HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-12-05-PB-FINALTOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, December 5, 2017 Approved: December 19, 2017 Present: Chair David Blake, and board members Rebecca Schneider, David Tyler, and John Wertis; Town Planner Darby Kiley. Ben LeWalter and Sara Worden were excused. Public in Attendance: Bryon and Kim Moore, and Aaron Baker Call to order: 7:01 p.m. Agenda Review; Minutes Review (10/03/17; 10/17/17) Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to accept the October 3, 2017 meeting minutes, and Ms. Schneider SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was accepted, 3-0, with Ms. Schneider abstaining from the vote. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to accept the October 17, 2017 meeting minutes, and Mr. Tyler SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously accepted, 4-0. Privilege of the Floor: No one addressed the Board at this time. Sketch/Site Plan: Consideration of sketch plan/site plan of a 45 square foot sign for Ridersport Honda building. The property is located at 1575 Trumansburg Rd; Tax Parcel Number 33.-3-1.3. George Tselekis, property owner; John Winkleback, applicant; Aaron Baker, sign maker. Mr. Tyler MADE the MOTION to open the sketch/site plan, and Ms. Schneider SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Baker, in charge of building the proposed sign, presented on behalf of John Winkleblack. He gave a thorough overview of the project, including proposed materials and various photo renderings. Existing signage at the business will remain, he added. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to close the sketch plan and open the site plan, and Ms. Schneider SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to waive the public hearing, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to approve the resolution, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION as follows: Planning Board December 5, 2017 2 WHEREAS: 1. This is consideration of Site Plan Approval for a proposed building sign for Honda Ridersport, located at 1575 Trumansburg Rd, Tax Parcel Number 33.-3-1.3, B1-Business District. George Tselekis, property owner; John Winkleback, applicant; Aaron Baker, agent/sign maker; and 2. The Planning Board, at a public meeting on December 5, 2017, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the proposed drawings titled “Exterior signage/LED cabinet sign” dated 11/02/17 and other application materials; THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, 1. That the Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby waives the public hearing; and 2. That the Planning Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby grants Site Plan Approval for the proposed signage for Honda Ridersport, located at 1575 Trumansburg Rd, Tax Parcel Number 33.-3-1.3, as shown on sheets titled “Exterior signage/LED cabinet sign” dated 11/02/17. The vote was as follows: Mr. Blake AYE Ms. Schneider AYE Mr. Tyler AYE Mr. Wertis AYE Result: Resolution passes Mr. Baker left the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Sketch/Site Plan and Development District Revision: Consideration of sketch plan/site plan and development district revision for DD-8 Moore’s Outboard Sales and Service referred to the Planning Board by the Town Board. The applicants would like to revise the current zoning language to reflect the needs of the business. The property is located at 3052 Dubois Rd; Tax Parcel Number 32.-2-8.22. Kim and Bryon Moore, owners/applicants. Having reviewed extensive State DEC materials and contacted DEC officials on environmental considerations for marinas, the Moore’s felt confident they are doing everything they should be doing to safeguard the nearby environment. They meet most all of the DEC’s environmental considerations for marinas – though Moore’s is not a marina, since it is not located on a waterway – and only fail to meet considerations for larger-scale marinas, like having a formal pollution prevention policy or overflow alarms. On the subject of on-site boat painting, the Moore’s do not paint boats; they instead recommend another local company that specializes in paint. However, Mr. Moore added, customers bringing their boats out of storage are permitted to remove shrink wrap and wash their boats on site. For oil changes, the company has used draining pans for many years. They had also tried using protective tarps along with the drip pans but Planning Board December 5, 2017 3 found there is an increase for spillage if wind catches the tarp. Mr. Moore said motor and lube oil are not dumped, but pumped into waste tanks, which are drained, taken offsite and recycled by another company. We feel we are doing everything we could be doing, Ms. Moore said, and from the retail perspective, we encourage refillable containers and try to carry eco-friendly products. At this time, the Planning Board, Ms. Kiley and the applicant walked through changes within the Development District language. Ms. Kiley suggested: removing “Moores” from the document; adding the storing of boats as a permitted use; remove “no new buildings allowed” from the District Specification section; stipulate that “no mechanical sound shall emanate from the property before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m.;” maintain existing parking standards on the front and side of the building. Ms. Schneider reiterated her concerns that the southern side lot, to continue being used for boat storage and main lot overflow, is too close to the existing creek, and at least a 50-foot buffer is required there. She said that she is not comfortable with storing boats right by the creek. Fifty feet would eat up half of the southside lot, Mr. Moore said. Plus, trucks come and go, and there is not enough space to accommodate them if the lot is reduced, he said. Boats are stored there temporarily, maybe a few hours at the most. No boat is ever serviced or stored there long term. Mr. Moore noted there are some buildings elsewhere located 10 feet from the stream. Ms. Kiley suggested asking a surveyor to get an accurate measurement from the building to the stream. Ms. Schneider urged the Moore’s to do what they can to protect the vegetative buffer between the stream and the lot. Discussion turned to signage. Ms. Moore said it is likely they will install a new, free-standing sign sometime in the future. Wording was changed to reflect façade sign(s) are not to exceed 24 square feet, and freestanding signs are not to exceed 18 square feet. Sign illumination must follow stipulations outlined in Town sign regulations. Elsewhere, motor oils were to be stored in tanks of at least 275 gallons, up from 250 gallons. The Planning Board reached a general consensus to review the changes and make a decision at its next meeting. The Moore’s left the meeting at 8:18 p.m. At this time, Mr. Wertis requested the Board discuss a document from Randall + West, the consultants working with the Town Zoning Update Steering Committee on zoning rewrites. He asked the Board to consider a resolution. Mr. Wertis feels 10 housing starts per year – a figure regularly cited by Randall + West during discussions of housing development in the Ag district – is not accurate. It is more like four or five housing starts per year that occur in the Ag district, and those most often occur in wooded areas unsuitable for farming. The actual number of houses built on subdivisions on ag land is much less than what has been reported. If you change the zoning, you should look at the existing zoning law to determine if it indeed needs to be changed. Mr. Wertis MADE the MOTION to approve his proposed resolution, and Mr. Blake SECONDED the MOTION. Planning Board December 5, 2017 4 Mr. Blake said he disagreed with Mr. Wertis. He believes the Town needs to anticipate further housing development. The Town’s and Planning Board’s job as well as the charge of the Comprehensive Plan, added Mr. Tyler, is to foresee what is likely to happen. Ms. Schneider agreed. Mr. Wertis said the proposed zoning changes are not necessarily going to reduce the rate of housing development. Rather, zoning will lock up land to never be developed. Mr. Wertis said that his resolution says ZUSC should look at what has happened relative to past zoning. Ms. Schneider MADE the MOTION to approve an alternative resolution, and Mr. Wertis SECONDED the MOTION as follows “Be it resolved that the Planning Board is pleased that Randall and West drafted a subdivision analysis memo dated November 2, 2017, and the Planning Board hopes that the Town Board and the Zoning Update Steering Committee reviews the analysis and evaluates how the information impacts their decision making for the proposed zoning, and make any necessary changes based on the analysis.” The vote was as follows: Mr. Blake AYE Ms. Schneider AYE Mr. Tyler AYE Mr. Wertis AYE Mr. Wertis withdrew his previous motion. Result: Resolution passed A brief discussing ensued of possible applications to come before the Planning Board. Mr. Tyler MADE the MOTION to adjourn, and Mr. Wertis SECONDS the MOTION. The motion was unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Louis A. DiPietro II on December 13, 2017.