HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-11TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 11, 1983 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order 8:02 PM at the Danby Town Hall, 1830 Danby Road, Town of Danby, County of Tompkins, and State of New York on April 11, 1983. Board Members present: 0 Councilperson Mary Oltz Councilperson Sylvia Hiney Councilman Ted Merritt Councilperson Dorothy Roberts Supervisor Mildred Miller Others present: Donald Wright, Roy and Peary • Edward Slights, Frank Haskins, Edward Roberts Florence Starr, Herb Engman, Charlene Testut, Selover. Casterline, (Bald Hill Gary Coles, at Roger Hile, Rd.), Daniel The minutes of the March 14 meeting were discussed and approved with following corrections. "Resolution #13 corrected to add - At Danby Town Hall." Add "Supervisor Miller would investigate prices.before buying answering machine for dog warden." With above corrections, Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the mo- tion to accept minutes and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Supervisor Miller mentioned that an answering machine was purchased for dog warden in the amount of $1`%9.95 and purchased at Radio Shack at Triphammer Mall location. Communications; Letter read from Department of Transportation. The reduced speed study on Bald Hill Rd. has been completed and the department has agreed to reduce speed limit to 35 mph from Route 96B to Lieb Rd. It will be county's responsibility to have speed signs installed. Privilege of Floor: Florence Starr, County Board of Representatives, requested Board pass resolution to designate Councilperson Sylvia Hiney as Town's representative to Economic Opportunity Council Advisory Board. The Board of Representatives restored administrative court cost reimbursement for DWI cases in all city, town and village courts for 1982 fiscal year the amount of $5.00 per case. The Stop DWI advisory committee will consider raising this amount. • Gary Coles spoke in concern for a health hazard in the West Danby area. Daniel Selover, 7 Valley View Rd., has been trying to sell his home and because of the conditions of homes surrounding his, he has not been able to sell. Mr. Selover asked if the Board • couldn't do something to get these properties cleaned up. Super- visor Miller mentioned Board will try and do something about this. Herb Engman reported he was pleased a reduced speed zone will be done on Bald Hill Road and would like to see same done on South Danby Road. Roy Casterline reported the forester has not cleaned up area where logging-was done last year. Supervisor Miller mentioned that Attorney Clermont sent letter to him regarding this concern. Town Board Meeting Minutes - April 11, 1983 Page 2 Highway Superintendent Roger Hile mentioned he has specs for work to.be done on Brown Road Bridge to be given to lawyer to look over. He'alsol reported April 30 and May 1 will be Danby Clean up. High- way department will pick up for those that call the highway depart- ment and make such request on May 2. Town Clerk will put such announcement in Ithaca Journal. Mr. Hile has received a couple of phone calls on the old tow - behind grader located on Michigan Hollow Road regarding purchasing of machinery. He questioned how board felt about putting this machinery up for bid. He asked if the records in Town Vault could be taken out, the roof is leaking badly and something should be done with the records. Councilperson Mary Oltz mentioned she had been in there a while ago and removed what was salvageable. Supervisor Miller felt it should • be looked over once more. Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and Town Clerk will go.into vault and decide what can be saved. Close to,privilege of floor. •New Business; Supervisor Miller mentioned Eva Mae Musgrave held a meeting April 4 regarding needs for youth in Danby. Because the meeting was poorly attended, Mr. Musgrave is requesting use of Town Hall for May 10 at 7:00 PM for another discussion and at this meeting ask teens and parents of teens to attend. She also ment w ioned'a flag is needed for outside of Ton Hall and would like board approval to have Ed Roberts purchase the flag. Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the motion to have Mr. Roberts purchase.'the flag and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. The flag will be pur- chased at T.G. Millers for approximately $30. Committee Reports: Environmental Management Council representative Herb Engman report- ed he has received more requests to check legality of sewage dump- ing on Hill Road vicinity. He mentioned everything is being done t. legally. He discussed the Gift to Wildlife contribution that can be.checked off on your income tax. Some people have questioned what the money'will be. used for. Some is being .put into State Conser- vation fund, which is same as where conservation fees are going into. Wasn't sure what the State was going to use the money on. He cautioned waiting to see what the money will be used for before deciding to contrivute. Mr. Engman mentioned there will be a meeting on Gypsy Moths, Wednesday, April 13, 7:30 PM at Coopera- tive Extension. Sierra Club, Cooperative Extension_ and Environmen- tal M program, Mr. Council are sponsoring this program Mr. Engman attended'a State Environmental Equality Review Act Training program to learn more about the SEQR training. Community Council president, Charlene Testut reported reflective numbers have been purchased by the fire department. Residents may get these numbers either at fire house or town clerk office. Do- nations received will go back into purchasing additional house numbers. Council is presently planning summer program but are in need of place to have the program. Ithaca City School has not consented to community using school. Supervisor Miller mentioned she had met with Ed Roberts (Danby Rd.) regarding applications for college work study for life guards. The duties for the lifeguards contained many duties other than super- vision of swimmers. There are 2 lifeguards on duty to supervise and felt that was asking too much of the lifeguards. Supervisor Miller suggested that if Charlene writes a letter to school about use of school for summer program, that she mention in her letter that the Town's umbrella policy can'be extended to cover the school for the summer program. Mrs. Testut mentioned Joan Barber is United Way Representative. She also suggested that town hire local teens to do maintenance at Danby.thru the county program. Supervisor Miller commented that the teens need adult supervision at all times thru this pro- gram. Zoning; Frank Haskins reported one permit was issued for March. There are 3 or 4 in the works for April. Town Board Meeting Minutes - April 11, 1983 Page 3 Highway: Roger Hile reported department has been patching holes, hauling cinders, installing driveway pipes and overhauling a truck body. Ed Roberts mentioned the roof in Town Hall is still leaking (south east end of building). Supervisor Miller suggested Ed Inman be con- tacted by letter about this. Supervisor Miller mentioned a resolution is needed to appoint Council person Sylvia Hiney to EOC advisory board. RESOLUTION #14. DESIGNATE COUNCILPERSON SYLVIA HINEY AS TOWN'S REPRESENTATIVE TO ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL AD- VISORY BOARD FOR THE REMAINDER OF 1983. Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the.motion and seconded by Council person Mary Oltz and carried by affirmative vote of five ayes and no noes. Supervisor Miller mentioned there is a highway school to be held in June 6 thru 8 at Cornell University and suggested highway superin- tendent and a member of town board attend this school. Councilperson Mary Oltz moved that Roger Hile attend this school and seconded by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney. Cost of school will be discussed later. Councilperson Mary Oltz made the motion that Councilperson Sylvia Hiney attend this meeting also, seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts, and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Supervisor Miller reported Serial Bond payment ($5718.00) for Vibra- tory Roller will be made April 12, which is the 3rd payment. Supervisor Miller would like board approval to send her bookkeeper,. Gretchen Oltz, to bookkeeper's school in Big Flats to be held in June. Registration fee is $10.00. Entire board was in agreement. General discussion followed on having an open meeting May 4 for public to see what the people would like to see the board accomplish. Councilman Ted Merritt would like to see advertisement for this meet- ing. Councilperson Dorothy Roberts would like board to get together with Pam Clermont and get the zoning violators taken care of before having the open meeting. The board agreed to meet April 20 to dis- cuss the violators with Mrs. Clermont, Warrants: General Fund Warrant #4 in the amount of $2574.92 was approved to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Highway Fund Warrant #4 in the amount of $4,487.70 was approved to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Ted Merritt and seconded by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. West Danby Water District Warrant #4 in the amount of $138.21 was approved to be paid. Motion made by Supervisor Miller and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the motion to accept the.Super- visor's reports as presented, seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Supervisor Miller mentioned need of board approval to have dog cen- sus done this fall. Agreed by entire board. Lorraine Bard will do the census. Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 PM and seconded by Councilperson Mary Oltz and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. 7 e ectfu ly submitted, e1941 i, inda Fe herbay, Clerk U El