HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-BOH-1940 82 u. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N. Y. Regular meeting 4:00 P. M. January 11, 1940 PRESENT: Vice OAairman - Patterson C �a mti ssi onera - Parker, Peabody, UcCormi ck Accing Health Officer - Wallace Dist. State Health Officer -Fear Dst. Supervising Nurse Donnelly Laboratory Director - Ferris 111ppectors - Molar. Baker, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer "i';"IT7 S Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. LUCENTE SUNZIONS Dr. Wallace announced that Mr. Lucente_ was present I to explain why the order issued September 13, 1939, to install a aeptic tank at his property at 1124 Giles Street has not been com- plied with. Mr. Lueente explained that since the City damaged- hits cesspool when Giles Street was widened, he felt the City should instal a new septic tank or cesspool and pay him further damages. It was explained that the City offered Mr. Lueente $250.00 in settlement of all damages, which was refused although 3r4 Lucente 's attorney urged him to accept the settlement. As the sanitary condition is serious at the property it was moved;, By Oommissioner McCormick, eeconded by Oommiseioner''PentVody, Resolved, that the matter be referred to the City Utorney �- for his attention. Oarried. OMECTIONS Collections of $4.00 for dressings and $102.O0 for, milk permits were reported. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. QX BOTTLE. _OQ Dr. ^allace. reported that he has written the Uzate Department of Health for permission to allow the',Continued use of "plug" bottle caps in the Oity. BOARD OF HEALTH OFFICE QUARTERS Dr. Wallace reported that the ma "er o new quer ers n 11e ibuary Building is in the hands of a Committee from the Common Council and Board of PubltrJT, s, and the City Engineer who will submit a report to the Codrfw-i t' their next meeting. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. pringer / City Clerk i 83 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Postponed Regular i.ieeting 4:00 P. ; . February 15, 1940 PRESENT Vice-Chairman - Patterson Commissioners - Livermore, Carey, Parker, Peabody Acting Health Officer - Wallace Laboratory Dir. - Perris Inspectors - Kolar, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer Attorney - Thaler Engineer Marble MI TE Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COL TIONS Oollectioos of X9.00 for milk licenses, $10.00 for scavenger licenses, $. 20 for vaocine, $5.75 for dressings and hypos, and $3.00 for store permits were reported. REPOR S The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. BOARD OF HEALTH OFF104 JUWERS Dr. Wallace reported that the Common Council had authorized expenditures not to exceed $1,100. for alterations to the proposed quarters in the library buildings and that before the work is started there should be agreement with the Library Association permitting the use of the quarters for at least five years. He stated that City Engineer �,�iarble has worked out a plan whereby he believes the necessary work can be done at a saving of from $200. to $300. from the original estimate of ;1,050 and that since Mr. Marble is employed under the Board of Public Works he felt that the Board of Health should request the Board of Public Works to allow the Engineer to supervise the alterations. Attorney Thaler expressed the opinion that since the altera- tions are for the benefit of a department of the city government, tUe work ca.l-z be done in the library building. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Oommissionex Parker: Resolved, that the Health Officer be authorized to make li arrangements with the Library Association for the use of the quarters for a period of not less than three years. Carried. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Corn:lissioner Carey: Resolved, that this Board request the Board of Public Works to loan the services of Mr. marble for the purpose of supervising alterations to make the quarters suitable. Carried. SPRING - STE??ART AVEWE Dr. Tdallace reported receipt of a letter`' rom Mr. thio er ark, District State Sanitary Engineer, stating that water from the spring located on the property of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity at Stewart Avenue aLid Willard Way has been found to be polluted on various occasions and that the pipe is in bad con clition and should be replaced if continued use is permitted. It was agreed that since the water is discharged on city propeTty, the city might be considered negligent if continued use is permitted. By. Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Gom:nissi over Carey: Whereas, the existence of the spring pipe as it is, and made available for drinking purposes, and Whereas, reports coming to the Board indicate that the water is unfit for drinking purposes at all tunes, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Alpha Delta Phi fratern- ity be notified to remove the existing discharge pipe and connect with the storm sewer by an underground pipe. Ayes 4 Nays 1 Carried. TEEWART K BATHING In response to inquiries, Dr. ��.'allaoe ex- presse a opinion that very little contamination of the Inlet occurred above the sewer outlet and that installation and use of the chlorinating equipment in the sewage plant should eliminate the -chlorinating ons to bathing at Stewart Parr. 1 On motion the meeting adjourned. F. Springer C ty .01erk 84 30ARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Postponed Regular I:eeting 4 P.,L's Maroh 21, 19144 PRESENT .t:ayor - Campbell Oomml ssioners - Patterson, Carey, Parker, McCormick Acting Health Officer - Wallace Attorney - Thaler Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Dist. State Sanitary Engr. -- Clark Dist. Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer EINUTES 1.,inutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORT$ The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. HEALTH OFFICER. 1A?POII�'T EXT The Clerk reported receipt of approval, of the appointment of Dr. Broad as Health Officer of the City .of Ithaca for a term which expires Dece:nlber 31, 1943. ACTING HEALTH OFFICER &PPU,j7T:_:ENT By Commissioner HcCormicc, seconded by Cormnissioner Parker: Resolved, that Dr. C. Stewart Wallace be and he hereby is appointed Acting Health Officer of the City of Ithaca for the period from Larch lith to June 1st, 19140. Unanimously Carried., SANITARY CODE A :END :E7T_ - LIVDISPENSING Dr. Wallace reported that in accordance" with a resolu ion passed on October 23, 1939) samples of milk have been taken at frequent intervals from milk dispensers in various eating places in the City. These samples have shown a great increase in the number of bacteria within a few hours after delivery in most instances, and two proposed amendments to the Sanitary Code were presented and dis- cussed, and it was moved: By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner N'Ic0orxv.ck: Be It Resolved, that Chapter III of the Sanitary Code be and hereby is amended by renunbering section 12 as section 12a and add- ing a new section to be designated section 12 as follows: Section 12• No person shall sell or offer for sale any .:silk to be consumed as such or in combination drinks on the premises where sold unless such milk is contained in caped containers, filled and capped at an approved past euri-Sing prlent prea-lery or bottling plant No milk or cream shall be drawn through a pump or other apparatus, or dipped, when sold to be consumed upon the premises. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. "SANITARY CODE A7,21JD:.'ZINT - TRAILERS It was reported that a, trailer camp is being established on the fair grounds and ir. Robert" Y. Clark, .Dist. State Sanitary Engineer, explained that a change in Chapter VII of the State Sanitary Code, effective January 1, 1940) now gives authority to issue trailer ca.rnp permits to the Dist. State Health Officer, and in the absence of local regulations, the State Officer will not be in a position to refuse a permit. By Comjissioner McCormick, seconded by Comniscioner Par-er: Be It Resolved, that Cilapter II of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca be and hereby is amended by adding a new section to - be designated section S, as follows: Section 8. No automobile or trailer shall be used for residence_ purpooes in the City of Ithaca for a period longer than 48 hours un.Less a rermit for such use shall be obtained from the proper Health Officer. Such permit shall not be issued unless the automobile or trailer for which such per-nit is sought shall be provided with ad grate water closets, properly lighted and ventilated, which shall be con- nected with the City water supply and the City sanitary sewer.. All such permits may be revoked by the Health Officer at any time that;. he finds that they have becale insanitary or that they are for any reason endangering human health or when they shall cease to be pro- vided with the sanitary facilities required by this section. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. 85 Board of Health -2- March 21, 1940 SANITARY Sy"ER CONNECTIONS Health Officer Wallace reported that the completed liettfproperties not connected with the sanitary sewers where sewers are available show approximately 40 cases, and asked the Board for instructions in regard to action against these proper- ty owners. The Cammissioners agreed that due to financial circumstances it would be impossible for many property owners to pay the cost of connection, and suggested the Health Officer again urge the owners to comply with the provisions of the Sanitary Code. DE_RAL BUDGET - SYPHILIS CLINIC Dr. Wallace reported receipt of a coiwnunication from the State Commissioner of Health requesting hi to write our Federal representatives and senators, protesting a proposed cut in the budget for syphilis control from 45.,000,000- to 5,000,000.to [0- 000 000. Dr. Wallace stated that such a reduction would un- doubtedly reduce the State aid now being received. No action was taken. NZI OFFICE 9,UARTERS Attorney Thaler reported receipt of a letter from the Library Association,amouiiting to a lease, which agreed to the occupaaoy of the new quarters in the Library building for a period of 3 years. Dr. Wallace reported that the Health Dept. is now in the new quarters, &nd' that'tbd Coat- of iftairs is` expeoted to be'under.. 0900. 11ayor Caii- Abell reported that at a meeting which he attended, the trustees of the Library association stated, that when the addi- tional : 600. which the City has agreed to pay the Library for rent equals the amount expended for Library repairs, the increased pay- rent may be discontinued. On motion the :aeeting was adjourned. F. H. rinser Cit Clerk ✓ 86 BOARD OF HEALTH FROM9MG6 City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. April 11, 1940 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Commissioners - Patterson, Parker, Peabody Acting Health Officer - Wallace Attorney Thaler Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Dist. Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Laboratory Dir. - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar., Stubblefield Clerk - Springer MIMITEIS Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. MISS FLORENCE SCANLON COMPLAINT Miss Scanlon of 601 W. Clinton Street appeared and comp ained of the manure pile maintained by Mr. M. B. Bacon of 529 W. Clinton Street claiming that the ,inten- ance of this manure pile creates a menace to health. ' Dr. Wallace explained that Mr. Bacon maintains the shed where the manure is stored under cover, in strict accordance with the permit granted him by the Board of Health, and upon various inspec- tions, the latest on April 6th, no violations were found.. The Commissioners agreed that since Mr. Bacon is maintainAng the storage of manure as required in the permit that there is no menace to Health, and therefore, is not a matter for the. Dard of Health to decide. Attorney Thaler expressed the opinion that from evidence pre- sented the sanitary rules were not being broken, but that the nuisance might be eliminated through zoning regulations since the manure storage is located in the "A" residential district. By Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Peabody:,,' Resolved, that it is the sentiment of this Board that the matter be referred to the Board of Zoning Appeals for consideration. Carried. .... MIL$ DISPENSING REG TIONS Mr. R. H. McIntyre, proprietor of ice cream stores in N. Aurora Street and College Avenue appeared before the Board to inquire if exceptions may be made to the new regula- tions in regard to dispensing milk. He stated that inspection has shown his milk pumps to be in good sanitary condition at all times, and Dr. Wallace confirmed his statement. Commissioner Patterson expressed the opinion that exception should be made but it was agreed it would be necessary to amend present regulations if exceptions are made. No action was taken. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. ANNUAL REPORT Dr. Wallace reported that the annual report for 1939 is now in the process of mimeographing and will be ready for dis- trib-dtion within the next 2 weeks. TRAILER REGULATIONS , Dr. Wallace requested an-` interpretation of the amendment of the Sanitary Code in reference to trailerp, especially those located on private properties. Attorney Thaler expressed the opinion that a trailer located on private property and usedonly for sleeping quarters should, as a matter of policy be permitted, but if it is used for usual living quarters, the owners should comply with the provisions of the Sanitary Code. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F.*vl:rerke,,/ r i 87 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. May 9, 1940 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Commissioners - Carey, Parker, Patterson Acting Health Officer - Wallace Dist. Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Laboratory Dir. - Ferris inspectors - Kolar, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS Collections of $2. 00 for milk permits and $3. 00 for dressings were reported. REPORTS The usual monthly reported were received and ordered filed. Dr. Wallace reported that Nurse, Mrs. Netro, has been ill and that her work has been attended to by Nurses Mandeville and Head. SCANLON COMPLAINT The- Clerk reported that Mr. H. C. Thorne, Bldg. Commissioner and Zoning Officer has ruled that no zoning regulation had been broken by Mr. Bacon by conducting a compost business at 529 W. Clinton Street, and that Miss Scanlon has been notified to that effect. N. Y. S. MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETING Dr. Wallace reported that he had secured permission from the individual Commissioners to attend the medical meeting in New York on May 6, 7 and 8 and requested the Board to approve at this time. By Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioper Carey: Resolved, that the attendance of Dr. Wallace �aat the N.Y. S. Medical Society meeting in New York on May 6, 7 a�`id 9 at City ex- pense, be and the same hereby is approved. Carried. DR. BROAD Dr. Wallace reported that Dr. Broad will return to his duties as Health Officer on June 1, 1940. Various members of the Board expressed sincere appreciation of the work done by Dr. Wallace during his term as Acting Health Officer, and it was moved By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Parker: Resolved, that a suitable resolution of appreciation be pre- pared and spread upon the minutes. Unanimously Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. H. 'Jger� City Clerk i`. I 8S BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. June 13, 1940 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vic6-0hairman -► Patterson Commissioners - Carey, Parker, Peabody, Livermore, McCormick Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Dist. Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Laboratory Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. Vioe-Chairman Patterson presided and welcomed the return of Dr. Broad who expressed pleasure at being back in Ithaca. COLLECTIONS Collections of $3. 00 for dressings and . 50¢ for vaccine were reported. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were received and ordered filed. DR. C. S. WALLACE Commissioner Carey read the following resolution of appreciation of the services of Dr. Wallace during the leave of absence of Dr. Broad and its adoption was moved, seconded and un- animously carried azd ordered spread upon the minutes: "WHEREAS, Dr. 0. Stewart Wallace served as Acting Health Officer from September 15, 1939 to May 31, 1940,and WHEREAS, his services were highly satisfactory, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that this Board expresses its sincere appreciation of his conscientious efforts, and excellent performance of his duties, and extendsto him its best wishes for success in the future practice of his profession. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL DENTAL CLINIC Health Officer Broad reported that Father Byrne/Mpressed the opinion that service at the dental clinics for the Parochial School might be improved. The matter of turning the dental work over to the Board of Education was dis- cussed and Dr. Broad was requested to discuss the matter with the Dental Society '*and the Board of Education. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. Springer City Clerk ,/ 89 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. July 11, 1940 PRESENT 1.1ayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson �.t Commissioners - Parker, Peabody, Livermore, McOormick Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Dist. supervising Nurse - Donnelly Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer Dep. Clerk - Blean Vice-Ohairman Patterson presided. MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were received, read and ordered filed. High counts in some samples of cream tested wore noted, and the Board discussed the possibility of further regulating its handl- ing. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL DENTAL CLINIC Dr. Broad reported that Mr. Kulp felt there was some question as to the right of the Board of Educa- tion to take over the work at the Parochial School but also felt that, if possible to do so, it would be preferable. The Dental Society, he reported, had suggested that a committee be appointed from their members so that there would be some definite check ori the work being done. He further reported that he felt some change in personnel was desirable. The matter was left with Dr. Broad 6-W for further study and report. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Deputy City Clerk .I i i I 99 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. August 8, 1940 PRESENT Vice-Chairman - Patterson Commissioners - Carey, Livermore, McCormick Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS Oollections of $3.00 for bedside care and $. 30 for vaccine were reported. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were received and ordered filed. It was suggested that a separate report be made each month of the work done by the physician and nurse at -the Parochial School. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL STAFF Health Officer Broad submitted the dames of the following persons as a staff for the Parochial School for the coming school year and suggested that their appointments be confirmed if approved by the Board: Physician - Dr. 0. Stewart Wallace Dentist - Hilton 0. Simon Dental Hygienist - Mary Prouty By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Carey: Resolved, that the persons named in the foregoing list as a staff at the Parochial School be approved. Be It Further Resolved, that they be appointed to serve dur- ing the coming school year. Unanimously Carried. CREAM DISPENSERS Dr. Broad reported on a conference with State officials in regard to regulations governing milk and cream dis- pensers in eating establishments. He stated that they are willing to cooperate with local authorities in determining the best dis- penser for the purpose. With the approval of the Board, Dr. Broad agreed to continue conferences with State officials. On motion the meeting was adjourned. r F. H. Springer City Clerk J 91 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. m. September 12, 1940 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice.-Chairman - Patterson Commissioners - Peabody, Livermore, McCormick Health Officer - Broad �-- D-"- st. 'State Health Officer - Fear Le,b. Director - Ferris ;Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield t I erk - Springer Vice-Chairman Patterson presided. .INUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. H^RNER SONS Health Officer Broad explained that Mr. Horner was present in answer to a summons in regard to his failure to connect his properties at 211, 213 W. Falls Street with the sanitary sewer. He explained that Mr. Horner was ordered to make these connec- tions in 1.937 and on June 22,- 1940 he was again notified that he was violating the sanitary code and was ordered to make the necessary connections with the sewer. ;�r.Horner stated that when he sold the City a right of way for a sanitary sewer line across his property it was understood that he would not be compelled to connect his property with the sewer line unless he so desired, and that when he wished to make the connection, the City would issue a permit and make the connections without charge. He also stated that at times the sewer on his property backs up and overflows the manhole. Dr. Broad stated that effluent from the septic tank comes to the surface of the ground at times and creates a health menace. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Mayor Campbell: Resolved, that aotion on the matter be deferred until the conditions of the alleged agreemeatbetween Mr. Horner and the City are ascertained. Be It Further Resolved, that the Acting City Engineer be re- quested to investigate the statement that the sewer manhole in this section overflows at times. Carried. REPO= The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. LUOQUE JIOLATION Dr. Broad reported that Attorney Thaler is familiarizing himself with the facts in the Lucente case after which he will proceed with the enforcement of the orders issued by the Department of Health. AXER L Q 00. XZETING Dr. Broad announced that ere would e a meeting of the American Public Health Assoc. in Detroit during the second week of October and requested permission to attend. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner No0ormick: Resolved, that Dr. Broad be permitted to attend the meeting at City expense. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned to October 17, 1940. i.. I F. H. Springer l City Clerk ✓ 92 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Postponed Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. October 17, 1940 PRESENT Hlayor - Campbell Vice--Chairman - Patterson Commissioners - Carey, Parker, Livermore Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer -- Fear Dist. Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Attorney - Thaler Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. DE LOUL SUAWONS Health Officer Broad explained that Mr. DeL who conducts a restaurant at 122 S. Cayuga Street was present 1,4 answer to a summons in regard to dispensing bulk milk and other violations of the Sanitary Code. Inspector Stubblefield reported that Mr. DeLoul has been notified of Code violations on various occasions, but as yet con- ditions onditions have not been corrected, especially in the matter of dish washing. He stated that recently new State regulations have been set up which require dishes to be rinsed in water of least 1700 temper- ature, and it was recommended that Mr. DeLoul_ be furnished with a copy of the new State regulations. Mr. DeLoul explained that he is making alterations in his restaurant and expects to complete them in about two weeks, and will woe every efforts to comply with all sanitary regulations, and In- spector nspector Stubblefield was directed to make inspection after altera- tions are completed and report at the next meeting of the .Board. 22kLECTIONS Collections of $1. 30 for vaccine were reported. ORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. Discussion of the report of the condition of milk samples en- sued and Commissioner Livermore suggested that the Health Officer draft a resolution to be adopted by the Board, on the publicity to be given on the condition of milk delivered to the distributors and to consumers. HORNER VIOLATION In accordance with a resolution adopted at the ep ember 12th meeting, the following report on the Horner matter was made by the Clerk; "No record in the minutes of the Board of Public Works whereby it was agreed that connections to the sanitary sewer were to be _ made without cost to Mr. Horner, and a deed on file discloses' that Mr. Horner was paid $100. 00 for a right of way for the sewer line over his property- ' "No record was found of a stoppage in the sewer line, crossing his property. " 12,41 BUDGET Health Officer Broad distributed copies of the pro- � posed tentative budget for 1941, and reported that some adjustments might be necessary. He stated that the attendance at some clinics is very small and it was suggested that he make further study and recommendations in regard to the continuation of these olinice. On motion the meeting was adjourned. t F." H. ringer , Cit Clerk �� 93 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. November 14, 1940 PRESENT Mayor -- Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson Commissioners - Peabody, Livermore Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear - Dist Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Plumbing Inspector - Wismar Clerk - Springer 117XUTES '.:inutes of the, preceding meeting were duly ' approved. WILLIAX HORYER SUMMONS Health Officer Broad announced that Mr. Horner was again present in answer to a summone 'on account of the sanitary conditions at his property in W., Falls 'Street. Minutes of a meeting of the Board held on February 13, 1934- . disclosed the fact that he was ordered at that time to connect._ his 'properties with the sanitary 'sewer, and when_Prr: Horner appeared before the Board on September 12, 19,40 in answer to a summons•, he stated that when the sanitary sewer line was laid across his property, it was understood that connections would be made to the line with- out charge to him, and that at times the `sewer line backs up and overflows on his property. After investigation of Ur-,Horner-'s claim, the Clerk reported that no record could be found whereby the City agreed to connect his property to -the sewer line, without charge, and no record was four¢ of. a stoppage 'in the sewer line crossing his property. p7__1 ng Inspector Wismar. reported that conditions are bad at these properties and recommended that 1r. Horner be compelled to make oornoctions with the 'sanitary sewer. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Mayor Campbell: Whereas, Mr. Horner was directed to ,connect his prbperties with �- the eanitary sewer in February, 1934. and Whereas, no repord has- been found whereby the City is obligated to make connections withput cost to him. Now Therefore Be It'Resolved, that Mr. Horner be ordered to connect his properties with. the sanitary sewer within thirty days; 1n case of failure to.make these connections, the matter be referred to the City Attorney with instructions to prosecute. Carried. COLLECTIONS Collections of #2..00 for bedside care were reported. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. j Sanitary. Inspect"or Stubblefield reported that no improvements have been found in the conditions in the DeLoul restaurant in S. Cayuga Street and he was directed to make further effort to clear up the situation. Broad 1ILK AND OREAA REPORTS Health Officer/reported that City Attorney Thaler has expressed the opinion that results of laboratory tests of milk and cream are confidential and should not go beyond the Board. He reported that the State Department of Health also expresses the opinion that these records are confidential, and it .was agreed that these records should be kept entirely confidential. AUTHORITY TO g2hLECT SAMPLES 'Oak .a Health Officer Broad expresseda opinion a Board Auld give definite authority to collect samples of milk and cream from eating and _ drinking establishments in the City, and it was moved By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Oommissioner Peabody: Whereas, it .is the sense of this Board that a strict check i should be kept on the milk and cream dispensed in the City. Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Bilk Inspector be and he hereby is given authority to collect samples of milk and cream from all eating and drinking establishments in the Oity. Unanimously Oarried. 94. Board of Health -2- November .14, A94o BUDGBT Health Officer Broad distributed amended copies .of t) tentative budget for 1941 in the total amount of $19 510. 00 *hich is $410.00 less than the budget appropriation for 1946. No increases in salary were indicated, and changes in`-various items were explained. Dr. Broad recommended that in order to more. properly supervise the work of the three visiting nurses, that their mileage allowance be limited to $160. 00 each per year,and it was moved By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Peabody:. Resolved, that as a. pollcy of the Board, the mileage of the visiting nurses be limited to $160.00 each per year. Carried. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Peabody: Resolved, that the tentative -budget for the year 1941 be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, and a requisition ordered filed with the Common Council for an appropriation of $19., 510-00 to cover the estimated cost of maintenance and operation of the Department under control of the Board of Health. Carried. LUCENTE CESSPOOL Plumbing Inspector Wismar again called attention to!he insanitary condition of the cesspool on the Lucente property in Giles Street and it was reported that the matter was referred to the► City Attorney for attention in January, 1940. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Peabody: Resolved, that the Health Officer request the City Attorney to make a report on the Lucente matter at the neat meeting of this Board. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. Spr ager, City Clerk Y r BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS 90. City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. m. December 12, 1940 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice Chairman - Patterson - Presiding Commissioners - Carey, Peabody, Livermore Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Dist. Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Stubblefield Attorney - Thaler Clerk - Springer T. INUTES '.mutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. I REPORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. Health Officer Broad reported on a conference with the Com;nittee from the Ca- mon Counc$l in regard to the budget, and to the work be- ing done by the Health Department in the Parochial .School. Inspector Stubblefield reported that ,progress is now being made in improving conditions at the 'DeLoul restaurant in S. Cayuga Street. STATE DEPARTi,:,EXT :...-ILK RIS U I Health Officer .Broad reported that the State Department has l.awe ed the requireinent3in their rules in regard to the handling of milk, especially in the .natter of pasteurization, and that at a meeting of members of this Board and representatives of the local milk dealers, it was agreed that the City requirements should not be lowered. SYPHILIS CLINIC The Health Officer reported that s1,lce 1936 the County as we;.I as the City has conducted a syphilis ;'1.ini.c, but due to the decrekse in attendance, the State Department i�.s become in- terested and has suggested that the clinic be consol:_,';ated under the City Health Department. He stated that the State contributes one-half of the funds re- quired to maintain the clinic but that renresenta.tiveE. of the State Department feel that the amount contributed by the Stn--e Should not go into the general fund of the City, but should be ?or the purchase of equipment for the Health Department. Doctor BroaMi i Committee from the Dor -on Uouncil suggest- ed uggest-- e d that amounts re �v rom the State might be taken intto consider- ation and could be appropriated at a later date for the nu-chase of equipment needed. Doctor Broad further stated that the local Health Department will not require additional funds, as all drugs and supplies for the clinic are furnished by the State, and it was agreed that the matter be further discussed when the County requests the City to take over the clinic. LUCENTE CESSPOOL Attorney Thaler reported that at his request, 1r. and "Irs. Lucente called at his office and were notified that if they did not abate the nuisance at their property in Giles Street by December 13, 1940 that it would be necessary to prosecute them. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Carey: Resolved, that the City Attorney be and he hereby is authorized and directed to start proceedings against Frank and ;:aria D. Lucente, under the provision of the Sanitary Code. Carried. i EXECUTIVE SESSION At this point it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Board go into executive session: HELEN H. NETRO-VISITING NURSE Health Officer Broad stated that at the July meeting of the Board he reported that T?urse Netro had been injured by a car and asked if the Board wished to continue her salary during the term of her absence. He stated that no opinion was given at the time, and that her salary was continued. Upon her recovery Airs. Netro stated that she intended to reim- burse the City for salary advanced if the insurance company paid her claim, and her Attorney requestedand .was given a statement of the salary paid during her absence which amounted to $262. 50. 96 Board of Health -2- December 12, 1940 Doctor Broad stated that the insurance company has settled' with Yrs. Netro for $1 +25. 00 and that no effort was made to reimburse the City. Attenticn was called to the fact that 11rs. Netro has failed to fully cooperate with the Department and that her work has not been entirely sa.�isfactory for some time, and -it was agreed that the City Attorney anr. Health Officer should make further study of the matter and make re.lor aendations at an adjourned meeting of the Board. ' On .motion the meeting was adjourned to reconvene at the, call of the Chai nlian. � t Cr .�l•� W4 F• H. 511- i Wzger. City Cleik V I 97. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. January 9, 1941 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, Presiding Commissioners - McCormick, Darey, Cross Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Clerk —Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS Collections of 13$-00 for mil* dealers permits, 856.00 or store permits and 5.00 for scavenger permits were re- ported. e- portad. RE_POITS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. DR. BAKER LEAVE OF ABSE101 Health Officer Broad reported that Milk Inspector Baker is to..go on sabbatic leave from the University from February let to August let, 1941, and'' that Dr. Evans will assume his duties during Dr. Baker's leave with the approval of the Board. By Commissioner OaTey, seconded by Commissioner McCormick: Resolved, that Dr. Evans be employed as Milk Inspector during Dr. Baker's leave, and he is hereby vested with all authority of the Milk Inspector during that time. . Carried. � .. AKER - UTIREMENT Health Officer Broad suggested that a suitable resolution be prepared in appreciation of the services of Dr. Parker on the Board of Health. ._ By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Carey: Resolved, that the Health Officer and the City Clerk be directed to prepare a resolution to be presented to Dr. Parker and also spread upon the minutes of the Board. Carried. SANITARY CODE AMENDMENT '-Dr. Broad reported that certain sections of the Sanitary Code are outmoded and that other provisions are in- adequate and suggested that.- it* be amended. ' The matter was referred to the Health Officer and the- Committee on Rules and Regulations and Sanitary Code to prepare the necessary amendments for adoption at the next meeting of the Board. On motion the meeting was adjourned. i F. H Springer ' City Clerk Ih i 1 98 I . BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. February 13, 1941` PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - Peabody, Livermore, Cross ._ Attorney - Thaler Health Officer - Broad Dist,,^,S"tate Health Officer - Fear La:b, ,%rector - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS Collections of $2. 00 for scavenger licenses, $1.0€} for bedside care, and $10. 00 for store milk permits were reported. MILK PRODUCERS AND DEALERS AGREEMENT The Chairman adjourned the meeting to executive session to discuss the controversy between the milk producers in the Ithaca district and the dealers in the City. Health Officer Broad reported that recently the producers have formed a Cooperative and have asked a higher price for milk effect- ive March let, and that the dealers report that they cannot pay the price increase without an increase :to the consumer, and have asked for permission to distribute milk obtained from producers outside the Ithaca district. The Commissioners agreed that the local Health Department should insist on standards already set up, and that the question of price should be settled between the producers and dealers. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross Resolved, that it is the sense of this Board 'that we prefer to have milk from the present producers now being inspected by the City Dairy and Meat Inspector; that the question of price between the producers and dealers is a matter for their own adjustment, timtt in event milk as required by the City cannot be distributed by the present dealers under permit issued by the local Board of Health, then the Board of Health will take the necessary action to assure an adequate and proper supply ,of milk for the City. Unanimously Carried. Representatives of the producers and dealers were called in and informed of the action of the Board. REPORTS The ueval monthly reports were read and ordered filed. SANITARY C ODE AaI NAIZENTS Health Officer Broad presented proposed amendments to the Sanitary Code, and it was moved By Commissioner Peabody, seconded by Commissioner Livermore: Resolved, that the following sections of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca, N. Y. be and hereby are repealed: Chapter III, Section 10 and 13. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. By Commissioner Peabody, seconded by Commissioner Livermore: Resolved, that Chapter I, Section 1 of the Sanitary Code be amended as follows'. l Chapter I, Section 1. Grade A Pasteurized milk, cream, and milk products shall be the only grade sold in the City of Ithaca. 1 Board of Health -2- February 13, 1941 7f9 A. MILK - GRADE A PASTEURIZED a. Milk to be labelled Grade A Pasteurized shall be cooled immed- iately after milking to a temperature of 50 degrees Faharenheit or less, extent morning 's milk which is to be delivered to a bottling or pasteurizing plant before 8:00 A.M. Standard Time, or between December 1 and April 1, before 9:00 A.M. Standard Time and night 's milk which is to be so delivered immediately. b. No milk shall be labelled or designated as Grade A pasteurized unless it is so produced, handled, and cooled as to give before pasteurization the bacteria colony count of not more than 100,000 per cubic centimeter and unless it shall give at any time after pasteurization and previous to delivery the count of not more than 30, 000 per cubic centimeter. c. No milk shall be labelled or designated as Grade A Pasteurized unless physical examinations of the milking animals are made at intervals of not more than six months. B. CREAM, GRADE A PASTEURIZED No cream shall be labelled or designated as Grade A Pasteurized unless it has been obtained from milk conforming to the require- ments of this chapter for Grade A Pasteurized milk, and unless such cream will give at any time after pasteurization and previous to delivery to the consumer bacteria count not more than 100+,`000 per cubic centimeters. C. IMILK PRODUCTS All milk products shall be made from milk and cream as herein de- fined. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. By Commissioner Peabody, seconded by Commissioner Livermore:- Resolved, that Chapter IIT, Seotiong of the Sanitary Code be amended as follows: Chapter III, Section 2. RESTAURANT a.The term restaurant as used in this Chapter shall mean any hotel, public restaurant, public dining room, dining car, drug store, soda fountain, steamboat, or any other establishment where food or drink:, for consumption upon the premises is prepared for sale or sold, all bakeries, butcher shops, confectionery, delicatessen, egg, fish, fruit, grocery, ice cream, milk, and vegetable stores shall be subject to these regulations. EATING, DRINXI7G AND COOKING UTENSILS b•Eating, drinking and cooking utensils shall include all kitchenware, tableware, glassware, cutlery, utensils, containers, and other equipment with which food or drink comes into contact during the storage, preparation, or serving of food or drink, used in the restaurants. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. By Commissioner Peabody, seconded by Commissioner Livermore: Resolved, that Chapter III, Section 15 of the Sanitary Code be amended as follows: Chapter III, Section 15. DISPENSING UTENSILS Utensils and devices used in dispensing frozen desserts shall be kept clean and water in which they are kept when not in use shall be clean. Such utensils and devices shall be kept in running water when it is piped to the building where frozen desserts are sold. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. 100 Board of Health -3- February 13, 1941 By Commissioner Peabody, seconded by Commissioner Livermore: Resolved, that Chapter III of the Sanitary Code be amended by adding Section 19 as follows: Chapter III, Section 19. FROZEN DESSERTS, BACTERIAL CONTENT a.Frozen desserts containing organisms of the coliform group or con- taining more than 100,000 colonies of bacteria per c. o. in t1le melted product as determined by the standard plate method shall not be brought into the City of Ithaca, manufactured or held, kept, or offered for sale in the City of Ithaca. MELTED OR PARTLY MELTED PRODUCT b.Frozen desserts, which have become melted or partly melted, shall not be re-frozen, except after same has been re-pasteurized, or subjected to a temperature of (1500F. ) for not less than 30 minutes. Provided, however, that frozen desserts which have become melted, or partly melted, shall not be re-frozen if containers or packages have been opened, or become broken after having been removed from place of manufacture. No melted frozen dessert as herein referred to shall be re-pasteurized or re-frozen if same is unclean, con- taminated or unwholesome. No partly filled cans or containers of bulk frozen dessert shall be delivered to the dealer. HOLDERS OR HOLDING STICKS c.Wherein holders or holding sticks are used in the manufacture or , preparation of ,frozen desserts, they shall be constructed of clean wood or other suitable material, which has been sterilized. The re-use of such holders, or holding sticks is prohibited. PACKAGE FORM CONTAINERS d.Frozen desserts in forms known to the trade as "popsicles"., "pops", "bricks", or similar forms, shall not be kept, held, offered for sale or sold otherwise than in suitable individual dust proof con- tainers or wrappers, which shall completely cover and protect all edible substances in such "popsicles", "pops", "brick" or similar form. -and which shall be applied to said forms at the place of manufacture. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. DR. PARKER RETIREMENT By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Whereas, Dr. Esther E. Parker has served as Commissioner of the Board of Health from January 1, 1926 to December 31, 1940; and Whereas, many worthwhile improvements have bee ��i ealth con- ditions in the. City, due in no small degree to the 7*V s of Dr. Parker; and Whereas, it is highly regrettable that due to 'the removal of her residence from the City it is impossible for her to continue as a member of the Board; Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca express its appreciation to Dr. Parker for the many years of -loyal and faithful service rendered to the City; and Be It Further Resolved, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Health and a oopy jaereof conveyed to Dr. Parker. Unanimously Carried. RESIGNATION - _HELEN H. NETRO R.N. The following letter was pre- 'Fented to theBoard: 1G! Y- "Ithaca, Feb. 13,` 1941 "To the Board of Health: As Dr. Broad has informed me that the Board of Health would like my resignation on March 1, 1941, I hereby tender my resigna- tion to take effect on that date. Very truly yours Helen H. Netro, By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that the resignation be accepted. ' 10.1 Board of Health -4-- February 13, 19 +1 Dr. Broad reported that Ifliss Irllandeville is ill at this time and may be unable. to return to work and he stated that it might be necessary to make a temporary appointment. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that the liunicipal Civil Service Commission be re- quested to furnish an eligible list from which to appoint a Public Health Nurse. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. inger f City Clerk 102. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Special Meeting 4:00 P. M. February 27, 1941 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - Livermore, McCormick, Carey Health Officer - Broad Clerk - Springer The Chairman announced the meeting was called to discuss the provisional appointment of a Public Health Nurse and such other business as might properly come before the Board. PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT - PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Health Officer Broad reported that Mrs. Netro s resignat on will be effective March 1st; that Miss Mandeville is still absent due to illness and that Miss Gladys Robbins has expressed willingness to accept pro- visional appointment as Public Health Nurse. Dr. Broad stated that the Civil Service Commission will approve a provisional appointment for a four month. period only, after which a permanent appointment must be made from an eligible list. After discussion it was agreed that in order to obtain candidates for the position of Public Health Nurse, it will be necessary to establish a salary of $1,500. per year for the posi- tion and it was moved, By Commissioner 'Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Carey: Resolved, that Miss Gladys Robbins be and hereby is appointed provisionally as Public Health Nurse at a salary of $1, 500. er annum,with mileage allowance of four and one-half cents (i4oper mile, and I Be It Further Resolved, that the Yunicipal Civil Sertrice Com- mission be requested to approve this provisional appointment. Carried. LEAVE OF ABSENCE NURSE MANDEVILLE Health Officer Broad reported that Public Health Nurse Mandeville will be unable to return to her duties before April 1st and requested the Board to provide for a sick leave if they so desire. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Carey: Resolved, that Public Health Nurse -Mandeville be granted sick leave until April ,ly 1941 with full salary. Unanimously Carried. PUBLIC HEALTH - NATIONAL DEFENSE Dr. Broad reported receipt of a notice of a meeting of Health Officers in Albany on Thursday, March 6th which is called to discuss public health problems in con- nection with national defense. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner McCormick: Resolved, that Dr. Broad be authorized to attend the meeting at City expense. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. Springer City Clerk 103 I BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M• March 13, 1941 PRESENT Commissioners - Cross, Peabody, McCormick Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Health Officer - Broad Dist. Health Officer.- Fear 'Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Evans, Stubblefield Dep. Clerk - Blean MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were presented, read and ordered filed. Collections of $2. 00 for milk licenses amd 500 for nursing care were reported. ANNUAL REPORT Dr. Broad presented his annual report for the year ended ecember 31, 1940, which was ordered filed. SANITARY CODE AMENDMENT Dr. Broad presented an amendment to the Sanitary Code and recommended its adoption. By Commissioner Peabody, seconded by Commissioner McCormick: Resolved, that Chapter III of the Sanitary Code be amended by adding thereto Section 20 as follows: Chapter III, Section 20 Restaurant Construction and Alterations The plans for the construction, remodeling or alteration of any restaurant filed with the Building Commissioner of the City of Ithaca shall be submitted to the Health Officer of the City of Ithaca for his approval. 4-- The owner or operator of any restaurant shall, before open- ing the same for business, obtain the approval of the Health Officer or his representative as to the manner of operation insofar as the operation is regulated by the Sanitary Codes of the City of Ithaca and the State of New York. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. j ! 17 Geo. A. Blean Dep. City Clerk / 1 104' BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4::00 P. M. April 10 1941 PRESENT �••r Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - Peabody, Cross, Carey Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Inspectors - Kolar, Evans, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved: COLLECTIONS. Collections of y3.00 for nursing care, $1.00 for store milk permit, and 0.10 for vaccine were reported. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. On motion the meeting was adjourned. i F. Springer City Clerk J i I i 10 Pow BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. May S, 19+1 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - Peabody, Livermore, Cross, Carey Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Evans, Stubblefield j Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. I INSANITARY DWELLING Dr. Broad reported that the dwelling at 704 Casoadilla Street which has been reported at previous meetings con- tinues in very bad condition and he recommended that it be pro-- claimed ro-claimed unfit for human habitation. By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Livermore: Whereas, it appears to the Board that a building known as 704 Cascadilla Street has become insanitary and continues in an in- sanitary condition, and Whereas, a proposed order has been presented to this Board which order conforms with the provisions of Chapter II, Section 1 of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca. Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that said order be and hereby is approved as presented and the Health Officer be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of this Board and cause copies thereof to be served as prgvided in said Sanitary Code. Carried. SEPTIC - TANKS Dr. Broad reported that septic tanks are being in- stalled n- sta eddiin the Cornell Street section of East Hill where sanitary severs are not readily available, and that there seems to be no way to prohibit or regulate them under the Sanitary Code until they become a health menace. He stated that the Plumbing Code requires that permission be secured from the Health Officer before the tanks are installed and requested the Board to express their opinion on the matter. It was recommended that regulations be made to cover the situation and Dr. Broad was requested to further study the matter and draft rules for consideration by the ,Board at the next meeting. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. ringer City Clerk 1-06 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. 1,. June 12, 19+1 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - McCormick, Cross Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear. . Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Evans, Stubblefield Plumbing Insptr. - Wismar Clerk - Springer ININUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly .approved. COLLECTIONS Collections of $13. 00 for nursing services ,and .$3..00 for vaccine were reported. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. SEPTIC TAN?{S The matter of regulating the installation of septic tanks was discussed and Dr. Broad reported that the Building Com-- missioner has agreed to cooperate in regulating the installation.: of septic tanks, and that recently a permit was denied on the grounds ,.that it would become a nuisance. It - was agreed that such an arrangment be continued so- lohg 'as it is effective. BARBER SHOPS Inspector Stubblefield reported that some barber shops are careless in the matter of cleanliness and, ways of- oorrect- ing the situation sere discussed. ARriY SERVICE. - SANITARY. INSPECTOR STUBBLEFIELD Dr. Broad reported that at,-the request of the Mayor, Inspector Stubblefield'g, call for army servide' was deferred to. July 1st. but recently ,ho, was placed in Class IA notwithstanding a requesttoagain defer fi mi- due ' to.'the importance of his work in the 'Health Department of, the Citi. By Con-lission.er McCormick, seconded. by Commissioner dross: Resolved, that this Board appeal the decision of the Draft" Board in regard to Inspector Stubblefield. Caxr .e . ELIGIBLE LIST - PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Dr. Broad reported that as yet no eligible list for Public Health Nurses has been furnished although a request wow made to the Hun. Civil Service Commission on February 28-, - 1941 to furnish such a list and that the pro- visional appointment which was approved by the Com-fission of Gladys A. Robbins will expire ri.thin a short time. By Can-_lissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that the Clerk he directed to again request the Commission to provide an eligible list from which a permanent appointment may be made. Carried. SYPHILIS CLINIC Dr. Broad reported that a request has been re- ceived by the Local Board of Health to take over -the County syphilis clinic work and that a satisfactory agreement has been reached. By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that this Board approve an arrangment whereby the City Health Department will take over the patients of the County syphilis clinic, and Be It Further Resolved, that a contract satisfactory to the City Attorney and City Health Officer be prepared and the mayor and City Clerk authorized &ad directed to execute same on behalf of the City. Carried. MILK SUPPLY - OUTSIDE DEALERS Dr. Broad reported that a diary in Olean is furnishing milk to the City without securing a permit. It was agreed that the Health Officer has Power to control the matter. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. Spri ?er, City Clwk V i 107 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. July 10, 1941 PRESENT Mayor Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - Cross, Peabody, Carey, Mo0ormiok Alderman - Perry Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Evans, Stubblefield Plumbing Insptr. - Wismar Dep. C. erk - Blean MINUTEI Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS Collections of #4.,,2 for nursing service and $1. 50 for sae of vaccine were reported: REPORTS The usual monthly reports were presented, read and ordered filed. Dr. Broad commented briefly on his attendance at the annual conference of Health Officers held in Saratoga, a resume of which was included in his monthly report. LUCZNTI 0ZS ,SPOOL Dr. Broad reported that he had made a survey of e Giles Street neighborhood where the Lucente `property is located. Because of conditions, a potential hazard to the swimming pool exists as well as the possibility of fix Mile Creek tieing polluted. He pointed out that the permit to operate the swimming pool was issued on the condition that there be a constant flow of water from the pool into the oreek at all times. His sur*ey, he felt, showed that �— the mutter of sewage disposal was not only a problem for Mr. Lueente but one for that entire neighborhood, and that the City should supply proper means of disposal, and hethehrefore wrote the City Engineer a0gordingly. Ou motion the meeting adjourned. .a. Geon A. Blean / Deputy City Clerk Y i i Q 108 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Special Meeting 4:00 P. M. July 24, 1941 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman -- Patterson presiding Commissioners - Peabody, Livermore, Cross Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Clerk - Springer The Chairman announced the meeting was called to dice the matter of Public Health Nurse. Health Officer Broad reported that only one application was received for the position as the result of an advertisement-for an examination published by the Municipal Civil Servioe Commission. He stated that the Secretary. •of the Commission advisee that. three courses of procedure are open as followelt 1. The Board may appoint the present incumbent-. 2. Open the position to residents outside of the City, 3. Secure permission from the State Department of Civil: ` . Service to appoint a person approved by the Board. Commissioner Carey entered the Council chamber at this time. Dr. Broad further. repbrted that the recent advertisement for applicants called for- Grade I nurses while the previous examination passed Graded nurses and he explained the differen©® in qualifi-- oati ons. After further dissicn it -was moved By Commissioner U*61raore, seconded by Commissioner Peabody: SAS, at the request of this Board, the Municipal. Civil Sear- vioe .410mmission has duly advertised and opened competitive examina- tion for the position of Public Health Nurse, and has redeived but one application therefor, although the term for filing applioWtions has expired, and SEAS, it appears that such a list cannot be obtainbd under the ordinary restrictions as to residents, but that throvghout the State tbare are or may be qualified persons who would compete for appointment NOW THZFMFORE BE IT ABSOLVED, that this Board hereby requests the Ovamission to waive the requirements as to residents as pro- vided by Rule XIII, paragraph Sof the Civil Service Rules, the position of Public Health Nurse requiring high professional and scientific qualifications, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Commission for its action. Darr 'ed. On motion the meeting was adjourned. IN H. �ringer Be e _ T 1,09 �.... BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. august 141 1941 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Health Officer Broad Disto Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Inspectors - lolar, Stubblefield Clerk - _Springer Due to lack of quorum, the meeting was adjourned to Thursday.. August 29, 1941 at 4 P. M. 10 :2 F. H. ringer �. City Clerk L i r Ito 1 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Adjourned Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. August 28 1941 PRESENT May or - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - Livermore, Cross Health Officer - Broad Lab. Director Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer dMO Plumbing Insptr. - Wismar MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. REPORT BY SUPT. CARPENTER OF THE WATER AND OEWER DEP NT The use of chlorine at the sewage disposalplant will be discontinued September 15th or when//mo�ii pprr runs out as there is no swimming at Stewart Park after i&MMte. lwftxsi request Dr. Broad to notify E. A. Teaney, 110, 8* Plain Street, to connect the premises with the City sewer. Sanitary sewer line is to be extended to the premises of Mr. Armstrong at 151 Maple Avenue which is east of the E.C. & M. rail- road tracks. Progress is being made. on the Cornell Street sewer. The City has purchased a portable chlorinator to take care of any new mains installed. The chlorinator has been used once with complete success. Dead ends of all water mains are flushed on an average of ten times each year. Giles Street sewer installation will be worked out this winter. