HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-09-TB-FINAL-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses January 9, 2018 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town’s website and clerk’s board. ATTENDANCE: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas Board members- Michael Boggs, Rich Goldman, Nancy Zahler, John Hertzler Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Bookkeeper- Nina Thompson Highway Superintendent- Dave Reynolds OTHERS PRESENT: Eagle Scout candidate Jacob McAvoy and other troop members CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. PRESENTATION ON CEMETARY PROJECT Eagle Scout candidate Jacob McAvoy shared a power point presentation on his headstone restoration project in the Quaker Cemetery on the corner of Perry City and Jacksonville Roads. He repaired about 25 uprooted, broken and buried stones. His presentation detailed the process and products used. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2018-30: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for January 9, 2018 with the addition of an organizational meeting discussion, personnel policy changes, extension of contract with Randall & West, and an executive session. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 2 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Boy Scout Henlon Hall shared information about his own cemetery project, where he created an on- line map of the cemetery and then plotted the burials sites of veterans. Each plot is clickable and links to more information about the veteran. REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: (none) RENEWAL OF RANDALL + WEST CONTRACT RESOLUTION 2018-31: AUTHORIZATION TO RENEW RANDALL + WEST CONTRACT RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the supervisor to sign the contract with fees up to $7000. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler abstain Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 TOWN REPORTS: (see appendix) NEW BUSINESS: CONSIDER PURCHASE OF TRACTOR FOR HIGHWAY DEPT. RESOLUTION 2018-32: AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN LETTER OF INTENT TO PURCHASE HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign a letter of intent to purchase the following equipment from O'Hara Machinery, Inc. through the National Joint Purchasing Association as recommended by the Ulysses Highway Superintendent: • 2018 John Deere 5100E Utility tractor for $53,138.06 • 2018 Tiger SMF-SDB Mid-Mount Side Flail 75” head mower for $25,420 Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye 3 Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT RESOLUTION 2018-33: SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to write a letter of support for the project that the Sustainability Committee wants to move forward. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 OLD BUSINESS: WORK PLAN 2018 Ms. Thomas distributed the results of the work plan survey given to Town Board members. The board discussed who would take the lead on the items that had the highest ratings. RECOGNIZING HOURS OF THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION 2018-34: HOURS OF THE HIGHWAY DEPT. BE IT RESOLVED that the hours for the Town Highway Department, set by the Town Highway Superintendent, are 7am-3:30pm from Nov.1 to March 31 and 6:30am-3pm from April 1 to Oct. 31. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler absent (briefly stepped out of the room) Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 AUTHORIZATION FOR TOWN SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CLEANING CONTRACT 4 RESOLUTION 2018-35: AUTHORIZATION FOR TOWN SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CLEANING CONTRACT BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the cleaning contract. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 ACCEPTANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION 2018-36 ACCEPTANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING RESOLUTIONS: Ms. Thomas moved to accept the organizational meeting resolutions as the final version. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 PERSONNEL POLICY DISCUSSION Ms. Thomas distributed suggested clarifications to the personnel policy. The board and Mr. Reynolds discussed. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (none) MONTHLY BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLUTION 2018-37: APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 12/12/17 BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the minutes of 12/12/17 for the public hearing and regular meeting. 5 Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler abstain Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLUTION 2018-38: BUDGET MODIFICATIONS BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the following budget modifications: A FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS A5132.4 Town Barn CE INCREASE $1,300.00 To increase budget for projected excess needed to cover year end bills A9060.8 Health Insurance DECREASE $1,300.00 To transfer excess budget available to CE account - actual was under budget Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 PRE-APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC CONTRACTS FOR 2018 RESOLUTION 2018-39: PRE-APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC CONTRACTS FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES IN 2018 WHEREAS the Town Board passed resolution 2017-223 on December 12, 2017, and WHEREAS