _,, ... -~"'\-··~~ ..; ./ / ,. ~ ... --:::, ...... ~ --· ... ~ ) --l' i. .. t (.~ .I • ~ ,<.__...., r.. "'/-· /? ,1/;-f < / I~ ) ,;;· ·~-.... t' Jb I .·.1 .. .. '>·' ,/"" ··:-· "?.··>-): ·"!·, ....-:·, ."'/ ~·-· I ' ~o .,. . ., ' ·' -~"-'">•"\_.•.-,....~-.. \.11 ............. /,,,., -(?:J · 1 l ~:. "") .-,...-r-'?-·..,.. ... , .. ~ '"Y-v'I j . (7..- /'> ·:. .. ..,. ........ l.·~-.... -/3. ... ............. ->--·ft"'"" / I\. - ...:., . ...,.,,,..'"'? e;l ·~··· .... -;.. ... ., .. }· .: .. ,,,.--·;.. ,~f ,f ..... ·,_.·~· ... :,,-:-,...?--,. ....... ,.---,... ..... ·-.,> / "l-.., .. : . r·l:!-.:· .,.: ..:."-=-<-< ,,·) I . -. v ·, . • .......,., __ -;:v-->~ .. _-y r I .. 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Y)I '/ :4 'i:~ 72~~ -v --,.'"77?' --r--1 ·~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~}/-y~~~ -Y_ry ~ ? ~~ ,......,._.. -7 -.:;.-~/ 7.-r r.....,_1 ,,....... , r _;J (Y.._ ~ z £~ --:.---~ ~r ~,-~ ~~ r / I' -.., }7_7/ ~eJJ ';"'"j~ d.t (J y;-p c r ·----.,........,. :.;J ,;.,,., r-~/1' r ;~./ . y .~ &-~~ -c /..-~_/-~ -( )k._ ... _7 v) ~ .... l'-~ ~ ~ 4' ~ ;_ ___ ~ ... / ( / ,,,,.~,,Jt ./-.. , -·1·~' !. ! {.(.'ft-<.~ /" ; -et •. < •• _,,., -~ e-0.-·e-.i/' ~ ?-""'--c.. '-'<-I • (_<..<-(~< c ~ ,,x_, ~ /-?V' l fe<, I J~ <.. ............ ,,,._ ..t_ ~~ ..-~ ccil. -1. ~-<-~ (. pa_.. / "'-..-t f. t(. < •"-"¥A.-~ J I ,;£ .t. "L..<.. >(.._;/ -c.-:/(...... .~ / _/-- . '-,t./-<.L~ -:;t ... ("'.(.. /~-<--~ .... '-<--- ~.L 0' /i)_ ;-... -<.-( I 11 i.....'-->-.. ( /e>.-. .... ~/ .r,.,,. /-.. / (' l ( -c. <.. ~ '-Y-. / . { d-L.,()._.._ ;.. F-' '•<-l.. 4'-t"' >-V/ ! ~ .,_, l / . ' ) ~ .{~ ~-,.,... .(. ......... _.,/"-; '"' I ' 'I " ""J ,;;1 1 \ / j ~ l " '/ L -. I 7 f I // - - - \ --L~--/- (/-..-<'-v r>->....,....~""( "X JI;~ .,._>-'"'/. >-.,, 'L. ~,,,l,....,,. J f:v -,. ....,,. > .. -p 1 • ...... ?j.. .,. .,.. b.--/ ___:____:_+ y:ti~ ~ I J. ~">~ ,. > ,., .-y,...,r,_.~ /71 ~.,1L.... .... ii --p> ' )~ 7 ~ ,.. ~ ~ r> "-"" :r;,../' 'r. ':'/" 7 ~ -{. rr:>~, ...,,, ·i: / ./ .J ~? v'e. /1 ---7 I PROPOSED AMEND¥.EK"T 'EO ZONl~G ORDINANCE OF TOWN Of Ul,YSSES P:lAm·tED · DF.Vl?,7..0PMENT OlSTR.IG'lL. NO •. 1 I . ii ji WHEREAS, Section 9 of the Ulysses Zoni.ug OJ:dinancP., provided for planned ·I 4 evelopment in d i stricts; and 1, 1' I WHEREAS, Mr. an& Mrs. Charles Lueder of R.D.#3s lthaca, New York, have f. -r:equested a planned development di.str let fo·r a .seasonal campsite; and II WHEREAS, th~ l.uedet: . .a.p~Hcetion was maiie. to th~ Ulysses T·own Board for such a district r which applica.ticn was reforred to the 'rown Planning Board; and II WHEitEAS, the Planning Boan~ considered .said app l.ica t ion taking into consideration the r .eed of the propos ed use., the existing ch;;.racter of the neighborhood and the safeg';Jards ;:C'OVU"'d to minimize possible detrimental effects of the pJ('oposed use t ' adjace n t p·.~·operty; and II WHEREAS, said ei pplication, as 110 -afie.d by the Plan.ri.ing Board, was approved and itr report subr:iit~ed r.o the Town BoP-rd ; and. Wl!E?.F.A S ~ the Tow .:>Oard held a pt:blic hearing on the proposed plannea <levelopment district on notice; and ~·:r:H.EREAS, it is the opin:i.on of the 'I'own Board that a district be estab- lished for campsites as proposed; now therefoye be. it RESOLVED, That the Zoning Ordinac.ce and ~a.p of the Town of Ulysses be amended to provide a "New :S~ction 9 , Subdivision a"~ entit led "P l anned Deve- 1opment District No •. 1 11 ~· as . fellows: SECTION 9-a -nrlan.ned Develop:nent DistTict .No. 1 11 (1) T h i ~ district shall be known as Planned D~ve1onmPnr ni~rr;~~ ~A 1 C.Q}1i.'.ENGI~(1 ar. a pci.Dt. Lr t.h..;· soi.;;th•::::r.:is En&: of Kraft :Road.~ located 250 fe~t ·..-e~t ·.)f r.he. nc:rthf.:~.st c0-:·n~:.:-cf p~elf:i9I0.:3 '.)\med by Charle.s Luede:-and w~ia) th~nce e.o•;.thc.rly .s.1.~>ng tb~ lin':'! ~~r~llel with the east prcpe1"ty line of: 1.uetl~~ 800 i~t.:!: ~ th~nc~ t?.t?.Ct •z?.1 y 2.50 fee.t to a point in the <!'!'S.Ste:cly lin~ of V..I1::~<l.et; thEm::H s.~i.;t:':le .. tly alor,g the ea.st l:ine of ~,uedo?.r 400 feot to ;~ point WO ff.wt .south '.)f t!:.-:i: Cf,mte.r line. of Willo·w· C1P.•:/'-; 1':.he.~.c~ in a gene~·.:;,ll:r southw~Hitl?.!''ly d:il:·Acti::m along a lir.e ?aral.le!l to ard. 100 fe.E>;t: f!oTn th.~ c1~::i.t.er Hne .of Will.low Greek as it twists :and t~rnR to th.IE'\ 8·::r11.t.J1 · linc1 -::>f iLi.;.ed.E".r; thenc2 "l.;<etit along the south· linF.· 0:-£ hi.eC..er 350 ~t:Jl.\t tc a -pol.n.t; t.!1.:o.n.ce: ":•~~t along the south line of Lueder 3.50 foe.r.; to e point; i:henc"7. n.o:rthetl] 875 feet to a point; tbel'.ce. ~ast.e:tly a:i.0:;.g. ::t h.e~!ge :row . .sn.c .fen.::':! ~.ine 2.50 :'.e.at more or less :;o a :;oint;. th'.mc.~ nTr·th~'l~t.f,1."~-J' 474 :i°E"~t to an o!d hedge roTN; ther..ct:: northerly 500 fof.'t to a p.:-in.t; t!:i.~nce >;_.;::;sta:rl:,• 150 fest; thence northe:-ly 300 fP-~t t-c: th<"' .:-.c-·..l!.b. lrne oi X=-~:ZI: P.oacl~. thence east along the so•.Jt~ linr~ 0£ K:-'aft :R.cad. ·~·50 f.::f'!t to i:~·~ p•:·i.nt 01· place of begin-ning. Refe-.rence . is r.:i.:=i:ie to J.i. .. :r:..ap sbc»wing f! £1.id pre:m.is.r.J2' incorporated as a pa.rt o·f this ame.:a.i:11cn.t ~o t!:.e-U1yss1:-;~ Zoning Ct'cJ.in.ance. a.nd made a part hereof. ( 1+) 3PECI.r1C.ATIC~\S FOR CA:.'.fl"S ::-.~t::? ) ~. ). 11 ,, , 'I I * 11 , -1,<r \ l (a) There shdl n·~!: bfi ms.-r--· h ( r':.4!1;..~. n .tid C.istr:tct. (b) (c) (d) (e) {£) (g) (h) No site s~a11 be clo~ th6r 50 f~~t t~ anj :;;h~r c.ampsite. No site sh.a.11 bl"! ..:.10.01:. t ~a.r . .. )() J.f{ .. C" t·he rublic highway. No veh.ic:~~ 0h.a.~:t bt: ; ... ;... '~ cl•Jse:-, ~~r •(.,.0 eet to ·he ;ublic highwey for mcr:::e th,~,n ~ '·"":'-hc·.n: r-1::c1cd No slte shall be cl;:\<ie:r than 100 feet. ::o the south line: of Lu~d.i::!r. N~ .site sb.:all b~~ fu:rther than· ~00 fe,,3t from coi let facilit1es the . ga:te hlji,.t~·~· .Bhi:i.U. he . .at le:;;ist 20C. f~e.t bc~<:k f.:r!)m Kr?.ft RoF.id. All!. r ·ad / 't:h0 t'L.,. .. ~~ ~tri , .. , .. }o.-::,11 \.."' ""t· ·J!. "r,+ i2 fA t · ,.n s-~1 in. .H€ ... ~ ... s c_ .,, .. ,.-.. ·'· .v". ..... e.""~ ,._ • . ~e . :i.n wid.th; p1cor0erly io!~.nLf!.e·d! a'..1.i ma1::k.~.d with necesisary Warning signa;, at no pcint sh?.ll e1. zoad b~ clC'ser than 100 feet to Wille.: Creek b~ 4 ' I l ,, ·j 11 (8) I; 11 (i:J) Th~ entire dfat:r ic t. shall be ke,pt free ard c.·i.ear of all litter .and maint.aino:>d .i!:' . .a. r •. e.a..t and o:r:d.srly man.n~r . On e k Sal. ca id ·:rt tY:>!.lettr. baa.rd not exccec.i.ng 113 square feet ~ .. ~. L.~ <:l.u.r.r.:cir1ze~ ~c.fetri.ng to tb.e u:se o.f th~ p:re:nises , ·.vr. .;hall .cot b~ 1;.<;'l! f~:il1umi1H•ti~:<I and the bottom of Sl.~C Sh411 not ce ~ore than 5 feet from the ground. (a) The:re shall be !!.o :.om:ner-::ial sales w~at~ol':ver in this district ot!'l.er than sa:;.,;;.~ ·of .firewo·od. ~. che.:-coal or other fuel to be used. only for. camp pu:irpoaes 9 except. an inve.ntoi::·y, not ex- ceeding $.50.00 lr: va.be, strk.t~y fot: !:.h€> acc.o:r.mociiatfon o .f ca~pers using the ~anp. -I ,_ .; I ··.•· "'\.--.... . ~,__ ......... --,-..,.-'""\, ,.(.,,,. 'J.-j:...t._ ,,,,....,,., ./ ' ·-· -.... ~ -; 4--;n: tu/ J > ., -...... -;-......, .... """"'."?~ -. .......... ,.""' ·1 --.· ' ' ' ') t::JI N l~ . -... ):../ ~-:' 1JJ ~ .,,. . .•. -. ..,. .. '\,, . ..... , ... ; ...... , -"'-.... 1 -;· .. -~ . .., .... ~ ...... ~ •• , • \:,4 ......... ..,...,_.._.,._,_,_ -.,,~).I ~,,. ,. ... , 't-Y ! •• , ,;, t? . / ·;n,...-:-·:::,' r .., .......... . ;.1 ... , ).--?.-?.? /-< •. ·-:';l -.. -..... ":) I' - ... ,......, ,.. --J....t ...... > ./ -=;-• "'}-p _,,/1 ) '··: .• ~ ... ·-vr_4-(r (,J •,. .... . . -· .. ·~ ... } '' - J --:,1 ... ~-:-..·'---.""'?. ::-...... ~~~.I ··~ I. ·~··-~--·-~·-.,__ .... ., "':-· , / ,.. .. •"'?.,.. ;-':-·/: .-:·--i .. ···~ .... -"""::"'->"-: · ... ~ ·: .... ,' ·-v·~··1 .')/' (.. ·' ' ,/ ···.r' :f ) ... t ... / . ., ·-v ") .-,<""?,.'··· ~ / ) ~· -7 .., ; ; .... ·. ( - .:<. ~·.,-:1·~·.-,,_,.,...,~~··~.--~·1 . --\ 17·~· -i" ...... ") ...... ~/· 'r ' .... , .. l ~ . , . ' .... -··-.:? ......-,..-Y-'}-- ' ?'. ....... "' ....... )· ........ ~ ....... ,,.. .. ~.,.,'[._..,,it., .. / i,. I ,, -.- ' .. ~ "''·' .7 i~ ').-?.;. ····~ .... /./ ---- . ' !...t .., - j .1"°"'"' .,''. :t ..... ") .. "!.../ V(_ ,. -..... -... /..,, \. r ,,; 'i! ~'.--... ... _ / . ' .~. •'-.... .. \.. / . .; I !.:.. ~-·-·!. ,; ; ' ...., . ' ' / .·~ . .__ ~~ .... ; ... :. .. ~ .. .... ·--f. ,. i'~ C"!_J '·~·, .·~ •• : <.. '··~- .. !, .. z_.. / ) '·. ' ,,,-_ a J 'I -.. "' / r->----<,' ·' L .... -,. . / ·~-; • '.-:;/ ., -.• r '~·-7"' .... / ; ' ...... -. .~ ...... ·-"t-.; I . ~--..,) .... ··~ '·'\ .. ., -., ~,._. -~ ,,. ·' ,, .. )" , ., -;.-).::_'·, ;.,: ··, ...... ""') , ...... ~. I : , .. !·: .:.--..... ' \ "'\. ·~ -. i ( ··.,··-} ' ·f. ' ·~ ., ..... , ) .. ) ] . 1 •, r: ! . ,1 . .,. .~. :') .. { ' ) . I I y . /. "".\ .. I / . .,,.;,- '-" / ;.., ' 7 ......... . , ,. . ' r "' ' .. 1-L··-/,. "": ~,/ " '-'-~:.<. l,.... -~ <... f,' ...... L ·'-----t --/ ·• --- l"), .,,. .. /-·"':'-·-~ .. ::· ~~-.-;.._~ R_) f -"'f..?-L ,,-·,"' ,lt.. t ! .. ... ... ..:_ ( t, -·-< .. · t :"-....... ' _.rZ I '--,, .. 7---:/ ... ,,_ I • J>' ":·~<...., ....•• : ............... :. .. "·._ .. J> .... •(. /' ~-. /~. I ' ..:. • f "L-~t..-.. ,_ .... -[t,. .. '!. ' ...... '",;,·' .... •'<-'.... L -, r;; . .._ .;: ~ , , .•. ,....,(. ............ ··(..{.. [.-Y! / -,, 7,f. ..,- .·-('....' t t. ' :' ~-t_-{,_, .... ;· . , ) ).:.'.' {.t • . .. '-·-"-) -· i-: I '-:.-• ...... .~ •.r L-<.. I . r··---·._,,, .. . .. . / .-----( ''-·' ~..,.-v". ·->:. \..... .-L .. ,. L•\..,.::_,_ ... •. ;;( c: ...... ~. -.-... _. ..,. .• ::f ... (. -·~ ... ~ ;'-'t •. :. ··~ •' ::~(..-..~,,;_.,:.".' L "'=:~:'-;~-f.- .. .. ..... ~ ... _ . ./ t!.~ -·-: .. .-' -., ....... •·· '·-i. . ., --·-t' . f • .. ..,. ' - ""') ... ·•· ..... "'-"·-· ···~~ ----, _,_ I ~. r · •. '> '•' .-..._i ,..-:t -•. .J ;· t. --- ' '· "' -1 >1. ;· I. i .· .. -' .. '7. "\ ., ., ... )"?···~.--) -~ ....... ~ -~, /: ' ·"'l.-r .... ""'\-"'! -; ~·· ··i-.... ·? '"';f··- /(_ ?"'.· ".°f __,,_ J l j ' I I I I I ! i I . . ! j: ' { l r I I ! 1 . . l I I I Ii l l ! ~ f I j l ' r I I REPORT OF THE TOWN or ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD TO THE TOWN BOARD RELATIVE TO THE TOWN OF ULYSSES ZONING ORDINANCE. Note: Underlined words indicate omitted or new orovisions. The Town Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses recommends the followin~ amendments to the Town of Ulysses Zoning Ordinance and recommends that a hearirZ be held by the Town Board on the proposed amendments after due notice of ten days' notification as required by Section 264 of the Town Law, 1) Articl~ H I . Section 6 , S ubidivls~or. 7 , ~o be amended to read as follows: "Gasoline., sales s ·tation, ~arage, for minor repairs. autombile sales, building or lot" (1r ~ 01111:1/l'/) 2) Article IV. Section 2 9 relating to Yards for Business District shall be amended to read as follows: "Business District" Front Yard 50 feet, i0 feet Side Yard ~fe~t, l0 feet each Rear Yard 32_ feet, i~ feet 3) Article II Section 2. Districts, shall be amended as follows: "The map referred to in this section as the Zoning Map dated March 20, 1960, shall be amended to show Business Districts with a. total depth of ~feet from the right of way line and, further, to show a new Business District in the Town of Ulysses briefly botmded and described as follows: HA-.., .a..'L-.A... m .... •. " , line of Route 96, measured on a line perpendicular to said ~ right of way line; thence southeasterly and along ~ line parallel to the northeast right of way line of Route 96• a distance of approximately 1600 feet more or less to the west right of way line of Duddleston Road; thence southwesterly along the wes~ ri~ht of way line of D.lddleston Road to the point or place of beginning". For a more particular description of said property reference is made to proposed amendment to the Zoning Map filed with the Town Clerk. 4) Article VI • Section 321 is hereby amended to add the following words: 11Section 32 • Junk Yards, Billboards and Automobile Sales Lots. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance. any automobile or other junk yard, any automobile sales lot1 or any billboard or noncomforming si~or advertising device in existance in a Residence District at the time of the adoption of this o~dinanc shall be discontinued within two (2) years of such date. Any lot containing one or more abandoned, ·or.partially dismantled, or non-oeerative motor vehicles, shall be considered a )Wlk yard, for the purposes of this section, etc." 5) Article v. shall be amended by adding a new Section 29-a as follows: "Section 29-a, Landscaping'ln·Busin"~s DiStl'icts. It is the "intent and desire of the Town Board of the To-wn of Ulysses that commercial establishments in Business Districts shall be landscaped in such mannel' as to be attractive to the general public" • 'sass.Atn JO ~OJ. aq+ UJ e~:en+ 1s oue'i .xo TitO.Xl?.l' .;.:" .:i.oi>.n """"., ..-... u ~I 1:J... \...{_ I I / ~ ~ - ~~ .. <' ( •• f-... ~ . .,,-t,..L.t·f ... !_,·-:..-~-.:,. / ... ~ l'. ·:·(_ ~: . ..: .. ~ ,:/ ";• // ?/,?,5r,~ //~~~~ N fO lP .• ,~. /!' ~ . "-r.. I? /3 . / {! t-'>,/ f.J' ' t'_ -.. ~[ ... ·,'··· L ..t.-h .. . ~ ' L f) ---,. -r 1 (.(.,.f.-.s· 1 , # "-·(/" ,.-,,::>'\. 4't. .,.,, _.,. ,; -·-i..o·'-·"' I /r -·.Y . ~·'-~-.. ~ 73 .. , June 23.1966. Clifford ,Bol.for1t· 'Choimnn of frutmnG~Gt NiY• • Dem-Ur. Qowor,., 1~~2l.) that tb to bus1nooo 1( 1conoorc tmren 'ln vtow of the f1 cceso 1of 10,000 commerc1o1 c. Bower OOnltt All l'!iJ!i D,.W.E. or tbo PlonntnfJ 0 AL.l..UIUJI on JILI'll'..lUU t thle tf.ce• '2hls action l toot nt too prcsont two thoro 10 !n t~ tl trontngo on Rm1to 96 that is z1 ¥curD 'truly, oun of UJ,ya~c '17 w~ ~~;&,£~ ,1t1L~~· ~ _/~ dt.L~' _,/;;-(C~ LL J ~ j~J-~ ~ -!12 -dJ -.?-I -~ .~~ ~r ) /Lf-j:./J___ Ju~J ~ ;/::~£,_,/_ ~ T~ ~,U ·:J /., , ./-/Le__.~-(.{___,.,-~ - 0-~L/ftL~. ([ U__v tf/>-t.-t-l~---.U ~\ . (1 .A /' ~-c 1~ «. -lJ cil.._~ J 0FFIC£R6: PRR:•1Dl;NT H .· OLO e . STEINER VICK PM•olfDllNTS EMM£TT .J . ROACH GEORG!t E . HAYNES NEW YORK STATE Federation of Official Planning Organizations DIRECTORS: RALPH M. l!IARNl!:S JOHN W. BAYBUlT ROBERT O. 6UTCH l!R JOHN J. GRll;;R KX•CUTIVI 8 RClllE'TAllY CHARLES L . CRANGLI!: I 12 STATE STREET • ROOM 1101 • ALBANY, N. Y. 1220? ~18 AREA Tl!:LEPHONE 434·2461 SETH A. HUBBARD JOSICPH C. RED.MONO. JR. JOSE!" STEIN I ft ·To; Chairmen and Members of Planning Boards Zoning Boards of Appeals Officials and Interested Persons I am writing to call your attention to what I conside r a great oppor- tunity for local officials, planning board members, members of zoning boards of appeals, and persons interested in the planning and zoning pro- cess. This year's Annual Planning Institute, sponsored by the Federation under the theme of 11 Planning for Mode rn Living11 , encompasses a look ahead for "our town11 and "our area" as well as an appraisal of accomplish- ments on the local scene. Futur e town forms, transportation, utility services, airport ap- proaches, junk yards, and area controls are matters of current interest and future concer n to all of us. Increasingly, we are faced with the con- sideration of providing open space and parks. What some communities and areas have done in putting plans into use should be of great interest and, perhaps, spark the generation of new solutions £or our own commun- ities. The program notes a Buffet Dinner on Sunday, October 17, at 6;00 P. M. In conne ction with this, we will have to guarantee the m.unber to be served. So that w e may ensure proper service for all, we ask that you reg- ister in advanc e and indicate, particularly, if you plan on joining us for the Buffet Dinner on Sunday evening. I hope that you will try to make the Annual Planning Institute, October 17-19, at the Parkway Inn, Niagara Falls, yourself, but at any rate that your board will be represented. Many boards are finding it profitable to have more than one member in attendance so that they may split up to attend the four concurrent workshops. Charles L. Crangle Exe cutive Secretary 7b NEW YORK STATE FEDERATION OF OFFICIAL PLANNING ORGANIZATIONS ANNUAL PLANNING INSTITUTE October 17-18-19, .1965 Hotel Reservations should be made to the Parkway Inn, 401 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara Falls, New York 14302, by October 1, 1965. Rooms are: Single Room with bath .•.•.••.••••. $10. 00 per person per day Double Occupanc y witl. b ath ...•..••• $8. 00 per person per day Name .....••••..••••.•..••...•.. Arrival Date ••••••••... AM/PM Address .••••....••••....••• , .•. Arrival Date •••••••••.• AM/ PM ............ ,. ............ No. of Persons ................ . Reservations held until 5 P. M. Deposit of one nights room rent is required to hold a room for late arrival. Deposit for late arri;,?-1 enclos ed ••.•....••••••.• $ .••........•••• , , Advance registration is requested and should be sent to Charles L. Crangle, Executive Secretary, Room llOl, 112 State Street, Albany, New York, 12207. This part of form is for your use for registration. Registration costs are: Name .................................. N. Y.S.F.O.P.O Address ................................ Member ............ $10. 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . Non-member ........ $15. 00 Mu.ni.cipality ......................................................... . Planning Board I I Board o! Appeals I I Other / · ] I (do) (do not} plan to attend tile .Bufiet Dinner, October 17. at 6:00 P. M. I will be accompanied by • , • • • • • person(s}. entl ni BGD:D CCI Ir BRUCE G. DEAN ATTORNEY AT LAW SAVINGS BANK BUILDING ITHACA, N. Y. 148l!SO AREA CODE 607 TELEPHONE 2.'72.•68!18 •• y. 14 6 obJ.nnon llo r 5, 1966 • J!'lnUrrv Ot}1 '-n ro"l'lsidPr the re ··1,.,.c:;'· for ~ V ~' · "::'" ~-:r .,1.~ o·• Edmund Hurd to cor.struct dog r ... , • .., ·' in :i ., ,.., ""'i.'"'·""-.; ··.1 ~0 ·" ·. I. t ,,, discucr:tor it 11 r~ r th... ""·' nre a ~'1 ''""'., •. ~ .. , - ~·~ rtics should be c n~ d fro~-~-~ r~tial t ~ ~ ·-~0 -r~-~ .,,/'), ~. r . •r·} · · · ""0 ~~, ,,.a reco!"ll!l t'ke ~his Jn~cr ir.ll'ledi t~ c ~P!dation to th~ Town Bo rd ,.,.,, d . It i."" U "'o recorn"I d 1.•l;.>''ic~~-i ._. f'""' ch '\fT' 1 d th~..... i:.b-i •· U1 vsc-os sid-~-~~~~ nd mn ~ n th ": -•11blic ~1--Bi, l R· .... ' «:n 4 ·• ... -. 0 • -... r1 t:r.~;"' "'er-"f'!- ,., " C "?" ho "'!Y-1 Wll uhl .... ,, . CAROLINB RALPH D. FvLUll Slat.crville Springs, N. Y. DANBY JAMES H. COll.Tll!GlfT •......• 88 HiUv.iew Rd. Spencer, N. Y. DRYDHN THOM:.\$ L, TODD ........... Fr<i!Villt, R. D. Z ENPmLD Cl.Ara UPD!KI! ........ Tmmaosbucg, R. D. I GROTON O:i.•' )!! W. HOLDltN ........ Grotnn, lL D. 1 ITHACA WM. B. !<Bu ..... )12 Csyup HeJahts Rd. LANSING &lius B. DATllS ...... LudlowviUe, R. D. I NEWFIBLD WILLIAM M. OSTllM~DBD. .... 77 Maia. Street Newfield, N. Y. ULYSSES CLIFFOJU> E. BowER .. Trumaosburg, R. D. 1 O.IFPORD .E. BOWER Chairn111n .ELSIE D. BOYD c/,,j ROBERT J, WJLLTAMSON h1om11 BOARD ©F· S\~J Pl:RVISORS Court Mouse, lth11c11, N. Y. 14850 Phone: Area Code 607 AR 3-2080 January 12,1967 Mr. Rodman Fellows, Chairman Ulysses Planning Board R.D. #3 Ithe.ca, New York 14850 Dear Rod: CITY OF ITHACA FIRST W .ARD ]A~US R. GB.AVES ............. 614 w. Sta.te St. SECOND WARD MICHAEL J, lBAllY ....... 325 N. Albany St. THtRDWARD THOMAS J. GJU!'FlN .... 3 15 S. Meadow St. FOURlll WARD .ED-w.wi P . ..UBOTT ..... .905 N. Ca'f\l&a St. FIF1H WARD WILLIAM P. SULLIVAN ..417 N. Aurora St. SIX1H WARD DoNALD J, CULLIGAN ........ 627 Hudson St. SEVENTH WARD MAs. HP.LEN HoEPllll. .. 113 Brandon Plr.oc As you can see from the enclosed request, the Board of Appeals and the Town Board are faced with several requests for either variences or changes in our Zoning Ordinance. These requests have been pending :for some time and I am sure both Boards would appreciate your Board's opinion and recOlll- mendations about them. It seems imperative that you call a Planning Board meeting very soon inasmuch as the Appeals Board has reserved decision on these requests and hesitate to render a decision without the Planning Board's opinion and recommendation. I am sure tba.t if you were to invite Mrs. Arlee Robinson,Zoning Officer, and Paul Foster, Chairman of the Appeals Board, they could give you much pertinent in.formation. cc: Alec Proskine Gerald Ehrhart Dorothy Evans Stanley Koskinen Da.vid Langley Q._.ea..;.... ·, • ..,.'