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL Health Officer Broad reported that Dr. C. S. Wallace has resigned as Parochial School physician, and in order to become more familiar with the work in that department, he agreed to take over the work for one year if the Board approves. He also reported that Father Byrne has approved the appoint- went of Dr. George J. Visnyei as Parochial School dentist and hygienist and Dr. Broad recommended the appointment. Dr. Broad also reported that due to moving the Public Schools dental„ . clinic, there is a dental chair available for use mt the Parochial School, but that a sterilizer and instrument cabinet is needed. It was reported that used equipment is available for the price of $6.00 for the sterilizer and $50.00 for the cabinet. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Mayor Campbell: Resolved, that the matter of providing the Parochial School, dental clinic with a sterilizer and cabinet be referred to Commis- sioner Cross with power to purchase at the prices specified, pro- vided funds are available. Carried. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Mayor Campbell: Resolved, that Health Officer Broad be and he hereby is appointed Parochial School physician for the ensuing year. Carried. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Mayor Campbell: Resolved, that Dr. George J. Visnyei be and he hereby is appointed Parochial School dentist and hygienist for the ensuing year. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. pringer City Clork - - - ------ - --- -- - --- J C x_ 11. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. September 11, 1941 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Health Officer - Broad Clerk - Springer Due to lack of a quorum, the meeting was adjourned to recon- vene at the call of the Mayor. F. H. pringer t Qit Clerk 6w w f it i e i i i i i 112 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca., N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. October 9, 1941 PRESENT Mayor - Campbell Vice-Ohaintan - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - Peabody, McOormiok, Cross Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Dist. Supervising Nurse - Donnelly Lab. Director - Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer Plumbing Insptr. - Wismar MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS Collections of $1.80 and $4.75 for nursing services were reported. REPQRT-8 The usual monthly reports were read and -ordered filed. MILK TESTS The prevalence of ooliiform in samples of pasteurized milk was discussed and reports were made on various causes and suggestions were made for the prevention of the trouble. It was agreed that the most general cause was the lack of proper care of the pasteurizing equipment in the dairy plant. Dr. Broad expressed the opinion that some pressure should be brought to bear on the dairy companies. No action was taken. NUISAND Dr. Broad reported a prevalence of bedbugs and cook- roaches n sections of the City. • It was agreed that the matter is not a health problem. PIG_EONS Dr. Broad reported receipt of complaints in regard to pigeons in the East Hill section and that one complainant reported that City Attorney Thaler has assured her that it is a matter for the Board of Health to handle. '--' Dr. Broad was directed to confer with City Attorney Thaler on the matter. SA Y - PAROCHIAL SCHOOL PHYSICIAN Dr. Broad reported that at the time he agreed to take over the duties of the Parochial School Physician for the year, no mention was made of salary for the extra work. It was reported that the Parochial School Physician. has ' re- ceived a salary of $400.00 annually in the past. By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that action be deferred until the next meeting Carried. SICK LE VE - PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE ROBBINS Dr. Broad reported that Miss Robbins was injured while alighting from a Greyhound bus on September let but continued work until September 27th when it be- came necessary for her to enter a hospital for treatment,, He stated that an adjuster for the Bus Company requested her to see a local doctor but due to the fact that she was in Oortland when entering the hospital she has been unable to see the local doctor. He further stated that Miss Robbins expects to be able to re- turn to work on Monday, October 13th and the matter of salary for the period of her absence should be settled by the Board. ,... , By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Peabody: Resolved, that Miss Robbins be paid in full for the period October lot to 15th, provided she agrees to repay the City if she receives compensation from the Bus Company. Unanimously Carried. ELIGIBLE LIST - PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Health Officer Broad reported ME nothing h9i been heard from the Hun. Civil Service Commission in regard to an eligible list 237= whioh to appoint a Public Health Nurse. The Clerk was directed to again request the Commission to provide a suitable eligible list from which an appointment may be made. 113 i Board of Health October 9, 1941 AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION MEETING Health Officer Broad reported that a meeting of the American PUblic Health Association is to be held in Atlantic City on October 14th to 17th inclusive and asked if the Board wished him to attend the meeting. By Commissioner. McCormick, - seconded by Commissioner Croiw- Resolved, that Dr. Broad be and hereby is authorized to attend the meeting at City-expenee. Carried. On motion the meeting -was adjourned. Y F. JHpringer V% Secretary i i 4 a . 114 Bun of HEALTH PR©OMIMS City of Ithaca$ I. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P• M. U, 194 PRESM Mayor -- Campbell Commissioners - Patterson presiding Peabody, Livermore, Groes, ftrey Health Officer - Broad -- Dist. State Huth Officer - Fear Lab. Directar'7. Ferris Inspeotors - Kolarp Stubblefield Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly aMwod. ; REPORTS, The usual monthly reports were read and ordered Bled. SWAB TESTS Sanitary Inspector Stubblefield reported that swab tests on drinking glasses revealed that several re.stauramt *mure- refuse to comply with sanitary regulations and he reeowended that the names and addresses of these restaurants be publishedq The matter was discussed at length and it was moved, By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner fey: Resolved, . that the matter be referred to Health Offieer ]broad and City Attorney Thaler for study and recommendation aq to the manner of giving publicity or other means of enforcement. 4arrt* 194? W T Health Officer Broad distributed copies of ter o. t - a ive dgget for 1942 fan the total amount of #19 475.00 being sit increase of $475.00 over the appropriation for 194. Salary increases amounting to $980.00 were indioated a. follows: Health Officer Broad600. increased to =2p8g0p00. , Secretary Sullivan 1060. * 1��iQ• Dairy & Heat,Inspector Kolar 2750. a Q950. Sanitary Inspector Stubble- field 1500. - Burse Head 1800. " 1900. Nurse Mandeville 1800. 4 By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Oross: Resolved, that the tentative budget for the year 19.42 W and the same hereby is approved and adapted, and a requisiti+tnl ordered filed with the -Common Council for an approprattion of $19,475.00 to. cover the estimated cost of maintenanoe `and operation of the Department under control of the Board of Health. Unanimously parried. On motion the maeting was adjourned. F. H. rinses City Olerk ,/ BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. T. et 4.00 P. V116 December 11 1 41 Regular Meeting ► 9 PRESENT Piayor - Campbell Vice-Chairman - Patterson, presiding Commissioners - Livermore, H*,oCormiek, Cross Health Officer -- Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Laub. Director - Ferris Alderman -w Perms Inspectors - Kolar, Stubblefield Clerk - Svringez Z IINNUTES 741nutes of the preoeding meeting Frere duly approved. REP= The usual monthly teports were read and ordered filed. Al _INSPECTOR STUBBLEFIF D Sanitary Inspector A. H. " Stubblefield reported that he bias offerred his servioes to the U. S. Navy and is. awaiting notice of the result of his physical test. ENFOR E.:Ei�TT OE 6 FITARY CODE Health Officer Broad reported in accordance willk a resolution adopted at the last meeting, he has conferred with City Attorney Thaler as to the best method of enforcing the sanitary code in regard to restaurants, and that L:t. Thaler has suggested that the names of violators of the code be furnished him in order that they may be notified and given an opportunity to comply with the cods before they are summoned into Court. Dr. Broad stated that Hr. Thaler has already written two violatore' but has not had time to rpoeive a response. Dr. Broad also reported that a report from Cortland County Indicates that similar trouble is being experienced in that dis- trkot and that approval cards are being issued to restaurants which comply with the sanitary regulations of the Health Depagt- Mont. ` 42 BUDGE Health Officer Broad reported that �on December 9th, e met with the Committee on Relations with the Board of Health and the Finance Committee from the Common Council- to discuss the budget requisition for 1942. He stated that the Finance Committee approved a_ total budget of )19, 225.00 which is a reduction of $250,00 from the original requisition and accounted for by a reduction of 00.00 in the proposed salary of Dairy and I-eat Inspector Xolar, and $200.00 in the salary of the Parochial School physician. He stated that the Finance Comm4ttes of the Council feels that the Parochial School dental clinic and physician should be yonder the Department of .�Lrdueation and are going to *ake such a recommendation to the Oommon Council r;io will be asked to request the Board of Education to include these clinics with the Public School .clinics. SALARY - P:.ROCHIAL §CHOQY► P SI.OI X Eealth Officer 3road called attention to the matter of salary of the Parochial School physician which was tabled at the meeting held October 9th, 1941. The Fina.nee Committee of the Council exnreaeed the opinion that Dr. Broad who has assumed the duties of Parochial School Dhysician since September let, should receive 'the salary but as salary payments may not be made retroactive, it was recom-nended that he/bpid the monthly salary of X40. 00 for the -month of December, and that from January. 1, 1942 until the end of the school term, the duties of Parochial School Ahysicien be Derformed by the Health Officer without extra compensation. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Comamissiener ',:cOormiok: Lved, that Dr. Broad be paid x%40. 00 salary as Parochial Sohooi pllysican for the month of December 1941. Unanimously Carried. On motion the meet*ng was adjo ed. . ��. rime:, �rsta�r�► 116 BOA-.-:,'D OF`F ",ALT'.R PF.CMIMI,"GS F City of Ithaca, Y. Y. Regular . resting 4:00 �P. J'vauary. go, 194e i.`..moi 1-ayor - Co_lfOlt ¢..: Coa-Assioners - Liver-aore, cCor:lic'_, Cross, Casey, Patterson,, . Peabody Health Officer - 'road Alderman - 3a ng s e •-• Ins-oectors -- T:olar, 3a'_er Cler'.L 31iri_zer S linutes of the •oreeedi, aeetinb rare duly a.�erovec . , COLL.:CTIOJ3 The folloring collections were reported: Sca'vea er ?)erAts 5.00 al'c dealers I licenses 35. 00 Store ;ail'_i hermits 64. 00 Tot^1 VI01-O'UI,I A _ayor Comfort aaaounced it vas nor i_z ordWt_­t9L elect a Vice-0hai r:-iii. Can:_,Assioner Liver-lore noniiiated Com--Assioner ra.tterson;. Com- missioner -rose seconded the no:1i_la,tiol. As there sere no further no:'daations, a vote 'ras taker azd Co:x1insio_ier L. Patterson i--i.s de.cla.red duly eleoted Vioe-Chair:- an of the 3oar6.. 'TI" CO.__ITTBLS The '.ayor anaou iced that the sta._idi_ig .oa.1- ittees voiA6, be a1-1ouneed at the next -neetiilg. tO.TS The usual -.1onthly reports --ere received, read, an4,: otdersd filed. The a.lnur l report of the ' :ilic Lisrector indicated a. lorering of the quality of :rill_ eistributed iii the City, and I-isnector ''olar reco•-?'iended that sone pressure be brouilit upon the de=alers. h ealth Cfficer 3road stated that he is calling the deatl4rs_ together aad v-ill report at the _next -.�.eeting the outco.te of ::the *on- fereace. L .iV OF A33'`7CT - I,"S:'CTOR SST 33L,,1"IFLI� Health Or'Icer Broad re- norted that G_�ita,ry ?_Zs �ector A. :i. Stu bUfield has e:ilie 0d in the :T^.vy a'ad has reruested a, leave o absence for tile, duration of the Y ar. .3y Co-raissio_Zer Liver:,i.ore, seconded by 00.x-Assiatier *cCor-Ack: .esolved, that Insneetor Stubblefield be and hereby is grertated a leave of absence for the dura.tio-.a of the '"Tar. U-I ni lously, ftrriede ._. C. Cs I.1 eCSI_I04", 01' _: I*2A:Y I-J':,lC OR Health Of Icer !road re- ;,)orted that the eli ;ible list for sa,:.:itary inspector is outdated, and that a -iev list ri11 be recuired before an apnoi taent -.gay :be made. IrTe re-)orted that several aa-:es renain on the. list rbich is outdated. ':,,y Caaiissioner Carey, seconded by Coa-Ussimaer AVer:4ure: resolved, that -iealth Officer Eroe.d be diripoted to Antorvi-er the ­)ersons whose a1a--aes are on the old elis;iblq list 1.iid npa':w ; reco-n .endations for a --)rovisioaa.l annoi:ztaeat, f.rried 0'li -_ioti on the meeting s adjourned. f F. S �ri:z-:er City Cler'_� city of Ithaca, ii'eE,ular .--eting 4:00 1 . ilii, k'ebruary 11, 1 42 or - Comfort 6c)iiimissioners cuormick, kdross., Uarey, atterson HealLI-i Officer Broad li:spe3tors - Kolar, Baker, rvismar i.11(�er_nan - bangs Springer �;T After correcting the resolution in the last paragraph of tai-. iji"L:autes of the preceding meeting to read as follows. "Resolved, taut 1palth Officer Broad be directed to interview applicants -for the joz;,itlon of Sanitary Inspector and make recommendation for a pro- v-i--lonal appointment", they were duly approved. C The usual monthly reports were received, read and ordereCl AITI,1 rL R,.!,i ORT Dr. Broad presented his annual report for the year eno.ed ijeceir-ber 31, 1941 which was ordered filed. aAT ZY 1*1i6!' _CT0R Dr. Broad reported that he has interviewed about 40 applicants for the P - osition of Sanitary Inspector and in accordance with the resolution of the Broad passed at the January meeting he recommended the appointment of Donald A. 6tobbs, 329 Titus ,Avenue as temporary Sanitary Inspector. By Commissionar Carey, seconded by Commissioner kcCormick: Resolved, that in accordance with the recommendation of the Health Officer,, that i)onald A. 6tobbs be and he hereby is provi- sinally appointed 6anitary Inspector pending the approval of the municipal Givil- 6ervice Commission and the preparation of an eligible list from whish a temporary appointment may be made. Carried. R,�GULAA-A !,_,TI1M DATE Health Officer Broad suggested that the Board consider holding meetings every other month or quarterly as it did not seem necessary to hold monthly meetings. It was pointed out that it will be necessary to amend the rules and regulations of the Board which prescribe re-ular monthly LD maetings. kLfter discussion it was moved, 1,y Commissioner Carey, seconded by (;onu7,,issioner Patterson: Resolved, that the first sentence of Seation 1 of the rules and regulations of the board be amended by striking therefrom the V,ord "monthly". zffective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. DY Commissioner Garey, seconded by tionnnissioner katterson; Resolved, that regular meetingsbe held the second Thursda-v in the months of z'ebruary, i�.ay,, August and Yovember at 4*00 P.M. Carried. 00L� ITT_,�S Mayor Comfort sugCested that it did not seem necessary to set up re-ular standing committees and that the appointment of 61jeolal committees as required would be sufficient. The Commissioners ap,)roved the plan and the layor announced that there wouldvno standing committees of the Board of Health. On motion the meeting was adjourned. 12q Springer City Clerk 118 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. May 14, 1942 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners Livermore, Patterson, Peabody Health Officer Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stobbs, Wismar MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported: --`�'MIT k3Sealer Licenses $3.00 Sacavenger Licenses 6,00 Store Milk Permits 9.00 Nursing Care 5.00 Vaccine 4.00 Total 4-2775-0 REPORTS The usual reports were read and ordered filed. Dr. Broad reported that a marked improvement in dealersf ' cooperation with the Sanitary Inspector has been shown in the last two and one-half months. RQOCHIAL SCHOOL CLINICS Dr. Broad reported that no action has been taken in regard to the suggestion that the management of the Parochial School clinics be assumed by the Board of EdueatioM '4By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Patterson: Resolved, that the matter be again brought to the attention` of the Common Council with the recommendation that the Board of ` Education be requested to administer the health and dental programs of the Parochial School. Carried. MILK DISTRIBUTION Health Officer Broad reported that in the interest of ecdn.omy and efficiency an effort has been made to get milk dealers together and work out a cooperative plan of distribu- tion In the City, but as yet he has been unsuccessful, but that the effort will be continued. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F H g pr ines, r . Secretary VJ e 1191.:. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Special Meeting 4:00 P. M. July 2, 1942 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners - Livermore, McCormick, Cross, Patterson, Peabody Health Officer - Broad Attorney - Powers Clerk - Springer MILK REGULATIONSDr. Broad reported that a number of local produc- ers are selling their milk to outside dealers which has caused a shortage of milk and cream in the City, and that the local dealers have asked permission to purchase cream from outside dealers . He called attention to the fact that State requirements are somewhat lower than local requirements for milk and cream and he asked the Board if the rules should be modified during the emergency. By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Peabody: Whereas, it appears that dealer shortages of milk and cream occur from time to time, which cannot be supplied from local sources meeting the standards of the sanitary code of the City of Ithaca, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Health Officer may grant temporary permission to any dealer within the City to purchase from an outside dealer milk and cream meeting the standards of the Otate Sanitary Code, provided he shall be satisfied that such purchase is necessary to an adequate milk supply and that the public health and welfare is properly protected. Unanimously Carried. RESTAURANT SANITATION Health Officer Broad called attention to t-ielarg✓ number or Army an avy men arriving in the City, and expressed the opinion that sanitary regulations should be rigidly enforced. He stated that certain eating places are not properly maintained and he recommended grading restaurants and posting the grade after each inspection. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that the Health Officer and City Attorney be requested to prepare and submit to the Board at a later meeting, a draft of an- amendment to the -Sanitary Code permitting the Health Officer to establish a rating system for restaurants, and a system of posting such ratings. Carried. SALARY INCREASE - SANITARY INSPECTOR Health Officer Broad reported r that the services of Sanitary Inspector D. A. Stobbs have been very satisfactory and that due to the increase of duties he recommended an increase in his salary. He stated that Mr. Stobbs was granted 41200. per year while the budget appropriation was 01600. and he recommended that the salary be increased to 41500. per year. By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Livermore: Resolved, that the salary of Sanitary Inspector Stobbs be in- creased to 41500, annually, effective July 1, 1942. Unanimously Carried and Approved. PARO.CHIAL SCHOOL CLINICS Dr. Broad reported that the committee from the Common Council met with the Health Committee of the Board of Education and that the Board has agreed to administer the health and dental clinics of the Parochial School provided a request is ''s► made by representatives of the School. He stated that the matter has been discussed with Father Byrne but as yet no request has been made. On motion the meeting was adjourned to 4:00 P.M. Thursday, July 9, 1942. F. H. Springer / Secretary V 120 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Adjourned Special Meeting 4:00 P. M. July 9s, X1042 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners - Cross, Patterson, Peabody Health Officer - Broad ` Sanitary Inspector - Stobbs Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting held May 14, 1942 and the special meeting held July 2, 1942 were duly approved. SANITARY CODE AMENDMENT Dr. Broad distributed copies of the pro- posed amendment to the Sanitary Code, together with a copy of the proposed record of inspection of restaurants and a facsimile of the grade card to be displayed in each restaurant . After discussion it was moved, By Commissioner Peabody, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that Chapter 3 of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca, N. Y. is hereby amended by adding a new section to be designated Section 21, to read as follows: Section 21 (a)- All restaurants, as defined by Chapter. 14,,,. Regulation 1(a) of the state sanitary code, shall be in0pi6-t4d' � - periodically by the sanitary inspector under the general supery*pion of the health officer and shall be graded A or B on the basis of their degree of compliance with the provisions of Chapter 14 ofi.the state sanitary code and Chapter 3 of the sanitary code of toe city of Ithaca. Grade A restaurants are those complying substantially with such provisions. Grade B restaurants are those failing in substantial compliance with such provisions. No restaurant shall be given A grade which fails to comply with the provisions of the state sanit- ary code relating to the cleansing and disinfection of eating, drinking and cooking utensils. (b) . The sanitary inspector shall issue a grade card to each restaurant indicating that on the date of inspection, to ha speci- fied on such card, such restaurants conform to the standards of the grade stated thereon. Such grade card shall be conspicuously dis- played at 311 times by the owner or proprietor of each res.tai:.44t - ` in a place visible to the public; the sanitary inspector may desig- nate the place for disply of such grade card. This amendment shall take effect upon publication. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. pringer Secretary , 121. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. i Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. August 13, 1942 PRESENT 'rice-,Chairman Patterson, presidin Commissioners - Livermore, Cross, garey Heal U' Officer - Broad 4 •.. Lttorney - Powers District State Health Officer - Fear Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stobbs, Wismar Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS The. usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. MILK SAMPLES The report on laboratory tests of milk and cream in- dicated a let down in the quality of milk distributed and Dr. Kolar explained that due to the shortage of experienced help in the milk plants that it is extremely difficult to maintain the usual stand- ards of the plant but that every effort is being made to protect the milk supply. LEAVE OF ABSENCE - MRS. E* SULLIVAN Dr. Broad reported that Mrs. Sullivan has requested a leave of absence effective September 1, 1942 and since her work has been very satisfactory he recommended granting the leave. Attorney Powers stated that leave may be granted without pay * up to one year and since there is no eligible list from which an appointment may be made that a provisional appointment may be made. By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that Mrs. Sullivan be granted leave of absence for r... one year from September 1, 1942. Carried. SALjU -_ PROV_ISIONAL AIPOINTEE Dr. Broad stated that due to present conditions it is difficult to secure competent office help and requested the Board to determine what salary should be paid the provisional appointee. By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that Health Officer Broad be authorized to employ an office secretary to the best advantage at a salary not to exceed the amount• provided in the budget. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. Springer / Secretary p b ,1 I 1 122 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. November 12, 1942 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Gommissioners - Livermore, McCormick, Cross, Patterson, Peabody Alderman - Bangs Health Officer - Broad Inspectors - Kolar, , Wismar Clerk - Springer SlroaaS �..r► MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported: Nursing carp X14.00, vaccine $2.75, milk permit $1.00. REPORTS The usual reports were read and ordered filed. RAGWEED NUISANCE Health Officer Broad reported that many ..com.16aint.- have been received in regard to property owners who have neglected to out weeds on vacant lots. It was reported that provisions of the City Charter require ' owners to keep property clear of weeds and failure to do so would result in mowing of the lot by the City,and meking acharge against the property, but due to the shortage of laborers it has been impossible to keep all lots mowed. Dr. Broad also reported that the ragweed nuisance would probably be greater next year and he requested the Commissioners to consider means of abating the nuisance and make suggestions at the next meeting of the Board. RESIGNATION - NIRS. F,THOLIA SULLIVAN The Clerk reported redeipt of the res gnat on o Mrs. Etholia Si livan from the position of secretary in the Board of Health effective September 5, 1942.' By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross; Resolved, that the resignation of Mrs. Etholia Sullivan be and hereby is accepted. Triad. BUDGET - 1943 Health Officer Broad distributed copies of the pro- posed bu get for 1943. Each item was discussed and attention was called to the fact that mileage requisitions are based on 5*¢ per mile which is an increase of V per mile over former budgets, and it was agreed that mileage allowances should be increased due to increased cost of operating cars. No increase in salaries was indicated except the 10% bonus on salaries as approved by the Common Council. The requisitions also indicate the elimination of the Parochial School requisition which amounted to $1175.00 for 1942, and also the elimination of the pre- natal clinic which Dr. Broad reported seemed to be no longer required. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Patterson: Resolved, that the tentative budget for the year 1943 be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, and a requisition ordered filed with the Common Council for an appropriation of $19,104.00 to cover the estimated cost of maintenance and operation of the depart- ment under control of the Board of Health. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. WOO . .►tip U F. Springer / City Clerk V 123 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. February 11, 1945 FPE'ENT Vi^e-Chairman - Patterson �,�,-:ur_issioners - Cross, Carey Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Inspectors - Kolar, Stobbs Clerk - Springer Due to the lack of a quorum, the meeting was adjoured to 4:00 P.M. Thursday, February 18, 1943. ;Z11 / ..c�.