HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-BOH-1938 49 i � BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA; N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4:oo P.iji. JANUARY 12, 1938 PRESENT Mayor dyers Commissioners - Livermore,MoCormick,Parker,Patterson Heath Officer - Broad Inspectors - Baker, Kolar Clerk - Springer J Co. Lab.Dire.ctor - Hauenstein District Health Officer Year MI ES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS :- The usual monthly reportswere read and ordered filed, Oollecfions of 800 for vaccine virus and $1.75 for supplied., were reported. Dr. Broad and Dr. Fear reported on the outbreak of Bacillary Dysentery at the Reconstruction Home, where there are now eleven cases. They reported that the origin of these cases had not been determined, fbut suggestions had been made, and were being carried out, to 1 correct the situation. AUDIT 8Y Commissioner Patterson z seconded by Comm. Parker . RESO VED, that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Carried. Mayor Myers announced that the Standing Committees for 1935 would be the same as during 1937• REGUkg MEETING TIME :-By Commissioner Patterson : seconded by Commissioner Livermoxe,RMOLVED that the regular neetinj� be the j second Wednesday of eaoh month at 4 P.M. Carried. gUSUO gA&LTH NURSE t- Dr. Broad announced that Hrs. Edna Schroeder had been appointed to -the Nursing Staff,and had proven very I efficient, BEDSIDE X=rXG :- br, Broad asked the Board for advice in the natter of bedside nursing stating that a number of calls had been received at the office which he was not certain, should come to the Health Departnent. After discussion it was suggested that Dr. Broad consult with the Welfare Department,and then deoide on a definite course of action. BIDS 71CR ?R;XIIXG The Secretary announced the result of nqu ries as to , the cost of printing 1,000 copies of the Sanitary Code, and 200 placards for posting in the various establishnents where food is prepared and sold. He announced, the following bids had been received : For 200 placards lIX22 j Atkinson press $11.00 Cayuga Press 26.95 For 1, 000 copies banitary Code size 3� X 6 Ridleys Book Bindery $29.75 Norton Printing Co, 50.00 Oayuga Dress 9.80 Stover Printing Co. 65. 65 By Oonnissioner Livernore : aeoonded by Con:: . Patterson RESOLVED, that .the contract for printing the Placards be awarded to the Atkinson Press and that the contract for printing the Sanitary Code 'be awarded- to Ridleys Book Bindery. Carried OFF_ QUARTERS :- Dr.BROAD reported that the present quarters had been partially redecorated, and that sone new equiprient } had been .inelt.al ledo mom 50 B.II --2- Jan.12, 938 aANITM Y INSPECTOR The Board discussed the advisability of employing a Sanitary Inspector for the, City. It was agreed that such an Inspector was needed, and that :the Health Officer could assume the duties if he could be 'relieved of the duties as School Physician. It was stated that the Board of Education had considered`,the idea of a full time Physician for that department, and would *el`come a discussion of the subject with the card of Health. By Commissioner McO ormick : seconded y .Comm. Livermore RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a Committee of three (3) _ to confer with the Board of Education, and report, as.. to the advisability- of the change. - berried The Chairman appointed as such a Oommittee the following Commissioner, Livermore.Patterson and Parker On motion the meeting adjourned. 7 �'.t) PR;g82RY { I 7�, 51 SP401AL COMMITTEE PROCEEDINGS Board of Health - Board of Education City of. Ithaca, N. Y. Special Meeting 4:00 P. M. February 1, 1935 PRESENT Board of Health Livermore, Parker, Patterson Board of Education - Bull, Hickey, Boochever, Cook, Kulp Secretary Springer Mr. G. L. Cook was appointed chairman of the meeting, and proceeded by questioning Mr. Livermore in regard to the wishes of the Board of Health, Mr. Livermore explained' that the services of a Sanitary In- spector for the Oity seemed necessary and that Dr. Broad had expressed his willingness to assume the duties -of inspector provided he could be released from his duties as Medical Director for the Board of Edu- cation. Tdr. 