HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-0838, Supervisor Robinson told garage okmers there was a sheet of paper on counter, that all garage 1 owner's could sign ' and carers ':would be sent notifying them .of meeting. upeXv-isor stressed we intend to enfoxce zoning and will not just talk about it, _ There being no' further 'business, Mr. Ra,nlein rwoved, 'for ad-journm: ent, 'seconded by Mr. Walpole; at 9-:1 P,Mm Colleen D.' P1eTSon Town Clerk' MINUTES OF SPECIAL T00 BOARD MEETING FIELD MONDAY.: MAY 8Z 1978, AT 7:2 P,M. Those present were: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervizor Gormlon O. -VanBenschoteri, -Oounc 3rnan Vcrl Rankin, Jr., Cour7cilinan Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman 3 en j ar�in J. Bu cko , Town Atto x77 e Absent: Rob0 -rt P. Walpole, Town Jus tie 6 = Also present were. Deland Cornelius, 'Carl Ferris; -.Dori Brown,' HerV'Stcwast, Kenneth Swenk and sever l others corning ir�-to attend an Informal rneeting with Planning Boar�ft at 8:30 P.M. Purpose of meeting is to figure out what we can use State Anti- Recession Funds fox. Federal Anti -- Recession allocated to Deputy Clerk. We have approximately $4-500 State 'Ahti- Recession to allocate.' (Actual - $4 i0 ,14) state An'ti- Re ession �'ras not figured on in budget. I'L' was received. in November of 19774 Mr. Cornelius, Highway Super3,nterrdent, c'oul.d ase money• for 'Sovdcoal• Rill. ' repair but Attor'dey Bucko indicated F,;upplies are not allowed, After discussion the folloi�ring proposed uses were presented. f Compiling Town Directory - $300.00 Printing Town Directory $XO.00 3 Preparation o,f Survoy & Maps of Gravel Pit -.$385400 4 Emp loyroer7 t of -Summer Help - 100U . OO Repairs of roof on Town Building - $1000.00 6 Microfilm Old Documents - $MMO 7) Janitorial Service; $ % , i4 F Cher discussion involved the poE s e need fox a. new aroof f aim 'the Town Buildings. Mr. Cornelius indicated that it had been on for several, years and will have someone.look at. and give us. an idea of cost. May have to put in budget for next year. - Another possible use would be.SPCA, contract for dog control sex=-ice. Also, we can hire one or two men f'ar sunnier help to paint, mow, etc. Moved by Kr. Sovocool to, hold Public Hearing on Proposed Use off' 8 Late, Anti - Recession Funds on Monday, May , 1978, at 7o 3O PaN, Seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten. Ayes - Savocool, Rankin, BanBeP48shoten, Robinson Supervisor Robinson i.nfox7med the board that a. demonstrated two photocopy, machines. One was due to small capablli.tles. The other jp�La.chine copying, Attoraey Backo will l.00Tr into how m bidding, young roan out of Cortland an SCH which was el7lmina,ted was a, Mita LThi.ch did satisfactory uch the Town can spend without Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review is scheduled for .Tune 8, 1978 From 1:00 P.M. to 8:OC P.M. need several people to set. k;lth,county. The follow - i,ng individuals and trines Nere set. Teresa Robinson - 1:00 to x.:30; Robert Walpole - 2:30 to 4:00,; I,ej'ris sovoo ool. - 4o00 to 6:00; Dutch VanBenschoten - 6 :OD to 8:00 , Motion by.Mr . Robinson, seconded, by Mr. VanBenschoten, to adjourn meeting at 8:30 P.'M. Colleen D. Pierson Town Elerk. I - I ] I I