HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-HDPC-1989 OF 1T1Ly ���_.... 4i I.- �'*fe< _; ,IqH X418 ��PoPoR�TEO�� CITY OF �TMACA '1 OB EAST GREEN STREET �TMAC A. NEW YORK '�6E6C TELEPHONE 272-1713 o PLANNING 8 DEVELOPMENT CODE BOT H.MATTHY3 VAN GORT.DIRECTOR HOTIC6 OF HBETIHG The regular meting of the Hydroppar�r Cosmiasioa will be held on Monday, Decemb¢r 4. 1989. 7:30 p.m. in the S¢cond Floor ConFer¢nc¢ Room. City Halls 108 East Green Street, Zthaca. New Yo ric. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval o£ minutes (11/6) 3. R¢signation of Therese Araneo 4. Ithaca Falls — New York State Recreational Rivers Deslgnacion — Project Economics 5. Van Natca Dam — Surre nd¢r of Exemption 6. New Sus ineas 6. Next meering date ]. Adjournm¢nt EPS—HYDRO/Agenda-Dec an EPuel ovconunuy Em P�oya�wnn an ArrvmeWe Aenen Rregr�m p4 lTfyq � U m sc�9A0'N�T60�� G ITY OF ITMACA 'IOB EAST GREEN STREET �Tl1YCY, NRW YOFK 90860 TELEPHONE:212-1TS o PLANNING&OEVELO PMENT CODE B01 H.MATTHYS VAN CORT�OIR ECTOR NOTICB OF MEETING The regular m sting of the Nydropower Co®3ssion will be held on Monday, November 6, 1989, ]:30 p.m. in Common Council Chambers, City Hall, SOS East Green 8tr¢ec, Ithaca, New York. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes (9/18) 3. New York State Recreational Riv¢rs Designation Report o£ mapping process b. Discussion o£ 1¢CC¢r from Jam Novac regarding Riverhead 4. BCatuB o£ acc3vit3es under the licensing process 5. N¢w Business 6. Next meeting date ]_ Adjournment EPJ—HYDRO/Agenda-Nov An Eauc�oawonunny EmP�over wun an arrirmuroa wmion P,oe�em py 1_T_}j7^ 43 =moi+. � s ��0� -o b/i4TE0 C QTY OF ITMACA '109 EGST GREEN STREET :TNACA, NEW YORK 't 0860 ' TELEPHONE:2]2-1]13 o PLAN NINO 6 DEVELOPMENT GOOE BO] M.MATTMYS VAN CORT.OIP E(:TOR i MEMORANDUM TO. Hydropow¢r Commission FROM: Helen Sones �/� DATE: Oceober 11, 1989 RE: Next M¢¢ting The n¢xc r¢gular m¢¢e3ng o£ ehe Hydropower Commission is scheduled For Monday, November 6, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. in Common Council Chamb¢rs. An o££icial meting notic¢ and agenda will be sent b¢£ore that m¢¢ting. ej EFJ—HYDRO/Me¢cing.m¢m w.,Ea�•i oaao...,.,ily EmP or .wun.�Arn.,.,.1me A�uo..E.oa•.m 07 CITY OF ITHACA 1 O LAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 DEPARTMENT OF TELEPHONE:272-1713 PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT CODE 607 H.MATTHYS VAN CORT,DIRECTOR MEMORANDUM TO: Hydropower Commission FROM: Dan Hoffman, Chairperson DATE: October 5, 1989 RE: Cancellation of meeting The regular meeting of the Hydropower Commission scheduled for October 11 , 1989 has been cancelled. Tentative dates for November' s meeting are as follows: Monday, November 6, 1989 or Monday, November 13, 1989. Please contact Helen Jones in the Planning Department by Friday, October 13 to indicate your availability on either of these dates. In the way of update, Common Council adopted resolutions to pursue designation of Fall Creek as a New York State Recreational River with staff support, and to reject developer proposals for the Van Natta Dam and surrender the Exemption. EPJ-HYDRO/Cancel .mem An Equal Opporturny Employer with an Alfirmative Action Program" Q4 IT1j7 ��_...._,M1p9 4t _ t�� i �� f�,' � �� � c�p�N�TEO�� G