•�, F. H. S ringer City Clerk i 124 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Adjourned Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. February 18, 1943 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners - Cross, Carey, Patterson, Livermore Health Officer - Broad Dist. State Health Officer - Fear Inspectors - Kolar, Stobbs, Wismar Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported: Scavenger permits - 10.00, Milk Dealers permits - $36.00, Storekeepers Milk ermits - 64.000Sale of Vaccine - $2.00, Bedside Nursing Care 5.00. REP_ORTS The .usual reports were read and ordered filed. ANNUAL REPORT The annual report of the Board of Health was pre- sentedby �, Broad. By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Cross: a Resolved, that the report be received and placed on file. Carried. SEWAGE DISPOSAL - CORNELL UNIVERSITY - SERVICE BUILDING Dr. Broad reported that University authorities have arranged to install a tank to collect sewage from the service building and heating plant in Dryden Road after which it will be pumped into the Maple Avenue sanitary sewer line. RAGWEED CONTROL Dr. Broad called attention to the probability of ncrease trou le from ragweed this season, since the shortage of City laborers will not permit the proper care of vacant lots, and he asked for suggestions from the Commissioners. After discussion it was agrood that an educational campaign to enlist the aid of groups of citizens and Boy Scouts would be beneficial, and he was directed to proceed with such a campaign. On motion the meeting was adjourned, ISpringer Clerk 1 L BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS 1 Lr 1 c)5. City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M, May 130 1943 PRESENT Maycr - Comfort Corn-Jssioners - Carey, Patterson, Peabody, Livermore, McCormick HeP.lth Officer - Broad Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stobbs, Wismar Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported: n=ursing care $11.00 Vaccine 4.30 Milk Permit 1,00 Scavenger Permit 1.00 REPORTS The usual reports were road and ordered filed. Dr. Broad reported that due to the disposal of many dairy herds in this vicinity, there is a possibility of a local milk shortage even though the expected rati-oning is put in effect, TRAINING SCHOOL - SANITARY INSPECTORS Dr. Broad requested per- miss onor'6anitary-Inspector ctor Stob s to attend a Training School for Sanitary Inspectors to be held May 19, 209 219 1943 in Albany. He stated that the school is to be under the direction of the Mayors Conference and State Department of Health. By Commissioner Livermore seconded by Commissioner Carey: Resolved, that Inspector Atobbs be authorized to attend the Training School at City expense. Carried. SALE OF CIDER Health Officer Broad reported that in the past W yea` r"FTE-has been the custom during the :Fall months for various persons to park in conspicuous places adjacent to the campus and retail cider to students. He stated that a request has been received to have the practice discontinued since many cases of sickness have resulted from drink- ing the cider, but that there seems to be no provision in the Sanitary Code or State regulations to control such sales. The Health Officer and City Clerk were directed to check on City Ordinances which may govern such sales, EXECUTIVE SESSION Dr. Broad reported receipt of a letter from Milk Inspector akar calling attention to the present arrangement of gathering and testing milk samples. Dr. Bakerrs letter stated that under the present arrangments, Dr. W. Y. Evans of the Veterinary College collects a part of the milk samples and that the testing is done by the New York State Veterinary Oollege Laboratory and than he pays Dr. Evans $40.00 per month and the Laboratory $10.00 per month from his salary of $75.00, and he requested that arrangments be made to divide the present salary as follows: Dr. D. W. Baker $300.00 per annum ; Dr. W. :;:. Evans 480.00 per annum r N.Y.S. Veterinary College j Laboratory 120.00 per annum Dr. Broad stated that it seems desirable to continue the testing of milk samples at the Veterinary Laboratory due to their ability to translate their findings, After further discussion it was moved, By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Patterson: Resolved, that effective June 11, 1943, that Dr. D. W. Baker is designated and continued as Milk Inspector at an annual salary of $300.00; that Dr, W, M. Evans be designated Milk Bacteriologist at an annual salary of $480,00 per annum; that Health Officer Broad be directed to arrange with the Veterinary College to con- tinue running milk samples at the price of $10.00 per month, and bill the City monthly for this service, and Be It Further Resolved, that all *previous arrancremonts with Dr. Baker be and hereby are superceded. Unanimously Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. I?. SpLringer City Cler 126 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Special Meeting 4:00 P, M. June 3, 1943 PRESENT - Mayor - Comfort Commissioners - Cross, Patterson, Peabody, McCormick Alderman - Perry Health Officer - Broad u w. District State Health Officer - Fear Attorney - Powers Inspectors - Kolar, Stgbbs �... Clerk - Springer Mayor Comfort announced the meeting was called at the request of Health Officer Broad to discuss several matters of importance, and the meeting was turned over to Dr. Broad. INSANITARY DWELLINGS Health Officer Broad reported that three dwel ngs ave been inspected and have been found to be in insanitary condition, and he recormnended that they be proclaimed unfit for human habitation, By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Patt44P4J4)ns - Whereas, it appears to the Board that buildings known as 607 Floral Avenue, 116 Madison Street, and 601 S. Meadow Street have become insanitary and continue in an insanitary condition, and Vghereas, proposed orders have been presented to this Board which orders conform with the provisions of Chapter II, Section 1 of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca. Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that said orders be and hereby are approved as presented and the Health Officer be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of this Board and cause copies thereof to be served as provided in said Sanitary Code. Carried, WAR PLANT CANTEENS Dr. Broad reported that Sanitary Inspector 7-obbs has round that canteens at three War plants in the City do �..� not have proper refrigeration facilities, and that sandwiches are kept at room temperature for long periods which creates a potential source of food poisoning. Dr. Broad and Inspector Stobbs were directed to confafr with .; the management of these plants with the idea of working out some arrangement whereby this hazard may be eliminated. On motion the meeting was adjourned, F. H. ringer, Ci Clerk • * r BOARD OF HEALTH --- -CITY OF ITHACA, N. Y. Order respecting insanitary building I� To: James P. Sullivan .E l And to all other persons to wl-om then- presents may come or 4 concern: I 1PHEREAS it has been made to ap-pear to she Board of Health of the City of Ithaca that a. certain building, has become 4nsanitary and continues in an insanitary condition, which building is more particularly described as follows: 2 story wooden, frame house at 307 Floral Avenue, Itlia.ca, N. Y. NOW THErEFORE, pursuant to Chap. II, Sec. 1 of the Snit, ry Code of the City of Ithaca, YOU AND EACH OF Y'-:;TT AR`' HFREB ORDERED: i 1. To vacate suc}-i building and discontinue its use �i on or before the 7th day of June , 1.943 or, in the e alternative , I( I 2. To comnlir with the follolving renuirements on or before the date specified in the next oreceeding paragraph: Clean out and repair se-rer line from house clean and repair toilet seat, sink and connections there from. Clean out rubbish I from attic and cellar, and make repairs to vorch and inside stairs. if Refusal or failure to cor_Zply adth this order will .. constitute a violation of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca. Such violation constitutes a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine not exceeding; $50. or imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or low both. The Board of Health of the City of Ithaca j Dated: 3 , 19 By_�_ j Health Officer i I; i BOARD OF HEALTH- - -CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. Order respecting insanitary building To: Leon S. Jones `i 213 - First St. I1ahlon C. Dassance H. Dick Hendrickson , 116 Lladison St. ,and to all other persons to whom these presents may come or ►�- ;concern: i 'IMEREAS it has been made to appear to the Board of ':Health of the City of Ithaca that A certain buildin, has become (',insanitary and continues in an insanitary condition, which building'. is more particularly described as follows: 2 story wooden frame buildinE - ? family house at 116 Madison St. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to Chap. II Sec. 1 of the Sanitpry Code of the City of Ithaca, YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY` 'ORDERED: 1. To v,?_ca.te such building and discontinue its use :;on or before the 18th day of June _-, 1943 or, in the alternative, 2. To comely with the follo-inF renuirements on or 'before the date specified with in the net preceding paragraph: ::,lake the necessary repairs in the olurnbini- within the house to comply with blumbin�• code, and clean sewage from cellar. Refusal or failure to comply -ith this order will ',constitute a viol tion of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca. F,Such violation constitutes a misdemeanor and is punishable by a 1 l ;(fine not exceeding 950. or imnrisonment not exceeding 30 days, or both. The Board of Health of the City of Ithaca 'DatedBy � Health Officer BOARD OF H7ALTH- - -CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. Order respecting insanitary building To: Mrs. Agnes Mcuaig 0214 S.iuleadow St..,- Ithaca, N. Y. and to all other persons to whom these presents may come or concern: L WHEREAS it has been made to appear to the Board of = i Health of the City of Ithaca that a certain building has become Insanitary and continues in an insanitary condition, which building ! :Is more particularly described. as follows: House at 501 S. ?4eadow St. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to Chap. II Sec. 1 of the 'Sanitarjr Code of the City of Ithac.--, YOU AND FACH OF YO?T ARE HEREBY ' ORDERED: ' 1. To vacate such building and discontinue its use ion or before the `7th day of June 1943, or, in the alternative , 2. To comply 1.rith the folloring requirements on or before the date specified in the nextpreceding paragraph: ouse not to be used for residence until satisfactory method of i ,I.selirage disposal is installed in accordance with Chapter II Sec. F {of Sanitary Code of City of Ithaca. Refusal or failure to comply with this order will I 1constitut( a violation of the Sanitary Code of theCit7T of Ithaca. (Such violation constitutes a misdeamor a.nd is punishable by e. r fine not exceeding $50. or i rnprisonrnent not exceeding 31) days or �r both. The Board of Health of the City of Ithaca Dat e d: 3 ,19 By ____ BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS 1 2 City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. August 12, 1943 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners - Cross, Patterson, Peabody Health Officer - Broad In3pectors - Kolar, Baker, Stobbs, Wismar Clerk - Springer MIN?TTES Minutes of the regular meeting held May 13, 1943 and the pscial meeting held June 3, 1943 were duly approved. COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported; Milk permit - 1, ursing care - $1.00, Vaccine - $8.50. F2PORTS The usual reports were read and ordered filed. h1I�K SHORTAGE Dr. Broad reported that a milk shortage has developed in the City which will probably become more acute in the near future and he again called attention to the fact that our requirements for mirk and cream is more stringent than State requirements. He stated that due to a decision rendered by the Attorney Ganeral of the State, that our requirements may be declared in con- sistent with the State Sanitary Code, and that he thought in order to keep an adequate supply of milk coming into the City that all requirements should be relaxed somewhat. Milk Inspector Baker expressed the opinion that State require- mants are adequate. By Commissioner Cross, by Commissioner Peabody: Resolved that the requirements of Section 1 of Chapter I of the Sanitary bode of the City of Ithaca as amended, be suspended, and the requirements of Chapter III of the Sanitary Code of the State of New York substituted- therefore until such time as further action is taken by this Board, and Be It Further Resolved, that the Health Officer be authorized and directed to inform the dealers of the action of this Board. Unanimously Carried. r_ ELIGIBL DIST _- SECRETARY Dr. Broad called attention to the fact t'-aat for the Iasi seveFar years the secretary in the Department of Health has been under temporary appointment and that it is desirable to have a list of a ligibles from which a permanent appointmont ma.7bc� By Commissioner Cross, seconded by Commissioner Peabody; a e, Resolved, that the Municipal Civil Service Commission be again requested to provide an eligible list from which a permanent appoint- ment of a' secretary may be made. Carried. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION MEETING Dr. Broad reported that ...�.—M01-meeting-or w+.na,�!'"'��''w...r r*i�rwr ■uw..r.�i w ern. r � the annum mee ng or the American Public H alth Association is to be held in New York City on October 12, 13 and 14 and requested per- 7r_ission to attend the meeting if his duties will permit. By Commissioner Patterson, by Commissioner Peabody: Resolved, that Dr. Broad be authorized to attend the meating at City expense. Carried. INSPECT19.1 .LJBY ARMY AND-NAVY DOCTORS The Payor read the following letter which was ordered'-spread upon the minutes; Mr. Melvin Comfort Mayor of the City of Ithaca Ithaca, New York ` - Dear Mayor Comfort; On July 22nd I made an inspection off' most of the public bars and restaurants of the City of Ithaca as a representative of the United States Army Medical Corps. I wish to express to you my pleasure at finding satisfactory conditions. Credit is due the Health Officer and Sanitary Inspector for their vigilance in insist- ing that standards be maintained. I trust that the Board of Health will continue to give these men all the support they need to enforce the Sanitary Code of the City. Very sincerely yours, Norman J. Mo re, M.D." On motion the meetingwas i� s add ourned, ' F.H, pr or Ci aleC 128: BOARD OF IMALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. November 10, 1943 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners - Carey, Patterson, Peabody, Livermore, McCormick Health Officer - Broad District State Health Officer - Fear Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stobbs Clerk -, Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceeding meeting were duly approve: COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported: Vaccine X2.70 Milk Permit 1.00 Nursing Care 4.50 REPORTS The usual reports were read and ordered filed. Dr. Broad made a special report on the meeting of the American Public� Health Association which was held in New York on October le 13, 140 1943. CIVIL SERVICE STATUS - EMPLOYEES OF DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DrA Broad reported on an interview with the Municipal• v ery ee Commission in reand to the status of certain employees of the Board of Health. ge stated that although Public Health Nurse Robbins has,.been employeed by the Board since March 1941, the Commission has ruled that it will be necessary for her to take a non-competitive test before permanent appointment may be made By Commissioner Carey, seconded by 6ommissioner McCormiek: Resolved, that the Municipal Civil Service Commission be re- quested to conduct a non-competitive examination for Miss Robbins. Carried. Dr. Broad also reported that as yet there has been no eligible list provided from which a stenographer may be permanently appointed, and that there is no furither information in regard to the status of Sanitar.y Inspector. BATHING - STEWART PARK Dr. Broad reported that bathing was not permitted at Stewart Park during this last summer due to the dis- charge of acids and minerals in the waste from the Morse ; Chain Company plant. He: called attention to a provision in the plumbing cods which authorizes the Board of Health to eompell installation of -&dfo basins where these acids may be neutralized before diseharga, into the sanitary sewers, and he suggested that the Board of Public °Works be requested to see that the proper catch basins are installed be- fore the next bathing season. He also stated that the neutralitation of these acids before .discharge will greatly reduce the chlorine demand at the sewage disposal plant, By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner PattersoAl Resolved, that the Board of Public Works be requested to follow up the suggestion of the Health Officer, and report on the pro- gress of the work at the next meeting of this Board. Carried, BUDGET - 1944 Health Officer Broad distributed copies of the tentative budget for 1944 in the total amount of, ,19937 being an increase of X833 over the appropriation for 1543. Salary increases amounting to, ` 160 were indicated as follows: Public 'Health Nurse Robbins x'1800 }3900 Stenographer Abbott 1140 1200 By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Patterson: Resolved, that the tentative budget for the year 1944 as pre- sented be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, and a requi- sition ordered filed with the Common Council for an appropri�*ition of 19937 to cover the estimated cost of maintainance and operation of the department under control of the Board of Health. Unanimously carried and approved. 1 129 Board of Health -2- November 10, 1943 i.. HEALTH OFFICER APPOINTED The Clerk reported that the term of Health Officer Broad will expire on December 31,, 1943, By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Livermore; Resolved, that Dr. Robert H. Broad be and he hereby is ap pointed to the position of Health Officer of the City of Ithaca, New York for a term of four years, beginning January 1, 1944. On motion the meeting was adjournedimously Carried and approved FIe . Springer+CiClerk c i 130 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P.M. February 10, 1.941 PIRFS'ENT NIa7or - Comfort ",orun .ss:,.oner•s - Patterson, Peabody, Livermore; 'Cross A7.der pan - Hou.seweller H-ia?to -)f flcor Broad Stag Health Officer - Fear i,a')re.tor Elivector' � Graham In4pectors - Kolar, Baker., Stobbs, Wismar Clerk - Springer 1V1I1JJTES Minutes of the preceeding meeting, were di0y approved. C011.ECT -CIT The .following collections were _re portedt. Store Keepers Permits ,64..00 Milk Dealers Permits 33.00 Scavenger Permits S.GC Vaccine 4, 70 Nursing Car- .l.00 Total ^PORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer., Public Health Jurses and Inspectors were read and ordered filed. ANNUAL REPORT OF HEALTH OFFICER Dr. Broad presented the annual re- port of the Realtri fept. and called attention to the section on future problems and needs of Public Health importance. Particular attention was called to the potential danger of tropical diseases being brought in by returning service men and of the need of eliminating the breeding areas of mosquitoes which may spread these diseases. He recommended elimination of the areas by filling, draining and dredging which over a period of years will be more economical and efficient than the present method of control by spraying. It was agreed that the problem concerns all the surrounding territory as well as the city, and Dr. Graham recommended the em- ployment of an entomologist to conduct a survey of the type of mo- squito, and their breeding places in this vacinity after which a plan of action may be determined. Dr. Fear agreed to bring the matter to the attention of the County authorities, and it was moved, By Commissioner Cross, seconded by Com,nissioner Livermore: Resolved,. that the Mayor be requested to appoint a committee from this Board to work with a similar committee from the County to atudy the situation and make recommendations. Carrie d,. Mayor Comfort appointed Commissioners Livermore and McCormick and. Health Officer Broad to the Committee. Particular attention was also called to the desirability of �o��bining the Medical Inspection and School Nursing Program with the, HJalth Dept, to give an over-all coverage from birth to old age i.uader one health organization and one nursing program., By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Peabody; Resolved, that the Mayor be requested to appoint a committee :prom this Board to consider the matter. Carried. The Mayor appointed Commissioners Bull, Peabody and Cross to tie Committee. .&PCINTMENT OUECRETARY Dr.. Broad reported that the result of the recent examination for 6tenographer will probably be received before -che next meeting of the Board and that a permanent appointment of a S;;enographer in the Dept. of Health should be made at once, By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Patterson; Resolved, that Health Officer be and hereby is authorized to Y:ake the appointment from the eligible list provided by the Municipal civil Service Commission. Carried. MAT, - PRACTICE LIABILITY INSURANCE Dr. Broad reported that he has learned from the legal representative of The State Medical Society that a City Health Officer may be sued for Malpractice, but could 4- 31 Board of Health -2- February 10, 1944 in turn sue; the city. ;:a stated that he now carries such insurance in 10-30 Limit and iskec? if the Board would consider assuming the payment of the i -o-eniu.., which amounts to $40,00 annually* s-a,! question of the legality of payment of the premium from City _wads was discussed and it was movedy By Comm s sioner Livermore, seconded by C^mris sj.cnPr Gross Rpt,thLat thr-; pr•emitun be paid f'roi:1 Health 1) ,'urids prow, 1<.d th.; City I'ttorney determines that such, payment 3 s "Ie6al. Ca-r. ied. OF ACID;N INTO SANITARY SEWERSThe Clerk reportad t*.cat Board of ublic Works has notified-The Morse Chain Co, discharge of acids into the sanitary sewers must be d_-' scont:Inued after ,lay 1, 1944 unless treated in such a. m:annor as to neutralize -11he : b ;fore reaching the sewage disposal .plant , and that the Chair ..1o. are making arrangements to treat the acids from their plant. I TNG ]FOOL RE22LUZDND Dr. . Broad called attF.nti on to the fact cr,.at there , s no proper placo for bathing in the city even with the chlorination of effluent, and he recommended that one or more swim- ming pools be constructed in the city and supplied with treated °rater, The Commissioners agreed that the matter should be given serious consideration. On motion the meeting was adjourned, F, H t Springer�Gi' Ci Clerk i i r 132 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithacap N.Y. Special Meeting 4:00 P.P;I, April 4, 1944 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners -- Patterson, Peabody, Livermore, McCormick, Frost Alderman - Houseweller Health Officer - Broad District State Health Officer - Fear Laboratory Director - Graham Attorney - Powers Clerk - Springer Engineer - Cass Forester - Baker MOSQUITO CONTROL Mayor Comfort stated that the meeting was called to hear a report and recommendation of the committee appointed to study the matter of mosquito control. Dr. Broad reported that several meetings have been held to discuss the matter and that an appeal was made to the Federal Malarial Control Board to conduct a survey in this vicinity* He stated that a representative of that board was in the city recently and agreed to make 'such a survey sometime in July. He further stated that the committee felt that work should be started before that date and. that Professor Matheson of Cornell has agreed to put in as much time as possible in cooperation with city employees— in advance of the Federal survey, and that additional funds will be . required for the wcr k, and he recommended that the Common Council be requested to appropriate an additional $1,000 for mosquito control and the Board of Public Works requested to further the program of eliminating breeding places, By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by CoMmitsioner McCormick: Resolved, that the Common Council be requestod to appropriate $1,000 additional to the mosquito control item under the Board of Health. Unanimously carried and approved. By Commissioner McCorm*ck, seconded by Commissioner Peabody: Rcsolved, that the Board of Public Works be requested to study the inirmediate possibilities of further eliminating mosquito breeding , places. Unanimously carried and approved. On motion the meeting was. adjourned. F. Springs City Clerk i 4_ 33.1 33. BOARD OF HEALTH ::ROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y,. Regular Meeting 4:00 P.M. May 11, 1944 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners - Patterson, McCormick, Cross Health Officer Broad Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stobbs Clerk - Springer TMINUT''ES Minutes of the regular meeting held February 10, 1944 and of the special meeting held April 4, 1944 were duly approved. COLLECTIONS The following collections wore reported: .ti Vaccine �n 3.40 Nursing Care 6.00 Total 9,40 REPORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health Mrses' and l spectors were road and orderod filed. Dr. Broad called particular attention to the fact that one pasteurizing plant was ordered- shut down for a three day period while conditions were approved, and the commissioners agreed that closing the plants when necessary seemed to be the only way to maintain mild standards, G.L.F. SLAUGHTER HOUSE Dr. Broad reported that due to inadequate re r gera rig. aci e s at the local- slaughter house, the G.L,F. are using their plant in Clyde, N. Y., and he questioned the ad- visability of allowing meat to comeinto the city without local in- spection By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Cross: -- Resolved, that itis the sense of this Board that no meat be permitted to enter the city unless bearing an inspectors stamp. Carried,.. MILK SU PLY Dr, Broad reported that eaoh fall the local milk supply a s off, due to the fact that the producers sell where d better prices are paid, and he stated that it might be necessary to permit dealers to buy from outside sources eventhough the milk does not come up to local standards. The Commissioners agreed that the dealers must be permitted to buy from outside inspected sources. ' On motion the meeting was adjourned, i Fe HSpringer City Clerk • C l I , 134' BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P.M. August 10, 1944 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners — Patterson, Livermore, Cross, Bull Health Officer-Broad Inspectors .. Kolar, Stobbs Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported: Nursing Care 4:00 Vaccine 1=70 Totals 5.70 REPORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health Nurses and Inspectorswereread and ordered filed. '/ /M MIA/wCO CC iC STATE REGULATIONS .. RE . _ MENINGITIS AND POLIOMYELITIS Dr. Broad reported at the State regulations in regar o t o nns . ' . isolation of persons coming in contact with the N .�. 