HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-BOH-1936 12 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4 P.M. JANUARY 14, 1936 PRESENT--Mayor Myers Commissioners--Livermore,Patterson,Parker,McCormiok Aldermen:—Bishop,Hoover,Vail Attorney--Powers Health Officer--Genung Inspectors--Baker,Kolar County Lab. Dr.--Hauenstein Clerk--Matthews MINUTES Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. Reports The usual monthly reports were presented,read and ordered filed, The following collections were reported: Milk Licenses , , , . $71.00 Fees Visiting Nurse 5. 50 Fees Veneral Clinic 23.50 Commenting on his report, Dr. Baker noted a marked improvement in the quality of the local milk supply since 1930. He considered that the installing of improved refrigerating equipment by dairy establishments has had most tondo with reducing the bacteria count in the milk supply. AUDIT By Commissioner Patterson: seconded by Com. Livermore: RESOLVED, that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same gereby are approved for payment. Carried The Mayor appointed the following standing committees of the Board of Health for the year 1936: NUISANCES AND COMPLAINTS Parker, Livermore, Smiley FOOD STUFFS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, WATER AND ICE Patterson, McCormick, Carey INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES McCormick, Parker, Smiley RECORDS AND STATISTIOS Livermore, Parker, Patterson RULES, REGULATIONS AND SANITARY CODE Smiley, Carey, Livermore FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS Carey, McCormick, Patterson On motion meeting adjourned. 4.'? - GEO.A.BLEAN, Acting Secretary 1J I .BOARD OF HELLTH PROCEEDINGS. CITY OF IM&M. N.Y. i REGLiIJ1�R MEETING 4 p.m. DECEIVER 10, 1935 PRESETS-liayor Smith Commissioners--Livermore,Patterson,McComick,Parker Health OfficerGenung Inspector-Kolar Director-Hauenstein Alderman-Noble The Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and dpUoupftoved. The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. The Visiting Nurse reported collections .of $4.00.. It was moved,seconded and carried that the bills audited and approved by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Mayor Smith stated that as this was his last meeting with this Board, he wished at this time to express to the members his. real appreciation for their earnest efforts in behalf of the people of Ithaca In safeguarding and protecting the public health ; he thanked them for their cooperation and wished them continued success in their public -health work. On motion meeting adjourned. i J.E.ltatthews, City Clerk ..MW I _ I I I i i i f 13 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4 P.M. FEBRUARY 11, 1936 PRESENT--Mayor Myers COMMISSIONERS--Livermore,Patterson,MoCormick,Carey,Parker Attorney--Powers Clerk--Matthews Health Officer--Genung Co.Lab.Dr.--Hauenstein Inspectors--Kolar,Baker Minutes Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. Appointment The Clerk explained that, due to a sabbatic leave of absence,Dr. Smiley has expressed with regrets his inability to serve as a member of the Board of Health. He further explained that the Mayor had appointed Mrs. Lera C, Bostwick to replace Dr. Smiley both as a member of the Board and a member of its respective standing committies for the year 1936 on which Dr. Smiley had been previously named. Mrs. Bostwick expressed, through the Clerk, her inability to be present at this meeting. Reports The usual monthly reports were received and ordered filed. The visiting nurse reported collections of $4. 50, and the health officer collections of $4.00 for milk licenses. In cokhection,,.:with his reports br. Kolar explained that some evidence of strepscocoi had been found in recent examinations of raw milk, pointing out however that he did not consider it very serious at this time. Dr. Genung stated that these symptoms might potentially cause an epidemic of sore throats. Dr. Hauenstein reported that he had been checking the human and bovine origin of such streptococci but as yet his findings were too premature for final conclusion. Commissioner Parker suggested that the employees of concerns. selling raw milk should be educated to �.. the wearing of masks and gloves when milking. It was agreed that the absence of reports of such germs in milk in other