HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-02�LNUTES OF SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING HELD SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1979 AT 10:30 r. Ai Those present were: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Berujamin J. Bucko, Town Attorney Absent: Robert F. Walpole, Town Justice Absent: Vexl Rankin, Jr., Councilman Also present:'' Leland. Cornelius, Highway Superintendent Purpose of meeting was to discuss unfinished business. Discussed, purchasing a used Bituminous - Asphalt Traveling Mix Plant for the Highway Department's use. ']his would enable the Highway Department to maintain roads and do spot repairs without having to wait for a machine to come in and Odo the larger projects and not the spot repairs. RESOLUTION NO. 7 - LET BIDS FOR A USED BITUMINOUS- ASPHALT TRAVELING MIX PLANT Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Robinson RESOLVLD, that the Clerk prepare notice to bidders for sealed bids on a used Bituminous - Asphalt Traveling Mix Plant to be opened at 8:00 P.M. on April 2, 1979• Supervisor Robinson indicated that Mr. Rankin arid. Mr. Walpole, although absent, have agreed. to let bids for Mix Plaint. Discussed letter and general information sheet received. from Cerrache TV for Cable TV Line Extension on Elm Street Extension and McLean- Cortland Road residents. Town will not collect fee for Cerrache TV. It is up to Cerrache to do their own collecting. RESOLUTION NO. 8 - PIBLISH NOTICE OF INFORMATIONAL MEETING FOR POTENTIAL CABLE TV 'SUBSCRIBERS Moved 'by Mr. ifanBenschotern, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Clerk publish notice of a. Cable TV Line Extension informational meeting on March 28 at 7:00 P.M. for Elm Street Extension subscribers to be held at the Groton Town Hall, and a like meeting will be held for the McLean - Cortland Road subscribers on March 28 at 8:30 P.M. at the McLean Fire Hall. A representative of the Town and Mx. David Lee of Cerrache T/ will be present at 'both sessions. There being no further business, Mr. VanBenschoten moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, at 10:55 A.M. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk ('' 1NL TES OF TOWN BOARD MEETING HELD MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1979 AT 7:30 P . M @ Those present were: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Ellard L. Sovocool., Councilman Robert F. Walpole, Town Justice Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman? Verl Rankin, Jr., Counncilman Benjamin J. .Bucko, Town Attorney Also present were: Leland Cornelius, Mary Evelyn Dempsey, Frank Satterly, Ken 'Mood, Bob Brown, Nancy McGuerty Mr. Walpole moved to accept the minutes of the previous meetings (315 & 3/17) as mailed. Seconded by Mr. Sovocool. Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, Robinson fir. VanBenschoten and. Mr. Rankin arrived.. laitns #71 to #101 of the Highway Department and #66 to #92 0,.l the Gener�d ,Fund if re presented for audit. !dr. Walpole moveo, that the bills be paid, and the Clerk instructed to d'ra.w warrant foT thearl. Seconded by Kr. VauiBenscho'ten. Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBereschoten, Rankin, Robinson Reports: 1) Board 2`e+reiwed Town Clerk's Annual. Report.(1978) REOEIPTS New pork State DepaTtment of Environmental Conserva,jtion New York State UepaTtment of Agriculture hlorkcts New York State De=partment of I eallth New York State Racing & Wagering Board (Bingo License Fee Deposited iei Gu er,riSor's 'Trust & Agency Fund) New York State Pacing & Wafering Board ( get Proceeds) misc. -Bldg, Permz'l',s, Zoning Books, Copies, etc. Funds received for bringing action against delinquent dogs - 19 ?7 - $65.10 & 1978 - $81.30 DISBURSEMn TS TOVN Conservation $ 393. Agriculture t- larkets 275. Debt. of Health 80. B ingo 26o . 3 Bingo Proceeds 1184 Mist. - Bldg. Permits, etc. 892. Delinquent Dog Actions 146. Dog Control Fund 700, T,2 ,$ °,891.50 3,'721. 10 96.00 650.00 118.36 892.25 146.40.40 STATE COUNTY 0 $ 498.0o 50 z,745.60 00 $ 16 , oo 00 390.00 6 2 Lap 00 01 $407 .00 $12,243a67 $15,515.61 $15,515.61 Reports; 2) Annual Report of the Supervisor for year ending Dec. 31, 1978 CASH BALANCE CASH CASH CASH CURRENT FUNDS JANUARY 1 RECEIPTQ" General - Town Wide 8,270.92 112,351. General - Outside Village 6,61.4.51 9,817. Federal Revenue Sharing 10,001.32 36,567. Repair & Improvement 339653 685286. Bridges (2,302.97) 2,31c. Ifaa.chinery 31, 797. 11 117 , 769 . Snow & htisoellaneous (1004.'75) 39,725. lwpx?ovement Program - 0 - 13,0681 SPECIAL DISTRICTS pexa Light McLean Light Groton Fire Protection Groton Ambulance McLean Fire District MER F'U11DS T6,Lust dLnd Agericy TOTAL ALL FUNDS 38.58) 78.82} (630.o1) 23.98 - 0 - 3 , o8.19 54P09 .4 DISBURSEMENTS DE EIT3ER 31 70 100,051.05 0,7.5' 09 69748w85 9 ,'712. 