'k meningitis and poliomyelitis patients have been somewhat relaxed, but stated that it is the privilege of' this Board to supplement the State regulations if it so desires. After considerable discussion, it was agreed that no action should be taken in the matter at this time. SWIMMING The question of prohibiting swimming in the city due to the prevalence of polio was discussed and it was moved By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, ' that the matter be left to the discretion of the Health Officor, Carried. SURFACE DRAINS .. MITCHELL ST, Dr. Broad reported receipt of a complalint rrom a res en ­oUpper Mitchell St. in regard to laundry waste from other houses accumulating near her property and causing offensive odors. He stated that he has written five owners of properties which maybe discharging these waters asking their cooperation in abating the nuisance but he has had no replies. Mayor Comfort appointed Drs. Cross' and Bull as a committee to assist Dr. Broad in settling the matter. APPOINTMENT OF STENOGRAPHER Dr. Broad reported that as the. result of a recent examination or stenographer that Mrs. Etholia Sullivan was appointed stenographer in the Dept. of Health in ac- cordance with the action of the Board at the meeting held Feb.10, 1944 By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross : Resolved, that the appointment of !ars. Sullivan as secretary in the Dept. of Health be and hereby is approved. Carrie d. SANITARY INSPECTOR Dr. Broad reported that as a result of an examination hold recently by the Municipal Civil Service Comm. that the name of the temporary incumbant Donald A. Stobbs has been placed on the eligible list for appointment. H,; cxpreaood the opinion that due to the uncertainty of the status of former inspector Stubblefield, viho.was granted leave for Naval Service, that the appointment of Mr. Stobbs should be deferred until the question is settled#- By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for investigation and advice. Carried. , RESIGNATION # COTMISSIONER PEABODY Mayor Comfort announced the res gnat on of Commissione; Peabody due to ill health, and stated that a successor will be appointed at the next meeting of the Common Council, On motion the meeting was adjourned. . H. ringer �xt;. Ci Clerk 13�OPW BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N.Y, Special MootinG 4;00 P.M. August 25, 1944 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners Patterson, Livermore, Cross, Bull Health Officer « Broad District State Health Officer - Fear Clerk - Springer Mayor Comfort announced th meeting was called to consider the matter of opening the public schoolst due to the polio epi- demic. Dr. Broad reviewed the conditions in the city and Dr. Fear reported for the County, and both expressed the opinion that delay in opening the schools will have no effect on the progress of thy; epidemic. It was reported that the Board of Education does not feel that the opening of schools should be deferred, and after discus,- sion, it was agreed that nothing would be gained by postponing the openingq, Doctors Broad and Fear agreed to continue the policy of in- forming the public on conditions and to give all possible assurance as to the outcome of the epidemic. On motion the meeting was adjourned, r - , grin er City Clerk i i i i w r 136 BOARD OF HEALTH PROC_:IEDINCS City of Ithaca* N.Y. Special Meeting 12:00 Noon September 2, 1944 PRESENT Mayor-Comfort Commissioners Patterson, Bull, McCormick Health Officer Broad Attorney - Powers Supt. of Schools Kulp Deputy City Clerk Blean Mayor Comfort announced that, in view of public opinion and reaction to the present polio epidemic., and, after discussion with Health and School officials, he had called this special meeting to again consider the advisability of opening the Public Schools on schedule. Health Officer Broad and Supt. Kulp both reviewed the situation and were of the opinion that, since public opinion seemed to be very strong against opening, and the emotional feelings of the parents of young children had generated to almost hysterical proportion in a great many cases, brought about to some extent by the closing of surrounding schools, it might be well- to postpone opening for an indefinite period. W, Arthur Sprague, on behalf of the Parent Teachers Association, stated that it was felt that opening should be postponed until it became no longer necessary to adopt precautionary methods outside school. Viewing the matter on a scientific basis, members of the Board of Health as well as the majority of others present felt that opening as scheduled would have no adverse effect on the epidemic; but considerable thought was given to the mental sickness experienced by parents as well as trying to convince the public against their will. By Commissioner Bull: Resolved., that the Public Schools be opened as scheduled with the understanding that parents who prefer to keep their children at home may do so* This motion was not so conded. By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Patterson: Resolved, that the opening of the Public Schools in the City of Ithaca be postponed for a period of two weeks from the scheduled opening date or until such other time as may be directed by the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca Ayes McCormick, Patterson, Comfort Nays Bull Motion carried* On motion the meeting was adjourned* George A. Blean Deputy City Clerk 13 7; BOARD OF HEALTH PROCL•EDINGS City of Ithaca, N.Y. Special Meeting 4:00 P.M. September 131, 1944 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners Patterson, Wilson, Livermore, Bull Health Officer Broad District State Health Officer - Fear Attorney - Powers I Clerk - Springer The Mayor welcomed Mrs. Wilson as the new member of the Board. INSANITARY DWELLING Dr. Broad reported that on June 3, 1943, at the direction of Ms Board, that notice was served on the owner of property at 601 S. Meadow St. that the premises had become insanit- ary and' the house was not to be used for residence until a satis- factory method of sewage disposal was installed in accordance with Chapter II Sec. 6 of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca, and that recently it has been learned that the owner is again occupying the house By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Patterson: Resolved that the order to vacate the property be reissued, such order to be effective within ten days of date of order. Carrie d. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOC. MEETING Dr. Broad reported that a meeting of the American Public ealth Assoc. is to be held in New York City on October 3, 4, and 5th and requested permission to at- tend By Commissioner Patterson, seconded b1 Commissioner Bull: Resolved... that Dr. Broad be authorized to attend the meeting at City expense. Carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Comfort requested an executive session to discuss a matter which Dr. Broad wishes to bring before the Board. Dr. Broad stated that recently he has been requested by Univer- sity Official to assurr� art tigo work i jed�ca , D t t Cornell, and sr a ,,,,work'o r �'�, This work would necessitate giving up the work as school Physician with the Dept. of Education and before retiring from the Council Chambers Dr. Broad requested the Board to consider the matter and give Its approval if possible, The Commissioners discussed the natter at length and agreed that no real objection could be made by this Board but did agree that since Dr. Broad was selected and approved by a joint Committee from the Board of Health and Board of Education that the matter should be discussed at a joint meeting of the Boardsbefore a decision is made. The Mayor agreed to arrange for such a meeting of the Board of Health and Board of Education or the Health Committee from the Board of Education. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H Springer V City Clerk r 138 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N.Yq Special Meeting 4;00 P.M. October 20, 1944 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners - Patterson, Wilson, Livermore, Cross Health Officer Broad Attorney - Powers Clerk - Springer , The Mayor announced the meeting was called to discuss the salary schedule for employees of the Board of Health which is to be recommended by the Special Committee and to transact such other business as might properly be brought before the Board, DAIRY AND PASTEURIZING PLANT SHUT OFF Dr. Broad .reported .that it , has been founa necessary to shu o one dairy and pasteurizing ,. plant for the third time this year, He stated that in addition to unsatisfactory pasteurizing, the owners have been shifting cows in the herd and buying milk from un- inspected sources: and he has notified them that they must comply with the rules or cease distribution of milk in the city By Commissioner Liveriuore, seconded by Commissioner Wilson; Resolveds that the action of the Health Officer be and hereby is approved, Carried. HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN D MILK �=r. Broad reported that he has refused ap- provai oY a request; of a local milk plant for permission to process and sell homogenized milk since the dealer wishes to process the milk in one plant and transfer to another for bottling. Commissioner Bull entered the Council Chamber at this time. �-.► ,PROPOSED, 5aARY SCHEDULE Mayor Comfort reported that the Committee has prepared a schedule of salaries of all city employees under Civil Service, which _will be recommended to the Common Council at the meeting to be held Nov. 1, and that the following schedUle for employees of the Board of Health should be considered and acted upon at this time ; Present Max, Ann. Position Sallaar; Praosed Range Increment Health Officer $2V900 $2600 3;000 75.00 Dairy & Meat Insp. 21900 2700 - 3,000 100.00 Public Health Nurse 1;900 li700 2JR000 100.00 Stenographer 10080 11100 ,. 12400 75,00 San. Inspv 1,500 1,200 11500 75,00 Each position on the schedule was discussed and the salary range approved with the exception of that of the Sanitary Insp# which the Commissioners agreed should be given further consideration at a later date since it is proposed to give additional duties to the Sanitary Insp. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross= Resolveds that the salary schedule be approved as presented, with the understanding that the pay range for Sanitary Insp. will be considered at a later date. Carried. On- motion the meeting was adjourned# F Spr in g City Clark BOARD OF HEALTH PROC`, EDINGS 1 3 J City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4;00 P. I.:. November 9, 1944 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners •+ Patterson, Wilson, Livermore, Cross, Bull Health Officer M Broad Dist. State iealth Officer - Fear Inspectors .. Kolar, Stobbs Clerk - Springer MINUTES After correcting the heading o " the fourth section of the minutes of the meetin - held August 10, 1944 to read '11JENINGOCOCCIC MENINGITISI , and the fifth and sixth lines of the third section of the minutes of the meeting held September 13, 1944 under heading executive Session to read "«- and he requested the opinion of the Board Members as to their feelings in the matter", the minutes of the regular meeting held August- 10, 1944 and the special meeting held on August 25, September 2, and September 13, and on October 20, 1944 were duly approved, COLLECTIONS Collection of $2.50 for vaccine was reported. REPORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health Nurses and Inspectors were read and ordered filed. COMPLAINT RE §ERFACE DRAIN MITCHELL ST._ Dr. Broad reported that Erie- Coommf ee appointed at the meetings ld August 10, 1944 visited the premises in Mitchell St, and were unable to find any cause for complaint from a health stand point. He states_ that he again wrote the property owners who might be the cause of the trouble and has received replies from two who agr- eed to correct any trouble which might arise from their premises. MILK DEALER PERT."IT SUSPENDED Dr. 'Broad reported that the milk dealer reported at the meet ng held October 20 has still failed to comply with all -regulations and that his dairy and pasteurizing plant are still shut off, and that the ­;Zilt from his dairy is being pasteurized and distributed by another plait. Dr. Broad stated that under Sanitary Code Regulations, the permit may not be revoked without a hearing and that the dealer was invited to appear before the Board to explain, but has failed to appear • By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Patterson; Resolved, that the action of the health Officer in suspending the permit be approved and the suspension continued for the balance of the year 1944, and BE IT FURT-ER RESOLVED, that no noir permit be granted this dealer without further action by this Hoard., Carried* MOSQUITO CONTROL Dr. Broad reported that a representative of the U. S. Public 'Health Service visited the city during the season but that the only inspection made has been by Prof. Matheson of Cornell University. He stated that Prof. Matheson installed mosquito traps in various sections of. the city and while salaria carrying mosquitoes were found, elle-, were not in numbers sufficient to cause trouble, i and that the increased spraying program was carried on during the entire season. c SICK 11LAVE PU1'LIC HEALTH NURSES Dr. ?goad reported that Public Health Nurseg =eville and Ro bins are on sick leave and that Miss ram Mandeville mar not return to duty. He stated that there is a possibility that there will be two vacancies in the nursing staff but that it does not seem a good time to ask for an examination due to the scarcittr of nurses. AP 'OINTiVM- T -- TEMPORARY PUBLIC HEALTH ME',SE Dr. Broad raportEod that ormer oun ea urse .:l'2nl G, Jones o Rj D. # 3, Ithaca has j consented to help out temporarily as Public Health Nurse and has been actin; since November- 1, By Commissioner Liv�,rmore, seconded by Commissioner Cross; Resolved, thitt the appointment of Glenna G. Jones to the position of Public 1'.3a1th. Nurse at a salary of "19100 annually, on a temporary basis be a,,-).).roved and confirmed, ii Carriod. 1-4( oard of .Health -2 November 91 1944 RESIGNATION ..4. A. H., STUBBLEFIELD The Clerk reported that A.1 H. Stubblefield,who .has been on 1,ilitary Leave from his position as Sanitary Inspector since December 31, 1947,, recently filed appli- cation through the C.lerk1s office for tho return of his contribution to the.State Employees'Re,tirement Systeir_., stating that he had left the .Merchant 1darine Service and accepted a position on October 1,19Ae. with an oil company in New Y.ork .City, The Cormi ssioners considered the re,)ort of the City Clerk as a resignation as Sanitary Inspector and it wasmoved B- Commissioner Cross:,, seconded by ColmriissionerLivermzqmr-. ,.- Resolved,, 'Resolved, that the resignation of A. ia. Stubblefield as Sanitary Inspector for t1ae City of Ithaca, ,as of October 12 19442 be accepted. Carried. APPOINTMENT .- r+.QLD A. STOBBS - SANITAiLl'_ INSPECTOR Dr, Broad reported thill_e Stogy s has passed the7TV11 Serv ce e.xam nation , too" for Sanitary Inspector and- is eligible for -appointment-t-a"'-that «pa sit .on By Commissioner Bull, seconded by Col;rnissioner Wilson: Resolved, that Donald A. Stobbs be and hereby is .,appo:inted `to the position of Sanitary Inspector at the salary as set up in the schedule recently approved by the Common Council. Carried. BUDGET - 1945 Copies of the tentative budget for the year 1945 in a total amount of .21,377. were distributed, this amount being an increase of ";440 over the appropriation for 1944. Salary increases including the temporary bonus amounting to $413.75 were noted as follows: Position Present Salary Salary 1945 Increase Health Officer $3045.00 3123.75 $76.75 Dairy & Meat Insp, 30451,00- 3150 .00 105.00 Public Health Nurse A 2135.00 2,)03.00 115,00 Public Health Nurse B 2105.00 2300.00 115.00 An inc,,-ease in the mileage- requisition of $100 under conser- vation and inspection was noted, but this increase was partcally offset by adjustments and reductions in other items. It' was 'explained that the salary increases are in accordance with the Compensation Plan which has be :n tentatively approved by the Common Council By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Cross;:... Resolved, that the tentative rudget for the year 1945 ,as pre- sented be and the same hereby is approved and adopted, and a requ- isition ordered filed with the Common Council for an appropriation of $21,377 to cover the estimated cost of maintenance and operation of the Dept, under control of the Board of Health. Un.an3.mously carried and approved. COMBINING UU TI. S OF MILK INSPECTOR AND SANITARY INSPECTOR Dr. Broad. presented the idea of com ening the duties of Milk Inspector with those of Sanitary Inspector, thereby eliliinating the position of Milk Inspector whose duties are the coil_ection of pasteurized milk samples. He expressed the opinion that the combined position should carry an increasedsalary range and suggested t1aat the minimum and maximum range be increased by 300. Details of t'ze proposed transfer were a discussed and it was moved By Corrissioner Livermore, seconded Ny Commissioner Cross: Resolved, that combining the duties of Yilk Inspector with thoso of. Sanitary Inspector be approved, and -C"io Carnation Council be request- ed to approve an increase in the mini.mu_ * ,md maximum salary range of Sanitary Ins%Po ctor in the amount of $300. Carried. � .a REDECORATING IE-1,X.211 OFFICES Dr. Broad_ suggested that the Board Members visit tae Health Office to consi_d.or redecorating and new floor covering, tfze vvork to be done when anaterials and labor are available. Due to lateness of the hour, a Cory ittee consisting of Comms. Livermore, Dull and Wilson was appointed by the Mayor to inspect the offices and ?Hake recommendations. - i On motion the meeting was adjourned,. F,. Spring C ty Clerk - 141- BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N.Y. Special Meeting 4:30 P.M. December 29, 1944 PRESENT Mayor-Comfort - Commissioners - Patterson, Wilson, Livermore, McEormiek, Cross,Bull Health Officer - Broad Dist.' State Health Officer - Fear Inspectors - Kolar, Baker _ s Clerk - Springer PURPOSE OF MEETING Mayor Comfort announced the meeting was called to consi er the application of The Miller Bros. Dairy for. a permit to distribute milkin the City of Ithaca and-to transact such other business as might properly btr brought before the Board. Dr. Tread reported receipt of an application from the Miller Bros. Dairy for a permit to distribute milk in the City of Ithaca, He reviewed all interviews and correspondence with the company since their permit was first suspended, and s, nce ne apparent offort_ has been made to remedy conditions at the dairy and pasteurizing plant, he recommended that a permit be denied By Commissioner McCormick, seconded by Commissioner Patterson; Resolved, that the recommendation of the Health Officer be approved and that suspension of the 1944 permit be continued and a permit for 1945 be denied until such time -as all requirements of the Sanitary Code are complied with. Unanimously Carried, LABORATORY TEST OF MILK SAMPLES Dr. Broad reported that due to shortage of help, it will be mpossible for the University Laboratory to continue the work for Vle Health Dept., and that Dr. Graham of the County Laboratory has agreed to run a limited number of milk samples. REDECORATING HEALTH DEPT. OFFICES . Dr. Bull reporting for the special committee stated that, the Health Offices are definitely in need of new floor coverings and redecorating and the committee was authorized and directed to determine what work should be done and present a' statement to the Common •Council together with. an estimate of the total cost, and request an appropriation for necessary funds to do the work. f� - ,,,{ RETIREMENT - MILK INSPECTOR BAKER Dr. Baker expressed complete approval of the Board's dec s on to combine the work of Milk Inspector with that of Sanitary Inspector and stated that it has been increas- ingly difficult for him to carry on the work due to added duties at. the College. He expressed appreciation for the cooperation of the Board during; his term of service and gave assurance that he would be pleased to cooperate with the Dept. at anyime. Mayor Comfort thanked Dr. Baker for his many years of service and it was moved By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner McCormick; Resolved, that the X&ynrfs expression of thanks be spread upon the minutes of th&s meeting. Unanimously carried & approved. On motion the meeting was adjourned. t- �.._ F.H. ringer City Clerk 142 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N.Y. Regular Meeting 4:P.M.. May 10, 1945 PRESENT Mayor-Comfort Commissioners-Cross, Bull, Patterson, Wilson - H*Alth -Officer-Broad - Distz*et State Health Officer-Fear Inspectors-Kolar, Stebbs Clerk-Springer MINUTES _ Minuted of the preceeding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS Collections of $4100 for Nursing Care, and $1.25 for vaccine were reported. REPORTS The usual reports of the Health 0fficer, Public Health Nurses and;Inspectors were read and ordered filed. COMPLAINTS Commissioner Wilson reported receipt of eo laints from res ants along Cascadilla Creek that garbage and ether refuse is being deposited in that stream. The Clerk was directed to- call the matter to the attention of the Police Dept. ,APPOINTA6ENT-REGISTERED NURSE Dr. Broad reported that due to inability to secure a Public Hea th urse, that Miss Mary G. Rogers a registered nurse has been employed in the Health Dept. on temporary basis with the approval of the Municipal Civil Service Commission,....-_ The appoint- ment was approved. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES Dr. Broad reported that he has written the R School for Publ=ealth Nurses at Syracuse and Columbia Universities in an effort to secure nurses, and that he has interviewed one nurse who is qualified for the .work, but who .is considering anbther. positio Dr. Bnead was authorized to employ Public Health Nurses on a temp- orary basis whenever possible. ELIGIBLE LIST PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES Dr. Broad reported that he has requested- the Municipal Vivil e- ce Commission to waive the rules of residence in an effort to secure applications for the position of Public Health Nurse, and .he suggested that the Board make a similar ,e request By Commissioner Bull; Seconded by Comm. Cross ' Whereas, after a thorough canvass of the City and County it has been found impossible to secure the services of a Public Health Nurse, and Whereas, it is imperative that such vacancies in the Health Dept. be filled Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Municipal Civil Service Comm. Bl- requested to waive rules of residence and permit any qualified resident eg the State to file application for the position. Unanimously Carried & Approved. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE GILES ST. Dr. Broad reported that in 1941 he cal ed the attention of the pard of Public Works throught Engr. Marble to the fact that a number of houses in Giles St. are not supplied with sanitary sewage service, and requested that Board to consider the installation of sanitary sewage in the section. Attention was called to the Sewer Program now being prepared by the Board and it was suggested that Dr. Broad confer with the City Engr. and the Supt. of the Waiter & Sewer Dept. in regard to the plans. AGREEMENT RE CONTAGIOUS MING AT HOSPITAL Dr. Broad reported that the agreement between the City and the Tompkjns County Memorial Hospital in regard to the Contagious Wing expires this year and he expressed the opinion that certain changes should be made when the agreement is reaewed. Mayor Comfort stated that a meeting of the Building and Grounds Committee of the City and Hospital is to be hdld at 12;30 P.M. Vit. May 15, 1945, and-Dr. Broad was requested to attend this meeting. APARTMENT HOUSE HEATING Dr. Broad reported veceipt of many complaints during the past w n er ,of inadequate heat in apartments. Health Proceedings -2- May 10,1945 He stated that in many cases it seemed to be the practice on the part of the landlords to reduce the heat or other services Wis compelling the tenants to move, after which the rent is increased for the new tenants. He stated that while it is a personal health problem, he felt that soigething should be done to prohibit such practices. '—' Ur. Fear also expressed the opinion that some legislation should be L. enacted to relieve the situation. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for study and recommendationf HOUSING SHORTAGE Dr. Broad called attention to the acute shortage of desirable housing facilities in the City, and expressed the opinion that the matter should be given attention as it has become a Public Health Problem. By Comm. Cross; Seconded by Comm. Wilson Resolved, that it is. <the sense of this Board that a study of the housing situation should be made. Carried. Mayor Comfort. appointed Commissioners Cross and Wilson, a committee to investigate and report. On Motion the Meeting was adjourned. csJ"t F.H.Spr inger City Clerk Y3 t, c� JLL141L 1 i i I I BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting 4 P.M. August 9, 1945 PRESENT Mayor Comfort Commissioners - Cross, Bull, Patterson, Wilson, Livermore Health Officer - Broad Inspectors - Kolar, Stobbs Deputy City Clerk - Blean MINUThS Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly. approved. TREVA AVE-SEWAGE DISPOSAL In response to a subpoena issued pur- suant to the provisions of Section 21 of the Public Health Lew., Mrs. Mary B. Wilson, owner of property at 111 Treva Ave., appeared in regard to sewage disposal from this property. Dr. Broad out- lined a very Wisatisfactory and insanitary- condition relative to this matter'iftich has existed for some time, even after his repeat- ed warning#. Discussion revealed that the property is below the sewer level and cannot be connected. One solution of the problem is to permit installation of a septic- tank, another being the in- stallati*n of equipment to pump the . sewage into the sanitary sewer system. Dr. Broad recommended that the property be condemned for human habitation pending some remedy. By Gomm. Cross: seconddd' by Comm. Bull Resolved# that the Mayor appoint a committee' to work with Dr. Broad and investigate the possibilities of installing a flush toilet and obtaining what available aid there may be procured for Mrs, Wilson to correct existing conditions, and report back at the next meeting. Carried. The Mayor appointed Commissioners Bull and Cross on such a committ,- FLORAL AVE.-SEWAGE DISPOSAL In response to another supoena, Mrs. an on arms, owner o property at 442 Floral Ave., appeared. Conditions existing on this property were reviewed. Sewer service is available to this property, but- the cost of connection seems to be prohibitive because of the house location* Because of her small equity in the prpperty at this time Mrs. Harrie is unable to proeui• j & loan to finance this work. By Comm. Livermore; seconded by Comm, Wilson Resolved,' that Dr.. Broad be authorised to request the Welfare Dept . to investigate the possibility of procuring aid for Mrs. Harris; and also that he discuss the matter with the Water & Sewer Dept. concerning the expense of digging for this service, and report back at the next meeting. Carried. REPORTS •.-The usual t reports of the Health Officer, Public Rea EK Wurses and Inspectors were received, read and ordered filed. MOSLUITO CONTROL Dr. Broad reported that the 1945 budget approp- riation pprop- r a on for Morquito Control has been overdrawn and recommended that additional funds be requested to continue the program. By Comm.- Livermore; seconded by Comm* Cross Resolved! that the Common Council be requested to appropriate the sum of $1200.00 to continue the Mosquito Control program for the balance of the 1945 season. Carried. On Motion the Mooting was adjourned. George A, Blean Deputy City Clerk ! 13 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. X. Regular Meeting 4 -P.M. February 8, 1945 L.. PRESENT Mayer - Comfort Commissioners - Livermore, Crosse Bull, Wilson Health Officer . - Broad Inspectors - Kolar, Stobbs. Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting held November 9, 1944, and of e special meeting held December 29', 1944, were duly approved. COLLECTIONS. - The following collections were reportet: Public Health Nursing, .00; Vaccine, $2.00; Scavenger Fees $40-00; Store Milk Permits, $61.00 and Dealer. Milk Vermits.9 $33.00. ANNUAL REPORT OF HEALTH OFFICER. Dr. Broad presented the annual re- port of the Health Department and expressed the hope that it would be studied by the Commissioners.. The report was received and ordered filed REPORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health Nurses and ns� pectors were read and ordered filed. Dr. Broad reported the dealth of Public Health Nurse Gladys Robbins - - which occurred on January 30th, 1945, MILK BACTERIOLOGIST Dr. Broad reported that M. S. Hofstad, of the 6=w College of Agriculture, is acting as milk bacteriologist during the absence of Dr. W. M. Evans. REPORT ON FUEL EMERGENCY Mayor Comfort and Coal Cor-ordinator Stobbs made comprehensive reports on the fuel situation. It was reported that while the situation is very serious and many emergency orders have been filled, no actual cases of suffering due to lack of fuel have been repor6ed. It was also reported that while cooperation of merchants and others has been excellent and a real saving in fuel has been made, it will be necessary to continue conservation measures to avoid a more serious shortage before the end of the heating season. The Mayor and Mr. Stobbs were warmly commended for thdir efforts during the onvvgency. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES. Health Officer Broad called attention to the serious shortageo nurses in the Health Department due to the illness of Miss Mandeville and the recent death of Miss Robbing,. He expressed the opinion that an effort should be made to secure younger nurses in an effort to keep trained personnel in the depart- ment, and since municipal civil service rules require applicants to be residents of the city, he suggested that an effort should be made to make residents of the State eligible to take an examination for the position. He suggested that it might be possible to employ a registered nurse who would be able to assist at clinics, but did not feel that such a nurse would be entitled to the same salary as a Public Health Nurse. By Commissioner Cross; seconded by Commissioner Livermore Resolved, that Health Officer Broad-be authorized to employ a registered nurse until such time as it is-possible to secure a Public Health Nurse at a salary not to exceed $1600 annually, subject to the approval of the municipal civil service commission. Carried. LIM " /13 tr Board of Health Proceedings -2- Feb. 8, 1945 By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Wilson Resolved, that Health Officer Broad be authorized and directed to discuss with the mun-teipa.l civil service commission the possibility of extending to residents of the State the privilege of taking an exmtnination for the position of Public Health Nurse in the City of Ithaca. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. Springer City Clerk • � III I I y 1- 45- B 45-B OARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. i Regular Meeting 4 P,M, Nov. 8, 1945 7. PRESENT Commissioners - Patterson, Wilson Health Officer Broad District State HBAlth Officer - Fear Inspectors - Kolar, Stobbs Clerk Springer Due to a lack of a quorum the meeting was adjourned. F* H Springer City Clerk 14T BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N, Y. Adjourned Regular Meeting 4 P,M. November 21, 1945 PRESENT Mayor - Comfort Commissioners McCormick, Cross, Bull, Patterson, Wilson Health Officer Broad Inspector - Kolar j Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceeding meeting were duly approved. COLLECTIONS, The following collections were reported; Scavenger License 1.00 Nursing Service 2.00 Vaccine 3.40 RESIGNATION•GLENNA G. JONES-PUg HEALTH NURSE. A letter of resigna- on f1led -by s, Jones was pees 'n a an read. APPOIXTMENTXPUB. HEALTH NURSE. Dr. Broad announced the appointment 06r mrs;M ltTr"ea' Carter as a"g"blie Health Nurse on a temporary supple mental basis at a starting salary of $1600.00 annually. He stated that she seems to be well qualified for the position and assumed her duties on November 19th: 1945♦'� By Comm, - IteCormick; seconded by Comm. Cross Resolved# that the appointment of IVliidred Carter to the position of temporary supplemental Public Health Nurse at a salary of 6p1600,00 annually be approved and confirmedf . Carried. REPORTS9 T he usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health Nurses and Inspectors were read and ordered filed. AMENDMENT-§aEITARY CODE -RE HEATING. Dr.Broad presented copies of a proposed endment o the Smit ry'�ode relative to the heating of oe. cupied buildings. He stated that• the question was discussed at the May Meeting of the Board and referred to the City Attorney for study and recommandationsp. and that the proposed amendment is the result of the study of ordinances and regulations adopted by other cities. After discussion it was moved By Comm t- Bull; seconded by Comm, Ivilson Resolved, that the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithac,­ N.Y, be and hereby is amended by adding a neW Chapter to be designate' Chapter IV A, tp read as follows; HEATING OF OCCUPIED BUILDINGS. It shall be the duty of every perspn w o Mall ave contracted o771'r undertaken, or shall be bound, to heat or to furnish heat for any building or portion thereof, occupied asl�r. home or- place -of rosidenee' of one or more persons,- to heat: or to f��z nish heat for every occupied room in pueh building, or portion they ; so that a minimum temperature of sixty-eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit maybe maintained therein at all such times. The furnishing of such heat is hereby determined and declared to be a matter affecting the public health of the City of Ithaca* For the purpose of this sectiono, wherever a building is heated by mear. of• a furnace+ boilers or other apparatus under the control of the owr er: agent, or l sses of such building, such owner, agent,, - or lespee in� the absence of a contract or agreement to the contrary, shall be deemed to have contracted undertaken or bound himself or herself to furnish heat in accordance with the provisions of this section, A-No The term* 'Iat all such times" as used "in this section, unless otherwi: provided by a contract or agreement, shall include the time between the hours of 6 A.M, and 10 P.M of each dgy whenever the outer orstrL t,�mperature shallf all below fifty-five (55) degrees Fahrenheit. The term f1contract" as used in this 'section shell be taken to mean and include a writtep or verbal contracts, In, any action or proceeding brought for an alleged violation of this section, the inability of the person required to furnish heat here- under to obtain sufficient fuel to permit compliance with this ordin- ar�o,, arising from a fuel sho-tage in the City of Ithaca, may be con- sidered, in the discretion of the Court,, as a proper defense! providec .4.S Adj.Regular Meeting -2- November 21,1945 it shall appear that such person shall have used reasonable diligence in attempting to obtain such fuelq Effective upon publication, Ayes 5 Nays 0 ;3 Carried and approW-d.-by. the -Mayor, HOUSINC S,HORTAGE Dr. Broad repofted that the housing shortage con- tinues to be acu a and that it is definately a Public Health problem. He stated that the American Medical Association recommendd that$ealtr Departments cooperate with local planning boards in the study of the ' question. Mayor Comfort expressed the opinion that a committee from this Board would be of great assistance to the Planning. Comaai tion in the study of housing in the City and it was moved By Comm. Cross; seconded by Comm. McCormick Resolved, that the Mayor be requested to appoint a committee to co- operate with the Planning Commission in the study. Carried. SANITARY INSPECTOR. Dr. Broad "rop.orted that the office of Sanitary Inspector will be vacant on Jath lstf due to the elction of Inspector Stobbs to the office of County..Treasurer and. rocommonded that the Mun icipal Civil Service Commissiornl.be requested to'-provi'de an eligible list for the position. By Comm. McCormick; seconded'by Comm. Wilson Resolved.. that the Municipal Civil Service Commission be requested to furnsih an -eligible list from which an 'appointaerit may be made. Carried. OFF REPAI Dr. Broad repogted that the repairs to. the Health,. I off os are about completed, BURE . 4 Copies of the tentative budget, for 1946• in the total amount o 10835075 wore distributed* Salary increases includfng tho tomporary bonus amounting to $83075 w©ro- notod .as follows.; 1945 1946•. ... . Salary Bonus Total Salary -Bonus Total Health Officer 2975. 148*75 31230' 75 3000. 1501 3150* Stenographer 1175,.' 176*25 1351:25 1225*: 183075 . ' 0475` . Total `" Attention was called to the fact- that the increases a3�e in a"Drdancc with the Salary Schedule adoptod by the Common Council Salary decreases amonting to X920. 00 were also, noted. as follower; 1945 1946 $a;,,,. Bonus Total Sa�U( imus Tcti4 Sano & Milk Insp. 1800, 270. 20700 1500, 2254 1725, Nurse B 1900 " 28,% 2185, 17000 255,0 1955„ 2000. 300 -2300,* 17004 255, 19L5:91 " 5035* Decreases due to new appointees who will reeeiv� starting salaries under the compensation plan* An increase of $50*00 for office expense and $24 00 for travel was also noted, t By Comm. McGormic)s; seconded by Comm. Cross ' Resolved that the tentative budge" for 19,#6 as presented. bo and 'th: same heroty is approved and adopted., and .a requisition ordered filed with. the Common Council for an appropriation of $ 21i, 9675. to cover the estimated cost of maintenance and operation of depa�ent's under control of the Board of Health* _ Unanimously Cafiried and Approve On Motion the Meeting was adjourned* aT ps &Springer City Clerk 149 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca,, N. Y Postponed Regular bleeting 4 PiM. Feb* 21, 1946 PRESENT Mayor - Conley -- Commissioners - Bull,' Wilson, Hassan Health Officer - Broad Dist, State Health Officer - Fear Inspector Kolar Attorney - Lee Clerk - Springer Y-INUTES Minutes of the preceeding meeting were duly approved, COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported; Dairy permits $33..00 "tore permits 62.00 "cavenger permits 5,00 'Nursing service 3:65 Sale of vaccine 3100 TOTAL $I06*' ,65 REPORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer,' Publid Health Fu�rses and Inspectors were read and ordered filed. ANNUAL REPORT OF HEALTH OFFICER Dr.- Broad reviewed a portion of h s =al report for 1945 which was distributed . some time ago.. He c lied partcular attention to recommendations in the report in regard t,o collection of garbage ,in the business section„ extension of sanitary sewers to Giles, and upper East State Streets filling of low lying areas to eliminate the need of mosquito control and to the need of proper, and adequate bathitg facilities. The report was ordered placed on file* TRAIMS Dr. Broad reported that a complaint in regard to atfttler located in Floral Ave. -was investigated, - and it was found that while no unsanitary condition has been created, it is being occupied con- trary to provisions of the Sanitary Code. The advisibility of -making exceptions due to the housing shorthg:) was discussed and various opinions expressed but no action was taken. HE!ITING AP# TiNENTS. Dr. Broad reported that many complaints have been KTaAT ea in regard to inadequate heating of apartments, but that when an effort is made. to enforce the regulations in regard to hea;, tyle tenants have been served with e viction notices., The matter was discussed 'at length and it was agreed that there seems to be no way to remedy the situation at this time. SALARY SPJ9P_V1X Dr. Broad reported on his att3ndance at a special :a17 i t,tce ]We—el-fing of department headsN held Feb. 19th to discuss the recommendations of the Police Commissioner that the wage scale for partolmen be increased, He stated that. he took the position that no adjustment should be made in any wage group until the.. entire salary schedule is studied. and. revised, Cr_ 'Motion the meeting was adjourned., F. H. Springer City Clerk { t - 150 $ate or MWAS PROOMI ;.>6i ty of Ithaca, Rt T Spedia+i Moony 130 P Me March 2 SO uay6r 0*01e0 CommistAoAsra 4 dro,6*4 2#0 ret Wilso% Hassan Exemia `ft Board of Pl aberi Bangs, #agia Plum bg Inspecstor a tutton Seures';`fnspector -- Dougherty � B.P �Commissioners d Miller, Rarde '411 .: Health Officer n Broad ' later 6 Sewer *pt. a Carpenter Olerk c Springer I Mayor dotio r announced the meeting was called to con- Sider a request by Cornell university that An exception from provisions of the Plvmbltt (bode bo granted .to permit., the use of galvanised iron pipe in the build- Ings �ww being erected on the.Campus. The following lettsr from the 8upt. of TOMldings and Grounds was presented, and readt % March 22, 1946 Board of Health tA Libras.Building City of..Tthaca, Mew Yolk 0entlemens We have contacted your 8ity PUqUej ieotor regarding the IRtbstt ought steel pipe (2s and vadet) in plane or *be coast iron pipe ss your Plumbing bode. On March 144 meetin,; *1th your Inspectort Agbert Bagai -representing the AgWAUcts at the Now Aftente Do ory at Gornall Usivep'- = Mr. �.A.petyr*, 'representing the Univp WS Itr, 8pAtiger, representing t *u Contractor3 aW. Mry R*;*GileasotA ss 0PresaatIng the 003 os l Conwhctovw` iot*r appealed for this sub stitt sion,,�• senf� ting the Wt that the cast iron c dry ineustry is making little or w, cast iron pipe sodW9 and., ao LASug% the 4od4i .14 other cities app rs-screwed. Steel pipe for msec sudk4mr-AbIs; ti telye Now 'tot'ke #Mica, stee. tbeewAss, of the fact that Giron p**N.I*tease of a settlement in the building, does open at the mints, tense W N P901000-111-, Is are requesting the substitution of the screwed steel pl�e -in 'the vote tlarmt- eryidwe above the ground floor as we shall pmh bye able � obi" 9AQ easNt, trop p%pe for underground floor work. 4 , we received'notice that the appeal iW d dorm rA. On Tuo se ay. March 19, we had an o# teas 1l Mrs an a meeting, Mr. Frederick L. Ackerman. Areblteat of tsatto. Mrq James Mocgitore, representing ire Meehan$tal :Who 8y0 de b [ i ng. work in the Aeministration Building# auk Olea pati *)io General Contractors; again appealed 'for 6hacten sent to $Sode and wore informed thea the appeal should be Mde to the Boat oflealth. 4 ' We wish that you would re sider your di sappioval as we feel that the build--' ids that the University are p%tting up are covered by Emergency Mousl,e& mud* at presea%t, we are absolutelg unable to obtain this'material* Ili; informed by the Goa actors that the. WomouPW-PormlUry will have to be shy .down in two to *roe weer* duo to the, shortage of this materiels,; 'Phis build g will house fo%W hundred and fIfIW Fla which will reli.ege the, shortage A rooms for the voteraat students is othsVft%Wugv now occUpied by girls. As the Vniversity has u largo build.U%g progra4 401 believe this question will arise fit time to tie - :"gid, from the best inform o that wa. cwL.obtaiz 20 cast area fitt#mss w311 not be produced in quanti,ties to supply the country for at Ismat a year and a half,. We would consider it a favor if you will approve the ssb'sfttution4 for the �--K ams goner at least if not as a permanent amendment,, Very ttr yours, Hugh lc, ldleatherlow Stq�te • During the Discussion that 16215%er. Public Works Commissioner hull stated that galvanised pipe is not as satisfactor as cast iron and Mr., Bis of the Examingng Board! of Plumbers states' that that Board sloes not approve any variations from the present code, I 151_. Health Proceedings Marxk 250,.,19% After farther elsouition tke- ObWfssfzar#-orM4"th agreed tit In orOer to avoid delay in We aoMlstt`oa of U6 building* whish will help to relieve the housing shortage# that the PIWI%,- Coee should be anon6ed toermit use of, . galvanized iron pipe for a limited period spot t6 'exceed -six (4 months* after which it is felt that Iresent shortages in ironpipe will be,easod, and it was moved By Com, Hassan; asps by Comm, Livermore Resolved, that' paragraph 9412 of Article ZY o� the Plumbing Code be amended to read as follows$ Durham System When the is installed, galvanised drainage fittings sha11 be used:.- O&,wm=4x.excess of Five (5) feet# two (,2) iwch galvatv. #zed wrought iron pipe r lsz:raw--ft the regular dra iia„a ssmser`when. eiVroved by the Plumbing Inspector, Ubatimou"r.Cesadt+d and m by t1he MWr.-. On no tion the:meeting w as ;a►lJOaffit dw Y, , Springer City'Clork i 152 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N4 Y. Regular Meeting 4 P.M, May 9, 1946 PRESENT Mayor - Conley Commissioners - Oross, Bull, WMson Health Officer Broad Inspectors - Kolar, Donohue Attorney - Lee Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the postponed regular meeting held Febti 21,1946, an3'o�' the special meeting held March 25, 1946, were dull* °approved. COhLECTI,ONS The following collections were reported: Nursing serviced $9.40 Sale of Vaccine $3.50, Store Milk permits .00 REPORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health Nurses V�spectors were read and ordered filed, Attention was called to the poor condition of pasteurized milk during the period which Inspector Kolar attributed to improper care of pasteurizing equipment on the part of dealers.. Dr. Broad reported that he has called a meeting of distributors at which time the matter will again be discussed„ MOSQUITO CONTROL The Clerk reported that at a meeting of the Common tounc a may' 1, 1946, the following resolution adopted by the West Hill Civic Association was presented: - May 1, 1946 Mr. James Conley, Mayor City Hall Ithaca, New York Dear Mr. Mayort At a meeting of the West Hill Civic Association attended by about sixty residents of that area, the following resolution was passed"t RESOLVED, that the West Hill Civic Association favors more effec - tive control of the mosquito menace and nuisance by every practical means and in this interest asks the City Council to continue and ex.- tend x'tend its mosquito control program. It is recognized that the Jity has a mosquito control program which las year was satisfactory for many parts of the city,. On West Hill, however, the mosquito nuisance was serious, apparently related to the rainy season, which extended breeding areas, and to the fact that there are swampy areas outside the jurisdiction of the city in the tgwn of Ithaca, which are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, within flying distance of West Hill. , Some suggestions for the present season: mosquito control program, formulated after discussion with members of the Entomology Department at the University,, the City Forester and the Health Officer and a member of the County Board of Supervisors, are as follows t 1. The integration of the city control program with that of the Town of Ithaca, 4e have been assured that the town is willing to consider cooperation in such a program* 2# Hiring a competent entomologist at least part time to- keep tract of breeding areas and assist the City Forester, MroBaker, in the direction of the control program* 3. A long-range program of filling and draining swamp areas .--. particularly those nearest the city, such as the area within the cirel at the Lehigh Valley Railroad tracks north of the station. Costs to the city for this program excluding the drainage and fill would be an additional 1400 to $500 for the entomologist and in the case of a wet season, a possible increase in the present appropria• tion, for labor* An effective control program would also require cooperation of , the city residents in preventing stagnant water on their private gr ounds. Very truly yours, L, H• MacDaniels,President West Hill Civic Association" 153 Health Proceedings May 9, 1946 The Common Council recommended the resolution,for attention of the Board of Health and the Board of Public Workso Dr. Broad reported that no complaints were received from re.. sidents of Wiest Hill last season, although it was a particularly wet onQ-. He stated that 2 years ago the subject of mosquito control was - discussed at length, and a survey- promised by the United States Health Service did not meteri4lize, although on raeommendation of a spepial committee, Prof. Matheson of Cornell was employed to cooperate with City employees in survey and control work. He expressed the opinion that a long range program of filling low areas would be the best means of eliminating breeding places, �- and roeommendbd that during the next dredging oporation by the State that the area within the circle of' rOhighValley Aailroad tracks north of the station be .filled He stated that City' Forester Baker would welcome the cooperation of an entomologist to make 'a survey` of possibl©` breeding places and to advise in control measures and it was moved, By Comm Cansss sec„ by Gomm. WJ3son Re-solve, that it is the sense of this Board that aneentomologist • be employed to assist in a survey and control of mosquito breeding- places, and ' -Be It Further Resolved,, that the Common Council be requested to appropriate a sum nbt,'to exceed $400.,00 for such purpose. ` Carried, SANITARY INSPECTOR Dr, Broad reported-that Albert Mp Donohue passed oxamlnFt104 ror Sanitary Inspector# and that he , assumed` the duties on May liths 1846 , By Comm! Bull; sec, by Comma Cross Resolved that the appointment of Albert M. Donohue to the posi- ,•ion of Sanitary Inspector for the usual- probationary period, be and iiereby is approved and confirmed* Carried. PERSONNEL-DEPT$OOF.� LTH Dr.. Broad reported the recent 'resignation of one upp amOnt al nurse which leaves the department with one' Public mom Health Nurse and one Supplemental Nurse, and he stated that it seems to be impossible to` secure nurses at this time. '-'IIe also reported that due to the illness of Dr. Evans, Dr. J..D.0 Wheat is now acting as Milk Bacteriologist. SALARY:.SCHEDULE Dr. Broad reported that the Finance Committee .of e Uouncil 1fd9 requested that all departments make a study of grading and salary `adjustments .of its employees and submit the result. of .,such study to the committee in order that a revised and equitable eompensa- tion schedu114 can be; worked out and approved by the Council before, adoption' of the tentative budget for 3947. He' stated that he has vecured data from 6 other cities and has consulted the State Department of Health, and he submitted the follow Ing schedule for the Boards. consideration and recommended its approval. Public Health Nurses !$1800-2200-•100.. Sanitary Inspector, 1800-2290-100# Dairy and Meat Inspector 2900•-3300-o100, Secretary 0 1200-•1800T100*, Attention was called to the fact that there 'is no, classification set up in the City service for secretaries and Dr. Broad recommended approval of the employmeuat of a .Sonior Stenographer in the Health Office at the rate established for that position. By Coma,# Wilsoh; sec,. by Comm. Cross Resolved !• that the recommendation of the Health Officer be ap•. proved and sulmitted to the Finance Committee .of the Council for , j considerations Carried, AMENDMENT•8AN TARY CODE RE SEWER CONNECTIONS Dr. Broad reported on ■ 1 r..r■ Y Irl a ■f1O ■ A r 9■ rr1 san ti a y conditions in various parts ofthe city and the efforts made to compel the use of sanitary sewers where server service is available. He stated that in 1938, the original provisions for the use of the sewerage system as set up in the Sanitary Code were modified and he recommended that those provisions be restored, as there are 60 houses 'in the -c ity not connected with the sewer system and that in most instances sewer service is available# After further discussion it was moved 1 54' Health Proeeddings •3- May 9+ 1946 By Comm.• Cross; sect by Comm, Bull Resolved, that Chapter II section 6 of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca be amended to read as followsl Chapter II Section 6. Connection With- The City Swwerago• System The use of any cesspool: privy, dry earth closet, or septic tank on my premises accessible to the city sewers in tAe City of Ithaca shall be discontinued, and sanitary toilets shall be installed in- such premises# and connected with the sewerage system, in accordance with the Plumbing Code of the City of Ithaca, on or before June 1st, 190, As the sewerage system becomes �•••. available in the future, such connections shall be made within six months thereafter,- and the cesspools, privies, dry earth closets, or septic tanks shall be disposed. of in a sanitary manner, : Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried,. RABIES CONTROL Dr, Broad reported that a clinic forthe taccination off" dogs —w'ill Ve conducted again this summer. COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Dr, goad called attention to the fact that under recon eg s_ a on .that by combining the health departments in the County`into .a County unit, that the ,County may receive 75% reimburse+ ment from the State, He stated that under the present-system that combined neo 'bast to the Cit and County 'is approximately $34,0000` annually, vftereas, ander the �ounty unit system the annual net cost wo,41d be approximate- ly. $10,750*00, The matter was .discussed at length but no"action ,was t alwn4x On motion the meeting was adjourneds F, ,,_ Springer City Clerk I - 155 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N. Y, Podponed Regular Meeting 4 P.M. August 9, 1946 Present: Mayor-Conley Commissioners-Cross, Livermore, Hassan -- Health Officer-Broad Attorney-Lee Inspectors-»Kolar$ Donohue, Tutton Clerk-Springer Minutes Minutes of the preceeding meeting were duly approved* Collections Collections of $4*00 for vaccine and $15.00 for nursing service were reported# Reports The usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health Nurses and Inspectors were read and ordered filed# Sanitary Code Re use of Galvanized Pie The Clerk reported that the Examining Board of Plumbers recommend extension for a period of three months, the pro-r vis ions in the Amended Plumbing Code to permit the use of Galvanized Pipe, since supplies of cast-iron pipe are still shortq -By Comma Hassan, Sec. by Comm• Cross Resolved that the recommendations be approved, and Be It Further Resolved, that the matter be reviewed at the regular November Meeting, Carried. Restaurant Inspections Health Officer Broad reported that Mr. McCormack, an inspector for the State Department of Health was in the City on July 2nd and 3rd and accompanied by Sanitary Inspector Donohue, made an inspection'of several restaurants in the City. Following is a report with recommendations received from the State Department of Health as a result of the inspection. "On July 2 and 3, 1946, Mr. McCormack accompanied by Mr. Donohue, Sanitary Inspector, Ithaca Department of Health, made a sanitary in- spection of several Ithaca restaurants "For the most part the general sanitary conditions were fairly satisfactory, However, in some of the places visited conditions were unsatisfactory in that the kitchens were badly crowded for, space and the equipment and methods in use were poor and the disinfecting of dishes was unsatisfactory in that.the water used for rinsing was not hot enough for satisfactory disinfecting purposes. "Two places which were displaying Grade A cards were doing a very poor job of dishwashing. One of these places had a dishwashing machine which was in a very dirty conditiop and the dish tables, or slides, were made of wood and were in poor repair and very dirty. In the other place dishwashing was being done by hand and at the time of the inspection dishes were being washed and rinsed in dirty water. The rinsing was being done in a metal pot or kettle and after rinsing.. the dishes were wiped with a dirty towel. Inspection of glasses which were stacked on racks and ready for use were found to be very dirty. "Such places as the above restaurants should not be given Grade A ratings. "In two other places where grade signs were not observed, food such as pies and crullers was setting on the serving counters and exposed to dust, flies and coughing and handling by those sitting at the counters. The dishwashing in these places was very poor. In one .... of these places a case of milk in quart bottles was setting on the floor exposed to room temperature in a back room which was in a very dirty and untidy condition. "Restaurants in Ithaca are rated on a grade basis but are not re•• quired to have a permit by the department of health. While Ithaca is not the only city in New York State which does not require a restaurant permit, it might be well to give this matter careful consideration as it• is believed considerable improvement would result in sanitary conditions, dishwashing methods and procedures$ 1-56 i Board of Health Proceedings —2- August 9, 1946 "It was learned that the grade cards issued to the restaurants were issued previous to 19464 It is suggested reinspections be made of restaurants and graded accordingly, The Grade A cards issued to restaurants which do not meet the Grade A• requirements should be withdrawn. ` "Mr. Donohue knows'the places referred to and was present when these places were visitede" Dr,, Broad stated that all grading cards are to be withdrawn and new onesissued on the basis of present conditions, but since grading does not accomplish desired results in all cases, he recommended that a committee be appointed to study the possibility of licensing all eating places which would give definite control of all such establishments. He also suggested that same arrangement be made whereby the issuance of Building Permits for eating places would be contingent upon the approval of the Health Department' By Comm. Hassan, Sec, by Comm. Cross Resolved that the recommendation of the Health Officer be approved, and the Mayor be requested to appoint a Committee which will include the City Attorney, to study the matter and make rec omnendations o ` Carried. The Mayor appointed Commissioners Livermore, Cross, and Hassan and Attorney Lee to the Committee. On Motion the meeting was adjourned, F.. H. ringer, City Clerk II v. PW 15d BOARD OF HEALTH, PROgEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N.Y. apecial Meeting 7:30 P.M. Oct. 1, 1946 PRESENT Acting Mayor - Gibb Commisskoner�s,_- Cross, Bull, Wilson, Hassan Superintendent. of Schools - Kulp Commissioners of Education - Burns, Bull, Thompson Health Officer - Broad Attorney - Lee Clerk - Springer Acting Mayor uibb stated that the meeting was called at the re- quest of Lr, Broad who has a matter of importance to bring before the Board„ Dr. Broad, asked to be relieved of his duties as Health Officer and School Physician as soon as convenient, preferably by Nov. 1, 1946Q He stated that he had no personal reason for leaving other than the benefits to be obtained in a larger field, and he expressed a desire to aid in any way possible thoea selection of a successor. Reflecting the sentiment of thos present, Mr. Kulp expressed regret that Dr, Broad intends to leave Ithaca, but extended congrat- ulations and. best wishes for Uip in his new field, He suggested that a Committee be appointed from the Board of Health to work with the Health Committee of the Board of Education and a representative of the Civil 40ervice Commission in an effort to secure a successor to Dr. Broad, and it was moved, By Commissioner Hassan; sec v by Comm, Dull Resolved, that the Mayor be authorized to appoint such a Committee„ Carried, Acting Mayor Gibb appointed Commissioners Livermore, Cross and Wilson from the Board of Health to work with Mr. Kulp, the Health Committee of the Board of Education and the Civi1Service Commission..~. On motion the meeting was adjourned,,-=..... F,* . S4pringer City clerk 158 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N Y. Regular Meeting 4 P.M. Nov. 141, 1946 - PRESENT Acting Mayor - Gibb Commissioners - Cross, Livermore,. Wilsong, Hassan Health Officer - Broad Inspectors - Kolar, Donohue Aldermen - Shurger, Barnard Clerk Springer w MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting held Aug. 9, -3946 and of Me special meeting hdld Oct, 1, 1946, were duly approved. own* COLLECTIONS_ Collections of $7,70 for vaccine and ]3.50 for nursing "er`Vlees were reported. REPORTS, Health Officer Broad reported that there are no unusual ems in the reports of the Department and due to the volume of busi- ness .to come before the Board, he suggested that reading of the report be dispensed with. - It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that reading the report be dispensed with, PLUMBING CODE AMENDMENT° The Clerk reported receipt of a letter From the ExaminiRg board of Plumbers, recommending repeal of the Amendment to paragraph 9412 of Article IV of the Plumbing Cote which was passed at the meeting held March 22, 1946, since all kinds of pipe is difficult to procure. By Commissioner Livermore; seconded by Comm. Cross Resolved, that paragraph 9412 of Article IV of the Plumbing Code be amended to read as follows; DURHAM SYSTEM When the Durham System of plumbing is installed galvanized drain- age f itti z shall be used, This system is allowed only on short horizonti ranches not to exceed five feet in length, Under bath- room floors this system will in no case be permitted, Effective upon publication. .-. Unanimously Carried and Approveds, RESTAURANT LICENSING, Dr. Broad, reporting for the Special, Committee state t at nqu ries as to experiences of other Citys have been made, in regard to licensing eating places,1, and that none have had. a gobd a erience and he reco=rwnded waiting for a Model Ordinance which ioeing prepared by the Mayors Conference and which will be ready 50i, s. By Comm.