cities was probably due to their not performing these tests and examinations, as is regularly done here. Audit By Commissioner Carey: seconded by Com. Patterson: RESOLVED: that the bills approved and audited be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Carried. Annual Dr. Genung submitted his annual report and briefly reviewed Report its most pertinent facts. After brief discussion the same was ordered filed. On motion the meeting adjourne j Geo. A. Blean, Acting Secretary 1 14 BOARD1OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4 P.M. MARCH 10, 1936 PRESENT-- Commissioners--Parker, Livermore,Pa.tterson,Bostwick Carey,McCormick. Health Officer--Genung Co.Lab. Director--Hauenstein Inspectors--Kolar,Baker Clerk--Matthews In the absence of Mayor Myers,Commissioner Patterson presided. Minutes Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. W.Seneca St. Stable A complaint was received against a W.Seneca St. , stable owned by William Hazard: On motion the matter was referred to the committee on nuisances and complaints for investigation. Reports The usual monthly reports were received and ordered filed. The visiting nurse reported collection of $5. 20. In his report Dr. Genung stated that an informalmeeting had been held in his office on Feb. 14th at which were present representatives- of the Marshall Dairy Company and of the State Department of Health. As a result of this conference the Marshall Dairy Company have agreed to install a new pasteurizing machine on or before July 1,1936. Audit By Commissioner Patterson: seconded by Com-McCormick RESOLVED:that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payment. Carried. On motion the meeting adjourned. Geo A. Blean, Acting Secy 15 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, N.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4 P.LZ. APRIL 14, 1936 PRESENT-- Commissioners--Patterson,McCormick, Bostwick i Carey, Parker. . Health Officer--Genung Co. Le.b.Director--Hauenstein Inspector--Kolar Attorney--Lowers Clerk--liatthews In the absence of Mayor Myers,Chairman Patterson presided. Minutes_ Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. Report$ The, usual monthly reports were reac� and ord*ed filed. The i _. ,. Visiting Nurse reported collections of $5. 25. SV. Seneca St.. Stable Commissioner Parker,having investigated the condition of Mr. Hazard's 'Gest Seneca Street stable about which a complaint was received at the last meeting, reported ..it very bad and that the owner had been requested to have it cleaned up. Dr. Genung reported that he had inspected the premises this morning and that Mr. Hazard had started removing the stable manure. Williams,Grace The Clerk read a communication from Resignation Miss G*ace Williams tendering her resignation as Public Health Nurse to take effect April x+, 1936• Com_nissioner Patterson commented briefly on her excellent service record lauding her creditable work. On motion her resignation was accepted with regrets. In this connection Dr. Genung stated that the Board would have to fill this vacancy by selecting a person from an j eligible list to be submitted by the Civil Service Commission. He statedthat aspirants for the position would have to meet the requirements of the State Sanitary Code. The Clerk was directed to confer with Dr. Genung and to file a requisition with the Civil Service Commission for a list of eligibles. Melton,Preston Attorney Powers reported that a judgment Judgment in the amount of $75.95 obtained by the city some time ago against Preston Melton for fumigating his premises on S. Plain Street had been paid. Audit By Commissioner Carey: seconded by Com-McCormick: RESOLVED: that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee bb and the same hereby are approved for payment. Carried. Geo. A. Blean, Acting Secretary i f 16 BOARD OF HEALTH 11 O EEDINGG ayty_ZF IT190A. N.Y. REGULAR 3MTING DBA 124, 191fi 4:00 P.M. PRESENTMayorMyers Commissioners-Patterson,MoCormick,Carey, Bostwiek,Parke r. Health Officer--Genung Co. Lab. Director--Hauenstein Inspectors--Kolar, Baker Co. Health Off ioei -- VanVolkenburg- Minutes Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. Reports The usual monthly reports were read and ordered filed. The Visiting Nurse reported collections of $6.oo. He ith referenoe to the recent evidence of