5 ao 4.6,220.47 347.85 75 5 71 8 � 81'7.5- 9 , 8ij8.74 7.74 o1 14oP192,44 9P373m68 00 443 199 - 70 (6 P 47 .45 } 00 22, 546.70 (9 , 478 , 70 690 . oo 1,000.00 13,700.00 7 a 6 ?S.00 1I, 843.00 6,249.66 67.4c) Coning Off:i.cer's monthly report was 995.00 Brown and his 13,700.00 road assigning fire numbers and 71675,00 that Many of these f1,843.00 Directory which is very time 61,930.89 497,052.92 5144 oa. B 20.,00 73m82 ( 3omoi 23.98 _ p 3,386.96 36P548,57 [COTE : This is a sumjnary of the Annual Deport . of the Su pe visox . The detailed report .'s oh file irk the Office of the Town Clerk and rya, ;y be irkspected by ayky person during business hours. I. Colleen D. Pierson, CERTIFY, that the Annual Report of the Supervisor for the year ertded Decei7ber 31, 1978, has been filed in my ol:rice and that the foregoing infoxtnation which has been abstracted from such Teport repTesents a proper summary of the data contained therin. Dated. Harch 13, 1979 Colleen D. Pierson, Town Clerk Reports: ) Coning Off:i.cer's monthly report was read. iIr, Brown and his wife are covering every road assigning fire numbers and also noted that Many of these are not displayed. This has to be doge to complete Town Directory which is very time consuming and costly. Mr. Brown felt that 12¢ per mile was inadequate compensation for mileage, lie also sent notices to those garage oreiners who have riot applied fox' a special viotor vehicle repair shop permit and ha-s riot yet heard from anyone. The Board recommended. he make a personal. 't=rip to see these individuals and report to the Boal'd L` :7 DUM NO a -. 2 - M IN TAIH FI VE--XM BOARD J WED Moved by'Mr. Walpolek Seconded by 111e. Sovocool. Ayes Sovooaol, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLIFED, that with the expiration o.r the Justice of the Peace term, that the new Councilman elected shall be elected, for a four year texrn. The annum road inspectian was set for April 12 at 9:30 A.M. Frank Satterly gave F, brief report: 1) Mr. Mobbs is taking a, look at county roaJ.s that deed repair.; ) We should coinrnend Teresa. Robinson fax 'the excellent job she did at the Board of Representatives meeting on the LVRR abandoned property; M,r. , lief fxart �F�ill. not be ssr��ing dinners as part of the Nutrition Frogman. It's an economic matter and the meals will be prepared and trucked to Groton from Ithaca. At 8:00 P.M4 'the Clerk react the public notice publi,s>•red in the Journal and is Courier on March Zit 1979 for sealers lids for the purchase of a used Bituminous- Asphalt Traveling Mix Plant. Supervisor Robinson spend the only bid received. Cayuga Leasing Incorporated of Ithaca, New Park, bid was $10,000.0[x. The Town Attorney and High, *a Superintendent examined bidd and all fonts were in ordex, RESOLUTION NO. 10 - PURCHASE A USED BI`1'UHIFNDUB- ASPHALT TRAVELING MIX PLANT FOR $10,000 Moved_ by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Kr . Rankin Ayes - Sovocaol., Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton accept bid for a used Bituminous - Asphalt Traveling Mix Plant from 0ayuga Leasing Incorporated for a total sum of $10,0O0. The Annual Town of VGroton trash pickup days were set. for Monday, Aprril. 30 on the East side of Route �8 including McLean and Tuesday,, May .1 on the West side of Route 38: Discussed tdunacipal "ode of Ethics that was recorded in the min'u'te book as being adopted-on-June 15, 1970 , but cannot be-found, Attorney ,B ucko will have a proposed Code of Ethics for the next'Board. Meeting. Supervisor Robinson reported on meeting with the County regarding preferential rights of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. 'The County gave up their rights and the 'Ion ;Tn has prefereatia,l. rights. Supervisax Robinson called Albsmy and asked for an additional I 0 days floating period which was granted, Several people are interested in different aspects of the abandoned xallroad property. the consensus of the Board was to set an in£ox'mal meeting date fox the people that border pxopex'ty and other interested paz yes. This informational meeting *Trill be held on Monday, April 30 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, Discussed briefly the Dog Contract. From April 1 thru December 31, 1979, a percentage of amount that is in =Ltract now Jan. I - Dec. 1) will cast, $1200 for; three- qu�ixters of a year and can be paid on a monthly basis. Supe=isor Robinson wanted Town Attorney to look at Contract 'before the Board took action. Will be discussed at a. special meeting. Discussed letter from village requesting Town to exempt the Water Works Property froa taxes. Assessment increased from $6530 to $337,900 and taxes went from-$108'w50 to $2,541.34 