-? cu.c...e. T ~~ t- Sincerely, {'I .. • 'u . ./ .s» t .... (!~~ ..... , ... <!Loo .. ~-• .-;.,· .... -· CLIFFORD E. BOWER, Supervisor, Town of Ulysses TO'tlr"n Board of Ulysses Town Hall Trumansburg , N.Y. 14886 The Plan.r.iing Board of the Town Of Ulytises met on the evening ~ January ,6, 1967 . Motion Ji• ihe motion. was made by Koskinen and seco .. ~ded by Langley that " the William J. Auble proJ"'rty be 4n.n1:tdered f'or commercial property by the 1.rown Board. tt Motion !t, The mot1.on 1:1ade by '\oakina.n and seconded by Evans tbat "the William P . Ryen property be com1ide1~cd, for commercial zoning by the Tow B·:iard." Ve-ry respectfully y our, Secretary. / ,. / •,· .... -........ _ I \_ -<.. -·' .( I. i.J ! / ._,/ ;/ ., •' 7.·"' ..... >t_' --<'/--.. j /~<-~ ' .. :.. ~....... :?.• ~ ..r.r-.. .~ ':),,;'"'~ .t' •• i_-: • t' !_ i"°1-Y--:>-7._ 1: './ ./ f . ~ .... _ .......... \. ..... ..f ) ), , .. (_ ,,( .... ··--- r) '7··"' ( '--.€--!. I -.? ...... : i './ j) •-? ' ? .. /, (. •(.' '· ,.,.. )( -,;" ,;•'') / ,,X-l.. .. ·,.,, '--1':. I --; '--;/ ·-· J .ft._ (- ./-·-,c'--r / / / ,.r _ "·--··· -·1-.-A--.--<- .k<·. / -·\.~-···A ... ' 7 4'. ...... "'-··. -•• ~·'(. • -!_ • -._ -!, .• •'t._ .. / ~p I .. --... - -: .... • ./. 1_,/.-1,___<._!.· YI ·r , -r·-/· / ··7~., .,/'( .. ~( ....... .,<--,.. -(,., ... • ' /I j .. ~--z. ...... -·· ;..:::.___ t · .t-l · c... ..:... .. L ~l .: !_./ ./ . Y.;_ ,,/,;. . ··-~'1,,,--<.. ...... (_ .... , __ i:t'_., /-.j. /I> '~ .. ~·~-·(_-·:~:.;,. ..... -A .. ';,,:,/A'._/. . .-<*-t_,_,.O{ ~ ·<..../ I. -T /, /") '"' l ... Tovn Board of Ulysses Trumansburg, N..,Y. 14886. Doar S1rsa• April 19,1967. Concerning the request or B. A. Bu.rd and Joyce Hurd , Cold Springs Road, Trumansburg , ti.Y. The planning board believes that tho planned development dist~let should be planned 1n :!t s ent!retl' and con!t"irm w1 th the present zoning orrH~nanc•. This would requi?'e 20 1 000 sq. :rt. and 100 rt~ ~r:ttltl'~ house lot t~nd ;ooo sq. r ~t. for oaeb. trailer ,.,,.th ;'O ft~ frontage. Dr1v8Wa)' suitably graded and surfaced and tlot lass tltan 36 f tj. wide plus otber requirements u..nd9r Section 10 design of trailer parks and the trailer parl~ ord1.neoe. Considei-ing the above and tb.e mif um acerage requirement of three acres ve ca11not approve the request .. This was an unanimous vote or the Planning Board. Very truly i !®P.S t Planning Board of the TWW1 of UJ.ysses . April 18,1967. Planning Board Meeting at Town Hall, Trumansburg N.Y. Present A,, Proskine R. Remley D. Langley J. Erhart D. Evans. Town Board had asked us to review the request of E.A.Hurd and Joyce Hurd of Cold Springs Rd., Trumansburg, N.Y. After discussion /; the motion was made by Ehrhart and Seconded by Langly that we not ,, grant the request for the plannea development distriirt. The following letter to be directej to the Town Board of Ulysses. f Concerning the request of E. A. Hurd a..n d Joyce Hurd , Cola Springs Rd. Trumansburg, N. Y. The Planning lo ... re belie~res the planned develop- ment district sbor;.lCl be planaea in ·,;,,ts e11te ri ty and conform with the present z~ming ordinance. This won"ld require ?0,000 sql ft. anti 100 f"o t ··6 '1 t~'l, for house lot And 5,900 sq. ft . for each trailer with 5'0 ft. frontage. Dr:i.newa~r sui tA.bly gr2 (ed an(~ ~Prfaced ana not less than 36 ft. wide plus ot"1 er requirementc; onl..:ier section 10 design of trailer parks ana the trai~er park ordinance. t::onsidering the above ana the minimum acerage req,1ii'ement of thrae .=i~re~ W" ... ~n"lot a"Oprove this request. this was the unanir.1· ~.is vote of the ~lanning board." Motion m:::\de by Ehrhart seco-·...,ed by Langle --5 ayes. Mr. Proskine told of th,.... worke acco~pl ish.ed on the marking of houses in the Town of Ulysses. We hope the "ire department w111 take part in this work. It was f,1 nd there ware several road unamed o#t the offical map. Motion mc:H'!e .... 1y Langley nno seconded by EhrhPrt that Road~ unamed on the 1960 offical map of the Town of Ulysses ha·;ring been named for numbering uur~oses in March 1967 shall be accepted as the offical names of these roads as shown on the map in the Town o~fice huilding. Page 2 A~ril 18,1967 Planning Board , To~m of Uylsses. Mayo Road---part of the old Tru.:nansburg-Mecklenburg Road. Parke Avenue----Between Route j6 and Jacksonville Rd. in Jacksonville. Manse Road---in Jacksonville between Route 96 an~ Jacksonville Rd. Proskihe Place----off Taughannock Park Rd. near Route 96 . Vote 5 Ayes. WAL.TER .J. WIGGINS STANL.EV TSAPIS ARTHUR .J. GOt-CER, .JR. L.AURA H. HOL.MBERG DAVID B. GERSH MATTHEWF.McHUGH I'own Board WIGGINS, TSAPIS AND GOLDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL.ORS AT L.AW 308 NORTH TIOGA STREET ITHACA, N. Y. 14851 February 14, 1967 'TE:Ll!'.PHONE tA .. ll:A COOS: 6071 ITHACA AR 3•2040 TRUMANSBURG 367•e361 Town of Ulysses Trumansburg, New Yorlk' Dear Sirs: Re: Applicat :o n Pursuant to Section 9 of Zoning Or_;jinance of Town of Ulysses On behalf of our c lient, Edmund Hurd~ we hereby make application that certain r i operty owned by him be approved as u Planned Developmev t Dis sict pursuant to Section 9 of Article II of ::he Town 's Zoning Ordine.nce. The land. in question is approximately 4 1/2 acres 1'.ooated on Cold Sprinas Road. in the Town of Ulysses / County of To mpkins, State of r\/ew York. There is presently located on the premises a trailer park ard , if this application is approved, Mr. Hurd would like to add _ dog ke nneL This letrnr will be presented to you this evening by Mr. Hurd pernona l l}, who will explain in greater detail his proposed use -of the property. We are of course prepared to present to you or ths •r;~ff bP.rs of t.he Planning Board, as the case may be, any additional inSx l ,3.tlon as may be required. WN.f:LJB Thanking you for your consideration in this matter, I am Very truly yours , ~~-SA-P_ .. I-S '-&-G-OLDER Walter ;{. Wiggins I March 1, 1967 Ptt'. Cliff Bower Supervisor, Town of Ulysses Ulysses T•:>\m na 11 Elm Stroot Trwnansburg ,, New York Dear M:r.. B0t·.1ar, It i~ wlth :rcgA:"et that I tender my resignation from the Plcnnlng no:n:d nf th~ •rc.wn of Ulysses effective March l, 1967. The Town hos been suf.Ee~ing from my inability to functic1~1 pro- perly Ds a board muml>-.:r a11d as ~hc:d:;;·man. This move should have been made come timG ugo but boct1use of my interest in TOwn planning, from lt.:. inception, I have found this decision difficult to make. I thank ym.1., the Town LlO!)rd, t:he Zoning nft ice and the members of the Planning Boord .f.0¥.' their underst I ing. It has been pleasant working with you .. Very truly yours, /: / /' r R. M. Fellows RMF:cr • I . ' < / /' / ... ·':, cc: Mrs. L)tJrothy Evans Mrs. Arlene Robinson , Copied from the Wiutes of the Planning Boo.rd o: tlle 'l'won or Ulysses Ge.naral. provisions under Article 5 soction ~3 ~nust 1011960. " For tho purpose uf ·.;his ord~ce ,a coblle houso trailer W?tether on whee1s or otherwise supported shall not be considered :i dwelling or any pGrt o-Z n dwolling. Mobile houses aro porm1tted only in a trailer park duly licensed by the Town Boord.•• "' Sucmer houses, cotto.&ea and camp& containing less than 750 squar.e f'eot may be cor.structcd only on spoc1nl approva.l of the Board of Appaals.n A.ug-ust 17 1961. Changes ~uggestod by Attorney newman roportod by R. Follows Article 1 no ll omit the vord f bl G1ndod and chs.ngo word liquor to elcnolic. Section ~ article 8 omit tho w-ord. e~iloctic Section' P•ra. 3 a.le parked outside roEidence Section 8 °'1tdocr storage no dumping Section 23 a Building ~loor ar~ ooit last sentence 23R trailer cacps or parka f or trailer residency.Trail.er camps or parks--t.nd trailer or mobile homes for parmanct occupancy shall. be prohibited 1n all districts. one trailer may bO placed on a lot in a residence or agricultural dintr1ct ~or use as te::iporary housing for a · period not exceeding 18 aonths unless such poriod be extended by par:nissio.n of tho !own Board. It the twon adopts sep~.rate ordinance rcgul&tins the licansing ot trailer camps trailers complyinG w"ith such an ordinance shal.1 bo exempted f'ru!:l tho reqairements or this section. Article 5 Section 28 An.: bu11~1ng su)stanciallJ destroyed by any cause and any building the roof o! which is ar has been to.ken ... I 11 Page 2 Copied from the minutes or tha Plannine Board, Town of U!fs3es. oft shall be rebuilt or demolished within on3 yenr." Para ~ section 36 " tio buildine or str-Jcture sholl be begun or extended until a zoning porClit authoriz1ne such conatruct1cn almll be issutd by the zon1ne officer and such building or structure shall be 1constructed or exte nde d in accordance \dth t'.1e torus ,of the permit." C.;\..rtc·t .. ··i\f~ llALPH {), r'r?.J.!:a r:r ';f f!)DC. 't:, gr:0\'.1·v·t:..s~ ~:.·;~ED .8\:H'"'O J-:(:f-¢:;::;.'() L '¥~~r.:c:..1A~:~o.--& :;/?tC~r;;•.,o;; ~=/t•.f ..tfJIONN1 Slatcrville Springs, N. Y. ~-;JJ PI:RST WAllD DANBY ]AWQ H. Co1n1GH r !18 Hi!lvitw Rd. Spcticcr, N. Y. . , ..... j 111us .R. Gr.AVIS SECOND WARD DRYn~N THOMAS L. TODD . FtteVille, Jl. 0. 2 1'... . • ;. I .. \ ~IJCHAllL J. LBAav 32) N. A !!:>&111 St. ENFIELD THIRD WARD Ci.All UPOIJO> . . . Trumaosburg, R. D. l BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1 HOM.IS J. GRIFFIN 31) S. Meadow S~. l'OUR TH WARD GROTON (\AUDI' W. HOlD.llN ....... Groton, R. D. l $ Tompkins Count/ EDwAIW P. A.aeorr .... 90) N. C.yuaa St. ITHACA '.{'.. Kalla ...... '12 Cafl'ga Heights Rd. FIFTH W/JlO LANSING B.AUU B. DAUS ..... Lud!owville, R. D. I '\'ifll.LIAM P. SULLIVAN 417 N . Auror~ St. SIXTH WARD NEWflEID \)oNALD J. CUJ.l!G/IN 627 Hudson St. Wrnr.1¥ \{, OsTIVINDl!R .... 77 Maio Street Ncwndd, N. Y. ULYSSES Court Hou••, Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 Phone: ArH Code 607 AR 3-2080 SEVENTH W MD '.,i.IP f<:.•i• E. ao...-u. TrumtO$blllg, R. n. I Mr. Rodman 1'\•'!ll ovs, Cha~~ .. 't<-m Ulysses Pli::.rs:. i1:·ie-; BoSl.rd R.D. #3 Dear Hod: t.<Jts. HJuN HoH.n 113 Brandon Pl•~ f'..s you can see rru.:r. the enc..Lo ·;;~ :~ ··equest.. :th'· Board of Appeals and -:he Tmm .Boa.rd are fr•ced , .... : t:' seve.,.al re · '.~sts for either \'EO.riences or changes i ~; .m r , \; < r •r:. Ord iuance . Thes? .requests :u~-i\"!~ '.,:een l-'C "t'f.i:~ .~'.J!"' some tiJre £~\·~-.l am sure ::r.:.l ~ard~ vou1 i apprecia.•,•c • :J.i:~ h1aro 's opini·)r1 ~nd recom- lJ..enrlatio~·-" r •" ' them. It seems imp•~.:"!>.'\. . .i.ve that yo:: cn.11 a ~'-· .. ~:.,~r~ ·: ... :rt.cl meeting very soon inasmuch as ·he Appeal l:ici;:i.rd ha:; x·pserHtd decision on these requests AJ1 ... hesitate 1.n render a d.ecision without the P J.nnning Board 1 '.' pinion ani recommendation. I am sure that · f ,rou '-'""'!"" ',( invite Mrs . ~rJec Robinson,Zoning Officer, and Paul Foster, Chainnan of the ~npeals Board, they could give you much pertinent lni'ormaticn . cc: Alec F..:-n::, \.-~ ne Gerald :~h.i:·i1•. rt. Dorothy Evans Stanley Koskinen David Langley ,),"t .fl< fj ~ 'yOM.K..-"=F~ SLi·:!erely , CLIFFORD ~. '-4'.)'/'<:::~ I Supervise~·, 1',:-•;m c;;.f Ulysses Town Board or the Tovn of Ulysses Trumansburg, N.Y. 14886 Gent1e1!1en1 - December 10,1967. { \ At the request of the zoning officer regarding a junk yard on the Bill Shu.P.P property. We are unanimously apposed to the establishment or a junk yard on this property. Our objections are based on section 4o of the zoning ordinance 1n t hat there is no need for such use and that it"will not contributt to the convienaece and prosperity of the community ~nd the neighboring persons and property would be adversely affected ." Furthermore we feel that this ~ase s\.tottld be handled the same as other violations of this ordinance in the Town of Ulysses. Respectively submitted by the Plabning Board. \ V '-. Y J $ d .S l"'J1 I r ~ ~ -r' #-/ E -r o ""11 411' s"~r .. :3<11 J"''-fJ 8 : o o 'P, "". 1 7':'c c ::1 ~ r /Pc<:. /9 ~ w 1 .1> ~ .;ti "" ~ ""' (.;,. c. 1-f l"i Al' G. ~ ..I' ,, ..., ""?""_,, < • 7"'• 7'¥4! 'f',,_,, .M#tl' ,., c Bo .. " 11 'f~I' G.•--· -- \ \ March 6,1968 . Joint meoti11g o:r tl'm Town Boa!'d and Planning Boe.:i!d o.r tha To"'T. o-:=: Ulysses l~e1 a at the Town Offi.cas Truma.'1.sburg, 1~ .. Y. Present:- Cliff~rd Bower Joil'les Rict~ t~ Ellis o. Poyer Al) Gold ttr Arlee Robi.nson Dorothy Evans Frances Pottar Bower---neoting ealJ.e(l to discuss Rout a 96 ond its plans :'.~or future changes . Reviewed events lead1nr :~o t:-u s meeting . !lu . Agnrd hAd b!"ou.,~1:·:t i.nformatiru1 to F<abrua~y Tmm Board Mettting . Explained so;:1e:. o·f ·thu critlsims of the new r·::m.tc: in l"'ez.~r(i to tr.;:."'!1el -t~r vehlch1es espec1n.lly a meetil'lg at the Gler!wood Pines et a meeting of the W'l!~t Sht>,.c Civic Association . 1 .. Bu.:i...l•Ji.ag pet .. r.d ts 1lo ;::.ct :LG~lu.de ff"uinming pools ana th.ej.r-J..oe~· tl1)'.1 in relation to lot 11nes~ 2'.. Certifi ca tr; of occup··ncy n~vm:· carried out ?-"le th~1·r) ':1.::-:-; .n.::.' f 0rr\S • . 3 •• Nur~.bg\' .,f ~03.d signs tc 1Y : llowed on lot . lf. n~n eonfo~:-:~:lr.g uses--s1.ould trailer be sold. \"!n..n sr:::.:e t:··,:-:.;~J_I.?:!' ''.19 1.o·Pt on st t~· end rentod ? 5. 8t"l· ... ge on or neur hi~h:.rn;•s thnt could produce ,.._zar 1 pr:.;\srmt does not cover storage ):f junlr, lur.!bor, onxes etc. 6. 1;u1t:~p1e a~:~llines c..n~l t\,.~ir P"'rking space al 1.ot ·19nt, : '."'. 3., .... )r t:Jld !·iY·s o Robinson to tol·e these t~' con.nt~; a~t·::>tner Willimnson f-::>r ~onsnlt;~t:l'.)11 !<.'.? t..o ho.,.; ~~h ose iton s me_:~ ho plae.e.;:1 :·m r;;:rd:tnance . Gerald Ehrhart ~).ppo::ntcd '~hai.:mcn of ;:;he Pl<:.i1.ninrr :'· , ird. Discussed r~~ruitccnt of r -~..... ~&>ubor~ to bo ... rd. Mrs ~"idng:· _-..oi.okt:er of Man.l~\r'}i)d l!nd Robert Herrick of Tru.l'jnnsburg reco:nme:1ded. Dud Golder to mite to all m.c·bcrs of the Pla.."lning Boe.rd to meet nnd bring comments nr:d sueg"'st:ton· in regard~-t .. Route 96. Meeting a.djonnned . {/ r ,,. .{; ~/?· y. ~·'-(.: ,, __ ,,,. ··-(, ... , ,z: >->;. .... ·• \.. { PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION 82 OF THE TOWN or ULYSSES, ZONING ORDINANCE, JUNKYARDS, BILLBOARDs, AND ALL AUTOMOBILE SALES LOTS. A-· ~v ~~~ #)-;;,_ Section 32 -Junkyards, Billht!"'"' 11d All 'M'snebP• s.1,, t.9+g Jb Hotwithatending any of the provisions of this Ordinance, any automobile• or othe~ junkyards, includin,S _ _J,ny -~~!> area useJ.&:or.~ storage of scrap metal, paper, rags, gla~J1t~a~~o\·e73"~ ~ nae-cg11f0 7Wi1'"&21 gP e-,rnn-.'t:hting=Gs:4::ee=1"1i=wRl!fft•nue h A~ · ~ dhrsnStt iliai.,.....i 4 1 e• 114'11111_d, Any lot or area containing one or more abandoned aoto~ vehlcloa ahall be considered a junkvard for the pur~oaes of this section. However, the Boa~d of Appeals may grant special approval for tne continuation of ~uch uses subject to the limitations of Section ,.0. Proposed Amendment tc Section 38. Section 38 to ~• amended as .follows: Building Permit -No principal building or accessory building, nor any other structure, including but not li•iting same to tanks, power and pump st!tions, swi ming pools, and elgnst in any district, shall be begun or enlarged without a building permit iasued by the person d!tsigna~ed by the Town Board. Every application for a building permit shall st~te in writing the intended use of the building and shall be accompanied by a plot plan and all dimensions,shown indicating the size and shape of the lot, and the buildings to be located thereon. £very application for a building p1rmit shall be accompani•d by a fee of $ 2 • 5 0 • -<. ./ ~· -~ _,, •· /.. •'l ·~ ---r - (,/ / , October 21, l96J Meetin7 of tt1~ dlyss~1:1 ,··Vw.ning ·1oarr'. ,_eld at ·.rown ()ff ice in T ' burg ::>resent: .. n · · .. 1 i·~r. . a inc r>, .uan~ -~Y, '.icP., Mrs. '.ocke;:·. l•ir. and >;1rs. ~:ayo were pre<::ent and discussed their plane for a trailP.r park on T' burg-Perr~! State :ti~hway 227, in a 9 acre plot which they own. The Board of llealth ha:. already checke(.: t;1e soil anc~ water and giv.~n a<'. a~Y"r.oval. ~ormally :1 request of this type is given to the 'Tom.1 , ·Of).T.' 1 and then is gi v~n to the .1,~--ning Board. It was decided that it wo · 1 h~ all rio:ht :r>r the Planning Board to hear the plans f ir"1t t l. the-;,t advise" .. 1. raotB:i.').·; was made by :Mr. Lagley, secorn1i?.:'1 by l·.r. kemeley that ~·~r. and ·irs. ;~~ayo pre;.;cnt D ol;mned sketc~1 ·:ith th~ an-plication, meeting all f'E;ecifications under · ·?1.· tion l""~ o·r h~· frailer Park ordinanc0. That the~"e sho· · ld be i:.-i ti1.i t:. olan 'J."':)'"'IO -·:-A ,.~ nse of thP. land, present a n· f t'·re <leveloomcnt 0:1 a:ldi tional ~cr"!r1 ~·· which the ft.aye's own. ~ocr:.·~ • µla?~ro -:-i.d. shrubh<> y, facil·~ .. ·.l:'s , i.>tc .. ::ind also <>om~ asr.;urance thn!: nr> · ?:hbor-'' .ar~ n~t ?"'~ i..-;-· t,.., ob.~-. :t . r. ice fe 1 t ·1;:'1at thP. l i.· tm.n~? :;;on.r l s"loul<l check the soning ordint.::l.nc~ \:i t:. ;'.I ei .. ,...,, toothe:i. co·.b 2.n"~ nut ~';ff ~ teeth ~_nto it . :.-5. obin ·--, askec1 wl·i:~t di.1,., co"l .• do in a v-r:::-·idential area, where L:m(; Ow'Tler"' ac·.;•Jmulat? b~'tt:1 tubs, "Crap metal , naper, r;lass, etc. in tht•i:(' ye.r.ds . .\ft·'·' mnc 1i. r'iscussi0..-. on whet t -:: this wo~·,J.d constitnte a violati""n of the .on "'. ·~ ordinart:-' bccaus1 i: ;~• were operating a jun'•-yard, c, -:-r;ot·i_.>:', wr:. ~ D"Je by · :.r. laines ...... :. i seconded by Mr. Langley that .:;ecti01.:1 32, ·.rt·> l e· G of th:-::> resent zo~-:.n~ ordinance wo· 1 ld read a:· followr:i; January 27, 1969 Present: T~ ·, • '' '/; . f • ~oinson, ~oc~~r, ro~~ine, ..Attonney ,;_oi)~rt n11ia!nson Erhar ... lt, Lan?'l~y, .\.osknen 2nd Discussio1; of ~~ lengthy natu~·e took place conce ··ning: 1. · .. ection 32 o·"' the zon~. g ordinance concerning junk yards and debris i::.: ·, rcsiclential area. 2. Billboard··---~-· si.v,ns in a comm~rcial and residential. area. ',evision of th·~ rresen::-zoning o·~~dinance to be done by :lob ~lilliarnson wherP. it concerns the abov~ Dro:,lems. l•10tion made an{: voted ~.manimously that the ·~lanning board send a. letter of resolutio~ to the following people: Connie Cook --~sf.lerrtblyw·or.ian Ted Day -~enator, Interla~~n £.Lo Tolson -:Jistrict -;;:ngineer , 1Je1_)t . of )anitati:")r., r~yracuse ;(esolntion attached: J~spectfully submitted, 9~:..t,_ ~c4tt-J Gertrude Rocker t'r0.sent: ros '.ine, :~obinson, ~rhardt, 3arni?~, .. <os;~~n , Langley, :dee, ./erter an,-1 ock~r. Discussior· as to whether the cha·'·f,e€ in t:-te propor:ed 7.on:J.nrr amendments :neet th0 nPed of thr-> zo "ing f'r-ficP-r. rs . 1'~obinsor.. agreed that t' ~Y do. Discussion Y1 ~igns -siz~ (not h .. p.;!:...,:.~ t h c:i.n 5 fie<>t), dis ta.nee between , al.so ti·at the·· be linit~d to ~.ocal ln:..i:v~r.scs m..;:LY. Jisc sion on Lot sizes: ·ro~·m Board of :·.eal th Our ordinance m11st be chan~ed • r~ 'TL~"',.. 100 re.· · '3'" lSO x 150 v 250 .-·u.tion na<le 'b·· Barnes and secondP.d :y· I..angl "':r that we .::ldont thP. lronosed emendr:::ie11t ·-to ·: "' zoni. ~ o-:.· innn-:~ • . Jiscussion on park:'..'£: fo · multiple ,., ;ins · It ·...-as s·'!..r.;gested by !11r. ocker, Cor.:all ! rw ·inr; Ins;>ector, that thP. Planni~1 Coar~.1 o btaiP D: cop•· of th<= · :<.he::. r "··v , as i:. ~u ide for a -nltinle hon~ing 1 w~ ~':ten our zoni :, ; re-q11i rements for the Town ,., '1_vs.q~ ~.n ": adde<i 1 which ""ill tukc ca r~ of par 1 ·i ~~. Harc~1 1969 1<eeting of Ulysse-; Toi:.;n Plannrrn~ •~oard "heL"l at rown 0ffic.:: in 'r ' burg. l'-1embers ancl gnests r.>r?sent: l'ir. Potter, Uonovan, ?oster, Rice, ~<oynes, Hower, rilliamson, :·:'roskinc , Erhardt, ·;,;ierte:r:: anr.~ l';rs. r.tobinson an(~, i 'rs. 11ocker let:er was read by t:rhardt concerning .;3 trailer park -150 trailers on 30 acres subtracting road, playgro•.mds. They were :i.sking the villa~e to put in wo.ter and sewer, wltic!1 wo:1ld run $50,000 to $80.000. ·tJ'illiamson discLrnsec~. loca·tion o:: Mobile domes and. concurred that the ordinance allows the'ii'' only trailer park.is. nssessment on trailers: They are ta.