streptoocii in the raw milk sold here �Dr. VanVollkenburg explained that tests showed this contamination to' be of human origin in all cases. He stated that 22 samples wore analyzed in March showing that 7 of these, representing 7 different producers, showed evidence of streptoocile All persons handling the milk were cultured and if found to be positive barred from work until negative. The aideteme of these organisms is very variable and although it has not caused any disease here it might very easily do so If not kept thoroughly checked.. The pasteurizing of this milks he said would eliminate these organisms. Dr. Genung said that ultimately the city would have to enforce the pasteurization of all milk sold• here. Commissioner mak suggested that this matter be kept in mind with a view to taking some definite action. On the suggestion of Commissioner Carey the Health Officer was directed to write and inform the Marshall- Dairy Company that the Board of Health expected them to have their pasteurizing equipment installed by July 1, 1936, as agreed upon, ' and that no further extension of time beyond that date would be granted. Commissioner UoCormiok asked to be excused and left thq meeting at this point. Audit By Oommissioner Patterson:seoorided by Comm. Carey; RESOLVED: that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Committee be and the same hereby Ue approved for payment. Carried. Public Commissioner Carey reported that the Health Finance Committee had considered the matter of salary Nurse for a Public Health Nurse to fill- the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hiss Grace Williams, and recommended that the salary be fixed at $1, 500 per annum with an allowance for car maintenanoe of 4¢ per mile. By Coraaissioner Patterson:seconded by Cosi. Bostwick: RESOLVED: that the recorendation off' the ut Finance Committee be approved and that the salary for the position of Public Health Nurse be and the same hereby is fixed at $1, 500 per annum. Carried. Mandeville,E.Mdae Dr. Genung presented a list of eligibles Appointment. for the position of Publio Health Nurse which he had secured from the Civil Service commissions Due to the strict regaireiments only two applicants were certified, namely: Miss E. lae 11andeville and I-Liss Glady bbins. A vote on the choice of one of the two applioresulted in a tie which was decided in favor of 2i,ss aa,it"inted We by Dr, Genung. Miss Mandeville was therefore Public Health Nurse, such appointment to a of e t May 15, 1936• 4 ,/ On motion meeting adjourned. eO• l eoty 117 i Board of Health Proceedings City of Ithaca, N. Y. Regular Meeting 4:00 P.M. June 9,1936 Present-Mayor--Myers Commissioners-Parker,Patterson,Oarey,Live=ore,Bostwiek McCormick Attorney-Powers Health Officer--Genung Inspectors-Kolar,Baker Clerk atthewe Mindtes Minutas of the preceding meeting were corrected and approved. 1 Rets The usual monthly reports were presented,,-lead and ordered filed. The Visiting Nurse reported collections of $6.00 Commissioner pear#ar stated that a case had come to her attention where a school ohild`'who had suffered a nasty bruise apparently had been treated by one of the school nurses. She stated that in her opinion the proper treatment had not been administered in this particular case and a 'cif these nurses were allowed to diagnose and treat such oases. Dr. ,latated that except in the mse of small scratches the nuat wore not supposed to diagnoser oar treat cases without first reit ferri ,them to him or else to refer the children to their own doctor for treatment. Re called attention to the fact however of the delay caused by thiel oeedure in the case of children from relibf families who have to get a relief order through the Welfare Dept. before reo- eiving medical attention-All of the commissioners decided that it was very unwise t0 allow nurses to make any independent diagnosis. By Comm. Carey: seconded by Comm.Parker RESOLVED, that the Health Off-icer be directed to. instruct the school nurses not to make- any diagnosis independently or presor- ibe any ointment. Carried. Raw Milk 0amsaunications were received from consumers of raw milk asking that a public hearing be held before any ordinance is passed requiring the pasteaurization of all milk sold in the city. Comm.Boetwiek suggested that the different dealers in raw milk be