the contract amount for BAS was incorrect, RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign contracts and make the updated payment amounts in 2018 for the following services: Entity Estimated Contract Amount for 2018 Contract not to Exceed Amount for 6 2018 American Legion (Assistance for Veterans) $475 $500 BAS software annual agreement for water billing $675 BAS software annual agreement for clerk program $600 Cemetery and Jacksonville Park Mowing $3,300 & $2500 $7,000 Community Science Institute $6,067 $6,500 Cooperative Extension (Youth Programming) $48,346 $49,000 Engineering - MRB See rate schedule Not to exceed rate schedule. Foodnet $2,250 $2,500 Gadabout $2,000 $2,500 General Code $10,000 $10,000 Landscaping By the hour $3500 Lifelong $1000 $1000 Ulysses Historical Society $700 $750 Stormwater Coalition $1500 $1600 Trumansburg Senior Citizens $850 $850 Tompkins County Recreation Partnership $7,887 $8,000 Tompkins County Animal Control $18,134 $19,000 Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts $3,000 $3,000 Trumansburg Community Recreation $2,500 $2,500 Town Hall – Mainstay - Plumbing, electric and heating (As needed) Tompkins County Soil & Water $50/hr $52/hr Utilities – electric and gas contract Ulysses Philomathic Library $16,000 $16,000 Williamson Law – Accounting Software $998 $1,200 Williamson Law Book- Tax Glance software program $125 Up to $200 Village of Trumansburg Police Contract $0 $0 Winterfest $1,000 $1,000 Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler abstain Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS 7 RESOLUTION 2018-40: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims for 2017 vouchers #635-672 in the amount of $67,096.07; and 2018 vouchers #1-20 in the amount of $45,620.81 for a grand total of $112,716.88. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler aye Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 1/9/18 ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25pm; seconded by Ms. Zahler. APPENDIX: TOWN REPORTS: PLANNING/ZONING- Submitted by Ms. Kiley Planning Board At the 12/19 meeting, the Planning Board approved the cost estimate for a planting plan at the Jacksonville/Agard Rd solar project. In order to receive a certificate of compliance for the project, the site plan components must be completed, however a row of trees has not been planted south of the solar array, so the applicant must deposit a check for the cost of the plantings. The money will be returned to the applicant when the planting is complete. The Planning continued to work on the Moore’s development district language and passed a resolution recommending to the Town Board that the revised language be approved. The Planning Board also passed a resolution regarding data used for the draft zoning. The draft 12/19 meeting minutes are attached. At the 1/2/18 meeting, the Planning Board discussed the draft zoning language. Board of Zoning Appeals On December 20th, the BZA approved a height variance request for the addition of two cupolas on an accessory building on Perry City and Dubois Rds – the request was for three cupolas. The BZA approved a number of setbacks on Lake St Extension for the replacement of a house. Grants Zoning Updates Grant – Comment period for draft zoning language extended from 1/11 until 1/25; ZUSC will be meeting with representatives from boards/committees on 1/18. 8 Clean Energy Communities – Waiting on response from NYSERDA on grant application. Other Meetings/Issues Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO) – Working with Cornell staff to submit an Engaged Cornell grant to support a watershed summit for municipalities and agencies. ITCTC – 12/19: the joint meeting of the Planning and Policy Committees approved several mobility grants and amended funding sources for a couple projects. HIGHWAY: Shared by Mr. Reynolds • signed FEMA papers to get reimbursed $11,200.53 for March storm • managed about 15 snow events with minor equipment problems • hauled stone for 2018 projects • worked on brush chipper to bring it up to safety code • researched quotes for new tractor TOWN CLERK- submitted by Ms. Parlato LICENSES/PERMITS issued: # Sporting licenses 4 Disabled parking permits 5 Dog licenses and renewals 54 Marriage licenses 1 Plumbing permits 0 Address assignments 0 Notarizations 4 FOIL requests-completed 0 CLERK’s OFFICE TASKS: • Routine tasks: o Notarizations o Ordered supplies o Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail o Answered inquiries on various topics o Took and wrote up meeting minutes o Kept website current o Sent listserv messages to residents (~2/month) o Mailed and posted dog licenses; issued tickets as needed o Assist other departments when possible o Update health/dental insurance info for staff as needed • Organize annual staff meeting • Take town car for servicing at Maguire TAX COLLECTION TASKS: FINANCIAL REPORT: $1002. TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $775.87 stays in the town $226.13 goes to the state 9 • Prepare for tax season • Create 2018 tax information brochure for residents • Respond to many inquiries regarding federal tax code changes • Collected $817,000- 4 times the usual amount of December collections WATER DISTRICT TASKS: • Work with Water District Operator to do quarterly meter reads • Create and mail bills • Update water usage and water testing spreadsheets RECORDS MANAGEMENT TASKS: • Continue with mass scanning of building plans into Laserfiche for easier access and storage. Scanning