HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeveloper's Agreement038.pdfBLACK OAK WIND FARM DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT
AGREEMENT made this£^ day of March, 2010, between ENFIELD ENERGY,
LLC, its successors, heirs, and/or assigns (the "Developer") and the TOWN OF ENFIELD (the
WHEREAS, the Developer has proposed to develop a commercial site at Black Oak
Road, and at various other locations within the western portion of the Town, for the purpose of
constructing a conunercial-scale wind farm (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Town, in order to regulate large scale wind farms, has adopted Local
Law Number 1 of 2009, which is entitled "Wind Energy Facilities Local Law" (the "Wind
Law"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and
WHEREAS, the Developer desires to facilitate project reviews, including, but not limited
to, initial evaluations in relation to site plan review elements, permit reviews. New York State
Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") review, and other reviews of the Project by the
Town Board, the Planning Board, and the Town's engineers, attorneys, and other consultants
now existing or hereafter to be hired or retained, and in coimection therewith; and
WHEREAS, in connection with this Agreement, the Wind Law, and the Project, there are
and will be expenses incurred by the Town in relation to the review of the Project, such as, but
not limited to, site plan review expenses, inspections, review of building permit applications, and
the SEQRA review, some or all of which will require that the Developer obtain approvals or
clearances to be able to proceed with the Project (the "Approvals"); and
WHEREAS, the Developer acknowledges and agrees that any expense, liability, risk, or
loss assumed, undertaken and/or incurred by the Developer under, pursuant to, or in connection
with this Agreement is at the Developer's sole and own risk as: (i) the Town, by authorizing and
executing this Agreement makes no representations or promises, direct or implied, as to the
feasibility or approval of the Project, conditioned or otherwise; and (ii) the Developer
acknowledges and agrees that any expenses undertaken and/or incurred by Developer before
Project approval for Project materials or for Developer-hired services are at the Developer's sole
and own risk. •
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and facts, all of which
shall be deemed a material part of this Agreement, and upon the exchange of other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the
Developer and the Town, the Developer and the Town agree as follows:
1. The Developer shall comply with the requirements set forth under the Wind Law,
including, but not limited to, the permit requirements set forth under Article II, the application
requirements set forth under Article III, and the standards for wind energy facilities set forth
under Article IV of the Wind Law.
2. Any and all reviews by the Town and its engineer and attorneys, the costs and
expenses thereof (excluding any outside of Tompkins County travel time), and all other
reasonable and necessary expenses of the Town, including, but not limited to the publication,
posting, and mailing of notices, shall be conducted or incurred by the Town when appropriate
based upon either: (i) the request of the Developer, or (ii) the Town's determination that the
Project requires such action, expense or review in order to obtain the Approvals. Such
determination of what expenses are reasonable and necessary shall be made by the Town in its
sole discretion, but shall not include out of county travel time. Such reviews and expenses, and
any money spent in relation thereto, shall be referred to as the "Review Costs".
3. The Developer shall initially deposit the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars
($15,000.00) with the Town to pay for such anticipated Review Costs (the "Deposit"), and the
Town may use such funds to pay its Review Costs. The Town shall hold said funds in a non-
interest bearing accoimt, in escrow, to be applied as provided under this Agreement (the "Escrow
Account"). Upon consumption or depletion of any Deposit below the sum of Two Thousand
Dollars ($2,000.00), the Developer shall replenish the Escrow Account within fifteen (15)
business days notice from the Town in an amount equal to the initial deposit unless otherwise
agreed to by the Developer and the Town.
4. At the time of final Project Approval, or in the event of delivery of written notice
by Developer indicating that the Developer is abandoning the Project and surrendering all rights,
permits and Approvals, if any and as applicable, relative to Project development, the Town will
return to the Developer any portion of the Deposit and any replenishments present in the Escrow
Account not used to pay any outstanding expenses and/or fees owing by the Town associated
with the Project.
5. The Town agrees to provide Developer an accounting of all Review Costs
incurred by the Town along with any written notice provided pursuant to Section 3 above, but
any such accounting shall not result in the non-payment of any additional funds needed to
replenish the Escrow Account as required by this Agreement.
6. The obligations and liabilities set forth in or required by this Agreement shall be
binding upon the Developer, its successors, heirs and assigns. This Agreement is and shall be and
remain enforceable at law in the Town Court, or at law or in equity in such other court with
appropriate jurisdiction. In the event the Town is required to bring suit to collect any Deposit or
Review Costs, the Town, if it succeeds in obtaining a judgment, settlement and/or other
resolution against the Developer, shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' and
experts' fees and expenses incurred in connection therewith, together with any related court costs
and expenses.
7. The Developer aeknowledges and agrees that Developer is not an agent of the
Town for any purpose, and may not speak for, represent, or bind the Town to any agreement or
promise proposed or published in favor of any third party.
8. The Developer shall indemnify and hold the Town harmless, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, from and against all third party claims, expenses, losses, liabilities, damages,
judgments, suits, and legal proceedings, and any and all costs and expenses arising in connection
"IffierewftliTinol^^ attorneys' and experts' fees), arising out of or in any manner connected with
this Agreement and the Project.
9. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by a court or
other tribunal of eompetent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation
of any other provision, and such invalid provision shall be reformed by the court or tribunal to
the minimum extent required to bring it into compliance with applicable law, or to otherwise
make such provision enforceable. Such reformation shall be performed by first taking into
account the purposes sought by the Town in any such provision; and second, by the intent of the
parties as set forth in such provision; and third, by the intent of the parties as gleaned from other
provisions in this Agreement. If such reformation is not possible, then such provision shall be
severed from this Agreement. Any provision of this Agreement that is held or declared illegal or
unenforceable under any set of facts and/or circumstance shall be and be presumed valid and
enforceable as to any other set of facts and/or circumstances.
10. Except as otherwise provided for under the Wind Law, this Agreement constitutes
the entire understanding of the parties, revokes and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations,
and oral or written agreements between the parties, and is intended as a final expression of their
agreement. No waiver by the Town of any requirement of this Agreement or any default
hereunder shall be deemed a waiver of any prior or subsequent requirement or default of the
same or other provisions or obligations of this Agreement. In the event that there is a conflict
between the terms of this Agreement and the Wind Law, the terms of the Wind Law shall govem
the respective rights and obligations of the Developer and the Town.
11. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Developer
hereby acknowledges and agrees that it may not assign its rights and obligations under this
Agreement to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of the Town.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the Town have each executed this
Agreement as of the date(s) set forth below.
The Town of Enfield
Dated: 3-f - to
Enfield Energy, LLC^
242255 13407211