'Kulp expressers th_e regrets of the Board of Education in losing the services of Dr. Broad who has made definite improvements In their department , but stated that they were willing to cooperate for the best interests of the City as a whole. The entire committee fVdm the Board of Education agreed to j release Dr. Broad, but expressed the hope that the Board of Health could allow him to continue his work with them until the close of the school year to which the Health Board heartily agreed, assuring them that such an arrangement would be entirely satisfactory. On motion the meeting adjourned. F'. H. pringer Secretary // ,( ice-- i 52 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHAOA, N.Y. " REGULAR MEETING 4:00 P.M. FEBRUARY 9, 1938 PRESENT :- Mayor Myers Commissioners -- Patterson, McCormick, Parker Health Officer - Broad Inspectors •- Baker,Kolar `— Co. Lab. Director - Hauenstein District Health Officer Fear Clerk - Springer. - MINUTES :- Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved► REPORTS The usual monthly reports were pre sentea,reaad and ordered filed. Collections of 39.00 for milk dealerle per-nits,. $83.00 for storekeeper's permits and 40¢ for vaccine virus were reported. i NUISANCEDr. Parker reported that the alley adjoining the Old County tl3.erk's 'Building had been cleaned up, but that a storage space in the rear of the Green Lantern Tea Room is in very bad condition., Commissioner Patterson produced a picture „evidenoe. Commissioner Parker stated that she had contacted the Proprietor of the Tea Rooms who had agreed to remedy the situation but had failed to do so. She agreed to continue her efforts- until the conditions are improved. AUDIT :-By Commissioner Patterson:seconded by Comm. 1S REMELLVED, that the bills approved and audited by Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. harried. •.� BEDSIDE NUR , :-- Dr. Broad stated that he had oonferre;d--with Mr. Post of VWWelfare Department in regard to calls for bedside nursing, who agreed to refer only necessary calls to the Health Department. Dr. Broad also- stated that both he and Mr. Post agreed that bedside care of indigent cases should be referred to the Health Department, but that only oases reported by private physicians or the Welfare Department should receive attention from the Health DeWtmsnt. He asked the Board for advice in the matter of bedside nursing for persons who are able to pay for the service. The Commissioners felt that the matter should come before the full Board for discussion before deciding. On motion- meeting adjourned. F.H.8 INGER Cit Cerk BOARD OF HEALTH PROOEEDINGS 53 City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. U. Uarch 9, 1935 PRESENT Commissioners - Patterson, lacoormick, Carey, Parker Health Officer - $road District Health Officer - Fear District Supervising Nurse -- Hoilien Inspectors - Baker, Kolar 4ater Supt. - Carpenter Clerk - Springer Vice-Chairmen Patterson presided in the absence of Puayor dyers. ,iINUTE8 Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS The `usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. Col- lections of $3. 00 for milk dealers' license, 11.00 for retail dealers' license, X2.00 for scavenger license and 1s. 70 for vaccine virus were reported. ANNUAL REPOT 0? HEALTH 0"ICE A copy of the annual report of the Health Officer was distributed to each of those present, and a copy aa6 filed in the City Clerk' s office. i NUISANCES Dr. Parker reported that the area, in- the rear of the Green Lantern Yea Room has been improved to some extent. CITY LIBRARY Dr. Broad reported that complaints have been made in re- gard to the lack of toilet f aciiities in the City Library,, and that upon inspection, he found that there seemed to be no available space for such installation. The Commissioners agreed that the need was not urgent. AUDIT By Commissioner Carey, aeconded by. Commissioner McCormick: Resolved, that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. •— Carried. BEDSIDE NESING- miss Hoilien expressed the opinion that the Board of Health should give care to any person who is ill until their status is established, after which time the case can be referred to the prop- er authorities. She also stated that information can be secured from the State Department in regard to the proper charge for bedside nursing, to those who are able to pay. The matter was left with Dr. Broad to determine the cost of each call on these patients, in order to establish an hourly rate to be charged. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Dr. Broad reported that Mrs. Helen H. Netro of Syracuse had applied for a position as Health Nurse, and that her qualifications seemed to be sufficient. He read a letter from Tdary A. icGarry, District Supervising Nurse, from the Syracuse district recommending 11rs. Netro. By Commissioner 1; cCormick, seconded by Commissioner Parker: Resolved, that TIrs. Helen H. Netro be employed at an annual salary of -rr.5415 00. Carried. OFPICE CLERK Dr. Broad reported that in the interest of efficiency he wished to employ a full time clerk for the Health Office, and he . was authorized to use his judgment in the matter. PRE NATAL CLINIC Dr. Broad reported that Dr. Judd, who has conducted the pre natal clinic for some time, had expressed the thought that he should be reimbursed for his services. By Commissioner i,icCormick, seconded by Commissioner Carey: Resolved, that the : ayor appoint a committee to study the matter and report at the next meeting. Carried. The mayor appointed the following to the committee: Commissioners Carey, parker, and AcCormick. On motion the meeting adjourned. ' • '' :' . �•- City Mark 54 CrtT OF ITHACA, N.Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 p.m. April 13! 1938 present : Commissioners - Patterson,Carey,MeCormiek,Parker,Livermore Health Officer - Broad Attorney - Powers Inspector - Kolar Co. Lab. Director - Hauenstein District Health Officer - Fear In the absence of Mayor Myers, Commissioner Patterson presided SEWER CONNECTIONS:- Health Officer Broad reported that .ba mailed a ou y noti requiring that connection be made with the sanitar-, ,,... sewer where outside toilet facilities or cesspools are now being used. Three persons se notified appeared before the Board. One, Mrs. '`je Pritchard residing on W. Fall Street, stated that she was financially unable to .comply with the order at the present time. By Coped. McCormick, seconded by Comm. Carey RESOLVED, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a committee of three to serve with Dr. Broad and investigate each case and `ascertain the financial status of the parties involved and report t greon at the next meeting. C The Chair appointed Commissioners Carey, Parker and McCormick as such a committee. INSANITARY DWELLINGS :- Health Offier Broad also reported that, upon Inspection, about en dwellings in the city were found to be in an in- sanitary condition. He recommended that they be proclaimed unfit for human habitation and the tenants ordered to vacate or other-wise con- form with Chapter II Section 7 Of the Sanitary Code. The *6"t con- dition prevails in a house at 705 Hancock Street;' he stated-. .- By tated. -By Comm. Carey, seconded by Comm. Livermore VHMMM .it appears to the Board that a building known as 705 Hancock Street In the C4ty of Ithaca has become -Ansanitary and cont1hues in an insanitary condition, and WHEREAS, a proposed order has been presented to this Board which order conforms with the provisions of Chapter II Section I of the . Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said order be and hereby is approv- ed as presented and the Health Officer be and hereby is wAthbrized and directed to execute the same on behalf of this Board a Muse copies thereof to be served as provided in said Sanitary :Cvde,. Carried. NUISANCE:- Comm. Carey reported that he had received a complaint a u same fiats being kept in the vicinity of Fifth Street. It was pointed ` that this was not a Bd. of Health matter but rates a police matter governed by local ordinance. On motion the matter was referred to the Health Officer to investigate and take the matter up with the Police Dept . if necessary. ORTS:- Theftsual monthly reports Vere presented, read enc! ordered Filed. U01100TTons of $3.00 were reported for milk lie . .. AUDIT:- By Comm. Carey, seconded by Comm. Parker R b D, that the bills approved and audited by the .UNN" nittes be and the same hereby are approved fot payment. §&UZARY INSPECTOR:- Comm. f ivermore reported that theGW''I"ttee appointed o consultwith the Bd. of Education regarding : , . re}ieving nt of Dr. Broad of his duties as School Phytician had cafte to An Agree- ment with the Board of Education that the present arrahg6m6ftt should be continued until the end of the hoxt school year in 1939. On motion of Comm. Carey the report of the committee wns ete pied Rnd enproved. Comm. Livermore then explained thPt this artpngement would Involve tre employment by the city of a Sanitaryy Inspector until smah time as Dr. Broad could take over the duties. It was suggested that InspectVrs Kolar and Baker might be able to do this work betweeon them tempor- arily. By Comma Livermore, seconded by Comm. Parker RESOj,VED, that the matter be referred to the Health Offipgr, and that he bauthorized to arrange for the temporary employment of a Sanitary rim a a *eat not to exceed $1,500. per year. Carried, _ 55 - 2 - PRE NATAL CLINIC:- Reporting on the request of Dr. Judd for re- imbursement or ITs services for conducting pre natal clinics, Comm. McCormick recommended that he be paid $10. per clinic. By Comm. McCormick', seconded by Comm. Livermore RIESOLVED, that a fee of $10. per clinic for pre natal clinics be and the she hereby is approved, Carried. .