is being done through the County Clerk’s office. COMMITTEES/ASSOCIATIONS: • Health Consortium- no December meeting CODE ENFORCEMENT: Submitted by Tom Myers Building Permits issued 106 Plan Reviews 83 Certificate of Occupancy issued 23 Certificate of Compliance issued 60 Complaints Received 38 Complaints Resolved 31 Inspections (Footers, Foundations, Plumbing, Insulation, roofing, Pools, Etc.) 503 New Site Inspections 95 Building Review Consultations (pre-plan meetings, Future Building/Remodeling) 127 Fire Safety Inspections 52 Code Training Seminars 4 County Assessment Report 14 Open property in violation cases 0 Property violations resolved 13 Value of Permits issued in 2017: $7,682,396 Building Permit fees collected for 2017: $22,690 SUPERVISOR REPORT – Submitted by Ms. Thomas Energy • TCCOG Energy Task Force – write up minutes, prepare agenda, chair meeting. • LED light conversion – answer questions from other municipalities. 10 Sidewalks • Safe Routes to School sidewalk final work before breaking for the winter. • Review landscaping plan for Town Hall with experts Water Districts • WD3: o prepare progress report for last quarter of 2017. o Meet with Dept of Health to discuss TTHMs in WD3 • WD-Falls Road – discuss remaining details before meeting with residents. Initiate time to meet with residents. Zoning update • Chair Zoning Update Steering Committee • Prepare information for ZUSC meetings. • Answer many questions about new zoning. • Compile comments on zoning as they come in. • Read through Planning Board, BZA and Ag Committee comments and resolutions. Other • Reconcile difference in levy with County Assessment. • Stormwater inspection with Stormwater Officer on open permit. • Prepare approval of pay rates for Town Board approval. • Falls Road water district – review process with MRB and begin organization of meeting. • Pay period reconciliations for 2018. • Interview with professor from Albany about hydrofracking ban work done in Tompkins County. • Finalize Organizational Meeting information. Ask board members if they are willing to continue, double check details in resolutions. Send out to TB, conduct OM meeting. • Analyze sales tax numbers over time and write article for listserv along with reminder about posting signs on roadways. • Personnel Policy – interpret for overtime/holidays/call-in pay/etc. • Finish Work Plan ratings for 2018 • Highway Obstruction Ordinance – work on with Mariette. • Development District – Moore’s- review Meetings and Training 12/12 – Town Board meeting 12/13 – Health Department – water district 3 12/14 – TCCOG 12/21 – TCCOG Energy Task Force. 12/7 - Zoning Update Steering Committee 1/3 – Director of Assessment 1/4 - Organizational meeting. 1/4 – Zoning Update Steering Committee Questions from Residents • Fencing in Smith Woods (2) • Zoning update (many) • Hamilton Square • Road signs about Hamilton Square and Zoning Update (3) • Speed change request – Perry City Road 11 Repeating daily/weekly/monthly tasks: • Work with each department on current topics. • Respond to constant flow of questions from residents, volunteers and staff. • Weekly review of topics with attorney for the town. • Monthly review of county actions. • Daily check-in with Town Hall staff. • Communications – assist with listserv news • Periodic discussions with Zoning Officer over a variety of topics. • Prepare agendas, resolutions, and background documents. Review topics with TB members, conduct meetings, and review minutes. • Provide oversight and follow-through on decisions and requests made at Town Board meetings. • Review claims and budget, make suggested budget modifications to be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks, • Review financial reports. • Periodic check in with Town Clerk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination. • Respond to surveys when requested. BOOKKEEPER - Submitted by Ms. Thompson Monthly Duties: • Personnel • Payroll • Processed and reconciled payrolls 25 & 26 • Processed 2018 payroll 1 early due to holiday • Updated employee changes and made corrections as needed • NYSLRS  Monthly Reporting • Banking • Completed regular bank deposits – in person for cash with remote deposit system for checks • Completed regular bank account transfers to cover payments • Payments • Produced vouchers for monthly pre-pays, insurance invoices and other miscellaneous payments. • Reviewed monthly vouchers & abstract • Printed checks for pre-pays and scheduled voucher payments once approved • Month End Close Out – November • Entered all Payroll entries (cash receipts, cash disbursements & general journal entries) • Entered all cash receipts (general receipts, WD accounting, etc.) • Entered all cash disbursements • Entered all general journal entries (bank transfers, interest, WD billings & other general journal entries) • Close out steps (Load abstracts, close CR & CD journals & print reports) • Reviewed month end financial reports and distributed them to Town Board and department heads Meetings: 12 • 12/12/2017 – Town Board Meeting • 12/13/2017 – Youth Program Year End Reconciliation • 12/14/2017 – Town Luncheon Non-Regular Duties: • Trumansburg/Ulysses Sidewalk Project • Continued to monitor construction phase of this project • Worked with Village Treasurer on accounting issues related to the project • Made adjustments to close out previous AP and AR entries • Communicated with Fisher regarding accounting implications to the winter shut down and re-start in spring of 2018 • Budget