--<e<l at 20% of their tr•Je value , while homes are assessed at 80h, yet cost the school system the same. 'The sam~ apolie~ to police protection and snoF removal. John £>;o;'11es discussed a planned develorment for !;Ztbcod: :.-Zesearch Lab., and that it nevc:" be tnrned into a hatch~ry or turn<?<.i co~mercial , bnt rathe!'." s!>.o:•l(; b"' us~d as a .showplace for renearch. Mrs •. :~oci.~er sai.:-~ farmers were cor:iplaining about not beirg able to compl~7 ~,1 it:'"'. zoninc; because it was necessary to leave farm eqnioment in front yard:". ~~esoectfully submitted , C2 _ r-.. /Jc·-'. . L 7 fa-vtL<:,,.LZ ( Cl C./C~ GeftrJJde Rocker I crV June :;, 197·1 ~.~eti ff: of the .t'lanning 3oard of th~ ~L'own o:: Ulysses. !resen-: ~ Gor'..lan, -rosl:ine, Erhardt, ·Obi.nson, t~ockt~:--and Alfred ;.]iGsing, ()ro iect ~n-:r.in--2r for '!>abcock Hatcheries. 0izcuGsion too~ olace as to size of b ••ilJin~ additi~n ?ronosed at Babcock •. _t v ·11 be a ?.esearc~ Lab. on the planned ~irt. 1.'~o. II located i:·. -"~1 :."onville, • Y. Lot s izr' 72 x 32 f~et. ~'hr.. noard 1:manimo1· ~). -:. ~.~ !'OVed t h is. The motin1 wa!'" "12de b? Pro ~kin<'> and .c:;condec~ by r'.1::;rdt. Alex , · o ·1ovcc. that each traile·~ '>Cl ·-: shall bP. subdivided and. !narl· • off into ho us?. tr.ai le:r-sl)ace~ W'1ich sh.n.11 br-at least 1 1 : ... 2 )() feet in di.01en~ions. ;·;eco·Li.l ?."i by Rocker an( passed. \ copy of the above res-1 "-:ion·i will b .. , -~nt to -~lice ~onove:..· to br.> 1rosentcc1 to th.., Vi~lar;=-3oard June 9 , 1970. spectftilly s ubmitt ~rl , rA~,,,4 -iJlf2-d_, ·~rtr~1de l-'.ocke r .~ugu st 2 ll , 19 7 J 1'·1eeting of Planning Board of Tm·m of Ulys::~es convened at the Town Hall on .~ugnf:t 24tb at 7:0n -;.m. Present: Erhardt, ,lice, Langley, ~·.obinson, J arnes, !<os 1,~en, Proskine, '::tacker and Er. Auble. This was a .SPECL-i.L ,_ ... ;1:;ETING, called to review the )r01)0sed trailer park to be built by .Aubl·c nr1rth of T'burg. To review the ev~nts leading un to this meetinis: On June 2n<1 1970 th::-Planning Joard was unanimous in se7'1ding a resolution to th·e· Tm·m Board that trailer lot sizes b~ increased from 51 ~c 100 to 100 x 200 feet. The tho·~'i!'ht being that since water and Gewer are avai lablP to a develop~r, il:1 2 c·. years this area could be used for homes instead of trailers . The rowll Board tabled this resolnti ·n. Their th0 11 !'fhts were that the size was too larr;e. ar-d would discm1rar:;c a develoncr. On July 7, 1971 .kr. Aul;l~ applied for a licenne to bui ·-~' 39 trailer sites on 50 x 1 110 lots divided by a 36 foot road. The fo<;·m Board referred hi.n back to the Planning Board for any recommendations. Jince the present zoni.ng ordi.nance, writb:~n in 1960, clearly stat~!'; that lots shall be 5~ x 100, ~r. Auble felt that he was within his rights .. . After. much .:iiscussion, <),ock.er brought informati')n about th~ l'.aplehurst Trailer l'n.rk in Hore Ahead;;... It is a beaTti.ful parkd <>h~ went into detail abo'1t the physical set-up, and that th·"' owner of tl1at park stre~sed that since trailers ar~ being bui.l t lon?.:er tha lot sizes sho"ld be no less t h an 70 x 100. Jince it -:.Jas too late to chanf:~ the zoning, .·.r. }mble ·was given the sign to go ahead. ,~ motion was made an-1 seconded that Mr. ;i.nble t s apclication wa~ covered by zoning for lot nize. , r. .uble was then questi ned aG to thP. traile.i: uar~ itself . He assured the co~:·mi ttee that: 1. ..'here wo 1J ld be adeguat~ drainas;e. '.·~e ;wql~1 have the best system of elminatin~~ water, since this L: th"~ nat11r2 of his b1.H:::ir.c>8<:\. 2. fuat eacL traile:,~ ,.;ro Jld hav, it.:;-; o:.T was 1wr end <lrver .. 3. 17hat he l?ao having underg:r:<?..!..!.::!d: •'' ~c~ric-COndu~ts .c instal~ed. L~. .7hat ~ n ,_,me nlate would b~ :>n li ·ht 1ost in i.ront o:r: each t r-ailer-:-.. 5 . ') . 7 . "'· at ~ass wo·1 ld ::><! ~al:~'"· !.' .. "-'*" o Dl·· -ro•Jl(~ tend to it. ~)~· tcnnnt. That if not, then ':' t a skirt wo 1 1ld be ·~:J·' ~ tor7 ~ ·nd ~e.ch t;:ai ;.er Th t shr'lbs and t ;~pes w0 r(" :o l -"llanted down t''.1e sides , 11cr0Gs the b<:!. ' ··t· ~town t':i.r?. oth·:?r ~s ·, ~ '· trP.es 0n either side of thP cntrnnc~. rhe ,...)()ard to l 1 arg,..r lot,:;. h_-t h at if -i. ~ star ."'hase I l it -rr· i -· h;::i VI'.! to b~ on R ag!"ee.'i to t> _~ailcr ·, ic.-.1 ., • -~ renewsd evPry 1 ointed ~ t t:.·.··Lt i t:· ":""·~ Are va:i.anc --:-o~ the above, o ri.t!~;.,, ::>r ;t:si1 1~~ ::1 ,~t ri t ailer i .i<.~C?nse doer.; not r and it w'". :> •. Gorn la int s \ e to be rcnc \0 ')- i:m v • 1 ' , \ 9 7 n ·lee tin~.. o:: Plannin~ Doard -l:fov. 1 h, ·; 97"'' Present: !'.osken, Lan~ley t l • -..J.C-::> ' .r:i.ardt, ~od(.er . :·,:)tion was made b:;-Lr. ~l.....ln~fJ_,,..,. -::.n -~-~ ~. ~d by .:\ice that the Planninp 1om·d a}Y!'.>rov~ the, .. f~llo'Ni i/ -~ndm~nt t 't ~rticle r' :'.)ection 23 . r~otice: J?lea~e t'n·· :f" notice that a nu ·)l_ic hca~~ Lnrr b the To':vi~ Boar~l of Ulyssef.l will b '1;1( in the Tm-m -"~'11-l the u.,·:y of 1970 at o'clock in the <:"> ~ 1 1 ng thereof to ·~ .. r-;ider th~ ::(') i. · O~·ring anendmf!nt to the Zon: :r ~rd·~· a.nc·~ of the .'.:'0-·:1 nf 1 :l:r~s .. .,.: .;.rti(. 1 .e V , f ollo ring ~ction 2.j s-.:i. 1 C '· amencle~ tc· ··liminat~ th~refro~ the c11 tf.".' :tee: 11 ~~'o:;• t~ -. lll -OS!'::: <">t t:t.i.. 1 · ' m.1c·~, a mot·~· .e ho~.1se trailer, whether ot~ ·:·i ,.. ""1 o · <»t ·rwisf? ~ dw"'tl·~.1 o:~· n...,.y ,>art of ::; o•:.l • i·'.1. trai _,,, .. ~1.~r!(.~: di :.y o-t· ·~ shall noc b~ considered a w ·:.ling. . obilr• ho . .1es ar~ p0rmi tt('?d lie ..:"i•Sed b:/ t·~: i.10't::n Bo;...rd." ~'.-.obi-_c• 7:10:~.>f.' trai·.erF-· nd hOt:lC' , whet> Y' on P 1 ~e1~ or otherwise 0 >portcdt shall b~ ::>e:r 1.:...1:tcrl ~"1; y iii t'~ · 0 l f' .. ~ ~ r':~ duly licensed by th.;> To"m ·;oar(~ in a.:cordanc<> .Jith tly· rovi ·; .. ns of the _:, di · ~ u>sion tooL ')l OC'" by Jirn :icP. O'i' :-:: , • func .. ·:: ·'"' ·.'~ of: thP. f?lanning So·.: .... ~. Harct· 1 , J.970 !·ieeting of Ulysse.s Plannin.fl" .:3oard heL': at 'L·ow11 Jfficf! fr: T 'burr;. t··resent: " .. r. Baine::-:, Pro.r;kin, Rice, Srhardt, '7orman, Kostinen and '.·,rs. Rocknr. ~v.1r. Erhardt brought the ·rieeti g to order '·lit> a liscussion of tne new proposed :::.oute s 13 and 9G. :t letter had 0ee1! received from ::r. Tolson informing the '3o·lrd of the projected olans fo .. the high- way, offering two altcrnat;:· Dlans and asking the Plannir:.g 3oard to send back, befo1~e t >~ end of arch 1970, any ideas we rn i 7ht hr.'Ve. J'Jr. Rice sugge stec~ W"" co_·t ct l'-r. Lignori, County PlannE>r, to find out his thou0"hts on th ::: >ro-posed highway plan .. i:fowev0r, il-: order to ge t sorr.P ,.10rC. back to Hr. Tolson before March 30th, and since it was stro ~1'.' felt b :;r the 1:~1unning Board that roll ting a major hig hway right th·"'o1 ·gh Trur:iansburg would not be beneficial to Tru.::ansbur~, the followinr,:, r:-?solntion ~·:as drm·m anc5 oasse<':. unanimously: .From thr:> stand 1oint o F: safety, th0. Planning Boan·; oi: the Tmm of Ulysses stro-&l~; .ce ·ls t~rnt arterial highway traffic sho,,ld not be funnel~ed into ttLe ·1illage of Trurrn.r.sburg, in the int£rcnt of a better environment for th. residents of the village. ~urthermore, the Planning Board is i .. fqvor of alternate Ro11te 112, aw:5 that it be p;iven ,.)rimary consider.'.ltio·'. ~'/e reqnest a mor~ />tai l~d ::H~t of :>lans befo.,....~ •<Te cn.n make ::1.1rther recorrimendation~. One copy of ~he abov~ sent to State Engineer c·..!ssion to be entere·1 into witl". .:v:r. Lig1_!ori, r. ·.eolson, and a dis- ,~ .... •ntv l?la=ine!". ... r. Rice discussed the enlarging of the wat<>'~ rrumansburg 1 in order to get more bu [.ldinp; nr Individual sewer systctms an(t sanc1 filter· ~ewer rl.istrict woqld be a step for th~ f•. it · ·c . i ••• sewer districts in rr, ~i<lential heroes . "' the ans,ver. i~: ocK<:?-: isr.·1 ssion concerning s:nell cr:::i., chick<." farm, perneating 1 ·~ ··o "'rti~s and Perr7 City wad r::.-···-: ·nces . ".". Rick exp l.ained th at : L. Lcgnl step:--will "•robably b.::• ta~<~r~ ~n abo11t 5 72ars to eliminate this a~ a ' · '. ic nuisance o 2 . Rescnrch c0" tantl v is trying to r: -. .)tlt this . 3 . Atmos,.,heric or·:::.,·· re deterr:~ine~ ... ,h~;; tcr 't..TE' rtC't the odor or not . Ue were not nble ·o -~ to a:-·.-defini ._" so!.•1tion :" t thil') ti'Tle. 7{ tfully c:nbmi tted t ' /{,z/;,~ g~ Ge1 .. ~ e oc11 r Mr • Allee Conover Town of UlysceD Clerk Trwn:maburg~ New York Dear Mrs. Conover: 804 Mitchell st:reet Ithaca, iaw York 14850 Augunt 28, 1969 An your records will show, I own n cottage just north of the Gl.cmrood Apartnimte on the Maplewood Roai1 in the Town of ~ses. I have heard rumors that Mr. Indelico.to, the owner of the above npartmcnt hOUDC ia planning to bu1l.d further ~mmts on land recently purchased from ~n. Dorotby Evans, bounded by Me.plmrood Rood• ny City Road and Hew York stat Route #89. Several. residents in this area ore concerned about uq further multiple dwellings in tbifl rnnal.l oren nnd wiBh to oppose aey such request that might c0100 before the Tow Zoning Board. We woul.d l1ke, therefore, to be informed 1f any euch request ifl submtted ao we can appear before the Znn1 ns Board o.nd enter our objections. In this connection we request that YoU send to the a.bovc c.ddreEs copy~ the Town of ~Des Zan.ins Regulations, a mp of the o.rea involved showing zoning code 8nd copy of the zoning code explnna.- tion. Any re sonsblo chnl-ge 'for this service wil1 be remitted prompt.ly. Sincerely youro, ~~~ Robert E. TerwUlege.r cc: Jerry Ehrhart !. have purchased 3C acres in 'l'own of Ulysses between .rennsylvani Hoao an::i South .Street and request permissl>d!n to construct o mobile horr.c park according to submitted plans, My intentions are to rent lots with restrictions until the park is completed, then rent or sell 10ts to tenants that ma.;:1 want to buy with these.me restrictions.Lot sizes will be 50xI00,75 x IOO,and 100 xIOO. This par:r. will be one of the nice:st, if not the nicest park in the State. It will be on the idea ofMa.plehu:sst Park in Horseheads, N. Y. Peo-plv have aske d rne, why not build houses or apartments ?Good houses are beyond the reach of many young couples startine: out and ;:>enior Odltizens o:n fixed incomes.Apartments are the last resort for most people who can't afford anything else.With mobile homes people can live with dignity in Country Club style and build equity in the meantime for ~arger conventional homes or other life ts desires. Richard Hill of the State Division on Housing and Community Renewal says that communities ought to encourage the reasonable development of mobile homes subdivisions which buiiders have watched for years with horror andfascination.Mr Hill alsosaic bankers have said for most families it is hard to buy the first house today without help i 'rom. a rich uncle. The rich uncle isgoingmore and more to be Uncle Se.r.i,ho predicted. F".ui.ldefl~s magazines for quite sorne time have been trying to persuade o rmtra.ctors to build mobile home parks tc h elp the people to get a better p ark due to knowledge of trades,construction and land- scaping. OverwheL.i'l in f.~: needs of individuals and families for shelter in the next few years will see more contractors constructingparks,I feel due to prices of hornes ,hiµ'):i mortgage rates am) scarcity of mortgages. If this should happen i thi nk there would be many more nice parks built and competition would f orce all parks t5 continual improvement e v en without regulations . i''ederal, State anc l ocalcommunities are all setting into the business of housing that I i'~e l is all wrong.I'his typeof housingruns down cities and neighborhoods and takes money out of all our pocket- books through relief and subsidies.Why not give people something o~ their own that they can afford to keep nice and ta.ke pride in?I think builders and contractors could and can do the job if g i ven the opportunity with the help of good zoningregulations but not denials. I want this area because its :::· nice residenti a l areE~ where anyone would be proud to call their home.~Jy intentions are to raise property values in the aret:.' on existinz homes. It should be in the interest of every one to see thatlivable communitiesare constructed and if there are not enough regulations mo ~·e should be added but construction shou:d not be fibrbidden unless it can not meet reasonable regulations. I g enuinely feel I will help the comnrunity with better housing as well as increasing tax val~e in the Town and Village.This part will also help keep some residents from moving away and bring in many new residents who would help in every way; i0"1 It is n0t my intention to make anyone t h ink that I wo u l d bb do'dlng this jus~ f 'or the good of the comrnuni ty. I would inte nd to mRke mone y on thisventure.To make money this project would h a ve to ~ be ver:r desirable to the mostdiscre a te YH-i ople so they wi; 11 want to make themr home in this p a rk perma nent. Thank you. ~'u ly 2I, 1~69. George .Th omas. ' A'l"U '..,T Tl !()6 t~ .... ~::... ~ t ...... • 7 , To 1J.1he Tibwn aoard 0f Ulysses. ?here is a. least one l.)Oint on which both the".:>rop6nent s and the opponents of a '.Lrailer ~-ark in the Pennsylvanie-couth St., extehsion are2 agree-that the location is a fi n e res1 6 ential area. In view of this the 'J.10:.n: am) the Village should plan 1 ts aevelot:iment carefully. If the ViD.aee decides to extend the necessary water and sewerage facilities to t ~ds are o for the development,woul ci it not be best to thoroue.hly explore,throu;sti. consultation with loca l building and bank officials,the · ..... evelooment of t:· housing area of ,sa:y,50 homes?While I realize t~1ar. mone".r for housing development is very tight e.t present, this s\~u ation will of necessity be rectified within one or two years. ~ome of tne advantages of such ~ housing development to the 'Jillar:e and to the '?'own a.re listed below. I-It wil ~ t>rosden tho tax base by apprmximately ,>I,000,000.(50 homesx ·w20, 000. evera{2:e value.. )Compare this wiyh the increase(! tax assessment tha~ will result fron s trailer park. 2 • .;oastructio::-. o:f ' these homes by local contractors and builders wilJ. resul\.. i n hunc:reds of thousands of dollars in business for local merchant r.,n :J ~m;>1-...,J'me:rr for-local residents.In contrast,trailers a re built in ot he~ areas and i:ttle revenue fro~ their construction is gained b~ the l o cal communit y . 3 . Schooling for t he children from fifty homes with a.n assesseci. valuation of ~I ,000 ,000 .wi l l not place e tax burden o n other residents of this area as would be the c · se witl'l si trailer development.Despite the claims !bf the proponents cf a tr~iler park,there is an average of two children per trailer in this are a.'l'he increase in taxes resulting from a trailer park wi ll cover only o frs ~i l o ~ c f the increased cost of schooling these approx irnately ~so aditionalc chil•·.ren. The fa.ct is that the number of retired -persons 1n trailer perks in t'hi : section,unlike FloridB,is low. r~.A ho\.sing development of 50 ho."les will. increPse,not aecre ase,the reFl estate value of the entire co·1111n.mit y .P iv0 trailers n er acr·' i:c. not fl 11 Country Clv b '1arn ; c a nnot , ioss i bl 'r i nc r ea.s e re al. estate v a l u es of this communi t :1. Thier•" is no immediate nee j for St decision on this matter. The need at this time is for deliberate snd careful planning as to how this site can be developed to the best interests of the Town of Ulysses as a business and residential area. B .cl . VanDe mark Robert G .:·errick Thomas Bennett J ohn •adenberg Willi c.n P , · ·ogan \b~ May 23, 1969 Town of Ulysses Planning Board Town Office Building Elm Street Truma.nsburg, New York Gentlemen: The intent of this letter is to bring to the attention of the Board and to the Town Board a clear statement of the opposition of the undersigned to the proposed approval and development of a 150 unit trailer park on the Olin Gardner :property in the Town of Ulysses. The undersigned bave been in conversation with many of the residents adjacent to the proposed developnent and ve sincerely feel that our thinking and comments reflect those of many of these residents though this letter is not intended as a petition as such from the neighborhood at large. Th.e reasons for our opposition are as follows: 1. The present character of this area is mo~est residential properties owned by local families, many of whom. have been long term residents of our community. Within the last several yea.rs the single family residence character of the neighborhood has continued with the construction of homes by Harry Thompson, Robert Herrick, John Radenburg, William Rogan and Clifford Northrup. We believe most emphatically that this is a desired and suitable type of development for this community and -would expect to see additional. construction of this sort within this area in the future. Development of the proposed trailer site would almost certainly blight this area from further consideration of single residence home construction. 2. The proposers George W. Thom.as and John Collacchi, being Wlknown to many of us in the community and having ma.de no effort to acquaint themselves with us, leave us in serious doubt as to their intention of developing an attractive trailer park and as to their purpose in so doing, beyond the motivation of their own ?E!rsonal. gain. Such a development, ii' it wre contemplated by a knovn community member who had both illu.strated an interest in the developnent of the community, coupled with the means of tilnancine; ~he appropriate and desirable developnent could conceivably 'be looked u-pon wi"tb :less suspicion and concern. 110 3. In their letter requesting village services the developers suggest that a tasteful and discreet atmosphere vill be created with the addition of this park. It is our serious doubt that placing 150 trailers on 30 acres, discou:iJ.ting the fractional. part of this acreage necessary for streets, sidewalks, a recreational building and a recreational area could result in a.IJYthing but a concentration of trailers so dense as to make landscaping e.nd tasteful placement of these difficult, if not impossible. 4. A resu1t of the e:N'ect of these trailers on existing property vsluee can be realistical.ly seen by a situation that exists in this neighborhood at the present time. Mr. James Morgan, -who purchased the Alton Kingsbury property adjacent to the property of the undersigned VanDerma.rk, is attempting to sell his South Street property. The existence o:f a trailer and the addition which is being ms.de to it by Mr. John Reynolds has been given as a primary reason by prospective purchasers for their lack of interest in this property. It is our serious concern that the existence o:f upwards of 150 such homes in the area vould have a seriously depreciatory effect on the property vslue of present home owners in the area. We do question whether or not existing property owners can expect tax relief' from our taxing authorities as a result of' such de facto depreciation. 5. A f.,..tr ther cDnsidera.tion for your group is to weigh carefully the effect of this proposed development upon our school system, our side streets into and out of this area, our need "f'or additional community services including snow removs.l and police protection. In opposition to rather sh.allow statistics offered by the proposers as to the ho~f'ully modest effect upon our school systems ve merely suggest that one need only follow a school bus as 1 t picks up children ft"'Jtr. our !!'lxiSting trailer parks to determine the additional pupil load wnich vill result :from the influx of 150 :families in to l.he p~Op1')Sed trailer community. 