approached with the idea of getting them to change over to pasteurized one by one, In this connection Comm.Carey reported, that, according to present reports, it was very improbable that the Marshall Dairy Co. would have their pasteurizing equipment installed by July let. , the final date set by the Board of Health for such installation. By Oomm.Livermore: seconded by* 0omm. Carey RXSOLVED, that the matter be referred to the Milk 'Committee with power to grant an extension, of a few days if they find that rea- sonable effort has been made by said Marnshall Dairy Co, to comply with the Board' s order; otherwise to strictly enforos such order. Carrltd. Resignation Comm.Carey read a resignation tendered by Dr.J.E. Dr.J.$.Dunphy Dunphy as physician at the Parochial School,effective as of June 1,1936. By 04ft, McCormick: seconded by Oomm.Carey RESOLVZD, that the resignation be accepted. Carried. Plumbing The ' Clerk reported that the Board of Public forks had Inspector requested the Board of Health to consider the matter of appointing a.-Plumbing Inspector to succeed John R. i. Woodford, to be retired. He explained that Mr.Woodford,who had been employed as Sewer Inspector by the Board of Public Works, had assumed the extra duty of Plumbing Inspector for the past number of years, thus combining both jobs. The Boardof Public Workd, he explained, had already appointed"a successor to Mr. Woodford as Sewer Inspector. Attorney Powers' stated that the appointment would have to be made from an eligible list certified by the Civil Service Commission but that a salary for the poeltion would have to be fixed before such ,a list, cquld be procured. The matter of salary was then discussed and because there was no appropriation in the Board of Health budget for such a purpose it was.decided to refer the matter back to the Board of Public -forks and.ask them to make the appoint*ent and contjnue -the combination of both inspectors positions as has been done in the past,especially an this arrangement has been very- satisfactory. 18 Board of Health Proceedings -2- .fitne 9,1936 tem. Livermore: seconded by Comm. Carey : 8, it is the sense of this- Board that -the : Publia ifooks in a better position to make this appointmenCe VIMM,!I'M BE IT RESOLVED, that the matter be ref Q rto the Board of Public Works with the request that they make such an appointment, and B$ IT rjw=R MMLVJCD, that if the.-Board of P470OW WorksAmAl to oonsiddg it their duty to make said appointmia*, thatt they be requested to make a recommendation regard JM. . for such a position. 4VtO#?!d• , Pbyaioien Rogar41ng a- successor to Dr.J.]C.Dunpby,. ;Vegi gip. Parochial Oftung stated an appointment would not be,;i�es��ry Bohoal until the ,apsuing of :school in .the-Fall. sated that a contract be made with they new ado spe4floally setting loath the requirements of this pAsiti � . • Bos'ft c e*teA that a committee be appointed two mgk*,pexU41wa reports to the Bo&Td of H"Ith on the work of this ph st aiau. 111 Iras 4*440d to ask Pater Syme to appoint such a oamtittee. On motion., the meeting adjourned. r Alittt ws Mer.k L: .tea.. .. 19 BOARD or Hza t` Yxa�s Regular' Meet ing CITY 4:00 p.m. .m. N.Y. July 14s "1936 Present Mayor-Myers Oomissioners-- Patterson, Bostwick, ranker AtUn*"twer Clerk- Matthews ... Health Off loer- GFenung .In eotors-Kolar, Baker •�tt�.Direol�or-- S�eneteta MINIM, bmtes of the preoediag meeting were duly.approved. The uv al. monthly reports were read and ordered filed. s s * Mures reported oolleetions of $7.50. Dr.aenung introduogd X1" Hoilsne, County ftpervising. jrse, who. psessated W explain~ In d it a report covering the activities of the two city visiting nurb6i for the preceding mouth. -Dr.Kolar repowtpd that saaples of Saw intik still continue to show- evidence of stireogooli, all of Imad ,osigim In this connection Dr: VanVolken g,. 