this year.. Village. cannot afford ,to pay that much, Supervisox Robinson stated that we couldn't give up any more property- - that' s just like annexing out of the Town again. Robinsor asked Shurtliff if anyone went to grievance day. 1011. Shurtli -ff ..said no„ the To m, set asse�s- ment. Suuervisor Robinson �aild no, we .don't., the. County does. She said that if it hr, been our property that *Fray-, increased over $330,,000 someone would have looped, into it. Why didn't, Village contest? Mayor Griffin stated "we blew it". After trying to cone -tip iglth :figures on, haw it would affect 'Town tax rates, the Board tabled decislon until,Aprili :at 4:00. P.M. since the Village's tentative budget hearing date is April 2 and any action to exempt would have to be: done prior to May 1. Gable Tlf Line Dixtensions ,•ere discussed. The -Town Board, irnust approve contxaotE becwus3e they are second=,y instead of pTimax . Elan Street Externsion included three- 'tentYis of a mile at $-12.00 per. person .estimated cost but should actual. cost of construction exceed the est mated the people dust pay more. :b Li RESOLUTION ADO. 11 - APPROVE C014TRACT FOR CABLE TV LINE EXTEIZSION TO ELM STREET EXTENSION RESIDENTS Moved by Mr. Walpole, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that -the Town Board approve the Contract with Ceracche and residents on Elm Street Extension for -Cable TV Line Extension, Cortland- McLean Road Cable TV Line Extension includes 1.2 miles and 27 people at $136.00 per person. McLean residents didn't like wording on Contract and would not sign because it left them wide open for additional charges. Attorney Bucko was to reyise.Contract and send to Ceracche to see if they will approve. Action will be taken by the Board after a satisfactory Contract is drawn up. Supervisor Robinson requested the Boards permission to write a letter to the Social Service Department ,requesting them to inves•tigage RAMP and report back to the Town. RAMP is a new program in construction and weatherizi ra ng homes for the elderly. Moved by Mr. Walpole that Supervisor write letter.. Seconded by Mr. Sovocoo. Ayes- Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Supervisor Robinson informed Board Members that they were invited to attend a rap session to assess youth :programs that exist and to help determine what could be done to broaden choices open to youth during leisure hours to be held Tuesday, April 10 at 7:30 P.M. in the Groton High School cafeteria. April 18 has been set for the Town of Groton Youth Board to meet. Time will be set later. Discussed hiring 5 or 6 CETA workers and. supervisor 'to clean up Town owned cemeteries. These would be local kids between 14 and 18 years of age. We will ask Mr. Hugh Hurlbut, Tompkins County Personnel Administrator, to our next meeting to discuss project. Mr. Cornelius discussed proposed plan for complying with Mine Training Program. University Sand and Gravel are approved for program. We should apply and we might get an instructor to come into C oi.zrity. There is a course being held in Albany on April 25 & 266 RESOLUTION N0. 12 - APPLY FOR MINTE SAFETY TRAINING SCHOOL Moved. by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Rankin Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town Highway Superintendent complete forms to comply with the requirement of the Department of Labor, Mine Safety & Health Administration as fax as training people to work in the mine and apply to have the Training School held locally with J. W. Ettinger as instructor. Mx. Sovocool moved to adjourn meeting until next Monday, April 9 at 4:00 P.M. to finish business. Seconded by Mr. Rankin. All ayes - Adjourned. at 10:00 PaMe Colleen D. Pierson, Town Clerk MINUTES OF TOW111 BOARD MEETING HELD MONDAY APRIL 9 1979, AT LH :00 P.Ik4. A continuation of April 2 `1.own Board. Meeting Those present:' Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Robert F. Walpole, Town Justice Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Ella.rd L. Sovocool, Councilman Verl Rankin, Jr., Councilman Absent: Benjamin J. Bucko, 'Down Attorney Also present: Leland Cornelius, Mary Evelyn Dempsey, Nancy McGuerty Purpose of meeting was to complete business of April 2 Board Meeting. Discussed Village request for Tax Exemption on Village Water Works property. Supervisor Robinson stated that based on this years tax roll the inside rate would go from 4.253 •to 4.280 and the outside rate from 2.599 to 2.626 or approximately three cents per thousand for each. The exemption would only affect the Town taxes. The reason assessment increased so much is that the assessment office found property that was not assessed previously including buildings and dams, and the new 100 percent assessment. Supervisor Robinson • •