HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-14TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES, September 14, 1981 The regular meeting of the Danby Town Board was called to order at 8:00 P.M. at the Danby Elementary School, Gunderman Road, Town of Danby, Tompkins County, New York on September 14, 19810 Board members present. Councilperson Sylvia Hiney Councilman Ted Merritt Councilperson Dorothy Roberts Councilman Robert Snedden Supervisor Mildred Miller Others present: Roy Hornbrook, Frank Haskins, Mary Casterline, ® Roy Casterline, Donald Wright, Florence Starr, Edward Slights, Herbert Ingman, Gary Huddle, Pam Clermont, Donald Graham. COMMUNICATIONS 1. A letter to Supervisor Miller from Attorney Thaler IS office Re: Town of Danby v. General Accident Group 2. A notice of a schedule of forums concerned with the administration of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEAR) . 3. A letter from the State Board of Equalization and Assessment stating that the final state equalization rate for the Town of Danby is 101.32. 4. A letter from New York State Department of State con - cerning building and fire prevention codes in the town. Councilman Ted Merritt made the motion that the minutes of the last regular meeting of the town board held August 10, 1981 be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR. Donald Wright T.V. service people signed has happened ® Merritt agree what the next asked the town for the people an agreement w since that time d to talk with step is. board what can be done to get cable in West Danby. Seventy West Danby ith the cable company but nothing . After discussion, Councilman Ted the cable company people and see OLD BUSINESS: After due consideration, Donald Graham has been asked to serve another term as a member of the Town of Danby Planning Board and representative from Danby on the County Planning Board. Mr. Graham has agreed to serve another term. Supervisor Mildred Miller made the motion that Donald Grah. -am be so appointed. The motion was seconded by Robert Snedden and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. NEW BUSINESS. Supervisor stated that if Herbert Ingman will attend -the SEQR meeting to be held in Syracuse, the town will pay his mileage. Mr. Ingman will try to attend the meeting. Town Board Meeting Minutes New Business continued: Supervisor Mildred Miller sta transfer $267.52 from account is the FICA account. This is error. Councilperson Sylvia these funds as stated. Counc September 14, 1981 Page 2 ted that a resolution is need to A7310.1 to account A9030-.8-which necessary to correct a bookkeeping Hiney moved a resoultion to transfer ilman Ted Merritt seconded the motion. RESOLUTION #26. TRANSFER $267.52 FROM A7310.1 TO FICA ACCOUNT A9030.8 TO CORRECT BOOKKEEPING ERROR Roll Call Vote: Hiney - aye Merritt - aye Roberts - aye S:nedden - aye Miller - aye Carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Cemetaries - Councilperson Dorothy Roberts reported that they are all mowed and ready for winter. Community Council - Sylvia Hiney reported that there was no meeting of the council in August. The application for funds for 1982 for the summer recreation program has been approved. We also applied for additional funds available to Danby in the amount of $1,400, but the application was not approved. Senior Citizens have been very active. At the present time they are planning a trip to Binghamton. Highway Superintendent's report - Roy Hornbrook stated that he has paved Gunderman Road and Nelson Road. He has some work to do on the shoulders of these roads. The Town of Danby is elligible for additional funds in the amount of $43,644. under a new plan which replaces the Donavan plan. Environmental Management Council - Herbert Ingma,n reported that the pipe line property is being cleared by the owners. The job must be done by hand through the wet lands. Recycling of oil was discussed. The question was brought up of'a location that can accept oil for pickup in the Town of Danby. West Danby Water District - Roy Casterline reported that he has ordered some meters but has not received them yet. Zoning - Written report submitted. General Fund Warrant #9 in the amount of $560.97 was approved to be paid. The motion was made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Highway Fund Warrant #9 in the amount of $2,964.42 was approved to be paid. The motion was made by Councilman Ted Merritt and seconded by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. • • U Town Board Meeting Minutes - September 14, 1981 Page 3 New Business continued: West Danby Water District Warrant #9 in the amount of $131.10 was approved to be paid. The motion was made by Councilperson Dorothy Roberts and seconded by Councilman Ted Merritt and carried by a vote of five ayes and no noes. Supervisor Mildred Miller said that there will be a budget meeting held Wednesday September 16, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. at her office in the Danby Elementary School. She also reported that the back steps at the Town Hall have been repaired and painted. She asked the permission of the board to pay the bill when she receives it. iThe building and fire codes were discussed. Danby must conform to these codes. Possibly this matter should be considered by the planning board. Florence atives ha voting on a j udge a has mixed same. Starr reported t s approved by a their board. T s the people aga feeling on this hat maj his ins ma the Tompkins County Board of Represent ority vote to use a system of weighted will probably have to be decided by t this system will probably sue. She tier. Town boundaries will remain the The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mary wtz, clerk An executive session was then held to further discuss the contract being negotiated for the highway people. 1