0o Health 0!fioex called attention to -the recent epidimic of soave throats in Dryden in which approximately 56 oases were affected. He ezjilaiaed that all iroducersiherds were examined and that the contaw#:ution was found to s of human origin, being the result of a boy oontizraing to do milk- ing while still infected with a sore throat. Oomm. Bostwick eu$estad that 'a committee be appointed- to contact the dealers in raw milk giving trouble. The Matter was refer ad to the Milk Committee to contact these dealers - The Clerk read a letter from Mr. James �.. K nvan Who 't3gother with other residents of the 700 block of W. Green 8t complained of the very offensive smell emana from the TallowOo. at 726 X.Green St. The matter was referred to Me oom- ittee an nuisances and complaints for investigation. AUDIT:- On motion the audit as approved and audited bf the Vinance Committee was approved for payment. On motion the meeting adjourned. J.Z.Mattbews City Clerk. "ia rtu-- 20 APAP 0 sit MTliq 4:o P.m, PRESENT-- Commissioners-Patterson,Livermore,Carey,Bostwick,U*Co miokpParker Attorney-Powers;Clerk Matthews;Health Officer-Genung t e§ 1 County Lab.Director-Hauenstein;Inspeotor Kolar. In the absence of Mayor Lyers Commissioner Patterson YII M-ldinutes of the preceding meeting were duly rap ve !, REPORTS:- The usual monthly reports were read and ordssead, - lass Hoilene,County Supervising Nurse,eaplained in detail the activities of the two city visiting nurses for the ped , Which showed collections of $6.50. RAS t, :- Com�lss over-Patterson reported. that the .Milk a had me Orth-the different dealers in raw mid and ds 3 matter of pasteurization with them. Because of the MwWfosfiststa and local requirements to be met in proftsoing ,#rade #A"zr e stated that,in hie,opinion, they could produce pasteuri ee:� ; cheaper. Coe istioner Carey pointed out that.the.exfat made here, which shows the evidence of streptocoii. gerWp,#s*nftM:-: state requirement and is not be'ag made in other eittertand Board of Health might be going a little too far in re ;r#qg g pasteurization of all milk. Dr. Hc3o.mick stated that pasteurized milk was much safer raw milk for the geiwml Q Aftets further ftsouse on of tie me,ttprit was moved by 0onalsooner Carry, seconded by Octmtssioner Livermore a4oaKrt ,z that the Health Officer be juat-oVi.ted to get all the; infe_WM4- ►n,, and data pertalning to; this ma tt sr so that this might: be cede d as a jpeoi"l order of busyness at the next regular meeting. By Cormmiseinner Livermore: seconded by Commissioner Oarey RESOLVZD: that the Clerk be directed to notify the ;poxame ?` v written to the Board regarding rate milk, that although-W ;,' will: not oouduvt a public hearing at its next regular meettAg t . they would grant the; personally the privilege of appearing "a being heard on this matter. Carried« ., AUDIT:-By Commtesioner Carey:seoonded by Commissioner Livermore: RESOLVED, that the bills audited and approved by the Committee be and the same hereby are approved for payme4t. :,;', lSa.rriec:. COMMSPRING ,h domissioner Patterson reported 4hai; aloman, who had been purchasing Chemung Spring Water, had complainod that she could no longer do so since the Cm=on Council reoently adopted the hawkers,peddlers and oolioitors ordinance because fte peddler could not afford the license fee as provided iw the ordimnoe. It was decided that this was not a matter for this Board to consider. OF §QQ= U-TLX: The Clerk asked whether it was permirsable or dealers to so skimmed milk to persons using their x-ai patle as containers. Dr. Polar stated that there was a state regula'U'lon prohibiting the sale of milk dipped from one container t,) an'-t4va: unless for consumption on the premises. PHYSICIAN - DAMW BCH :- The Clerk rep3rtea Zae.t ho Lai received app is at ons from Dro Beardsley and Dr. Thorsl:=d fir the position of Physician at the Parochial School, By Commissioner Livermore:seoonded by Coxae► .Bostwiok: RESOLVED: that the ranter be referred to a committee concisting of Commissioners UcOormick, Carey, Health Officer 0enung with power to make the selection. Carried. On motion the meeting adjourned. ,,�E.}iatthetvs, Secretary. 21 BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS 01 OF INACA4 N.Y. _ REGULAR STING 4:00 P.1E. SEPTEMBER 8, 1936 PRESEOT:- . Mayor - Myers Commiosipriere-Parker.,Livermore,Patterson,-Bostwick,Carey,,Mdtlormiok A.tt orney-porere Health Off .cet--Genung 0o. :Lab.'D1:re of or-Hauenstein Inspe,tors-Y.olar,Baker MIN[VTES:-- lXinutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. F RASP MILK: Profelasor W.H. Farnham, Dr. 12.G.. -Fincher and A ef. .Dr. J.L. IY.3 liame were heard. on the sub j eot of raw miAT' `P ressor Farnhem oontended that the risk; of disease being s reasi ,w milk is very slight, especially in Ithaca due to the '%sf Erni tttona required at present in its irudu�t#e:n.'