�. I i F. H Springer,, ity/J►Cle BY �f� Deputy yCer . i 5 6T DINGS CITY.__..OF ITHACA, POSTPOJUD REGULAR MEETING 4:00 P.?:. 'AY 23.1938 PREUNT W.ayor - layers Cam.zissioners - Patterson,Carey,Parker Health Officer - Broad Inspectors - Kolar,Baker Attorney - Powers Clerk - Springer District Healt , Officer - Fear District State Sanitary ,ngineer # Clark Engineer - Marble Forester - Baker � 1INUTES :Kinutes of Vile preceding meeting were uuly approved. REPORTS:- The usual ;nonthly reports were presented,read and ordered filed. NUISANCES:-Dr Parker reported that the condition in the rear of-: the Green Lantern Tea Room has not been taken care of properly, 41266L.a gZba't' 'aWUbt of paper is allowed to accumulate, which- in her opinion is a fire hazard, rather than a question of health. ` Mayor myers reported that other City officials are investigating with the i4ea of placing responsibility for the condition. Dr. Broad reported that the complaint in regard to goats in the vicinity of Fifth Street has been Investigated, and that the nuisance has been abated. SANITARY.INSPECTOR :- Dr. Broad revorted that Drs. Solar and Baker made several inspections in connection with the duties of Sanitary Inspector and that it was the opinion of all concerned that the duties required the full time services of an Inspector and therefore the Civil Servioe Commission has been requested to furnish an eligible list from which to choose a Sanitary Inspector for tine City. UI.�CTI ONS Comai s si one r Carey, Cnai rman of the Special Committee appointed to investigate the status of persons claiming financial inability to make sewer connections at this time, asked Attorney Powers for advice in rggard to the matter. It was suggested that the matter be referred back to the Committee, who with Attorney Powers will give the subject further study. AMIT :- By Commissioner Patterson:seoondea by Comm. Carey: RESOLVED,, that tae bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby are approvea for payment. Carried. INSAJILA&Y DW.ZLLINGS :- Health Officer Broad reported that dwellings at, bIll .rCourt and 811 Taber Street were found to be in very bad condition ana recommended that they be proclaimed unfit for human habitation and the tenants ordered to vacate or otherwise conform with Chapter II Seetton I of the Sanitary Code. By Commissioner Carey : seconded by Comm. Patterson : -AHWn"JS, it appears to tae Board that buildings known as 614 W. Court Street and 811 Taber Street in the City of Ithaca have become insanitary and continues_ in an insanitary condition, and, WHEREAS, a proposed order has been presented to this Board which order conforms with the provisions of Chaptbr II Lection I of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca. NOW Tii WFORF. BE IT RESOLVED, that said order be and hereby is apvroved as presented and the Health Officer be and hereby is authorised and directed to execute the same on behalf of this Board and cause copies thereof to be served as provided in said Sanitary Code. Carried. �ZR3 CODE :- Health Offiper Broad reported on a conference with ��R, ane Charter and Ordinance Committee from the Common Council, In regard to the adoption of a Barbers Code, stating that it was decided to await the appointment of a Sanitary Inspector when a better cheek can be reade on the shops. jQ � s- Dr. Broad read a letter received frau o t V s gist genitary Engineer, calling attentico 1 5.7 B.H. -2- to the fact that only biannual tests are required by the State Sanitary Code in herds from an accredited County and recommended that the producers in Schuyler and Seneca Counties who supply plants in the City of Ithaca be required to have only biannual --� tests. j The question arose as to the possibility of the addition of cows to an accredited herd between tests, and it was moved By Commissioner Carey o seconded by Comm. Parker: RESOLVED, that inspections be made from time to time to see that no additions are made to herds subject ,to the biannual inspections. Carried. STEW RT PAR: BATHING BEACH :- Mr. Clark, District State Sanitary Engineer appeared before the Board and reported on his investi- gation -of sanitary conditions at Stewart Park Bathing Beach. He explained that various tests' show that water from the 'Inietis reaching the beach, and that the water is contaminated to such a degree that it is rendered unsafe for bathing. He suggested two courses of action, as follows ; prohibit bathing or treat the effluent from the Sewage Plant, By Commissioner Carey : seconded by Comm. Patterson s RESOLVED, that the report -of 4r. Clark 'be accepted and referred to the Board of Public