QTY OF ITMACA 'IDB EAST GREEN STREET �TN4CY� NEW YORK 90E�0 TELEPHONE:2]2-1]13 LP.NNINO 8 DEVELOPMENT CODE 60] i i H.MATTHVS VAN CORT.DIRECTOR I 2�A1'IC6 dr x�:l�m'wt_ The regular meeting o£ the Hyd><-oporer �'�^++anion will be held on Monday, September 18, 1989, ']:30 p.m. in Common Council Chambers, City Hall, 108 East Greed Street, Ithaca, New York. AGENI]F: 1. Call to o=cler 2. Approval o£ minutes (6/19 and 7/25) ' 3. Ithaca Falls a_ Protection under New York State Recreational Rivers Designation (resolution) b. Status o£ designation e££ort c. Engineering services -- underground design 4. Van Natter Dain (resolution) 5. New Business 6. Next meeting date 7. Adjournment _ EPJ/HYDRO/AGELVDA.SEP n�ea�a oaae•wm�y Emo�wm wm.n nni.m.w.wnie�R.oa..m �V ITF�q� PAXE0 CITY OF ITHACA 1 08 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14BSO DEPARTMENT OF TELEPHONE:272-1713 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CODE 607 H.MATTHYS VAN CORT.DIRECTOR NOTICE OF MEETING The July meeting of the Hydropower Commission has been rescheduled for Tuesday, July 25, 1989 at 8:00 p.m. , Fourth Floor Conference Room, City Hall , 108 East Green Street- AGENDA 1 . Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Van Natta Dam RFP 4. Ithaca Falls -- Recreational Rivers -- Underground design concept 5. Commission vacancies 6. New business 7. Next meeting date 8. Adjournment ! N.B. -- Please notify the Planning Department office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, as to whether you will attend this meeting_ 'An F'v-1 0I1,011'""Ty trll i0oy-—1h,111 Atf.rin�llivl'ACl�nn I'lrlip;lii- ��q ITllA ♦�s� F c�'PROgOTEO�� CITY OF ITMACA 9 OB EAST GREEN BTREET �' �TMAO A, NiW YORK 99®OO ui EwnwTMEUT O. TELEPHON E:292-t9t3 i o PLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT GOOE BO> H.MAITHYS VAN CORT.OIR ECTOR NOTICE OF MEETING The egular sting of the Hydropower Commission will be held on Monday, Julyml� 1989 , '1 :30 p . Common Council Chambers , City Hall , 108 East Green Street , 2thaca, New Yo ri< AGENDA 1 Ca11 To Order 2 . Ap p.r oval of Minutes 3 . Van Natta Dam AFP i 4. Ithaca Falls — Recreational Rivers t C�\ „/f — Underground design concept ✓ �r ��f'1.Nr l,/� 5 . Commiaaiou vacancies 6 . New Buaineas ^1� 7 . Next meeting date ' 8 . Adjournment O—H.l—Agenda . jl � ...E.•a oPP•n••ny E P•9.,wnn.,,Arn,•,.rro.Aa•.. .•c.• -L OF 1TIZgC� 14. Rp4RAT�� CITY OF ITHACA 1 OB EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 DEPARTMENT OF TELEPHONE:272-1713 PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT CODE 607 H.MATTHYS VAN CORT,DIRECTOR NOTICE OF MEETING The regular meeting of the Hydropower Commission will be held on Monday, June 19, 1989, 7:30 p.m. in the Second Floor Conference Room*, Cityty Haid, 108EastGreen Street, Ithaca, New York. AGENDA 1 . Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes (3/14, 4/17 and 5/15) 3. Van Natta Dam RFP -- Status report -- Developer selection committee appointment -- Use of consultants to review proposals 4. Ithaca Falls a. Underground design concept---video b. Recreational rivers.' c. Nonpower license d. Further considerations for City action e. Joint venture option 5. Selection of new Vice Chair 6. Next meeting date *Please note change in meeting location: Second Floor Conference Room. EPJ/HYDRO/AGENDA.JUN An Equa'Oppookiniiy Employer with an Affirm hG Action Program- ���F IxHgC' Vi _ �.,�'4'Fit �� � ;_. � ('lel.