6. Because of the aforementioneu slng.le fe.m.ily properties which exist and are being constructed in the South Street -Pennsylvania Avenue area ve feel that W:le encrochment of trailers into this area will t"esu.lt in home ~ of a ~o.'1pletely non-conf'orming type ill this area. It is our s~~st1Dll thet if a trailer site be proposed in this township and if such construction be in accordance with existing zoning reqllirements that it be reconsidered for an area which is relati-rely isolated from. a residential. area. By this ve mean the character of' trailers within this neighborhood is entirely out of harmony vi.th the way those of us who live 1n this area vou.ld like to see it develop. We are fully aware that we can not look out on vacant fields and that development on this rather satisfactory terrain is lnevitable. We fully expect, and would approve of the development of a reasonable number of single family homes within this area. We vou.ld velcome those 'Who bought such property as f'riends and neighbor3 and wou.ld offer no opposition. We only oppose develoi:raen-; ·•bich wou1d surely be detrimental to those who have, 1•Put their '!"'>Ota dovn in this area." , , 'd- It is our respectful request that those of you who must review and a.ct upon such a proposal, should it be ma.de on a realistic basis, give serious consideration to the questions and concerns of those 'Who have willingly committed themselves to home ownership in this area. Yours truly, Robert C. Herrick RCH:jdb Clifford Bo..ter Ulysses Town Board Trumansburg, N.Y. 14ag6 Dear Sir: June 17, 1969 The Planning Bc,ard of the 1'mm of Ulys8es met "!uno 6, 1969 to consider an application from Babcocks Poultry Farms Inc. for a Planne1 De•1e}.op11ent District on tho East side of Route 96 between the J t.. L I oto.c Court and the Cold Springs Road.. A sL"lgle story 72t x J2' Rer:\earch Laboratory Building is to be constructed on this sit.e ~ In a letter from Mr" Jae ... 1111 it 1 s st-1ted that they do not plan tn build any poultry houses on this site. The !'pllow.:ng :ne:-ibers of th6 Ulys::>ea Planning Beard i·~co ,;u.;iends the '1'=>T rov:.i.l of the Bal cock Poultry Farms Inc ., application for a planned developr-ent district a nd the construction of a Research Laboratory 'Ruilding; Davie ;_,angley Mrs. S idney ROCK~r Thomas G~r; .. an Gerald rhrhart Alec Proskine was present but refrained fro~ voting because of his involv~~ent in the Real r~tate Transaction for this property. The other two members of the Planning Board, #'inton Baines and Stanley Koskir.en were out of town,. Very truly yoars G. W. fJlrhart Chairman OPERATION OF PROPOSED LABORATORY May 26, 1970 1. All experimentation on chicks will be performed within the laboratory. At no time will chicks leave the building except for further experimenta- tion at another laboratory. However, we expect this to be a rare situation. When tests are completed chicks will be destroyed. t' ~r 2. Chicks to be used for experimentation will be transported from our hatchery. 3. Incinerator equipment has been approved by the State of New York. Its operation will be in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Board of Health, and the manufacturer. 4. All areas will be kept clean and rubbish will be removed on schedule. 5. Construction of the proposed laboratory will basically match the exist- ing facilities. 6. The primary objective for the new laboratory is experimentation. We will not raise, sell or breed chickens. 7. The building will be automatically ventilated with no possibility of offensive odors. AFW:gm . } ·. At'1EHDHrNT TO ZONIHG OlrnUUdlCE OF 'fO\nl or ULYSSES. A new Planned Dcvelopm<::n1· Di!:ltl•ict Sc>cticn shall be added to the Zcnine Ordinance of the Town of Ulysses as follows: . . . .. ··:, ·, •' 'SECTION 9-b -Plnnncd D~velopraent District No. 2. ( 1) This dis~i:rict shall be k1 own as Planned Developnicnt Dis h' i ct Ho • 2 • (2) Tho purposes £ol:' i:1hi\~h th.r. d.istr•ict may be used ar·e as £ollouc: (a) The constr~ctio~ uf a research buildi~g for Bab cock Poultry Fev.->r;i,, :i: n '· . , u a i d b ·~ i ld :t n g t o l> c: 7 2 . . . .. . . .. .. feet by 3? feet in wifth an<l locatcd.approxi~utcly ·· .·.-· 150 feet from the ca~~ liu•= of Route 96 and '190 feet .. •'. from J.t L Notor Cou~t on the 20 acre pr~~ise~ to be · purchased by Babcock ~uultry Farm , In~.,· as hereinaftc; . . des crib~d ~ (b) The conDtruction of further buildings ~uiihin thri . :".:.·· . ·.= . . . . ,Planned Development Area h~rcinafto~ des~ribed and the Town Board of tho Town of Ulycscs after : :, .. ·.,.. •' •·.· ·.·· .. P ub 1 i c H c a Pin e . . :,:::::'. .. :. \ .· ·. .. ' (c) TheN~ sha.J..l bcno cliic:.kc1~ hotwes, h~cedi~·g.of·.· _:~-•. · :. . . . . . .. ·.. . : .. ' . ': . •. :·· ' : ·.: ·:~:·. . . . . . ·:... h. }'. (! • ....,, •.• !..-.. --...C:-...-·'"~.-.~ ....... -·~ ' l ~ h. k . . ' , .. ,. c ic ,en .. , tt-·:.::. ~-.,;,;' ..r~---·--"" ........ ., ......... 01 s.::i. e o..: c .ic ens , in · · · .. · ~aid Planned Development District. .-. . .· . . ·.<{3)·Area of the Distr.ict~ :· ... . · .. · . -. .····. . '\ ... :··. ··.·;. . ·,··:,.:. :• ,.: • .. . :·' ThG '1rea of said distt'ict shall be approximately .. .20 ac::>cs fronting on Route 96 and bounded and .~ · . .: ~-:_:.=·( .. : . des crib<-H1 ;,.,. .f'.': ... , ""~···· • ,, set in the southcr.•ly lin~~ of said l."'ow.d !1i:1i"•king· u northwesterly ccrncr of premises of Stanford C. DatcG and wife as conveyed by the deed recorded in the Tompkins County Clark's Office March l, 1956 in Book 385 of Deeds ~t ~age 412; thence running S 17° 40 1 Wand along a westerly line of Bateo 100 feet to a pipe;. thence running S 55° 10' Wand along a westerly line of said Bates purcel, 267 feet to an iron pin; thence running S 14° 20' E and along southerly ltne of said Bates 231 feet to iron pipe; tl\enc<o: runni~Jg north 86°. 55' E 545 feet to iron pipe; thence runni~g S 9° 30 1 Wand ~long a further:wes~erly lino i/ of .Bat·es 139 feet to a fence .1.ine; t.he.nc.c running S 31° ,,,,. . . . 45 1 Wand along lands nor or formerly of 'Raymond Swartwood 149.8 feet to an iron pipe; thence runni~g N 83° W along an old fenco line marking pr~mises nou or·· formel.•ly of Gillispie heirs 183.5 feet · to a pipe; the~ce running S 6° 45' Wand alo?g a westerly line of said ~illispie heirs marked by a fence~ 278.8 feet to a pipe; thence running S a~0 30' W 475.7.fect to an iron pipe sot in the easte~ly line of Neu York St~te Highway right-of-way Route 96; then6o running n 21}0 23" w and along the eastcr>ly line of said .' ·.·. Higtl\rny about 119 feet to an i1'on pipe; thence running N 31c 38 1 Wand along the easterly line of.sai~ H~ghway ... · 1225 feet to the pipe marki~g the point or place -of . beginning. \ l i I \ i :; There is her·eby quit-claimt.:d i.:11 the rieht, title and intorcst' of tho Granter in and to the premises lying northerly of the north line of the above described premises as it runs along the south line of Cold Spri~gs koad, to the center line of said road, tog~ther ~ith all of the right, title and interest of said Grantor in arid to the premises lying between westerly line of the above parcel and the center line of Now York State Route 95 nighway, as said westerly line is co-existant with tho e a ste rly line of said Highway. The abovs description is made in acco~danco with a survey made b y E.D~ Crumb unde~ date of Augurt 1, 1964, a copy of uhich is filed in Tompkins C.ounty Clerk's Office concu1•i.,ently herein. (~) Specifications f6r said Distriqt: (a) An incinerator shall be provided by the ~ah6oc k Poultry Farm, Inc. if sarue is needed to climinate :o~dors in the area. Said incinerator to meet the requirements of the Tompkins County Ile al th Department. ·.:·. (b ) Sewage and garbage disposal shall meet all the .···''' requirements of tho Tompkins County Health Department. {c) Drinking water shall be provided and conform to.tho Tompkins County Health Department's standards; . ·. /' (d) The entire district shall be kept f~ee and clear of all litter· and maintained in a neat and orderly manner and landscaped in keeping with the surroundi~~ area and ; ... especially a landscape of the parki~g ·area. ;.- (6 ) Signs: ;; . $ ' '. I .·I ~. . . t ~· f I i I ... . ! ' ,_ l" t .. f · f r. t · . .. ~ ~ ' . j MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD Meeting, June 7, 1972 Present: Mr. James Rice, acting chairman of Town Board in absence of Mr. Bruce M. Payne, Town Supervisor; Mr. Gerald Ehrhart, Chairman of Planning Board; Mr. Stanley Tsapis, Town Attorney: Mrs. Arlee Robinson, zoning Officer; Mr. Frederick Allen, Mr. Dana Poyer, Mr. H. William Smith, Town Board; Miss Alice Conover, Town Clerk, A. Beers, secretary. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lueder. Mr. James Rice opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. for public hearing relative to the request of Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Lueder for an amendment to the Planned Development District No. 1 for expansion of the Spruce Row Campsite. Mr. Ehrhart presented the suggested amendments to the Planned Develop- ment District No. 1 as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Lueder. Based on ~he oriqinal Planned Development District, they are: (1) This district shall be known as Planned Development District No. 1. (2) The purposes for which the district may be used are as follows: a. b. c. Campsites Living accommodations for campers shall be either tents, travel trailers, motor homes or pick-up campers or vehicles built with the intent to be used as such. Travel trailers are defined as: a vehicular portable structure built on a chassis designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, ;recreational and vacation uses; subject to highway regulations as a travel trailer. This being in contrast to a mobile home unit wpich is much larger and which is not frequently moved and when it is moved, is generally pulled by a truck. No campsite shall be occugied for more than seven months in any calendar year by the ,ame camper and his living · accommodations. There shall be no permanent rnsidence on the camp grounds as described in this Planned evelopment District. (3) Area of the District. The area of said district shall be approxi- mately 83 acres fronting on Kraft Road in said Town, bounded and described as per attached. (4) Specifications for campsites: a. Omit b. No site shall be closer than 50 feet to another campsite c. No sites shall be constructed closer than 501 feet to the highway.. · d. Same e. Same Planning Board meeting ~inutes 6-7-72 p2 ( 5 ) (6) !~ 7) (8 ) ( 9) f. Omit g. Same h. All roads within the district shall be at least 12 feet in width, properly marked with the necessary warning signs. i. Same j. Same Sewage and Garbage Disposal Sarne Water Facilities Same Maintenanr.~ Same Signs Same Commercial Sales a. There shall be no commercial s~les in this district except the sales of firewood, charcoai,, or other fuel to be used for camp purposes, and an inventory of miscellaneous and sundry items for the accommodation and use of campers and their guests. The amended Planned Development District No. 1 is to be presented 11 <{ to the Town Board at its meeting June 13, 1972, for action; and map of the District as amended is being revised. Upon approval by the Town Board, this amended Planned Development District will become a part of the revised Zoning Ordinance. There being no objections to the proposed amendment, the meeting was adjourned. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please take notice Uiit the 'i'own Board Of the Town of Ulysses wm hold a Public Hearing at the Town omce Building, 10 Elm st., Tru- m;.sL'lhur(l', New York at 7:30 p.m. on June 7th, 1972 to consider a requc' t Ir-01;~ the Spruce Row ca~:i. ft,!" an amendment to the P1-1•Ml\I · ~velopment District No '1, to 1;:..;~.~tt thelr ca.mp. By Or m:r of the Town Board Dated May Z3, 1972 Allee B. Conover, Clerk FP21W GERALD EHRHART, Chairman Planning Board of Town of Ulysses ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and being part of Military Lot 16 in said Town and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of Kraft Road approximately 2643 feet from the west line of Military Lot 16; THENCE south parallel to the west line of Military Lot 16 approximately 2061 feet to the south line of Military Lot 16; THENCE west along the said south line of Military Lot 16 approximately. 2643 feet to the west line of said Military Lot 16 (being the east line of Military Lot 15); THENCE north along the west line of Military Lot 16 approximately 1188 feet to a point; THENCE northeasterly along a hedgerow and woodlot about 528 feet; THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the said hedgerow and woodlot about 462 feet; CONTINUING THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the said hedge- tow about 792 feet to a second hedgerow which runs north and south; THENCE north along the said second hedgerow about 792 feet to a third hedgerow which runs east and west; THENCE east along . said third hedgerow about 462 feet; THENCE north about 350 feet to the center line of Kraft Road; THENCE east along the center line of Kraft Road about 462 feet to the point of BEGI N NING. SUBJECT TO existing and public rights within the lines of said Kraft Road. BEING a part of the premises conveyed to Charles Lueder Jr. and Jeanne W. TOWN OF ULYSSES BRUCE M. PAYNE, Supervisor ALICE CONOVER, Clerk JAMES E. 'RICE, Justice Trumansburg, N~Y. 14886 607-387-8601 H. WILLIAM SMiTH, C~uncllman FREDERICK ALLEN, Councilman DANA POYER, Justice TO; BOARD MEMBERS APRIL 19, 1973 l010RANDUM -IMPORTANT FROM: BRUCE M. PAYNE, SUPERVISOR fll!Jf. SUBJECT: PUBUC HEARING A PUBLIC P.F.ARL';G WILL BE HEW AT THE TOWN HALL, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1973, RELATIVE 'ro THE ERECTION OF A NFM BUIIDING IN TiIE BABCOCK INDUSTRIES INC. COHP.LEX, AGRI-BIO, ON ROUTE 96; JACKSONVILLE, NEil YORK. THE PL.ANS SUBMITI'ED WffiE ACCEPTED LAST NIGHT BY THE PLANNING BOARD. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE .ADVISE. MEETI.NG WILL BE AT 7: 30 ~ I . .. TOWN OF ULYSS~" PIJ.NNI}fG BoARD ~ Toi Ulysses Town BOa:rd. Fromt Planning Board April 20, 1973 The following recomm.end.ationa,amending the Zoning Ordinance now in force, are hereby submitted for appropriate action by the town board. 1. That Article I 0 Section 1, party be amended to .include the defination of a mobile home. 2. That Article V, Section 21 1 part a, line 5 be amended by changirig PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS to read MOBIIB HOM& ~R~ I ) • That . on page 6 the title MOBIIE . HOME ORDINANCK be amended to read MO:BIIE HOME PARK ORDINANCE 4. That on page 6 under Mobile Home Ordinance section 3 License Fee be corrected from $20 .00 to $2 .00 Motes Implementation of item 2 will create conflicting requirements rela~ing to floor area, Article V, Section 21, part a .-indicates not less than 750 1 aquare feet, where as under Mobile Home Ordinance , section 10, part 10.15 regulates the ~1n1mwa at 600 square feet, !::;.z.1 .Chairman . cc1 David Langley . Jack Girox . · · Winton Baines Alec Baines Thomae Gorman Thou.• Gell Arlee Robinson-' . ·. I . I I 'I ! . I I ·' I 1l I • ' ...... TOWN OF ULYSSES PUBLIC HEARING May 4, 1973 Present: Supervisor Bruce M. Payne; Councilmen J. Frederick Allen and H. William Smith; Justice James E. Rice, Jr., Zoning Officer Arliss Robinson; James McVey, representative from Babcocks (AgriBio Corporation, Jacksonville, New York)~ Mr. John v. Tyrell, Chairman, Town of Ulysses Planning Board; A. Beers, Sec. Purpose of Hearing: To consider application of Babcock Industries to construct· a new warehouse and conference room, application for. building permit having been approved by the Planning Board on April 10, 1973. Copy of Planning Board meeting minutes attached. Mr. Payne opened the hearing. General discussion of building plans followed. Members of the Town Board indicated they could see no reason why the proposed construction could not be approved. Mr. Tyrell and Mr. Payne asked Mr. Mcvey for a copy of the plot plan. Mr. Allen moved that the application be approved. Mr. Smith seconded the motion , voted and carried. copies of minutes to Mr. J ohn Mccoy Dr. Emil Gelenczei Mr. John , Tyreli · -.. .. A. Beers, Secretary .. . . MINUTES OF THE MEETING TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MAY 12, 1973 TIME & PLACE : A special meeting of the Planning Board was held at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, April 12, 1973 at the Ulysses Town Office Building. PRESIDING: John V. Tyrell, Chairman ROLL CALL: Present John Tyrell Jack Giroux Alec Proskine David Langley Thomas Gell OTHERS PRESENT: Douglas Dimock NEW BUSINESS: Proposed Dimock Sub division Excused Winton Baines Thomas Gorman Mr. Douglas Dimock, 45 Congress Street, Trumansburg, New York, representing himself, Mrs .. Dimock, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Swansen presented a preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision on Rabbit Run Road. The matter was tabled until the June 7th meeting at which time Mr. Dimock will present a revised preJ .. iminary plat in further detail . Snyder Building Permit The application of Edward J . Snyder , Swamp College Road, Trumansburg, for a building permit to construct a mobile home on Swamp College Road was reviewed. A motion was made by Jack Giroux, seconded by David Langley and passed unanimously that this Planning Board recommend to the Ulysses Town Board that this application be disapproved for failure to meet the minimum requirement of 750 ft. 2 of livable floor area as specified in Article V Section 2la of the Town of Ulysses Zoning Ordinance. Also, acreage was not clearly defined and the Board was unable to determine if the minimum lot size of three acres would be met . -2- ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ Thomas E. Gell Secretary Mr . Bruce Payne, Supervisor Ulysses Town Board Trumansburg, New York ii~886 Dear Mr. Payne: May 29 , 19?3 Re: Building Permit Application Edward J. Snyd~r Swi·mp Colle~e Road At a special meeting or the Town of Ulysses Pl1nning Bo~rd a building permit application submitter1 by Mr. EdW~<ro J . Snyder , Swamp College RoadJ Trumansburg, New Yor'.· waD reviewed. The Planning Board recommends to the Ulyi:a....,e;· Town Boa1~0 that this application be disapproved for failure ts meet tne minimum requirement of 750 ft.2 of livable flo:n· r1·c:. as specified in Article V Section 2la of the T:>wn -,:r Ulysees Zon1n" Ord1n~nce. Also, acreage wae not clearly defined ano th~ Board was unable to determine if the minimum lot size o~ three scree would be mat. Very truly yours, ULYSSES TOWN PLANNING BOARD Thomae E. Gell Secretary TCJJ the Ulysses Planning Board: Subject: Mobile Home on 3 acre plot On the plot plan for the Mobile Home ie shown a dotted line----this line ~ivides the property now .owned by Mr. Snyder and the proposed Mobile Home Site. As .of now, Mr. Snyder has an option to purchase this property from Wilber Briggs. Aa ·he is the sole support of his mother, and has a family himself, he is not in a posi tiori t .o purohase this pJ:'.Operty until he finds out if the Mobile Home 'Will be. allowed. A'rlee ·-. • .. . . TOWN 'JF !J l YSSES j.\PPLlC2\TlON FOR BU!LD1NG PER.l.""i1IT Application Date ------··--------·--· .Fee: :;~~.oo l\Iake checks payable to 'l'ovrn of Ulysses R etur:n a p 91ic atio n to : --·-··. ·····---·-··--------:~-------··----·-··-·-·-·-· .. Permit Number Date Parcel Number Zoning District Application is hereby made to Jbuild ~x_j;end [l..s.onv~:i·t 0 .. ~--·--······-·-··--··-----·-··---· .... 0) a structure or Ucie land at _____ s_~_:./.r!..!?:J...l:~----f-~~./iJ:...j..-t!~----"S;;.::;.~----?-L.;:_r~!!L..f:::~J. Rd., Town of Ulysses, N. Y. To be used for _______ r.!f'L!.~:.. __ .,f!.~..i:::,S.:$!."J:.:. ____ .;!_1.."!.L""r:..t..lL~-£-----------------····--,--·.: At a cost of ·---·--··-·-··--·····-·------ Sh·ucture is to b e c~m.pleted qn or _2efyre __________ ___:!_ _____________ 7 ~-----------------> 1.~---------··--·-- 0wn er of 12. nd ----~~;:£.~~~~:d-____ Q. ____ ~-£j-d-.. ~:Y-::::________ Build er .... :":: .. d.O:.<:.:.•~-~~~:: ____ "T.:_---~~J-d_,--:; __ L · 0 ' · ·1· dd ,:_ .. ;J 1 , v _ · ..... · C _,,.1·/ cl' , ,3 :.C: d.: . ....-)._ , ,...., ·· · ,. //. ,..,.,_ · an a wn er s ma1 mg a ress ·------------------.J-J,(l../ ....... ~-----__ ------j------·-·.,.· ·---~---------L --;? . .s:~-:-->'~-tt .... .a..-~..,.;r------- · If building is being built for a person othi!r than present land owner, show name ----~'.:./.