Storks with recommendations, and that bftlUt Board make i rar�gements to treat the sewage effluent to eliminate i Carri ed. On -motion the meeting adjourned. F.H•SP ATGER CIT `CLM I i i 58 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. POSTPONED REGULAR MEETING 4:00 P.M. JUNE 1% 1938- PRESENT- Mayor Myers Commissioners - Patterson,Bostwick,Carey,Pstker Health Officer - Broad Inspector - Kolar Attorney -- Powers Clerk - Springer Co.Lab,Director - Hauenstein MINUTES:- Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly epproved. REPORTS:- The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed ANNUAL CONFERENCE :- The Board approved Dr. Broad's action in sending Miss Head to New York to the Annual Conference on Tuberculosis and Public Health held May 24 to 26. DR HAUENSTEIN's RESIGNATION :- Dr. Broad expressed his regrets in the departure o r. Hauenstein and suggested that a suitable resolution should be adopted by the Board. By Commissioner Carey : seconded by Commissioner Parker: RESOLVED that the Mayor appoint a Committee to draft such a resolution Carried. Mayor Myers appointed Commissioners Bostwick,Carey and Dr. Broad to the Committee. NUISANCES: Dr. Broad reported that several complaints had been received from residents of Thurston Avenue in regard to !at$., Dr. Hauenstein suggested that red squill could be used safely. AUDIT :-By Commissioner Carey: seconded by Commissioner Patterson: RESOLVED, that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Carried. At thin point the Board moved to go into executive sessions SEWER CONNE IONS :-Commissioner Carey stated that upon suggestion of the Special gommittee, Dr. Broad wrote the State Board of Health for advice on the matter of forcing persons to make connections with the sanitary sewers, where such service is available. He then read a letter received from Dr. VanVolkenburg from the State Department of Health. The Commissioners felt that very little additional information was gained from the letter,and it was agreed to hold the matter in abeyance until further information is seouted . STEWART PARK BATHING BEACH :-Dr. Broad called attention to the need of posting signs at Stewartark to prohibit bathing. By Commissioner Carey : seconded by Commissioner Parker: RESOLVED, that the Health Officer be instructed to post signs at the bathing beach prohibiting bathing. Carried. INSANITARY DWELLINGS :- Dr. Broad reported that notice of condemnation Had been served on owners and tenants at 811 Taber Street and 614 IF, Court Street with orders to vacate premises by June 11,1938. He stated that conditions had been improved at the West Court Street house, but that conditions at the Taber Street house have not improved and the tenants have requested an extension of time to July 1st to vacate, at which time they intend to move to their former home in the Town of Newfield. By Commissioner Carey : seconded by Comm. Parker RESOLVED, that the time of vacating premises at 811 Taber Street be extended to July 1,1938 and that both owner and tenants be so advised. Carried* SANITARY INSPECTOR :- Dr. Broad announced that a list of seven eligibles for the position of Sanitary Inspector had been furnished by the Civil Service Commission and that the first three on the list was as follows ; Cahn Hartnett A.H.Stubblefield John Schaefer 59 -2- Dr. 2.Dr. Broad stated that he had interviewed the three men and felt that Mr. Stubblefield seemed the best qualified for the position, however he felt that the Board should use their judgment in making the appointment. By Commissioner Bostwick : seconded by Comm. Parker RESOLVED, that Dr. Broad be authorized to appoint a Sanitary Inspector from the list furnished, by the Civil Service Commission, whose duties will begin June 20,1938 at an annual salary of $1, 200.009 BE IT rMTHER RESOLVED, that the appointment so made,be confirmed by this Board at the neat regular meeting. Carried. On motion the meeting adjourned. TIFP.HPRINGER 60 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P.M. July 13, 1939 PRESENT Mayor - Myers Commissioners - Patterson, Parker, Bostwick, Carey Health Officer - Broad Inspectors A Kolar, Stubblefield District Health Officer - Year MINUTE, Minutes of. the preceding meeting were duly apprad:' RE WORTS The usual monthly reports were received, rebel arid: or& ted fie . `. FARMERS' MARKET Commissioner Parker reported that cottage oh'eese was beiiW maw at the Farmers' Market on W. State Street fr6m un- pasteurized milk. She also reported that homemade ice orean- is being made and sold there but that she was unable to ascertain whether raw or pasteurized milk is being used in its produ6t-ion. On