® o � �� ��N�TEO CITY OF ITMACA 9 OH EAST GREEN STREET � �TNYCY, NEW YORK '�OB60 TELEPRONE:2]2-t]t3 LP NNINO 8 DEVELOPMENT CODE 60] R.MATTRYS VAN CORT.pIR ECTOR Morxca of nasrxac �i Tha agular meting o£ ch¢ Rydropowsr Commisaloa will b¢ held on Monday, May 15 1989 , 7 :30 p.m. Common Council Chambers , City Hall, 108 Easc Green Street , Ithaca, NY. Ayre nda 1 Call to Order ' 2 . Approval o£ Minutes (3/14/89 and 4/17/89) 3 . Van Natta Dam RFP a. Eacabliahm¢nc of s¢Lection committee ' b . Consulting vices For proposal review and dev¢lopm¢ncsagr¢emenc c Report to Board o£ Public Works 4. R¢cr¢ational Rivera a. Ithaca Falls--eatabliahment o£ committed b Van Natta Dam--Six Mil¢ ov¢rse¢r committee report i 5 . Consultant Presentation--underground design (Vaitch/Sasha) 6 . New Business 7 . N¢xi meeCing dace 8. NYBEG Negotiations .............. nil ��Rf'oJtA"f�V 0 CITY OF ITHACA 100 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 DEPARTMENT of TELEPHONE:272-1713 PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT CODE 607 H.MATTHYS VAN CORT,DIRECTOR NOTICE OF MEETING The regular meeting of the Hydropower Commission will be held on Monday, April 17, 1989, 8:00 p-m., 2nd Floor Conference Room*, City Hall, 108 East Green Street, Ithaca, NY. Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Possible return visit by Jamie Veitch and Associates 4. Review of requirements and deadlines for maintaining licenses 5. Update on NYSEG negotiations 6. Designation of Fall Creek as a Recreational River 7. Van Natta Dam -- RFP Update 8. Next Meeting Date *Please note the chap a in meeting time and location: 8:00 p.m. , 2nd Floor Conference Room. "An EUuaJ Opportunity Employer with an Affirrnative Adion Program 4 1TtIgC", cd ago UK; �RA7EID CITY OF ITHACA 108 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 DEPARTMENT OF TELEPHONE:272-1713 PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT CODE 607 H.MATTHYS VAN CORT,DIRECTOR NOTICE OF MEETING The regular meeting of the Hydropower Commission will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 1989, 7:30 p.m. , 3rd Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 108 E. Green Street, Ithaca, New York. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Consultant Letter -- Veitch Associates 3. Report from City Attorney -- Memorandum 4. Wild & Scenic Rivers Designation 5. Congressman McHugh 6. Cornell Discussions 7. NYSEG Discussions B. Van Natta Dam 9. Approval of Minutes 10. Next Meeting Date An Equal Opportunity Employer with an Alfirmalive Action Program" ` �.�-�- p4 lTtty R�� s,�&C9 @ } �,P-.. J`¢S4 �R�TEO G ITY OF ITMACA '10B EAST GREEN STREET �THACA, NEW VOpK ':OHIO TELEPHONE:2]2-t]:3 PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT C:O DE 80] H.MAT�HVS VAN CORT,DIRECTOR HHl[OHAPDIIl1 TOc Mayor Gutenb¢rger Hydropower Commission Common Council t �-... FROM: M. Helen Jon¢s , Planning Dept y „ RE: Hydropower Commission Special Meting DATE . February 24, 1989 A special sting o£ the Hydropower Commission has been sch¢duled £or Thursday, March 9, 1989 ac 4: 00 p.m. in Common Council Chamber. Vernon