-::;/;::.!f~:::l..-~.i."'j-~d-~,,.,...; ·rhe structure (s) will be a~ f 9l19ws: · Square Feet Floor Area: 'l'yp e of construction .~.£.fl..i_~-~~tt.e..___________ Bas em en t ··-·-------------~~-------------------------... ----------- Numb er of stories __ ../.___________________ First Floor ______ J _~,~------------------------ Number of Family Units ---------·---------------------Sec<md Floor ----·--------------··----------··------··--·-··-·--------- ·~·\~r ~ ,~nti~~e o.~ L0t to be,occ:upi_'td :7 Over Second ·----·-·--··-------·--· ··--·-····-~------·-··--------·-------· ..... , !l '. • -..;.. U /;;·1A ~/~ -·' .,/~<; ~;:. -:t• s .,r :J. t: vllr·~S -· .• c •.• ~.;,:,t ___ .,_ ..... "2lo ••• __.t _________________ _ ,.-'1 · n.1"' B 1 f P "t Att· h:0d S t1.i1Jw i ::...'-..,.& --/-.~ J.: -vt .. ....:1 on ac .. { o erm1 ---··---· or ac -----·····-..• . P f-.._, ~,-t!" /'-If # ·rhe required permits have been obt ained as follows: Date Issued l'ROM TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPART.MENT , I /;,: I "? ·" . I , . "7 '" •J r I / _, Approval of septic system n.nd/or well . FROM TO-WN CLERK Street opening (if road must be opened for pipes) Blasting permit (if blasting necessary) F:?.O:M SU.PZRVISOR Water 'I'ap ----------------·------·-·-District S-trw c!" Tap ... ____________ ·' ···---·-· ·---. ·-··--·-District F.R.O:IH PROP.ER HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Culverts and driveways FR0~:\1 TO"\VN ZO:NING OFFICER ·-·-···---~--_;•----7C·-'·········•··-----·······"······•·· ·-............ --.... -.. ·~· ................ ___ , __ -----------..... -.... -----.. ----· -----------.. ----·-·------.. 44'"'-------.... ----------.. .... ----------------~ ------------...... -.. ------------------ ·------.------------.. --........... _,, _____ ----....... -----_,. -..... Multiple residence permit . -------------··-·----··---·------··-·····-·····-- Th~ Undersigned hereby applies for permission to do the above, 1n ~ccordance with provisions oi t.h:a Z o r:ing Ordinance a nd other Laws and Regulation.':> of the Town of "Glysses, :Ne w Y ork, or others having j at·'.:;di cti:Jn, and a f firms taut a ll 1:1tatemen:ts and information give n herein are c orrect to the best of :113 k r.0 \vledge and belief. ~-/ _ ... .,~-JI] D . -~ . / ~/c.:;;-...1, ,: ..) 19 ./·· ~ a. ... e • ---""'-'-·r··--7--•'-------····-·------• ------- Buiiding permit ( { Appeal action: ) appi.-oved by --·--------·---··----· ) denied under Section ----····- . of the Zoning Ordinance by ----------------··--·--·-- Date of appeal -------------------------------- Date of hearing --------------------------------_ Date of advertising -------------·------------------- Board members notified Expense3 of Appenl to be born by applicant. Progress of -.vork. Checked on: Foundation Framing Trim Completion --------~------··--.. ·---·--- --... -............... ____ .., _____ ... _____ _ ---------.. ·-----.--------..---- -----------·-------·--·-·---·-· Order to refill excavation issued on ------------------------·----------·---- Order to demolish structure is.sued on ------------.. ----------------·--- \ .. -' .. .• . .. I ' . -·-· -\ .• ·.' ' .. - ,. ... , i 1· T ,. J - ' . '· .. -\ I 'I ~ n f. 0 ' , 0 ·-~---. ·tJ" ·o · ~ "' ,. o · .. , '· 1 0 l '' ·, .... I '\ I I ... " ·' f .~ .... I . I 0 ('.\ •-......;;..-----+ \ ., \ .. 1 ' I ... ,. .• : , \ \ . f't!GE , .. -· .. , \· -· .. ... ·~ ... J \• I ., ,.~ .. P/a."J g1 I q'] 3 . F Ou> ll R tl S1141der , . Ut, / s: l/Utse :J'I •'-' 1'~~ ,,, ·~ :::: IJasiie. cl~f0$A' ·~theO) '3 ~ .w~11 "/ ~ dr,~~wci'1 ... ··. ; ->···'.m)L · ' . . . ' ·~ .. . '· .. . ,, . ,. : . ; . I ,. l.3D 1f f/16E,f.?q l -. I J ~ If . t 1 .. h .i . .. :. ~ • '1 • I I . ~ . .... l ' " [, ~ . ~ • ~ l ···· .. 1 · ·." .. ·."· .; , ' "; TOM?K!NS COUN'fY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1287 TRUMANSBURG RD. InIACA, N. Y. SEWAGE DISPOSAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT /) ·/ FOR -------------------!:!~~~~ -6;;d:(~ (;5_;.:;z········-' - LOCATION ........... _.,.......,,:.<J .. ··············Jr·············-· .. ········-«Y-J1-·········;~::!7:, .... '. .................................................................. . ~ ..-:?l . j PERM£T : Valid for sewage flows NOT in excess of ··--/~-~--.-, gallons per day ( ......•............. bedroom house or equivalent). Valid for garbage grinder .... JkO ........ (yes or no). In accordance with the provfa:io.n.s of the County Sanitary Code, you are hereby granted permission to construct a private sewage disposal system at the above location in accordance with the sketch and details shown hettin or previously provided. The installation upon completion and PRIOR TO COVERING MUST be im~ed by this Depart- ment. At least 24 houo prior notice is required. before final inspection. All household liquid wastes including bath room, kitchen and laundry \vastes must be disposed of through this installation. If the construction job is to be done by a contractor, it is to your advantage to insist on a fixed price for the completed system subject to final approval of the system and issuance of a Certificate of Com- pletion by the Health Department. -Roof leaders, cellar or footing drains and wastes from water softening units must be entirely separate irom the sewa~e disposal system and muse be located at least 20 feet from the sewage disposal area. Cn order to insure long useful life of your disposal system, the septic t~nk should be cleaned every 2 t o 4 years (even more often if garbage grinders used) depending upon the amount of solids such as greases. soap scum. toilet wastes and other solid materials discharged to the tank. If possible, the sludge 3nd scum depth should be checked every year. When the combined depth of sludge and scum equals ~ of the total liquid depth. cleaning is necessary. Septic tanks are best cleaned in the spring or summer as <:hey become readjusted more readily in warm weather. See "Sewage Disposal Systems For The Home" Available from the Health Dept. A list oi persons authori.ied to dean septic tanks in this County may be obtained from the Health De· partment. It will be to your advantage to insist on a fixed cost for cleaning or at least to obtain a definite maximum estimate befor-e engaging a septic tank cleaner. Normal use of household dctttgents and chemicals will not be harmful to your disposal system. Avoid use of so-called septic. tank clesnen or eoaditioncrs as they have not been sti.own to be beneficial attd they may·re5ult in actual harm to the system.· Ins---·------·-------t?~~-r·"-"'=·-----------·-'---------------~ ~ '-' 1~1 PLANNING BOARD -TOr.JN OF ULYSSES June 4, 1973 To Planning Board Members, Reminder: Saheduled regular meeting JUNE 7, 1973 at 7: JO AGENDA: Mr. Dimick will be present with his revised subdivision plat. Mr. Snyder wishes to offer his revised application for a mobile home site for approval. Evaluate and coordinate our suggestionsrelative to the Zoning Ordinance • John Tyrell Chairman ,. .. : ,•.' ,. Time and Place: MINUTES TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNrnG BOARD JUNE 7, 1973 The regular meeting of the Planning Board was held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 7, 1973 at the Ulysses Town Office Building . Presiding:John V. Tyrell Chairman Roll Call: Others Present John Tyrell Jack Giroux Winton Baines Thomas Gorman Alec Proskine Thomas Gell Excused David Langley Present: Edward Snyder Edward Foster Wes McDermott Old Business: Sn~der Permit ApElicatiun Next Meeting : Adjourn- ment Mr. Edward SnyderJ Swamp College Road, Trumansburg, presented and application for a planned development district on Swamp College Road. A motion was made by Winton Baines, seconded by Thomas Gorman and passed unanimously that: The Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the application of Edward Snyder for a planned development district containing '7+ acres located on Swamp College Road be approved subject to a variance on the livable floor spa9e requirement of 750 sq.ft. or subject to Mr. Snyder meeting the floor space requirement of 750 sq.ft. for a mobile home. Further, this Board recommends that this be granted only for the life of Mrs . Mildred Snyder and for her personal occupancy . Zanin~ Ordinance Chairman Tyrell will.ask the Town Board for authority to reoutline the Town Zoning Ordinance. Thursday, October 4 , 1973 7:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 10 :00 p .m. -J~ Time and MINUTES TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD JUNE 7, 1973 Place: The regular meeting of the Planning Board was held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 7, 1973 at the Ulysses Town Office Building. Presiding:John V. Tyrell Chairman Roll Call: Others Present John Tyrell Jack Giroux Winton Baines Thomas Gorman ... Alec Proskine Thomas Gell Excused David Langley Present: Edward Snyder Edward Foster Wes McDermott Old Business : Snyder Permit Application Next Meeting: Mr. Edward Snyder, Swamp College Road, Trumansburg, presented and application for a planned development district on Swamp College Road. A motion w~s made by Winton Baines, seconded by Thomas Gorman and passed unanimously that: The Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the application of Edward Snyder for a planned development district containing 7+ acres located on Swamp College Road be approved subject to a variance on the livable floor space requirement of 750 sq.ft. or subject to Mr. Snyder meeting the floor space requirement of 750 sq.ft. for a mobile home. Further, this Board recommends that this be granted only for the life of Mrs. Mildred Snyder and for her personal occupancy. Zo ning Ordinance Chairman Tyrell will ask the Town Board for authority to reoutline the Town Zoning Ordinance. Thursday, October 4 , 1973 7:30 p.m. / ,, ( / ~ . . ut.. Adjourn- ment Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ,. . . , , ,--J'.: < •• Mr. Bruce Payne, Supervisor Ulysses Town Board Trumansburg, New York 14886 Dear Mr. Payne: June 19, 1973 Re: Proposed Pla nned Development District Edward J. Snyder Swamp College Road At the re gu lar meeting of the Town of Ulysses Planning Board held June 7, 1973, Mr. Edward Snyder presented an application for a Planned Development District on Swamp College Road. The Planning Board rec omm ends to ·t.'.1·8 Ulysses Town Bo ard that the application of Edw ard Snyder foe ~ Planned Develop~ ment District of 7+ acres located on Sw c .. 0 Colle ge Road, be approved, subject to a variance on the livable fl ~( r space requirement of 750 sq.ft., or subject to Mr. Snyder meeting the floor space requirement of 750 sq.ft. for a mobil~ home. Further, this Board recommends tha·.~ this be granted only for the life of Mrs. Mildred Snyder and for her personal occupancy_ TEG/pb Very truly yours, Ulys ses Tow r,~ P)_anning Board John V. Tyrell, Chairman Thomas E. Gell, Secretary TOWN OF ULYSSES TOWN BOARD Minutes of a .Public Hearing On the Application of Edward Snyder For a Planned Development District Time and Place: Ulysses Town Hall June 28, 1973, 8:45 P.M. Presiding: Bruce M. Payne, Supervisor l3oard Members Present: James E. Rice, Justice H. William Smith, Councilman Others Present: Arlee Robinson Edward Snyder Edward Foster Rolf A. Holtkamp Thomas E. Gell Application of Edward Snyder: Bruce Payne read a letter from the Town Planning Board to the Town Board, a letter from Edward Snyder to the Planning Board and presented a map submitted by Edward Snyder (see attach- ments). James Rice related that a problem arose with a similar situation, in the past, when the invalid person died the owners of the nonconfirming trailer wanted to rent it rather than remove it. Mr. Snyder made assurance that this would not happen in the present case. A motion was made by James Rice and seconded by H. William Smith that the recommendation of the Town Planning Board be approved. This motion was approved unanimously. It is the intent of Mr. Snyder to request a variance from the Board of Appeals on the minimum floor space requirement. TEG/pb 7/2/73 Respectfully Submitted, ,.. '/,/ /> . .r fl '~ ,. ...... // "'--.,....-:?:r.c'.;"~'-; .,· < ~e.-(;;r· Thomas E. Gell Acting Recording Secretary .I ·,~I() f M:e. Bx·uce .Payne, Supervisor I I j Ulysses Town Board Trumansburg, New York 14886 .. June 19, 1973 ~e: Propoocd PlannDd Dcvolopmunt Dictrict Edward J, Snyder ... ~ Swamp College Road Dea.r Mr. Payne: At the re~ula.r meeting of the ·:rown of Ulysses Plo.nninc; Board held June 7, l973j Mr. Edward Snyder pr~sented an application for a Planned Development District on Swamp College Road,. The Planning Board recommends to the Ulysses Town Board that the application of Edward Snyder for a Planned Develop- ment District of 7+ acres located on Swamp College Road, be approved, subject to a variance on the livable floor space requirement of 750 sq.ft., or subject to Mr. Snyder meeting the floor space requirement of 750 sq.ft. for a mobile home. Further, this Board recommends that this be granted only for the life of Mrs. Mildred Snyder and for her personal occupancy .. TEG/pb Very truly yours., Ulysses Town Planning Board John V. Tyrell, Chainnan Thomas E. Gell, Secretary May 8, 1973 Ulysses Town Board Town of Ulysses Planning Board I am requesting a planned development district per section 7 of the revised zoning ordiance of Town of Ulysses. I wish t o place a roobile home on my P?"Operty for my mother, Mrs. Mildred Sn;tder, who has muJ. tiple sclerosis. The mobile home is to remain on proper ty only for life use of Mrs. Snyder, then be removed. See enclosed plans for location details. ;': /)llj A R ~ StV '-I D~-K.. .... ... . (f) ~ l"X'lfJ l 7 /?() SJ If, I - 1:i..x s~ I @) ;;. Sffr;c sysrr1t; (H~r~ P~lt QffNtJcd) 6) . l>ru>e wt'! 0 ,. : (j): fo/o'.JSe ,r) r f;epf1'c s~~~~~ .... \~,../ @) . ·o re 111 e w 1'1 "{ ) ' w~1-1- ~bl.1 ~~J ,..£' ' r~ci I·---'----: l c::;__ __ ;_ UD '?: I '. I I I ~ (\ I I l ( ' I ' ( '-··--·-. ~--~.. I/ /I '; 11 ---< I I . ~·~ ·"'· ~---/ I . ( . I , ( / ........ . l / --::· . \ k r <\) \-....... f . . '~ -· • C'•. • \J ... .,·~ ····('._ / ··, ~ ... ~ !~ ,. ... ) ... 'I I I ' I I I ( I! / i j I I • .. ··, I i ! I j : : ! i i , . I . ; J '. I ; i ' . ! i ; I . ; f I : I j \ • : I . I .. ; I : ' . ~' :o __ _, i ..... ~ I ~\. I~ krr.S /1 ).. ~_3 __ , l i s \ ;_~ .-' 4 -----srf' -----+~?J~ (-~··· .. ~ ~- ./: i "·· ... ~:) •••I ; ~ pr"f~~e..d :>~s~ 7;~ 6~ 7 • I • . ..af<s:r 'Y"!r I • I ! ! / · I ' i I • I i I I i ~ I I ~ i • I I I 'O I l ' \'\\O'U Le ®O , @O I i . I I l ! , i i a>E?~ /<X> 'ff ,,r,, r I --~[$) ! ! l ~ t ~I It\ -I i : ~ I r.::> (I.ft'' x. (ff "?:) : . . h ~··· - v <---$''/i' 7 flf 11 rrr :.I / ·'' \ \ MINUTES TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD AUGUST 27, 1973 TIME & PLACE: A special meeting of the Planning Board was held at 7:30 p.m., Monday, August 27, 1973, at the Ulysses Town Office Building. PRESIDING: John V. Tyrell, Chairman ROLL CALL: PRESENT John Tyrell Jack Giroux David Langley Thomas Gorman Thomas Gell EXCUSED Winton Baines Alec Proskine OTHERS PRESENT: Richard E. Parker Mary Parker NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Richard Parker preoented an application for a f.lanned development distric t as shown on map entitled 1Survey map showing parcel to be conveyed by Alfred M. & E. Alice Eno on Trumansburg Road, N.Y.S. Route 96, Town of Ulysses, Lot No. 22, Tompkins County, New York 11 dated May 4, 1973, by Thomas G. Miller, Engineer and Surveyor, Ithaca, New York. NEXT A motion was made by Jack Giroux, seconded by David Langley and carried that the Town Planning Board recommend to the Ulysses Town Board that this applica- tion be approved. REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, October 4, 1973, 7 :30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, .C-/-1 .~ /~ ( '/2 /J /(./_A//~~ TOWN OF ULYSSES -. /~ A-/y ~ APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ·· ~tJ -e \.o ~;()\. / ~' l\n '\ ~ ~ Fee: $5.00 . M~ke checks payable to Town of Ulysses ... Application Date~ __ -_/3_ ~ 73 Permit Number --·----- Date ···-----·------ Parcel· Number Return application to: ---···-' ···---------·-------------------------------· Zoning District --···-------------·· ~;'~~c~!~ ! ~~r~~W"ld!t-~~."1'.~ D'.~nd 0'._~'.:~'::.~:~·~;1~:~Y ~:ture To be used for .... A.L~~-i.JJL[;-------------------------------------------------··-··----At a cost of ____ 7'(2qa ___ ::;::: ____ . Structure is to be ~_plete on or~fore --------~--. ----··-------------------------"'/t(.--z;-:7-----~ 19----------·-·--· Owner of land ___ :.Lq.t:L.'!le.J. .... £ ---· -----r~/ Builder ::.7/;,-·-·?i::.---1 --.L:&.7-------~-- Land Owner's mailing addtksa ------.JJ:;L£ __ fl_____ '..tl::t:.L~--1-Li~--.... -------~~S... ______ _ If building is being built for a person other than esent land owner, show naJ ____________________________________ _ Th;Y~:u~:~:ns\~u~:!~ bftZ_?.j~~L~'i~------Square Feet Floor Area: Number of stories --------·------------------------------- Number of Family Units -------------------------------------- :Percentage of Lot to be occupied by all structures ------------------------------------------- V"""' Plot Plan on Back of Permit --------or Attached _______ _ The required permits have been obtained as follows: Basement ------------v·--·------·-------------------- First F l oor .... L'f..4. ... 20.-------------------------·--·----- Second Floor --------------·-----------------·---------- Over Second ---·---------------------------·--- Date Issued FROM TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Approval of septic system and/or well . . • • . J>"-CJCJ -23 . ......... -........................ ________ L .... ___ .................................. -~ FROM TOWN CLERK Street opening (if road m ust be opened for pipes) • .. ------.. ----------------------------........ -~ ....... ___._ ... _ .. __ Blasting permit (if blasting necessary) FROM SUPERVISOR Water Tap -----------------------------------·---District . Sewer Tap --------------··-----·----------------District . FROM PROPER HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Culverts and driveways . . . . FROM TOWN ZONING OFFICER Multiple residence permit . . . . . ·--·----------------·------:--·---·--.. -.. --------·- . --------------------------.-----·---------·-· . --... ---... --..... ---------............ ___ _. ...................................... - The Undersigned 'hereby applies for permission to do the above, in accordance with provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and other Laws and Regulations of the Town of Ulysses, New York, or others having jurisdiction, and affirms that all statements and information given herein a~ to the best of hio ::::~ ___ .. , 1911 -~~&~~~-~- # · Signature of Landowner. Building permit ( ( Appeal action: ) approved by --·---------------------· ) denied under Section ---------· of t h e Zoning Ordinance by ------------------·---------------- Date of appeal --.. -------------------------··-- Date of nearing ------------------------------------- Date of advertising -------------------------------- Board members notified ·----------------------------------·----- ------. -----------· ---- --------------------- Expenses of Appe~l to be born by applicant. Progress of work. Checked on: Foundation Framing Trim Completion ---------·--- Order to refill excavation issued on ----------·-----·---- Order to demolish structure issued on---- ----------,....---------=--======------. ---------·----· ___ ,,. __ .. ----.--.,L- PERM •z 11 /71) STATE Of NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION • . HW Permit No. 373~ Q 3 7 2 · Deposit Rec'd for $,,,,2_5_.oo ____ _ Ck. or M O #._"""4..,_ ??....__ ____ _ Permit Fee $ .... N ... o.._..o,..lut....._.r...,g.,..e..._ ____ _ 1n1. F111 $ .... 2.:..;. ;iil'a ....... _______ _ rot.' ~~c•lvtd $ .... 2.....,, 5..,0..