the suggestion of Commissioner Carey, Dr. Broad was instructed to investigate conditions and report his findings at the next meet- ing. CITY DUMP Dr. Broad reported that his office had received numer- ous complaints recently regarding conditions existing at the city dumping grounds as a result of garbage being left uncovered. Mayor Myers explained that this matter had been brought to the attention of the Board of Public Works at their meeting earlier in the day and action had been taken to correct ,the situation. i NSANITARY DWELLINGS Dr. Broad reported that premises at 511 Taber Street had not been vacated by July 1, 1935 as ordered by the Board but that the matter had been referred to the City Attorney and that he felt sure satisfactory results would be accomplished promptly. p AUDIT By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Parker: Resolved, that the bills approved and audited by the Fin- anoe Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Carried. DR. HAUENSTEIN By Comm. Carey, seconded by Comm. Patterson: Whereas, Dr. Barton F. Hauenstein has tendered his resigna- tion as pathologist of the Tompkins County Laboratory to become effective July 1, 1935, and Whereas, the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca is appreciative of the valuable service rendered by Dr. Hauenstein in making the first Oounty Laboratory a distinct success having given unstintingly of his time to that end, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Ithaca Board of Health extends to Dr. Hauenstein its sincere thanks for his cooperation in the health work of this City and it hereby extends to him its best wishes for success in his future work, and the Clerk of the City is hereby ordered to spread this resolution upon the minutes of the Board of Health and to convey a copy hereof to Dr.' Hauen- stein. Oarried. BOARD 4F EDUCATION Dr. Broad reported that the Board of Educa- tion, having considered briefly certain phases of the school health program, including its dental elinio, had authorized its Health Committee to discuss these problems informally with the Board of Health; and requested that the Board of Health appoint a committee for this purpose. Mayor Myers appointed Health Officer Broad and Director of Public Welfare Post as such a committee. GARBLE OOLLEOTION Dr. Broad requested that garbage collection be made twice a week min bthenbackess salleynnuisanees� Mayorhis pin ion, would eliminate uch of Myers assured him that this would be done. On motion the meeting adjourned. F. H Finger, City Clerk By .aw Deputy City Clerk i 61- BOARD OF HEALTH PROOEEDINGS CITY OF ITHAOA, N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4t00 P.M* SEPTEMBER 14,1938 PRESENT: Commissioners .: Patterson,Boetwiok,Livermore,Oarey,-Parker Health Officer — Broad Inspectors M- Kolar Baker,Stubblefield District State Heath Offioer—Fear City Clerk —. Springer . )(XIVIOs, Xinutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved.. - : The' usual monthly reports were reoeived,read and ordered p ace ,on tile. OQLLECTIONS i OQllections of $2.00 for nursing service. j UDI .By Oominissioner Carey : seconded by Comm. Parker MOWED,, that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee, be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Oarri ed. S_A1lIER ,00NECTIONS : Commissioner Oarey stated that no progress had been made in the matter of enforcing the rules concerning sanitary sewer connections. The -subject was discussed at length and it was moved: By Commissioner' Carey : seconded by Oomm. Livermore : RESIMM ,, that -the matter be referred back to the Committee and City A7t�t61my with the idea of amending the Sanitary Code to ©otor oases in question. parried. ITRA9A TALLOW Q0I81'ANY Dr. Broad reported on his inspection of the .Tallow Company building. stating that suggestions made to the Manager had not been carried out. ByAtsioner Livermore : seconded by Comm. Carey : RZ b'�, 'that the Health Officer be instructed to write the owners and ,call their attention to the insanitary conditions and request ietliate attention, BE, ;T FURTHER RESOLVED, that if conditions are not improved,they be a te`d- to appear before the Board. Carried. UT MWRAT ON Dr. Broad reported that 2 men had recently talked witTi im in regard Vo a plan to exterminate the rats in the City. He stated that the plan was to call on the residents of the City and for a nominal sum, would bait the premises and in return for the approval of the Health Department would also rid the City dumps and Sewers of the rats. The Commissioners agreed that the project was a worthy one,but that there might be serious results from the poison