HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-08TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 81 1982 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at 8:00 PM at the Danby Town Hall, 1830 Danby Road, Town of Danby, County of Tompkins and State of New York on November 8, 1982. Board Members present: Councilperson Mary Oltz, Councilperson Dorothy Roberts, Councilperson Sylvia Hiney, Councilman Ted Merritt, Supervisor Mildred Miller. Others present; Gloria Benson, Herbert Engman, Linda Howe, Ed Slights, Frank Haskins, Donald Wright, Roy and Mary Casterline, Ed Inman, Florence Starr, Charlene Testut, Don Porteus, Don Lowe, Pam • Clermont. Communications: 10 Letter from NYS Energy Office. RE: energy survey of town municipal buildings. 20 Letter read from Chris and Susan Fynsk, thanking town board for use of Town Hall for their wedding on October 21, 1982. They donated x`40.00 to the town. 3. Letter read from Ithaca Agency. RE: workman's compensation. Agency sent a dividend check ($599). Dividend is based on workmen's compensation loss for 1981 and there were none, 4. Letter read from Town Attorney Pamela Clermont informing town board, although she will be working for District Attorney on a parttime basis, and a private practice (she will be dissol- ving her partnership with Currey) she would like to continue representing the town as attorney. 5. Letter read from Community Council requesting removal of jun- gle gym play equipment from Danby School and move it to Town Hall property, which. is one of 3 possible choices. 6. Letter read from Charlene Testut requesting Highway Department do something to control the dust on Curtis Road. 7. Letter read from NYS Electric & Gas requesting review of Assess- ment of special franchise property. A petition was presented with letter. 8. Letter read from West Danby Election Inspectors complaining about salaries they receive for election duties. 9. Letter read from Linda Howe regarding dissatisfaction on pay for election duties, and if salaries are not increased for next year, she will resign as Election Inspector. The Minutes of the October 11, 1982 meeting were ¢approved as pre- sented. Motion made by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and Seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts. Public Hearing dated September 27, 1982 regarding proposed use of Danby School delete the 4 senil- ity from 4th paragraph, 6th line, as requested by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney. Wtih no further comment the minutes for public hear- ing were Approved with mentioned correction. • Privilege of the Floor: Town Clerk asked the Board to consider lowering fee for copy of Zoning Ordinance from if5.00 to $2.00. Town Clerk asked what should be charged for use of photo copy mac- hine in town related and non -town related aspect. Town Clerk received list of unpaid water bills for West Danby, totaling $$2183.84. Town Clerk reported Community Council Christma-s Party will be held December 10, 1982, at 7:00 PM. County Representative Florence Starr reported tentative tax rate assessed valuation is 36 million. Equalization rate is 101.79. The gross levy from the County, the amount of money town has to pay in taxes is ;153,952.56. Total sales tax credit is $150,575.67. Town Board Meeting Minutes - November 81 1982 Page 2 Town of Danby will have to pay County tax on $3,376.89. Don Lowe spoke for SPCA. Has offered Town opportunity of negotia- ting a contract with SPCA for 1983. Some things SPCA accomplished in 1082 were -dog control officer be- came responsible for non- renewal lists. Dog Enumeration is now done every two years. Towns that contract with SPCA presently take out $1.50 per dog per year from total fees. This amount pays for Ad- ministrative costs and dog enumeration. Eight towns, including the city now contract with SPCA. All the towns also charge at least x$2.50 above the statutory fee, per dog. Don Porteus attended meeting and met with attorney to discuss what he would like zoning variance to include. • Close to privilege of -the floor: . Committee Reports: Highway Department: Supervisor Miller reported the truck recent - y purch.asecL for cinder and snow plow vehicle. Zoning: Supervisor Miller questioned what was being constructed on Dur_fee Hill Rd. There was rumor of a trailer being installed. Environmental Management Council representative, Herb Engman, looked into recent concern over dumping of `on Hill Road. He checked into this matter and everything is legal Permits have been prop- erly issued. He did point out that � cannot be dumped during winter months or on agriculturally related soil. Community Council: Charlene Testut reported application for State Aid nee s to be completed and signed by Supervisor. Supervisor Miller reported the Board met to discuss use of Town Hall by the community. A letter was sent to Community Council regarding this and a letter will go in Danby Area News. It was felt the Town Hall is being used for municipal officers, elections, justice court, various town- related meetings, and if anyone wanted to use the build- ing should make their request to Town Board and town meeting prior to their event. Supervisor Miller mentioned Ed Inman is in attendance and reported lights for installation outside the town hall would be cheaper if purchased by him and the price he gave to install the lights does include the purchase price and