Husek o£ the New York State Department o£ Environmental Conservacion will present information on the State _ Wild, Scenic nd Recreational River Syacem designation currently being sought £o Fall Cre¢k and the Ithaca Falls as a means to block hydropower development. Zt is hop¢d that all Hydropower Commission nd Common Council members will be present at this meeting to raise questions r¢garding ch¢ implications o£ this designation on th¢ issuance o£ future hydropo licenses and on the rights o£ property owners ad�acenc co cheeatream. cc : H.M_ Van Cort Ralph W. Nash � �pF 1T)(,p 4J� £..._��� s I Q4 r�0 coq'ORATfiO� CITY OF ITNACA 905 EAST GREEN STREET ITMAC4� NEW YORK 7 6E8p EPTRTMENT OF TELEPHONE:212-1T 13 O PLANNING 6 OEV ELOPMENT CODE 601 R.MATTFiYa VhN CORT.DIRECTOR M OTICB OP MEETING The regular m sting of the Nydropow¢r Commisaioz, will be held on { Tuesday , February 21 1989, x : 30 p.m. Common Council Chambers , 108 East Green Street , Ithaca, New York . Agenda I . Call to Order II Consultant Report — Veitch AssgclaCes A_ IChaca Fa11s Licenae Requirements (Articles 403 , 404 nd 406) 8 . Deaign Proposal j III . Report from City Attorney I A. L¢gal Research B_ Referendum Requirement IV Wild and Scenic Rivers Designation V Congressman MatChew McHugh VI . Cornell ❑iscusaions VII . NYSEG Negotiations VIII _ Sixty Foot Dam IX. Van Natta Dam X _ Approval of Minutes XS _ Next Meeting Date � " O—HJ—Agenda_ F21 An Equsl Opponu Mty Em pinyar witn en Alllrme,Na wa6 nn Pmpram �j� SOS iT�C9 JI • ��� s':ee'iy 4f -.. ^laP ,e ;sS ti&�Il:m �� �Poq�TEo� CITY OF ITHACA 'IOB EAST GREEN ETREET �TMAC q. NEW YORK 74860 TELEPHONE 292-1p19 D PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT COOE 009 M.MATTNYS VAN CORT.DIRECTOR NOTICE OF MEETING MYDROPOYER COMMISSION The next meeting of the Hydropower Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, January 77, 7989, 7:30 p.m_. The meeting will be held in Common Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall . AGENDA i 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Previous Minutes 3. Six Mile Creek Projects Sixty Foot Dam Van Natta Dam 4. Ithaca Falls Project Article 404 & 406 Compliance Emergency Action Plan Requirement 5. Power Sale Options 6. Site Protection 7, Adjournment fin Ec ual Oppo rtu nlb Em pioye�wpn en AObmellva Pnlon ProB�,�n" HYDROPOWER COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP October 5 , 1989 Member : Phone No . : Representation : Daniel L . Hoffman 273-6933 Common Council 607 N . Tioga St . Martin W. Sampson 273-0503 Planning and 107 Ridgedale Rd . Development Board Michael Sprague 347-4131 ,x6429 (w) Board of Public 6 Cliff Pk . Circle 273-9181 (h ) Works Beth Mulholland 273-4295 ( h) Circle Greenway 105 Penny Lane Cathy Emilian 273-3036 (w) Conservation 218 S . Albany St . 273-0824 (h) Advisory Council Alex Skutt 272-5500 (w) Ithaca Landmarks 908 Steam Mill Rd . 2736698 (h) Preservation Comm. Edward Brothers 257-1532 (w) Trout Unlimited 3 Sunset West 347-4204 ( h) Ther s Araneo 274-2183 (w) Community at Large 101 Tioga St . 277-3693 (h) Margaret Fabrizio 273-4514 (h) Community at Large 213 King Street Vacant Community at Large Vacant Fall Creek Neighborhood Vacant Ecology Action Vacant Energy Commission ( 2 ) 0-Hydro-Hydrlist . hj