__ _______ _ ~ti. M.O. #. ~ J.79 Dated 6/6/73 · oated6/5Z2a · · ,. .. _:1 Jat:ilUty Ins. Poli~)#------- £xplrln1-------- fotkman"s Compensation HIGHWAY WORK PERMIT Of · .. ".. ::·1 $-------"""""'-hargeable to (Amount) J .. " . ;~ .. Ins. Polley#----------- bplrln1----------- Bond#---~----~------ •. I Of laatlility Benefita Cover1&e • Undertaking on file. Policy#----------- nder. the provisions of the Highway Law, permission is hereby granted to Richard E. Parker (Name of Permittee) · whose address isP.O. Box 57,Jaclcsonville,N.Y. ,furnish and in:t.all 3o r of 12n steel pipe as shown on the above sketch. Ditch to be (brief summ•ry of work authorized lncludlna: type of lnst1ll1tion and number of feet) ·caw.tea :if necessacy to instaJJ pipe l~ feet below e~e of shoulder. located on west · .de of highway /$/' north of R.M. 96-3602-3053 1 SH No. 616 County Tompkins as se t forth and represented in the attached applica· tion; at the particular location or area, or over the routes . as stated therein, if required; and pursuant to the con· ditions and regulations, whether general or special, and methods of pe rform ing work, if any; all of which are ~et forth in the application and form part of this permit. . . .., .. ·: timated Date of Compl~tlon._·__,.,9,_/1_,_1u.l_.7..,.3'-------- ted at· Syracuse teJune 12, 1973 , New York IMPORTANT THIS PERMIT, WITH APPLICATION AND DRAWING (OR COPIES THEREOF) ATIACHED, ·SHALL BE ., .. PLACED IN . THE HANDS OF THE: CONTRACTOR BEFORE ANY WORK IS STARTED. TICE-It is absolutely necessary that the permittee llOtify, ... J ... o=hn=-~S""'h.a=nn=o=n-----.--------------- 1 Resident Engineer, whose address is Box F ,.3rd St. Ext. ,Ithaca,N. Y. ---------, Tel. No Ar2-14?1 before work is start~d a~~ u~~· .its co,;.pletion ... , ! L _i --1 ' .. e luulnC authority,...,., .. the rla:ht to 1111pend ot'~k• tllla permit, 1t lb dlscntlon without 1 haarln& or tti. necessity of showina e11ise, either ' ~ d.' r ' I r l . i r !i rcw. °' ch1nn1 the operations authorized. · : / ~ · --• -,.,. ti.. a nnllc:aUon to 119 1nd rameln 1tt.ehtd ,htNto M;ll .''.' WOtll ~nde~ the .,_,mil i~ Mtl•factonly J ---:----:---------~------~--------.:.--=~· , ·. , ... .. .. BUILDING .SEWER SEPTIC TANK , SKETCH AND SPECIFICATIONS (Sec Attached Specs. for Additional data.) 4" cast iron, leaded joints, minimum grade ~,, per foot, supported to prevent settling. Minimum dis~ tance to well 25 ft. Water tight concrete, or Health· Department approved tank; Capacity ........ 9'1'1 ....... gals.; Minimum distance from house ............ /(}. ...... ft.; from water supply, SO feet. Support on undisturbed ground free of large stones. Washed gravel base is best. Minimum 24" Diameter Manhole to surface required. SEWER FROM TANK TO DISPOSAL AREA 4" NSF approved plastic or bituminized fibre pipe; Tight joints; Minimum grade ~,,per foot. DISTRIBUTION -? BOX No. outlets ........ Y~ .......... : Outlets all same level and 4" from bottom; Inlet at least 1" above outlets. FILL TILE F I ELD LEACHING PIT SAND FILTER REMARKS Length .......... . .... ft.; Width ............. : .......... ft.; Depth ....................... ft.; Use porous fill; Do not use heavy clay soil. Fill must be inspected and allowed to settle 90 days before trenching. Do not strip top soil within 50 feet of fill and in fill area. Sec Fill Specification Sheet for details. 4" NSF approved perforated pipe: Total ft ....................... : No. laterals ..................... ; Length per lateral ........................ ft.; Grade not more than l / 16" per ft.: Trench width ................ ..... ... inches; D epth ............. .' .......... inches; Minimum distan-:e from any water supply ............. : .......... ft.: Minimum distance between center of trenches ........................ ft.: Use 6" to 8" of~-~" washed gravel under tile and 2" above tile; Lay building paper or straw over gravel before replacing earth; Do not strip .soil, nor work when wet nor run heavy equipment over tile field area. Keep laterals out of driveways and 20 ft. from banks, edge o! fills, streams, footer drains, waterlines and geslines. Minimum distance from any water supply ................. ..... ft.; Size inside (length ........................ f~ .. width or diameter ........................ ft., depth below inld ........................ ft:}: Walls of cinder block or equivalent with openings !acing out; Use 4" No. 3 gravel around walls; Use concrete cover. Equiv~· lent prccast concrete drywe11s may be used providing equal square footage of earth well is pro· vided and excess open area is filled with coarse stone. Le~~h ...... S-3. .. 'A.J.t-)_Width ....... .lo/... ....... ft.; Depth .sand ....... i?:-............ ft.;. Source of sand .... .rJ.1.1.T/l.ffJ.V.. ... ~.n.P. $hlorination chamber SO gallons with sanitary "T" inlet: Must be in· spectcd before and after placing sand. See Filter Specification Sheet for details. ......... ···············································+··········· ·········· : ............................................................... i .. ····o ··t!;}t' il ...................................................... : ........................... . /'/ !I'URE REFERENCE . 't , -- .. , . TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD February 19, 1974 To All Planning Board Members: There will be a special meeting of the Planning Board on Wednesday, March 6, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ulysses Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to consider an applica- tion from Babcock Industries for alterations to their Agri-Bid Building on Planned Development District No. 2. TEG:ts Very truly yours, • ....-: ' . .t.~> ,:J ;; "--,,.-M~;,.. ~ c.~r Thomas E. Gell Chairman Town of Ulysses Planning Board Meeting-----~iarch 6, 1974 Subject: Babcock 1 s · Agri-Bio --a.dG.i tio:i to building The Ulysses Planning Board met March 6t 1974 to corn:ii'der an addition to th.a :Babcock Acrri-3io Labratory located in ?1.anned Develo ~'.)ement District #2 in t·ne Presen-c a·: the meeting were Tom Gell, Chairman of the Ulysses Planning Iloard, John Hutter, Winton :Baines and Alec Proskine--members of the Planning Eoardo Di~~ussion took place on the purpose of the addition, plans of the addition H·" were looked over, a letter from the Tompkins County Health Dept. was presented, this le~ter is attached to these minutes, discussion on the use of the addition con~inued---the addition will be used to continue t he same type of work a..~d will use the same ~qui:pment as is now in useo Two ~2) small (15x20 fto ) rooms will be added to the back of the building to hold equi:oment. i. :r Rv.tter -:n oved that the Planning Board recommenct to the Ulysses Town Board ta: ·~he .J.ans as presented by Babcock, Inco ·oe accepted and presented to the i1l :r::.ses ·rown !>oard f'or their consideration .. Yir. 3aines Seconded the motion • . ·.~e \;ing .\.djournedo Arlee Robinson SEC. Pro-11e.;1 LEG~i.L NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING ~~e ryi ·s~c w ~own :Boa.rd will hold a Public Hearing, Friday Yi.a.rch 29, 1974, ~t 7:30 P# M. in the Ulysses Town Hall located o~ Elm St. in the Village o! 'l':ru::nanst~J:'..'g , N. Y. The purpose of the Hearing is to act c.n the request of :;a.bcock ~ Inc. to construct an addition on t4e present bui1ding of Agri-Bio :.a:o~a-t;ory located on proparty owned by Babcock, Inc. and located ?-n Jacksonville, N. Y. This p~operty is referred to in the Ulysses Zoning Ordinance as Planned :~'-v. ~'2. This request was presented to tha Ulysses planning :Board on March oJ 1974 and recommended by that 3oa:rd ~~/;~e Ulysses Town :Board. {f',(,,u. c /2 C!4 -Pbh;/,,/.?~ Alice Conovar Ulysses Town Clerk • Kathleen Gaffney, M.D. Commiuioner of Health i'-;.r. John .McCoy Babcock Poultry Farms, Inc. P.O. Box 280 Ithaca, NY 14850 February 25, 1974 • 1287 Trumon<bur{l Rood llhoco, Now Yotk Phone 273.7272 Re: Jacksonville Agri-Bio building (le tter of February 15, 1974) Dear Mr. McCoy: Mr. Alfred Wissing indicated by letter to this department, dated January 7, 1972 that the new adaitiorr to the then- existing laboratory would have a maximum f l9w of 50 gallons per person per day or a total of 300 gallons per day, because a total of six people were going to work there. The sand fi ... ter was designed and installed for a maximum flo',N of 450 gallons per day. I would say if this flow does not exceed its designed rate, a new system wou1'a not have to be installed . Since 1969, as you. know, the first laboratory was built·, 1972 saw the addition to the laboratory and ~inely in 1973 the warehouse conference room was built. At the present time, there are a total of four scwag~ systems serving these two buildings. I am concerned ~bout having a lot of small sewage systems to handle ~ach new addition in such a small area. Because of local, state, and federal laws covdring waste water treatment operations, th~ company shoul6 start consid- ering what facilities will be needed in the future. It appears .:o 11.:e that there is not any more room for sewage systems ir. ,..e :..a tion to the·existing buildings. I would think the following ",1<.: .. o r s would ilave to be considered. -2- 1. What additional buildings will be needed that require sewage treatment? 2. The type and amount bf treatment that would be needed. 3. The amount of room available for such treatment. Please understand local approval cannot be given on such projects. However, such plans muse go through this department, and it may require your company obtaining an engineer ~o design the system. Enclosed ~s an outline of wna~ is required for sewage disposal systems. If there are any ~uestions in regards to this matter, feel free to contact me. Enc. CB/rw _{;?:;~/~ Car: Burgess / Sr. Environmental Health Tech. I i-+(/ • I ·1 l I TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD April 22, 1975 TO ALL PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS: There will be a meeting of the Town of Ulysses Planning Board at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 28, 1975, at the Ulysses Town Hall to consider a proposed change in planned development district No. 2, Babcock Poultry Farm, Inc. TEG:ts Sincerely yours, TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD Thomas E. Gell Chairman \ ·( f TOWN OF ULYSSES PLAl\.JNING BOARD May 15, 1975 TO ALL PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS: There will be a meeting of the Ulysses Town Planning Board at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 27, 1975, at the Ulysses Town Hall to consider a change in the planned development district of Mr. Bruce Robinson located on Swamp College Road. TEG:cb Sincerely, Thomas E. Gell Chairman TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD June 17, 1974 Dear There will be a meeting of the Town of Ulysses Planning Board at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 24, 1974 at the Ulysses Town Hall to consider an application from Mr. Marvin Cooper to erect a mobile home on Iradell Road. Please make every effort to attend. TEC: ts Encs. Very truly yours, TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD ( c_.// . ~AC?" ----~-p..o .£.:-.-·· ~-<?" Thomas E. Gell Chairman MINUTES -INSTRUCTIONS • The official record of the proceedings is called the minutes, These u s ually include the date, time, and place of the meeting, t he name of the presiding o f ficer, anrl a list of those present (ana sometimes those absent). Papers presented are often attached to the final typewritten minutes, Discussions should be summarized, not recorded in full, Resolutions and motions should be fu l ly recorded. 1n their proper order, together with the names of those who introduced and seconded the motions. Weather short or long, well-organized minutes of a meeting are essential, For quick, ac c urate identification of each item of business,use marginal headings. Th~ followin£ is a sa~nle reconstructed. .from t ho text books i • ··\ ..}/. =~-S I PRESIDING Bl'SINF.SS ---- MOTICNS ~. ADJOUtUi~ NT MINUTES OF THI'' f.ESI'It:G TOWN OF' UI.YS ES PU.N?UNG ECARD L _ -JANUARY 3, 1973 I A special mee--ing of the Planning Board was held at 7,3r, p.m ~, Wednesday, January), 19?3, in the Ulys s es Town Of'fic~ Building Mr. Gerald Eherhart , Chai.ren 1 Town of Ulysses Plann1ne: B"oard , presided . ?resent: David Langley 'l'om Gorman John Tyrell, S e c . Winton Ba.ins A be Prosk1ne Absents /Jae ~: Giroux -- Review the apnlicat t on of Bruce Robinson for a Plannen D~vt":c ve~ent of three acres, purpose -plac e~P.nt of one mobile home. Motion was made and carried t~ nostpone a decision on said eqrplica.tion, allowing time to claify intent of revised Zoning Ordinance. Meeting adjournee at 10100 p.m. MINUTES OF THE MEETING TOWN OF .ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MAY 12, 1973 TIME & PLACE: A special meeting of the Planning Board was held at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, April 12, 1973 at the Ulysses Town Office Building. PRESIDING: John V. Tyrell, Chairman ROLL CALL: Present John Tyrell Jack Giroux Alec Proskine David Langley Thomas Gell OTHERS PRESENT: Douglas Dimock NEW BUSINESS: Proposed Dim~ck Subdivision Excused Win ton Baines Thomas Gorman Mr. Douglas Dimock, 45 Congress Street, Trumansburg, New York, representing himself, Mrs. Dimock, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Swansen presented a preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision on Rabbit Run Road. The matter was tabled until the June 7th meeting at which time Mr. Dimock will present a revised preliminary plat in further detail. Snyder Building Perw~t The application ·of Edward J. Snyder, Swamp College Road, Trumansburg, for a building permit to construct a mobile home on Swamp College Road was reviewed. A motion was made by Jack Giroux, seconded by David Langley and passed unanimously that this Planning Board recommend to the Ulysses Town Boa-rd that this application be disapproved for failure to meet the minimum requirement of 750 ft.2 of livable floor area as specified in Article V Section 2la of the Town of Ulysses Zoning Ordinance. Also, acreage was not clearly defined and the Board was unable to determine if the minimum lot size of three acres would be met . /'j 1-5i)' ,. -2- ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, '":'.j:.~: .:' /;/ ·.,· '/.:,_,,.~µ;,,;..:<:_ -J.:: ·-~r. .. -(.'./ '· Thomas E. Gell Secretary ... PUNNING BOARD -Tl.NJN OF ULYSSES June 4, 1973 To Planning Board Members, Reminder: Scheduled regular meeting JUNE 7, 1223 at 7; 30 AGENDA: Mr. Dimick will be present with his revised subdivision plat. Mr. Snyder wishes to offer his revised application for a mobile home site for approval. Evaluate and coordinate our auggeationrrelative to the Zoning Ordinance. John Tyrell Chairman ... ;. i I . ., .. ·. 1 · I LONIMG OlU>ll~CE ·--···---~··•-••·•-•••••••Allendme.nt requested by Spruce Row campsite Charles & Jeanne Lueder. SECTION 9-a PLANN!D DEVElOPMmT DISTRICT NOe l (1) This district shall be known as Planned Development District No. l (2) The purposes for which the district ••Y be uaed are as followsa (a) Campsites. (b) Living acco1n0dations for campers shall be either tents, travel trailers, motor homes or piek•UP campers or wehicles built vlth the intent to be used as such. Travel trailers are defined ast a ••hicular portable structure built on a chassis designed to be used aa a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses; subject to highway regulations as a travel trailer. this being ln contrast to a mobile home unit which ls much larger and which ls not frequently moved and vhen it ls moved, is generally pulled by a truck. (3) Area of th@ district. The area of said district shall be approximately 83 acres fronting on Kraft Road in said town, bounded and described as follows1 (see attached .. p) (4) Specifications for campsltess (a) omit (b) No site shall be 1•••~•x closer than 50 ft. to another campsite. (c) No further sites shall be constructed closer than 501 ft. to the highway. (d) same (e) same (f) oalt (g) same (h) All roads within the district shall be at least 12 ft. in width, properly marked with the necessary warning signs. (1) same (j) same (5) Sewage and Garbage disposal. (same) (6) Water Facilities (.same) (7) Maintenance (same) (8) Signs (same) (9) Cotl11lerclal St'-les {a) Dier• shall be no commercial sales in this district except the sales of firewood, charcoal or other fuel to be used for camp purposes, and an inventory of miscellaneous and sundry items for th~ accomodatlon and use of campers. -4-6,:v · :.+ .!l ... (2) ( ) (3) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ch) (l) (J) It loon 1• • lo •· - (5) (6) (7) ( ) ( ) 'fIME AND PLACE: PRESIDING: BvABD lv:EMBERS: OTHERS PRESENT: .:EW BUSINESS: MINUTES OF THE MEETING TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD APRIL 18, 1973 A special meet.i..ng of the Planning Board w&s held at 7:30;p.m., Wednesd~y, April 18, 1975 at the Ulysses Town Office Building. John V. Tyrell, Chairman Present: Wintou Baines Jack Giroux/. Thomas Gell Absent: A lee: Pros kine David Langley Thomas Gorman Bruce Payne, Town Supervisor Mrs. Arlee Robinson, Enforcement Officer Dr. Gelenczei, Babcock Industries Mr. Thomas McCoy , Babcock Industries Secretary Thomas Gell was appointed Secretary. Babcock Industries Dr. Gelenczei and Mr. McCoy submitted an applica- tion for building permit to construct a new warehouse and conference room in authorized planned development district #2. A motion was made by Winton Baines, seconded by Jack Giroux, that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that this permit be issued. Mrs. Robinson will advertise for a public hearing to be held on May 4, 1973, Folders The. Chairman suggested that each board member obtain a folder to keep zoning map, zoning ~rd inance and other material pertaining to board :)us iness. Dis~~ibuti on of Minutes A mo,·._, ~as made by Thomas Gell, seconded by ~intt ~i nes, that minutes of Planning Board meetings ce mailed to each member and to the Town Supe vi sor. Agenda Agendas will be d. triouted prior to each meeting. .. • NEW BUSINESS: (continued) -2 - Mobile Homes A motion was mad e by Winton Baines, seconduu by Thomas Gell that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the title 11Mobilr:: Horne: Ordinance 11 be changed to read "Mobile Home Park Ordinance 11 • Carried,, three in favor, one abstaining. A motion was made by Jack Giroux, seconded by Winton Baines, that this Board recommend to th...: Town Boan~ tb1;; follo1Ning ctiangos in tti;;;: zoning ordinance: Article V, Section 2l(a) the last sentence be changed from 11Mobile homes are permitted only in planned development districts, duly authorized and licensed by the Town Board 11 to rrMobile homes are permitted only in mobile home parks duly authorized and licensed by the To11m Bcar·d 11 • drticle I, Section l (y) be changed to include the definition of mobile home as defined in the mobile home ordinance. Mobile home ordinance Section 3 be changed to correct the fee from $20.00 to $2.00. Members not present will be phoned and advised of the above action before recommendations are submitted to the Town Board. CTh'EH BUSir • .!.S S ~ Suggest to the Town Boa rd that the zoning ordinance booklet be changed to a loose leaf style utilizine supplements for updating. Board · members to be furnished with a semi-permanent type binding. NEXT MEETING : This board will hold regular quarterly meetings on the first Thursday of January, April, June, and October and will.hold special meetings when called by the Chairman. The next meeting will. be called for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 7, 1973 at the Town Hall. ADJOURl\MENT : Meeting adjourned 11:07 p .m . Respectfully submitted, /#/ ~ ,Y;. ,,. .... .:.·("' ;.~lo'~'.:-:? .? -·~ ,.( Thomas E. Gell Secretary - Bu\L.DING, PJ..oT PLAN Fo~ WA~E.\-\ou~E ScML.E I~-:. J\ ~ "" ... ..t:. -. G' ::0 .-0 ,. 0 3 CP 3' -I -I ITJ 7J -< 0..;,. 'P 0 0 3 E :p ;o fT( :r.: 0 c Cl" (11 ::0 0 0 3 .; :0 M'i "Tl ']:) Ci' -~· ,,, -------6' -------~ J - TOWN OF ULYSSES .APPIJCATiON FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application Date ------------ Fee: $5.00 Make checks payable to Town of Ulysses Return application to : ··-------------·····-------------------------------- Permit Number Date Parcel Number Zoning District Applicati~n is hereby made to (build 121. extend O. con~ert D. -------·-···~---·------···---------------0> a structure or use la.nd at .C.. ...... .: . .n.