`' 'e d theb� ., Ais opi:ai,on, food stuffs .aoljd.-Aft--re-Otauidnts e,'hd 6ifibr eating aces should by exemined.as .they ran a greater risk of becoming Infected than raw milk. Dr. Fincher read a statement prepared by Dr. D.H. Udall,professor of veterinary me 0t12eA'�t Cornell, is support of raw milk.. Dr-•` Udall suggeste� e . frequent blaminations ,of milk handlexat, As a consume; A milk t r %„ tt ,80 years, Without ill effect] Dr. Rillibmd`*ged that thoso who preferred to use raw milk be allowed do cib add saying that ,it was a reflection on the Cornell Dairy and the i veteri.nary' profession_to proclaim raw milk unsafe for consumption. 1 Dr. Hauenstein urged that the presence of haemolytic strept0000ci in raw milk should not be totally dismissed. He pointed out that milk is a better culture medium for bacteria than i any other food.. Dry VanVolkenburg, state district health officer, insisted that, although Ithaca's milk supply is on the whole better than tha.t. ,ofmost-other communities in the etato,yet an epidemic aap. be started despite the best precautions. He pointed w out that the few who. prefer to use raw milk are not only taking �-► a chance of contracting disease themselves but are a menace to the rest of the community, because they might spread disease for several days before the symptons are discernible. He stated that it was impossible to control the health of the milk handlers as conditions change over night. Pasteurization, he stated, would eliminate all this risk. On motion, the Board went into executive session and discussed the matter further. By Commissioner Patterson: seconded by Commissioner Carey: WHEREAS, it is the ;sense of this Board that, in view of the conditions existing at present regarding the price of milk, drought, etc. ,wbich the milk producers have to contend with, oon- pulsory pasteurization at this time would pork a hardship on milk producers, AND WHEREAS, thio. Board is reliably informed that some of the producers are considering installation of pasteurizing equipment on their own initiative, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that this matter be laid on the table for the present with the understanding that further action will be taken on it at the Board's regular meeting in Deoenber 1936. 01# -iut, PAR §CHOOL PHYSICIAN:- Commissioner Carey reported that Doctors Frost, Foran, or land and Beardsley had applied for the vacant physician at the Parochial School. By Commissioner Livern. ore:seoonded by Commissioner Patterson: RESOLVED: that Dr. M.J.Foran be and he hereby is appointed physician at the Parochial School to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dr. Dunphy; the compensation to be 0300 per school year Carried. i 22 s TSB. vts : �eorith],y raport ' welt pieseti'! 1d L ordered hied:' ?fie: vQitirlg ntxrde r`epOtrec ocraoiccCe off' i: Qo. 8TPMZT*O.WV T � Hav mjg inbp�v ed b em > ae l; t West. Green Street, about vrh .cYi eomp3ei1nt. heed.been r'eoei�ied, Oommi'-se ©ner Parker i'8p6 ted the oci d tt -Om.1 is ed.,, I - r iSP 3TUX •-- Tn"O' lieti �:e a►r Wed" lh fie' PlumUng, adeo tie; Hood. of nth eoi t t g he' f1eee ttr t4 pad` or Pi.t . ' to t Ltve b: eest r d V 10� mer fttte`r ' # ►t the, iaa ��', Us rbiveied 0 tom'ftw 1E�to��we� n e1�'u kid report r hert : eeti f hUdibdh:ded6tid4d fir. aon. Oosyo. ...; ,.the, b iiPkdvdd and Mitdit#A by the r � ttoe til Title MjO hefe* firb dv!dd fc �1 �o��dxf' tie �ipie� rig ` onr�eds - ..: spy y. r &OI Y_QO TH ,gAOCEEQING AAS, r+:�0 REIGULAR 4EETTNI ODTOBER 13.,, 1916 PRESENT: Commissioners - Patterson, Livermore,Parker,Bostwiek Health Officer_ - Genung Co. Lab. Director - Hauenstein Inspectors - Kolar, Baker Clerk -- Ya�thews In the absence of Mayor Myers,Comm.. Paterson presided. RX :.Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. F.EPORTS : e usual monthly repports were read and ordered filed. The Visiting ROse reported collections of $3.75,and $10.00 was received f r vaccine sold.;_ Dr. Baker reported on his attendance at a meetiZ .,held in Schenectady Sept. 23,24 and 25 by State Milk offioiale. Among the speakers,Dr. Godfrey, State Commissioner of Health, spoke on the aims and policies of the State Department Of Health. 