used, and therefore it was decided not to approve the project. On motion the meeting adjourned../� . F.H.SP GER , • City 0lerk 62 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Adjourned Regular Meeting 4;00 P. M. October 13, 1935 PRESENT Chairman -- Patterson Commissioners - Bostwick, Carey, Livermore ;. . Health Officer - Broad District State Health Officer -- Fear Laboratory Director -- Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Attorney -- Powers Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly-approved. ,PORTS The usual monthly reports were received, read and`s� d � ' filed* S1�WER CONNECTIONS Attorney Powers suggested that the Sanitary Code be amended to enable the Board to enforce regulatioAs 9gard_ ing connections with the sanitary sewers. By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Bostwick, v Resolved, that Attorney Powers be requested to prepare.AAu amendment to the Sanitary Oode requiring each property to conne4t with the sanitary sewer where possible, or to install a septic tank. Carried. ft* ­Broad asked that the Board of Public Works be. requested .. to furpish a list of all properties in the City not oonneetedwlth the sanitary sewers. He was assured such a list would be available within a short time. EI Dr. Broad reported that neighbors had oomp'4a conditions at a residence in Terrace Place. � .._ On investigating he found the house in fair condition,' aw that there seemed to be no basis for action by the Board of Health. He was instructed to advise the complainant that thtpfid' has no jurisdiction over this matter. ALTIT By .Comatesioner Carey, seconded by 0ommissioner Livermore3 Resolved, that the bills approved and audited anoe Committee be and the same hereby are approved forp eat. tsi=_G ��D L QLI Dr. Broad reported on the conference with W,.�.iulv; establishing a dental clinic. He stated that the dentists preferred to do work in,,VWtr ;x own offices rathor than at a clinic. Dr. Broad felt that the ma'tter was not a Publio HefXth problem, but rather a Welfare Problew. to which the Commissioners agreed. By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Oommissioner_Uvermpre; lolved, that the Health Officer be authorized to notify M;. $ulp of the findings of the committee. carried. SLATERYwa SR1 Rt 8 WATER Dr. Broad reported that Mr.JA*PM0 had asked for permission to sell Slaterville springs waterAsltbaea. After discussion the Commissioners agreed approval should not be given as responsibility would then fall upon thia Board. GOAT' 8 Y LK DITRIBUT ON Inspector Baker called attention to the `fact that It might be necessary to regulate the handling of goat' s milk as the industry seems to be increasing rapidly. The matter seemed to be regulated by the present Sanitary Code which refers to milk in general.. On motion the meeting adjourned. F. H. ringer Oit Olerk 63 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. November ,9, 1938 PRESENT Mayor - Myers Commissioners - Patterson, Livermore, McCormick, Parker Attorney - Powers Health Officer - Broad Co. Laboratory Director — Ferris Inspectors - Kolar, Bakery Stubblefield Deputy City Clerk - Blean i MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were received, read and ordered filed. AUJT By Commissioner Patterson, seconded by Commissioner Parker: Resolved, that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby are approved for pay- ment. _ Carried, i SANITARY CODE AMENDMENT y ;=7 ss onervermore, seconded by Commissioner Parker: Resolved, that Chapter II, Section 6 of the Sanitary Code be amended ,to read as follows: CHAPTER II, Section 6- - Sewage Disposal The use of any cesspool, privy or dry earth closet within the limits of the City of Ithaca is hereby prohibited; any such use shall be discontinued immediately and all cess- _ pools, privies and dry earth closets shall be disposed of in a- sanitary manner. All connections with the City sewerage system shall be in accordance with the Plumbing Code of the City of Ithaca. Septic tanks may be used provided they are kept in a sanitary condition and in good working order so that the effluent shall be sanitary at all times; they shall be cleaned as often as sanitation requires and, upon order of the Health Officer, any such tank shall be cleaned forth- with. Septic tanks shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code. To take effect upon publication. Unanimously Carried. BUDGET 1939 Mayor Myers explained that it would be necessary o approve and adopt a budget for the year 1939 before the next regular .meeting, in order to present it to the Council for action at their regular meeting in, December. He suggested that this meeting be adjourned to reconvene at the call of the call of the Mayor for this purpose. It was so agreed. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner McCormick: Resolved, that this meeting be adjourned to reconvene at the call of the Mayor. Carried. F.. H.Sp ger, City Clerk B Deputy City Clerk 64 i BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Adjourned Regular Meeting 4;00 P. M. November 29, 1935 PRESENT Mayor - Myers Commissioners - Patterson, Livermore, McCormick, Parker Health Officer- Broad . Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved-. BUDGET Dr. Broad presented the tentative budget amounting to P-9-790-00 for 1939 which indicated a decrease of $590.00 frim -the previous year. The matter of carrying insurance to protect the City aLzaipst action for mal-practioe in the care of venerial diseases wa's dis- cussed and it was moved By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissiav= Patterson: Resolved, that the sum of $90.00 be included in the budget to cover cost of this insurance. Qaried. In all other respects the budget was approved. By Commissioner Livermore, seconded by Commissioner Parker: Resolved, that the tentative budget for the year 1939 be and the same hereby is approved and adopted and a requisit on or"red filed with _the Common Council for an appropriation of 119,940.00 to cover the estimated cost of maintenance and operition. of the departments under control of the Board of Health. On motion the meeting was adjourned. F. H. ringer 01 Clerk 65, LBOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. -Regular Meeting 4:00 P. M. December 14, 193 PRESENT Mayor Myers Commissioners - Patterson, McCormick, Parker Health Officer -- Broad District State Health Officer - Fear Laboratory Director - Ferris r Inspectors - Kolar, Baker`, Stubblefield '4- Clerk - Springer MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS The usual monthly reports were received, read and ordered filed. INSANITARY DWELLING - Dr. Broad reported that a dwelling at 207 Fifth street has been found to be in very bad condition and recom- mended that it be proclaimed unfit for human habitation and the tenants ordered to vaoate or otherwise conform with Chapter. 11 Section 1 of the Sanitary Code. By Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Patterson: Whereas, it appears to the Board that a bui.'dir..g krown as 207 Fifth Street has become insanitary and continues in an in- sanitary condition and Whereas, a p.rcposed order has been presented to this Board which order. conforms :with the provisions of Chapter. 11 Section 1 of the Sanitary Code of the City of Ithaca. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that said order be and hereby is approved as presented and the ftealth Officer be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of this Board: and cause copies thereof to be served as provided, in said Sanitary Code. Carried. AUDIT By Commissioner Patterson, seconded by Comm. McCormick: Resolved, that the bills approved and audited by the Fin- ance Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Carried. SANITARY SEVER CONNECTIONS Dr. Broad again asked that the Board of Public Works be requested to furnish a list of properties in the City not connected with the sanitary sewers. Mayor Myers agreed to take the matter up with the City Engineer to secure a list of such properties. At this point the Mayor declared the meeting would adjourn to executive session. HEALTH OFFICER - SCH02& PHYSICIAN Commissioner McCormick stated that he felt a commit ee should be appointed to confer with the Board- of Education in regard to the continuance of arrangement of duties of the Health Officer, since the present arrangement ex- pires in June 1939. The Mayor appointed the following committee: Chairman Commissioner McCormick it Parker It Patterson On motion the meeting adjourned. F. H. Springer Secretary 66 } BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P. m. Janu , y , 4 X939 PRESENT Commissioners - HcCormick, Carey, Parker, Patterson Inspectors - Kolar, Baker, Stubblefield Clerk - Springer Attorney - Powers MINUTES 11inutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS 16ue -to illness of Dr. Broad, ,Inspector Stubblefield + presented and read the usual monthly reports which were ordered filed. COLLECTIONS Collections of 6108.00 for milk permits were r1a' ported. AUDIX By Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner :� oCormick: Resolved, that the bills approved and audited by the Fin- ance Committee be and the same hereby are approved fpr payment. Carried. On motion the meeting adjourned. F. H Springer / `r C'. y Clerk V t J