- Cross; sec. by Comm. Hassan ResolvQ4. that the recommendation be approved. Carried. SiQXITAYp39WER CONNECTIONS* Dro Broad reported that there are sev- eral Instances where 'san ary severs are available but at an elevao tion-which will not permit use by properties unless pumps are usaA- and he asked if it is the wish of the Board to compel owners to stall pumps to take care of sewerage* He explained that in some cases existing wells are contaminated while in others 'zoo health menace exists., By Comm. Livermore; sec, by Comm. Hassan Resolved, that it is the opinion of this Board that where a health mwmee exist:aa that owners should be compelled tq connect their houses with existing sanitary sewers* Carried. AMENDME�NSASANITEiRY CODE, Dr, Broad recommended an amendment to the t ar o e', ino� ' 9'er-7o regulate dispensing of single service utensils and i,o.*•cream cones and it was moved, By Com. Livermore; sec# by Comm, Wilson Resolved* that Section 14 of Chapter III of the Sanitary Code of the :City of Ithaca, N. Y, be (amended to read as follows] Paper cups, all single service paper utensils and ice-cream cones must be dispensed.from a sanitary dispenser straws and single ser- vice spoons shall be individually wrapped. Effective upon publication. Unanimously Carried. 159 Health Proceedings •2r Novo 14, 1946 BUDGET-1947 Copieq of the terftative budget for 1,947 in the total amount o?724#300.00 were distributed. Dr, Broad explained that the increase over 1946 appropriations e.mounting to $20064,25 is ac- counted for by increased salAries and milelage allowances approved , , by the Common Councils By Comm, Hassan; sect by CImmt Livermore f Resolved, that the tentative budget for 1947 as presented# be and the same hereby is approved adopted and a requisition ordered filed with the Common Council f r an appropriation of $24,300,00 I to cover the `estimated cost of riaintenanee and operation of depart- ments :under control of the Board of Hpilth. .Unan mou*ly Carried and Approved. RESIGNATIOp D The following totter, of resignation from Dr. r oa was a-s e , i n Nov t 14$, 1946 r TO THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH I hereby submit my resignation as Health Officer of the City of Ithaca. I do so with regret considerttig the pleasant associations I within the health department, the cooperation of the Board of Health' { Common Council and -other departments of the cityi • 1t has been a ( pleasure to work in Ithaca with a popalace whidh is`publi'e health minded"'and. demanding of service to this field. The future",bf pub'�ic Health loeally, I believe, rightfully belongs In a county health unit# There are no boundary lines to public he,alth;. lie sero- ces "uhder a county health dopartmont to:ithe people of this city should be' as 4bodi if not better than now supplied by the city department. - My greatestregret is leaving those with whom I have- worked and been associated with..�n my work and all my many friends in Ithaca, ' . Sincerely.. . , RHB/S Robert K4,, Broad,. M.D, 't , By Commissioner Livermore; soo ' by -Comm, Wilson �tihereas, Dr Broad has servedhe %ity ''of. Ithaca: s3ncexny >and, officiontl , aLd . . _ _ y Whereas, th s Board real;zes+ thst he is young,- a capable #•iealth. Officer and well .qualified to assume duties in a larger field Now ,Therefore Be It Resolved that his resignation be received and accepted with deep regret., Un=lrnously Capried and approved. IIICTING HE.,,.LTH OFFICER. Commissioner Livermore reported that the special omen ee met with the. Committee from. the Board' `of Education and took action to secure a sueceasor .,$o Dr, Broad but as yet there is -no one in p�ospecty and that the Committee fboll it is necessary , to appoint an meeting Health Officer on. a temporary fia.sis until other arrangements can be made. He statedthat Dry H.H -%rum wJ.11 accept the appointment with the understanding that help will be, provided at elinicsl, anti he 'Ecom-: mended- his' appointment.. H- 'stated further tAat Dr. Kenneth Cris'Roll. of, Slatervi�le Springs; who has been engaged by the Board of Education as school Physician on a temporarybasis, has been considered as an assist,nt• to DrgGrum, After discussion it was moved,, ;By. Comm; Livermore; see, by., Commt Cross Resolved, that Dr# H. H. Crum• be and he hereby is appointed tem- porary Acting Health Officer. Unanimously Carried# By Comm.,. Livermore; sec, by Corgmt Hassan} to employ Resolved, that the Acting Health Officer be authorized4br Crispell or some ath®r:physician or' ph, sicians to assist„in dutle s. `oPHe-al�th Officer, his compensation to be paid from funds set up for the salary of Health tliifier, on a° basis commensurate with work involved, . Unanimously Carried., 160 Health Proceedings Nov. 14, 1946 COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT Commissioner Livermore reported that recent amendments to the u is Health Law with respect to County Health Districts are such that it is believed that it would be of adv. tage to the City and County to form such district, as the State will reimburse the County 75% of costs, He stated that there is some sentiment in the community favoring a County District and that now is the time to take tho matter up with the supervisors as it would be inadvisable to appoint a pa:r manent Health Officer until a course is decided. By Commissioner Livermore; sec, by Comm. Cross Resolved, that this Board recommend to the Common Council that negotiations be entered into -with the County Supervisors as soon as possible, in regard . to foaming a County Health District. Further, that this Board express its opinion in favor of such a district. Unanimously Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned., F, Springer City Clerk E i r 1.61 Board of Health Proceedings City of Ithaca, N. Y. Special Meeting 4 P.M. Dec. 20, 1946 PRESENT Acting Mayor - Gibb i Commissioners - Cross, Livermore, Wilson, Hassan Acting Health Officer - Crum ` Attorney - Lee Alderman :burger Civil Service Commissioner-Benson Civil Service Secretary. - Worden Clerk - apringer PURPOSE OF MEETING. Acting Mayor Gibb announced the meeting was -ate. sea to cons rimer a communication from District State Health Office_- I;'eari in regard to the appointment of a Health Officer anC. to trans-, a.ct such other business as may properly be brought before the Board. i '! December 13, 1946 Mr, Floyd Springer j City Clerk City Hall Ithaca, N. Y. a Dear Mr, Springers As per our conversation, the f ollowing.is the essence of inw structions which I have received from Dr. Van Volkenburgh relative to the appointment of Dr. Ht , Crum-as health officer for °the City of Ithaca= "You previously informed us and it is my understanding also s ,that Dr4 Broad resigned as health officer of the city of Ithaca at the cloee of business op- November 14, 1946# Ancord- �- ingly, commending with November 15t 1946, a vacancy existed in the position of health offioer for the city of Ithaca "There is no provision in the law for the appointment of �an acting health officer to fill a vacancy in the position of health officer. The appointment of an acting health officer is. limlted specifically by law wherein no vacancy exists+, namely, to provide health officer services in the event _ an existing health offioer is incapacitated because of ill- ness or is absent from duty on vacation or .f or other reasons over an extended period of time; not to exceed throe months, "Accordingly, please furnish this office with the official notification of the appointment of Dr. H. H. Crum as ho alth officer of the city of Ithaca for a period of four years duly attested by the Ithaca City authorities. Doctor Crum is, frk;;e to resign his position as hoalth officer Ut am., tj-m(.-. ho may so wish based on whatever agrooment, verbal e,,° c-th"!"'. wase: , that may be made between him and the Board of Hoalth; '� Form ADM 400 Notification of Appointment of Hoa.lth Officer'- ; , attached Sincerely yours, F. D. Fear, M.D, 1%)FID District Health Officer ztt 4ttorney Lee explained that the Public Health° Law does not .Or:tamplato a situation such as we find ourselves in and he suggests, :. r rious courses which .might be follow6de Dr. Crum was present during the discussion and stated that he -,.(,cepted the appointment as acting Health Officer with the underm ' ,,3tanding that' it would be temporary, but he agreed ' to accept the appointment as Health Officer for a 4 year term in accordance with ttie provisions of the Public Health Law, and asked that it be under- stood that he would resign as soon as the formation of the County Health District is completod. 162 Special Meeting -2- . Dec. 20i 1946 By Comm. Livermore; sic. by C'cm,i. Hassan Resolved, that this Board apc.odr; to the request of th_e State Dept, of Health as outlined in Dr, Fears letter datod -Dec, 13, 1946; ,.nd that Dr,. H. H. Crum be and he hereby is appointed Health Officer Vor the City .of Ithaca for a 4 year term, effexdve as of Nov*15,1946. Carried. By Conui. Livermore ; sec. by Comm. Cross Resolved, that ;he Health Officer be authorized to employ Dr. KEanoth Crispell or some other physician or physicians, as ho deems necessary to conduct clinics and to perform other services for the Health Officer, such physician or physicians to bo coen- :ated from funds set up for the salary of Health Officer, on a bqs,ims commensurate with work involved. Unanimously Carried; The Clerk was directed to p.otify the Civil Service V'ommission. of the appointment and of his nomination for a non-competitive ex- amination for Health Officer. ITHACA COLLEGE-PLUMBING CODE REGULATIONS. The following letter q to Dr. arum was presented: tt December 20, 1946 Dr. H. Ho Crum 152 East State atreet Ithaca, New York Dear Dr. Crum: The Board of Health can probably do noting about the problem I discussed. with you yesterday, but I should like to place tyle matter 'm--fore it. Tb.e F edaral Housing Project going up on Wood Street has r b aen checked by thio plumbing inspector because certain specifications of the Government do not conform to the Ithaca Plumbing Code. This Equipment was prepared in the contractor' s shop in New Rochelle and shipped to Ith•ica. We are finding it most difficult Lo 'Keep this development working ind would like to know if the Boarc' of F7.,e31th has any jurisdiction in this matter•. The Fedoral specifications fail to moot the plumbing code in th-- following respects# 1. Some soil lines are only three-inch instead of four as the code stipulated, 2. Tr8ps in soil lines are not provided for each house. 3, The vont lines to the houses roofs ,^.re three- .inch steel pipes instead of four-inch soil pipek Wc> would like an exception made for #3 est cially and if s:3iblae #1, Number 2 is prcb..bly a point on �,,hich an exception c:.ay not b, reasonably aakodo May I ask your Board to keop in mind that hese houses must -3aken down within five years# Very truly yoursp lb ! mw Leonard B. Job By Comm. Livermore. ; s:ce by Comm, Wilson Resolved$ that the 10"u-ter be roforred to the Plumbing Board ror consideration and ear Ly recommendations to this Board. C arr le d. i I 163` Special Meeting _ -3 • becember 20, 1946 OFFICE (.;.DARTERS-COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT. Commissioner Livermore stated that since t e approval by the County Supervisors of a -Jounty Health District, the matter of adequate office quarters pias boen discussed as there is insufficient room in the County buildings and he expressed the opinion that this Board should re- commend to the Co=,on Council that the present quarters of the City Hoalth Department be made available for use by the County when the district is .formed. By Comm. Livermore; sec. by Comm. Cross �. Resolved, that this Board recommend to the Common CouncJ.1 Orat the proseat quar;;ers of the Cit;j Health Dept. be made avail- 'I1.- to tha County for County Health District u-e 10 so requested ~� the County. Carried. Oil motion the meating was adjourncd.,- • 'ij1-yw(//�//A�/jam F. H. Springer City Clerk i i 164 , BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS . City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4 P.M.. Feb• 139 1947 PRESENT Mayor - Gibb Commissioners - Livermore, Wilson, Hassan, Cross# Bull Health Officer - Crum Attorney r Lee Inspectors .. Kolar, vonohue, Tutton Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting held Nov., 14, 1946, and of e pecial meeting held Dec. 20, 1946, were duly approveji's COLLECTIONS The following collections were reported: Sale of Vaccine $1.35 Nursing ,Care 9.00 Milk Dealers Permits 34.00 Store Milk Permits 51,00 Total 4.35 REPORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health ursesand Inspectors were read and ordered filed. Health Officer Crum reported that there are several lases of scarlet fever,, and that a high school student was stricken today. ANNUAL REPORT Copies of the annual report for 1946 were distributed az aoopy�f`'�'led with the Clerk. The report was received and ordered filed% ACTING HEALTH OFFICER Dr. Grum reported that Dr. Crispell who is Ac ng Health Officer, is leaving March 15th, , 1947, and that it may be necessary to employ two Acting Health Officers to help in clinical work. He stated that the salary will be divided in proportion to the work done by each. COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT Dr. Crum reported that it is his understand-01'" ing .tllata meeting oFfhe Supervisors is to be held Saturday to, copsider final arrangements for the County Health District ITHACA COLLEGE •PLUMBING CODE REGULATIONS• The following letter 19nd copy of m nu es were read: tt February 12, 1947 Board of Ike alta# Ithaca., N. IN Attention Mr. Fo H„ Springer, Uity Clerk Gentemen; I was requested by the Examining Board of Plumbers to do everything possible to bring about better piping conditions on the Wood street and First and Hancock Street jobs..,. I talked with Mr. Boardman Lee and his opimion was that certain clauses in the Lanham Act, pertaining to the Veteran Housing Program, tied our hands as far as the city code was concerned, I also talked with Mr,. Thorne and we made an inepeotion of these jobs; several violations of the Federal Emergency Code were found, This matter was taken up with the Federal Office and a meeting for all concerned was called, Mr. Lee and I were present at this meeting and were able to bring about a much better condition from a sanitary standpoint. Attached is a cop's of the minutes of the meeting and I tr'4st this will meet with your approval, Very truly yours, Wm* D+ Tuttontplumbing Inspector 't WTtME 1- 65 Health Proceedings -2- Feb. 13, 1947 w Results of a meeting held at the job office on Wood street, Febe 5, 1947 at which ,the .following persons-were present : For City of Ithaca Mr. William Tutton, Sanitary Inspector Mr. L. Boardman. Lee, City Attorney For Federal Public Housing Administration: Mr. F. P. Savoye, Chief Inspector Mr. Tompkins, Inspector For John R# Philip, Plumbing Sub-Contractor: Mr. John R. Philip Mr. Bud Weir ,. For Delval Construction Corporation: Mr. d, A. Doll, District Manager Mro R: E. Here, Superintendent The muting was opened by requesting Mr. Tutton to state his objections to the plumbing work _gs it is being installed under John R. Philip' s contract. The objections were as foll(q 1. No extra heavy cast iron pipe' °s .be'ing laid, underground, or outside of buildings. The Federal Emergency Code calls for XHCI pipe where buried in t,4e ground and for five feet beyond the building wall. Mr. Philip agre%d to'- furnish and lay this pipe ,,at his expense, , although he did not consider it a part of his contract as approved by PIA♦ 2. Stacks: Some of the stacks installed are not galvariizedf Colde calls for wrought iron or steel pipe (zinc coated) gal*anized„ Mr. Weir explained that he had had diff igulty in securing enougkl K galvanized pipe for the job and that he had to take some black steel pipe in order not to hold up the work. Mr. Tutton and Mr. Lee ,-agreed to approve the stacks as .inttalledt realizing that phis shortap of pipd did exist at the time. 3. House Trapa, Sweeps and Fresh Air Vents- Mr. Tutton stated that all of the plumbing in the emergency housing for Cornell Univer- sity has been installed with house traps and fresh air vents and that- the city would insist on a similar installation here. Ir#Savoye, agreed that the FPHA would approve the purchase of CO I. Sweepsp House Traps and enough pipe for Frosh Air Vents, together with Fresh Air Caps and Plugs for the second hole in house traps. ` . .Mr. Philip agreed to ingtall these; fittings if they are furnished to himt Mr,*- Hare stated that the Sweeps and House Traps are already do the job, but that a length of pipg, a cap and a plug will have to be purchased for each installation. Mrt Savoys agreed to approve the purchase of this material* 4. 1-111 Drainage Fittings for Lavatories: Mr. Tutton stated that the fittings now being used were not drainage fittings and wore not acceptablet Mn. Weir explained that he had been unable to secure drainage fit- tings in this size but would make further search, and if available now would install them in the balance of the work at no added ex- pense.. Mrs Tutton and Iurt Lee accepted this, 5. Toilebs: Mr. Tutton stated that the City Code calls for lead sleeves and brass floor flanges to be used for setting toilets. The Emergency Code allows steel sleeves and cast iron floor flanges, Mr. Philip stated that all of these sleeves and flanges are on the job- and to change would be very expensive. After some discussion it was agreed to accept the cast iron flanges and steel pipe sleeves. 6. . Testing of sanitary lines : Mr. T-�ztton and Mr. Tompkins agreed to make inspections together whenever possible but if either one was unable to be present the test would be made and the approve:1 of •-- either would be acceptable. kr. Tutton agreed to furnish the plumber or Delval Construction Gorporation a certificate of approval ,for each inspection. The question of Inspection Fees w�v discussed and Mr., Lae stated that if any fee was to be charged it would be sent direct to Ithaca College. 7i It was further agreed that the three sewer lines at the Hancock Street Dormitories would be taken up and relaid using Cast Iron pipe, House Traps and Fresh Air Vents to comply with the decision for Dwelling Units at Wood Streets _ There was some discussion of the• gas piping but no-. suggestions made to make any changes in the, layout. 41:1 present agreed that they thoroughly understood the changes to be made and that the work would.progeed on the basis as agreed upon. 1'66? Health Proceedings -3» Feb. 18,, 1947. Meeting adjourned at three fovty-five p.m. Following the adjournment Mr. Philip agreed to pour all joints in the four inch tile'pipe with a pipe compound instead of using cement, due to the water condition in thetrenehes. Report by; R. E• Hare# Superintendent ' + r DELVAL CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION REH:de Mr Tutton reported that certain fittings which were short, have now been secured but difficulty is being experienced in the matter of testing 'the plumbing, - Attorney Lee stated that thu, matter has been handled very well by Mr, Tutton and that he 'should be congratulated. By Comm. Livermore; sec. b7 Comm* Hassan Resolved, that the report be received and approved, and that the thanks of this Board extended to Mr, Tutton. Carried# PHYSICAL MMINATION•CIVIL SERVICE CANDIDATES. Dr* Crum reported Mat . Worden, 5ecy of M Mun, Uivil 39rvice Commission has rew quested the dept* to give physical examinations to 15 or 16 c6ndio dates for positions in the Police and Fire Departments, and that he does not feel that the dept6 can or should do the work. The Commissioners agreed that the dept. should not be re« quired to do the work and it was suggested that the candidates be required too submit certificates of health from private physicians, By Comme- Livermore I sec, by Comm. Hassan Resolved, that it is the sense of this Board that the physe sisal examination of candidates for Civil Zlervice positions is not within the jurisdiction of the Board of Health. Carried. Mayor Gibb requested -attorney Lee to confer with the Civil Service Commission on the matter. On motion the me Aing was ac'.j ourned. F. H. Springer 7 �' City Clerk a; � Z I l ,I f 167 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P.M. May 8,, 1947 PRESENT Mayor - Gibb Commissioners ' - Livermore, Hassan, Wilson, Cross Health Officer - Crum Attorney - Lee Inspectors - Kolar, Donohue, Tutton Deptity Clerk '- Blean MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved: REPORTS The usual reports of the Health Officer, Public Health burse"s, and Inspectors were read and ordered filed The foUming collections were reported: , Milk licenses 03.00 Scavenger licenses _ 3.00 Nursing fees 4#40 Sale of, vaccine 16'*36' TOTAL $26.76 ITHACA COLLEGE Plumbing Inspector Tutton reported that he had re use to approve., the plumbing work done on some of the Ithaca College housing units because it did not comply with the Federal Code and that due to lack of funds there had been no Federal Inspection made.. He called attention to one unit consisting of three apartments which had been left with tile pipe drain under- neath the building- and no outside traps at all as required. He recomnended that. this condition should not, be permitted to exist* He estimated that the total cost of installing these three traps would not exceed 015Q. 3y Comm, Hassan sec, by Comm.. Wilson Resolved, that Khaca College be ordered to comply with the recommendations of the Plumbing Inspector by having three traps installed within ten days or cause the housing quarters to be vacated; and that Attorney Lee be directod to inform the College authorities accordingly• Carried* COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT Attorney Lee recommendedthat this Board continue tounction, having full power and authority to enforce sanitary rules and regulations until such time as they felt the new County Health Board were in a position to properly enforce similar or more rigid health regulations for the City of Ithaca. Commissioner Livermore, a member of the new Board, explained that, while it had been organized, the budget submitted for adminis- tration thereof had not yet been approved and therefore were without funds to function. He concurred with Attorney Lee's opinion. COMPLAINT Comm. Wilson reported a complaint received where an 11-year o d child had stabbed two other children .and hit another one in the head. This was not considered a health matter but should be referred to the Childrents Court. On motion the meeting was adjourned+ i J Geo. A. Ble an Deputy City Clerk 168-: BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting 4300 P,M. August 14, 1947 PRESENT Mayor - Gibb �.. Commissioners - Livermore, Wilson, Cross Attorney - Lee County Health Commissioner - Spring Deputy City Clerk - Blean MIS Minutes -of the preceding meeting were duly approved* REPORTS The usual monthly reports submitted by the Health Officer were presented by Commissioner Livermore and ordered filed. HEALTH OFFICER-RESIGNATION The Clerk read a letter from Dr. Crum tendering his resignation " Health Officer for the City of Ithaca, effective July 1, 1947. By Comm. Livermore ; sec. by Comm. Cross Resolved, that a vote of thanks and appreciation of this Board be extended to Dr. Crum for his services rendered. Carried. r NEW COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT Comm. Spring reported on the new County Health District an ow i is functioning, He explained that the present City sanitary code Aeing used and enforced pending its revision and the adoption of a new one for the Uounty as a whole; that due to an oversight no appropriation had been made for mosquito control this year but that it would be done next year; that the Plumbing code could not be enforced by the County but must be done by the City. By Comm,* Livermore; sec, by Comm. Wilson Resolved, that the County Health Board be requested to continue to administer and enforce the present City sanitary code until such time as the same may be revised and one adopted for the County as a whole. Carried. By Comm. Livermore; sec. byy Comm. Cross Resolved, that the Common Counbil of the City of Ithaca be re- quested to make provision for the continued enforeement of the Plumbing Code and that the proper steps be taken for the abolition of the oard of Health of the City of Ithaca. Carried. On motion the meeting was adjourned. George A. Blean Deputyr City Clerk t REPORT OF DAIRY UTD, W--1T T7SPECTOR r.t Y UID J7NE 19,,7. Da.ir,j Inspection Dairy InspeCtlonS.................................• 138 Dairies Temporarily suspended...................... 1 Meat Inspection Carcasses of Beef inspected and passed.............. 98 Calves it n n ..............326 t Lambs tl It it .............• 26 Inspections of Meat Markets and MiLk Plants........ 1/,0 s ti x v RVMT Of MULTH OMOM JULY 1947 1 i MATISTICAL RZMT may 194? Comeuioable Disease AgMted vsaebyROW taliaedleft Chicken ,pox a 3 0 0 measles 9 4 6 4 Lebar pneumonia 1 Q!, 1 C $oarlet rover 2 6' 4 0 Whooping Covigh 1 Q Q 9 Cancer Cases reported- 5 Ds hthena Jummi Cations- 18 n at 2 dose Infant 13 Pre school 5 Mane reported by private pbysioians vaooinatioss- 92 Prim- 66 Aeoel 1 {Inolades vaccinations done In school) Ims ►e 24 Failure „" . Non* reported by private physicians. Whooping bough-- 21 (Immunizations wapleted) Venereal Disease Gonorrhea case* reported. 3 Clinic- l Private Physicians- 2 Syphilis eases reported-- 5 C1is�e•- 0 _ Private Physicians- 5 Total attendance at Social Hygiene Clinic. alty-33; County-17 Field visits Made in control of Venereal Disease- 1 a Tuberculosis Report May 1947 � Total *as** on tile, Hay 1 96 New +asses reported 2 Moved Into city O Moved out of city 1 Heaths 2 Total at and of mouth 94 ' nay 2 18 Added to file I Discharged 1 Total at end of month int .dative *ases at home, May 1 6 Added during month 2 01seharg4d daring nth 1 Total at end of month 4 Arrested cases on file, May 1 60 Added tis file 0 Discharged from file e Total at end of month 68 Added to ...ble, Kay 1 1 Disohard from file 1 Total at end of month ' Added to V119 0 Discharged from file O Total at end of month 4 Field Visits made by Public Health purses 44 011ai+a attendance at city olinios 39 w I Mi.TNITINFANCY AN$ Live births- 63 Btilibirths 2 Infant deaths- 1 Maternal " 0 New maternal eases under supervision of PSN- 5 Field visits to maternal oases- 43 CHILD WALTA COR CSS .. 7 New cases- 50 Readmitted- 11 Revisits 139 Total 200 Now infants and preschool children under sapary Sion- 14 Visits to Infants and preschool ohildron- 161 NURSING MVICESt Total now cases, all types, Lander smpervilsion- 51 Total visits to all canes all types- 651I . ,III .. II' CLQ!ssin 3m o r D 1947 I BtIllbir°the - Cause unkn in Under I mmth1- A►taleotasie� lu s L smth to 49 years C • i 50 to 59 years I- Ca. breast $a to_89 years 1- Coronary otaeluslaa I- Aoute myon rditle 1- Arterte spa esti. heart disease i I- Cal breast 1- Corot thrombosis 1- Pulamar r Ombollem I 1- 1 gnant eop ls - extensive 70 to 79 years 2. Coronary ooalusic 1- Aeeidental-I 'fal I- Aeutos it , 1•- Coronary t As l. Cerebral t sis � 1- Hlporteosi he` disease I- Pulmonary tube U10018 So i to 89 yews 2- Coronary o o3 on j 2- Arterio de orotto heart dlseaser .- illary to r loetis{lea resldeatt 3 90 to 100 "ars 1- Aoute syooardItls Total 26 I j � I I,, i V10 A 777 4b 1 i a" a ,t`✓. `f s Fi. b b„ r b l if TUBERCULOUS SN RT- June 194? Total *&"a on file, Just 1 94 Now oa**a reported l Roared Into of t y S Wired out of eity Q Deaths 8 t Fetal at end of mouth 94 1 lamiDiu In San. June 1- Aetiwe eases i8 Added 3 misoharged 4 Total at end of month 21 Aet3we eases at hams, June 1 ? Added: during myth @ DI sohargod i Total at end of month S Arrested oases on file, June 1 68 Added to file 1 Total at end of month 69 Status questionable, June 1 9 Added to file 1 Ai seharged from file 1 Total at end of month T Other Forms, June 1 # Field visit* in oontrol of tuberculosis Sl Attendanao at eity ollnies 43 1 BMW Or SANITARY INSMOTOR June 194? Restaurantsi . lEl . . . .. . . • ! ! R ♦ ! ♦ i!♦ ♦ • t ! E • ♦ ♦• ! •f !84 Food sad Fruit ui S o Vis . .... . . . .... M I ! • E f� i t • Barber Shape and Beauty psrlo. .i .a E R• R i s • •. r 6 Q8 3.alint s . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . ♦ • • ! R ! ♦! R • • ♦ . l . E s • d 1. Total 114 Restaurants and Food Store owmers or Viers were told about the need for good soreesing and garbage oontrol daring a sumter moths. Those regulations along with other sanitary regulations were stressed so that places oould maintain satisfactory oond » tione at all time. l feel that the majority of restaurants are doing very well In maintaining the Sanitary Code. During this synth, I attended a two-weeks oomrse In Dairy and Meat lnspeao4ing at Co Bell ftiversity under the 1pldanoe of the Mode pal 'braising Institute. Food and fruit Stores- Satisfactory beauty and Barber Semis Sati sfaotary Complaints!- #- Dog bites.. Owners of doge wore told to ketep- animals tied up for seven days or take these to the Veterinary College at Cornell for observation. S- Garbage in yards and alloys Ate,mal cedars 2- Not public health problems, All oomplaints reooived were investigated. Albert V. Donohue Sanitary Inspootor. Al y tf S � 4 S { V+04 Vq 04 vt IRA" r hY r v. 4� - CITY -1ACA +IPV* O►PIC!OP .. HEALTH OFFICER _ 113 NORTH TIOOA STRl CT July 1 194? Mr. Floyd Springer, City Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. Dear Mr. Springer: I hereby tender my resignation as City Health Officer of the City of Ithaca as of this date. I would appreciate it if you would notify the Mayor or any other officials that should be apprised of my resignation. Very t y yours, H. H. Crum, M. . HHC:S City Health Off cer. i i � � I _ f RI;SOLtJTi.OP1 ado. 59 - ADOPTION Or COUivTy ?iEALTH DTSTI?i CT BUDGET r RESOLVED, that the following buc'.get for the County Health District totallinE478,065. 