'One of the policies was that ,all cities with a population of over 10,000 should #ave a pasteurizing ordinance. On this sublux Dr. Baker reported that there was much difference of opinion am _ thibee present. Another policy was to substitute state and. dofnty units for local Board of Health units. Dr.Kolar reported more high counts in raw milk examined last month . _ most of which So.. attributed to improper cooling systems. Doctor Hauenetein �#eported a recent outbreak of septio sore throat in Newfield, whioh was traced to the source od supply and a cow which, upon eza+mination, proved to be infected with haemolytic streptoc=k-,icf, .. He also reported 3 cases. of infantile paralysis ands two , malaria.. Of the infantile. paralyeis oases one t " the other two being rather mild. Saving checked the �.• nal arils. cas�s, he reported that one was imported and ezprapsed the bel ei t2i.. that ether a oase of a small child was caused by its being, bttteIta mosquito which, hrad already bitten a tourist or j trans dir,r4ing the disease. The latter 'Was the first case of its nd"U' b . uin this section in a great many years. st�iisiotmr Patterson;esoonded by Comm. Parker s that the bills approved and audited by the nnanoe Committee bl and°the same hereby acre approved for payment. Carried On motion t e meeting adjourned. E.Matthews, { City Clerk 24 BOARD OF gAkTH PROCEEDING§ CITY CCF _THAgA. 1T.Y. REGULAR MEETING 4t001P.M. NOVEMBER 1. 16,36 w PRESENT- . x ; Mayor - Myers Comraissioners---Parker,Patterson,Bostwick,Livermore ; Health Officer-Genung { 0 o.Lab*Direct ori-Hauenst ein Inspectors--Kolar and -Baker Clerk-Matthews !_..• UIMjJJ§+-Minutes of the preceding meeting were duly appro ed. REPORTS;- The usual monthly reports were presented, re$d, ordered riled. The Visiting. Nurse reported collections b:100• In connection with his report, Dr, Genung explained that all Tuberotdosis 'clinics were now held at the new, Biggs M 0_rj'4 ; Hospital. Dr. Hauenstein reported that the local oase � is which was discussed at the preceding meeting had siuoe diagnosed and showed that it was the pernicious type b common in the tropics, but practically unheard of in this .W. oi` the eourmtry4 He stated that the child was still a .potenti • Source of infection, and was receiving treatment. Atm t-- By Commissioner Patterson:seoonded by Oo.m. Parker. RES Vim? that the bills approvedand audited by the . , uoe 0,0mi, to be and' tie same hereby are approved for payment. tccl�ad. WhTZR MUS i-- The Clerk reported that the r A to the wtt er °s e ha been approved, published and adopteaT and were- nod► in ftoe. .. Vii. . p U.J.Foran =# the O�.erk reported that. Dr. , p_ Ott, the Faroollial fthool., requested that he be paid on a Weed than a m62ithly basis, pointing out that his agreement was to olinies during the school year which he was nor doing '6� k. � ��?� of one ,per week. On this basis he contended his work w finished Bone time in April and that he should be in , that time rather than have to wait until tha and of - 0 04 year. After discussing the mutter the Board agreed that ev©n though Dr. Foran completed his clinics ahead of tin® et,>4s be avail%b2e ftyr the full ten-months period and teat 'h67''�_ vlUt the d'6h_61 at least onoe a week during, such perlod# By Oomni.ssioner Livermore i seconded by Com�:2• Pattersont RESOLVED, that the natter remain as is, namely, that Dr• loran be paid $300 per year for his services at the rate of 4)'0_,,,,W, during the school year of 10 :months. Carais RUDGET 9 r. Genung presented a proposed budget for expenses Of the Health Dep!%rt aerait for the iear 1937• His total estimate was 017, 010 being an increase ofZ 205 over the current budget. He explained that in all probability tie Board would have to employ another nurse heat year due to the lose of services of nurses now working on relief projects. Anticipating this need, be therefore increased his estimate sufficient to take care of such additional expense. By Con:_Zissioner Livermore s seconded bYL Comm, Patterson I RESOLVED, that, pending approval of the linanoe Corr-Attee the 1937 budget as presented be and the same hereby is tentatively approved* parried, •-�' HEALTH CONT_E$T :— Dr. Genung called the Boardis attention to a oer ca a awarded by the United States Chamber of Commerce giving Ithaoats Health Department honorable mention in a oontest sponsored by this organization last year, He stated that his department had entered a sinila.r contest again this year. On notion the meeting adjourned, ,1164 �C E.Matthews, City Clerk 2 5" BOARD - OE HEALTH PROCEEDINGS CITY OF ITHACA, i,T..Y. REGULAR !