~.'!' •.•.. cE .... <:~.£.>.!.~--~~~-~~~~::;, __ 2.L~.'.'~.:\ ... ~L~---·····--Rd., Town of Ulysses, N. Y. ./. To be· used for -----~:~.·-~-:.~-~-1o·.~~-~-~---~--~~A . .S:.~"f.~~-'=---~-~---~!!L~------------At a cost of .. tfi.J.~-~-~--'=----~-Y..·.~ Structure is to be completed on or before · ---A~~:,:.;x ____ .J _______________________________________________ , 19 • .:1~L __________ _ 0 wn er : of land .flt.'t-~-=~--i::,.,_~_ .... C:..5..(.(?-'1.:.:...-:!:~~:12.~-----Builder -~-~~~:!'..!.'..!~.--'it ... _\.l.-:_"f--.E~ .. c~~--i"~- . Land Owner's mailing addreSB -----~-~1ii~~-~--.. <.:>.~~u-~~\.S..: ..... ~ .. bL<.~-----¥~-~-~-':----------·---·-·····---------·-------------- If building is being built for a person other than present land owner, show name ----···--··----------------------- The structure {s) wiU b.e as follows: Square Feet Floor Area: Type of construction . .S:..1:'.~!'...!".!-~--•~-r-~~::i:::.~t~.0:.-~""· \ Basement .... :.·---------------·--------·---------------- Number of stories -------------'-------------------------First Floor --------~-J~.Y:--------·--------------------------- Number of Family Units _______ Q·-----~-------------Second Floor ----~----·--·----------------------------------- Percentage of Lot to be occupied · Over Second ------------------------------------.--- 3 7 · by all si;ructures ------· ~---~------------- Plot Plan on Back of Permit --------or Attached )!,. ___ _ The required permits have been obtained as follow~: FROM TO!lPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Approval of septic system and/or well . FROM TOWN CLERK Street opening (if road must be opened for pipes) • Blasting permit (if blasting necessary) FROM SUPERVISOR Water Tap ----------------·-------------------District Sewer Tap ---------------------------------District FROM PROPER HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Culverts and driveways FROM TOWN ZONING OFFICER Multiple residence permit . Date ISBued ·----__ .t./ .. L.!./_2_;_~---__________________ _ · .............. __________________________ .. _________ . __ ·----------· --··--------... -............ _ .... ____ ., ..... ______ ... ____ _ -----.. ~-..... ·------·----------------·-·--·-- . . --------··------·-------------------------·- . . . . . ........... "':""" .................................................. _ ................ _ ............................ ~ The Undersigned hereby applies for permission to do the above Zoning Ordinance and other Laws and Regulations of the Tow jurisdiction, and affirms that all statements and informatio gi knowledge and belief. ·. Date: ... fJ-f,,_,.;j _____ }_j_ _________ , 19_1.3_ Building permit ( ( ) approved by ...... ---~'-------------- ) denied under Section -------·· of the Zoning Ordinance by ------------------·---------Appeal action: Date of appeal -------------···-----------..:.·------- Dnt9 of hearing ---------------·-----------------__ _ Date of advertising -----------···-------------·--- Board members notified --------. ------------- ----------------·---------- Expenses of Appeal to be born by applicant. Foundation Framing Trim Completion ---------------------- Order to refill excavation issued on----------------···-,-·--------- Order to demolish structure issued on ------------·-----. -------. INFORMATION TO BE SHOWN: Pimensions of lot. Distance of Structure from: Road, Both side lot lines, Rear of lot. Other Structures Floor and Room Plan PLOT PLAN Show floor dimensions and indicate use of each room. -· .. Dimensions of structures. Names of neighbors who bound lot. Set-back of neighbors,; North Arrow. Street name and number. Show existing structures in contra.sung lines. .. ,.. . .....::"' ~ ~ \ ~ •::-... -. ' ·: i I ' <"I'· ... r 0 "D 0 -· z. (;) 0 0 ~ ~~ I v a'--1--~--·' <·--·-·-·······-~ . l r<:. ···---·-... --··-............. -· ...... -.. ~s ........ A·.--~ .. w~ . "·\ (v I -s- d ~ .. ,,!;';"' CO \) FE \\.E. l'l Cf_ ~L __ _ I N <: ...... \ I 3 ~ •. ___ :.; .. ,. ...~; .f ·-········-/'/, ,.. ~ I I ' •..>, ' ,,{',,.-'~ A TIME AND Pl.ACE PRESIDING Board MEMBERS Quorum BUSINESS MC1I'ION Motion MIU'IES OF THE .c-1EETD'1G TC'.'i'1·~ OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD NOVEMBER JO, 1972 A special meeting of the planning board held at 8:00 P.M. Thursday, N-OvemberJO, 1972, in the UlyBses Town Office Building. Mr. Gerald Ehrhart, Chainnan, Town of Ulysses Planning Board, presided. Present: Gerald Ehrhart Winton Bairns John Tyrell Alec Proskine Thomas Gorman Yes Absentt Jack Giroux David Langle7 Application for a planned developement district submitted by Mr. Bruce Robinson was not processed at the last meeting, action was postponed in order to stud7 further the requirements a.s outlined in the revised Zoning Ordinance. Application, after discussion and review, deemed to have met the requirement". Motion wa s made , seconded and carried to approve s a id app J ic at io ~. Motion wa s made , !!econded and carried to sutmit recO!IIIlenda t i on s w the Town Board regarding the ·revised Zoning Crdinance. Rec:oomenda tions to be itemized and p resented at a later date. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. , ti . 1 · J· 4 f/ )1-/JA -· t:, ,.. ..... r 4' 'l John V. Tyrell, Secretaey cc Bruce Payne l • ·. .Bruce Robinson COld Springs Road Trumansburg• N. Y. R.D.; Nov. 2, 1972 TQ· the Ulysses Town Board ·and To the Town of Ulysses Pl~ing ·.llc:>ardi This is a request for the placement of a Mobile Home on property owned by me and looated on the Swamp College Rd.· I. s.ubmit the enolosed plan, as required in Section-7-A.:rt. a and band Section 21.of the revised Zoning Ordinance of the Town of_ Ulysses~ Sincerely Bruoe Robinson · NOV 4 1972 TOWN ·Of ULYSSES . . · "'"\ I '_,, -. I • '~ . ..,,. .. "\ , __ ....... ! . . ... ......... ) ....... . ..I ....... I ...., ....... v ~o 1 0 " I ...) . ,-. ....... - -o ... ~ I i '· il ~ I j d ,. ' -' I I 'I I .. ,, ,, ,,,', , , , , ,, ( ,-. 'l3G> /' I: 'i ci "' , --~ ._; -ro ..-.. '.._;~ \ ~ C\G, sw \:'\~¥-~<.-.. '-~(;G-(, r-. /-1110 .. \0"'\'A\-. \.-'A'W"~ < .. 'EQ~'t°l\\-~ \.\,, ~C.~fr~ / - ~·-""I.,1::)€, N'\ \ ~ '( \N Cr ''('I\ ~ Q. ~ ~ , sso ;; f x r 1 s ~~ta,; I ~ £ '/< f q J.J ~/) (J 'r1 ; t ~ / J .~~---~------~~~~--~~ BRUCE M. PAYNE, Supervisor ALICE CONOVER, Clerk JAMES E. RICE, Justice I TOWN OF ULYSSES Trumonsburg, N.Y. 14886 607 -387 -8601 LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING H. WILLIAM SMITH, Councllman FREDERICK ALLEN, Coul\cll111on DAMA POYER, Justice DECEMBER 26, 1972 Please take notice that the Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses will hold a Public Hearing Wednesday, January 10 , 1973 at 7:30 P. M. at the Ulysses Town Office Building , 10 Elm street, Trumansburg, N. Y. , regarding the request of Bruce Robinson to piace a Mobile Home on property ownea by Bruce Robinson , and located on Swamp College Road,in the Town Of Ulysses. By order of the Town Board of Ulysses. ( . ) , ' y·) , ) • ·" .J .'\' • ,,( f ,f t•-< / -! { .1'"1(:..~ A Ai • .-().,{ 1 t ........... _ ....... ... . ... ' > \..,....... t"'t.,../'{/ -<, Alice B. Conover, Town Clerk December 26_, 1972 ·• !~ -~ ;f e_ P/lt t-t f~ , ,,,1 0 1 J <Jc~, . c~),. -/r (,L ' I-< v---~ /J/a l.. .-1 ·' -'--(I vi 11? c. l&·J ., j ~D pf u e, VI A.c, l D ~:... ..._. __ , _____ .. 'f1f.;z,,t.'.,~~c.l ' /JlV-~ '~--' r.>' '/ ... ":, ~ ::f'~"'"(J."·1 "'-'• t-t a>--/-- \, t;;:;;L. <:.- TOWN OF' ULYSSES 10 ELM STREET TRUMANSBURGt N.Y. 14986 ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MINU'l'ES 21 Afril 1982 Meetin~ calle6 to order at 7:35 p.m. in Town Hall by Chairman James Warre~~~ Other Planning Board members present: Budd Stover Webb Fiser~ Burel Lane, Roger Williams and Seville Reulein 1 J r., Also present: Thomas Ferretti, Zoning Officer. The various items originally proposed by Gary Evans for the review of the Zoning Ordinance were briefly discussed. The Board decided to wait for concrete proposals from Mr. Gary Evans o;:~ somt'"~ of. the i terns. It was also decided that the Town Board shoulc br-· asked whether or not the Planning Board should develop s~;.b-division regulations. The mee·ting was adjourned at 9: 00 p .. m. I . /1 /-/ • ·~I // / .1 I A ~:.:J..[-( ~ L. / t/.fi.IYt-~ . ,.'1 Webb s. l:"iser, secre:ta.1·y ULYSSES PLANNI~JG BOARD TOH 01'"" ~LYSSES : T ".'T~ ::!:'TC: BOARD MI~TUTES 12 October 1981 Plannin0 Boar0 Chairman James ~arr~~ c~lled the meeting to or:~er ctt 7~ 40 p. m.. in th~ To•m E 11.. -·~1so ?resent: Plannins .. oard :n•"'nbers ·:::ihom2s 1orm<:n1, Bur"'.l L"'ne and ~·7ebb Fiser: absent: rlinto7'1. Baines, Roh~rt •~eatherby, nc ·~uf:d Stover. The ~1oodens . mrr ? lso ?')resent. ·'01::dc of the meeting: ~~pplication ol: ..... '" 1es ;'1ooden, et. al., Podun1::: o<; t•, to establish n. Development I i~tric• ~t Terrell Road. --. ,ansburg, for the purpose-of i · 'it:"'lli.:1<; Ci mobile home. Thr-> discussion between the Board ... ,(~ +;,e ,;oodens centered on t' ,. issue of. wheth~r t1~c us~::-of n :JPvelonraent District for n single mobile home corresponded to thr letter and intent of th~ 0'"1.i11s Ordinance. There was also (.:.xtcnsive discussio11 of t·fl" .. 't:her or not the horn12 in n!.H'!Stion coul c1.nli:fy as a 11 ure-rmilt 11 hO ... P• Th< noar(l unanimously authori ?.<Yi the Chair an to subrni t the att, ~hec. report to the Town .'-=toc:::r '. Th~ mP.eting ~djourned at M:30 ~.~. . /, / !/ l -i ( l { , 1.!J,I.~' "f t'la£ '<.-- .1 s I 1'1EBY'· FISER Planning Board Secretary TOWN O? ULYSSE;..; PLANNnm BOA!::~) Heetinq -12 October 1981 The Tot·m o:f Ulysses Planning .!:3012.r('.'t, havint-:-met to cons:t::tE'>:r. tr.e. proposal o'I.· ;r;:i1.ief: Hooden et, al,. Podunk Road, Trumansburg, to establisl' .:i nevelopuent District at Terrell Road, Trumansburg , for the purpose of installing a mobil home, cinds thf-followinq: WHEREAS: Article VI, 3ection 9, o:E the Ulysses ~,oning Ordinance, though statin;-that "mc ;.;ileho:ne~ are permitted only in a rnoJ.)il ho:. e park or a development district" docs not supi:o rt the establi.;;hment o: n development district ~rith one rnohile home as it 's sole constituent. WHEREAS: the Planning Board underst:-~.nds thc:t the development district is intended to allow those unf orseen types of activity which, thougl i not sper:ifically permitted by the Zoning Ordinance, would be of benefit to the community, and that the installation of mobile homes has bee ~ f orseen in the drafting of the Zoning Ordinance and they have been r~stricted to mob il~ home -parks or development districts, TIV:REFOi E "E IT n.E SOLVED: that tho Plam~ing Board, having found that t~·1'2' proposed d~velopment district does not meet the criteria established for the ct'cation of a development district, recommends that the Ulysses Town Board den:/ app~oval of the proposed distrir.t. The Planning Bo ard suggests that, given ~~n size o f the unit the Woodens are considering, its type of co~struction, and exterior appearance, t':1at this structurE') be 100/:06 vt as a 11 pre-built" home, and be view~(! ~s· comparable to ~ mod~.!l.;n-home. In disc.ussio:-1 between the Chairman o ..; the PL1".1nin·;j Boar( and Mr. Golder. Town Attorney, it was agr~ed that certain specific requirements designed to distinguish modular ho!i'!es from rnol')ile hooes (e.g. arrival in section~) probably reflected th~ "state of tl:e art" at th(:' tim0 the ordinance was drafted. and may nc longer aciecru c:1t ely distinguish a "pre-1»J.l t" home from a mo'hile home. /.:,./ ~esoectfull~ submitted, ( ~ ' •. . ' tt..• C._.1-\ t:. 'l.. • ...... lfA!·fES 1.-. WARREU ~hairman, Planninq Board TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD 15 April 1980 Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. in Town Hall. Members present: Winton Baines, Burel Lane, Budd Stover, James Warren, Thomas Gorman, John Huttar, Robert Weatherby; also present: Supervisor Bruce M. Payne, A. Beers. The first order of business was theselection of officers for the Planning Board. Mr. Warren was selected as chairman, Mr. Weatherby as vice-chairman and Mr. Huttar as secretary. The next item of business was the consideration of the Town Zoning map and the Official Town map. Mr. Payne had provided the Board with road name changes which should be incorporated on the two maps - which would not necessarily be the same for each map. One question was asked -Falls Street within the vill~ge -is it officially maintained by the village as a dead-end street? (The Planning Aoard will be advised that Falls Street is ~ village maintained dead-end street). Mr. Lane moved the Planning Board approve the changes for the Zoning map as well as the changes for the Official Town Map. Mr. Baines seconded the motion, voted and carried. (cony of changes required attached.) The Town Board will have to schedule a public hearing for the changes to the Official Town map. The ~eeting then adjourned for a short p eriod of time. * * * Mr. Warren re-convened the meeting at 8:15 p.m. in the Town Hall. Present: Planning Board members Winton Baines, Burel Lane, Thomas Gorman, John Huttar, Robert Heatherby and Mr. Warren. Absent: Mr. Stover. Mr. Warren asked the Board to consider the application of Beach and Catherine Stover for a Planned Development District on their property located on Gorge Road. Supplied with the Stover application was a map, and Environmental Assessment form, a sound level report submitted by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Safety Engineer, and petitions favoring the District signed by 343 residents or property holders in the Township. After considerable discussion of the application the Board decided it needed more information relative to the ~polication. Mr. Gorman moved the following: That the Planning Board direct Mr. and Mrs. Stover to provide accurate scale drawings and descriptions o f the proposed buildi·ngs in the District, the proposed use of such buildings, the exact location of such buildings within the proposed District, and the proposed access roads to such buildings, such information as required oy the Town Zoning Ordinance for Planned Development Districts. - Ulysses Planning Bd 4-15-80 p2 Mr. Weatherby seconded the motion, voted and carried unanimously. The Planning Board then decided a public meeting should be set, after the additional material is available to them, with the following persons present: members of the Planning Board, Mr. and Mrs. Stover and their attorney Wally Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. John Gill and their attorney, Martin Luster, the Town Attorney Arthur Golder, Jr., and Gary Evans of the Tompkins County Planning Board. Meeting then adjourned at 10 p.m. I ~ HN HUTTAR, sec. TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD 15 May 1980 Planning Board met in Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. Present: James Warren, Burel Lane, Tom Gorman. Absent: Winton Baines, Robert Weatherby, John Huttar. Present but abstaining: Budd Stover, who disqualified himself in the Stover case per his letter to Bruce M. Payne, Supervisor, dated 14 April 1980. Also present: Carl Cox, Zoning Officer, Earl Richar, Virginia Burns, John Gill, Seville Reulein, Mr. and Mrs. Beach Stover, their a~torney Wally Wiggins, as ~ell as others. (Mr. Martin Luster, attorney for John Gill, came in late. Purpose of the meeting: for the Planning Board to discuss between its members only the Stover request fox. a .. p:roposed Authorized Development District", dated 8 April 1980. Mr. Warren stated at the opening of the meeting that this was not a Public Hearing and that those Board members present could discuss the proposal among themselves. He also regretted the fact that the full Board was not present. No act i on was taken. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. A. Beers, acting sec. :1 I ! i • ! Present: TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD NOTES 17 June 80 Fiser, Warren, Lane, Weatherby, Gorman (A Beera) J 71 --------·--·-·-----·--~· i terns to -cons1der-'fn r·ecomine-nda tio·n.-·to -·Town····Boa-rd --.. ·------. ··---·····-· ·----- --------·----~--------l •.. treatment -~of -posts) precautions re: --drainage systems,-···-&---··- '-type of treatment in accordance with DEC requirements ·-·--t-··----"'2.··· noise: recommend power source be moved to east side of sawmill shed or within building: get clarification ·· ···----···-----··-·----· ------· p·f power source( recommend planting of ·trees· ·between -·------·-· --·· ;. sawmill building and property line ---------,,., ___ .____________ ----. --"'-----~-----· ·-·····---·· . -,.._.._ -·------------............ ___ .. -·.--~·#···----· ··-·--- 3. recommend entrance road be located 75 feet from -·--·-----· ·--. ---··-·---prope·rty 1:"ine-··---·--·---·······-·-· ---·--······-·----······ -·----··-··-····-· ··-···-· ·-·-·--·······--·· ······· :: . P·s --considering only ··present-·"building structures · and holse --1·eve1. ·· -·-·· -- ····-----·---·-·---··--·Lwarren asked "Mr.-----Yiser""to ··act as-secretary of -PB ·re:·· minutes ···--·-------- ;Arrange public meeting (more o r less) for 30 June with Mr. ·------------· .. -;--stover ·present ·· --·· ·--· ··-·-· ·······---····--· --· · --· · ··· ,., -··--·· · · · · ··------· __ .... ·· -.. . , ., ;. ;_ ------·AB _________ ·-··-·· ---·---... ----·-------- ·---------- ·-~-·-···---· -----··-----------·-------··---·-----·---·-·--·-·---··-· -·--· ------- ·--------.L.·-·- 1 -·-·-------· ------- -----------------·-----·---------- TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD Minutes 30 June l980 Planning Board Chairman James Warren called meeting to order at B p.m. in the Town Hall. Also present: Planning Board members Burel Lane, Robert Weatherby, Thomas Gord.man, Webb Fiser, absent -Winton Baines. Member Budd Stover had previously disassociated himself from decisions of the Board relative to the Stover Development District -which was the subject of this meeting. Also present: M. Beach Stover, Catherine Stover, Budd Stover, their attorney Walter Wiggins, John Gill, Elaine Gill, their attorney, Martin Luster. Topic of the meeting: application for a Development District requested by M. Beach and Catherine Stover, submitted 8 April 1980. Mr. Warren read through the proposal in its entirety. Questions, comments and discussion occured at various points. In response to a question from Mr. Lane, Mr. Stover said there would be no chemical discharge or odor from the lumber treatment process proposed. Mr. Stover also said that there would be an enclosed power .unit for the saw mill but was unable to say when it would be ready. He also asserted that present equipment sales were very small, that there were no plans to extend the sales operation. There will be no show room or display area. There was discussion of means of reducing the noise level and improving the aesthetics of the operation . A wood barrier is apparently immediately possible. A planting of evergreens b y the Stovers along the Gill property lines was acceptable to all. It was agreed that there should be some limitation on the hours of operation . Also, log storage should be at least 75 feet from both the property lines and the road. Also, both the buildings and the access road should be 7 5 feet from the property lines. Mr. Luster stated that permitting the operation opens the door to commercial and light industrial activi t ies in other residential areas. In particular he felt that the Stover operation had a negative impact on the quality of the neighborhood . The Gi l ls have a property appraisal indicating a substantial reduction in the value of their property. After discussion of the relation of the proposal to the criteria specified in the Zoning Ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Lane and seconded by Mr. Weatherby that the Planning Board approve the Stover proposal subject to the restrictions and limitations discussed during the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. It was agreed that the Chairman would write the report to the Town Board and would seek the approval of the report from the individual members of the Planning Board before submitting it to the Town Board. The first Tuesday of each month was set as the regular meeting day of the Planning Board, beginning 5 August 1980. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. /,(µti/ .f' ~A_, ~ Webb s. Fiser i Secretary J TOWN OF ULYSSES Joint Meeting ULYSSES TOWN BOARD and TOWN PLANNING BOARD 22 October 1979 Present at meeting: Town Board members Supervisor Bruce M. Payn~, Council- men William Agard, Robert Herrick, William Smith, J. Frederick Allen: Town Attorney Arthur Golder Jr; Town·Zoninq Officer Mary S.·Slade; Planning Board members David Langley, chairman, John Huttar, James Warren, Winton Baines. Absent: Town Clerk Marilyn Ough, Planning Board members·Thomas Gell, Robert Weatherby, Thomas Gorman. Also present A Beers, sec. pro-tern. Mr. Payne called meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in Town Hall. The purpose of the ~eeting was to permit the Town Attorney Golder to delineate for the Planning Board members scope of functions of that body. Mr. Payne turned the meeting over to Mr. Golder. Mr. Golder opened his remarks with an explanation of the State "open meetings law", as revised on October 1, 1979, indicating the Planning Board could discuss certain matters in an "executive session" but that no decisions could be made at such a session but must be made during a public meeting. Mr. Golder also advised the group that the Planning Board was not required to reach a decision on any case•before them on a ''time limit" basis but that they could defer decision on a case until they had had an opportunity to study in greater detail the ramifications of a case where they believed this to be warrant•d. Mr. Langley iterated the various questions the Planning Board had to consider in reaching a determination. One of these was "personal need" of an applicant vs the "community need". Mr . Golder said the Planning Board could always request permission from the Town Board to seek and hire professional help in determining a Planning Board decision. He also expounded on the legal requirements for an environmental impact statement 'U',"lcl er provisions Of the St~hA l::aw AUQn +'hn11,..'h +.l-..n ni.·----m--·-n---~ 11-5-79 t%1 NOTES JOINT MEETING between Frank Liguori, Gary Evans and Harry Missirian of County Planning office, Bruce M. Payne, William Agard,·J. Frederick Allen of Ulysses Town Board, Mary Slade, Ulysses Zoning Officer, Carl Cox, deputy Zoning Officer, Arthur Golder, Jr. Town Attoryney, A. Beers, sec· for Town Board and BZA. Mr. Liguori opened discussion relative to Beach Stover request for a Planned Development District for his property on Gorge Road. He outlined restrictions which might apply to property in question re the Stover request, saying it was the County Planning Board 1 s opinion the property would fall under the Type I action of SEQR which would possibly require an environmental impact statement since the land area in question is 80 acres. He said they believed a smaller tract of land involved in the request would be better. The County office personnel visited the site, found locations on the 80 acres which they believed more suitable for the location of the mill itself, that they believed the mill could be moved without great expense, that the current mill site, while not really a wetlands area, was of the kind to be considered nearly so. Mr. Evans said alternate locations were possible on the 80 acres which would satisfy all parties concerned and the Town could make a statement that. an environmental impact statement would no longer be needed -if acreage smaller that the 80 in the r equest could be used. The Planning Board believed the best solution would be to work with Stover for another location of the mill, but still allow the operation to continue. It might be best for the Town to suggest meeting with Stover to select a new site which would eliminate the complaints of the Gills. Questioned about the rest of the operations Stover listed in his application , Mr. Liguori said they did not consider that -just the saw mill operation. Mr. Golder asked how big the entire operation should be, indicating the application was such that the business operation in addition to the saw mill could expand to another Ag-way type. It was the concensus that the Town Board would have to establish limits as to the extent of the entire operation to be p erm i tted. The County P l anning Board wil l help Stover prepare a site plan for the relocation of the saw mill, that the 80 acre request needs to be cut down to size - a few acres. Mr. Golder said the Town Planning Boa r d and the Town Board could (and should) ask for specific d efinitions of the proposed business activity. The approach should be made through Mr. Stover's attorney. Mr. Missirian said the Town and Planning Board should view the matter with the future development of the area in consideration ; that the Town Board should consider this in relation to the rest of the acreage in the Town. Mr. Payne suggested Mr. Golder contact the Stover attorney for steps to be taken to resolve the problem. Mr. Liguori said a time limit of say 6 months could be set for the resolution of the problem and site relocation. All agreed that there is a need in the County and the Town for a saw mill operation. Mr. ~iguori ~aid action might not sa~ify Gills but will give the Town leqal backing for its action. Mr. Golder is ~o draft a letter to be sent to s~over. ~ .. r=--~riir1: CblJ ... c.i· tc '..).:".'u'-:··· ~·~. ?::..;.;,: .:~· .. , t.~ ... ~!"tai::.·j~.,ar~ .;a~':-~ ~.a.~·:·'-:(;. C:tJ·2~... ::-1& i:i.r1 i : .. £.. ..:.. va; ·{ · .:.~2·-" ·~·i:: .. c r i:).:. ·~ s ~ :·· .. t.: ::::U(.; <l ~· tvv e ..::· • .:·. o tc_~·t. ~·::t-..:.tn~~.! l:-s. ~ ...... i·~· 1 Le. .. r ·· .. iilf-;} ,.-:..::·r::·~,-·.·:~t. .. : ..l;.:.l"'~}::f· ~a~7 J;f-, 'v:illiJ;t_: S!T: i ti·:: .. . :;i;.F~t. .S":>~;HJ.\~:-::."; ...r&:'l:l .. ~~ .. ..::t:;'--~ _vf::pkir..~ ·-O~~:ty _·E;partl:..9:r;t 0~·· ~-1~!'!2._t t:.._; f:f·~s·-;·jt ~8t~-··ial C·/~ .: .. 104-):· ilB.iL. ~~BPf~~~!2, 8.:·:c... :i'lE...:c.:c.::~:.:,.jC(:. ar.(: S .;.t.c i v·J..s·~v_.. C·6;,J.lati011. _ lu:)r:, r-tc. l::i~tor;v: .! ht ~ ecer&1 sove~:nmiSnt, finding that: 1 t hao OP."fl 't·o·c.r' pro·-ij.:.iir_,:_. •• ~,.;. •• f;.{n!'i.ir:c.. fol const.::·u.ctioL in so::.~<: arF.a~ p "(..~i1·;; t~:: tloo<l i.nf ac; L·ede:?:·al 1'€ lief afte!~ flood i:r~. occ J.rreC::. bega.r. ':'ons id E ring means to d iscu;,.;,ra£F. building in such !lood hazard areas. lh6 1~72 floo~ing caused by t~~rlcanf Agnes precipitated the establ1Sh$e~t of a. feC.e.rall:r s;.;,bsidized flood 1nsu:rance pro~.!"ar:i. lhE-1n1 tlal. energenc;.< s.J.bs1C.y p:?:"ogram providea !!!ace flood 1nsu:-anc6 avails.tlc to all p:::-operty owners in s. d esi g:n.a te~ m·,mi c i pal 1 ty , tut at a Ufiif o!'rr:. rate wi'l i cri iEnore~ actual risk a~ e give~ site. 1t was int.end.ee trta"'.' iurtr.e,,~. de'!,a1lea napping. would :.c..e-ntify spf:'·c1fic floo:. ;isk a:reas. a.no that T..r1ese areas wo:..llci. then be subject :'..;,:. ··,,rario~s !"estrlctions in tne zoning crdinancE. hit~ building 1n thee~ arAas restricted, ~lysses woulc be abl ? t~ participat~ in tne 'reg~lart flood ins-...c..rance proc-r '-·~J ., a!1c.1 all thos'::. propE:-rt1 ~:.:, c'Llt- sicie of tr1e 1dent1!'i·?' ,;.azarc areas wo.;.ld have rec'lcec. flood insurance rates. Today: ThE initial mappin~_ o~·· trie 'low-:·. o:' ulysses was co:cpleted a m.u:~be.z· of yea!·~ ago. howevet. :-"ederal fund ir:.g for fur the:· map~!n2;, accord.lne: to ._:;ary :::_vans, appears tc havf.-rur. '0',l \, ·v 1L '. many ou:nic1palit1es- l.:lysses !nc.luded-no::. ha\: ln~ a.etaile.d maps. In orde!" for i.ilysses to ":>ene:'i t : .::o:· ·:n'~ recuced r&tes whicr, wo;;,ld b€ ava.1 lable t;: !W ·-.;; .:-<:;-::'l aer.ts u.ncie: tne l'€gu.la.r program the =:·own ::rJ.st :1 t rv• · prociuce a map o:i its own, 1a.e::;tifying flood tjaza ··~ H.P~S . o~: co!'ltract witL sc1 €:-lf"in?.e!'ing f1ro fo:· ·:ie~~:1~1.. S.J.rveying e.nG ma_;,plng. Gary Svans s~ggestec th&~ ~n 1nc~easeti accuracJ 01 a de:tailec:. :map wo:.;.lc :"lo: ~ ... .-~·c L 'y t::ie cost to th·:." .;,ow:-. ~'or a::: outs1ce cons..1.ltra ;·;. .. r'.?.:.;·, i!"1C..1catec t.nat a;. approxima t,e. map co;.{h ~-p~ -ra--~G ·cy the cour:t;r .rla~~r~ing _1€p&:-tnE.nt !'ro.~::. i!"1fcrma.t i o ab·eac y ~athE·.red. and that. tins -2- map woulc be suff 1c1ent as a bas1s foT the restriction of building in flood nazard areas. The Board asked G.Evans to precede with the drawing of a:-i. approxireate map fo r the Town of Jlysses. Subd1v1s1on: G. r. vans-·1ne power t o reyiew subdivisions has been spec1!1cally delegated to Mun 1c1pal1t1es by the state. en tne state level, suoolv1s1on 1s regu lated through 1) the 1./.Y.S. health Lept., 11} the ...; . .s .c ., a.~c.i iii) the ~eal ?rope~t Law ( regulating s~bd1v1ders) • .At the co"J.nty level, the T·ompkins county .health .;..1ept. does have B set of subd.ivision regulations, but thess are. concerned wi tr. matters of environmental hea.ltk •. e.g. water supply, waste disposal. i'hese regulations apply onl:v to S;J.bdivisions ~1th lots of less than f'i·,;e aC:!'cS. J>.unic 1pal1 ties, be in~· cnarg""d w1 th a conce:-n for the public healtr1 1 sarety. and general well being, n:.ay ad.opt regulations req_uiring rtU!1icipal rev1e:w of propose,<; s..ibdivision.s. Suc.h .r·eviev; may involve a number of co;1s id e:-a ti o~s such as general layout, ct.cainageway s. ex1stin£ character· of t.hi::. nei£hborhood. ana compatabili ty with any r:unicipal c.or:lpre.h~nsive plan . .;a1·:~ _vanE state< t:nat a (oor: sE:t o:· ~odc1 s.lbciv1.~<i;.;:. n ... ,Jc.tL ·: .!':8.~ t~<:L ~:~blisr.r=·C t~· t.hr Sta~.~. Ol •.. ew Y:.J!A, 1' 1 V' ! . ~.... s ~. :-;,-·t .Y -s t e f. ,: :.:.1 <. t 1' ~.. tr: e 1 r· a c c ;· t i ~ ! . . ~ &. :.. · :_-.- c 0. • .. ' .. : tnr:t: ~ ly ss~s o.;·1c the .·illagE: of '.1..:::·:..u::ar..s1:;:..t:rg ar~ -er: 0~11;· zo:'1E?.(' ounicipali ti es ir: tn{;. county vH:icb ha ~1 c not. ad opted subdi vi si or1 regula t1on.s. It was suggested that the Jlysses :own board discuss thls topi c at their next meet1n8. i·,o tion to aujo:..irr,-~·,. ;,.,eathe.rby . .Second-.t,. Lane. f·;eet ing: acJou~n~d 9:1) .-. ?espectfully sub~i~t~u. Jar:es warren, .::u:..:: .. Ulysse~ ?~annin~ £oar~ '·• ''-TEl'I .J, WIOGIN._ ANU[V· T8API& Aft I ~UA .J. GO~E"A, .JJlt. LAURA H. H01-"4GEIOCil PAVIO .. OER8H : JAMIC• M •. KICfOllCilAN Mr . Bruce Payne WIGGINS,. TSAPIS, GOLDER AND HOLMBERG ATTORNS:YS ANO COUNSE:L.ORS AT L.AW 308 NORTH TIOGA STR&:a:T lTHACA. N. Y •. H8'l ~. '*1-"''~"' V""!'"). 'i.."' •. .'t~ ......... :.. ~ 'J ,,d Tltl..JCPHONS IAPlllCA CODI: IS071 •THACA "'"' :ii·ao"'o TRUMAN•&UlllO ae7-e:ii•t Mf\R 23 lS7Z March 22, 1972 Supervisor, Town of Ulysses Town Offices Trumansburg, New York Dear Bruce: Re: Planning Board and Amendment of Zoning Ordina nee At our meeting on March 14, 1972, two questions were left with me for research, as follows; l) the procedure to: the appointment of members to the 'anning Boa.rd and their terms; and 2) the exact procedure for amending the .... oning ordinance. With reference to the Planning Board, Town Law Section 271 governs the procedure. It provides that the Town Board may appoint a Planning Board of 5-7 members. If there are five members, t '.e y a re appointed for terms of office as follows: ,. l member 1 term of offl.C1" 1 member 1 term of offlc<:• 1 member, term of office 1 member 1 term of office l member 1 term of off ice 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years and successors are appointed for five y~a r te r~1s . L ~here are seven members, the scheme is the same: the 6th me;n oer .s dµpo .nter. br 6 years, and the 7th for 7 years, and the successors are a;>;:l0i ~1 t ec! for 7 year terms,. As a vacancy occurs, other than b y explra~bn of office, the Town Board fills tn.e unexpired term. Neither the Tow n Super v isor nor a Town Councilman may be on the Planning Board. -2- With regard to the dee is ions made by the Planning Board during the time they were serving expired terms, Section 5 of the Public Officers Law reads as follows: "Every officer •••. sha lL ••• hold over and continue to discharge the duties ( of his off ice, a ft er the expira ti~n of the term for w h.ich he s ha 11 have be en chosen, until his successor shall be chosen and qualified." "An appointment for a term shortened by reason of a predecessor holding over, s ha 11 be for the residue of the term only." The validity of Planning Board action taken while a merriber was "holding over" after his term had expired was upheld in Waters v. Connor, 11 Misc. 2d 174, 16S _NYS 2d 526. It appears, therefore, that Planning Board actions can be assumed to be valid. ( I would suggest that . the expired terms be immediately filled and that a resolutk>ri. be ·passed by the Town Board confirming the action ta~en by the Planning Boaru during the expired period involved. The procedure to amend the zoning ordinance is governed by Town Law ..,ection 264, and ls as follows: I A; 10 days' notice ·of time and place of hearing published in paper of general circulat.ion in the town. B. Written notice of any proposed change. or amendment affecting property within 500 feet of the boundaries of any city, village, town, county, state park or parkway to the regional .state pa r k commission with jurisdiction over state park or park.way; in case_ of a city, village or town to the cier~ in the case of a county to the clerk of the board of supervisors at least 10 days prior to the hearing. II Public hearing Entered in minutes of Town Board. III Publication in newspaper published in town or county (Town Board designates) of amendment (but not map.s). IV Postin_g of amendment and any map incorporated therein on sign board maintained by town clerk. v Affidavits of publication and posting filed with town Clerk. VI Ordinance to take effect 10 days· after publication and posting. ! .. -3- If we plan to have a public informational meeting prior to the required public hearing, I suggest that we take steps to immediately· set up that meeting and to give at least l 0-20 days 1 notice in the newspapers and news media to all residents that the zoning ordinance has not been completed and is available for inspection, together with the proposed map.· You sho11.l d also tell them where this can be done and I would assume that the meeting room of the Town Hall would be appropriate. Finally, I am enclosing he.rewith. the mobile home ordinance which appears to be in order. l think it would be appropriate for us to discuss the manner in which I will be billing the Tqwn for the services rendered, and the rates of pay. Please give me a call at your convenience for this purpose. Kine est regards I I remain ST:mp r or,-? 3 '"-'1• ~ ,,, 1:i -i.:'lt ~~ Respectfully yours, STANLEY TSAPIS ... ' .. ...... , TOWN OF ULYSSES 10 EL.M STREET TRUMANSBURG, N.Y. 14886 Mr. Roger J. Williacs 1843 Trumansburg Roud Jacksonville, NeN YorJ~ Dear hoger: 23 June 1983 Be advised that th ~ Ulysses Town Boar~ has accepted your resignatio'.:: !ro-· the Planning Board with r egret. Fleas~ accept the Town Board's appreciation for your efforts in behal7' of the Town. l::/b Sincerely, ~ RICP.ARD E. BACKER Supervisor March 9, 1983 Marilyn E. Ough Town Clerk Town of Ulysses Box 446 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 Truman sburg , NY 14886 ~ G 16cJ. i{( ,~!3) - Re: Positive Declaration of Environmental Significance for Revisions to Town of Ithaca Subdivision Regulations Dear Affected Agency: On March 15, 1983, the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca resolved that the proposed revision of the Town Subdivision Regu lations was an environmentally significant Type I action under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and that a Dra ft Environ.mental Impact Statement should be prepared in conjunction with the proposed revisions. The Plann ing Board intends to act as the lead agency in this environmental review. You have been identified a=::. an involved or affected agency and the Planning Board would appreciate your cooperation and advic e in thi s review process. Your agency will be be informed prior to a "scoping" session which will be scheduled for later in the spring. If you have any questions regarding this environmental review, the proposed subdivision regulations, or the Planning Board's designation as lead agency, please call or write to the Town of Ithaca offices. Sincerely // /; /.">,Z l~/j'. ) . ·' ,., . ., ·j/ ~,t .... ( r Peter M. Lovi Town Planner I f , /~ , •' llCllVID MAR 1O1983 lOWN OF ULYSSES .. ___ .... .,n SEQR Positive Declaration Notice of Intent to Prepare a Draft EIS Determination of Significance le&d Agency: Town of Ithaca· Planning Board Address: 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca, NY 14850 . Proj_ect #(if any)------ Date: March 9, 1983 3 ·1980 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 (and lqcal taw # · ' . . if any} of the imple- menting regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review) of the Environ· mental Conservation Law. The lead agency has determined that the proposed act ion described below may hav~ a signifi· cant effect on the environment and that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared. Title of Action: Revision of the Town of Ithaca Subdivision Regulations SEQR Status: . Type I Unlisted Descdptron of Action: ~ D The first c omprehensive revision of the Town Subdivision Regulations since their adoption in 1955. Location: (Include the name of the county and town. A location map of appropriate scale is also recommended) Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County (Attach additional pages bS needed) C-14 ( ( ( SEQR Positive Dec1aration Pege2 Reasons Supporting This Detcrmf nation: This Generic Environmental Impact Statement will enable the Planning Board to consider the comprehensive impact of developments within the Town which would otherwise fall below .the thresholds set by SEQRA and Local Law,: #3, 1980. For Further Information: Contact Person: Address: Phone No.: Peter M. Lovi, Town Planner 126 E a st Seneca St., I thaca, NY 14850 (607) 273-1747 Copies of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner -Department of Environmen t al Conservatio1,, 5 0 Wolf Road , Albany, New York 12233-0001 Appropriate Regional Office of the Department of Environ m e n ~a l Conservation Office of the Chief Executive Officer of the political subdivision in which i.hc action will be princi- pally located Main office and appro priate region al off1ce (if any) of lead agency App!ic.ant (if any) All other Involved agencies (if any) Tompkins County Planning Department Tompkins County Health Department Town of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals NYS Department of Transportation , Regional Off.::..\,;e City of Ithaca Town of Lansing Village of Lansing Village of Cayuga Heights Town of Dryden Town of Danby Town of Enfield Town of Ulysses Finger Lakes State Park Commission ! I ! ;f t 'l I I : l : ~ • ADOPTED BY THE PLANNING BOARD 2/15/83 Page 1 RESOLUTION MAKING A DETERMINATION OF POSITIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE PURSUANT TO THE NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT FOR THE REVISION OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS WHEREAS: 1. the Planning Board has begun the revision of the present Town of Ithaca subdivision regulations, and 2. the Planning Board has reviewed the long Environmental Assessment Form, and 3. such revisions are a direct, Type I action as defined by SEQRA and Town of Ithaca Local Law #3 -1980, and 4. such revisions will have an effect on permitted land uses within the Town of Ithaca, and 5. a comprehensive environmental assessment should be made prior to the revision of these regulations, and 6. the Planning Board should act as the lead agency in this SEQR review, THEREFORE 9 I~ IS RESOLVED THAT: l. The Planning Board declare and hereby does declare that the revision of the subdivision regulations is a Type I action and tha t a positive declaration of significance shall be filed with the Town Board as an affected agency. SR res 021583