20 per annum, as recommend.e0 by the County Boarc'. of Health, be an(, the same hereby is approver' and adopted for the year 1947: Personal Services Per Annum County Health Commissioner 7) 500.00 Supervising Nurse 3, 360.00 Staff Nurses 4 o $2500 10,000.00 1 9 42320 2, 320.00 3 4 ; 2200-2500 6, 6o0.00 Sanitary Engineer 4,620.00 Sanitary Inspector - 2 0 42400 4,800.00 lUlk and Heat Sanitarian 3) 700-00 Milk Bacteriologist 1,000.00 Dentist - 80 Clinics 4 415 per clinic 11200.00 Dental hygienist 2,000.00 Stenc.r•aphic Secretary 2,400.00 Senior Stenographer 2,000.00 Stenographers 2 ,& 1728 3,456.oo 2 41600 3, 200.00 Other Personnel Child Health Clinicians - 100 Clinics & 430 per clinic 3, 000.00 Veneral Disease Clinician 52 Clinics G 420 per clinic 1,04o.00 Janitor Service 200.00 $62, 396.oo Maintenance and. Operation Traveling Expenses (use of personal car) 4 county nurses - 8' per mile; max mileage 1100 mi. per mo. 3, 872.00 4 city nurses - 8� per mile; max. mileage 295 per mo. 1,003. 20 Health Coy r�.issioner ( 300 1,11 . per mo. ) 26 .00 Supervising 1-11urse700 rai. per mo. ) 626.00 Sanitary engineer (1000 mi. per mo. ) 880.00 -silk Sanitarian (1100 mi. per mo. ) 960.00 County Sanitary Inspector (10UO mi. per mo. ) 880.00 City Sanitary Inspector ( 200 mi. per mo. ) 192.00 Milk Bacteriologist (200 mi. per mo. ) 152.00 Postage 350.00 Office equipment 8Z supplies 225.00 I.Ied.ical nursing an('_ other equipment ss supplies 500.00 ;-Vol� RAdoption of Co. Resolution #59 -2- Health RuJget Laundry 40o.00 rental Office S1,-,ace (Est. ) 1, 200.00 Gas am electricity 200.00 ! Expenses for attendance at Health meetings :-ialth Co.t.-tissioner 200.00 Supervisint nurse 150.00 Sanitary EnEineer 100.00 Staff nurses 400.00 :ilk sanita.ria,n &- sanitary inspectors $25 ea. 75.00 Conti nency Fund. 500.00 Capital Equipment -;xpense 2,500.00 415; 669. 20 Total Operating; Costs Personal services 462, 396.00 T,iainterlance an,� Opea,ation 1�:; b5g.20 f it 478,065.20 AND L IT FURTHhR RL SOLVED, that the Co tint-,r Treasurer be and. he hereby is authorizedand d.ireete to transfer fa,om Surplus Funds to a new budget iter; entitled "County Health District" the sum of 439,032.60, the same to be available from and after the Oate fixed by the Board of Health for the corer-:encement of operations of the said County Health District, which date shall not be earlier than July lst, and to be paid out upon warrants of the Board. of Health after audit by said board, except that salaries within the budgeted amount and certified by the County Health Commissioner shall_ be paid in the same manner that other salaries are paid . AND BE iT FURTHLR RESOLVED, that the resolution of t'.-is board Erantin war e.��er6ency compensation to county officers and employees dzrin�; the year 1U47, shall not aptly to the County Health Corymis- sioner or to any of the erlplo-,ees of the County health District. RISOLUT10, zo. 60 - CHLATION OF NEK POSITIONS UlNrER CIVIL SERVICE RULES WHEREAS, t.-e Board. of Health has recommend.ec that its staff in- clude certain, positions which c o not appear in the list of employees contained. in the Civil Service pules of tflis Bo---Irl as last amended 7o.b Resolution adopted. on November 26 1`-: 6. RESOLVED, that tr ez•e be am he °eby are created the following new positions to be aJdeOl to the list of county employees covered, by the civil service rules; that the salary rangy e and increments for such new positions be fixed and r.eterr:ined. as hereinafter set forth; and that the same be incorporatedd, in the civil service compensation plan of the co u.znty as last amended by Resolution I,ro. 1051, adopted on Tlovember 26, 1946. Pesolution #60 -3- Creation of Positions Title :"iin. Iax. inc. lst 2nd 3rd_ 4th 5th County evil t,l Cor:_assionev 7500 Flat Supervisin- nurse 3060 4360 72 3072 j144 4216 25 3360 Sanitarlr Lr _ineer 3720 620 1 0 3900 4080 260 4440 4620 Sanitc.ry Inspector 2000 2400 80 2000 2160 2240 2320 2400 I41ilk w !.Ie-,it Sanitarian 3400 3700 60 3460 3520 3590 3640 3700 Dental uyfienist 2000 2.300 60 2060 212.0 2180 2240 2300 Stenc,_;rq.��hic Seely. 2220 2520 60 2280 2340 2400 2.460 2520 STATE OF `'EW YOLK ) )SS: CUJ:�' 'Y OF TO1,1PKINS ) 11 Gladys L. Buekin�-, .am, Clerk of the Board_ of Supervisors of Tompkins County, IlTel York, DO < L.11LBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true anO complete copy of resolutions duly aeopted by said. Board of Supervisors at a monthly meeting t�.e7,eof held on the 12th day of May, 1947. II,I WITPdESS HL"REOF, T have hereunto set ray .and and- caused the official seal of the Board. of Supervisors of Tompkins County, IT .�'. to be hereunto affixed this 30th day of June, 1947. Clerk, 6Bbard of Supervisos Tompkins Col.'-nty, I.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Herman N. Hilleboe, M.D. .i•`•�� �arisysatc,-#A—D. LOCAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION COMMISSIONER ALBANY I July 3- 1947 Mr. Floyd H. Springer City Clerk of the City of Ithaca City Hall Ithaca, New York Dear Mr. Springer: The attached letter directed to Mayor Gibb of the city of Ithaca regarding the legal status of the city of Ithaca as a local health district is self-explanatory. Sincerely yours, l I V. A. Van Volkenburgh, M.D. i Assistant Commissioner Local Health Administration VAV/j g Att. i i PUBLIC HBALTN IS PURCMASADLS. WITHIN NATURAL LIMITATIONS ANY COMMUNITY CAH , July 7, 1947 Mayor A. N. Gibb Ithaca, New York Dear Mayor Gibbs Recently I requested an opinion from our Office of Legal Affairs as to whether action by the Conon Council of the city of Ithaca in consenting to become a part of the Tompkins County Health District thereby abolished the Ithaca City Board of Health, the position of Ithaca City Health Officer and the city .of Ithaca as a local health district. Copies of the resolution passed by the Common Council were provided. Legal opinion (copy attached) was provided by Mr. Earl W. Murray, Assistant Attorney General for the State assigned to our Department. This opinion was approved by Attorney General Goldstein=s Office of the Executive Department of the State. As you will note, it is the opinion that the local board of health of the city of Ithaca will continue to exist and its local health officer will continue to hold office and perform his duties under the direction of the county health commissioner until such time as the Common Council acts to abolish said local health district. It is my belief, in the interest of economy and efficiency, that the Common Council should take such action. Sincerely yours, V. A. Van Volkenburgh, M.D. Assistant Commissioner Local Health Administration VAV/ap Att � 0 WAS 07 Jw TCM � D9! 07 LAN June 26, 194? Dr. V. A. Tan T ? ~ Assi stM* %" oaep a br Loe:,al • Alb any, Xow Dear Or"TIM 'T4kMUW t. ne the lova estate of Ott ' et Via" to a a.oaal has h ali,�ttrist`e< . hada s=ha t that 11W4, o"M 9.0000'a ate► Vis.- 1 - css .a� t wr the c't*' e ►se�t ;#c± bolos a PaB orf the ae�r;e ► e , IUgxi ^o,to shether the city* by so coaseentinel has legally abolished the local city health district, pertd a►x t s o s#iawt -b ;,O Us , tg &mXW Z . ; sat of . aSXbeP" $or r ar o9sro oo 4. 1. "««. e��:ax= � �� sba� ba iad�►4ea� ,ak-P ,,.ot .+�► h.' ' . ho*141h. district unless the mayor land comson council of such city or the officSes3. 20—b ials exorcist similar powers shall halve consented thereto....". 2. Al six t stetbt.>.v a 1a , of hath a =hen' dt4 #t _ , clvetow SU t0 , ,rind: POWIPrc All Aut#as of Nadal -1# s stealth... E yrs0 v-10,4.d 3. "zoca►1 health districts within the: ' .eaatr,,.aantr or part county health district shall continue to sslst as subdivisions of sued* health district# and the local beards of health shall' essattnne #o.=:ards#'*nd to retail their posers au3d Mies taa<b, Act to the aesl"�r..a mations of the board of health* and may continue to acpoint local health officers !or shah local health districts as provided by 1W.0 E , h•. *The governing authorities of any dWi-m U or soft or the board of health of may consolidated health ' fit M ee dst<vo* city, villaapg toss or consolidated health district as a locaal health distriet, whors%oa an'~ ho pourers and duties of the local board of health of stub local health district shall devolve upon the health board and all the powers. and daties of the local health officer of etch local health district shall devolve vpn the cavnty health commissioner,...go (See. 20-b, svb. d) g. 0....Local health officers who continue to hold•offiees as her9ft proTided atter the establishment of a health district shall be deputies of the counir heap commissioner, aho meay require any such local health officer to perp m within his local Jurisdiction o:W *mach duty....". E Sec. 20-b- ftb-T) Z, Dr. van Yolica nbnrgh' dune P6, 1947 While 'No. 2 above teres Away nil ?snwPrs And ditties frnm the local boards -if health when a county or mart-county heelth district is forced, - No. 3 contains A specific provision for the eontinur.tion of the local health district las subdivisions of the larger district and. states that those local units Whall "retains all their ?powers a ditties, subject to the rules and regulations of the county board. It is evident that these apparently conflicting provisions must be construed harmoniously, if -possible. It would seem to have been the legisiattive intent, regardless of the unegn1vocall in Ito. 2, to provide for :a continuation of the local unit subject to regeclation upon formation of a county, vntit, affirmative action is taken to abolish the local vnit# as set out is o� 4 above. fte city of Ithaca has evidently, by its resolution passed December 27, 1946 given its consent to the formation of a eounir twit, as required by th,t portion of the statute set out in No. I above. It has not, however, taken any affirmative Action to abolish its local boArd, pursuant to the authority granted by that portion of the stntuts set oat in Ne. 14 above. Therefore, I conclude th^.t until sue!, affirmative action is taken, the local board of health of the city of Ithaca will continue to exist ONO. 3 above) and its local, health officer will continue to hold office and erfors his duties under the direction of the emn%r sosmisslauer, N�. above. Yery truly yours, NAT'jOIRL L. GrLDMIN . Attorney General r "arl W. Marra ?'CARL W. MCRR Assistant Attorney General zM ar ITHLOA COLLEGE � Office of the �= President May 14, 1947 Mr- D. Boardman Lee, City Attorney 102 West State St*' Ithaca, New York Dear Mr, Lee: The contents of your letter of May 12 with respect to certain health hazards on the Wood street Hoasing "Project are a bit surpris- ing. You doubtless know that this rro,ject was undertaker_ by the Federal Public Housing autherity and the colle,o has no authority in the matter un to the -point where it was accepted from the contractors by FPHA and turned over to the college. I cannot understand why any of t e '.". ;::s t ra.ns wefe not installed nor do I know any excuse for failure to conform Rich the Federal Emergency Code. In accenting the facilities I could do nothing, other than to assure th=:.t the contractor and sub-contractors had comulied with the Code, since there was no provision or opportunity for the college to exercise any inspection or enforcement prerogatives. I am tarring the deficiencies u-n with the prime contractor. I have also asked our superintendent of 1uildings to get in touch with kir. 'niton in order to identify the place or -?roes ?n which there F.re deficiencies. We will endeavor to correct these iefici encies eith-yr through the prime contractor, the sub-contractor, or -.t our own exrer.se. The labor market and the stringency of ear-clips may both operF to to prevent comnlianee with your ultimatum within the ten days Gtiuula.ted, in which case, of course, your office can hardly do otherwise than to nroceed in accordance with the statutes which govern your office. Very truly yours, Leonard B. Job lbj/mw Y 202 pest Stats St. y . hr. Leonard S. .fob, President Masa Collage 120 last Suffols, #t.0 ltbeesa• hew T®rbc Bear lac. Jobs r�r 2efe:°orsee is araae to oar previous correspondawsct with rtrepsclk , to the plumbing eit%.cation at your development an %cots Street. k x To:a w ill bare sated that in csrtaia psrtirrulars the pl=btft as finally installed did not oonfors with tht 70dersl Amorsom sad althou^ these have ben br* t to your attention nut is Mat of the &-be atraotors it has been rsportsd to as *at the buit"up bays besot accepted pita the "foots rsterrmd to. While NOW at tors 1sloate aaia be oe!ellooked issnnrlrh asOW We not likely seriously to affect the heslst of the scmpsats of owes bouses, it bas been reported to the mrd of `eAth that tats abut Of outstdo tWs sad the otisteoce of the dyrtias at three locaatioas is is peteattai sorioas health ssaase and tie Bae rd of Hurl th haat &"or& ix&V direst" se to write intormise roe► that it cossurs rrlth oris y` •tear, avid that it mst i asist that the traps bs installed &rid the file &muss relolsced. with roVdatiort cast ir+ea ripe Attain ton dere frac the Sats of this ietttr, or that taro buil"up be vasettod. lir. 1 11im L Tuttoa, our Ambing inspector* will .be SIM to isdicato to you the locatiea of the pr+rises in gresstiose Tort trey]? ro•,:rs„ �F r X Boards" I" City Attessy 1/2 cot Mr. 'ittea . Mr. Springs r. -a Feb. , March, April 1947 SARITARY IRSPNO'4RS REPORT February, Marsh, April 1947 Restaurants . .• . . .. • r . . . w .• . . .a... . . •. . .. . . . . . . . . .33.6 Food and Fruit Stores . . . .. . . . ... . .. . . .. 4$ Barber Shops and Beauty Parlors .. . . . . . . . . .. . . 34 i Complaints . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 :1351 9 Swab Testa • e. • we •. a• • • . • ss • • ♦ . . . . • .r • . . . • •s . r •• 24 Total S t- Regulations on shellfish were onforsed during February bt the Itau ku" rities in this looality. A large nuaber of stores, restaurants were violating the regulations. This condition has., existed for some time and the fines paid should reduce this habit to aero in this region. Restaurant owners were oarefully watched to see that all steril- izing equipsent was used to the 'best advantage In the diahwashI aSthod. Rear yards and alloys were *hooked for poor oon,ditte as and proprietors were told to clean up ,so there would be fewer planes for large scale fly brooftag. Station 14 sof Chapter III of the Sanitary Code bent into effect April 1. This ruling can be effectively enforced when dispeansers, wrapped spoons are available. Some proprietors have "larges stock* of unwrapped strays on hand which would Sean loss if not given time to change over. Most restaurants are maintaining satisfactory sanitary conditions. F attd Fruit Stas- Satisfactory. Barber �3hoj2j. ej_Be-&qty Parlors- Satisfactory. Celeiats- 11' Seat Regulations Ili- Garbage in rear yards 2- P lio-.Rest 'Room 1- W*Uv—:V I mmod off R•• Animais ei ; offensive cyders 1- Plumbink'fl-Xturos broken I. Pentilat for: kitchen 4- ComplaiW tt cid not pertain to ,public 'health. All complaints were investigated and nuisances abated. A. M. Donchue, City Ban1tary Inspeetor.. a YI j�s;__. ... _ -' F �. r s f __,- -- • - --- f _ ,.,a i II _ ..- F � - F, � � -_.-.. - ( t' _. �� 9TATI STICAL FM rob. , Marsh, April 1947 Cosmunica,, a DIsease Me ted its Soa&tali$ed Deatha w. +1��rrq r� r _ wrrr�ll�1111�wrrw �wM! Chicken pox 86 1 6 O Me"le a 2 1 1 0 Atypi oal pneumont a 2 0 2 0 Bronchial * 1 C 1 1 Lobar 1 4 1 1 Pneuffloni.ti s 2 p 2 0 Searlst Fever 19 26 5 Q Strept. Throat 2 C 2 4 Cancer Diphtheria Immunizations- 56 Cliniass 2 dose Booster Infants 29 Preschool 26 1 None reported by private physicians vasainations- 98 Clinics: Primary Reactions- 51 Aooele rated 4 Immune 13 Failure ,r.., .. Private Phycsi aians 9 - Immune reactions Whooping Cough Immuni zati ons- 64 venereal Disease gonorrhea eases reported- 2 Clinic- Q Private Physicians- 2 Syphilis vases reported- 5 Clinic - 2 Private Physicians- -3 Total attendance at Venereal Disease Clinics. Mty-lib; County-48 Field visits made in control of venereal disease- 12 .,� l ,4 y i t ,.,,"4:a �� ,,` `t i `�e „" r ry?•a Tuberculosis Revort- Feb. , March, April, 1947 F�gIF� -PiIrYYI ■ xoUl as a P s, rebrustry 1 95 New cs senq reported 6 moved Into city 2 Moved out of city S Di sohP rved from file 1 Deaths 2 • Total s t end of April mg Pulmonary In 4.4m. , Feb, 1 19 Added to file 9 Discharged from file 6 Total at end of April 18 Aotive oases at home, Feb. 1 7 Added to file 2 Discharged 3 Fatal At end of Aori1 6 Arrested cases an file, Feb. 1 62 Added to file 6 Discharged ? Total at end, of April 60 Statue Questionable, Feb. 1 6 a•' •I I I ••' Yr IIuII Added to file 1 Di s charged 0 Total at end of April ? Other Fora* Feb. 1 3 Added" o n ie 1 _ Discharged 0 Total at end of April 4 Field visits In tuberculosle control so Patients attending city olinies 146 i Maternity,3nfanoZ and QA H mane- Quarterly Report Live births- 150 St3-{lblrt s- 5 Infant deaths- 4 Maternal O New maternal eases under s"rvision of P.H.N.- 2? Field visits to maternal eases- 138 f Child 1 ealth Conferanges New eases 129 Readmitted 49 Revisits 285 Others 38 Total 481 New Infants and preschool ander supervision- 59 Visits to infants and preschool - VO Sursi r� Servioes ,r •,err ,tea rr. tri Total new cases, Al types, under supervision- 228 Total visits to all oases, all typos- 1,821 rr �r iraMinCAT�og Or 11UTRS Feb. ,, 'March, April 194 rr. ir^r.r�r rrrr �....arr Stillbirths 3- Prematurity 2- Cause unknoves Under 1 month 1- Prolaps* of umbilical cord I- Atale stasis 1- Cerebral hemorrhage 1- Congenital malformation 1 month to 9 years 0 10 to 19 years I- Cause unknown (found dead) EC to 29 years 1-r Ca. Cervix 30 to 39 years 1- Accidental- oar aeoident 40 to 49 years 1- Acuter alcoholism 1- Multiple selerosie 1- Coronary thrombosis 64 to 59 gears 1- Internal hemorrhage (cause 4nkno ) 1- Arterio salorosts 1- Peritonitis 84 to 69 years 1- tea. pancreas I- Rupture oesophageal Tario*s 1- Arterio solerosle 2- Cerebral hemor zea . 0 4- Coronary throubots I- Pyelonophriti s 1- Chronic endooarditis 1- Coronary* oeolusion 70 to 79 gears 2- Arterio sclerosis 3- Cerebral hemorrhage 1- Diabetes mellitas 1-- Cerebral throtbosis 2- Pneumonia 2- Myooarditis 1- Prostatitis 1- Ca. stomach 1- Coronary thrombosis 2- Arterio sclerotic: heart disease Total MASSIFICA.TION 4F nZATHF,- Continued. 80 to 89 years 2- ca. stomabh 3- Arterioselerosis 1- Arterio sclerotia heart disease 1- Prostatia hypertrophy, - 1 1- Myo oardi ti s 1- Cerebral thrombosis 1- Lobar pneumonia 90 to 100 years 2- Cerebral hemorrhage 1- Arteriosolerosle Total for quarter- 59 -7 y CITY ` �WACA , E1 / YORK ornee or HEALTH OFFICER 113 NORTH TIOOA 8TR!15T March 15, 1947 Mayor Gibb and Members of Board of Health: I hereby tender my resignation as Acting Health Officer as of March 15, 1947 as I am leaving the city to live in New Orleans , La. Very truly yours, fenneth Crispell, M.D. V _ HEALTH OMICER'S FMPORT Nov. , Dee. 1946) Jan. 1847) f ' 'r STATISTICAL FW"R ,' NOT. , Dec. t 194$ Jan. 1947 . .. Rabl,a Hi sl,aise R Vimsral tali ed RILths Chicken p©x 20 3 5 b measles 1 4 0 0 Scarlet Fever 5 9 0 0 Stropt. Threat 7 4 b 0 Lobar Pneumonia 1 0 1 0 Bron. gree Cancer Reported 10 Di&theria Immunizations- 58 2 loss idose Booster Under 5 years 51 ' Over b years 2 Mane reported by Private Physicians V acinations lin, cam=`Primary 21 Accelerated 1 None reported by Private Physi c i.an s Whooping Cough Immunizations- 69 Venereal Msease 4onorea cases reported: Clinic- 2 Private Physicians-- 10 Syphilis cases reported: Qlini ccs-- 2 Private Physicians- 2 Total attendance at V. D. Clinics. City- 132; County- 49 Field visits- 4 TUBERCULOSIS REPORT- Quarter, ending Jan. 31, 1947 Tonal ease*, November 1 94 New cases 2 Roved Into city Q Moved out of city 4 Deaths O Discharged from file (apparently cured) l Total at end of vuarter 98 Pulstoh In San. Nov. 1 16 Added to file 3 Discharged from file 1 Total at end of quarter 17 Active cases at home, Nov. 1 8 Added 1 Discharged 'Total at end of quarter T Arrested oases on file, Nov. 1 62 Added 2 Discharged 2 Total at end of ouarter $2 status questionable, Nov. 1 8 Added O Discharged 4 Total aVend of quarter S Other forms, Nov. 1 3 Added Disohdrged 4 Total at end of quarter 3 f Field visits in tuberculosis control 22 Patients attending city clinics lie __ r a } MatornitZ. Infan*Z and Child RWene ■i /!s- //� I 111 I I �■ F Live births 174 Stillbirths 6 Infant deaths 6 Maternal " 4 Now maternal ©ries under supervision of PRN 36 Field visits to maternal oases- 106 Child health Confeerenosa-- 19 Nes► oases 62 Readmitted 69 Rov i si.t s 943 Others 99 Total x'33 Now infants and preesohool under supervision - 64 Visits to Infants and presohool- 818 Nurslgg gery ngs Total new oases, all types, under supervision- 294 Total visits to all oases, all types- 1,648 x .. - f CLASSIFICATION OF DEATHS- quarter, ending 1/31/47 Stillbirths 1- Prematurity 1- Anenoephallo 2- Placenta Previa 1- Cause unknown I- Prolapse of umbilical cord (6) Under I month 2- Pulmonary atelsotases - 3- Congenital Heart disease 1- Organic heart disease (8) I month- 29 years 0 30 to 39 years 1- Accidental- auto (1) 40 to 49 years 1- Ca gall bladder 1 Ca. breast (2) 50 to 59 years I- Coronary occlusion 1- Cerebral. Thrombosis I- Chronic nephritis 1- Hypertensive heart disease 1- Pulmonary embolism 1- Acute nephritic (6) SO to 69 years 1- Ca. prostate 4- Coronary Thrombosis 2- Arteriosclerosis 1- Carcinooatosis- site undetermined 2- Ca. breast 1- Cerebral hemorrhage 1- Coronary occlusion (12) Ttr to ' years 3- Chronic nephritis 2- Ca. prostate 1- Arteriosclerosis 1- Coronary occlusion 4- Arterl*solerotlo heart disease 1- Cerebral thrombosis 1- Ca. duodenum (13) 90 to 89 years 1- Acute myooarditis I- Ca. sigaold 1- Cerebral hemorrhage I- Coronary 000lusion 1- Bron. pneumonia 1- Arteriosclerosis 1- Coronary thrombosis 1- Lobar Pneumonia t€1) 90 to 1.00 years 1- Coronary Thrombosis til TOTAL <. k 4 �. B ORT OF DAIRY AND MAT INSUCTOR FOR NOV. AND DW. 1946 JAN. 190 Dairy Inspeotion: • Dairy I nspeati o s . . . . . . . . . ♦ . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .220 Dairies suspended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Cors examined . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21356 Cows removed from milking herds 104 meat Inspeotion.0 Garoas&es of beef inspected and gassed . . . .. . . . 2" Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382. Lambs • . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 61.8 Condemned: Deet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Insgeations of asst markets and milk plants . . . . . . . 196 �, . '_ �� r -. LSF S,1NITAFX ISSPgCSC NOT* -# Deo*, 19461, Jan. 1947 .. Restaurants . . • • . . . . • . • ♦ . • • . . ♦ a • . i • . • a. • • • a . • . • .2180 - Food and Fruit Stores • . • • . • • . . . . .. • • •. • . . • . .. . . 42 Barber Shops and Beauty Parlors . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 36 Ioe Cream Plants . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . .. . . . . l Bakeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ♦ r F1 sh ICarket a . . . . . . . . . . . . ! • . . • • a • i ! . . . f i • i i . . i . i Complaints ii • • • . • . • . . . • • • . • . . . . • . • . . • .. . • .. . • . i 47 1 Swab tests . . . • . . . • .. . . . . .• . . .. . . • . • • • .. . . . . .• . Total During this three months period, 432 swab tests wore taken In restaurants to find out which plaaes using proper e sterilisation on all utensils used. The results have been soot satisfactory because of all places tested only 16 places were not .using the facilities on hand to have good results. The proprietors have been warned and better results have shows ug in subsequent tests and inspections. tight A Cards were issued during this time bringing the � { total to 40. A new amendment to Chapter 111, 'Rection 14, in re Banitary . �:. Dispensers was added to the Sanitary Code and already OU"s are making this change. There wi 1 l be delays due to lack or equipment, paper, and lumber shortage but it In a step in the ry right direction. f. San3ta 7 Report- continued. Food and Fruit Stores- Or. las Cream Plants- 09. - Bake ri e s Oz. P1 sh Markets 4a. i> Barber ©mss- were issued a report to be on the Isr�l Ringworm of the Scalp. Attached is copy of letter. =� all else is satisfactory. go alaints- 34 heat complaints. Most were aorrecet*4 I Inspections and by ooapbaints settled before the fit# S garbage complaints were Investigated and wore tom. 2 dog bites investigated and owners were told to kmspAi tied Ftp for 7-10 days. 4 adseellaneous investigated and. corrected. I- oonoernisg rear yard Investigated. 1- Re ventilator of restaurant kitchen. x Albert N. dhu*,. City 8aaitary l 77 esx _ d x � w -r w NOV. , Dee. , 1946, jrjw�. 1947 PASTEURIZED SAMPLES Counts Coliform Dairy OK NG Total %NG Neg. Pos Total % Pos. 1. M 1 2 3 66. 7 2 1 3 33.3 C - - - - - - - 2. M 4 2 6 33. 3 4 2 6 33.3 C 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3. M 3 1 4 25. 4 0 4 0 C 0 2 2 100. 0 2 2 100. 4. M 5 0 5 0 2 3 5 60. C 2 3 5 60. 2 3 5 60. 5. M 2 1 3 33. 3 3 0 , 3 0 6. M 6 2 8 P5. 8 0 8 0 C 4 1 5 20. 2 3 5 60. 7. M 15 1 16 613 13 3 16 18.6 C 8 1 9 11.1 5 4 9 44.4 8. M 3 5 8 62. 5 8 0 8 0 C 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 9. M 2 1 3 33. 3 3 0 3 0 10. m 9 6 15 40.0 13 2 15 13► 3 6 2 8 25.0 7 1 8 12.5 lla M 2 0 2 0 1 1 2 50.0 C 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 TOTAL M 52 2i 73 29.. 8 61 12 73 16.4 C 31 9 40 42 5 2^ 13 40 32.5 1 i , RA`s pec• ' 1947 Pai a�°a p ; 3 4 p 1• 10 f 12 4• 1 12 3 6 32 p 10 y/� 3 { Y` 1p 'y' 16 °°T 114 ax • $l�4 • Vis; a. . 'R. :4h ..t^t;Yr m ,��+•?t y{t� �� �"r": � S ai�"�3 i Xan4E # A bf� ��� �'�,'�(��9 , ��'94�;r i�«'d'�'£/ :� 'kr4.. �., _} :5��{�'P '�v s r��i�"��..;.+�„ ;•,��r7 .i;, �?�l,a�• >� a�n'. ,;�"; ✓+.d yt�i 1+,.'a.�' .2}^.Y.-'4 �,°YiT�k JZ 'X-'r �,'. ,�^�*r"�*1, 5, r.; sY ;q".` r4,r, ar*.. fr':• ,:#<., "' t'�r- Yt .rc�i,✓ 6 y.J L� Y t; x }(?; A 'WIN t'I ��"slan°s•r:��,t rN �;y" ,:,,, a r� { • �' (.�. �': �«,,y , h �i >� ,,..... ,r��� r ��H I,'�'�+«1 r~ k� ,�; a~ �� a, r a}�f,,,,,,,� =� a�-k r B s- z ��� � �' awls• ,t ��. y 'e 1.-. s '° r =r•' �, ;�� 0. w��qr .i�i '?,;}Cz� t t,: 3 r y`- �,4 �':; `•I ,y f { ;. 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'q �� J +rw$tF*''"F`t '� ' w �'.ray. ?•' }C� g:f. ,a � w AM ��,'.*` p•C"TT' � .�,�"}� "i' '�v' '�sJ a'� hz"+�.s tr.mi, `f'#' " #s zi-gE � 4, ,�lE ri.£.. i$a r�r y ��Mi+;fir' t F'}u'.�•.m t a ;� t �.,rs. ....,¢ AR C ,y. �,y "t4'`^,. b} � S3,'� riYr w:'L ,:q stag �, s i;r 5 Y Ya' '� rrar 'f�'az Ogg- '44#' "'kd KIT � S a{ i;', . c\ � . iii r ,�;J#Y•Pjj Y �? � 3 t,� ���q .e � t� ._y u ,r, t a. irk.,f' r�vI /�} k t r;* t i t �i 4 vr' �.�ys '� �. ;.a3 v,� r Yrs S;� �ti+��c � �1�'. ,a�;; �•' gal�-$Jy` � i D" k �X- L4 S efts, J y 4y J '�7>F }rt �' w P'Sa 6a t j J 'svr a` c aNIXy. } Fat r Way"." WWI r .'#� ,�, ip Yr - ��' ,yNr t� '• xj bra ji 4, s'A� s s S��'vf � ,Pill � k " r t s AM- i ` 9tJ s MMM� :3z AF€ It F .LFt" tk �i fr y +i1 r rY �t , i hr a ¢, ;f, "'�� +�T>. F �. : ,�a '.,;;k4 7 .. sM �.w a 4��as:• J �;tg,4 y. '�3rc",',�G{St �"$"' Jit R r "� 6:� �`r' > +�.;, `�' � s t'z; -.d�`.`s,: «.�r�.k"!# uka;r q�A r Fi `�'�Fu'�s X44 F-i ..�� ���Fbk z''��r sx crl r:•a �,����,3,r fr F• � �''i s l' l�• rY���:yk b.�gTM '� �ri• i",g� ..x. >s s�y^�� ^al u: � k t,,, ,w't!: .�' �✓ Y.t z�, ,1�6 �`..; e{�`'� �k�'�, ,.� :,.+ 4;; * d s r.�:�r�f�✓, � >�4�..,y'R+¢ '�•�^>,�',-4 �n�Y v�,�.. ti t�.i'i, rz� '%K' LL >" '"t+y'�a��Y a x x ���rr`?i ��� k+Y,�` ' . � z: ' �Y � /"C' P"Q,,'��'°Ki•-..1r't4yi ��'�"7��"�Y`; p(�r :Ar 3��„�G,} "k^> 1 jz�.. ITHACA COLLEGE ITHACA, NEW YORK OFFICE OFTHE - - -- - - _. PRESIDENT _ December 20, 194 Dr. E. H. CrULn 152 East State Street Ithaca, New York Dear Dr. Crum: The 3onrd of Health can probably do nothing about the problem I discussed . itn you yesterday, but I should like to place the ;Matter be?ore it. Tha M oral Housirr Project Eoing up on ":ood Street haF been chccked by the plumbinv inspector because certain Speci_'icationj of the Government do not conform to the Ithaca Plumbing bing Cody. Thio c'C_t i riment as prepared in the contrLetor' s slop in Aew Rochell, and shi ?ed to Ithaca. Te are fin.lin- it .most difficult to keep this development ' orkinF and '+ ould like to know if the Boerd of Health has any jurisdiction in this matter. The Federal specifications fail to meet the plumbing ' code in the follooin v respects. 1. Some soil lines are only urine—inch instead of four as the code stipulated. 2. Traps in soil lines are not ,provided for each house. 3. T lines to the house roof ar The vent� e three— inch inch steel pipes instead of four—inch soil pipe. We r ould like an exceution made for ;1 especUlly and if po:_,sible 'l. ,iuriber 2 is probably a point on which an exception may not reasonably e p on y c_o� be _easona-till ask_d. Pla;yT I ask your Hoard to keep in TM3 Opt these houses must be taken do-n . ithin five years. Very truly your-,, Leonara 5. J b lbj :i , d: .__,. a� Al P, b 11ri 1r. R i springers %t Clerk, 4 attention Rom. of Heath. Dear air. Your letter of *ee betr 21 was keted1*sw kms. owing OvenInge. It wag he ien of the MmminIng B.._ :� r Fltumbere that thin matter be referred to the. T"*Y trul 'eak A. $Cep t t , \ 1 -ter i 'n t ';t r S 4 � 5 L . v M`l c�Y.ni •t: in Vg� ballitm.&,) •s`.I*h irfo %. Inx, constrintel "ntmct referred to. floWlsion 12 expreavosi *ith t rm" un-on the I! contrect *Ith or m-r,,r,,,ttvu b7 91-c at U- cr se... Mly