Modifications • Researched and worked with Supervisor and Highway Superintendent to draft budget modifications for 12/12/2017 Town Board Meeting • Entered approved budget modifications into accounting system • 2017 Fiscal Year • Continued to work on adjustments for outstanding accounting issues • Year End preparations  Ordered 1099/1096 supplies from IRS  Developed plan for vouchers at year end • 2018 Fiscal year • Continued to work on renewal and implementation of various insurance products  Finally resolved paperwork issues related to Paid Family Leave program • Preparations for transition between fiscal years  Accounts payable and accounts receivable at fiscal year end  Discussed year-end process with software consultant • Personnel • Reviewed Personnel Policy and offered questions, comments and suggestions • NYSLRS  Worked with NYSLRS Loan Dept regarding overpayment  Continued to work with NYSLRS Membership Dept to resolve paperwork issues • Year End  Many hours spent trying to get assistance from Paychex to implement 2018 changes to employee PTO tracking and accrual  Entered 2018 payroll changes in the Paychex system • Procedures • Continued to update and refine written accounting procedures • Other Accounting • Continued to investigate, research and work on resolutions to outstanding accounting issues • Researched and discussed implications around taxpayers request to pay 2018 (and 2019) property taxes in 2017 Up Coming: • 2017 Fiscal Year • Work on December month end close out • Work on fiscal year end close out • Research, review and resolve outstanding 2017 accounting corrections/adjustments 13 • 2018 Budget • Integrate budget into accounting system • Other Accounting • Develop plan (with Accountant) for how to handle accounting related to:  Salo Drive property purchase – did not happen in 2017 as budgetedCompletion of Main St sidewalk project – small amount of work will need to happen in Spring of 2018 • Personnel • Annual Payroll Certification to Tompkins County MR. BOGGS shared the following: • Read zoning update draft, met with a few community members • Worked with the highway department • Inquired about EMS information MS. ZAHLER submitted the following: Village Liaison  Met with Bookkeeper and Village officials to reconcile 2017 Summer Recreation program income and expenses. Slight deficit which was reconciled from joint surplus from prior years held by Village. Follow up discussions to be held re: program structure and fees on Jan. 24th.  Received and forwarded January reports on police, fire & EMS activity.  Attended Village Board meeting on 1/8/18 o Continued comments from public on Hamilton Square and zoning. A meeting with citizens re: overall zoning law to be held in January. o State of the Village scheduled for Sat. Feb 3 from 9-12 at Fire Hall o Purchase of new Mini-Pumper slightly ahead of schedule to replace failing truck at a reduced price using $125,000 from reserves with a lease to own option to be more affordable. Equipment replacement schedule needs updating. o Village is beginning budget season and scheduled several additional meetings. o NZ will initiate planning for inter-municipal meeting on Fire and EMS for March. o MOU re: Rt 96 sidewalk clearing has been drafted and will be forwarded to Town for review.  Requested that monthly Fire & EMS reports be sent electronically directly to Town.  Reviewed EMS fees, updated amounts for Financial Assistance with billing letter. See Attached. Youth Commission  Youth Services program ended with surplus so year-end claim will be lower than budget.  Continued discussion of a role for a part-time recreation coordinator to connect public and private youth programs; to improve access to and safety of community recreation programs, including Tburg Community Recreation. A concept paper will be coming for discussion with town and village. Union Negotiations  Met on December 18th with Union to continue discussion of collective bargaining agreement. 14  Reviewed and reconciled most recent draft of agreement sent by Union on 12/27 with 3 previous versions and researched how other contracts handle key provisions.  Drafted partial list of items under consideration that may affect Town Personnel Policy.  Will update TB in Executive Session on 1/9/18. Ag Committee  Attended 12/21 Ag Committee meeting. Staying abreast of feedback on Zoning Jacksonville Church  Lots of showings and interest. There are 3 prospective buyers but no offers yet. Realtor is following up.  Discussed church and properties with EPA contractor who provides TA to communities with contaminated sites. She recommended changes in marketing materials and offered to share our property with others who may be interested in developing it. Worked on updating marketing info.  Will be replacing banner that blew away in wind storms & following up to get Pyramid signs removed. Jacksonville Community Association  Received acknowledgement from Sen. Gillibrand’s office re: request to track Post Office negotiations.  JCA Board elected officers: Pete Angie, Pres; Brigid Beames, VP; Amanda Kirchgessner, Treas; Stephanie Heslop, Secy.  Board distributed survey about JCA Park re: use and ideas for future planning.  Contacted County Probation and they are interested in having their community service crew help at Park.  Board is preparing documents to sign MOU with Town. Housing  Met with Stacy Murphy grant writer for housing rehab & Darby to explore options and strategies Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 1/18/18.