installation ($365). Councilperson Mary Oltz made the motion to accept Ed Inman's bid and it was seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts. This fee will be paid through Federal Revenue Sharing: funds. Supervisor Miller mentioned complaints have been received regard- ing zoning violations. She suggested the Town Attorney write a • letter to those in violation. Town Attorney would also like to do something about the Maycumber's non - compliance. The two complaints on violations were Paul Hardesty, Hillview Trailer Park, and Chuck Bruce - sign. Councilpersons Mary Oltz, Ted Merritt, Dorothy Roberts • were in favor of town attorney doing this. Councilperson Sylvia Hiney did not agree. Supervisor Miller mentioned a resolution is needed to make applica- tion for State Aid for Community Council, RESOLUTION 22 ALLOW COMMUNITY COUNCIL TO MAKE APPLICA- TION FOR x$1600 STATE AID FOR THE YOUTH PROGRAM FOR 1083 AND FOR THE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN SAME WHEN PROPERLY COMPLETED. Motion made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney. Roll call vote: Hiney - aye Merritt - aye Oltz - aye Roberts - aye Miller - aye • • • • Town Board Meeting Minutes - November 8, 1982 Pane 3 Supervisor Miller said a resolution is needed to adopt the 1983 budget. Motion made by Councilperson Mary Oltz and seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts. RESOLUTION 23 ADOPT PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR 1983 Roll call vote Hiney - aye Merritt - aye Oltz - aye Roberts - ave Miller - aye .Supervisor Miller said a resolution is needed to add unpaid water bills to tax roll. Motion made by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and seconded by Council- man Ted Merritt. RESOLUTION 424 ADD UNPAID WATER BILLS TO TAI ROLL, TOTAL- ING ;$2183.84 Roll call vote Hiney - ave Merritt - ave Oltz - ave Roberts - aye Miller - aye Supervisor Miller reported Roy Hornbrook would like to take Town Board on road tour on roads they didn't see during last road tour and to show them the Newfield Town Barns. Supervisor Miller reported fees for copy of Zoning Ordinance will be changed to y$2.00. Fees for use of Town Copier will be 10¢ a copy and 5¢ for town related business, ie; Community Council, Senior Citizens, planning board, zoning officer, etc. Pre -K is not included in this. Maximum to be made at one time would be 10 copies. This pertains to private individuals. The request to place jungle gym at Town Hall was that it should not be placed there as the board felt it should be placed at the fire house as Pre -K is being held there, Supervisor Miller reported nothing can be done about pay for elec- tion inspectors this .year. Applications for caretaker for the Town Hall are still being accep- ted, Supervisor Miller is working on a job description, Next Planning Board meeting will be held November 17, Warrants: General Fund Warrant tll in the amount of $5,327.92 was approved to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Mary Oltz and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes. Highway Warrant #11 in the amount of 44,437.53 was approved to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and seconded by Councilperson Dorothy ?Iberts and carried by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes. West Danby Water District Warrant #11 in the amount of $98.70 was approved to be paid. Motion made by Councilperson Sylvia Hiney and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of 5 ayes and no.--Moes. Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the motion to accept the Super- visors reports as presented. Seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes, .7 • • • Town Board Meeting minutes - November 8, 1982 Page 4 There will be a special meeting of the Town Board, November 29 at 7:30 PMO Attorney Pamela Clermont suggested granting a variance to board on condition they sell to people for particular use adult care facility. Don Porteus does not own the Danby as yet so we cannot grant a variance to him. Councilperson Dorothy Roberts made the motion for meeting journe at 9:15 PM and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt ied by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes. Respectfully submitted, "'L LA' ay' Linda Fetherbay, Clerk school as an School to ad- and carr- TOWN OF DANBY PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET NOVEMBER 81 1982 The Town Board of the Town of Danby held a public hearing November 8, 1982 at 7:50 PM at the Danby Town Hall, 1850 Danby Road, Town of Danby, County of Tompkins, State of New York. The purpose of the hearing was to review the preliminary budget and give any per- son or persons desiring to be heard an opportunity to be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any items therein contained. Board members present: 0 Others present: Slights, Frank Ed Inman. Councilperson Sylvia Hiney Councilman Ted Merritt Councilperson Mary Oltz Councilperson Dorothy Roberts Supervisor Mildred Miller Herb Engman, Linda Howe, Florence Starr, Ed Haskins, Donald Wright, Roy and Mary Cssterline, The meeting was called to order and the clerk presented the board with proof of posting and advertising. Supervisor Miller asked if anyone had anything to comment on re- garding the budget and as no one spoke, the public hearing was de- clared adjol=ned at 7:53 PM. Respectfully submitted, L4 Linda Fetherbay, Clerk • C