=TING 4:00 r' DECE 'BER 8,1936 PREESENT :- layor - Myers Commissioners - Patterson,Bostwick,Z;'cCormick Clerk - Eatthews Health Officer - Genung Co. Lab. Director -- Hauenstein 6-- Inapeotors - Rolar,Baker Co. Supervising Furse - Hoilenis :MTUT .: minutes of the preceding meeting were duly approved. REPORTS s- The usual monthly reports were read abd ordered filed. In his report, Dr. Genung reported the first case of diphtheria since 1931. :ase Hoilene read the nurses' reports. She reported on the case of a problem girl at the Parochial School. Investigation by the nurses showed that she was an 11-year old girl who, instead of attending school, had been roaming the streets day and night with undesirable companions. Her case was reported to the Board of Education who in turn took the matter up with the Children's Court and had her o itted to a girl 's institution. She also reported on a case of gonorrheal opthalmia discovered by the city nurses which proved to be a county case. Collections- of $2. 25, by the visiting nurse and -�2.40 from the sale of vaccine were reported. With a few exoeptions, the report of the milk inspector shored the majority of the counts taken to -be under 50,000, i RA: ::SILK Commissioner Patterson opened for discussion the ra .ttcr of pasteurizing all raw milk W Vln the city. This matter had been laid on the table at the September meeting of the Board for action at this ti-..-,ie, The Board felt that it would be desirable to have a full membership present before finwl action was taken. By Oommissioner Bostwick : seconded by Comaissioner Patterson RESOLVED, that the matter be laid on the table until the i January meeting of the Board. Oarried. Ooramissioner Parker entered the meeting at this time. AUDIT-_:-By Commissioner Patterson t seconded by Conno, 1Ic0or 11ck RESOLVED, that the bills approved and audited by the Finance Corxiittee be and the sane hereby are approved for pay-cent. Oa.rried. O ERS Iiayor 4ers reoorriended that the Board of He..lth consider he idea of moving their office quarters from the We,4horter block to office space available in the City Library Building. Vais would effect a saving of ;;75.00 per zionth in rent nor paid for their present quarters, as well as bringing the Board of Health into oloder proximity with the City Hall and vielfare Departrient and affording more suitable quartera ,being on the ground floor. Priva.to parking mould also be available* Dr. Genung reported that the Present quarters are leased by the T.3. Association at X125 per month. in return for the city paying X75.00 per month for rent, the T.3, association pays one-half the olerk's salary,light, telephone and Laundry bill. Their present lease has three more years to run before expiration, he explained. By Oonr#ssioner Bostwick : seconded by 0=aissioner I-:cOorniok M SOLVED: that a oormsittee of.three be appointed to investigate the matter and present its reoom-.iondation at the next meeting of the Board. Oarri a d, kayor Dyers accordingly appointed Commissioners Bostwick Patterson and McOormick as such a comiaittee. 26 B.H. -2- Dec. 62l Oz STATE REJ URSE'IXNT Commissioner Bostwick called atUnldon to the fact that the County Board of Health paid only $4jr.00 -- last year for its administration Cost and that it receiV+adr : . .8, 000 from State and Federal funds for this purpose. Of the 4, 000 paid by the county the city pays 63% thereby reds. the county's net cost to 11, 480. She suggested that inasmu,6 as the city nurses are now classified as public health nurses instead of city nurses and supervised by the county unit, that: reimbursement from the State on their wages be sought, if'. possible, Othzrwise it might be advisable to consolidate the city and county units into one because they are so closer related to one another. Dr. Genung stated that a combined unit would make a very ideal set-up. Mayor 31yers agreed to take-the. tter up with Oity Attorney Powers for advice. :- By Oommissioner Patterson : seconded by CommParker: RE RESOLVED this meeting adjourn to reconvene at the call, of the I ayor. V Carried. J.E.fiat thews, Secretary. a g r.,